January 23, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page. 8
Grapeview Woman
ttas Book Accepted
For Publication
(By Mrs. Lydia Wren)
Mz'. V. R. Spooner (Louise
Mitchell) of Grapeview has had a
book accepted for publication by
the Caxton Printers of Caldwcll,
Idaho. The name of the book is
"Shathula t.hCs Shoe." It is a
child's book made up of short stor-
ies about elves. Mrs, Spooner
wrote the first of these stories
while a student at Reed College
in PorUand. While teaching at Lc
iPehmse French boarding school ill
Switzerland she wrote stories for
llcr 9 to 12 year old pupils. These
arc in this new book also, togeth-
er with additional stories written
by Mrs, Spooner during a post
graduate course at the University
....... i t,i - '-
of Wash)ngton, ]
This loog Will be illustrated by I
Fitch E. Bennett, a Western Wash- ]
ington artist. There will be a
frontispiece and an illustration at
the beginning of each of the elev-
en chapters. The book will be
published within the next two
Mrs. Spooner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Mitchell. and sister. Mrs.
Eleanor Wheeler, have written for
publication but this is the first
that Mrs. Spooncr has had printed,
altho she has won several awards.
In 1941 she won three first awards
and one second award in a contest
conducted by the Fine Arts De-
partment of tim Washington State
Federation of Women's Clubs at
their state convention in Seattle.
Caxton Printers are imrticular]y
interested in Western subjects and
Western authors.
The title of the book again is
"Shathula Hu's Shoe."
The stated annual meeting of the associa-
tion will be held at the office of the associa-
tion on Saturday, February 1, 1947, at 2
o'clock, P. M.
Mason County Saving & Loan
Title Insurance Building
Union Resident
Succumbs Tuesday
Mrs. Olive Merina Morse, a res-
ident of Fernwood, near Union,
for the past two years, died Tues-
day evening, January 21. She was
70 years ()Wage.
Mrs. Morse, who was born Dec-
ember 31, 1876, is survived by her
husband, James William Morse,
and a niece, Mrs. Merna Mifflin of
Funeral services will be ileld at
10 a.m. tomorrow at Witsiers Fu-
neral Home. Ray. Hardwick
Harshman will officiate. Crema-
tion will follow at Oakwood in
Fred Sergeant, who has been
confined to the Shelton General
Hospital for many weeks, since
he suffered a badly smashed leg
when his eaT'skidded on icy pave-
ment near the airbase, was trans-
ferred to the St. Peters Hospital
in Olympia Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bacon left
Shelton rednesday morning for
California where they will spend
the next three weeks on a com-
bined business and pleasure trip.
They will visit m Los Angeles and
San Francisco.
i i i H .
School Director
Candidates May
File Up To Feb. 19
Candidates for school directors
of Mason County school district
may file their candidacies until
midnight of February 18, accord-
ing to County School Supt. J. W.
Goodpaster. Filings may be made
with the clerks of the districts or
with the county auditor, Goodpas-
tar stated.
Elections will be held in the dis-
tricts Saturday, March 1.
The list of school districts and
the directors whose term of office
expire, all of them for three year
terms unless otherwise stated, fol-
low: District 2, Lower Skoko-
mish, Leonard Hawk; District 3,
Oakland Bay, Lawrence Gosser;
District 4, Forbes, T. W. McDon-
ald; District 10, Union, G. C. Lain-
on and Edward A. Norling, both of
whom have been apointed for the
unexpired three and two year
term of which is open as there
has been no director appointed to
fill the resignation of R. Carr;
District 18, Allyn, Wm. E. Mor-
gan; District 20. Tahuya, Harry C.
Curl; District 42, Southside, Lee
Huston: District 45, Belfair, Re P.
Crossen; District 52, Victor, Jack
A. Henderson; District 54, Gxape-
view: William P. Spooner; DiStrict
300, Agate, H. J. Reynolds; DIs-
ELGIN SIlARPE'S SON trier 302, Harstine Island, Mrs. Al-
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs, tha Page; District 309, Shelt0n,
Elgin Sharpe Wednesday, Janu- Arthur T. Walton, Harold Ahls-
ary 15, in the Shelton General Log and Bruce Elmore for one
Hospital. I,year, the last two named being
appointives to fill out unexpired
terms; District 311, Mary M.
Knight, Warren B. Kingery; Dis-
trict 312, Hoodsport, Mrs. Frances
B. Radtke, two years and Neff
///s Simmons wli0 was appointed tO an]
unexpired term; and District 400, [
Skokomish consolidated, Martini
Smith. ," ]
Anyone quklifled to vote in a I
public election is eligible to run i
for school.director in the district
in which" he resides, Supt. Good-
paster pointed out.
__-- ...... '_
More than 1,000 var|etics of I
wheat have been classified in 11'
main divisions.
Get 1947"= finest fruits and
vegetables at SAFEWAY
Because Safeway buys directly from the growers, we get
the "pick of the crop." In every important growing area our
buyers are busy inspecting, sel0eting the best, exclusively for
US. , -- --- : -- * •
U,S, No. 2
Calif. Sunkist, Easy to Peel
Pound 70-lb. Case Pound . 70-lb. Case
Yakima Netted Gems
50 lbs. 79c
8€ 5.29 7€ 4.5,9
_ - _ ,
BUTTER Arizona" ,,, "Rutabagas or Hubbard' r,'' { ONIONSALE
GRAPEFRUIT lb.[)C SQUASH .:.. lb. OC . .oo.o, --..,,._-- .{' tn:, Fe
Fresh , ca,,f O,p Top , -- "O.,0a. "
Extra Lge. Flor da , " I a
I G.AmmU,Tm,9 CARaOTSlb.7 /9C
-- C Romes t'l/
1b. 31/2c
LB._t. Calif. AIIGreen 1-- APPLES lb. '/2C 50-Lb.Mhha$1.59 }
"='UOU CELERY .... lb. I ur Ex. Fancy a Fancy '- __ _- _ _ -
: . . o ,** Fo oo,'o"
y y , y
W#£?NW#II£ SdWNG$ dr $,# $Wd Crea Corn 2O-o= 17
• m ' ¢
PR,N= LEO. ,',N,, .L.O, CANTERBURY TEA, Black or Green ...................... %.lb. pkg. 22c .IG.WA,,. EXTRA STANDARD
,i,, 0..^L,TY GREEN BEANS ..... 19.0z. 19c
l-lb. N0B ttltL COFFEE (2.lb. Pkg. 79c] .......................... 1.1b. Pkg. 40c =A.P,E'L'S. O0,O*,SEO, ,O'=.O'.
CAN 3 3, d LIBBV'$ SAUERKRAUT, 10ng crisp shreds '/ VEGETABLE SOUP 2 cans 2Go
..... . ................... 2.2 can 17c
.... ' FANCY SPINACH, Emerald Bay, California .................. 21./2 can 18c LIBBY'S VEGETABLES .... 18c
L - - - -- - - •
CRACKERS ,0, PKG. Schilling, Genuine Ground
+'" '°""'" +'0 GINGERBREAD MIX °u"-+" 25c Black Pepper can 15¢
SODA CRACKERS ADD WATER, L4.OZ. Luckies, Raleighs, Camels
3900' FANCY GRAPEFRUIT Cigarettes.etn, 1.69
..... GLENN-AIRE FANCY Strictly Fresh, Medium
WNOLE SEG.ENTS - =o.0z. Grade 'AA' Eggs 55¢
- --- - ..... PURE LARD .................................. 21bs. 63¢
Fine Granulated r- _ ___ . __ _ _-j-l
U & I Sugar 5-lb. 45¢
: C-O-R-N ,,,,o. o,+.,.,,.,,..,,,.,., "
: ,2-0Z. q _ SHORT!NING...3.1b. jar 1.18 ROASTERS[;, FRYERS.. ;',
'__- ..... -- _ BLENDED JUICE..2 cans 25c Eastern Sugar-Cured - Square Cut POUND '1
ORANGE JUICE .... 2 cons 25c Round Bone, Shoulder Cuts POUND [glll/ll ""
ELBR,A. ,.m.....,,., z. A, SIRLOIN STEAK 1;
LIBBY'S PEACHES .......... 35c Actual, Graded "Good" Beef :, POUND "'J
EOWAD " ' GRINDS, DSlP, Grade A Fancy Fcy. Eastern, Whole or Ha.If
) l-lb, ...... . = e APRICOT HALVES 29.0z, 25c Whole, mlf or Piecc Shoul,tcr Cut, Aclne "Good"
CiNr 7 4€ OIL '°NtE, raNgY + PIECE BACON ........ lb. 59€ BEEF ROAST .......... Ib, 45¢
GARDEN PEAS ...... 20.0z. 19c Acme, Pure Seasoned Pork Lcan, Meaty, Tender
LINK SAUSAGE ..:... Ib, 59¢ PORK STEAKS ........ lb. 49¢
" -- -- +-- -- : - Shoulder Cut, Acme "Good" Rib ChOpS, Acme "Good"
Norman Appointed On Shelton Kiwanis R. CLYDE W,LCOX ESTATE Andrews Attend
An order admitting the will of
Public Works Group rl /-tt ___ R. Clyde Wilcox to probate was Showing In Seattl#
Congressman Fred Norman of lO uDs,erve 32nd s+led by Judge Wright Sa.turday ,Latest data and inform
the Third District has been ham- in Superior Court and Mary Wilcox technical details of co
ed on the new Public Works Corn- --- 00R;rthaa" ,,Tuesda- was appointed executrix, photography were obtaino
mittee of the United States I-louse and Mrs. George Andrew
of Representatives. Mr. Norman Members of the Kiwanis Club of Andrews Studio of SheltOl
attained this place by reason of Shelton will observe the 32rid an- Whole meals arc being frozen in with an advance showin$
his experience as a member of niversary of Kiwanis International zero boxes. Some can be ready latest photographic equip
the Rivers and Harbors Commit- duing the week of January 20 to for serving almost as soon as the a two-day photographi
tee during his previous term in 25 with a program based on the table is set. show in Seattle last wee
Congress, and his selection on this service organization's 1947 admin- .]
committee verified his side of the istrative theme. "Build for Peace
committee issue raised during the --Patriotism--Opportunity." Whatever Your Need
last campaign. Fred Beckwith recently elected
Under the recent Congression- president of the Shelton club, said SPENCER
al Reorganization Act. the Pub- today that plans for the anniver- Individually Designed
lic Works Committee ,s a con- sary meeting to be held at noon SUPPORT
solidation of the former commit- Tuesday, Jan. 28, at Memorial Will Meet It BECAUSE: '
tees on Rivers and Harbors, Flood Hall had been virtually completed.
Control, Roads, and Public Build- Outstanding features of the pro- Each Spencer is created especially for
ings and Grounds. In addition the gram will be the reading of a rues- you---and you alone. Yet, IT COSTS
new committee will handle all sage from J. N. Emerson, Pullman, NO MORE, LASTS LONGER and is
matters relating to water power Wash.. president of Kiwanis Inter- GUARAN'PEL' NEVER TO LOSE
and dams, pollution of navigable national, and announcement of this ITS SHAPE.
waters, and matters relating to year's objectives. Phone 799-J 1416 Summit Drive
the United States Capitol and President Beckwith revealed
other U. S. buildings, as well as that 11 men attended the initial BERNICE SCHREIBER
all parks in the District of Co- meeting, which created Kiwanis, Dealer "
lumbia, in the winter of 1915 at Detroit.
Since that time. the organization's
Too Late to Classify membership has risen until today
It stands at 170,000 in 2,550 clubs
FOIl SALE: large cast iron h<mter at throughout the United States Can- February 1 Is Deadline For Easy:
reasonabh price. Inquire l.oulley's ada and Alaska.
Dime Store. 1-23 During 1946, Kiwanis Interns-
FOR SALE: 1936 Oldsm;iflle-,4i× so: tional threw its strength and re- Reinstatement of G I
dlll. Good condition good th'es. Ra- • •
did and heater. $o.,"r'. Phone 623W sources behind the United Nations, .,
after 4 p.m. H1-23tfn endeavored to mould sound public
FOR ShLE:-"3"6--C-iiT{:i:-(,f('-sTl-n--w-it opinion by keeping business and February 1 is the deadline for the easy reinstat4ment of
lots of extras with the car. Itarry professional leaders informed on G,L insurance policies. .':
I1amilton. Routs 2. Box 293. Agat,
District. 1-23 vital national and international
i;;0R S,LE.=-"a;i-ro[5c=-[oo-Ui-. i-ti': issues, and sponsored thousands of Under terms of the Insurance Act of 1946, which was
good condition. P|lo]lo 690. 761J5 worthwhile community projects supported by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, veterans ma
evenings' ................... $1.:23t rn- ranging from aid to underprivil- state their lapsed policies without a medical examination
FOR SALE: thr(,e Chesterwhite feed-
er pigs around 75 pounds. E. P. eged children to support of on payment of two nonths' premiums. No matter how
Sherman. Union, Wash. 1-23-30 churches in their spiritual aims. policy has been lapsed, the veteran may reinstate it by
FOR RENT: have va('ancy for two A committee, consisting of Wal- application to the Veterans Administration, accompanied
working ladies for room, two meals, ter Eckert, C. E. Runacres. Frank ment of premiums for two months and a certificate eertif
daily except Sundays. Also will
have vacancy for three boardera for Travis, Rudy Oltman, H. G. Angle Is in good health. ,!
meals only after January 27 and . and E. B. Spring will have charge
can az'range for dinners only if de-, of the anniversary meeting. After February 1, a medica'l examination will be requir
sired. Phone 773R, M1-23 reinstatement.
FOR-S',: equity, house, two lots, DEBATERS ENTERTAIN
modern. On Capftol Hill. Must .ell. It is predicted that millions of veterans will reinstate al
Harold Miles c-o Tendercrust, 1-23 KIWANIS CLUB TUESDAY
:FOR+SALEi-'sct-of'-{rai)'di-ums_-fc,-tt: A debate team from the grad- take advantage of the 19w-cost protection available to
toms. Hi Hat cymble, ttaroid Miles, uate school of the University of plete information may be obtained from the nearest V.A.
e-o Tendercrust. 1-23 Washington under the leadership from the ServJce Officer of
F-d]i--L-ET 1-913--ti---ppll of Prof. DePaugh, entertained
combination Table nmdel. Tw,-tone
Walnut finish. Excelhmt radio re- members of the Shelton Kiwanis
caption. Phone 92M evenings. Club Tuesday with a pro-and-con Mason County Post No. 1694
WI-23 discussion of "The Economic Nec-
...... ..- Wars
FOR SALE: business h,t ae,'.ss n-ore essity of Full Employment." Veterans hf P-re;n
high school. Inquire at 518 Park Questions from the floor added
or phone 284R. F1-23--2-6
FOl- SALE--or---T-]-AI)'E:--193J---'-o('(] inteerst to the program.
deluxe COUl)e. Radio, heater, new
tires. George Dalley, pimnc 619R.
j'G R+-S A Li d;.-Vi.- K__ R-C CONFAB
1. Box 238. 1-23-30 Grant C. Angle, founder and for-
FOR SALE: 1941 SttI pickup, met publisher of The Journal, at-
Excellent nmchanlcally, for '40 to tended the Friday and Saturday
'42 Fordor sedan or older and elsll,
See Saturday at Dick's Si,ell Ser-sesmonsoftheannuaIWashington Now Open for "
.... yic!!: .......................................... R1-23 Newspaper Publishers Association
convention held on the University
of Washington campus last week.
Meat can be stretched by sere-
200 feet ¢,f nice wate,'front ing it in combination with cereal, In Our Location on
property at Grapevicw, in- bread, vegetables, sauces in cas-
cJuding tidelands. About serole dishes. A variety of sauces
$2.50 a foot.
thescUSed givesdishes.a definite variety in View
,,o,,,o ,,,, Mountain
]i'inc home on Hillcrcst CARl, OF AI'PItECIATION
May w(: extend izr this way our
Other good honm buys sincere appreciation for tle kindness- n
• e,, synl|)at]lie. and I)eauLiful floral
o, ,+ ,,,,, ,,,,++ +++d + ou, +++ Shelto
[SPillS tO choose 1"1'o111 llICnt of our beh)ved husband and fa-
ther Joim H. Saltwick.
Mrs. Pearl Saltwick Jr
SHICK & GEORGE M,',. .,'o,.le S.iol,eU, •
+. n -o--pa y ++
125 N. 1st St. Phone 46 Allen Prosser 't
Will Jam Prosser . t
F 0 R S A L E Due to +.present cona£tions our
TYPEWRITER, Remington, used but sti]l in use ............ $25.00 will be limited for some time, but
HEATER, Wood Circulating very good condition and
looks nice .................................................................................... 25.00 soon as possible we will handle
ENGINES, Jeep, complete with starter, generator, car-
buretor and' oil filter. Good condition .............................. $95.00 complete line of bui.lding materials.
S. L. Pearson & Son PHONE 657 P.O. BOX 598
120 E Pine Phone 676 or 548-W
(Continued Iz'om page 1) •
finger of blame on other Puget 1
Sound cities who do not take care
of their sewage; let us be the
/ il
il i I
ThursdaY, January :/L J JanuarY 23, 1947.
leaders, not the sleep.
TH the installation of park-
ing meters nearing complet-
ion it is hoped that the traffic
situation will be such that "Shel- +':
ton's, Finest" can keep the double
parking of trucks in CoLa Street
down a bit. TRASH
PEAKING of fishing, the re-
cent order bf the State Game Those discarded things around your home. are
Commission barring the use of
feed egg's in certain areas should needed by people" who are no longer able to find
certainly be encouraged and ex- sucli articles in the stores
tended. The basic idea of using
eggs, admittedly it doesn't al-
ways work, is that they are an
irresistahle bait to the fish. If
we are to improve the fishing for t
all, should we not let the skill -A.'[--__
in presenting an artificial lure be
the deciding factor in the size
of tho catch rather th the fact Selling used household arncms,"" business equip-
that scrod enterprising citizen ment, etc., is the easiest way to raise money. Quick
"got there fustest with tho most-
est" (eggs in this case)? as a
The howl with Which some ]lave
greeted this order with the con- '+
tention that fish will take noth-
ing else can be stilled by recit-
ing the fact that in British Co- I
lumbia, with stream00 and lakes
very similar to ours, no eggs at
all are allowed and yet nice
catclcs are made. The writer has A Journal
seen many fine winter steelhead
and other tout taken from the ....
Campbell on flies only. SLhelton -
tans who have many times over
shown their true a.lortsmansbip
silould work to ],axe.,- ttis order CLASSified
restricting the use of eggs
strengthened and made universal.
Next summer, when you have Will send buyers to your home or place of business.
caught your first white King, the
noblest of all our salmon, try
this; filet the whole fish, soak it ,,
in a shallow pan with Frencl
dressing containing plenty of gar-
lic for coup,c of hours, then 00'--rnone 100
broil it quickly, about 12 or 15
minutes. As Wiff would say,
"Truly noble rations."
Doctor Kennedy, please take
the stand,
We know it will rhyme, will
it scan ?
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Laughlin
arc the parents of a boy born
Thursday, January 16, in tlm
Shelton General Hospital.
Steel Filing Cbi;
Correct Pos
For the
Mason Count
18 North Second St.
That special smile yo
that certain somethir
love youyour .char
all caught by the ma
Be his valentine with
an apPointment today.