January 24, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 24, 1963 |
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January 24, 1963
SHELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Page 3
Save 20% to S0% On Quality Furniture
6 Davenport & Chair Suites
All hand tied coil spring base construction.
All foam rubber cushions. Example--One
beautiful light green,
was $349.50 -- NOW $1 9S 00
4 Man-size Reclining Chairs
All coil spring base foam rubber construc-
tion. All either beige or brown. Example--
One Danish-style,
was $139.50 -- NOW $9900
8 Desks, all styles
All finishes, Eastern made quality
struction. Walnut, Mahogany, Blond
NOW--from $3500
4 Only, Zenith 23" T.V.
Drastically reduced. Black and Write con-
sole models. Remote control sets, too.
9 Swivel Rockers Sofa Pillows..... $[
All Pottery {- price
Large and small sizes, four different
• • | •
styles. All fine covers.
All Colonial Style
=50 aria =65 Accessories . . ½.price
regular retail value -- $129.95
with 5 big drawers
regular price -- $59.95
regular price -- $17.95
Open Every Day .. 8:30
to 5:30
Olsen Furniture ......... Company
Last Day of Sale Saturday,
Jan. 26
00/At Hoodsport During The Week l County
Is Part of Tourism,
IWeddings:,,, Anniversaries Honored, o,m Recreation Potential, Study,00o,
I'I;RJ:;(', ddtn : p:ze; atnv isC I nd£ole :: ':: ]?to:: Yis a " "hinf :" tailn, "i'r22rtiC dalct°ni "
Hoe. ' gs an.i i a ./da. or, u hl) t.. y
" i ! 00n,o, ,,o "*o o'
• . federal government's Are Rede- i atim?al and to
-., [ "" ."" " " i [ '. . • .' ", .,, veloTllePmenstudyt Act.xas, initiated at a \\;speelIlC'el°pmen£" recomnqen(latlons., for de-
' The the is to
• meeting last week attended by purpose of study
representatives of the five coun- investigate tne possibilities of in-
* • * Jack Franklin and Jerry is the more progress than Morainic! Lies, Mason, Grays Harbor, Jef- creasing the tourist-recreation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schroc-
m--. .= (let, Bellevue, became the parents
.o00a b00by 00irl last Saturday a,
€...--..___ ie ,'qlllb ) the hake Memorial Hospital in
Bellevue. The new baby joins a
i}r 1I '' brother Tommy. 8.
'. Grandparents are M:r. and Mrs.
.- __ Laurence Munson Shelton and
r. Frank Schroeder Bellevue.
hurst°n :avings & Loan introduces a New - -----
VE B Y-M A!.[, oErIteIIler Owi cIiow
.... ,,:...,,. AS NEAR
'' ' AS YOUR
i £
In the convenience of your own home fill
au: your savings account deposit or with-
wa, records on the handy detachable
tab on the envelope and mail it in the al-
ready-addressed envelope. You can get
these convenient "Save-by-Mail" envel-
°P?sbystopping in, phoning or writing
ezt . . •
YOUR SAVINGS t current almual rates
4%% @
COmpounded four times almually
Shelton Branch
• Th.urston County Federal
Savings & Loan Association
Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the F.S.L,I.C.
9 A.M. 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday
10 a,m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays
Home Office Branch Office
5th & Capitol Way 4) 313 Railroad Ave.
Olympia, Wash.
Shelton, Wash.
DEPOSIT BOXES . Private, Confidential, Economical
N 0 T I Q E :
C,onhnuously Now open Fridays
5,30 p.m. --10:00 a,m, to
son of the Maurice Kaares. Later
in the day a reception was held at
Holiday Beach Club house for the
young couple. Their first home will
be in Potlatch.
On Friday evening in the Ralph
Endicott home at Spencer Lake,
Nancy Young became the bride of
Tom Endicott. Nancy is the daugi]-
ler of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young.
The ceremony w&s performed by
Rex,. Wallace Bell in the presence
of the immediate families. Nancy
and Tom are living in Shelton.
The home Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Johnson was the scene of a party
on Wednesday night to celebrate
the forty-fifthwedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hale• Their
daughter, Mrs. Muriel Gremm of
Pullnaan, spent the week with her
parents and arranged the party in
their honor. Twenty-two of t'heir
old friends enjoyed the evening.
A donble we'tding anniversary
was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Sund and' their daughter
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Lynn Barnett of Tacoma. The Bar-
netts were married a year ago on
their parents twenty-second anni-
versary, Jan. 13 which also hap-
pens to be Harold's birthday. The
two couples met in Seatt'le for
dinner and later attended the Ice-
capades together. This past Sun-
day, Sylvia Sund and Lynn Bar-
nett were honored with all early
birthday dinner at, the Sund home.
George Jarvis has reached the
Jim Scott, five year old son of
the Richard Scotts of Olympia,
along with his family enjoyed a
birthday dinner at Grandma Ro-
sie's house on Sunday. Also pres-
ent to enjoy the dinner were the
And3" Scotts and Wayne Scott
from Seattle.
Vm'ne Gustafson had the rots-
fortunate to hit a slick spot on
the Cushman Road one day last
week and ended up in the ditch.
He suffered a badly broken arm
and spent a few days in the Shcl-
ton Hospital.
Ten of Leslie Gwinn's friends
gathered at the home of Mrs. An-
dy Scott on Monday night to pre-
sent to her a st.rolle] for that new
little boy, Casey Lee. The evening
was spent visiting and playing
games. Aria Yocom assisted with
the refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tornesis of
Paulsbo spent Smlday with the
Fred Johnson family. Mrs. *I'orne-
sis is a sister of Mr. Johnson.
A group of Hoodsport children eu-
tcrtained for the Democratic Club
meeting in the PUD auditorium in
Shelton last week. Kim Miehaets
tap danced, Sandy Borevesky sang
a solo accompanied by Don Bear-
den. Later Sandy and Don played
an accordion and guitar duet. Nol
to be out-done by his big brother,
tsradley Bearden also sang a solo
accompanied by Dermic These
children are acquiring quite a re-
putation as entez'tainers for vari-
ripe old age of six years. A few ous clubs and organizations.
f his littl%friends dropped in on Friends of Rachel Endicott will
a.tt, tray a:tmnoon to help him{ be glad t,o hear she is up 'tud
cemorate. 'snefp]a,'y, was a con> labout after a seige of pneumonia
plete suece hat we hear. l\\;vhich kept this busy young me-
Games were played, complete with[ ther in bed for a wee'k. '
Allyn Port " " '
Commtsston Plans.
Open ,00eeting On Dock Repairs
By u y on Osten new
ALLYN -- Notice is hereby giv-
en to resi4enks of Allyn and sur-
rounding aeas that an open meet-
ing of the Allyn tort Cmhnis-
sion will be held at the Allyn Fire
Hall on Jan. 25 at 8 P.m. Plans
for repairs of the dock will be
discussed. Your views on the sub-
ject will be greatly appreciated
Please plan to attend.
Anyone interested m learning
how to operate emergency equip-
Lnent and now holds a first aid
card, or would take the neces-
sary training to get one- ........
ed to get in touch With e'i,2 s-
Libel, 1%l-
chard Knight or HOWard Wynn.
Phone CR 5-2301 or CR 5-2428.
ciety is showing two short films
on cancer at Belfair Baptist Com-
munity church Jan. 21, at 8 p.m.
Dr. Amaly Frese Will be there
to answer your questions. Re-
freshments will be served. No so-
licitation of funds as this is a ser-
vice to the community women
from American Cancer Society to
help fight cancer.
Birthday Club this month was
held at the home of Mrs. Marg-
aret Rice. A very delightfnl po{:-
hick ,vas served Wha ,..
• 2,," • t gO,,u cooks
we have in Auyn, Twelve n]eltl-
bets and three children at,tended
and Mrs, Rice's daughter, Mrs.
Shirley Vasbinder was a guest.
Everyone staffed thcnselves with
good flod and COnversation Nexl
]heeling will be bold at the' llome
uf Mr:-;. Elaine I{OWalezvk.
MR. AND MRS. EAL Terrell
enl.ertainecl the Von Oaten clan
at dinner and a most delightful
evenillg on Tuesd;ly evening.
M'r. and Mrs. Steve Boyce have
1,el lU'll ed honle after a r lonth's
sty in ChicaRo With their nephew
and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Ri-
chard Paul:son and three child-
ren. They took in Seve,, h,,,.
Zl,'25m ny'200
", 3 went down in a
reproduction of a COal mine The
went down 65 feet • ' "
ant saw all
the workings of a mine. They saw
several of tile skyscrapers and
apartments, On their way
home they stopped at Billings,
Mont., to visit Mrs. Betty Stock-
land and her family. Mrs. Stock-
land is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Terrell.
A MOST delightful afternoon
was spent last Thursday as Mrs.
M'argie Beeson and Karen and
Dmmie, and Mrs. Heather Marsh
and Kathy dropped by Mrs Judy
Von Osten's to see the new little
Shari Lynn and have coffee.
Mrs. Jan Knutson. Mrs. Sylvia
Hanson, Miss. Susie Von Ostcn
and Mrs. Judy Von Osten and
daughters enjoyed Monday after-
noon at Mrs. Elaine Kowalczyk's.
Mr. and Mrs, Sam Clements at-
tended the Golden Anniversary oi
their daughter's mother and fa-
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vert-
tees, on Sunday afternoon
old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Sharer injured his eye and has
!ost sight in one eye and is un-
dergoing surgery to restore his
sight. He is in Hlra'ison Memof
ial Hospital and will he there for
quite sonletime and I kuow he
would appreciate cards. All of A1-
lyn wishes him a quick and spee-
dy recovery.
T. W• Johnson ircm Colder
Creek was in a collision Thursday
night at Belfair• Sorry we deW1
know any of the details.
Ambul:me(, was called to Vic-
tor Ttlursday night to i.he hoill(
of Jack (?ross who sul'fe!'ed :
h('a rl. a thick.
Mrs. Ethel IRothleim and Mrs.
l,eola Nobh called on Mrs Lois
Terrell Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, alu Clelnell ts
were dinner guests of lql', and
Mrs• Earl Tcrril. on Saturday ev-
The Belfair firemen's ladies'
anxiliary is sponsoring a, teen-
age dance Friday, Jan. 25 at Bel-
fair Fire Hall.
To ask wisdom of Gad is the
beginning of wisdom..Mary Baker
ferson, Clallam and Pacific. business in the area as a means
Two members from each coun-I °f improving its economic posi-
ty were appointed to a committee I Lion.
to make the preliminary study. UNDER THE ARA program.
Named by County Commission studies are made to explore the
chairman Martin Auseth as the potential of an area to eneour-
Mason County representatives age private capital to invest in
were Wes Johnson. managm o: the necessary faciliLies.
Alderbrook Inn at Union and Counties elegible under the
Charles Peck. county extension
THE FIRST PHASE of the stu-
dy will be to assemble in usable
detail a summary inventory of all
physical features which relate to
tourism and recreation, including
natural assets, hi ghways and
transportation services, popula-
ARA program are also eligible
for lmv interest rate government
loans to private businesses to con-
struct needed facilities to increase
employment and the area's econo-
mic position.
Use Journal Want Ads
made Br days like "
One ingredient is priceless: 7t the Water"
Visih 's we/co c. Olympia Brc:eing Company. Olympia. Woshinglon. Oly * ' ,
FOR DO-IT- 3,'4" -- 4' x 8' 7-ply plywood
complete wth seat $13.45 .'.
* pre-finshed
stainless steel P H i L I P P IN E M A H 0 G A N Y
Sink Panels
Double compartment -- complete " -- 4 x 8' V-Groove
3.piece cast
Bath Set
with deluxe fittings
Combination SIorm and Screen
Pre-hung, self storing
$1-" 49 5 (,,,ly
$4.OO m
Spray Paint
* °n
L00ghh g Fixtures
9' x 9'
3 patterns 0 81/€
Industrial & Builders Supply
!:__t', Fn'st and Pine 426-4393