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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 24, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 24, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I , t I i LITTLE SKOOKUM COUPLE TO BE FETED ON 50th ANNIVERSARY MR. AND MRS. CLYDE WELLS will be honored at an open House from 2 to 5 p.m. this Sunday at the Little Skookum Com- munity hall on the event of their Golden Wedding anniversary. The Wells have lived 48 of their 50 years of married life in the Little Skookum area. Their many friends are invited to help them cele- brate the occasion which is being planned by the Little Skookum Ladies Club, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wells, a couple who will be remembered by nearly everyone who attended Shelton schools between 1930 and 1957, will be honored on the oc- casion of heir 50th wedding an- niversary this Sunday. The Little Skookum Ladies' club has planned an .open house in ho- nor of the pair from 2-5 p.m. Sun- day at the Little Skookum com- munity hall. = The -Wells' many friends are invited to attend and take this opportunity to congrat- ulate them. Mrs. Wells was born Elizabeth Lindsay, in Cincinnati, April 10, 188€, but was raised in the Pa- cific North2estl as. waft her hus- band who was horn October 9, 1884 in Nebraska. On JanuazT 27. 19].3 they. re- peated the vows of marriage in her parents' home at New West- minster, B.C. In March 1915 they moved to a farm in the Little Skookum Bay community where they have :lived since. The Wells have two girls, Betty, now Airs, John E. Bowen, Seattle; and Iris. wh is Mrs. E. G. Van Ackeran, also of Seattle. They, with their families, will be pres- ent on this memorable occasion. Their son. Jack, of Sacramento, Calif.. will probably be unable to attend. The Van Ackerans have presented the celebrated pair with three ffrandchildren and their son and his wife with two of them. making five grandchildren in all If any one couple has been es- pecially close to the growth and development of Shelton in the past half century it is Mr. and Mrs. Wells. After working in the log- ging industry and as a road gra- der operator, Mr. Wells went tc work as u janitor in the lees' school system in 1930. He-worked in that capacity until his retire- ment in 1957. Mr. Wells was in charge of the old Lincoln elementary school most of that time, but did work in all of the schools. Whenever anything went wrong with the furnace, or a window or a desk needed repairing, it was Mr: Wells who did the job. Mrs. Wells operated a chicker hatchery for 11 yekrs near the Lincoln school. It was a special treat to grade-schoolers when i was their room's turn to go t( the hatchery and watch the bab:- chicks .pick their way out of th eggs. She also Worked as a cook at the Lincoln school for four years. :In 27 years of working arotmd school children there has probab- ly been a number of times Mr Wells has thought a child looked familiar, only to find out it was the son or daughter of a former student who had grown up, at- tained adulthood and taken his place in the community. Since his retirement Mr. Wells fills his time keeping their place up. With 113 acres there is al- ways something tBat needs to be done. Mrs. Wells spends her time as do most housewives--cooking and cleaming for the man of the house. Mr. and Mrs. Wells look for- ward with pleasure to their Gold- en Wedding Anniversary celebra- tion Sunday, and the opportunity to greet their many friends on this memorable day. BECOMES BRIDE IN YAKIMA SHEILA RAE PAISLEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Paisley, Yakima, became .the bride of John Scott Driver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Driver, Shelton, in a December 22 ceremony held in Yakima. The bridegroom's sisters, Misses Gay and Jill Driver, at- tended the cake and punch t the reception which followed. His Grandmother, Mrs. E. M. Lawton of Shelton, made the trip to at- tend the Weddih. The newlyweds honeymooned in Mexico, re- turning to Bellingh'flfi ii ti'e 'to"sth'rt'th'6 "WFrf( quaff6? 5f scffool " at Western Washington college. Social Even ts Society Editor , Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 LOOAL MOOSE LODGE SOHEDULES FULL EVENIHG OF ENTERTAIN00EHT SATURDAY Shelton Moose Lodge memDers have scheduled a full evening of entertainment this Saturday in honor of State President Emmet Berg of Mount Ve,'mm. A dinner. class enrollment, minstrel show and dancing will oe combined to make a memorable evening for the honored guesL The dinner, scheduled for 6:30 p.m.. will be served by the Shelton Woman of the Moose. It will be preceded by a 6 p.m. cocktail hour. New members will be enrolled at 8 p.m. by the very capable ri- tual team of the Tacoma Meose Lodge. All sponsors.of new mem- bers are urged to gve the nmnes and credentials of their candidates to Secretary Russ Morken before the dinner hour--earlier if pos- sible. The minstrel show, with black faces and all wilt be presented by the Port Angeles Women of the Moose. This group has won wide acclaim whenever it has given near-professional hour's entertain- ment Dancing and frat, ernizing with members of visiting lodges will close the evening's events. In ad- dition to the delegations from Ta- coma and Port Angeles, represen- tatives are expected from Olympia, Aberdeen. Hoquiam. Chehalis and Bremerton. Local members are asked to ob- tain dinner tickets for themselves and their families as soon as pos- sible by telephoning Governor Ger- ry Hart at 426-4792 or Jumior Go- vernm Joe Cronquist at 426-2020. It is hoped to have 100 per cent attendance of the local Moose members. FEBRUARY WEDDING PLANNED MR. AND MRS. ROBERT TRENCKMANN of Elma, announce the engagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Joan Lucile, to A/1C James O. Pike, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Pike, Memphis, Tenn. A February 16 wedding is being planned by the couple. Miss Trenckmann, a graduate of Mary M. Knight high school and Cen- tralia College, is now employed at J. W. Phillips Distributing Co. in Seattle. Mr. Pike, a graduate of Humes high school in Memphis, is with the United States Air Force at McChord Air Force Base near Tacoma. Rhododendron Society Has Demonstration On Growth of Seedlings The Shelton Chapter. American Rhododendron Society met Jan. 15 in the PUD auditorium. Dr. F. W. Herrick spoke on raising rhodo- dendrons from seed. He demonstra- ted the planting of rhododendron seed in a mixtm'e of peat moss and sand, and the method of growing seedlings in plastic covered coffee cans in the home. During the business meeting Dr. Ben T. Briggs, president, announ- ced the following committee chair- men for the comi:,g year: Program Dr. F. W. Iterric!:: annual lhodo- dendron Show Ernest T. Grant: TACOMA VISITORS FOR JACK SMITH Visiting at the Jack Smith ranch last Sunday were Mr. Smith's nephews. Everett and Henry Mabbot of Tacoma, with their wives and children. A picnic dinner brought by the worsen was enjoyed by everyone. membership, Walter Elliott; pub- licity, Mrs..Terry Orme; telephone, Mrs. Ed McGill; Shelton Library planting, Mrs. S. W. Vander We- gen; Callanan Park planting, Phil B. Murphy. The next meeting will be held Feb. 19 in the PUD auditorium at 8 p.m. The public is invited. Reinforce the natural flavor of beef stew or gravy with beef stock base. ) I,). i'l $45.43 Per Me. $47.66 $345.00 Per Me. $30.60 46343 QUALITY Used Cars and Trucks Down Pay. Per Me. '60 Studebaker Lark .................. $460.00 $44.95 4-door sedan, heater, automatic Down Pay. Per Mo. '60 International Pickup ....  ..... $570.60 $55.57 Heavy duty 2-ton, 4-speed(long wheel base Down Pay. Per Me. '59 Plymouth Savoy V-8 ............ $355.00 $44.85 2-door sedan, radio, heater, automatic Down Pay. Per Me. '58 International Pickup .......... $455.00 Heavy duty 2-ton, 4-speed, long box Down Pay. '57 Pontiac Station Wag ........... $325.00 Radio, heater, automatic '55 Packard 4-dr. sed ............... full price Radio, beater, automatic Down Pay. '55 Nash Rambler Wagon ........ $215.00 Radio, heater, overdrive All Cars and Trucks Winterized! We Buy 1963 License! KI00BEL HOTORS: 11¢ 707 SOUTH FIRST ST. PHONE APRIL WEDDING BELLS TO RING THE ENGAGEMENT of their daughter, Mary Ellen Kangas, to George Arlen Fuller, has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. John Eric Kangas, Shelton. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Fuller, Bremerton. Miss Kangas is a 1960 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school and is employed at the Department of Public As- sistance in Olympia, as is her fiance, who graduated from Brem- erton high school and attended Olympic College. April wedding plans are being made. Journal Want SEY CLUB ROLLER SKATING PARTY SLATED The St. Edward's Youth Club will go roller skating at the Shel- ton Roller Arena at 7:30 p.m. this Friday. Admission is 50 cents per person; skate rental, 25 cents. For further information call the advisors, Mr. or Mrs. James E. Connolly, 426-8548. Meet the first beginnings, look to the budding mischief before it has time to ripen to maturity.-- Shakespeare. LOYAL MOOSE Shelton Lodge No.l Gerry Hart, Governor Phone 426-3047 Russ Morken Phone MEETINGs HELD 2nd and 4th Tue of the Month 8 p.m. Airp • ,q SOHOOL WEEK OF JAN. 28 " Monday -- sandwich, pear and cheese salad. Tuesday gravy on mashed whole wheat muffins, and celery sticks, fruit, Wednesday -- Chili c0I3 cornbread, carrot stie s or cherry cobbler, mill Thursday -- Turkey g dies, snap green be rolls, chocolate cake f Friday Cream of/ sonp, grilled cheese or tunafish sandwich, wedges, ice cream, mill Supplement your chilO with Plenamins fl Prepp's Re] 133 RR. Phone 4 TUNE OUT STATIC.,. TUHE IN PO WITH THE AMAZING NEW TENA TUNER A brand new auxiliary unit for your radio which trap weak radio signals and funnel them into your with greater volume and less static. --SEE A DEMONSTRATION Get Full Details From . . . GAY TAYLOR At Taylor Radio Electric CONTINUING , o, VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER • Where You Get The Best Deal, By George • • ' 2nd and Cots Street Phone 426-466 EELLS Free Delivery WITH YOUR TRADE-IN BAOKED BY FACTORY WARRANTY NO DOWN PAYMENT Hotpoint Electric Ranges of ALL SIZES AND MODELS STANDARD AND DELUXE PRICES AS $ LOW AS SPREE FOR SELLING UNDER HOTPOINT'S BIG RANGES i!::• •.