January 23, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 23, 1947 |
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-'. llday '
• , 'E ....... ' M .. ' , , __ ............ J[13ri EJ[- __1% ., ................. ,
orgnoon o£ sa*/ t, ay, I. ;l?)nt oL.iil eoully: the f.llowtng described state atei tnereq.n, wiL| D9 qLu a ! puDne +t^..,f .,h;+ .... Intn the area J umn a Io ot oulv half way and ably to the severlty o tile wlnter, .... IC[. ' u:..'.. .......... " ] Visitin "ghr, • .dlB
( |ton ' , v ' " ' (I a ............. "
, , , '. ' -e ............. ther ..... II.. e __ld ,'. . - • ' e e n s on. Y
vy ne t;umy uuttor oL am " , e', o" - • umtea mtes, or persons who* nave • . altnoU n we irequenuy came • • , . ,,
ty, the timber 9n the following d e- d4d$ to°nWlt:xcen t citizens of declared their intention" to become Preston Macy, Olympia Nat|ona! °Chr3stie and Barnes, their cus- acrosgraces of them ill this .... 1- ment was called to Ritner's Cafe t GUY CAL " ..... r
AIILI6Ai|ON Me 18577 . . A,ulicatiun "o 11°2 ship l north range 3 west W M. staff and now a Washing o , • about tugging at bridles slacking aid,Hay ad to locate age resulting. ! Mary Dobson, Nj|.
, ,,,,, o,. so.)....,+..,,, o,.-.,,,v -- own'd b the State of Washin ton cor(lin- to tno government survey ........ o - - --- , .., .
m, rth range 5 west, W. M., contain- I slhr;te I y front oi ,, ..... t t g , thereo[ appraised at $500.00 By Preston Macy and [ temporal, and, 3t has su}ce been af- hey They sighted large areas of 1 o clock, the fne department was t --
tag J5.L]5 acre nora or less, "t Rh,tln, ,mnn o ,,,,r, "a ¢,e ,,e Subject to easement for. right of Will Muller |firmed by the camp, spiritual . . . h,,,,:-,,r ]nD n ,,hoh xr,,,,, callas o 418 Cascaue Avenlle to I ___ -- ...... ,, ........ - ...................
tn!reoi, appra,St; t 3,... .... r .' , , ' ' Applicauon xuo. ±tl. . J -. - " - .- - --- _ ....... - .. . ' . : ..
Timber on E'/a of W and Lots kan e2 ,et, W,M. withe f ronttg 2 APPLICATION NO 19525 Washington Territory, was a lusty [tion had finished pacldng to Can- ets Blanchard where a fll 9 ,esulted [ AUTOMeTIV .... ' .
3 and 4 of see*Ion 18 townmtip 2t ........ ........ ............... ,€ ..... SW of SW/, of section 16 town- o n sawmill f 43 000 in . " - ,, , from an overheatcct stove pipe , LIJ[
........ t- ...... ., wot M .... , ..... appraised at $oO.00 per chah, or$,94,OO ...... ..... : .... ; .., k/ y U g town 0 , -[yonCamp 100 feet above the rxver, On this day, rote Barnes .... "[[] _ , ll url/
Application No 112 6 1 n oint to aamage was uo
ing to the govermnent suvvey the 'col I .... ;L.h h,, ,h, .t,,,. ,? w,,hh,¢.*7;,' cording to the governnmnt survey for Alaska prospectors, Edmond [with sereval feet of snow. There the former presence of man It [[ ,:. , .... C .....
ap nalscd at $58,420 00 - theteoL ap raised at 600 00 e editor -+ SERVICE v{ llll" "
/,i ,m ,,/. ",.,'e ,,,o,,, town- I 't[u'';; "in f;:;ntoE al.la'ccnt"'tw¢',' ', " 7,,P, ..... ,,,e n ',a., I Meany, a 27-y at-old city , [ they spent three weeks building a was a tree double-blazed ariel" the, -- ' / :i| , y a_s,
st{'ii"'t:"ncJr-'tt--'rnc "5";'t" r M. [ utting u on the cast t:o thi,ds in NE'*'oE';A'o{'se'ct"ion''6" town-I whose mind was filled with history [ flatboat thawing the frozen water- Indian fashion . . It was the first 75 pounds each and on May 1 re- ] i Cindm" h;, ' . --
coatamm, .. g .J60.. acres'.:, n or t . ),. les, s, ] 20 north ran,-e' 3 west W' M writ shill 21 n(rtn range 3 west, W. M., I ann expmratlon, sent a reporter to / soaked boards over a fire so they evidence of the old Indian tribes traces, w,th lngh splrlts the route ! II _'. ...... At,
ac( ordJng to inc g`)vernIllenl 8 IFYey ' r. "* " ' " "' conla[nin 40 acres niore or Less ac- i W ' " " ' aken 'ev I grlnumg, valve re
, ....... € ......... ,n ,.,. ,r. 12 a ] st frontage of 1, 16 lineal attains, me 'o L..:/ ..... .... Z .............. .' .... interview Governor Ferry. he / eottld bend them to fit the frame. The tree a spruce bore Chrlstle and Barnes had t s - 1 .... .., t,o:
,x, ..... ......... ,i ....... .) h, ,e, ! the above descllbed tide lands lnclud- i ...... ,,,,0 ,,, ; ,,,t,,, only 100 miles north and west tram /foot flatboat was named, was mg wood had grown to such a de- sknted *t and worked the x way I | ,... s at nesting mdk
,;" }}"'of" }q'' ot:lW%'I)i of cd..,[! .u oyter,,?tet de,¢:dhed by tle [,.''.6"'acre ";r'e o,: fes cc[rc[-" I Seattle. ]equipped with a 30-foot towline, g're as to almost meet across the. up the side of a long narrow ridge. I I Western Sun.l| : a.t'!east 143 degrees Ff0r
oSWff"gfa,/ oNW'of"N W"A' "andw, (,, ,,,, 7. NE£ j '"ri]]'ia";l-"n'r:'c,)'l'ica(io ,, " -, oLing appramcat° the [Zo,crnln(nt survey ,,uw.uu. there- ] The. Olympic. eountry, he told the / spruce poles and an 18-foot steer- blaze faces." The explorers, con- ,i "At. length., we stoou upon,, tne.[ [ -*:. oq minutes, destroys over
Suet.. burn nE is to be etermined [ No. 3053: ........... [ Lot 4 of Section 26. townshin.. 21 [ journalist,, included roughly Z 500 ing oar. They loaded the ton of eluded from the growth rings that sumnut, wrote larnes. At el 1 218 N. 1st PhO, 89 of all h=,€,,;.. ....... ,,.
AppllCltlOll O ]|7 n(l u u
by inspection .. , ' ." ' north range 2 west W M contain- square mlles--a land as mysterous', gear into the craft and started the tree was more than 300 years feet far below was a broa" a I I e--- ' ........... "
, , , whed . t .,tate ....... shin.ton, , P • ,
$110 a , )roxlllai| S 'f O(Jg iee yLIIOW " col'din to tile overnment surve . • i , , ,, t. I-
fir, 12,975,0N} feet sapling fit-, 552.000 ] ,,u[.,,,{],,, o[**"%n,e%%,i,u%n'cn'" / Said 'lands will be sold for not less I his aesK ann wrote me story. It I assignee me to the steering oar and "Half a mile beyond the blazed lnen climoea a nearby KnOll l:or a I, -- -- . HrlITI0at[Y/ Its oaf fl
• hss appraised at $4[}00 per chain or ,, • ,
• API LICTION NO. 19553 ..... ] t,',, " ' ' Not less than one-tenth of the pur- I copied later by papers across the I first day. The fall of the river is cient Indian life UD0n a little once what we had done. At our Ill FRUIT TR ....... •
rT!!!e €111 ,Eof SE:,,.:. ,, ] ......... Apnlieation No, nS$ I cha,prlce2n,ut]teoP..aid,at,,the, tne I nation. - I great and the. current swift, with knoll a few feet to our left . . . feet lay the beautiful Press Valley, '1[ 1 Little, if a : •
¢ -v 7; " "' All tide ]ands f tin setohd class ' Wh,te men have only vague rocks churnin the water to foam overhun b fns of enorm s broader and lalget than where we t A ny, loss of V tam n
owned by th State of Washington ', t ORNAMEN d mbofl
of the NE*A of SE¼ of ection 16, t tlon 16, town?Mp .0 north, ,range 2 | as above stated One tenth" of tim -ur | claims of travelers has invariably [ the force of the current, and Mr height and twelve inches in diam- I cent. We had left 3t at one horn, t I .... t . 'Orl$1 , acl .K.,,. no
a t.alla a " ]0{ 00 Otto feeL O1. saJ£1 tot a, Vlta 0- lrUlitage re fter with ittterest o all dezerrea ' " - . ! ' . -=¢nt research on
ed under aPl,Jl)atlon llo. 1390[. I ..e.p llCa,|on 2e. l,i;,t) . purchaser 'nay Inake full' a ment °f/sa thst tt is inhabited b a fierce/day n°t n'l°re than a uarter °f a "vas °nee bark t T eu er ) tains only to find ourselves at II tt' 'no PaeUrization r-
. iM[arkcd tr£es 0nly oI. NM,* of 8E[4. i a-tungo)lP[),9. n[[ pm'tmn .)[ ,()t 2, other valuable materials [s prohibited t fine opportunity to acquire !difficult fall of rapids to dra was at once identified as an Indian I made the journey in a couple of !1 il;....: ,,v ,!,,ue loss.
"'( I drl y IO' '#C, lag" s tO U0 wt'r() ". t''--''''' nomn, ran e by 2aw (real cuLting or removm any • • • o , , • Walker P on ,mill
(ut (el fhc mole( ! m i "i west W. M lying s )ut 1 (f te ,, 'ttmbc, m a e ie wt g i "t ] fame by unveiling the mystery through We made three attem ts wringing post for dressing skins j da3s of easy travehng [ ark- Ph 'nllllllllllll [|llllllllilllllllll
Accordh g. to th.e Stato' cu]se, there 1 }orth 503 feet f .said lot 2, with a obtaining consent of the Commission- which wraps the land enclrcled hy. to get over by towing but the snow "The nest bore signs of reat n ] That mght they camped on the I J ....................
art ) noxn *alc 6 000 lt t llow 2[()ntage ,), zl nn( )1 (lla Is more il h full am , - o , ,,, 1
bb6 :;[;. red /i', i,000, fo(.t, don r'd , that, . prti,m..sof the t de land, of "A'fl sales, of s'{ate-'lands are. n ado I quiries. Men wanted to organize doctor was sent ahead to take a t,'emelv rotten so ,ottma th,¢ ] To make flour soup for f,ve men II ;!1|. Illlll l)Jl____ .]
lock. ' ':':" " ' o g P , I every name klna and dese,uptton, ann 'J .. v s m[o Jt to tile hilt. • , . [ .
[ ]"Q'! ) 2 ninth ran e 5 (st W 1f, ,/ n, Count Clerk unknown country sight of a good size Wildcat still stood whele they had an easy down glade The next day
o Page 6 g42T,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAE Thursday, Januar
"'"*--'""''"'D" ' ' ' E OTICE F SALE OF STATE LANDS ' " /" " '::
....... NOTICE O SALE OI STAT N O [ty . . . There was really no sport .
.... TIDE ],ANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That .i. lJ. .....
,00cu p00mura00n0000 / ......... ,.o ..-o,-o.r,-r- MAGAZINE S ORY TEIA.S EAR in shooting the deer stood and 3 F00res Doused d
, ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 1947, commencing at ten o'clock in tho ,][ ]%ffTg ][')]5][g%T ]LmV]DI 61D A rl][g%]%T gazed at the unaccustomed sight of [o.. . r I --. ] Lod .
*''*.".'T..--,;.".'.--" } on Tuesaay tne 4th day of February ]orenoon o, said day .In iront of the [ P|A | IV][][[-][][ r,lA[][ I_A[I 2-KIIU]A man, until one could hit him with I VV |]',(')||[, | ):[m'., ._--:- :
..... , o'l.t.u,;..&,j u, [ 1.9,t7, commencing at ten ()'clock in the main entrance soar to the county , . . n tono ]f xrn no nnumml hinr [ " </: " J.
t,z *t*r *at,u ' h)renoon of saidday, in front of tm Court House in !he city of Sbelton, "T*]e Land That Slept Late," snowshoes, frying pans, tooacco, .-2' J.:.'J.,,(,,;,o" '" The Ray Morkert home on Cots: - - |( //_
...... 7-----, .... I'matn enr, rance oor to the County county at marion, tate at w,asmngtgn, --arin- in t , D.-'mber issue i and other bt:ic a brac scattered " ' " ""' c .... v ...... e, o, .,...,.,, ............. x^. "r.,.,., "txr,A: . ///
ouce Is nereoy given that on "l'ues- Cat'It iIous, in the tit of Shelton by the tlounty Auditor o[ saia county -.r " '" -- .... - ". -. deer cTaziDc n the hillsid,'s ,;eh I treet SUllereu a lll'e Frltlay eve- xwxcL r_v wv, _l --
(ay ttl( 4th day )f Fe}ruary 1947 , o tt of asr,n S[ateYof W tshin' the folh,wing described state lands' of the magaz ne "American for- aoout m profusion 30inea ner voice " ' . - " ..... .-" nin cerise ,' € ...... in ovchated 8 n m 31rll
Lonr|ti, el,c[,g at ten 9 clock . in t!]e j ton {y the C,mnty Auditor of eatd tggothr with the. i!nproTments s!tu- ests," deals with the first explor- [ to Dollie's, who, in her attempt to ln.sig:nt or camp .... u.. g .prou tove ie ac-ordin , to Fh'e I O O F It[Ai! [l
iI sin entrance (2oar to ttl codttty tide l'ands to'ther with tile inmrove- aucuon tO tee nighest eraser u*erelor .., - -.,,,- ,,, .... [ o r ' ¢ - " few hcal'g wore out of their hihof nCI: Jtez', uub llu uanttw waS ] -- .......... o ] '
ourt house it* the City of Sh" .,,.t. mmo,] , or,- h s to-wlt which s now the Olympic Na- hung there between air an w tcr ....... , . Cordmll Welco
(,'aunty Mon:.S.!aJ of Washlncon, ] at public auction to the highest bid- .. NO IE=:Np one except citizens of the tional Park It was written by I filling the all" with lamentations, nation as y__eL ... aaie.en nolle Thursday cvenin the depart- [ MARION HELS
ft0.[:d st.}te lanawl[ttsrl at puD- i the Uni'ted States, or'" persons who such, can pu}:chase2tat land , Park superintendent, ano wn I todians, hatless and coatless, mud ..... " [ where the grease stack over the I -alJ[
aitjo.tutn .... g .... , .... ....... e- have dec!areal their .intention to be- SE/*%,.*scn*,,6 town Muller, formerly on the park to their thighs were struggling "'()n March 21 Chlistie Ba, ne 'st°ve burned out again no dam- Second and Fourth-l' "
t +" • ,, Conle SUCll, can purchase state lanas. ,* ' " t n D • ' " ....
, N . ~_,I ...... . _l ....... es scouted ahe ............. • ....
Tt[lue]" !) El,,¢.f N W}..,an.os All tide." ]ands of the second class, con[aining 40 acres, more or less. ac- C., wr,ter. [cinches and calling for assistance trnil for the next le of the Jnnr Monday afternoon, shortly after Elizabeth Butler, S.t
cjrdin to_.tle govr[I}tt a survey / :t"'l""ect'(o{" 16":towns'ltI20"n'Jrt}" way. fo]. Cou*ty Road pending under One day in 18"8-1i wlen Seattle, ] B,, Christmas night the exDedi ['rees'd''rown-into ieav'v ti'l - the home of Mr and Mrs. Ken [[--- ,)tlIB||l|ll||lllllllllllillllliilll|lll
in'- 156 45 afros mo, e or tess at ct rd-] - " " - • eontainin,, 40 'aerrs ,note el'less ac' habitants az d the outflttl g p ]where the ground was blanketed we made our first discover of " MACItINE S
" ' • ' .... ' ",' , The tide lanes of the second class " ' ". - , " Y
.... ( e , idth ok 1)t 4 seAion 22 townshi) /, ...... .,- ........ ,
' To b 9 )nkey loggc. Seed.areq I or less, nappramed at $30.00 pe* chain there0, appraised at $600.00. [ governor sketched a word picture [ The job was completed by January two trail blazes madq when the eral das ealher. Instead of ice ::]' PASTEURIZATION
t,,be te(t . tle 2v'- of N{V o I 'E'c':];t[ng ho,ever any I)ortion of v ^, A PI:{ACATION one. 19157 . ,. I of a ]and which still lay sleeping ] 13, 1890, and "Gertie," as the 30- tree was a sapling The surround- ascending the tall peak, they " "; The ..... ' . . '
Acc(rding t) .fit.ts. c l , .. t o , tw he e tr , ' ing. S 50 acL.s more or less ac- and unknown as the nterior of Af- southward across the enmsula old and that the blaze was more beautiful valley--but not the Qum- ] . ,, - . g organ sins n
', ( t e a r, me there The tide lands of tl,e .econd ,;lass e ' • ' . • =ile " Pr0ducifi •
fir, ],N)0 feet (ad and down yellow t ituate. in{ront)f,.adJa}:?tt.t: or I thereo, appraised get $4 400.00. Y I r!ca! The reporter hurried back to [ Mr. Christie took thebow pole, than 200 years old. ault. W.hat was ,L ? .Several of the - ,.- .... ±O?a value ts not changed
ett)0heoc, 9,¢7,10)o0efee 00%a i' / ;.n d "':{, "¢r.'::'"w'i:i' ";:/{: [ thnuthonPree vaicolonSae/appeared in the Oc.tober 23,1889, I the other boys to the towline on tree we came upon'further alnd stilll better view. . Ill ;. Keeping qua ities gre:ttlY ?n d
`)',o, ,, an'r?[ fee* ';,' ,.ine [ age of S 33 lhmal chains more or, ,,,,; .... " { issue of the Seattle Pss ann was I the shore Barnes recorded the more interestin evidence of an- I 'On our arriwll here we saw at III _=. n,^ .... • "
more or less according to the gov-t., , . ' ....... , [ fortl{wtth py to te officer 'making l accounts of.. this country, he [ Near the end of the day's trip growth and wide-spreadin foliaelleft it at the mouth of the Goldie., . [ . .... avin results.
e,[atn¢.ntlsu[vCes re°fballoa[trlxo [ utrng(nn'r°.{lattl, a¢c()[ lt°s°r 1 th.,aale tte full atout O/o¢le ap- ] wrote, "for investigation of all the [ the boat was swung on a rock by stood a post about six°feet in I. • • In shape the valley is acres- II SItRUBSJ :'"m!qe drops about 0%,
tcwnsi'flp 21:'ja',rth raug; 5 wtst, ¢ jv,.st,W'. I..)i,lg. sout.I}.ff the nor}l}|chaso price must be paid anLmany. proved they have only traversed its / Christie and I had to jump over: eter at the base The base was/traveled over 20 miles of the !*i[tou'nh ;^._"_.'"" :vTo,
iubPct to eisl;int" l:,tr ri:ht 'of [ of 15 $2 lineal chains more rr less / he,,;a ,, ,, he raX -r'six -or 'e- / outer edges The Indians have nev- | board to save her.., about two feet high and covered roughest country and through the aT ::'lld high '.* ..... .
way fay loggig road htrciofo,'e grant- { apptmsed at.40;!)0 p(Lr ciu}[lor $612.40. j tnt per annum: Provided' at any [ er penetrated it for their traditions | January 14 We have made to- with the decayed remains of what I most rugged canyon in the moun- ]1 lutl*vvl ti--' ,. perature - snort-
Subject to aj,pticatln for tight er The ldJnds of the second (!lass, principal, interest and staa[rY fees Y Y . q • h pp part . ' "e - NURSER: vea e has e
wa endin under a dication No owned by the Stat2, of Wshington e and ob in deed The r tribe .which none of the Coast mile.., every foot was worked for of the post had been hewed down the otheI .horn of thin c, scent d no ascorb c acid and
1900. P g P " ,/tutes in lieut.' 9t, aqaeent' to. or' at0taserany time( land ¢ontainingta "timberPUor" I trmes nares to molest There is a . . We had a short hut swift and to a diameter' of seven inches. This snapea valley. We mlgnt" nave Wilbert Ca Only 3- thi ....
• , _ .... • ..... ., ; ....... ,. , m t r ls tlou f,s • I " P - • • :. | ....................
}i/ !J l( 'd'ad"mmd'it Ynow at: lcsg' aPprl;ed at $30.00 pet: eitin ernf oPfUbe e La(dssunt!riteehas been' the.snow-capped Olympic range :. furnished such poor footholds that tiquity. Although standing in a ! valley floor and made a meal of .--
] fir' "-1'5 000 fe0L r-d fi • o¥ U' '0" 140 - t or $707.40, als0 ld and deois'sueii v The story orought a noon o m- ] it was mpossible . . . Finally the dr,, and sheltered t, ;+ ....... t Ilour soup. k l 'll i ,, m
APPI,ICATION NO, 195.{18 { sects)l? 27. Ijwnsh.ip .4 north, ralle , to the additional ternm and conditions I became the outstanding historian [ belts into the water filled with The Press nartv h,l t,]],ot ,,,h/water and well stirred. They had I I ....... 3 MeKEE S 00[vN
2 ::b2rb;;, I;ot;:,th?nda2gOt2ectcio, ,;:',,}iyVt.n,;f'ivtgrl;:;t'!/}'Ywt] e oP}'earibEdisa gctllgOO 3 of chapter 2561o f the Pacific Northwest a.nd thelflo.a.ting ice and. snow and grad- Indians living nar the mouth of/sig..hted n°.game f°rdays\\; ._ l iU " ''I"---- l'--
0{r. M., containing $-117 acres, more.{]rmiary Stat.e .Highway. No..9, as t Said land will.be.sld subject to the{grana ale man at me unlverslty|uauy, Ioot oyzoot, we araggedner the Ehvlm and learned thit those | urmg me next zew nays tne|[] [L|I Ill I]N lql lll
or less, according to the gowu'nmcot I n°w[L on 'jat ?. ao6. I uea octoqer i tern]s, conditions and resei:vatiens of of Washington, convinced the edi- I over. It was terribly cold As we Tel;,n h- ...... + ..... ,^ .... ! undernourished explorers worked 1 [] -- 1 s • n mw | u,irdlll]l.L,,
mlrv:yhr,':,2,?•ie.,.t 7;oI;( iorUl ?;llt,n; t ft )i,mn]: chapterL2o. Sson Laws o2e1¢ ] tar s that the Press should finance]managed to get outer the freez- [iaa)e'JmiiJ;u ;t2r], :[ their way southwestward to the II .1 "ANcE lGc
purposes. A seed area co}tainin . ap- Weshin ,ton, with a frpntage of .57 and the ear,wing of timber, stone, rain- I the exPloration. ]lng water the air changed our gar- knew nothing of the interior of the I pass which dlvldes the Elwha f, om [ i ][ ].
proximately 5 acres in the Lz. of [ lind.alns, lol:e or l.ess tppramea erala and otimr products over the same. James H. Christie, 35, a former I ments to ice in a moment. ." Olvmnics Their €o+-o -- :.- ] the Quinault. At one point they / II lllUlll[:; l[. T h TT
NE% of NE4 of NE' to De left. at ,su.uu per caaln or zsL]u. OTTO A. CASE, t r t ex " " • : ............ "" scaled a rock cliff climbin hand r ' --'
Burnt snags to bc .felled for fire pro-/ m- ..Application 1. P. I1266 . . ] Commissioner of Public Lands. I A c ic . p lorer, Indian. fighter, .. Day after.day the little expedi- stricted their hunting to the same I - - Y ' . g - . ] ' :{ J ,akIn|
tectton, To be unKey .logged... "lle tree anas .or tn s!r=ona" cross, 1.2-9-16-23-30--5t. I prospector-hunter, was Chosen to ! lion Iougnt Its way up the swift, foothills near tile Strait and han I over nana, groping" tar each nan/1 _ _.dl ,, ......
According to the State'} cruise there I o..ned by tle State o Wasnington, " ....... I lead the Pres exn]a-¢- exnei iev iver ..lli - G ^-"^ , ....... " and foothold A half mfle be-'ond 1 J. T g'll:
W ,, ,, urolSSlon 1 pe(
are a n.oxinat(ly 20,,000 fe(t red flrl s.ltua,c 11% Iron% of', ad,laeent to orlNOT]CE OF ][SAILING ON PET[-|.:^- mr._ L-.:__I['___ " ..... ._ -'[ C-'" _ f..%'_ I '" "S ,? uy*. euaownnotraaitionswhichwould ......... • - .. |l u. Jx---l • LA[
o%t t I 113 000 fe t small I(d n, I atmITmg upon tntt pot uon of lot 2 ; TIOT TO AC, ATI, ALI EY EX uu) . . uur t, uxer memoers 8e w,m her on o gear, waning wa3st indicate mole extensive travel b, [ ne cliff they. came upon a oeauu- ] .w At r.x L anein" .... rror
81.0 fee.t "down srru)I re( fir," 6.(06 (etio, 1. townsiii p ]9 north, range. TF.NDIN( EAST]iIY AND WEST: I lecteu lnctuaed Charles A. Barnes, deep in the icy water, falling into their immediate ancestors or mar- J ful little lake, frozen and snow- B lllll'/l uancmg trot
feet cedar 212 000 feet nel 1o¢ 9( 000 S west, w M., t]esriDed as tallows E I Y IN ]iLOCK TEN (10) DAVID " e " covered Its outlet to th i ' :
• " ' . ..... c , . ' , , 30, form r officer of a federal reve- snow-covered holes. On the evening knowled e of the back countr . ., e r dis- .
feet white pine, and 1,240 lineal feet Commen.lng at the meander corner IIELTON S SECOND )I)IqION O / • g Y" • ' I
,a(,, on the south lne (f sid section 1 ..i,. i,, .... , ...... ION WASll nue cutter, John H. Crumback, 33, of January 23 the expedition ar- r.,tm th ...... A,, • ......... ]nay, was northwald They named
v'' APPLICATION NO. 19121 and running thl'me' alpng..the b.a!'. I"N'}}'T()'M,AN1)" TI'[ ' 'PORtrI(}N OFJ cowboy,, hunter-prospector and In-,rived at McDonald's clearing "the men':.='..';':==';:.'t_'[,)%_J..'ee ] it,,,,, ,,, ,, , Lake Mary. From its. southi_ .... _-- _ |! "lllllll,-- ....... ,,--
• Titber .on NE, of eetion "25, an('.,lqve,:m:nt}nqanaer m(.,N : (;EI)AR SREET WItIeH LIES BE- dian fighter John W. Sims 28 an l outnost of civilization as well as .... v. 2 .. ..u.ucut ,ira they sighted a sister lake l l:Sl; llll II[IM[]l
uwnshp 23 nor(n, range u west, w. _P ,,) ,u, (e,t, - ( uo ' ,, qi''El.'N E]GIITll AND N 1 T H _,(... ....... ,.,__ L-_*^. [ +t. %.^-. ^. .. ., ,., . was an ancient malan u'an. *l'ney ! which the,, n-m -a L "- * ........ t I =(]!, m]Sm• W W• ••S
M., containing•160 acr,s, more or tess, I .N 103Q.2.feei:, N 40 06' 4.," E 648..)0 STRE|.e, TS, SHELTON, WASllINGTON ] .,mzzzz,, ^-u,u,vf, - ,.,,3,:-, ,.,e ,,. u_ vac,came navl;a- saw old blazes as freauent inter- ! - ' ;,-.: - .?. ........ e,.,-. ! I ll:P,;,]N,lr_[ []ll ll I I1 i[llll
acc n.dtng' to the. g(v(.!:,r!m(:,nt quvvey .teet, . ,m'3: ° !W'_' 15" E. 6!)8.30 leo;t, N I NOTICE IS, HEREP, Y GIVEN that trapper-prospector; ana Cnrlsopn-Ilon, a'ney naa travmed, approxi- va"-l ......... ney CUL Into one or" m'- se ! An nour later me expemtion ; | u-UlUtS-iwl] I -- =w =.
thereof, appra se a $4 000.00 3u ° ,' )' lq 843.24 le 't ann Tnence the Board ,f Dir, ctors of Shelton i ev Haes 22 cowbo" from east i mate,,, five mies u- the -i-er ' • e. / came Linen ' a ,'reat rock i • !
Timber on SE6. of section 25, town- ] N 52 ° 06 45" N.170,00 feet to the Scimol Disirict Ne. 309, has flied t '..._ ' _'_' F • I ..... E • v . . blazed trees. "We found by ac-/_, .... . ;; , . . . " . 1.. , O - " " ..... ] 1 v m I
flllp 23 north, range o wes %V.. M,, { t{'ue pom o Demn)ng, thence con- with the Clerk of the City of Shel- ] O ne wascaaes, ! ,rom oanuaryz to _weDruary d tuai count ')10 l.in ,,,,,...h., *. | "'V' "" " ' ,.earat, wltn ] [] _a | I ]/| I'I ' ]
coztaining 160 acres. Inwove or less, ! unu}ng ato!)g atd parent:ca , govern-, ion and tile CitT Commission of the | On December 7, 1889--less than I the expedition was forced to stay .... - ,, -. y:y-.::s .... spires and entrances. Through a f [] lJ 3. '1: Bll
, 121Ae O1. Ltte Dlaze, lnolcatln a
according to jhe g(,vernnmnt survey } *).nt qmander i(z:,, N 52 , 06. 45' E: Citer of Shclton,. Washington, a,, petl- [ two months after the territorial [ at McDonald s cabin and wait for .... ' ^^ ' g. ] hole it, the snow,at this oint we I I :!l II
thereof, apprmsed at $71,622,5u... i s zeet, 19enee t(!avng sam Daiant;ed tton praying that the alley cx!t2nd.- / .......... + ........... +_ .-..^^. I,.++ ....... + xr^.. +^ .,... .. proDa¢)le age 01•over zuo years ior I caught our fis + i..h ' 2e ..._+. I 1 h' 5%.^.,i;I
According to tile ,late's cruise ,nero / governmen meanoer tree aria runmng ing Easterly and Westerly tn uioclc / j...=.u ev wy u u.u i " .... ,-. ,v,,,. u,; r, ,,u the blaze The blaz- h, vn,,,. e. . ;', - ' .'¢" I | n Ur v, VUI.y I ]A,rlp ]]CIT
are approxh]lale y 7,96[! 000 fet ye]: * northwestrrl:/ to t point, in the can- Ten (]0) David Shcltoa's Second Ad- | the Press expedition left Seattle t cleared, five feet of fresh snow coy- ...:: , i .... -" \\;--'," [ running south A lew minutes I [] -/I .._?-.o .auaa
low fii', 470,9(K feet o',do' stanaing an¢l ez'.llne )or i c(,ty roaa in aaid lot diH0n t( Shelton, 'Washington, and by steamer and headed up the' ered the ground It would be im wm the tree, ana was now ao0ut I after that the party had more good | k'urpose :I WITH DOOR DEt
down ydlow fir ],B00.090 feet fir un- , timer S 56 ° ,' 45" V along said tha portion of Cedar St/,eet whlchl ' , ' " 10" feet long. A few hundred f . T • ' I ' B
der 30", 222.5,000 feet cedar, 120..00(} om)nty road col/or .line to an angle lies between Eighth and Ninth .Streets I Strait of Juan de Iuca toward the possible for the mules to pack yards farther on we came un-,, [ otune=. l.dogs located a black i .... " .... attle Fret ht should h ,-,
. feet dead standing, and dowJa ceqar, gln: tnere!n, nence S 42 ° 22' .0" In the City of ShelLon. Wash,n glen, { Olympic 'enznsula and into, what i across tne seep, soft surface = ................... "." I Dear, wmcn wnristie prompuy suet. I '[*IT rl(lli xaeom r eg .... ......
3 975 000 feet hetnmc, 220.000 leer w along said county roan center line be vacated and the ownership at said to ,,o,, ,,,,;,. "b,Hnn,1 r,vlrl Roenrrld l,n ,,m.." ..... attusner wrmglng post similar to A few minute. lurer thbv wre fry II :j[I.llJLU£ ",- A'atlrl[. Vlg. %.tl[? S]
l.,lt.' nine, 1 580 poiea and 265000 feet to a. imint hicll is. N. 37 ° 58' 1.5" W alley and said p orttgn of Cedar Street ".:",".f v'"'v ................ _^IL'=2%'2"..UC?_7 ° +:'' ?. the on( already described" , in-bcar mea-t-2ver-ti-e-fi,:c ..... "" I! I ]hgaqmlO. i " l
: $ver .Lr,._ .... . .............. or .jne. psnt,,ort).eg nn)t)g a nq tnenco revgrt to the aouttlng property own- z cuunry ' , I nuu..t ur t ptlt to pac we ...... ", s ." ,' " • I a,L.t.>a.Il%v vj. '
u,'v;; :ll;',;f, appr£l,cd'at $28,0aI 60 i Ihc aive ,sc,.lbod 'tide: lands includ- da of Jllnuary, 17, said etition ' P IV[ a' , . s t g t da from a rid "e u on a lare fl t • ' Q " " " ,> ' -A Y"P
Tmfl,er on Lots 3 and .t and .SE}, ed .in an oyster tract deeded by the will be hoard on Tuesday he 4t1%] the most colorful sea rovers and t inches into the snow. By nightfall _.Y_ 7. g .. p ._ r g a.- chmbed /.ount Seattle and gazed I 7 rrlves Shel6n
of SW£ of section 31, townlnl 23 State of W shington' Juno. 8. 1901 to day of Fel)l'uaz'y 1947 at t'i'e hour of adventurers of his century, )sailed we had packed 800 pounds a mile vaney. .ms valley, mey aeciea, in aomiration at the country which ' CLARENCE CAI
iiorti, ;.,ngc,twest, W.I.,eonaln-i:lz_JacobsV under appncatlon No.,2 o'clock DI 0Le afternoon.;, at thelhis ship s0uthward off the uuperlan d ahalf into the canyon, this was the key to the mountains and J surrounded him. Tall, jagged I Il rl /lJl __
trig 19 °S acres n]ore or less iccora- z6z. Commissioners loonls at tne' uhy r. ' , " ' woul make an "
, over a trail t at onl d excellent base re, peaks, ete3nall snow ca ed,
Jng {o ie go,,'Jrnmen't survey' the,'eof, ] Apl, lletion Nj,, 11:t2l Hall, in 'Shelton, Whlngton. [Washington coast and sighted a, . . hat was n Y su .................. "/. . " . .Y . . A PP i IL b. L/00l PlIPI/T {|TKT
' api)raised at $53,186.75. . ] All tide tnus~gr the sseon.d clus, I Dated this 14th day of January, 1947. [ beautizm mountain with ' three rough put deep. Tim expedition _.vv-e zLu ceI ltel I tar exp!oratmn.| tormea a senn-cn'cle to the west I -- :'l[ll 1 t]|||||lll]
L:onky trees a nuscrUoDy IZqS oa[o}vncq oy ule .tate or Washington, ALMA H:.. CATTO, ...... snowy DeSks Imnressed with its ireturned that l,iht to the ranch, *me only arawoacK was mat t, nis[and north The three snowy peaks I ][--'lll@i -,N ,vv...#.,
l:ky points, to je left for see(l u'ee,", s!tue,t.e in iront 03, adjacent t!) .or I City ClerK.. 1-±6-23--2t. ..;i^.:. u^' .... ;ax. .... 223 _, .... + +.., v.....r +U^ .., ...., valley seemed to sweeu far to th nf M,,nf C)lx,rn,,, o+.1 ;. +; | ....... lut,; ,..-..__. _
the S W of SW%.of Lot 1. No 2)n'n- east 27) feet of l(L)t 2, tqectJon 17. town- t NO, 1.143 ..... ture in the ship's loft and named packing. It was the first of many fu ..... u ,u,,z .pa ,n uzat. 1- I less granueur against a Dack- I 2gencyt
lug of sasn except nl very nazaraous sn).l) 2z flor.J*, range 2 went,. XV. M., ] NOTICE OF ]IEARING ON I_,'|AJ, it Mount O1.vmnus Little did Men days of similar labor" recuon.. ne expmrers were ae- I grounQ of blue sky. He mapped I - -
: ':'" "% ' '/ '' 'trs 7 : , " ' ," ., ' by Captain'Juan Perez s men sail-, t r i into the face of a "" 3 g Y " " " " '
.' o ".aad down rod fir ov'x 30 , ,-I All tide nds f the second class, MASON COUNTY . • • • - On the sco in "" ....... '
, 000,000 feet tonsil red fir ]5.000 feet owned by tit,, State of Washington. / IN I'I,OBATI,' " mg under the Spanish flag, and precipice, a mere narrow ]edge ..... . u.. g hip, the three l camp just in tune to. Ol,l in an-J ...... ,LIJ
rang," ti'w(ist, :@, :, )::on!aining 12(} men me:'nder line in front" of said with the 'Clerkof tli(i alJo;e, entitled tively undmturbed by white men l fe t. be w, Christie and Sims ,-reat concern to th---- ' i ._ . .. . :t' ,•. .... -[ ! I T "
: g,vernrn(mt tmrvcy thereof, app'a,cd fror a point hez'e sid lmander line lor Distrtbuton asking tl', court to the area wa carefully eyed by animal and retrieved the flour . uneaaywnnetneexplorerswere His sides thick with fat we rolled 1V ...... _'_.s j • [ ll ' / 1
at $44 7J6 0() ' is Intcr.e('ted by a lira. running east mqtle attd ap )rove mud 1e oft ann ' ' . - traveling t/irou h the broad lush II and belie i FII @ I
Conty trees to be left for seed. frozil a "pdi'it o,i the w'.st line of tile P;,£hion for tisl,:ibutlon, ,istribute Russia, it was finally claimed by (rOman herI5 b pack.ar " 'Press' Valley (namedg for the 'paper" ofP hanls roastedd andwouldate ten,C°ld't Onethe ' lUlloylelF) . ,ll, aL !
, No urntng. excgpt In very hazard- SE4 of NE, of ,dJohiing sect,on 4, t'h;, l, ropeJtv to th, persons thereto S0ain, Great Britain and the e nu y 28, Barnes wrote, . , P . uunoym
Us s )ors when logged. To be tractor whlell is 31.50 chains south of the (ntitled. an'd d scharge said Adrnin-, United States Then while the "Toda was a field da for ame whlch sponsored the trip) Dollie most pampered appetite. The first I / II'
{)gge, northwest corner of th NEl of NE istratrlx W.W,A. . '. ' Y Y g " the mule, suddenl ave out and bear was cons e ] '
' Accrdin to Stat('s (-ui,,, ...... there are of said seriton t and?thence r'onUuu- NOTICE 1S FURTItER GIVEN fiat great Olymc .country slept. ,While we sat at .breakfast about 1 .............. Y g ............ .. umd in three days 1 "l = ] ". uuw, ne coum no er ann a )rett o t
pproximately.8,00q fF.et down 'ellw i;ng .N .]° 30' W along mxid meander the said inal R0o!'t .and Pgtit!.m Washington 'rerrltory grew up me In'e, we c.augnt sight oz two _ _ _ ". :. -Y .... 1'2 :[ , 1 Y g oa sizes oea" ne | J1. . / ] k,#A.,...
' !. 80,)feet :ea ;n' .ov(.r (Y, '3.: line 4.02. c!taLns, .nore 9r..less. 2L an for Distribution wtu 9e nea$a in. U l¢ around it: Now ill the depths of at large gray wolves on the opposite uaue ner 0 nse,.so utey muoauea [ was. I li Illl lll| • I ll "'S
s.zout leQt s,'naL tea ]lr I a,LL.q'}}. " angle point thereto ann ]hence rq s Court l.ootn, in ule t.:ou!-t ttouse, )- -,,.t, ,m,ntin xtrlnt. ..-.,-'' .ide nf tht r{vor" q'hv .hn n,,, me animal and turned her loose ] The exnedition broke eaton nn • ':;| ' b',k.k-'k"ll
tie(lot, 2,805,090 IeJt non'llOCk, 4't,0uu 30 I 0,]l (halns, more ov less to Shelton Wast in ton, on Satulaay t| 'e 1 ........................ , -W &" ..... , .................. *7 ......... ' -- "- " . - -''&- ---" '
feet white pine and 39.000 feet poles, the point of 'intersection of a line 15th day of February, 1947. . .... Arctic explorer and four compan- i-killed one wolf. "While the skin- The. next day when they returned] May 9 and moved rapidly south- 1 Phan. 4
APpIdlCAT1ON. NO. t945 whi'h is parallel to and 17.50 chains Dated this llth day or January lua ihns wer on the we,, to o,,e- this l nin was oilw on Sims caught ior tne remainder of their stores | westward over frozen 'round on 1 . & tUla :ill
Timber on NEzA or sect/on 36. town- north of tim south line of the SE. CLARE ENGF;LSEN. v z v ,, . o ., o , Dollie " . ' ' • - ':"
lil 3 g .w of NE of adJotnl g s((tion 4 ,o (SEAL) ' " ' I " ' " le , " "
ctntol6({l@reshlnlO;t Ici;tae dened ast ars d] liitl it a CttXS :R LEWiS, estate " ' When the expiorers landed at It was a beautiful sight (era me- %o 1 is m o they followed an ell( trail along i d.:! t •
e " 6 . g "' .... otag', f : ]" r .I . Chains more, Attm'ny or " : .! x..,. .. I Port Angeles (now OlvniC Na ment to see it stand, as it did, po' t in more than fur, the mountainside through rougher [] qUV,.i "
there)t, apprais.qa ;(t $.62010,00. ".. ( l, ss, eplnaised at $4000 "pel' chain 1-1o -'-aOL'--6't. .. . ' - . ....r " ! .... months time he -" h d " -
According tO.the at' cruise: tne(o or $165 60 • _--. .... _ ' t,onal t'ark heaaquarters), the we- [ sm.'prmea, wonaermg what kind of ......... , t .. expealuon a [cotl, ntry. .. 1 Stand at CheVri
are approlmtt[qy. 2,5p5:1( ,cgt )el- Application Nt. 11349 . NO. 4830 ..... ] terfront town's board walks re-I anlmazs we were." During the [*aveea soumwara approxnnatcly rresenuy .we found that the II St'ion -l ' •
ll)W fir, (r) [ eet aeaa mangmg The tidelands of the second class. I SUMMONS ]0"OB PUEI',IAT_IO_N.__ i nnrlrl xith fh rhvfhrntn (huron previous weeks they had sighted z mires tram their starting point i trail was blazed The blazes | , ,,,,, - r,,, 2111 - ' n
lind ew{, yelloW, in. 1.529,000 le(t fir nwaed by the State of Vashlngton, IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF TI ........ ------ --:- -- ........... ¢ - , o - on December 1 - ' " " "- " " • ' €
ynde 30., 4A),(}9 f:et.cedar, 2,(kiJ.(X)0 situate in front of, adjacent t) or STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR i of loggers calked boots. The ex- [ bands of as many as 100 elk win- _ ...... 9,_1889. Their rec [ w.erc vcr Z old, like those upon he • - .... : ] 1[
eet hem og, lo,o t. (*own ,.'u.', a m|ting upon the east 100 fe(t of I ASON COUNTY plorers talked with men who had I taring along the river bottom orus mmcate, uncierstanaaDly, mat I lwna, larnes cnronicmd. "Fully _.ll
35.O00 lin, zect cc,lar pores, z10,090 It. lot 2 2ectiou ]7. townMfll, 22 .no)'th. I.I.L. Alyx(.mder and Aqcs I;. A}-] come to Port An,eles as its first[ Records of the expedition" des- they thought they had traveled half of the blazed trees are dead I -. r
W[tll( )It (' l #tlt e i t e • cr tusuana ann W,LC £ taLt-
'." t • , ) • ge z w st W. M. w th a lr0n age .xazm , ' cr' 1 much farther The left the El and broken off sa from 1 to 1 JACK MOFFI t=t -as%
THJt. I'OISLOWINO :I,A[Sle3 A}. of I 52 llnen'l ,'heins more or less tiffs ' settlers in the fifties and sixties to lbe the sow progress southward. _ • .. LY... " t .... , ' y " 0 " 5 ] J.CK MOF_F'I [ .....
pixIE8 rO /LIrItE ABOVE LIST- aPLn,iso, d t' $50.'00 per chain or $76:00: ] ' _ --vs.--7 ....... farm and work in the woods and They would carry 60-pound packs wna now tar tne first time and t feet n'om um ground. These old ] I A J | [! __ . ,
" "¥'""..3":"'??: , .. ,ad lans will b, sold fo, not hsl C W Blown at,t Emtn lrown ' three or 20ur neaaea up one of its lar er eDow stump m kealn -- ul*i I
• ' .. " ': ow 1%g: unknown • " " sheltered harbor From these early a u e entire outfit was ' g - g' d hmia ] O O M L "
a.d to ,.0lnpl trlctly wtth laws ,ov. NoL less than one-tenth of the pur- ceased, and all other ersons, nn- ' ' man in Seattle For nearl a The, continue ' • : .
ernig..g siash dis)osal, t a tolas found. lltdfn %ltte chasc price must be paid at the time known havtn" or claim e to .have set. tlers they learned nothing about m.oved .UP.r,es forced them]irequentlYto staSn°Win camflUr" week they struggled" up the canyonY ..^. fol'3sevelal moed to follOWdas makmthe rlv- I ao. the skill 0
6,.cj, pt(.r 1, nt g L! l's (a{!*l t 0f 'ald, The purchaser if he le not troy right till 9 estate, (fen,. mtgr- what my oeyona the nrst ranges, .... y p .............. " _ ' : " " Y. ' g
it,, ,w emenaatol mcteo ' t.n ale ::!t
ltatUteS a t : . . "...... ! '., .. the..owner of the tp n.ovements. I nust cot or equ!ty tu anti to the hereto- The ex lorers then decided to days at aume. As the explorers o e . ... leaulttn scenery, goes progress over rougn country; BALLRO - CR0
., The l,urcha,era of :U, te t.,,i,er at mrtnwitu )ay to t] ofhcer making after aesCr*oed Real Estate, Defend- p . O enea oetore t te • OM, A
la Is rcos th, abo dt " '" " : ' e* ' Goldi can o " [ Shdto.n • do
.'g'; " "r ": .... ;, ' . i " "! '= t..(€, ;)er"'aniun' I:, "',Jd, d Ttat .an Brown deceased .and allother, p "- , int the would c t their trade marl{ of the ex edition It e y n became rougher and The five explorers first ,xhite me] ' a slo.ppy S"
:,!i<! t'c\\;,.r ]eg:!';a(lt.s*'d ]:[,ie,,v.cr nlgy nlak, a2'ulipaxnen (h .Sons 'unxnown,;]la:n E @,.Lanl 2 thvattP°il acrosYtheunnn wil. consists6fthreeblazeP:oneaiove steeper Provisions had dwindled[ ] She00°oneE00.0000go00
ever to come out of these moun- Eagl his abi
• "', . , v. . ' " " ::':" I '1 ;(:lpal, inte',.t nl 9 sta(utory tees to nave any ri nt, stzu ett.a ,, , * , , , , , Phone Unio hty, i Stat I il light t ;nt '' ' i '; ' " : t te ou Y H lfw ' - "
('hlsie 3uz'''tlet!n v,z' the !ra<t ai any tinr and obisiil deed The pur- inte, est or equi in an¢t tothe here- derness The hired a buckboard the other .,.. Where time was ml to a two-weeks, supp!y . tams, fauna a small but rapt aud3-
T .. " ' . ..; . '- ' :..' • ,!:'v (1 a r f land (or tel } n t n he, )r lnaltcr described Roa! .s a , y r ob ect mn le blazes were occ - a ay up tne rlage aoove tile once among mc dozen white set- --
• ]..tts of way for logging r,ms r,,' ,th*'T valuab e materials rohi'l)ited a d each of ou' are hereby sum- to haul their 2,000 pounds of gea J g ,, as . . I
;fgr a,y oth.er ptrvp<c oer !rod aqtTms t, law fro,n cutting or remPving any limned to appe y" withi1% 60 days after and lumber for the flatboat loan tonally.made.. Park rangers and Goldie, t2he pa, ty established a I tlers othe, lal. -- - - I
[,ill of sale I n' any damage caustd of 1 e rchr,o )'i(o has beea )aid e e d the abovo entitled aioa [ of mules to pack into the moun- one of the old triple blazes, g es, they ar- for a p..pt tcly six months In ] Librari s n so,' up with the
ti,, 00.o,o ,,.,is at a., t,,,,( , , ,, ter. ,, ,ublcation of l es others mKu00 ,n,o the oae00 coun t.e snow .ne ,text .a .he 00eat, e 00ress lorat,on
and n, it o,'" "the' Stal(' ' n le g, nl,' ' s{ h thnb,, u' r, nla . tis wtthout, fllst the d'tte, of ttm 'i'st l' a s' unoccupied farm house five rail g - • Y . , . "P ' - ]
" ' 1')( l "able to" ti"c I ''ld( ;* f" t :'' c 12t tin, n los s. nt , [ .th. Coylpiss onet" this Sunmmnso , to-witj ithin. 60 d west of town and purchased a pal'r try today occasionally come across Christie and Barnes scouted ahead. Expeditmn had been in the wilds BOOK BIND We. hay(
M)all , ,. , , .. . or t-ubllc Lanas, tUltH the ]tn, anmunt after the tilth nay o xeeemDer, 9d, . • Travclin on snowsho . .oxlnla " "
.... h lu } I and d f n t • e a d
tier ,ebb " . t;nd (te(i iSmw(t. ' '. in the'above entitled C nn't and an- rains ' • ly March 14, the explorers had rived at the top of .the rlage to utat ume they blazed and carved a el'
{tid t.in,l)cr ,,u ,aid b)nd..w).l! ,!' All sal?s of sl fie ands a'e Ill 140 swer the Comi)hajnt or' the PlaintlfIs "" IT come to a beautiful little ree find it connected by a saddleback crude trail for nearl 50 miles Songs and ray that we can :
eld fur nut l,s ihau 1he av,'a!s,,l suhJ},et tr; tie z',,servait(;ns r)l oils, and ser'o a coiiy oz your ,nswcr. Back of.the farmhouse an aba - ,, g n with d shar now-clad " " ,.. h he • " .Y Books. .. .
v alu,,, .al)In!,ed 1;: he ,n,l!':- gmcs, coal ores;, niae,.e[s and fo.si]s u p0n the undersigned att oi:ney for. the doned .t,,lLwound w.estward to- vl]ey: which they named Geyser .+, ...... ,.P.2, ;.^_ peak di_ .a.cl)ss..%e ,, .o.f tlu. " unknown -::Per od ca s, Mag# not orlly in q
oneP el -.%lotlt,; l.a.u:. . ....... ,,1,- el r,.vtry nauto,, Kind anti clesCl, ll)t on, MlatXltiffs eL Ills O[llCe DetOW states; I wars Lne lwna, Tne 1lYe n3en vtt**v.y. -,.y ou.w,'u. ---=y l'euneu / w.uer.o, .ey vruoamy coverea ] I s, •
,er wovtd,:d b, law, ., sUtemnt (,[ and l/) the additional l,,,'ns and con- and in case of your failure.so to do: . " "We Sent nearl three the summit of the eak several with their huntin scoutin n Newspaper_File L
nlitl is now oa fltu ,. ti, cfhce uf dttiom p,em,tb(d m s(¢ti,,n 3 of chap judgmat will be lendelea against spent a week swinging their axes P ,, Y weeks P I g, g a d Oid Uouk rtair0
th Auditor of said 'cr n2y. ¢ "a d ter '5(;- ,f 'll'w laws. , ,t'i.q07, . " ou'arordin,. to the" dentand" of" tim swamping' out' the old trail attd ex-' in the valley, wrote Barnes. All hours, latcr an d gazed upon a s,de trips, more than 200 miles, rebound. "
Term o1! sale are; Casit to b t SaM land wil L be old subject to Complaint, icl, has been.flied with tending it to the river. Barnes, hands needed .a rest and an oppor- sweeping panorama of grandeur, t They named nearly 50 peaks, riv- ' . 1
on tho day of sale. o .... tim hn'ms condl[lons arm reservations the Clerk of the sa]a wourt, 'l:h 9 b- ' • tunit to re alr clo e " 'me saw a rou oz iant now , 's lakes an(l other 1 - Prices Reasons WH
. Tile ply(hater of th'nl)er -a Mat0 .o" vim te'r :]]2 e f tl Session Laws .lect of this act on is to quiet the who kept a diary of. the trip, re- _ _.2Y .... ep .... tit s as.well as ...... Y__, . g . P . g._. s . y ez,. .... andmark.,
lands vhu h!ve 5 years wilhln wh.l,,h of 192 relatin to' ca,.nwnts for latntiffs' titlo In and to the follow- coraed numoroumy me tirst aay s phy.c .tuer. we n,eea time to pinnacles, l orn.llng in t nlr lnlast' provmea a rougn topographic map ] ',
t,, remove sa,d timber wit the pr,vi 7 l ighls )f waS anlh0 e t i' y in i,f tin in de.sol bed lands situatea ].r} aa- travel' explore the surrounam countr a great ampnitneater in tne Clouds 'of the country pnotogrt hed it Karl Krul! GE
,g r , ', ' ;i .... , !, st on.,.i, n:.l and oter pro- son^cotnty Wl. ngton . - " ,. '"'Ihur/4day, Decembel 19, the and to discover the best route or The.hole nlountam system to reported on. its plant hfe, wildlife Bookb,ndet
ALL Felt l[tti}. . • ............... .. ....... n i,laCl(le 2 corner to Se,ions 20 and 21, | pounds each. Each man seized his moun ns, n .oasis in the desert s. . nge after 'an{ge of country, which became in turn and , " :: .
T i,?. :,m),,pssn(,:. et Cueing:, tL,- Disc receivers for women's said Towns.hip and an'e; runntn I 60 pounds, the dogs bounded ahead or snow, won the affection of us peaks,, snow-maq tram ease to' in parts a u. . zorest reserve, na-
. I£),,s';!:l uwstc;]i ' ub,t)l r lmaring aids now arc be, i ng con- thence outh along the et linen° [ and moving camp to the river had all : :..Peaceful and happy, coy- summlt, extenaea as far as the eye tional forest, national monumt:nt
i ' ' ' £ ; " " . said Lot ,, .$3 ch ins, . " , " . .- . ' ' ,;
, ,, ,,,.. .... ,,, ,, ,:,,, ,o .0o,,,o. .... o0.,., • o,.o w,o,o=oo,.,,oe, throu.,, oo,,,o.o= oon,u.,on .. ,,oa.y ,o,,.,,, ,a,. ..
. tpL:c,licat!>,t f;. al,!e t,!, m,* eled earrnls com,eeted by c(nt,s 9pd 21) tile.nee. East, along the Set:- swan, p, upon whleh had be6ti he- whose.nter]aced boughs gleamed . I, or a moment.only we gazed ..... cst natmnal park now visited an- .
}";i,'mAimust,., ..., , , t':',I"", omc,,. ...... {a..- with a.. hiddert, .. mi,'op,on., .. ,.. , 'r'hC ..t*°n,,[i":::,,°a, l .. • eteinl :l;?e"°t" , stowed a world, of pains in• trying the golaen, sunshine. . . it seemed uten. in one, m'eath ;e cried 'The ; nually, by more than 100 thousand " ' rT ' --
. [U,ht reser,'cd Io ,',,,ect any and all }leT su,gl,, urn, lea, mg .alan ns.ve In|et; thence alon.g the n,mander line ]to make it passable for the mules a little paradise, The enclosing Ulnault, } people .0PPIN
lirt, ., ,o, .,. ,,,, ,, Dee n maae possmle.oy. }.he a(vel, in a Southwesterly direction to tile I • But tt dozen ste)s demonstrated mOuntainS rising stceply on either Tl, e two nlen quicldy phoLo-/ Vrhatevcr the cxpedition lacked '
1-";:-€0,:t' ....... .............. .'';cal opmcnt of .c.o]npact "mint.max thercf,'(m'°mt of puIcbe lnig;, d rtglatss (;,CePatl"g.- -w y, ] the futility of thelhope and soon side were alive with. game animals graphed the. pauoranu_t sketchedl in judgmcnt rcgarding the best Tree.and Br . Phone 100
- . ....................... :..%_ ......... oatterles wn!ch ave important an/ to (rpetually b'n' and enjoin the wretclted mules were flou der- tame in the happy 3gnorance of the the relative beazung of the peaks tmle to explore the mountains or
:N 't ',, OF NC,! eeL DISTIIICT "v In varlous fields durin the P," ,, ' o ' t as e "t n . , .
O Ill. ";'""lO''" wSelriCe g a:.yy°u and.rlgnt.CaCluue,.of y:!ucm,m,fsO[cqu,Ls l,n, g'], ...... ing in the bottomless morass: gun. The rzver here. broad and after, naming some of them, record- t in the detail and scientific accur- Removi
Notic, ts h(I)y given iba2 fly an a. or interest thclehi and thereo and [ packs were unloaded and after rippling, teemed with salmon, and mg their altituaes sketched the acy of its reporLs, it made up in a ,= ' , , . t.1
' lwdP@l ;cilu;din ea('hl)ltrictof t mEi'eCtsru'eral("ns ;illschoolbe ....................... . ""'" ......... fortho ownersa decreqof adjudgi.nthe saldg lancis" thezn to be much tugging pulling and prying its. ,aeeper pools were_ filled, with. hasC°Urse .... of the •valleys, and then I spirit. . of interest and sincerity, l'l[igll tLJli][lll/
tri'l ill Ma.on County. on Satur- Conserve Fat . t FRANKLIN HEUSTON the mules we, e pulled out and re- to.ut . . , we ale now hying hke tened back to camp with the I These men were cut from the same Esti
!l @ hiarc} 1. 1947. and t]l.tolls will Do not throw way any fat. If it A[t orney for Plaintiffs ' lqaded. . . princes and ldngs, news. I cloth as those hardy pioneers who mates
t: t')' "<' "' " 'X':'[L'" t;, , ,' " ;'7}'t' S :0 .... is clean and wholesome, use it in off (,e and Post Offl.!o Addresff: "Anothcr trial with a hghtl' ..... ]oa.d ; "Now we nad plenLy of game of The expedition's gear was sLrip- opened the Oregon territory, of ,,eM=
p.lU umst,Sn; ' !u ,.1. 'AUi[JEY,'" '-' .......... food; d" It" is rancid." " . make .oap out (:.ou, :t 11oUSeWashin toll. l.)rodced similar results • ;o. Jcn- ,all kinds. Elk deer, quail, .gr°use pad at essentials., They. divided which the Olyml)ic country was a . ........
Cl0rk of ttzo Eleetlon ]3oa,'I. Of it nolton, 2 2- 2 9,16 23 0--I --Tt hie in nmd to the -tail, beans, pork chickens and salmon trout m plan- what remained rote (we packs o£, remote and unlamwn part.
1-22.02.6--3 ' " ......