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Thursday , January,. 2 rsday, Januai'7 23 19.i7 StI',TON.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL , , Page 13
00ood eo.ditloa,
cords slab wood, $15.00. (?lr['Y BA, I{Y/[IALL hanl's Men's Wear sets the city
so. L 0 A N S ,,:,,f) l00;ag.e00 second ......
................. I S IDELINE SLANTS A th V t
FOR SALE: V¢ L pf |,a pace with easy victories in its B T H Up
5:60x17 tires. Needham's Men's .... 2069 39 first (we starts but MeConkey's A the 0 t" earn angs No E×T., .o.
, Hoodsport.
:McConkey Pharm ..... 1 (13327 Pharma('y provided the thrills of l0 r ver lme •
'1 . Morg'an Lmnber. ..... 103628 the initial second lmlf battles in LO S ff d At no er lc dry Ph 392
FORGoodSALE:condition.Oil Phone Collvenlellt Terms Pantorium ................ I 03632 a. l'ourth quarter comeback which SS u ere .y o,c,,
495MX. :Burgoyne Photos .... 0 1 27 33 snatched an apparent defeat out With four of their ranks con- one
R F id I tr00buti,,g 00,,ner,,usly to tl.. t
FOR SALE: Tuxedo. size * Reasonable Rates PolraaI, . ..................... 012338 of the l'ire and turned It into a aymo r ay ,s GET IT STRAIGHT for Coach Rockey, one of the inK, tile Highclirnber B team
condition. Inquire Rayonier . ................. 0 :l .16 31 ,33-27 triumph over Bur'goyne's
Olympic Plywood ..... 0 2 60 72 Photogral)hers, the giant-slayers W L pf l)a To keep tle records straight brightest lights among the Olym- ('.lullced up another impressive
FOR SALE: black * NO DELAY Games Monday of the first half. Contrails ............ 4 1 171 160 and the facts in the right place, pia. jtmiors is his owa son, Dean, victory, 35 to 22, over the Ray-
l,esellves 13.ay-
Cocker puppies. . .............. . .
Rt. 2, Box 259. Near 7---Pantorium vs. Belfair Needham's one-sided triumphs Olympia 3 1 223 1.tl Centralia's prep basketball vic-.who played one of the ends, in mend Friday at
' 8---Plywood vs. 13urgoyne were scored by 31 to 16 over Ray- Hoquiam ................ 3 1 143 125 tory over Shelton actually was by football, is a high-scoring center mend.
9-.-Morgan vs. McConkcy osier and 38 to 23 over Belfair, Elms ................ 2 2 12 4 146 a three-point margin and actu- on the basketball team (27 p0inf.s Wavne Clary and Bol Tobty
FORte order.SALE:dresses,Children's County Savings Games Wednesday while the first ,hal.f championshil) :Montesano ............ 1 2 84 107 ally was 28 to 25, just as the against Aberdeen last Friday), each "bagged ten tallies And Ken
7--Rayonier vs. Burgoyne Pantorium TailOrs had a rugged Raymond ............ 1 2 83 131 scoreboard had it a week back. and a promising ball player to(). Carlson and Norm Buck six
fancy work. Loan Association 8----Needhanl's vs. Plywood time topping a scrappy And ira- Aberdeen 1 3 12,t: 137 If you'll recall, the 3.ournal's So look. out for the Bears in all al )ieee as the fast-moving, sharp-
Elson, 427 Bellevue Ave,
9--Pantorium vs. McConkey proving Olympic Plywood, 36 to SheLton .................. 0 3 87 92 account of the game last week sports for tile next three seasons, shooting Shelton subs raced away
FOR SALE: ski outfit. Title Insurance Bldg. LaLest Scores rehtted the fact that both the a.t least, from a 20 to 17 half-tiptoe advan-
Size 14. Shoes size 7 Back in stride after a two-game 32, a club Morgan Lumber also See Us First For
118W dfter 5:30. losing streak which cost it the found very troublesmae before Raymond 36, Shelton 35 (over- Shelton and Contrails scm'ekeep- Tills AND THAT tage to win iu a breeze as they
FOR SALE: l'il't half championship, Need- tu'ning back, 36 to 28. The sixth time ors had a 26 to 25 count ill theh" How diverse the fortunes can stopped their opponents with a L gging
rubber. New. struggle of the' pmt week yeas Olympia 67, Ehna 36 books in the individtml scoring :be of athletic teams . . , for in- lone point in the third quarter O
First Street. the first half's farewell as Rayoltr Hoquiam 30,'Etma 26 totals, bnt their running totals :tance, the Highelimbers in three and four in tile fourth in a fine
FOR SALE: one small ier edged McCou,key Pharmacy, Centralia 48, Montesano 26 each showed 28 to 25, as did the aorthern division basketball starts defensive e×i, ibition which match- S pplies
• Hoquiam ,t2, Aberdeen 32 Si.deliner's oven runRing score, have lost twi(:e by one point io ed their first half offensive I)cr - ]-!
with plow and disc, High School 27 to 2,1. ......
in on 14 or 16-inch Games Friday The difl'ieuliy arose over a overtime games and once by three formancc.
lathe. :F. B. Honodel, BASKETBALL Getting back to tim pimrma- Hoquiam at Shelton Centrlia basket witieh ,eithe, ... Centralia on the other hazld Silelton (35) ,Laymond (22,
Box 700, Bremerton, ' eist's thrill-producer of Monday Pmymond at Montesano scorekeeper wm sure who st, or- won its first three games by ex- Clary 10 . F Buchanan 7
night, Burgoyne,s enjoyed a 27 Olympia at Aberdeen ed, aud instead of calling for a actly the same margins, one in Tobey 10 F Johnson 3
to 21 margin as the fourth quit- Centralia at Elms elarifiealion imm.ediately from overtime . . . Shelton's feminine Buck 6 C Bogar 4
ter opened but from that pc!at Games Tuesday the officials both scorekeepers kegelers had :t grand idea but it Carlscm 6 G Telle, Wire Rope
SHELTON on failed to tickle the twine with Shelto B at Olympia added the two lminls to Con- came too late when they tried to Boice 1. G Fredricks 2
a single tally while Bill Schirmer, Aberdeen at Ii'Ama tr:flia's running score but left get together the backinp' to send Subs: Sllelton--.Skagen 2, CoLe, Saw Axe,.
Itighe]imbers • Torger Lee and Bill Viger notch- Montesano at Hbquiam the basket off their individual a team to Grand R'qids, Mich., Wells, Ashley, Guthrle, Goln'ick.
ed the tying baskets, then Bill Raymond at Centralla scores, iniemling to cheek at to enter the national women's B.aymond.--Betrezarr 2, Mlloney Blocks
VS. Seiners struck the death blow to " -- ....... the first iimeoui. But: nei.lher bowling congress in March as part 2, Bridges 2, Madsen, }]all, O'Neil.
ItOQUIAM the photographers' hopes with two Shelton remained in the unenvi- lhougitt to ,Io so in the heat of a campaign to bring the 1949 ....... ., Choke,'s
successive tosses and Lee added able position of being the north- of the Imttle and by the end of meet to-.Seattle . • • but entri
another for good measure. The ern division's only victory-less ell- tin: gatne had forgotten lhe ill- had to be in by February 1, which ][O()1{$
GRIZZLIES veteran Somers led the victors', try after dr0pping a heart-crush- ehh;nt, and so arose the confu- wasn't enoUgh time for the local
scoring with ten tallies, a figure ing 36 to 35 overtime defeat at sion over the difference behveen pinfems to raise the $1200 neces- and Other Supplies Necessary
• matched by Harold Wilson of the Raymond Friday, the third con- the scoreboard and the score- sary for such an undertaking . . . .,/// For Safe, Efficient Logging
loser., seeutivo loss 00r,tto00 the 00est t.ey ca,, do ,s hol00, ....
FRIDAY, The week's individual scoring behind the Highclimbers' 19q7 lea- Actually the hasket was scored Seattle is successftfl in getting Operations,
horrors were shared by Bill Co- sue record and :he second ovei'- by Jack P adriek early in the sec- the 1949 meet, then Shelton can
JAN. 24 burn and Buck Armstrong at 19 time setback tn those three games, end half on a tip-in ,which are have maybe more than one team I
224 S. 6th. points each, Coburn pacing Need- While the Highclimbers din't sometimes made in a maze 'of entry . . . ,or is there some Strata
ham's victory over Belfair, but produce their best" brand of ball arms which make it hard to tell Claus with $1200 to sare cruis- I Company
:FORoil burnerSALE:andSinclaircoils, incl .I 2 Games Starting at 7 P M. Armstrong's effort was in a los- by any means, still it wasn't poor Who was the real scorer. It was ins around these parts'.; . . . that
ing room et. • New Shelton Gym ins cause as the Plywood ran playing either which cost them
second to Pantorium and the corn- the verdict, it was just a case of an error in not calling for an ira- snow-delayed game of January ].4
, mediate clearing of the situation between Shelton and Montesano
:FOR SALE: one dum Adults 50¢, Students 40€, Children 10¢ (incl. Tax) bined tally-making of Bob Phil- catching the Seagulls on their
12-ft. bed, lips and Warren Woods. best night so far this season and on: the part of the scorekeepers, has been re-scheduled for Shel- O'Neill 8!d.g, Shelton
new with 5C Butt Dickinson rang up 11 as the uncanny one-handed shooting but fortunately in this case made ton's gym on February 1!, a
sections of harrow, $20. the haberdashers bludgeoned RaY- of Forward Bob King from the no difference in the ultimate out- Tuesday, iu case you want to cot- [
rect yonr calendar of coming _ .......................................... .= ..................................................
nor. Phono 190M. onier in the only other personal corner. This explanation is being made sports events.
:FOR SALE: total hitting two figures during King netted 17 points and after merely to report the actual score, - ...................................
culatlng he
at 1716 :Rid
and coal I FOR SALE: baled
Reason- I ton. Baled oat straw
Q1-23-30 ranch. James
ater. Cal
G11-28t f__._._
ets, stor
11 worh
6. Phon
'1 Wash. Phone
FOR SALE or trade for
u. Two
SALE: nice ice
for house or sulnmer
FOR SALE: hand woven
I blankets, place mats,
I and other linens. As
• z hand or orders taken
I Apparel,1416 Summit
crest, phone 799J.
I Excellent :
FOR SALE: slab wood.
after 5 p.m. $8,00
FOR SALE: one small
motor. 1929
truck. One daveno
kitchen table with four
burner gas stove.
p.m. or all day
Phone 284R.
machine. Phone 596J,
FOR SALE: ladies
suit, box jacket.
Never beeu worn•
quire Journal Office.
:FOR SALE: 150
water tank
boiler, $80 cash.
FOR SALE: mixed
timothy, not
able. Also apples.
FOR SALE', 85 foot
plete with corks
Rt. 3, BOX,
:FOR SALE: dra
new overl
miles south.
Virginia C.
City Hall
' ' Phone
B. Franklin
Phone sz
A. K.
Address: Sheltorh
Rt. 3, Box
Eliot Electric
Title Insurance:
Phone 645 :
119-121 South
Title Insurance
Opposite Flret
Phone 23 '- -
Acoounting TaX
123 4th Bt.
Office at Angle
"--.I the week. The lineups: Shelton had run an 18-16 hIf- give Centrslia full credit, and ex- L M Increases Pin
:",, , GAMES MONDAY time deficit into a 24-181ead with o.eratet.escorehoardkoe,.erof " ¢iA CityL
• MeConkey's (33) Burgoyne's (27) eight straight points as the third L )lympia City League
P H 0 N E Seiners 10 F Burgoyne 2 period opened, personally tool, ally mistake. The scoreboard ,
Smith 2 F Cardinal 8 command to pull the Gulls back keeper, incidentally, is Jack Val- ea s cop
Sehirmer6 C L.Gruver3 ley. o s Basketball
Viger 8 G H.Gruver -t IIOQUIAM HERE FRIDAY; RULE ¢,,,:s pens econ a
196 Lee G Wilson 10 DOMBROSKI DOFFS SltlRT Tomorrow evening when yOU CITY BOWLING LEAGUE
1Weedham's (31) "Rayonler (16) Coa'h Chet 1)ombroski, des- pay your way into the gym to W. L
Gardiner 4. F Kelly 4 perate for some means of watch Shelton and Hoquiam put Lumbermen's Mere ......... 29 16
Leahy F Kendall 3 changing lhe wretched luck on theh' little prep hoop party, Beckwith Jewelers ............ 26 Played In
J.Phillips 6C°burn 6' GC McPhersOnjeffrey 8 whichthls seasonhaS doR'gedtllroughhiSsixballlousesClUb see if the final four minutes of Pastime .............................. 25 20
the game seem much longer in Associated Oil .................... 23 = ...ghl Ne
Chase 2 G Steinberg I) 3' three points or less, has proportion to any other fear rain- Reed Mill ............................ 2223 e ton w
Panlorium (36) l*l)vood (32) vowed to discard the "lucky" utes of the game. Simpson Log .................... 19 26
Cole 4 . F B.Armstrong 19 shirt which he wore in every 'Actually, it will be because us- Active Club ...................... 19 26
D.Phillips 4 F Hutchinson 1 game as he tutored the High- der the 1947 rules there is an au- :Mason Laundry ................ 172S Featuring Shelton's Home Entry
B.Phillips 13 C Fletcher climbers to last spring's prep t0matic timeout fear minuteq High game--Percy Funk, 241
Fredson 2 G White 8 baseball title and has worn in from the end of the fourth quar- High total--Pete Roberts,. 609 MORGAN LUMBER
Woods 10 G Lumsdep. 2 all basketball gamett so'far this tel'. After that rest period the ..........
year, hoping a change of hab- clock stops every time there is With the resumption of play 11 VS, -
GAMES JAN. 15 erdashery may lure Lady Luck a held ball, an out-of-bounds, a following the mid-sche.dule rest,
For Your HEATER - CIRCULATOR - Morgan I,br. (36) Plywood (28) onto the tlighclimber hench for foul shot, or is otherwise "dead." Lumbermen's Mercantile added a I] OLYMPIA Y.M.C.A.
OIL STOVE - FURNACE Levett 8 F B.Armstrong5 this Friday's engagement with So the last four minutes actually game to its city league bowling" tl
Eaton 4 F Hutchinson 7 the ltoquiam Grizzlies in lhe .stretch to six or eight. .ead Friday while its two princi-
Oor:0000e, o Fletoi.er She.°. g00,n. theory behl,,d .,,s ru,e ehollenge00's, 00eck00it..ew-
TTER BURNING, MORE DEPENDABLE Valley 6 G White 8 The Highelhnbers have an- Is to prevent a team wilh a lead clefs and Pastime, were each tast- I d 3anuary 25 - 8 P M.
ASOOrA:TED :FUL')°0R YOU ..... • Eacrett 1 G. Lumsden. 3 .other. tough opponett ca their ,/from lmrposely fouling or ecru- ins defeat as all circuit stitches atur ay,
• "" hands next Tuesday when they mittlng oilier acts for no olher were decided by odd-game fig- I
Needham's (38) Belfair (23) meet the title-favorile Olymi)h reason than to eal up time. urea.
Il SUPPLY f STORAGE TANKS Beanarski 6 F' Foster 2 Bears ill Olympia.' Among other rule changes this The L. M. followed Pete Rob- ADMISSION 30¢, INCLUDING TAX ,
We ave a o Gardiner 3 F Nealy 6 year is one which states thai: if erts league topping 609 total to
from 50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner installttions Coburn 19 C Davis ' .... a player is in the motion of shoot- victory over Simpson Logging
Chase 6 G Pedersen 9 up by their bootstraps to only ins he tan'do so after a foul Company, which earned its sell-I
J.Phillips 5 G Simonson 4 trail 27-24 at the close of the has been called and the basket tary point on the handsome 241
-,,,S'r's'-en Oil lliiA Rayonier (27) MeCoakey's (k4) third period, thenintoatwo-]oint still counts, and this i also true opening game Percy Funk con-
Kelly 5 F Seiners 6 advantage with a minute left to if tl]e foul is against a teammate tributed.
S.Armstrong 5 F ehirmer 4 go. nowhere in the shooting player's The jewelers found the tailend
Mason County Distributor for Associated Oil Products Coffman C Leo 1 The two clubs found themselves vicinity on the floor. Mason Laundry five too tough as •
Jeffrey 3 G B.Viger 5' in a 33-33. deadlock as regular Another states that screening Bill Smith and Hank Woods op-
Kendall 2 ' G Hanson 2 playing time ran out, thanks to becomes blocking if the player ened up with potent scoring bnt
Ken Cardinal's tying basket in the making the screen doesn't allow behind the ,30 a.nd 202 scores of
last minute, then :Mary (.ar,wmght "daylight" between his body and Ron Dodds and Teedee Deer soak-
)ushed the Highelimbers out in his opponent's. Another allows a ed the sudsmen soundly in the
front with the first score of the player to use either foot as his finale with 1016 pins.
overtime. With only 55 seconds pivot foot if he receives the ball Pastime couldn't navigate past
remaining in the extra period, while both feet are in the air and Associated Oil's opening game pin
however, Don Jackson notched his he lands with neither one ahead spilling which saw Bill Noblett,
second field goal of the evening of the other. Joe Holt and Jess Daniels all
filBSON to knot the count and a few scc- LOOK OUT FOR BEARS " topping 200, and lost the second
ends later dnnked through a .foul Other coache in Southwest lwfien both clubs couldn't hit a
shot for the winning point. Washington probably are getting!thinK, but Ken Fredson salvaged
, The Seagull victory was dis- a. little green when they think of the last one with a. 21a contribu-
' tinctly an upset for the High- the nice spot Chick Rockey sits Lion. ,
climbers showings against Cen- in at Olympia right now. The night s fourth match pro-
tralia and Aberdeen had made The Capitol City prep coach ham duced a Reed :Mill victory over
them heavy favorites to whip the what appears to be easily the claSS the Activians, Toad Sergeant an¢l
Willapa Harbor five, even on their of the northern division basket- Mark Fredson seeing to the fin-
UTILIT Y own floor, but the Seagulls, with ball circnit right now, but that ale with 217 and 215 games after
their two-year veteran guard, Kelly tinge comes to rival coaches' the milhnen won a low-scoring
Johnny Dixon, benched and not complexions when they view the opener.
even getting into che game, came Olympia junior ligh martal The scoring:
up with their best performance coming up to Rockey's squads for Beekwith (1) Mason Ldy, (2) 1
TRACTORS of the year as King and Bill Han- the next three seasons, handicap 150 handicap 210
sen between them notched 28 And it doesn't apply only to Dodds 598 Gavareski 513
points, basketbalL The Olympta hmlors Deer 505 Dunbar 516
/ Highclimber scoring was evenly enjoyed aa ulefeated f'()ettball Pearson 475 I.H.Woods 470
distributed among Don Fraser, season last fall, ami now are in Bayley 534 Smith 555
Only $595.00 Delivered in Bremerton (Subject to Clmnge) Ken Cardinal. Carl Sundsten -tnd process of plastering every bas- :Merriek 516 W.Woods 515
Kenny Hagan, with Fraser's play ketball oPl, onent under Iopshled Total 2'778 ota =7 HIGHER ANT|-KNOCK QUALITY
particularly sparking the Red and scores, virtually the entire cas- Simpson Log (1) L.M. (2)
Black. aba roster being members of handicap I31t handicap 120
Will Plow Acres Doil I&ol for 2 to 40 Acres Raymond (3(i) Sheiton (35) the fontball team. This is lhtble Aronson 467 B.Stewart 563 G;IVE$ BITTIR CAR PtR000RMaHCE
,, King 17 iv • Cardinal 8 to carry into next spring's base- Peterson 477, F.Gibler 482
Gacck 1 F " Cartwright 3 ball season, too, for the Olym- Snelgrove 458 P.Roberts 609
21'Goi. Gos for 8-hr. use @ No ¢i.tch to Burn Out Hansen 11 C Sundsten
' piam ira.re a. promising young Funk 602 E.Lindeman 469
, , P.Fredson 4451B.:Macke 502 Now, for the first time in
'A Child Con Ho.dl¢ ond ' aaekson 5 G Fraser 8 pitcher in Jack llemphill, who
Operote Complete Control with Seering Buchanan 2 G Anderson 2 played wh the jtmior leglo. Total 2580 Total 2735
. Subs: Raymond---Gideon, Swee- and in the night baseball league Associated (2) Pastime (1) monds, General Petroleum
ney, Keiser. Shelton Hagan 6, lmst summer with brilliance, handicap 129 handicap 36 is able to bring you a much
Power Take-Off for Mowin 9 or Lever White 1, Buck. To make it the more enjoyable Noblett 532 Allen 488
Skelsey 486 K.Fredson 561 bctcr Mobilgas and Mobil-
o.d Sawi. s O¢ompl,t, ort$ Stock Card,d ARMY ENGINEERS LOCATION OF Holtyoung 539497 KoppexmanDotson 467520 gas Special, As a result ofth¢
00We, rs. 'Rakes- Plows - Dozer Blades. Dis00 DAMS RAPPED BY CLUB SPEAKER 00anieiS00ota00 =3000053 0000e,r00or00.otai govomm000000,
R the sal- Activians. (1) Reed Mill (2) ings on octane ratings, our
y S p Spri h H grounds, handicap 348 handicap 222 rcfincrics arc now making
era ers- ngt00o arrows- . W ation of the Washington State men spawning Gardner 444 Sergeant 540
The Nooksack River dam, he
Sports Council, of which body le said, was recommended by the Willour 390 Drummond 443 greatly improvcdmotorfuels
'" Ope ers'
is secretary, comprised the major Army Engineers despite protests M:cCaslin d60 Elliott 496
: substance of a talk given before of every farmer in the area and Price 459 Gustofson 499 for you-gas61incs that will
members of the Mason County .would inundate 4,000 acres of the Godden 4681M:.Fredson 522 /m;zed]a/e/yraisc thcperform-
00l00l00Alb0000Oll00 P.-I.Sp°rts & Sleet Club last Friday best farm land in the NooksaCkdam at a DeerT°tal Park2569I Total/.%_ T02722
evening by Ken McLeod, Seattle valley, while the same control ...................... anc¢ of'your car through the
hunting, fishing and outdoors could be affected by a upon ,tr00vi,00g n¢
S[ editor, but the real meat of his point farther upstream without
BREMERTON w k d Skii
Gib ,. Chrysler comments were concentrated in damaging the river's salmon run ors
Tractors Plymonth the last third of his time in crit- and without destroying valuable ee en the open road.
The road to Deer Park winter
icism of the U. S. Army Engin- farm acreage.
t Sixth ot Montgomery Phone 4210 eers planning of locations for "Once'the Army Engineers rec- ski area in the Olympic National
' flood control dams in Western ommend a, dam it is, or has been Park has been opened to the pub- POSTWAR MOTORING
, Washington rivers, so far, at least, virtually impossi- lic for week end traffic, the park
, • Specifically citing the :Mud ble to stop its construction," the service announced. One-way traf- PLEASURE 15 HERE-
, Mountain dam, the Nooksack Riv- speaker stated. "That is why fic only will be permitted due to M bil WITH IMPROVED
! . er data, and a proposed Green sportsmen of the state are con- the steep, narrow, winding grade. 0
" D' IS//AY A & FRANK N ' River dam, :McLeod chargedthat ducting such a vigorous fight All cars using the road will be MOBItGA$$'¢IAt
the Army Engineers failed to take against the proposed Green River required to put on chains at the SPEClA
' : into consideration the full econ- dam, for we feel if we lose this park entrance. The road will be oot,,E
S T00ACO SErE ..... / omic picture' of an area when de-struggle irreparable damage will locked at all times except Satin'- Mi00)iiu;(iS
termining the position of these be done to the fishing resources days and Sundays.
tl Ir Aallltr//, and other floo'd control dams. of VCashington." The following schedule of hours
He said that body is now on the He placed Lhe value of Wash- will be in effect, i
• . ...... /, verge of reconmending construe- ingress fishing and hunting re- "Ascending traffic may leave the
DE/ONSA /ATAY /P M\\;\ ' I tion of a dam in the Green River sources "con}servatively at $80 park entrance between the hours:
ION , i' which willdestroycompletelythat million annually, while many ottl- of 8:00 am. and 1:30 p.m. md D|L|R
• river's auge, salmon run, which er factors'not vIdent on. the sur- mut clear the top of the parking
McLeod valued at a million dof face but at least indirectly con-lares by 2:30 p.m.
At-th( Ar/chie \\; tc / " ,ehool lars annually from an cconqmic nocted with our great hunting and i "Descending cars may lcave the
L Lemke'Pll 1: Mile West of Dayton S standpoint, in order to. cot%rol f, ishing as,sets could easily run parking area starting at 2:30 p.m.
floods which annually do less than tt figure to a quarter of a rail- and must be clear of the parking
$200,000 in damage and wh[cl lion doDals." he told his Odd Fel- arcs by 5:00 I,;m. and proceed
..... still be controlled by darns lows hall audience, directly td the etrance.