January 23, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 23, 1947 |
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ThursdaY, Jan January 23, 1947
il of Andrews Attend -
e was t Showing Ill Seattl
turday I . Latest data and informS!
Wilcox[ technical details of co
photography were obtain. O F F I @ E
and Mrs. George AndreWS
Andrews Studio of Shelto
men in t with an advance showingll 0,
ready [
as the/latestph°t°graphic equip:ll- U R N I T U R Ea two-day photographi 111
show in Seattle last wee|
ur Need Steel Filing Cabinets Desks
SUPPORT Correct Posture Chairs
ed especially for For the Secretary
,ONGER and is
; Summit Drive
.[-IREIBER _ Mason County Stationers
18 North Second St. Phone 602
• !
Deadline For Easy
t of G.I. Insurance She,ton
ine for the easy reinstatement of IJ =' ,
.,/ =---=
Jrance Act of 1946, which was
ns of Foreign Wars, veterans ma
New Furniture Co.
Te Open March 1
In Runacres Bldg.
Preparations are underway now
for the opening of the Olympic
Furniture Company, a new Shel-
ton business enterprise to be
owned by Walter Elliott in the
Runacrcs Building at 321 Rail-
road Avenue. With a complete line
of home furnishings, the Olympic
Furniture Company is expected to
be open about March 1 with Lionel
Sexton as merchandising mana-
Mr. Sexton is well known to
Shelton residents, having been
connected with other Shelton fur-
niture concerns before the war,
and having 19 years experience
in the furniture business. During
the war Mr. Sexton served with
the Seabees. Since his discharge
from the service he has worked
in Olympia, and operated his own
oyster beds at Oyster Bay.
Mr. Elliott is even verier known
to Shelton residents, having grad-
uatcd from high school here in
]933, later graduating from the
University of Washington. In
both high school and college he
played wtrsity football. During
the war he served as an officer
with an Army infantry division
and saw action in the Philippines.
......... ,, :Pae 9,
Margie's Taxi.Grocery
( fo rm e r;:R:;l n;:DT::IN :r°ce rY)
Open Evenings -- Sundays
• -- Plus
Gordy Adams, son of Mr. and
Mrs. ArchEr Adams of Skookum
Point Road, and a Shelton high
school athlete of the class of
H , i
Lawrence M. A]alold, chairman, -----
Ti, os. F. Olee,1, president, re- Sales This Year
port that at She seventy-seventh ,::::% With over $3,000 ah'eady in
jmnual meeting of the stockholders : from annual Christmas Seal Sale,
of the Seattle-First National Bank ($86.19 over to be exact), Mrs.
held in Seattle January 14, 1947, Lois Davidson, executive secre-
all the present members of the tary of the Mason county league,
Board of Directors were re-elected is well plcased with the results
and Ben A, Perham of Yakima was
elected new member of the boar(
of directors,
The annual report to stockhoh
ers called attention to the bank's
total deposits of $624,564,135 on
December 31, 1946, which repre-
sents a decline of $54,445,517 from
the deposit total reported one year
ago, but during this period, the
bank's U. S; Treasury War Loan
account declined $103,782,752 as
the result of the U. S. Treasury
applying excess balances to redeem
maturing government debts. If
the War Loan account is excluded,
other deposits of the bank have
increased $49,337,205 and were
$612,061,547, which is the highest
year-end deposit total in the his-
tory of the bank.
Loans and discounts as of De-
ccmber 31, 1946, aggregate $167,-
222,704 as compared with $122,-
957,792 at the close of 1945, a net
increase of $44,264,912 or 36%.
.The investment account, while still
the largest asset in the bank, de-
'creased $110,575,041 during the
past twelve months to a total of
$319,916,541, of which $242,418,109
were U. S. Government securities,
$65,242,100 were state and muni-
cipal securities and $12,256,332
Named New Bank Director
of physical properties, purchase of
employees' past service annuity i
and other adjustments, the net i
amount added to capital accounts
was $2,472,696.
The •bank's real estate mortgage
loans increased substantially dur-
ing the year to a total of $23,805,-
007 representing loans to approx-
imately 5,600 individual borrowers.
Installment loans handled through
of the drive, and wishes to take
this opportunity to thank the citi-
zens of Mason county for their
generous support. She also stat-
ed the league received many let-
ters from various people express-
ing appreciation for the work be-
ing done in the county for the
eradication of tuberculosis. In
some instances, people who had
not been sent stamps, wrote in
and asked for them.
Mrs. Davidson stated that there
is still more money coming in
and while she set a high goal of
$4,000 towards which to work,
she feels that when the final
checkup is rnade, the total may
be pretty close to her goal. Last
year the total collcctc.d was $2,-
This year, the city health de-
partment and the league plan to
devote their time, and some of
the money derived from the re-
cent drive towards case findings
in the county. The mobile unit
will be here again and plans are
to give free x-ray tests to every
school child in the county, Mrs.
Davidson stated.
Mrs. Davidson also said she was
very grateful to Gene White for
his excellent work, in the high
school in the bangle pin sale.
Keep Cozy
This Wintery Weather '
With One of Our
s without a medical examination
ths' premiums. No matter how I€
the veteran may reinstate it by 1946, enlisted in the Army Air were other bonds• The reduction the consumer credit division in-
mS Administration, accompanied Corps last week, dropping is[in the amount of securities held creased 108% during the year. The ELECTRIC HEATERS
vo months and a certificate certi| studies at the University of Was- by the bank was occasioned prl- bank's foreign department and its The date of the annual tuber ...............
ington. He has been assigned to [ marily, by the aggressive debt re- trust department were also re- culosis hmcheon will be announc-
edica'l examination will be requil training at San Antonio, Texas. tirement program pursued by the ported to have had a substantial ed later when the budget: will be
U. S. Treasury and the consequent increase in these specialized types set .and can be announced to the ""
[decline in the War Loan deposit of banking business. The bank's pumic, wno is entitled to know
....... account referred to previously Mr staff of employees has increased how the money they donated is to
ions or veterans wil nstate a. ..... L-. ..... IArnold commented that annrni:l l80 during the year and now num- be spent. ' J.-J.vLd+ HOT WATER
N-cost protection available to te LITTLE J/]k(Jl!k i mately 55% of the bank's sec'u'-riti'e'sl bers 1,594 consisting of 709 men] Mrs. B. B. Buchanan, former When You Want It With ,
obtained from the nearest V.A. oi .- .... I are due or callable with+,, ,, I and 885 women I state executive secretary of the
[- JHI.UJt IN JJ I ] ] 2/9If fr°s x:°rse" ....... years, I " /coun'cul°a sis L ! aagen Yt fr imci y
• . Y3r,,. _______..' . yen , h FOWLER Porcelaln-Lined 40-Gallon I ]1 €) A I_
• HO WATER HEATERS ..... : ][L.])
l I 14AVE TI4AT gUNTED F-ELING. Chairman Arnold reported that , " "i " fY' " g " T + ,
aunty Post No. 1694 l I::m:DrIEAND JULIr:'SL00KINGI=0 ] ]the banks operating net earnings, Rites Held For scrpt " the State Health
i] 'M" 'AUSE I GOT A QUARTER / ] after all taxes, were $3,816 802, or[ r.]l.'... ,l.u4- 1 gepartment, 2ars. gavmsou sam.
" l*i¢-r, 7)*O {] AND MAJ LOOKIN5 FOR .] ] operating net earnings of $7.63 per[ lllll Dl|UIt[ 1 ......... OTHER MAKES & TYPES OF tr ,Atf.
Vl I'U¢I:;I || Y Y Cl, li 1 share on the banks outstandm - • ,
[ ME'EAUSE IDION'=..., / [ .. "" "gl Mrs. Tillie Shorter, 4o, a resi-][l 1 l c HOT WATER HEATERS .. :O,#'JI:U up
i (0H (K WIT-)"'N-"['I ] capital stock as compared with I dent of Shelton for 24 years, died I al[WleK ;erv]ce
• i/ T ¢ANd-YT t:-'-""'*,--,v'. -/ [ operating ne earnings for 1945 of Thursday, January 16, following ] T • t J l,
" ' ""--"--'-" ' ]' $3'316'002 °r $663 pershare Mr la sh°rt illness" Services were[a3|l |'rl l][||rl*"lv Shelt?n sopE! ic
|| z.. ,, I Arnold called attention to the in-lh], Mnnd.v r w+i, w,,, l *-'' ..... ,.., ..... d
.: ] f, ff " :-. creased operating expenses of the e'ral " H"ome-wi'tl"Re'vere'n(i " J:"O: Funeral services for John H.
:::ii | ,2r m.., bank of $1,264 083 or 17% over Bovee in charge She was born in I Saltwick, 5o were held Saturday ectr
iii::i [ I- I the previous year, stating that this I WalLets, Minn-., 'Anril 22 1902 morning from Witsiers Funeral
_ : !il;:::i;i ,[ ff'f -- Jail [is attributable to greater actwttv[ mhe is survived b., .... hr Home and burial was m Shelton
• A,,-, ea-- :iiii: i [ I:'Z land increased personnel, but par-lMr. Viola Becket; tvo'sons":'Val: , Memorial Park. His death occur-
,in mill- m11,ii.ilip.! :i::::!i: .`/`77`-tlcularlyduetsubstanualinterandhesterFrescheandredwed!`esayLanuary Govey : L , =:w
enm urn Blllqnllllq#Ol :..:!i '| '//J"/ I C7 [ ]creases in basic salaries and pay-I one daughter, Miss Genevieve Born August z, ±u in os-
, !::::;: I ment of special year-end dmtribu-IFroeschle; three brothers, Henry, I ]Ken, orway, . t,au llcu m
:::::: t" +tu/ ......... '--" -= - "- v' • he ] ' ' "
l [ tEens to all members of the bank's George and William Broker, all nc|on zor um pas zz years a!m
) - -. ., [ n staff. Of the total increase in op- of Shelton: three sisters, Mrs Ju- was employed by Rayonier In- "-- +
ur ocauon on ::' ' 0 l ]P, ff - - • XT ss • v[ a w r I * Wh-- +h-.-' .... nniver ] erating expenses, salaries and lEa PiLLs o Dodge, North Dakota; corporatcd. . . . .
:. ----'"J..£. llJ.. £| l--k...IL " ................ " /year-end, compensations repre-]:Mrs. Viola Ruom& of Buffalo,] +, == + + =+ We eEat?
i' That special sm e v. r ...... +-, hEmS-- ] sa ..... +-- =,,,-- and I sented an increase of $1,337233 orJSouth Dakota, and Mrs. Jenny l Pearl, of Shelton, two step-sou Wheu Your "Inner Self" Says:
I--J=J['L--=m--"'------ .... i[. lJ i"W ' ' i . y:that certain all caugit b thieve" h:pV:= ney ou --your =umen,ng:,:ha2 r°fP m°tuurea n: charm ["-::"- "7. ulaand maKeSove "ness--':"'ntm ,f =ll turnY°U .......... ' re:hOB" between" W ...... the dev,l: "' I, I $532,043 ] 90'" After $1'000'000 was paid ] Bnk° °f Shelt°n*in dividends______ _ _.____all°wed" . to stockh for depreciation°ld ers a nd I sonSlie ..... CountvWaS emLatmdrvP ] Oyqaqe.d a t t ,he" Ma . ,I tcrs' Mrs" RamOn Anders°n Oflmy | "vv'ihiam lr°sser "°f-AlasKa' anasA; hhd' O?,'nuenln' z'r°sser'GermanyWitn'apnd r o,: a ] i f., aarg3tW°tnestep'daugh'U . . At " " =h-n Do W- -
o :: :;::°
_ ' P ent today. I o I Whatever Your Need l four grandchildren.
,=s a,umoe! ' .... I, to forjust the gift for ] SPI4]C.... , . - • . + [= l It s TimeTo Head For +
+ + ...... ..... +++ + .... ....... ...... ,+v,.++o++.+. ++.++ H+.+. .... + .++_:++:++,..+.=,,.
!i11111111001111= ;iL , ANDREWS I the occasion. ] /_ / i) l'e!:mvi4]ll+::m
. wu, Meet ,t BECPS PORT PrwioSOn +
=='m[--=m'V mTlTr[ / • / E:ChaSP3nc3riasl3rne?t1:ts.Pi;++ IAL:/I,(I IMadiga. General Hospital that
", ' k.Yl_)l_]JI.U -- a • ' Staff Sergeant Herman D With-
J; con(:l£;lons our servica: ":'=ssy:/ ++. :... _ / / ITS SHAPE. I;0 I i x" [is now undez+oin- treatment at
-' %. J,v Hauroao / GIFTS - JEWELRY - MUSIC / J '": I ,a l ' S Where You Ca]| Completely Satisfy
: ",.,.'. [ I Phone 799 J 1416 Summit Drive ] J tt A I1[ + L t mspital bezore being returned
d for some time, but all|: - | 129 Railroad Phone 143 I " " '1/] il/\\; f ll I to civilian rife the Most Demanding Appetite
. - ---%r¢ Ph ' Ser "iLhe
._ . , JL ---" one 5a / I BERNICE SCHREIBER ' VA.L£/11 I geant W row was taken
Ible we will handle / [ Dealer I. [/ ._..3 ]] prisoner on Corregidor, May 6,
i; : - . ' - " ', 11942. Hc was libcrated Sept, 11, ' ' , from This
0 f building matermls..: (i , ,, " I y::::Pi:ti:: ! " TYPICAL EVENING MENU
7 P.O. BOX 598 -[' = ................ ..._
with two stars, the presidential
THE COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC m /citti:'leei'etbo,Clusteehi Entre+
\\; ' e ' ' + E 1 II /PoPduct Sadge. go Bollo, P,. Hocks- Sauerkraut ............................. 6o
Baked Chibken Loaf . Creamed Peas ................. 60
--_ - 1 II I I I I • • | I 1 [ The sergeant's wife, Mrs. Myrtle
Grilled Calves Liver and Onions ................. '. ....... 80
HOME .--..-..-IAlIMnmY.. "- • • ' "-' • - /Witherow, resides at Shelton. Diced Frankfurters and Scrambled Eggs ......... 60
+ Roast Leg of Lamb - Jelly ..................................... 80
" , ': • Roast Sirloin of Beef - Brown Gravy ................. 80
n =i j Civil Service Posts Roast Leg of Pork- Apple Sauce ......................... 80
• l I [ I"7 r I ' I • Open To War Veterans Breaded Veal Cutlets- Cream Gravy .................. 85
Pan Fried Pork Chops - On Toast ..................... , ,85
' : • - I lqe • • • • • • Veterans and others with exper- Large Veal Porterhouse Steak ............................ 1.25
- • '• • II[ icncc in surveying, phoLogrammet.
' ' I I'JL [ ry, or map drafting are needed by Boneless Rib Steak - French Fries .................... 1.40
New York Sirloin Steak ........................................ 1,50
• - 'i Ilrlil/ f "the topographic branch of the Large T-Bone Steak .............................................. 1.75
'' " ............ ,"+ ...... F F E '$1VIJlP Umted States Geologmal Survey to Grilled King Salmon Steak ................................... 75
" ............. , ..... " :: + ' R B ltlm " "' 'roesfill civil service pbsitions in both FriedHalibut Steak -.Lemon Slier ................................. 75
........... ............................. ................. F -- = I p f s ional and subprofcssional
......... , O h[-q Willapolnt Oysters - Cole Slaw ................. 90
(-:-+: ' " ::: D grades, accordmg Lo Harvey Hale
I " " stte i: : w A ell local civil service representative Potato - Vegetable '- Hot Roll , Coffee
i :[v[!il : : i} :+ ::: - m F F E 1, who may be contacted aL the Shel-
_ : ::-:i:: ::i:: :::|i: ::;::i!:]:: i ::!i;i:::::i:: J 0 =. ton post office.
your nome. are ,' :::: ' :'!:|::: :ii:: ::::: : ", ...... .... ........ ..... . Eat Your Evening MeMs at
nger able to find ! +::: g :: !: i'%::?:!::::: - +
. "1,- • /7 | Cloquallum RITNER'S CAFE
i: : :+::: : ::+:':.:?:: t • • JN411W JPvIV• • Ii iJl/IVIIF •1 •• Mr. and Mrs. Dock Willises For the Best Combination of Tastiness, Nourishment,
[' ':: ' ::: :: :i: :':::';:: I W W J EI' .IF |i. • were Saturday evening visitors variety, fair prices. + +
; : +:: :+::+ II | at the Johnnie Worman home.
' L J I ; ' : ::(:::•: :::::;::• :: | I They all attended the dance at
i ' :.: : '.:::: the hatchery. James Prine also ,. ,,,_.,,..,. .....
' went with them.
t You have seen the sensational new LaunderaH The A.B.C. Lumber Co, was
, business equip- i: recently advertla.ed in leading magazines, closed down for the past week )/nd Here's Your
i, ..... - NOW you can see Launderall for yourself! •
Lise money. Quick : : ;. • , due to weather couditions. Tiey
!. plan on resuming opcrations ncxt INVITATION TO A TREAT
!, See how Launderall washes, rinses, and spin week. Jessie Anderson and soil
dries clothes in a series of completely auto- Cub and their wives were at the with RITNER'S ICE CREAM
:t } matic operations . . . how it eliminates the end.C" L, Anderson home this week
i : need for pre-8oaklng , . . how its action i8 Vic Zabroski was a business
' thoroughenoughtogetclothesreallyc]eanyet caller at the LeGault home Sun- SUNDAES ,.€"/+.++
I : • gentle enough for your sheerest garments! See day. SODAS
- The younger set of Lhe Cloqual- MILK SHAKES
i Launderall's gleamlng modern beauty. Notice ]um district eujoyed several sleigh
! .:":: , how little space it takes, in spite of its extra MALTS
: :. rides while tllc snow was on. <(
.... largeeapacJty--10poundsofc]othes, dryweight. Mr. and Mrs. Alvi]l Nag'el were FLOATS +"%' f
: r' ': :I : ': ll':k I' You',,recogntzethequa]ityofJacob'englncer- Thursday evening dinner guests SPLITS ,'
at the LcGault lmme. Mrs. Robert Make the Ideal ",
ing that means years of dependable operation. Galigher, who recently h'd a ms-
• You'll appreciate the many convenience fen- jor operation, will leave the hos- Tasty Nightcap
,o..,h= +,. ,o,.. .or .or ,+o th,+
extra safety features protectln you and your The ladies of Priscilla Club wil! or Ball Game. ',,!'
'2¢:"OVERTISEo mee some time soon to decide on .'+ t "++""+'¢].
place of business, i A children.., the ease and economy with which another date to do t]eir paroling ,.+ ..+ ..... ..+, + ]m,ie"
l mN A/ItI+ CA ,S tea You'll agree it's better built+to do a better job. would not pcrmit them to carry ..... !.,,:,!.:, ,:,,,;,>,
, ' - out their arrangements as plau- :.:.:", "' . ,,..,
llLUDla 100 Clo00ual,,,00 +angc is having a .... ,+,:..-., ,__
DING ZI''S Pie and coffee will also be Sold. ""'+'."+"";.,;,. :'-**++'
Keno party the 25th of January. X,+o +..., ..:,
• All heavy traffic will be asked 'xL':-a *'
• to discontinue until the frost is
, out of the road and it can settle
: cnougl that leavy hauling will Ice Cream Packed for Parties, Dinners, Etc.
, not break np the oiled road that
NASH BROTHERS acquired this last year,W° havebeen so proud to have $1.40 Per Gallon -- $1.25 Per Gallon Jn S-Gallon Lots
, William Bethworth was called
• to Sioux City, Iowa, at the sad Ritner's Ice Cream Bar
news of his fatber's death.
123 South Second St, Shelton Phone 334 Mrs. James Ladly of Elms was
, a caller in the.Cloquallum district
last Wedncsda'. " I I' '*' :'