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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 23, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 23, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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_ __--__ t Lge on CarP/ iday eve- :erheated to l,'irc Lage was . depart- er's Cafo over the no danl- 'tly after sent was venllo to 'h's. Ken resulted ,vc pipe. hty 1 rc- khe route LkOll NOV- stead of d, they cir way Thursday, Januar3 L Meets Every We p.m. | I.O.O.F. IIAJ l Visiting Members' Cordially Welc01 MARION HELSER GUY CALL, Seer Rubyy RebKff L-5-d Second and Fourth Mary Dobson, N Elizabeth Butler, se ;-j.;:- :22+---7 ............. AUTOMOTIV+ MACIIINE S SERVICE Csdinder boring, P grinding wdve ref Generator, starter ice• "Western Suppll 218 N. 1st Phon( FRUIT TR] ORNAMEN SHRUBS ALDERCR0, mrs,day, Jan.uary23, !917 ' SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i J i i J i i m Iiiifiiiiii im miiiiinii.ii. I ason County ,-J Creamery Says.-I ;! The process of heating milk to at least 143 degrees F for 30 minutes, destroys over 99% of all bacte=qa and dis- ease producing organisms 'n it. Food value is not changed sighlflcantly, its safety and keeping qualities greatly im- PrOVed. Little+ if any, loss of Vitamin A arid riboflavm results. Thiamine drops about 10%, ,+?rb, acid about 2o,, h!m°ugh recent research on Igh . temperature . short- time Pasteurization has re- Maurice Jones, 195- pound, 6-foot-2-inch cen- ter of +the New York Broadway Clowns, who appear in Shelton Feb. 3 to play an exhibition bas- ketball game against the Morgan Lumber team, toured the 'European thea- tre with an Army All-Star team before his recent re- lease from the service. A graduate of Knoxville Col- lege, he is said to be an exceptionally clever ball handler and sensational on re-bounds. ANN BARGER, MARJ TIFFANY STARS OF FEM PIN TOURNEY Although she failed to be in a Ann posted totals (including a top spot' in any of the three regu- 243 pin handicap) of 581 in the lar events. Ann Barger's consist- team event, in which her Shelton ency paid off with the all-events Grocery aggregation was just out crown with a 1793 pin total in of the money in third place, 614 LUMBERMEN VICTORS 'Dimes' Game Gives Customers 3 hi flis In 56-54 Decision A scanty crowd of basketball fans was treated to one of the most pulse-quickening maple court thrillers of this town's history on Tuesday night when the Morgan Lumber club squeezed a 56 to 54 decision out of the Valley Clean- ers of Ehna after two overtime periods in a "March of Dimes" fund-raising featm'e in the Shel- ton gym. The two teams battled tooth- and-tongs through 45 minutes of furious, fast - moving basketball Whtch was finally settled when Danny Cormicr arched two foul shots through the meshes after two minutes of the second extra period, ending as spectacular a cage duel asthe new Shelton gym has ever witnessed. For 39 minutes and 58 seconds of the 40-minute regular i)laying time Morgan Lumber never trailed, but with Timer Bruce Schwarek flexing his index finger to stop the clock for the final time Bob Picrcy cast off with a long arch- ing shot from the leit sidelines only a few feet inside the mid- court mark and it sagged the twine for the tying tallies at 48- all. Piercy Gets Red Hot In the first overtime Fotvar'd By Ted Kesting by 'red Kestlng Tile life of a boy illustrates human existence. The boy who has not developed a tendency tO lmnt and shoot by the time he is 12 years old probably never will become a shooting man. That is no indication of depravity, but only that his greatest pleasure in life will come from some other source. For the benefit of parents: the boy who is fond of shooting does not handicap himself particularly in any profession. Maj. Chas: Askins, authority on arms and their use, advises that to lessen recklessness and instill care, new sllooters need education and experience. It is bestfor the boy getting his early training on game to go hunting With his fa- ther. The "old man" won't hesi- tate to tell him when he is care- less, when he is pointing his piece about promiscuously, wheu he is using it as a club, or wh'n hc is carrying it in a position to endan'- ger others• A friend of the major's told him a story of being 'oUt with a rabbit hunter who 'was forever punching rabbits out 6f the bnmh with the butt of his gun. The gun Page 7 _.. .................................................................................................. . .............. IN DOUBLE OVERTIME Election Until Next Tuesday .... -= ........... ,•> Despite weather which would .............................................................................................. haY, kept less enthusiastic pet +- Owl Comeback Sh) sons at home. 35 rabid riflemen r tut+.e,, o.t iast week forth,+, . Y -" ?]+:+=+:Y+'+'++ " scheduled electlon meeUng of the 4 Ponts of V tor new .Sheltm; Rifle Club but de- ] 1C cided to delay their final voting Mary M. Knight's desperate last d.? until next Tuesday evening at quarter rally fell a little siw of .+ e_- , eight o'clock in the Menmrial catching North River so the Mat- Building in order to give the ad- ditlonal 25 to 30 interested peo- ple they, krlew :would be out a chance to select the club offi- cers• Numerous nominations for the organization's first officers were made at last Week's meeting' aud a !bngthy diScUssion of dues, range fees, and by-laws was in- dulged in by the surprisingly large turnout. By-laws were drawn up at tile discussion and will be voted upon for adoption at next Tues- day's meeting, along with the cl- ectlon of officers. The chlb's acting chairman an- noticed + Monday he had contact- ed ten Tiffany over the status of the Shelton .airport buildings Which- thd' ellib' wheS to rise for ranges and .club quarters and was informed that everything appear- ed ,highIy.. favorable .for. approval by the Navy within the next few days. lock aggregation lost a Tri-County league basketball verdict 29 to 25, at Brooldyn Friday night. Big Bill Brehmeycr steered the unsuccessful Owl rally and scored 12 of his team's points. He was out-scored• however, by his rival center. Burke, who made 16. The lineups: North River (29) M. Knight (25) B. Bict¢ar 4 f Davidson .l Williams 1 f Pahncr 3 Burke 16 c Brehmeyer 12 Morris 3 g Zabel 5 Wieland e Nye 1 Suhs: Norttl River--..13ob Bickar 5. Mark Knigltt---Kingery, Fuller. Hood Canal Sl, ortsmen Meeting Next Thursday Their 'first bUSllicss of 19-17 will be transacted next Thursday eve- ning by the Hood Canal Sports- menYs AssociatiOn whdn members gather in the Hoodsport school for their January session. Wornout Steering Gears Cause Ac©iden|s  - -_...iik,  Don't   J/ Take /Z Chances / CHEVROLET ." STEERING ,(a'l] / Parts, Steering Knucldes, King t'la, l,'ront Axle, cte, We Have a Big Stock oI Chevrolet Parts See Us far Any Ch¢,vrolef Ports That You No-d MELL CHEVROLET CO. 1st & Grove Phone 777 flour is ! boiling NEED A ?hey had ,++° PLUMBI worked to the ,ha from Phone 4t int they ng hand ch hand , beyond J, L, CAT + beauti- - now- HARDWAI mir dis- I  ¢ n a n md i _-:__2,_-77_-:---- : s. south.   _ cr lake I ! argaret. I ' pcdition,  Fairbanks-M¢ .at roek I | 'al, with II P IT M P! rough ai|  J x,  oint we  6 f water I I For Every minutes I )re good t ] 'urpose a black I tly Shot. I i m+r., .+n rOVO. fl•V- J II I'.JL.tlJI.aJI. V ..... " I| ELECTRICe ( of fresh i ! '1 t ...... Gove.y Qldg. Phone rll fh[' ,' + .... e head-/ " _ .... _ = _ = Sarues d gazed y whict cAS] jagged DB capped, he west * • m 'y peakStime. Insurance I back- Agelley } mapped ,ng one Complete Insura e Press' Coverago n'ned to Office Witll t ill an- our bill hen we t week. NURSERI Vealed no ascorbic acid and = the annual women's bowling as- I Witbert Catt0,  only 3% th am ne .oss. = sociation tournament conducted on .... =111 ....... • = the Shelton Recreation alleys last n8 [111 wah{ez iar}{ Pho llllllll Shirk & Geo 124 N. Jst St. PhO# Music by McKEE'S FIVE KEYS OF OLYMPIA DELIGHT PAnK DANCE PAVILION  LAKE ISABELLA JANUARY 25 Admission $1 per Person (Tax Included) LADIES FREE SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Beattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Freight vm str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock. No. 2 "" Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma clally, except Sunday at 5 p.m. for Olympia and Shelton m • Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday i CLARENCE CARLANDER, President I p *1 ' UGET00 SOUND FREIGHT LINES I in the doubles, where she and Vi Russell took the last prize posi- tion at third place with an 1136 pin total,.and 598 in the singles, where she was second. Marj Tiffany captured the sin- gles with 632 total, while the dou- bles championship went to Jessie Htinter and Julia McCaslin at 1195, edging out Phllis Tembruell and Frankie Fredson's 1179 total. The two prize places in the team were captured by Pastime with a 2361 total, and Ritner's Corner at 2323. Mickey Linde- man paced the Pastime effort while Jessie Hunter shot well ov- er her average in the Ritner per- formance. Mrs, Hunter, inciden- tally, was second to Miss Barger in the all events with a 1761 total. T.EAM EVENT Pastime (1st) Rltner's (2nd) Staley 4941Godden 370 Kopperman 3161McCasltn 336 Lindeman 462 Willour 323 Shuffenh'r 40,5 Hunter 366 Sutherland 480[Bishop 391 handicap 204] handicap 537 728 814 819 2361 829 708 786 2323 SINGLES EVENT Tiffany (192l .... 150 144 146--632 Barger (243) .... 125 109 121598 Staley (66) ........ 199 140 187--592 Hunter (218) .... 115 112 144--589 Frisken (126) .... 162 155 146--589 DOUBLES EVENT Hunter (218) .... 111 133 '126--588 McCaslin (213) 112 124 158 607 Total 1195 Tembruell (186) 117 168 127 598 FranFr'sn (69) 173 160 179--581 Total 1179 Russell (93) ...... 120 148 161 522 Barger (243t .... 125 122 124--614 Total 1136 ALL EVENTS Barger ............ 581 614 598--1793 00ItI [" $I00I e:e00: t i Phone| N S ry.... . . . to pay an extra price for something really +ACK MO+++' good. The difference between good printing and D A N C l P poor printing is not in the price pay but in LESSOP Children and A!' TAP, TOE, BAL  • BALLROOM, ACR 0| and All styl¢ Every Wedne 2 to 6 p.m. Shelton Eagle Ph(me Unions 3 BOOK BIN1)I --Libraries and SCl Songs and prayer Books Periodicals, Mag# Newspaper Files OId Ltooks' repaire rebound. Priccs Reasonal Karl KruP  Bookbinder Route 1 --- Bog Raymond, Wa; TREE TOPPIN00 Tree and lr 0 Removirg High ClimbP Estimates Gi ve PHONE 221 "j ;!+ the skill of the printer you choose. It costs an unskilled and careless printer just as much to do a sloppy job as it does a good printer to do a job worthy of his ability. We have been printing for many years. We have kept up with the changing trends of printing style .and e feel that we can safely say that our work competes wm  e Desk, not only in quality but in cost. WHEN YOU NEED PRINTING AGAIN GET YOUR FULL MONEY'S WORTH AT The Phone I00 JOURNAL . . 107 4th Street Al Eatou put the Shelton team ahead on a beautiful tip-off play with a fast-break under the bas- ket, but Piercy promptly count- ered with two more sensational one-handed casts which put the Elma visitors out in front, oly to have Eaton come back and tie it once more. The visitors looked like winners a moment later When Kenny Shelton fired home a re- bound but Cormicr knotted it up once more at 54-all with a tip-in with just seconds /to go, setting the stage for his two winning foul shots in the second extra ses- sion two minutes later• The Morganites had elected to pass up two other single foul shots earlier in the second overtime be- cause one point wasn't worth much under the ruling which says the first two points in the second Over- time end the game, so preferred not to risk losing possession of the ball. Then Cormier was fouled in the act of shooting in the keyhole and showed his ability to produce in the clutch by converting both chances• Coburn's Play Outstanding The point producing heroes of the thrilling tusslb were Piercy, a former Elma' prep ace. with 27 points, Cormier with 22, Eaton and Bill Levett with 14 apiece, but tha Shelton club wouldn't have been in the game at all without angular Bill Coburn's aggressive ball hawking uncer both back- b'oards. The lanky uy was all over the bah every time it came down from the boards and his con- trol was one of the real reasons Morgan Lumber finally earned the duke. Levett's departure from the con- test in thc first minute of the fourth quarter on personal fouls hurt the Shelton cause seriously as he had been almost as hot as Piercy up to that'point with long shots-from all parts of the front court, After a 12-£2 first quarter, the Morganites broke out into a 31 to 23 halftime lead, once holding a ten-point margin, but the visitors crept steadily closer as the second half got under way and brought their deficit down to but 40-37'at the third-quarter rest. From there on it was a basket-for-basket duel between Cormier and Eaton for the lumbermen and Piercy for the cleaners, the Sheltonians always managing to stay a jump ahead until the SElma hotshot's dead- locking goal with two seconds to go. Owls Win Preliminary In the preliminary' scrap, Mark M: Knight's Owls of the Tri-Coun- ty league earned a 30 tO 18 vic- tory over the reserves of the High- climber B team 'behind th scoring and floor-play of husky, lefthand- ed Bill Brehmeyer, who played outfield for Shelton's junior Amer- icai Legion baseball team last summer. The Matlock quintet trailed through the first quarter but got into gear behind the scor- ing of Palmer and Sabel to move ahead at the half, 13 to 8. After the ' Highclimber reserves had closed athird quarter gap of 22- 16 to but four points, Brehmeyer kicked in With three straight bas- kets which stowed the game'away safely for the Owls. The lineups: Morgan (56) Val. Cleaners (54) Williams 3 f Piercy 27 Eaton 14 f Kinnaman 8 Cormier 22 c Anderson 10 Levett +14 g W. Sllelton 3 Eacrett g K. Shelton 6 Subs: Morgan LumberCoburn 3, McCahn. Valley Cleaners-- Finney, Claflin, CUrran. M. Knight (30) B Team Res. (18) Davidson 4 f Skagen 5 Palmer 6 f Cole 3 Brehme,er 9 c Ashley 1 Fulker " g. .Wells 4 Sabel 7 g Guthrie 1 Subs: Mary M. Knight-Nye 5, Kingery, 'Ambrose. B Team--=Mc- Pherson 4, Deffinbauglt, Davidson Gorlflch. New Mobil Tire Now Available In County Mob'ilgaS:dealrs in'MaSon coun- ty/ welcomed 'a new addition to their family of products this week With the arrival of the new Mobil tire• Features of the" tire include use of a new tread design to'give a better grip on the road when inflated attd extra thickness of a specially blended rlbber com- pound to withstand shock, These new tires, available in all sizes for passenger cars and trucks, have been exhaustively tested for three years before plac- ing them' on sal, according to A1 Dlelinson,: local Mobil +.tire distri- butor. Most Mobilgas dealerShOW have Mobil tires, for delivery  in this area, le said, slipped down through the brush- pile, raised a hammer and fired, His frtend foun'd him barely able to say, "Guess I'm done." The lad who has never had an accident, never let his gun go off accidentally, whether it hurt any- one or not, is either wise or lucky or both perhaps. Recklessness' can he knocked out of us by exper- ience onIy, and if it is :our own experience we generally pay for it. The tendency of every boy is to form a gang or be attached to a gang. When he goes hunting the gang goes• The bigger the crowd, the greater, the danger, but that is rarely considered. In a group of half dozen lads, four might be well taught and per- fectly safe with a gun, but the other two will find it necessary to show off. These are the dan- gerous boys. Nobody will com- plain about them, for a boy has a great dread of being thought afraid of anything whatever. If a bullet went through the heel of his boot, so that his mother might not see it when she went to help him pull his boot off, he'd plug that hole up with utmost care and never say a word about it, It takes time to teach us that a gun is deadly, and not to be handled like any other tool what- soever. All this kind of education ks modern and, unlike the hnnt- ng'insinct, we' have inherited no tnstrinctive care in the handling of a gun. Smoke Shop Smoke Screen Shatters Bottlers Pinfems WOMEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE ? W L Smoke Shop 24 Shelton Transfer ................ 21 15 Cammaranos ...................... 20 16 Chatterbox Cafe ................ 7" 29 200High game---Frankie Fredson, 54High total-- Frankie Fredson, What had been a first place tie between the pair ended in a complete rout which bo0tel' Smoke Shop into a three-game lead in the women's maJor"b0wlig lea- gue Thursday and skidded Cam- maranos into third place When the former whitewashed the lat- ter on the averagefattening scores of Lucille Daniels and Ha- zel Ferrier. Inez Dodds' 507 total failed to save the bottlers from being whitewashed. Shelton Transfer slipped past the Cams into second pla'e On a 3 to 1 triumph over the' hapless Chatterbox Cafe quintet as Fran- kie Fredson rolled the top indi- vidual scores of the night at 200 and 542 with Mickey Lindeman contributing strongly with an ov- er-average .figure in every game. LaVonne Cole and Vi Russell pull- ed the bashers together in time to take the finale: The sd0rlng: ++ Smoke Shop (4) Cams (0) handicap 132 handicap" 72 FredaFred. 432| R.Friaken 399 'I.Dammann 43liE.Smith • 426 Cams Giv, en Stiff Arg,men[in 63-54 Win 0verMorgan' s Bill McOann's sprained ankle, suffered in the early moments of the second half, may have clteated Morgan Lumber's basketeers out of an upset victory over the lea- gue-topping Cammarano Bottlers in 'a thrill-packed Olympia City League "game here Saturday night and stopped a winning streak which the Morganites had run to four straight in the circuit. The Bottlers crashed through in the second half, after McCann's departure from the game, to win an ultimate 63 to 54 verdict as Rod Hansen registered 20 of his total of 26 points. Hanse4 was so torrid in the second half all he had to do was toss the casaba into the air and. it swished the net for two points. The lumbermen, behind Mc- Cann's defensive work and Dan Cormier's dozen points, took a 30 to 24" half-time: advantage, but couldn't stand up under the com- birmtion of. Hansen's point-pro- ducing and McCann's loss• The Shelton club had won its faugh straight triumph in the Olympia YMCA gym Thursday nighU with a mercilesg 59 to 21 shellacking of the Carlson Shoe Reiiair club. Cormier garnered 17 points while Joe Williams and Al Eaton were close behind with 14 each. This Saturday Morgan Lumber takes on the Olympia. YMCA team in the new' Sheltofi gym at eight o'clock while tonight "dt the Olym- pia Junior high gm they meet the Mt: View 'Golfers• The line- ups: organ Lbr. (59+),, Caris0n's (21) tdn 1,t" F Benefiel 2 Williams 14 F Bent 4 Cormier 17  C White B.Phlllips 2 G Schmaltz 6 McCann 6 G Gilchrist 3 Subs: Morgan Lumbm .... Met Morgan 6. Carlson Shoe--Berger 6. Cams (68) Morgan IA)r. (54) Swanson 7 F Levett 11 Lynes 8 F Eaton 11 Eide 11 C Cormier 16 Hansen'26 G McCann 8 Borden 6 G B.Phillips 5 Subs: Cams Lewthwaite . Morgan Lumber--Eacrett 1; WiN liams 2. Mel Morgan. Levett Leading 5,Piayer Joust FOr Point Honors Bill Levett, 'Morgan Lumber forward, leads a five-player scrap by a thin one-point margin for the seven-game first half city basketball league scoring honors with 85 points. Dbn Underwood, center for the title-winning PantorJum Tailors, is second at 64 with Bill Coburn, angular Needham's Men's Wear center, third at 62. Two more :Morgan Lumber teammates fill out the score leading quintet, L.Daniels 411]R.Edgley 347 Dan Cormier in fourth place with .M.Mifflin 410ID.Ctiristen'n 430 59 and Al Eaton in fifth with 57. H.Ferrier 474 I:Do0ds 507 Levett tops the league in field T0tai 2290 Tots2 21811 goals with 32 While Coburn is the Chatterbox (1) Shelton Tfr. (3) circuit's most accurate foul shoot- handicap 117 handicap 132 er with 16 converted gift tosses, V.Russell 491]P, Staley , 421 closely followed by Walt Simon. • Jummy 438 A.Kopperm n  [ son, Belfair S skipper/who has 13. L.Cole 451 M.Lindeman 4o [ First half scoring totals: W Schirmer 394[M Sutherld 426 - • " 542 t xg ft pts D Roberts 4141FranFred. ; Levett ML .................. 32 1 6'5 Total  2305, Total 2807 Underwood P .......... 29 6 64 . I Coburn N .................. 23 16 62 Blazers Meet Olympia [Cormier ML ............ 26 7 59 ll.,;An T llzrl .+]pbi I Eaton ML ................ 24 9 o7 JL' ,ItgU.ll,,' Xaa twta to l* t¢Am! 'M 21 4 dg ' er ............... Idle last week when wrath  hire "- " ............... • ' sched Ic m r M ............ 20 3 43 forced cancellation of their - I T,lh, W 10 ,4 a9 uled game with Centraha here, t z ] ......... " ......... _*x  - r J t'ntmps . 18 6 42 Shelton Junior high .Blazers retu n loods p ............ 16 ^ to their basketball campaigning to-, .................... v 41 morrow afternoon when they go to Olympia to tackle the undefeated, powerful Washington junior high team of the Capitol City. The Blazers meet Hoquiam in the Sheltgn gym Jan. 31 in their next ome appearance. Shelton Man Selling Adv6rtisin Seryice , Ralph Horto, former Volga, I S. D., resident who recently moved to Shelton, has been'named Wash-[ ington 'and Northern ldaho repre-I sentative of the 1R. W. ]VcAtlister! Compahy, a Dallas, TeXas, newS-I paper advertising syndicate. , DUring the war Mr. Horton was a:h official of lend-lease in charge ,.of paper :sttpplle in the :North Af- rican theatre of operations, McCann BP Cardtnal BP Wilson BP B.Armstrong 0 B.Phllllps P Somers M Parsons P S.Armstrong R Jeffrey R Kendall R Stmonson B H.Gruver BP Danlels R B.Viger M Smlth M D.P.hillltm R P Stonberg Lee M White O Rae O Barger N Burgoyne BPI McPh0ron R Foter. B Lumsden O Gardlner N 'redson P Itope B 391 Chase N 871 Morgan ML 36i Fletcher O 85/Davis B • 33Howarth O 29/Hutchinson O 28[ Crow B 27/Nealy B 27[ Valley 'ML 27t Price P 27I Robertson B 27 Pedersen B 26 Williams Mr, 28 R.Vtger 23 L.GrtlvPr IP 28 Coffman BP 22, Cole P ! valton )Unbar MI, 21; [crett MI# 20t Phoma B ' lliott O 1 lanson M 16 t tu)'ratt , 1U ednarkl N, 16 ,aBiasonler BP 16 Villard M :14 Adams R II i i ,i ,,,, Tie.Mill Slab Wood NEVER BEEN IN SALT WATER DELIVERED IN 2-CORD LOADS P h o n e 6 5 6 MORGAN FUEL CO. I i i SCHNEIDERS PRAIRIE DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Now Sponsored by Mason County V. F. W. Post SMITH BROS. DIXIELAND BAND Playing Request Numbers attd Music To Suit All Dancing Tastes LUNCH AND BOTTLED BEER SERVED Dancing 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. "$1 Per Person, Tax Included IF YOUR TRUCK Dives over a bank we don't have to drag it up and tear it up, for Our wrecker has the power tO pick it up and Without further damage. Phone 52 WITH THE ADVENT of hard surfaced roads, and The closer passing margin Correct steering became im- perative and We correct steering on a guarantee. SHELTON GARAGE 1ST AND COTA -- PHONE 52 KIMBEL MOTORS Factory Approved . / Chrysler - Plymouth - International SALES - PARTS - SERVICE We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Cars - Truck - Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment In Our NEW SERVICE BUILDING AT SOUTH FIRST AND MILL STREET And Brazing i PHONE Motor Testing I 465-W Electric Welding I by the Latest Sunmaster Method Means No Guess Work