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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 24, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 24, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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3anuaw 24, 1963 gIIELTON MAgON COUNTY JOURNAL-- PubIihed in ¢Ch&apos;rLtma,tow.)!, U.KA,']', ghelLon, Wahlngton ii, ...... rage i, iii i - Live Wires 4-H met at the home of Paula Jail 17 with demonstra- gJvel. Polly Sargent gave / Oil bow to set P;dlv .b) Moll gave a de- Eitr0i(kll oil [low I shrirlk \\;VOOl Paul. \\;Vond,s gave a dolqlOp ti,m on ho,v to :ew a hem. lp O}lll) lllel ill)erR diSellSed h) cool] ll]Onev for canal) alld dism/>;sc, d ll:*lly Day. All lhe lbur de(tided oil what demon,- they would do on Dora- Day Patty Sargent is w member of lhe Live Wires is 11 years old. The next \\;','ill 1)e held al the home Jo Moll Feb. 7. the write-up on baby shower last the following persons' Were left OUt that sent but were unable to attend. Were: Zanna Kadoun, Lil- Eilden Smith Mary and Mw'tle Krateha. mthside Bachelors 4-H club at the home of their leader. VVetter Jan. 15. and the members learned how to tie- Leslie Snyder of the 4-H club was a vis- or the meeting and Leslie red the South side Bachelors to iron a shirt. The club decided on their demon- for the demonstration and also talked about a raising project. The next will be held Feb. 19. BIRDS 4-H Club abets met at Robert Kimbel's 16 With all members pros- except Rose Mary Wetter. gave a report on s party and carol- Kevin Wetter sent a letter Southside Bachelors 4-H them for the Christ- e'il e Iosed January 31st thru February 9th ") WE TAKE THIS TIME OFF TO report on lhe Mother's Christmas party and Leslie Snyder will pay He bill for the Mother's Christ- runs party. Terry Hartwell is chairman commiltee for Rally l)ay. I-H Club nwnnbers are to have lheir demonslratlons ready by 'Puesdav f0r the (?ounl, y Deul- onstralioz Contest and Rose Mary Wetter will help the ,1-H mem- Oers with their demonstrations. The next mcetino will be held at Chuck Sheppard's Feb. 20. The electricity meeting will. be held at the home of their leader. Mary Wetter Jan. 26. reported Chuck. Bell Riders Saddle Club skating party will be Saturday a.t 8 p.m. The execulive board meeting will he held Jan. 2,t at 3 p.m. SOUTHSIDE Homemakers' club met at the home of Monna Heinis Tuesday with seven qdults and L\\;vo children attending the meet- inK. The Homemakers club started sewing classes Jan. 23 at Gladys Bains'. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Veto HolhJrf Feb. 19. Skookum Ladies' Club met at the home of Margarett Bishop last Tuesday. Busy Bells 4-H club meeting was called to order at BeeRy Jackson's Jan. 17. Beth Quimby gave a demonstration on hove to make out a cheek and Becky Jack- son gave a demonstration on the three dinner rolls. The club mem- bers picked a skit for Rally Day. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Doris Jackson's Feb. 21. re- ported Toni Cole. MR. AND MRS. Verne Sehuf- fenhauer and family Saturday vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schuf- renhauer, and also visited Mrs. Pearl Brownfield Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kadoun Steve and Kim Thursday evening were Mr aud Mrs. Bob Smith and family of Lost Lake road and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krat- cha. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schuffen- hauer and family visited Mr. and Mrs George Bloomfield Friday ev- ening. Guests of Mr and Mrs. Verne Sehuffenhauer and family Sunday for dinner were Mrs. Peal/l Brownfield and KeiLh Satlerth- \\;vaite. Two Get Minor Injuries In Accident Two Wmnen. drivers of vehicles which eoltided at Sewmth and E N JOY A S H O R T I"ranklin Streets Mondav, received ninm i' ' n juries, Shelton'Police re- WINTER VACATION ported. _ . .. A car driven by Mrs. beua m. HELEN and DEL COLE Trea/hway Olyml)ia ' failed to stop :I lho sLeD si'gn on IQ'anklin St, Mas  " coll,iciing :\\;vithshelton.'One driven by Mrs. uounty Sue Dniels --- -. The Treai.'hway. ca]" ended up on lationers "., • • the la\\;\n of the Luthezan Chinch after glancing off a utility pole. 118 No. Second Mrs. 'Preatl_\\;vay was cited'in Pc- lice Com.L for failure to stop. & } ',_ M_0r_gan, Eacretl's "m Amazing New ALuMINuM COMBINATION IOOOR Chang,:s from Storm Door to Screen Door... SECONDS AS LOW AS '299s FULL I" THICK SAVE SPACE--All lnseres stay on door all year • SAVE WORK--Sliding Panels tilt out for easy washing END RATTLES--Panels cushloned'in wool pile weather- sfripping • VENTILATE TOP OR BOTTOM • SOLID, HEAVY ALUMINUM for years of trouble-free sevlm MORGAH, EAGRETT LUMBER HILLCREST Phone 426-4522 Rayonier Names , Manager of Industrial Relations Nb]V YORK. Charles E. An- derson has been appointe0 Rayo- nier Ineorporated's general man- ager of industrial relations, a newly created executive position, effective Feb 1. announced Rus- sell F. Erickson President and chief executive officer. I'rior to his promot.ion Ander- son. 33. had been assistant man- ager of industrial relations for the chemical celhdose produeer's southeast operations at aesup, Ga. and Fernandina Beach Fla. Iu the new post at company headquarters here• he will be in charge of all the firm's industrial relations activities. A native of Coon Bay, Ore., he at tended public schools in Aberdeen. Wash.. graduating from high school there in 1946. Hong Kong Siudent Meth0dist Speaker Methodists and friends attend- ing the third program of the school of Missions at the church this Sunday Evening will hear Miss Linda Chu, a University of Washington senior, tell of life and education for the Hong Kong stud- ents and of her plans after gradu- ating this spring. Miss Chu will be introduced at the Sunday morn- inn church service and will attend the 5:45 p.m. pot luck dinner pre- ceeding the program. It m expee- ted Miss Chu's presence during the study of Hong Kong will at- tract a large audience as have the past two sessions on Korea and Taiwan wttieh were attended by 265 persons. The Methodist Church invites anyone interested to attend, either or both the dinner and program. Democrat Club G0mmitlees Named The Mason County Democratic Club held its first meeting of the year last Thursday night under the leadership of the new presi- T dent, Wayne Burnett Fund-rais- ing and other activities for the year were planned. The club decided to hold a "come as you are" Valentine dance Feb. 15 at the Dayton Com- munity Hall. Burnett announced committee Cascade Natural Cancer Film Showings Today Gas Observes , . ..... e '?a :- ;?,T&'h%2',':l ioe :4eGetlL ' : Junior.ih the, tor in its ellrC, the Mason CO!lntY I l'ilm: will be shown al 10 "lnd [ Chapter of the American Caneer 3 p.m. with Mrs. John Denison as  lOth., %n:versar. Soeietv will go all out to teach chairman. Dr. Wayne Carte will women how to save their own lives answer questions a't the first pro- from cancer o{ the breast or uler- Rraln and l)r. \\;V. H. Schumaeher Cascadr Natural Gas Cmpora.- us. it was ammunced Ioday bV al the second. tion. whieh expects to complete Mrs. George Cropper. its transmission line to Shelton and begin delivery this year. mar- ted the tenth anniversary of its formation this month. Cascade was established Jan. 3, 195;I. to serve gas to a total or nine eolnlntnlities. Today iL serves customers in 53 localities. THE COMPANY initially ac- quired by merger or exchange o1 shares the operating facilities of :t number of small gas eompames in Washington, Oregon and Idaho and. during 1956 and 1957. con- verted a nmjor portion of these facilities to natural gas. Facilities in the single Idaho town were sold in 1958. Distribution lines were being continually expanded. August 21. 1956. marked the date of tim first town in Caseade's system to reemve natural gas. This town was Baker. Ore. At the end of August Cascade had 7,680 active customers. By year end, eustomers numbered 10.512 and 20 towns were being served nat- ural gas. At the end of 1957, 27 towns were being served. 1960 CASCADE acquired the properties of Consumers Gas Col poration in Bend. Ore., and the properties of Eastern Oregon Nat- nral Gas Company in four Ore- non communities. It also acquired over 98 per cent of the atoek of Paeifie Natural Gas Cmnpany. In August, 1962. Cascade acquired the properties of Pacific by stat- utory merger. Construction plans for 1963 in- volve expenditures of approxim- ately $9 million. Transmission lines are to be constructed to deliver natural gas to Brmnerton. Sheiton and Port Orchard. The Grays Harbor area, including Ab- erdeen, Hoquiam, McCleary, Elma, Montesano and Cosmopolis, will also receive natural gas during 1963. On Jan. 11, 1963. Cascade de- livered a record 150 million cubic feet of natural gas in the 24-hour period. The previous maximum day was 120 million cubic feet. Cascade's growth is evidenced in the fact that the company now bills over 31.000 customers "in its 53 areas. The company's growth also illustrates the acceptance and great popularity of natural gas Two films. "Breast Self Ex- amination" and "Time and Two Women" will be shown free to- day at "women only" showings with physicians present to answer quoslions afler the film program. The films will he shown in the PUD Auditorium in Shelton at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Cropper as chair- man Dr. B. B. Fro'man will The fihns will be shown at the Baptist Chureb in Belfair at 8 p.m with Mrs. George Shackle- ford as chart*man. Dr. Amyle Freeze will answer questions. The films will be shown by Verle Sehreiber. A material sense of existence is not the scientifie fact of being-- Mary Baker Eddy. $2.00 or more the" |terns odvertis AGENCY I I ]_ End'of Month Clearance Large assortment DRESSES an. =99 ROBES Oust... ACETATE GOWNS & SLIPS --. $1.69 I McCONKEY'S DRUG CENTER In Evergreen Square Ill SHAVE KIT appointments which included the in the Pacific NorthwesL. following chairmen: James Bleee- - .......................... ,.er. wa..,,d moa,,s: John Bar- Fi Di icl 4 od..=,o iekman, reception: Tenna Stock- re sir ,,... .,,,,lob,:o,,,.orb, Well, economies; Pearl Bergeson, U-- Ir-.__ I'_L__II i Reg m " "  11. gg' telephone; John Drebick, labor; ii|a, rlre agnou! -- THERMOMETE R Gladys WhiLe, raffle; Charles Sa- 'Pile ]9 members of Mason '9' __ira ¢ '!,I?.o .--__ wge: parliamentarian, and Thel- County 'ire i)ist):iet No. 4 at- im q/ Oral or Rectal. Case i,daded. Elinlea ..................................... : ........... VV" . maEntertainmentKnceland, the meeting firotendi'(ginstructionthe fifthmeetingsin a serieShead Ota lB ' PROTECT RECORDS .... --"-K??'*$1 29k/$'/# . """ " -   e " " '//J ,,.,as provided by a youthful gt'oup discussion of Lle...use of respira- . * ............... ' :..-  H Vy I*t¢lSt'l¢ of nnlsicians consisting of Brad- tory eqllipment last Thursday " POi00TA WilW : .... . ,.,,,,,., ley Bearden, Don Bearden, Kim nig:ht. Michaels, and Sandy BorovesRy. The speaker was Clinton Maehl, Walgreen 949 y., ll,l" I ! mill I " ' m v .:" rLUUR .......... -- L Hotas over 800 records Zock & key Professional, oval[, mfe ,.i The next meeting of the club MounLlake Terrace, Chief of King q';|'IILIi'(IP':'N * ............ .-";'":"= PROTECTOR is scheduled for Feb. 21,8 p.m., CountyFireDistrietNo. 4. COUGHSYRUP ile,...-,...-......-..--.....-- _ _ ; ---; .... . at the P.U.D. auditorium. Mem- The" next fire school session will bershil) is open to all interested__ I m°uth-t°-m°uthbe Veb. 7 with a speaker on, Reg. C C . $11l I  0 Democrats. resusitaLion, and ASPIRIN  IwPIH [iilk R IttA . + ,,.: ...... 99 490ta-t,n. Cho,e,,e,¢ol.or, ba,d,ess ................................. Z/OIl 89 oneerArea p Seeks Leed : \\;.l.t////a , Pi Gr0u S sc OVBR 1 fULL'POUND ,, ,,, ,, ,, 1 [00rr400l00 'uxu'* ° "- ......  ' r'tr/l¢[/O/! L00 0ad Rei0c,,,e on C0un , v [NTS00 By Betty Am, *hero and food and, of course, to sew. 7: HAND PIONiR.---Aetion is underJThe next meeting will be held ,.. 4io  4' € way to have county the home of Mrs. Cliff Van- m _=- _' CREAM the ;ower section of Leeds Loop de,'Wal of Dee,. Creel{. ] !/- -, ,1 ....1. at V,,,x ::,o,*,,<, *a,r.,, I.. d,,_ I! Road and construct a new road. I Four-year-old Loretta Simpson 1 The new roaa woma run near Its home from the Orthopedie) I Fo Now, .u.,, ,*, / /[ m¢/]/z, .,,k' .ie.°°di--limttti I[/ # ,,'Z" II the section 1in e, approximately [ Hospital in Seattle after under- t //Z'i  .  k' ,rein ilrness. - One.t'durth mile *rom the bay. A, going hip surgery. LoreLtaisthe, i ,:,, ,49L..,dea petition to this ettect ,,'as circu-]daughter of the LeRoy Simpson's ] I  V V ] k 1 m "V lJ m  kO" // Cal" ..... 1 I latedove,in thetheLeeClSweeOOPeno eommun-and ,x ] of Simpsonville. " 1 I "]", sho, =a ., ,, *'',"_., 1 '... Z--..'.//. ..... i ity " , ' .- . " ,as ] Mr. and Mrs. Cliff VanderWal [  m I  { .............. signed by a majo.nty of the had Sunday droner at the Norm l i :5oee:l |, BABY , ! /I I. PANTS : • --n-nv r%g#Nfln !,_ Ac  .,.,,n.,,,,. <, " "" -i;e a re-ort - - met xut tneir leader, Mrs. Mar-/ veeer w.l, gwnen ,t ..... m co,-'p,e[el°n the sur- tin AuseLh' in the ,chert effin-'. 'a!7:' nc V I ! ,ll',ll}}}})))) . MINERALS  Y ...... .-. .... ,.,. ". bau,h home Wednesday evening / o.,,. .....  ..... , ,v,,. . • %';.::': ......... 13o- I !_," "'////d 2: I. :f::°;::,:-  '- / ..... he Pioneer se  .. , Reeent visitors in the Claude/ .... :ht with thirt'-'" ,-Irwin home .,ere he,' mother,] "  .--::R nay n ........ i+..u7lve gins Mrs. Ray "Walder of New west -] presezj'[d,," ;o;t'.e: z mothers minister, B. C., and her niece ¢O.onCTaj, ,. ...... 3 9s and a-LuPa  ,-a els. (lames and nephew, Sandra and Bradley • were iiP'Y2s  sh'own * d;ove on Vollanns of White Rock, B C I w.miuyu I APPLICATnn¢ '--'--- mombers - ...... hold another meeti., ob B ,n =°°' " = " cOUNTY POMONA was held the Multipurpose room of Pioneer 1LI. ^ ro, 19 .. JUNIOR A T at tho Agate Grange SUnday with sohool Eve,yono is .rged to at -- ,, --iNAL 45 members and four "uests tend and anyone wishing Lo join [ ,,,.D ............... "1'-- l-,. L. /ITAM]NS & MiNERA present. Dinner was served "to will be more than welcomed.  Special fOtuls fbr 3 the group by the Agate Qran, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Erickson of t 12  otdl |n Ladies. The regular meetin )f Seattle visited in the home of her the Agate Grange Will be teld brother, the A1 Jones', of Pick- Friday night, ering Passage, Sunday. Everyone l( "! lhxtleoflO0 i1 Leonard Rice visited With +h will be glad to hea: that Mrs. Shore lJoys Saturday While his Jones, Sr., who has been quite parents, the Floyd Rices wo, ill, is feeling much better. in Olympia on business. - THE KIDS at Spencer Lake are Earl Gilmore celebrated his enjoying the freezing weather and S3rd birthday Sunday. Friends are skating on their local pond who stopped by to Wish him .... =" LUNCH KIT SEAT BELT ZIPPER BAG FORMULA more" found him in the"b ...... " with every contraption available. ' est of health and enjoying life to the follest. Wayne Sushak eelebraLed his 12th birthday Tuesday With a swimming party in Shelton. Friends helping him Celebrate were Brock Shero. Gary Raymond, Curt- is Strockey, Clyde Landsaw and Severt Auseth. Ed Coleman and Cliff Brahan, both of Seattle. visited in the home of the Ed Bunnell's, Sun- day. Still at home recuperating from a broken anle received in a skating accident is Tom Bunneli. but he hopes to return to school next week. Mrs. Jalmer Auseth is now at tle home of her Son Lyle Au- seth of Shelton, following surg- m Shelton Gener cry " at Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Dotson and son, Mike. Seattle. visited m the home of Mrs. t-ubv 1)anielson over the week-end. ° The Agate Sewin Circle met in the home of Mrs. Jack Shero of Leeds Loop Road Thursday evening. FOUrteen members were present to enjoy the conversation Remember the P.T.O. Board meeting at Sally Taylor's Jan. 31 beginning at 8 p.m. In ease someone hadn't heard of the winners of the P.T.O. drawing in December. The winners were: First prize, Clyde Landsaw, who chose the registered French poodle, and second prize. Mrs. Grace Taylor. Vancouver. B.C.. who received the doll and her complete handmade wardrobe. The Raymond Walkers of Bay- shore had a pleasant surprise Sun- day wb.en old. old friends of theirs, the James Perry's of Seattle, dropped hy. Week-end guests of the Jim Taylor's were Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Silw. Grant's Pass, Ore.. and Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Jones. Vancouver. Jones is the editor and publisher of the Lariat Magazine. The Silva's brought with them the Arab mare the Taylor's recently purchased from them. If anyone has any news items they would like printed please phone Betty Ann Shero--426-3683. hank you. lamous 'IV Cartoon Sta¢ design. Colorful fiat vinyl AII hardware /ncluded. style with 10 oz.. vacuum :Easy to install. Exceeds bottle, minimum safety require- eg. 89 me.. $3.29 ................. 2 Reg. ,.gs ................ 5 25 t' SHAMPOO with • ,...,,..: tuu or L- -!',,.,,-,,":;:l SHAMPOO/J-:':'] . easy--manage, use //[ , .7.£ r [' .. or. B;g 32 oz, //'"ov,,,.,d. ///.. CHOmL  il  xN\\;"¢. TOT-TOTER ATTACHE CASE REI Fits over cer sear, too. Tougher than leather  Lightweight, sturdy plas. Texon. Twist locks. 63 o,o00o, I Ro. .............. o 99 zoo, Black ................. ' 0' Pl,a, Frd. T=x or.lttgll..e, w*,,he.d,(kL a & SET 49' 59" 73'