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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 23, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 23, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 10 ' With I lure, and trees are essential to an G G 0 adequate Water SUl)ply Thoughl.- 1'11] farlTlers slid ranchers l(no'v i On Your Windshield I this fact, and tlley are care.ful to At Any Service Station [ keep fire from burning over the Or Store l/ watersheds. If we destroy the wa- tersheds we reduce the return from agriculture. Courteous Driving will prevent most accidents. Give way fo fasf end careless drivers. Observe traffic signs. Sae driving means lower insurance rares. IOR €OMPLETE INSUILANCJ FqROT|CTiON INSURE WITH FARMERS BILL PEARSON District Agent OSCAR MELL Local Agent I l Federal Classic has new wedge-grip tread design. Concentrated at center of tread are hundreds of sharp wedges facing in both directions to grip the road firmly ... to provide greater driving safety on slippery pavements. i I I Skid-Resisting slot edges bite through slippery road film and assare quick straight stops. This, combined with the wedge- gapping edges at the center gives you, in one tire, tl, e utmost in modem s}Kety. Extra Blowout protection is built in by saturating the cotton cords in pure liquid rubber latex. In addition, layers of pro L tee,ire cushion rubber between the cord plies povi'de greater resistance to heat ann roam shock. Almther Woodworking Class Is Uuder Way The second session of evening woodworking classes began this week at Irene S. Reed High School under the direction of Arne John- son. Classes will be held on Mon- days and Wednesdays from 7:30 1:o 9:30. Tuition for the 12 week course is $5. Those wishing to attend cl.lsscs may register at the high school durillg all eveninla that class is in session, according to Mr. Johnson ,qlITELTON-MAq0N COUNTY JOI.IRNAE Thursday, January . i i i LEGISLATURE SEATS OF ADAMS, PEARSON CHALLENGED BY G.O.P. son) democrati's of the 24th legis- lative district. Acting for David Burrowes, of Sequim, and Ed Faubert. of Shel. toni, Republican candidates for tbe posts Brodie said the chal- lenge will bc based on certain affadavits and statements of con- fusion that existed ill minds of variotls election boards which counted tile votes. Mrs. Susie Pauley, :iris so n Seats of two democratic mem- bers of the house of ,representa- tives were challenged when the new session of the predominantly Republican legislature met in Olympia last week. Donne Brodie, former Shelton attorney representing the chal- lengers, .,mid he filed papers with the clerk of tlje house and secre- tary of state challenging the seats of leraneis Pearson (D-ClaN lain) and George Adans (D-Ma- Issuance of Pay Checks Speeded By County Board In order to famlitatc the issu- ing of pay cheeks to county road employees, tile county commis- sioners voted this week to accept their assignments at the end of the montll only. At that time one half of their wages will be paid, and the other half in tim next ten days. This will make two checks each month instead Roberson Plumbing -- and Heating-- Phone 685 222 South Second Street IZF///]f. "1 He2 0d2;::eS;81 "gedar =w= : ' , ,, w county auditor, was subpoenaed to appear before the legislature Monday to testify on vote-count methods in Mason county. The official count for the 24tll district--which includes Clallam, Jefferson and Mason counties-- showed ,Pearson received 6759 vetch% Adams 6734, Burrowes 6, 693 and Faubert 6545. Merle Hufford. Republiean whose sear is not being challenged, received 7.111 votes ill the same district. Dr. U. S. Ford (Clallam, a sixth candidate received 6608 votes. , ,,, i .......... ( " h ' rodie said "onlv 1 votes" sep- ___p ''__ _ It's wonderful how a little arated Adams and Burrowes and | jIliI  Va-tro-nol reltevos tmanslent;  he would ask for a recount based I I[//,/f'' II'il[llIV ©ongestion that stuffs up the / on alleged inaccurate counting of l   vq,. nose and spoils sleep. Quickly | the ballots. I "---tleve ""tqne'- i-'"'- your noseopensup-breath- / He said confusion ill counting I I r w =tuut ut nvH¢= tng is easlerl If you noed, re- i was caused by voters marking an / m  lleft0nlSht, tryitIFollordl- / "X" in the circle at the top "Of | _allh'trl[fl ro0tl0ns ill the package. | the ballot for a straight party l lm.w. "F"__ a Jueta,.wdrol l| vote and then "crossing over" to ][ if nose gets sto Fed up "P g noel  .-  |/-- - vote for a single candidate for tile. I , ho,,00o counting "cross-over" votes caus- ed an inaccurate tabulation. His request fo$' a recount will 'involve the house posts only, Bro- die said, "and should not take more than a week or ten days." " The challenge was initiated in Clallam county superior court where Judge H. G. Sutton dis- missed the actions, ruling that the court had no jurisdiction as "each house shall be the judge in the election of its own members." ASSOCIAT D 00ALERS D In some SouU]ern states, parti- cularly Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas, large.scale vaccination of dogs has brought a marked reduction in cases of rabies. I M Thursday - Friday - Sat: Jamnary 23. 24, 25 John Payne, June Hayer "WAKE UP AND DREAM" in Teelmicolor Charlotte Greenwood. Connie Marshall A Dream of a Picture!! Songs: "I Wislf I Could Tell You" - .... "Into the Sun" "Give Me the .Simple Life" .... Plus .... NEWS  MARCH OF TI,ME  CARTOON i Sunday - Monday - Tuelay January, 26, 27. 28 Cary Gvaalt, lagrid Batsman Clande Rains in "NOTORIOUS" Secret Love . . . sweeping them on to the brink of dk,aster ! ---Plus-- NEWS  CARTOON II / I i [ .... L Wednesday, 4ammry 29 "DEADLINE FOR [URDER" au Kelly, |ent Taylor, 8hella Ryan . Plus News and SMlectea Short Features ............... Ji] ........ ( _ • #r 500oo/h Effective January 1st, Tide Water Associated Oil Com- pany became sole distributor, on a nation-wide basis, of FEDERAL Tires and Tubes. Your Helpful Associated Dealer thus becomes the man to see for new, top, quality Federal Tiles and Tubes, as well as for regular, all around tire maintenanc€ and repair service. (His stocks will be limited for a time, of course, but if he carinot fill your needs immediately he will take your order now fo/r delivery as soon. as possible.) As good as these famous tires have always been, the t947 Federals have been materially improved. You'll find year new Federals second to none for mileage, for smooth, quiet running and easy steering, for traction, for bull- dog resistance to skidding. Federal Tires look good they are good! See them today, at 3,our Helpful Associated Dealer's, and ask him for complete information on Federal Tire quality, prices and deliveries. TIDE WATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY Enjoy thd brandy- smootlt flavor achieved by 17 imported ingredi. eats. Same fine pre-war quality.-- 100% Ameri. can grain. Try it soon! 415 Quart $2.77 Code No. 375C :i{ PIu 1O; war liquor rex 90Pro@[ i i Distilled from 100; Grain Neutral Sldrlts of one. Wages of road employees were also increased 50 cents a day with time and a half for over 40 hours a week. The foreman and cat operator will gt $10 daily; graderman $9.50; truck drivers and mower operators $9.00; and laborers $8.00. I. All logging trucks and heavy loads are also prohibited on all cotuxty roads until the frost is out of them, axd until further notice. H. R. Dickinson was chosen by his co-workers as head of the board of commissioners for the ensuing term and A. L. Ward was retained as county engineer for two more years. A resolution was passed trans- ferring the stml of $921.50 from the current expense fund to the public assiatazme, health, and tu- berculosis hospital funds. These tlxree funds are paid by taxes only and all taxes are not paid 100 per cent. At the end of the year, the above total wm needed and th:is zesolution, will provide the sum. When delinquent taxes come in, the total will be transferred to the current expense fund. Pub- lic assistance fired is lacking $575.92; public, health, $172,79. and tnberculosis hospital $172.79. Adams Appointed On 4 Committees; Heads MemoriaLs State Representative George' Adams, veteran Democratie leg- islator from Shelton was named to four committees as the state legislature convened for its bien- nial session in Olympia last week. Most important of his assign- ments is chairman of the roam- m.ials committed, while he was also placed on the fisheries, trans- portation, and banks and bank- ins committees. He has served on the fisheries committee in sev- eral past sessions, as chairman during some. Other 24th District legislators also drew four committee assign- ments. Merle Hufford Port Town- send Republican, getting positions on the state institutions, roads and bridges, insurance, and com- merce and manufacturing com- mittees, while Francis Pearson, Port Angeles Democrat, was nam- ed to the forest and state lands, institutions, transportation, and revenue committees. Partly Disabled Vets Can Qualify For Army Partially disabled combat vet- erans of World War II are now eligihle for reenlistment in the Regular Army, according to a re- cent War Department announce- meat concerning the program lannched recently to enlist men, who though partially disabled, are capable of performing satisfactory service. The program, attractive to men who would welcome an opportun- ity to return to uniform and a reg- ular job, provides openings for dis- abled men in over 103 job classifi- cations. Althohgh expermnce is desirable hi irony of the positions, it is not required, inasnmch as those who meet with revised phys- ical requirements will receive training for the jobs to which they may be assigned. Combat disabled men interested in reenlistment should contact theft nearestU. S. Army Recruit- ing Station for further details in the Hotel Olympia, Olympia. • Tahuya Helen Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs. Steve Ahl, Eleanor Orcutt, Lucy loster, Frances Huson, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Drake, Mr. mxd Mrs. Francis Akers and Effie Knowl- ton slid around the canal from the North shore toe Union last Tuesday evening to attend the regular meeting an4 ilver anni- versary of Elinor Cha'ptei'. Phyl- lis Nolan was a working guest and Frank Mills kindly drove a car full over. Mrs. McVay, of Un- ion, was also of great assistance with the preparations for the gala occasion. Captain W. E, Nolan sailed from Portland for Yokahama on January 15th with a full load of merehandise fo the army of oc- cupation. He expects to return sometime in March. subject to orders from General. MacArthur. The Lynams are back on their rmch here after spending sev- eral months in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Remke are rejoi0. ins in the birth of their new grandchild, having arrived by way of Caesarian operation, :Mrs. Kelly returned from the hospital on New Years Day with her new baby daughter. • Mrs. Eleanor Oreutt announces that Mrs. Hoekett, of Shelton, will be at the Orcutt home the first Tuesday in February to conduct a Unity meeting. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. The meeting will start about 1:30 p.m.' There will be a get-together of the ladies of Tahuya and the North Shore, at the Rendsland home on the, afternoon of Thurs- day, January 23 for the purpose of forming a Women's Civic Club. Anyone interested is urgently in- vited to attend. The invitation is extended to the ladies of Dewat- to. In Unity there is strength. Earl Nelson entertained the Community Club with a showing of his local moving pictures at their last meeting. Scientists have reached the conclusion through atoromieal, geological and chemical s}udy that the earth's hard crust was formed not less then 1,600,000,000 years ag0, New Ul)lmlstery Relmir Service Offered Here All types of "ultomobile ul)hol- story, seal cover, truck seat, and ante top ,qnd C.qll\\;q.lS l'epairs lll'O now available to residents of this community through the Literal Trin] Shop which joined the ranRs of Shelton business enterprises this week. Operqted by Audra Literal the Literal Trim Shop is located in the Shelton Auto Body building at 120 East Pine Street. Mr. Lit- eral has worked for the past year ill various Olympia auto shops and prior to that spent five years ill tile armed forces as a mechan- ic. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED RIDLEY'S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and' DELIVERY SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED 1 Mile South On Olympic Highway 'ROGERS BROS. GARAGE Phone 218R-2X t a=Ursday,__January 23, ]9, From whe00 KIMBE " LOGGIP COMPAI t " !verybody's joshing Willie WelL, " ut going back to school. The uUUrll " .... mqu,.-";ni[inember when Wflhe" " would hd¢" -':lit in the :woodshed--scared t¢ Operated 5Y:lng his report card home to Pa -- --- .... ,1' Iut under the G I Bill o rxpermncw] . .. " • Ights, Willie (who has a wife and by) is getting a free educa. FOR )a at the Agricultural College nd Uncle Sam .is .iving "him t o P0rt: "Deportment, excel at; Progrees, above average." ['hat goes for all those under. dOate veterans. LikeWiilie, the Pte¢iate an education more that • LAND CLEARI[ • BULLDOZING • DITCHING • BASEMENT EXi ING • BULKHEADING • PILEDRIVERS For Land or Ws • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILING AND LO! For Sale, PHONE 645- Copyrig Tuesday, Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED TEXACO SERVICE UTERAL' Representative in Mason County for Olympia & W PRODUCTS OMPANY High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils PROMPT SERVICE 1st and Franklin Phone 397 STORM ,BY AUD All Types Seat Cover,, Truck Seat hOCATED AT SH 120 'E. !Pine \\; Old Man Weather can be mighty tough on telep lines in Washington, especially in the Cascades Wl snow oftenpiles high enough to cover poles compl and ice bjailds up several inches thick on wires. But a major/break occurs, crews of telephone workersS into action fast.., and with some rather ingO equipment. toward P:enney'£ lead Spring '47:wit' tationTof Smooth.striding • et off suits, prifs: I SLING PUMPS In 8mart Army Russet 4o49 workmen,' Monte|neer experts on saowsho ''''---- skis, are driven as close as possible to the break. r they pack in the materials they need over the sno,: .. spedal safeguard against sudden storms, well.st0 .- shelter huts have been built at regular intervals  LABme, mountain telephone lines. | z'tl.x,12 Enough men,rash to the job to keep repai wo without stop--in the meantime, calls are imm rerouted wheneve possible. And soner than you imagine, the damaged lines ae in use again, For in everything we're now doing to grow with ton, telephone people work with a splend/d sp service and teamwork.., and always ith you ia  An ever-improving telephone service at tl. " cost consistent with good waes and worki con for our eraployees arid a reasonable return to the , sand, o eople who bare invested in the busin The Pacific Telephone and Teh,raph Co. 10 S. Third - Shelton - Telephorle 497 Of Bright Fab: :I,n blue, gree! NOVELTY In assorted co: Your Sofa. LADIES' S L°vely,,hade (