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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 23, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 23, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, January mrsdav Jan,, .... o. ]. - SEELTON-MASON CO JOURNAI • "- :.=2 J, ....... , )4€. • , nt,,uspor00 '. uphot- i . :, FrornWllere I:slt... oe Marsh : • , seat and i : ....... (Crowded out last week) I I I ", • . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and ts of this ] " 1-2JJJ[II I  I&lili,.*__ ,___ Mrs. Johnson of Olympia were HOOD CANAL CLUB '" --'- -- le Literal [ ...... ,,i, -,[@.. |IV 'VVIIII O week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. POSTPONES MEETING Charrmr-Nelson. _ • [ ,  "  ! Steve Hail. The Hood Canal Women's Club Nuptmls January 11 • . COMPA00 .... .,te, p,,se.. :i to School at 23 Millard Kresl,eyof Juneau, Alas- meeting scheduled for Thursday, Miss Virginia Nelson, danghter ks, is visitng Mr. and Mrs. E. O. January 16, was postponed be- ,iteral the I A _ Ever- -, Gifford. cause of the bad weather. The new locate'd in [ - l •  )oay s joshing Willie Wells ever now. They're industrious and . :._i ....... /I Pout going back to school The well behaedtheil favorite bev- Mrs. T. B. Smith entertained date has been set for Thursday, / ULIIItllll  • . • . g .' • y - .Mr. Lit-[] ][odern Equlp ,. ember when Willie would hide erage is milk, or a temperate glass two tables of _bridg'e Saturday. Jannary30. Those being pre.,ent were Mr. md At this time there will be a pan- past year 1| .... :i  an the .woodshed--scared to of beer. For them the "three R's" Mrs.  [. H. Gilbert, Mr and Vh's. el diseu to snops uperateo o7 ring his re or " " Elizabet five years I[  13 t card home to Pc. seemto mean: ResponSlhihty, Re- E.O. Clifford, Millard Ere: gey, chairme Mrs  / H Lust and I rs.  arie ship, Vi ,el:;,;-/I Exoeriencedi.ut under the G.I. Bill of soureefulness, Restraint. Wood. " ' that all [ | = ' [v hts, Willie (who has a wife and From where I sit, cynical folks Mrs T. B. Smith will , ,end : Ion- this is a --------=-./[ ,c k y) is gettin a free educa- who thought veterans wouldn't day ir Seattle.   " .... I)n a - - luncheo] ....... I|| t the Agricultural College. wanttoreturntoschoolwouldnt Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dicki son Cushma '"u Il .  ......... 'd Uncle Sam is givin him a stick to steady habitsof work and spent he week efld'in : reme ton. It is " I II !e report: "Deportment, excel- moderati0nhave their answez Mrs Dick Addleman '111 g! :e a E.S.O. s [t/  . Ill • BULLDOZING ' t; Progress, above average" in "undergraduates" like Willie. lunche m Monday in he or o her Cecil Gi mothe , Mrs. Lester Di rinse: . lt k.) Illlll @ DITCHING= Ldllhat'g°es for all those under- . Mr. and Mrs. W. D. rya of HOME I1'" X  atevete.Li.keWillie they   Shelto i spentjackson.SUnday w! h Mr and PLANSMem BASEMENT E { tehtean cuucanon more€than Mrs. (eorge rks IIIII • ING "" '" ' • .2" "' " Mr. and Mrs. John frees t of Econom • BULKHEADING  ....... AaronSeattl' KirkSpentfamlly.Sunday with the meetingswearer ) IIiii  Cop)'right, 19.t7, United States BrewersFoUndatlon The Hoodsport Boy I ?outs will Plans f l I  ' challe] ge the Valley' I ys o a discusse Y II • PILEDRIVERS  '  -- basket )all gameWedne :lay  lght duct the Ill For Land or Wat at the school gym. uary 2,t The Junior Women's Club met Emsley. TEED 111 . DUMP TRUCK For -IS I ire ' . " . of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Nelson, became the bride of Laurice M. Charricr, son of Mrs. Sallie Char- rier of Aurae, Louisiana, Saturday, I Grapeview At the last meeting of the Grape- view Conmmnity Club, it was an- nounced that 300 tickets would be, sold for the afghan raffle. Now it seems those tickets have been sold and the commitee has had 140 more tickets printed to meet the increased demand. The committee would like the public to know about this in case they see tickets with a higher number on thali the .....  ....................... January 11, at a ceremony per- original 300. • " ]V[r ancI .wlls cz tllaCtl8lOll IU(I Dy tile IOllOWlUg • " , Mrs. W. H. Gilbert, • ' ch-i ..... Le-isl: ....... formed at the Mt. Ohve Lutheran The Orapevmw Vohlnteer Fire ,E O Gifford, Millard Kresgey, , ,men. _ y.. auve cnmrnan, Clmrch by the ReD William Ha,- Department met at the .ehnnl • " • 'ie EnzaDetfl lonmson anct citizen- - . " - .- ......... MrrsaW. H. Lunt and Mrs. MaI  ship Virginia Becker It is urged bach. . ...... house last Fliday evening; About "''"" tlrt' all members be z 'o-* -- Tne canam-li enurcn was oecor- twnew men were present. They Mrs. W. B. Smith will spend Men- this is an lmvortant mefftin=."Whe ated with yellow and white daffo- propose to meet on the second and; -v in Seatqe h,,- .... :,h ......... ?" .. dils narcissm and chrysanthe- fourth Tuesday of.each month and I Y, .....  rs Lester Dickinson u'stmn ld*:es "e neveu oy the mums. Miss Nelson chose a pale all our men are invited to come n,,,t the ,,o,, Bremerton It is also announced that the yellow crepe .gown for her wed- the meetings. Next ,meeting -v=: .... -; :""'.2,'-L-n will ive a E S O'stud" rou  will __2=-..57,7 dins. Her hat was adorned with will be on Tuesday evening, Jan- 'TIe Hoodsport Boy Scouts will Plans for future activities wer;I -- ouE cookie" el . . , .with- challenge tle Valley' Boys to a discussed• It was decided to con:[ VISITMOTHER land it ha s e caKe't° g" Wit!} it baske'thall game Wednesday mght duct the next meeting Friday, Jan- Mrs. J C. Hunter of Enciitas some of our lad 1 c:otkges: that uary 21 at the home of ;auline Calif is visiting her mothdr, Mrs ' y t . turns It was also announced Tina Chamberlain. and her other in remembering refreshments for at the home of Mrs.& W. Goodpas- that the county demonstrator will ter January 8th. The,new officers] be present at the first meeting in for the cofifing year are president, I February. Eleanor Addleman; •vice president, I For Sale. Millie Deschamps; secretary, Alice I W.C,T.U. CONVENES McClanahan; treasurer, Dorothy l Tile W.C.T.U. the home HONE u00y'Wuesa-", o: y-nu"r'" 1:11 Palmer. ] of Mrs. L. D. Hack Friday, Jan- ' . The club had as. guests of the I ary 1O. Mrs. Carrie Elliott read evening Mrs. M. Lallathan, Mrs. F. I the devotions. After the business Lallathan, -Mrs. Myrtle Breasmon] meeting Mrs..Roy Eells reviewed and Miss F. Lallathan. I a letter written by the W.C.T,U. of the The,club will give a "March of national legislative director of Dimes card party to be held latex Swart.Wasbingt°n' D. C., Elizabeth A. Wivell's CERTIFIED :l UTERAB L TRM " !SHOP this month. -z "',' Leigh28'year on Tuesday evening, JamlarYat 8Duffield,P.m. at theAngles ide•h°me Of Addi.Mrs. tOO SERVlOEt tion. Mrs. Claude Rhodes and Mrs. William Smith will be co-hostesses. .... e ..,.. For further information call 357-3. mtative Mason County for [ U DR:,LITERAL THIS : &Wd LIN "" .00TROTHAL:.00A"ED ton announce the engagement of S " their daughter, Miss Eileen Drake, i K to Zane Zizz. son of Mrs. Alfred Zizz of Grapeview. The wedding is All Types Auto Upholstery •BUSY planned for late this spring. ty DUCTS OMPANY ! 'ade Fuel and Deisel Oils i PROMPT SERVICE : Franklin Phone 397 A I TORM er can be mighty tough on ton, especially in the Cascades high enough to cover pies several inches thick on wires. But mrs, crews of tele . . and with some rather mrkmtn, experts on :s close as possible to the break aaterials they need over the snos L against sudden storms, well's been built at regular intervals ,ne lines. I to the job to keep repair work.; the meantime, calls ate imm: :r possible. And sooner than you :: aged lines are in use again,. F;r 1: I re now doing to grow with . ) ople work with a splendid .sp! york.. ' and always with you ia  dng telephone service at t ¢b gaod wages and working con s arrd a reasonable return to the te vbo have invested in tbe businesS. ,one and Tele00lraph Co. elton - TelephOne 497 ...................... , ,:! Seat Covers Truck OCAED 120 'E. !Pine - Auto Tops Seats :and •Canvas AT SLTON A'UTO BODY Telephone 145 You may bet these kids are popular, We keep their clothes spotlessly clean--ready to take off to a juke box session or coke jamboree at a moment's nntice. Keep our number before your youngsters, Phone 86. PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 S. 2nd St. Phone 86 \\; F,rs" Steps toward SPRIN6! P:enney'g is :,making .an.. ear" start, ileading the" smart parade to Spring '47:withan advanced presen. tation:of sleek Cynthia* dines! Smooth.striding styles to mt off :now suit b sunny prit's 00.s0 SLING PUMPS In Smart Army Russet 4.49 re PUNCTUATE YOUR SPRING WARDROBE THE TOP ,ZIPPER BAG Here!s one of our best loved styles, in plastic. ROOMY POUCH .BAG So good for a carry-all, yet so dainty, too, you'll want one this spring! THE ENV'ELOPE BAG This' bag will be a gay note in your spriug cos- tume: HERE AGAIN! ! SPRING SHOF00-- O Byight Fabric featuring Neolite •soles. • n blue, green, yellow, red and white. NOVELTY PILLOWS- In assorted colors, celanese rayon covering, cotton comber'filled. Your sofa. 2.00 LADIES' SILK CREPE HOSE-- Lovely hade of Sun Lure in sizes 9 to 10/. 3.98 Add gaiety to ,0 $.00 1.49 Relatives in Shelton. UNDERGOES OPERATION Mrs. A. Hulbert, who recently underwent a majoroperation at the Shelton Hospital, is now at home and is reported to be recovering successfully. SOCIAL CLUB TO MEET Laurel Court No. 26, Order of Amaranth Social Club, will hold its regular meeting of the new Miss Drake expects to be grad- uated from Irene S. Reed High School this spring. Mr. Zizz was graduated from the local high school in 1940. VACATIONISTS RETURN Mr. and Mrs. Don Hutchins, owners of the Lilliwaup Motel, have returned from a vacation trip to Lake Louise and Banff in Can- ada. They also visited relatives in Calgary, Alberta. Before re- turning to Lilliwaup they stopped in Idaho. WALTER SCHUMACHER HERE TO VISIT HIS FATHER Walter Sehumacher arrived here Sunday from San Francisco where he is counected with the Red Cross. He was called here by the accident of his father. M. B. Schu- macher, who fell last week ,aJd fractured .his hip. The hospital reports t.hfit he ts doing nicely, but will be confined to the hospital for some time. Associated Stations Handle Federal Tires At a meeting Just held in San Francisco, executives of the U. S. Rubber Company and Tide Wa- ter Associated Oil Company met to discuss plans for the market- ing and advertising of 'Federrl Tires in the West. On January 1st. Tide Water As- sooiated Oil Company:became the distributor of Federal and tubes in the 'United States in accordance with a con- tract signed with the U. S. Rub- ber Company by Associated's pres- ident, William F, Humphrey. Tide Water Associated's West- ern Division has long been active in tire merchandising and has achieved a high standing in sales accomplishment. This new con- nection enables Tide Water Asso- ciated to market one line of qual- ity tires throughout all .of its di- visions. The United States is the rich- est country in the world in natur- al resources. Coal, iron, oil, tim- bet'. and copper exist in vast na- tural stores and practically every known base metal is found within our boundaries. ,hur:d="-'=Ldey ;11 Jan. 23 -,25 *i 2 FEATURES I IN COLOR I "SONG OLD I WYOMING I "STRANGE ,, [ IMPERSONATION [ January 26 - 29 Starring Thursday,,TRBEE Morgan January lh.OOi ' ,'Margaret (Only) " Barrymore 30 " J[SE Friday. 310'Brien , 2 EATURES "SWAMP FIRE" Red Ryder COLORADO PIONEFAtS '' out' fire fighters. Fortunately some of our fire laddies also belong to our school board so before the meeting they installed some new desks in the school room-to replace some old ones, Mr. and Mrs. Dan 'Taylor and Mr. and -Mrs. Clifford Barrett with their families drove to Malone, Wash., to visit Mrs. Taylor's par- ents 'last suntiay.' And,' by the way, we said in this column last' week that 'the Cliff Barrett's car was n.ew. It looks .quite new but it really is ,a 19:t model Chew'olet, .Cal Mathews bought Cliff's Dodge, While .doing some cleaning in her home one day last week Mrs., Leslie Rice dislocated 'her should- er. She "ha's her arm in a :sling. Mrs. W. R. Spooner entertained a fe w friends at tea last Saturday afternoon, the occasion being to celebrate the acceptance for pub- lication of her took "Shathula Hu's Shoe. Those enjoying the af- ternoon .were Mrs. Andrus, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Saralt Hansen, Mrs. Jane Mitchell. Mrs. FrancesSpoon- or and Mrs. Wren. Like the rest of the northwest we had our share of cold weather last week though not as much snow as we hear other sections had. Th'e local school closed down only for a day or so but the high school bus didn't run because of road conditions in anc around Shelton. Does anyone want to learn how' to knit? Just ask Mrs. Web Eth- erton, Mrs. Margaret Rice--when she gets that arm out of the sling and Mrs. Sarah Hansen how much fun it is. Someone sug- .gested that we form e lmitting club in addition to our other clubs. . Allyn is comfortably settled. The Women's Council honored Mrs. George Milosevich at a bab: shower given at ,the home .of Mrs. R. Shepherd January 16th. Mrs, Milosevich was delighted with :the many beautiful and Useful gifts. Twenty-five ladies attended and all enjoyed the delicious luncheon which was served. Ruth Weckhorst has been on the sick list for a couple weeks 'with a case of ,tonsillitis but is fast imProving. The Austin family attended a birthday party for Gary ,Scher- finberg (Nelda Austin's son in Bremerton :last .Sunday. Mrs. Dore tsdlnproving but has to be confined for another week. V[rs. Cornelius enjoyed dinner with her mother in Port Orchard last Thursday, the occasion eing her birthday. M. Orin Bruffet was called to Salem, Ore,, 'because of the sudden •illness of her father. Mr, McGhee is instructing a class in various musical instru- ments to 'the following Allyn pu- pils: Ruth and Betty Weckhorst, Delmar Griffey, Lois Baker, .Dm:ia Vasbinder and Thommy Cleve- land are studying violin; Sally Weekhorst and Kirby Cleveland are studying accordion; Margie Dore and ackie Shepherd a studying piano; Ruth Griffey is studying ,guitar. Allie Shelgrn and Toby Vas- binder, who accepted a hitch- hike ride, suffered minor injur- Ies when the driver lost control of the car which overturned. Toby has been confined on crutches. Lake Cushman hy Frances RItke A couple of serious looking fa- thers were observed hanging out .freShlyWashed little white squares last Sunday morning at Cushman. It seems that Mrs. Robert Smith, in company with her sister, Max- ine, has returned from Tacoma with her-brand new .baby. And the family is turning out one hundred per cent to ,help tlae girls with their babies, the young fathers exercising their army ,training at laundry work. The Cushman January party took place riday evening at the hoe of Mrs. Dave Collins who was assisted by Mrs. W. G, Pet- erson, eohostess. A .pleasant eve- ning was spent at cards with high pr4zes going to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Radtke..Low to Mrs. Karl ,Lin- scott and 'Mr. Leslie Sandvig, Mrs, .Don Brown, who has been under the weather for tim last couple of days, is now eling bet- ter. M.r. and Mrs. ,Dave Collins were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dickinson of Hoodsport. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Banner of Shelton were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Verne Hill. SM 1/c Robert Rains, recently re-enlisted in the Navy for four more years, made a three, hour flying' trip from Seattle-to San Francisco last Wak.e expects to be stationed 4"here or some tlme and M. 'IRairts and aon plah to Join him soon. Calvary Pentecostal Church 120 East Pine Bt, I Sunday Schoo19:45 a.m. Morning Worship--11:00 a.m. Sunday Evangelistic, 8:00 p.m. 'Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 8:00 p..m. Friday Regular Meeting, 8:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME .... . II I I[ WORSHIP HIM IN SPIIT and IN TRUTH a Assembly .of God Tabernacle 710 Dearborn Phone 476-M [ .... First Baphst Church I J.O. Bovee, Pastor Fifth and Cota Streets I Bible School 9:45 a.m. ..... Young Peoples Meetings 6:30 p,m. I orning Worship 11 a,m. --- "Studies in Romans" .i . Evenilg Service 7 l).m ...... Evangelistic. J, ' ' All Are Cordially Welcome ...... H • " - ll ' i :l i st Methodist ChUrch i - ' A ,Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" .I Fourth and Pine - 1 Sunday School at 9:46 a, m, I Morning Worship 11:0@ a, m, ,i • 'Special Music ,, :1 Sermon Topic: "The Face of An Angel . '! HADWICK W. HARSHMAN, Minister '/ Parsonage 320 N. 4ttl Telephone 276 I t! , a ; " . :,,,,,. Ohve Lutheran Church Telephone 395,M and 230 'Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning worship 11 a.m. LISTEN TOTHE LUTHERAN HOUR Every Sunday at 9 a.m. over KGY, KTW, EVIl2 p.m..KGY, 6 p.m,KOL First Clmreh of Christ, Scientist SH ELTON Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, ,Sclent|sL Boston, Mass. Subject Next Sunday: "TRUTH" SUNDA' SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 80'LOGK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder 'Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to .4 o'clock, and Wednesdays from 6'.45 to 7:45 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET I ,' Everyone. Welcome At .... YOUTfl :for CHRIST Interdenominational Program , 'SATURDAY --- 7-:30 P. M. INGING  SPECIAL MUSIC :RED. 'Wesley Nelson of Tacoma, peaker 'FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIFTH AND COT.A STREETS @441 CHOICE Off FAMOU| TRAINS STR|AMLINER CITY OF PORTLAND" Iv. Portland 4:$0 P.M. 39 hours to Chicago. Six saUings per month .... a beautifully appointed train... Pullman and coach ac- commodations.., no extra are. "PORTLAND ROSE" Fast schedule to Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. Last word in modern equipment ...standard sleepers with drawing rooms, compart- ments, bedrooms, roomettes and sections.., also com- modious coaches. Daylight trip thru Columbia Gorge. I:DAHOAN" n ideal train for Denver, Kansas City and St. Louis. Accommodations for all classes, "P¢JFI C" For Omaha, Chicago and Eaat,.. equipment ,for all clasees of.traveL ,For complete Jn[ormation, inquire of CITY TICKET OFFICE , 11€ South Ninth Street Tacoma 2, Washington Phone BR 2275 UNION PACIFIC *RAILROAD be spa¢lfic. • • I' WINTER .VACATIC)NISTI lay Llnhm .Pacific"  Remember... |un Valley ':It nnw 0pllrl. I I AtO'44=1 D lrR A,V,I,L.I R "'• 6 141 41'Y f'llA'lil '