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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 24, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 24, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: " q t 24, 1963 fiHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chri.tmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington i of distress arising from Ulcers due to Ex- ; Acid--Poor Digestion, Souror Upset ,assiness, Heartburn, Sleep. c., due to Excess Acid. Ask for Message,, which fully explains ![L'S PHARMACY KEY DRUG CENTER REXALL STORE ArTsTngfrom Hoquiam Is Home Opponent Saturday H ULCERS 0000c00ss.c,o CRUCIAL SITUATION FACIHG °..cos. CLIHBERS FRIDAY AT C l II U : Over five re}Ill I • , . ,;. ' ,; , - . ,  , .  all OIYMPI( AA I I A(,U[ state ton]namnt have bee]). XV L pf pa but wrapped up by the two ':U'- , See Emerson TV : and Stereo ..... at Johnnys Music Box : 205 Cota St: I'm proud the RLD'S EST )BILE INSURANCE COMPANY LES YOUNG 2325 Callanan 426-2428 West Bremerton 7 0 402 312 East Bremerton 5 1 318 260 South Kitsap .... 3 3 259 247 SHELTON ........ 2 3 236 242 Central Kitsap 2 3 245 280 Port Angeles .... 2 4 280 310 North Kitsap .... 0 7 302 391 Last Week Port Angeles 55, Shelton 53. West 56, East 39. South 51, North 37. South 44, Central 28. Central 40, Port Townsend 35 (nl). This Fridqy Shelton at Central. • N.orth at East. Port Angeles at .West. : Thin Saturday Hoquiam at Shelton (nl). South at East• Next Tuesday North a't Central . West at Lincoln (nl). It's getting down to brass tacks for Highclimber hoop hopes--they cati'L afford to lose any more 'hall games to the non-Bremer- ton entries in the Olympic leagaze's AA division. So Friday night's trip to Sil- verdale to tackle the Central Kit- sap Cougars takes on the pro- portions of a must win game for Coach Jim Doherty's cohorts. TWO OF THE LEAGUE'S three berths in the West Central district playoffs leading to the Bremerton schools. The third is up for grabs with four clubs reaching. To be the grabber the Climbers must continue their mas- tery over the non-Bremerton Kitsap schools. So far they've knocked off North and South Kitsap. South busted up Central Satur- day at Silverdale to keep the Co'agars from gaining an advant- age over the scrambling quartet, which includes Port Angeles (victors over the Climbers Friday at Port Angeles) as the fourth member of the square. SOUTIt, CENTRAL and Shel- ton have all lost three games, Port Angeles four. The Roughrid- ers face a tough assignment Friday. meeting unbeaten West at Bremerton. South is in deep, too, meeting East at Bremerton Saturday. ,. So a Shelton win at Central tomorrow along with a South de- feat could leave the Climbers alone in third place, the rung they want a leath-hold upon. The home folks get a look at their Climbers Saturday night when Hoquiam comes to Shelton gym. This is one the Climbers want, too, in revenge for a 60- 49 setback suffered at Hoquiam two weeks earlier. The Climbers will be pointing for Omar Parker, the Grizzlies big center who beat them with a 26-point blast. g: :,,: Illness-Weakened Climber Cagers Fade in Final Moments At P.A. Unable t0 hold a high-level first half smoothness, the High climbers saw victory slip from their grasp in the final five minutes at Port Angeles Friday night, 55-53, in a cleanly - played, Well - performed Olympic league basketball game. The Climbers functioned with exceptional smoothness in the first two quarters, making few mista- kes and holding the Roughriders at bay with a tenacious defense while building up 18-10 and 31-27 leads. Disintegrat)ion started with the second half, when Larry Powell, a tower of strength both on offense and defense, was kept on the bench by Jim Doherty after a coughing spell during the half-! time rest. THE ROUGHRIDERS scored Seven straight points to suddenly Spurt ahead at 34-31, before the Climbers started to roll again. Then Bill 'Sloan, Jim Goodpaster, John Anderson and Mike Carte found the range as the Climbers fought back to a 36-36 deadlock and on to a 40-36 advantage. The quarter closed with Shelton still ahead at 44-42. The Climbers either led by two or the score was tied for the first 3, minutes of the final period, then went to a 49-46 margin on Gooctpaster's field goal and foul shot with 5:00 on the clock. But the Riders raced ahead with a pair of quick baskets for a 50-49 shade and were never headed ag- ain. A steal and fastbreak lay-in by Dan Peacock at 1:10 gave the Riders a big break and a foul Dave Denny ran it to 53-49 heft Sloan nicked the threads to pu' the Climbers back into contention with 28 seconds left. SOPHOMORE Bruce Shamp tos- sed m a pair of fouls on a one- STATE FAR MUTUAL AUTOMoBIL[ INSURANCE COMPANY orne Office: Bloornin gtOn, Illinois 59--20 Electric Home Heating e Clean As Electric Light "" The cleanest way to heat your home is with "'""ELECTRIC.home heating--the modern system that cre- -9 tes. heat instantly, silently, automatically. Electric heat is as clean as electric light--and as Silent, too. VVith warmth-by-wire, there's no fuel, no storaje 'requirements, no flue, no fumesjust the, even warmth that You can control, room by room, with individual thermostats. Your walls, your draperies, carpets and furniture Will stay clean longer. Ask for the facts about the home heating system of tomorrow that,s here todayclean, quiet, comfortable electric heat. O and-one situation with 24 seconds but Bob Walker countered with a 10ng set shot at ten seconds to leave the issue still in doubt at 55-53. Walker stole the ball again and managed to get off a desper- ation shot from far out at the final gun but it missed• Thongh handicapped with his fourth personal foul nfidway through the third quarter, Good- paster had another big game for the Climbers with 21 points and 19 rebounds, the third consecutive game he has led Shelton scoring. He has scored 52 points in those three games. Powell's strength on the boards was sorely missed by the Climbers in the second half, as well as his scoring. Fie was hitting well in the first half, hitting fore" of seven shot.s for eight points. Bill Smith regular starter, was also below par with a cold and did not start although he played most of the second half with Powell out. THE LONG RANGE shooting of Dave Denny in the second quar-: ter, during which he scored nine [ points, kept the Riders from trail- I in K badly at the half. [ The Climbers hit 22 of 66 field[ goal efferLs and 9 of 16 foul shots. I Port Angeles 21 of 61 and 13 of 24 The lineups: P. A. 55 StIELTON 5:t Peacock 9 f Anderson 4 Peterson 1 f Orr Shamp II c Goodpaster 21 Denny 16 g Sloan I0 Orsborn 16 g Powell 8 Subs: P.A -- Johnston 2, Ditlef- son, Pearman. Shelton --- Smith 6, Walker, Carte 2, Olson Score by Quarters Port Angeles 10 17 15 1" "- o-- -;)o Shelton 18 13 13 9 --53 Glaude Gooke Stars In Junior Holiday Bowling Tournament Claude Cooke had three fingers in the pie when prize awards were portioned out at the COnclusion of the annual junior holiday bowling tournament concluded at Timber Bowl. Claude had top score in both the scratch and handicap boys sing- les competition with SCOres of 529 ,159-189-181) and 554 [208_133_ 168 plus 45 pins handicap} as well as sharing the bous donbles title with Del Hartwell on a 1014 total. Del hit 106-111-86 plus 126 spot for a 429 total Claude 203-126-211 plus 45 spot for 585 total. In mixed doubles Peg Bloom- field and Len Robinson led the field at 1107. Peg rolled 190-126- 143 plus 90 spot for 549 total, ten 176-174-130 plus 78 Spot for 558. The scores have been sent to National American Jumor Bowl- ing Congress for consideration. In the bantam division the win- ners were: Boys singles (hand}capt._Jerry Robertson 302: Girls singles (han- dicap) Susan Bloomfield 312; Boys doubles --- Tom Demmon and Bruce Hoard 608; mixed doubles--- Sonja Ahlquist and Blame Pear- son 679. HANDICAPPED BOWLING Despite just learning the in- tricacies of the foul line, Bobby Kimbal roiled a turkey (3 con- secutive strikes m the handi- capped children's bowling play last Saturday at Shelton Recreation. He shot games of 88 and 132. Other scores were Carl Bloom- field 64-69, Bobby Neimeyer 69- 89, Jimmy Smith 54-59. David Castle 39-46,,and Tommy Kuntde 69-113. FRIDAY MIXED LEAGUE Hep Katz You NameIt .................. 36 20 ................ 30 26 Suburbanites ................. 27 29 Twisters .......................... 20 36 High games _ Verna Johanson 156, Chuck Knudson 199 High series  Betty Thompson 385, Rawlin MeInelly 519. Hep_K.atz 3 (Rawlin Mclnell 3 519),lmWlsters 1 (toy Hicks 461) XoU IN it 3 (Chuck Thompsot 492), Suburbanites I (Chuck Knud- son 514 ). ",,'\\;  l I III/// "Hi:At'- ] ! I U412 ELEgfRICALL¥ ' H/I IX\\;\x 7------ ii]l]lllrJnmlllllllllnll]|lltlllll|tl]lllllfllllllll i,lqllll[llllllllUnllll illlllllSlllllMlllllllllllmlltllnlnmllllll[lll lllllllfllHlmmglllmmmllllgllllBlIINffllllBimlHilflmllnllsmn • 'OUTDOORS IN MA,C) bJ C(M IMTY _ :.:,:.,.,.:.:,::, ....... gUlII[IIIIII]ItIILUUUl HN[UII[U]UUU IIIUI]fllINHNIIINmUfllUNIII]HIBIIt]IlU[lUlIUBflUNNSIIIHN (?OLD SLOWS S'rEELHEADING Low, clear water following the extended dry, cold weather has slowed steelhead fishing almost to a standstill recently. Only one catch was reported during the past week to Shelton's iwo report stations aL Wingard's Spor Shop and Verle's Sporting Goods--that by Dave Woods with a 7-pounder from the Skokomish Sunday. However, the weekly report for Olympic Peninsula streams issued by the Game Department shows 13 fish taken by 29 anglers in the Skokomish for the week ending Jan. 21. Seven of the fish were marked. The Dosewallips showed 6 (4 marked) for 23 fishermen, the Duekabush 5 for 21, the Satsop 8 for 70, and the Chehalis 0 for 13. Best fishing appears at this time to be for season cutthroat along the shoreiines oi Oaldand Bay, Hammersley : Inlet ,and other southern Puget Sound areas. GIANT OCTOPUS TAKEN Rog'er Reeves of Portland bag- red a 74 lb. octopus during a skin- (living jaunt off Seal Rock Sunday, he reported to Verle's Sporting Goods. " GOLF CLUB. CALENDAR PRICE HEADS LINKS GROUP Over 70 members (nearly half the roster) of the Shelton:Bay- shore Golf Club turned out for the annual membership meet;ing and potluck dinner ,Monday night at the Bayshore clubhouse. With no additional nominations from the floor, the officer slate re- commended by the nominating committee was elected without change, elevating Buck Price from the vice presidency to the presi- dent's chair, Jim Morrissey to the vice presidency, returning Jim MeComb for another term as sec- retary-treasurer,, and adding Dot Willour, Polly Parrett and Max Schmidt to the board of directors. Price succeeds Glen Ferguson, who was absent due to a vacation in Hawaii. so Price presided at the •meeting. Ferguson had been president for two years. Reports from standing commit- Lees indicated a good year finan- cially and in other respects. Mem- bership chairman Ray Rice report- ed the club now has 100 golfing members and 45 social members. Pro-manager Ray Walker clari- fied the playing, situation during freezing weather, explaining that the greens take a severe betting from 'the freeze-thaw squeeze if played upon after the thaw. A $200 check .was presented to the club treasury by the men's 19th Hole Club. McComb's finan- cial report reflected continued pro- gress by the club in retiring its mortgage and house chairmffn Jim Hillyer's report.showed substan- tial improvements during the year in replacing and improving club- house, equipment. Phil Bayley, greens comnlittee chairman, re- ported On course improvements, which inchlded Yeplacing both the bridges, the nev green on the sixth hole, tree planting and gene- ral grass improvement during the year. . 19th HOLE CI.UB ELECTION TONIGHT First 1.963 session of the men's 19th Hole-Club is scheduled to- night at the Bayshore Clubhouse with election of officers as the main order of business. Festivities start at 6 p.m. with a symposium, dinner is at 7 p.m. (to 0e served by the Epsilon Alpha Sigma ladies) and the business session at 8 o'clock. FRED SNELGROVE RACKS 625 TOTALS MEN'S CITY LEAGI;E W L Simpson Timber ............ 6 3 40&8 ................................ 6 3 Beckwith Jcweh'y ............ 6 3 Rishel Logging ................ 6 :3 Wilson Company ........... 4 L:2 4  Lumbermen's Mere ............. 6 Shaub-Ellison .................. 3 ' 6 Frisken Oil ........................ I 71/,_, High game---Fred Snelgrove 248. High series-- Fred Snelgrove 625. Fred Snelgrove supported a 248 middle game with 190 and 187 crutches for a 625 series in men's city league bowling play Monday night in the process steering 40 & 8 to odd game victory over Simpson Timber Sam Diggle 501}. Beckwith Jewelry, off to a fly- ing start on Cliff Howard's 231 opener, was the night's only shut- out winner, over the L.M. (Aub Blockberger 516 }. Rishel Logging (Neal Demeree 574  and Shaub-Ellison , Stan Ahlquist 571) were 2-1 victors re- spectively over Wilson Company ,Allie Robinson 508 and Frisken Oil (Ky \\;Vilson 533,. CITY PIN TOURNEY Shelton's annual city bowling association tournament is schedul- ed for weekends from Feb. 2-3 through 16-17 with action on both the Sh¢lton Rec and Timber Bowl hines. Team competition will be held at the Timber Bowl Feb. 2-3 with singles and doubles at Shelton Ree Feb. 9-10 and 16-17. Approximately 50 teams are al- ready signed up for the tourna- ment. STAN STASHES 603 IN MAJOR MAJOR LEAGUE W L LaBissoniere Agency ........ 7 2 Northwest Evergreen ........ 6 3 Jim Pauley, Inc ................. 6 3 Timber Bowl ...................... 5 4 Dan's Nite Rawks .......... 2 7 Ols0n's B & B Shop '....i. ...... 1 8 High game---.Rawlin 224. High series-Start Ahlqnist 603. Stan Ahlquist's 603 series con- tinned a string of 600 totals in the major league Friday night and, with Rawlin McInelly's 224 opener, paced LaBissoniere Ag- ency to a 3-0 win over Jim Pauley Inc. (Fred Snelgrove 523) North- west Evergreen (Bert Hoard 567 and Dan's Nite Hawks (Chub Nutt 525} were 2-1 victors over Timber Bowl (L. L. MeInelly 568) and Olson's Barber & Beauty Shop (Lloyd Clark 524 respectively. Travelers Get Hot At Cenlralia Play Ray Rice banged 602 and 626 series to lead Shelton's entry in the Evergreen Travel League to a big day at Centralia Sunday. In the morning round, the Tim- ber Bowl entry took 3 of 4 points from Elma. and in the afternoon whitewashed Lacey for a revenge victory ..... In the Laeey match Dan Wilson pitched in With a 609 series and Stan Ahlquist a 598. and the lat- ter had a 575 against Elma in the morning. Rice had 211-168-247 and 176-223-203 in his big series, Wil- son 215-203-191. With the 7-for-8 success. Shel- ton moved into strong contention for the league lead. NOW --- TWO NIGHTS 40 & 8 VOITURE 135 PRESENTS FUN ON FRIDAY and SATURDAY WITH THE POPULAR and TALENTED MARTY FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 ...... NOTHING o00gs LIKE A MASON P.U.D. NO. 3 JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, vice-president; ED TAYLOR, secretary;  . .... CLAUDE DANIELSON, manager eighth straight, following a 36-14 success a.t Port Angeles last Satur' day night in which the Climbers took five bouts by falls, three by decision and drew one. Port An- geles [bays a visit to Shelton gym next Wednesday night. Action starts at 7:30 p.m. Here are the results: SHELTON 47, TU.M'tVATER 3 103 lbs.---John Miller S pinned Chuck Gingrid T 2nd round. • Eye Level Controls • Visual-hite double oven • Visual-hite broiler • Hide-away cooking top • Matching base cabinet VISUAL-HITE double ovens mean yaU bake and broil without stooping or bending:Spai k- ling all-chrome interior reflects heat for fast- er browning, more even baking. Ex.lfJsive hide-away cooking top features built-in hard- wood cutting board, Meas-ur-heat to'p urffts with infinite heat settings. MoUnts on matih- ing base cabinet. To install a Tappan "#00" is to re-model your kitchen . • • without¢ostly cutouts or extra cabinetry expense. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY WE CAN OFFER... The 40" Model The 30" Model The 30" Modet Regularly $638.90 Regularly $538.90 with porcelain oven FOR $49995 FOR $39995 FOR $29,995 , 113 COTA STREET Members Olfly RESERVATIONS -- Phone 426-3949 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. At Nothing Down, No Payments Until March . • The matching bases feature a Lazy Susan cabinet • LEM WARREN REFRIGERATION 2nd at Cota * Air Conditioning Headquarters * Ph. 426-2445 Lockhart PA/ 4-2. 145--Loren Gee S drew with Gor- with ::i, .... don Sand}son PA, 0-0.  ,, , .... 154--Rod Miehaelis S. pinnedLarry Becket PA. Shell Modern ;e0t: 165---ike Lambert S pinned Pete : • GOTT OIL Buck PA. 175--Jim Lamont S deeisidned . Chuck Boyd PA,4-1. BAYSHORE ROAD 191"-Ed Bedford PA pinned Ted 426-3322 BaPnes S..,!, Unlimited---.BruCe CraWfot'd Sde- cisioned Larry Frahs0n PA 7-2. Port Angeles Coming Next Wednesday CLIHBERS RUH HAT STRIHG TO8 OVERT-BIRDS, TEDDIES By Denny Vat4ner 112 Ralph Noll S pinned Norn Highclimber wrestlers put on a Oal,Aand T, 3rd round. brilliant show for a sizeable 120 Daron Taylor S decisioned crowd of home fans who turned Doug Meeds T, 11-1. (ut Tuesday night for the "get 127:- Joe Snyder S decisioned Del acquainted" program in hSelton Hinzpeter T, 7-2. gym. ]33--Dan Harvey S decisioned tin Coach Larry .Weir's matmen Starkey T, 6-5. turned in a near-perfect 47-3 rout 138- Dave Turner T decisioned of Tumwater as the home folks Tom Lowe S 9-1. cheered and thrilled to this new 145-. Gerald Rodgers S pinned Bob high school sport. Clifton T, 1st round. In 12 varsity matches, Shelton 154---Mike Lambert S decisioned ,lost by decision in only the 138- Ron Hinzpeter T 4-2. lb. division, where Tom Lowe met 165--Rod Miehaelis S pinned Steve Temperature near or blo nor- the state's third-ranking grappler Scebetli T, 2nd round, real, less than normal:pt:ecipita - in thai class, Dave Turner, and 175- Jim LamonL S won by for- tion. Lows 25 to 35, highs 35 to lost a 9-1 verdict on points, felt. ,  OTHERWISE Climber matmen 191-- -Ted Barnes S won by forfeit: swept the matches, winning five Unlimited--Bruce Crawford S by pins and six by decisions. Jim pinned Frank Huber T, 2nd Lamont, Joe Snyder, John Coch- round. ran and Bruce Crawford continued * * * their undefeated records, Lamont taking his match by foieit. SHELTON 36, .P. ANGELES 14 Geral Rodgers knocked off his 103--John Cochran S pinned Russ Treat PA. opponent in a lightning 42 seconds ll2-Larry Ewing S pinned David of the first round, In preliminary action the Ainsworth PA. Clincher B squad also came close 120---Daron Taylor S decisioned to a shutout victory, beating the Clarence Auchziger PA, 5-0. Thunderbirds 20-2 with Ron Abo 127---Russ Harvey S drew with Increasing cloudiness with,snow Larry Ewing, Roy Gripp and Bus Von Riefenstahl PA 6-6. flurries possible. 3 -- ve Becke " PA pinned Harvery winning by pins and Russ 1 3 _r r Harvey getting a draw. Perry Swett S. -, THE VICTORY was ShelLon's 138--Tom Lowe S decisioned Pat You'll Be Comfortable