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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 24, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 24, 1963
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day, January 24, 1963 Pharmacy Phacts Tiger .olhs Are Belfair Plans Benefit Dinner For From No,, n:,er Active In Trees e other day we had a frieno on Dick Mc00(ay Injured In Accident Leription that couldn't be re- Sunday, W. F. GoLf found ac-  : d without his doctor's auth- t%e c,rerpit!ars on ornamental II) Ia(,hel Frcclin iIEIBERS OF Evergreen Gar- ¢tion. "While he was wailing, pines and Douglas firs aL his s able to cool him down a BELFAIR Heading Belfair's den Club will welcome eonlmunity little with the .&ngleside home, Shelton. news this week is the community help on two projects now under- story of Henry Despite current cold weather wide interest in plans for a bene- way. The group is collecting rum- The VIII of Eng- the insect larvae had emerged fit dinner for Dick McKay. The make for sale in April to raise land. It seems from eg'gs and were rapidly de- local logger, whose official narne hinds for its Scholarship gift to a that. along with is David L. was seriously injured North Mason graduate. Mrs. Earl his many wives, foliating the trees, last Dec. 17 when he was struck Anderson and Mrs. Claire Bogle HemT also con- Home owners and Christmas by a falling tree. Released from are co-ehairmeq of the sale. sidered himself tree farmers should inspect their Harrison hospital in Bremerton A committee has also been sLu- to be an expert evergreens occasionally during the he is now at his North shore home, (lying local history and contacting pharmacist, next six weeks for the presence of but neck, shoulder back and hmg State Park officials to see if a He spent many Tiger Moth caterpillars. They injuries will keep him inactive for marker and planting can be placed of his afternoon's grow rapidly after hatching, and some time. near the flagpole a.L Belfair State ,u,g such horrors as "His can defoliate trees quickly. Both organizations and indivi- Park. The marker would give some A spray of DDT or Malathion duals in the community will take of the history of what was so long OWnwith somePlaster"20 otherC°ntain-in- in water will quickly kill Tiger part in putting on the smorgas- known as "Plum Point" because pearls and guaiacum Moth caterpillars. Spray caterpil- bord dinner, set for Feb. 10 from of the wild plums that liued the lar clusters and thoroughly cover 12:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Represents- mouth of Mission Creek. Anyone fact, it got so bad that adjacent branches on the infested tires from five organizations met who has any information on the the brave dared appear be- trees One shot usually turns the last week aL the Masonic Temple early Mission for the Indians him with even a common cold ear of having to be a guinea trick, but periodic inspection to make the first arrangements which gave the creek its name, or !or his "prescriptions,,. should be made to catch late- and set the date. Groups and their any other historical information Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 hatching broods, representatives were Masons: Bill on the area is asked to call Mrs. McKimson, Perry McDonald, Jerry Calvin H. Mann or Mrs. James Saturdays -- 9:30 . 6:00 :0# C°°k; Eastern Star: Alma Sund" Huff man' NeTs Pha maw strom, Lavina Williams, lvIargaret Evergreen Club members stud- ' r Rice; Fireman's Auxiliary: Gla- led methods of wiring flowers and  Railroad 426-3327 WJfS dine Drake and Arlene Pope; V.F. assembling corsages at their last "W. Kenneth Grande; 'anCl'":l:.'W:--'meeting, held Jan.. 17 in the fire- (Paid Adv.) Auxiliary: Alice Squire and Molly side room of the CommnniLy Mongrain. Church. Mrs. M. r. Newkirk was ON JAN. 30 THE complete com- hostess for the day. mittee, with representatives from BELFAII{ SHOULD be a corn- MAKE AN OFFER all community groups, will meet munity of healthy horses, thanks to make plans for the menu, and to the Chuck-Wagon Raiders 4-H arrange for the sale of tickets, group, which reports 100 percent Several Belfairites escaped ser- participation in their bolting pro- ANY ious injuries on Jan. 17, when a gram from all local horse-owners. REASONABLE OFFER rash of accidents broke out in the Forty-six horses were bolted, with area. Thomas Pidduck of the North 22 families taking part. 12 mere- WILL RE ACCEPTED ON ITEMS Shore was the driver of a small hers of the group sold 54 pills. sports car that left the road and Mrs. Raines. their leader, wants IN OUR REMAINING STOCK THIS crashed into a light pole, shutting to thank all those who made the hgrsday, Friday, alld Saturday, ff power to the north shore for a program such a success. It will be Lime but not injuring the driver, repeated in December of this year. (The car didn't look too good.) A heart attack last week claim- Later in the day, an accident ed John Richard (Dick/ Sexton, If we're still here near the grade school left Gary 53, Bremerton businessman. The Bamgenek with facial cuts and Sextons had been Northshoresum- abrasions when a car driven by a met residents for a number of Mr. Johnson of Coulter Creek years, and he will be greatly mis- - - swerved across the white line and sed in the commuuitv Sm'ivors " - we will close as soon crashed into Bambenek's auLomo- include his wife. Vivian. and sons; as stock is sold out, so bile. John R. jr., Robert, and Gary. And in the evening the Jerrold To celebrate her own birthday MRrMt ,__ __.ll RS Baldwins were trapped for a short and honorMrs. Ella Haberly, who- H U R R Y. time inside their small auto when me birthday falls on the same date, it ran off the Old highway and Mrs. Dellrue Thompson entertain- overturned. Mr. Baldwin crawled ed at a luncheon last week. As a out through the hnk to open one novel touch to the party, cach of the jammed doors and release guests gave a short autobiography, • SHOP MrS. Baldwin, Suzanne, and Jar- telling her birthplace, some of the vis. The family had various minor highlight of her life. and when she fE WILL DEFINITELy CLOSE OUR STORE SATURDAYi injuries, most of them bruises had moved to the community. I from the car seat that fell on top Those enjoying the luncheon and of them when the car turned over. the lovely cake in honor of the I! SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chdsmasfow% U.S.A.", , ,,, ,, i , ,, , ,m,, ,,, , ,- i occasion were Mesdames: George Haberly, Hmmah Matson, David Crosswhite, Ads Miller, George Sumner, Core Orr, Vally "Villey, Elizabeth Bulduc and Hattie Brooks. MI'S. llooks was tile nev¢conler of the group, ha;ring recently mo- ved here from Seattle, TONIGHT IS THE time, the Community Church the place for the cancer-film showing to which all women of the community are invited. No admismon or collec- tion. and a refreshment and social hour will follow the program Also a last call . . . tomorrow is the final date for filing for the local school board. March 13 is the election date. Grange News By Betty Ann Shero The SHELTON VALLEY Grange did not hold their regular meeting Friday evening due to the death of one of their charter members, Mrs. Katie Cooke. "Grandma", as she was affectionately knom by her many friends, died at her home Jan. 15. Secretary of the Shelton Valley Grange for 27 years, she will he missed by Gran- gers all over Mason Couuty. The TWANOH Grange practi- ced for the Gavel Meeting in Feb- ruary at their last meeting. State Grange Deputy Martin Auseth and Mrs. Auseth were guests for the evening. The SOUTHSIDE Grange had a work party and repaired the hall roof. They ate also planning le. pairs on the inside of the building. The Grange plans to start a series of card parties in the near future. The MATLOCK Grange except- ed three new members, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz and Mr. Jim Hickson, at their last, meeting. Three other applications were pre- sented to the Grange to be con- sidered for membership. Plans were made to sponsor a public dance to benefit a burned-out neighbor. The HARSTINE ISLAND Gran- ge, because of the cold, had a quick meeting Friday night fol- lowed by coffee and dessert in pla- ce of their usual potluck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. James McAuli£fe were accepted as new members. COUNTY POMONA met Sun- day at 11 a.m. in the Agate Gran- ge. There were 45 members and four guests present. Charles Sa- vage and M. W. Newkark gave talks on the legislature. Mrs. Nina Dishon presented a very interest- ing lecture hour. Dinner was serv- ed by the Agate Grange ladies. S helton, Washington Kamilche School €sEers Defeat City 7th Graders By Frances Simmons KAMILCHE -- The Kamilche boys basketball team played good bah last Thursday evening when they played Shelton 7th Grade in town. The score was 26 to 2,] in favor of Kamilche. The boys who played were Darrel Krise, Daumy Krise, Tommy Villines. Donald Adams, Mike Clary and Willie Teo. Others on the team were Dave Clark, Eddie Fischer and Wayne Wiles. Friday of this week they play Lower Skokcnish on their floor. Callers at Mrs. Annie Whiten- er's home Saturday were Mrs. George Somers and daughter, Judy Mulholland, Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ahem, Pasco; Mr. and Mrs. Ray James and sons. Tony and Stephen, Tacoma, and Mt. IV[yrtte Roberson, Olympia. Mrs. Celia Kahele of Aubun visited on Saturday afternoon at the.home of lTrs. Ernest Lope- man. Next Sunday there will be a birthday dinner at the Grange hall at 1 p.m. Tuesday there will be a comzty conference of Grange secretaries and home education clairmen at the Progress Grange after which Progress Grange will serve lunch- eon. State officers will also be present at this conference. Callers at the tterberL Nelson home Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Knox, Olympia, MRS. H. R. DALE, Nisqually, visited her sister, Mrs. uwm Petty, Friday evening. Mr. aud Mrs. Edwh Petty at- tended the Ruby Rebekah and Odd Fellows installations Friaay evening of last week. Rev. Dewey BurkeLt, Auburn, will again conduct a Bible study at Kamilche church tonight. Charley Hinton amounces there is a box at the M & in Shelton for the deposit of Christ- mas and greetir[gs Cards. Charley makes the cards over and they are shipped to missionary work- ers. Drink @ glaem of Milk every day Page 9 .... ii , , , , 4-H NEW S Shelfon Valley Clove s The January 17 meeting of the Shelton Valley Clovers 4-H Club was held at the home of Dick. Carol and Sharon Ivers. Beverly Brown demoustratcd how Lo pull a thread ro straighten material and Barbara Din]bar showed how to sift flour. Susan Busack, Sharon Evers. Keith TibbiLs. Joe Brown Carol Evers, Barbara Brown, Rocky Howard and Sally Einarrson vol- unteered demonstrations at the next meeting. It will be held Feb- ruary 6 at the home of Barbara Dunbar. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments served. Chuck Brown, reporter ALIENS MUST REPORT John P. Boyd, District Director of the Immigration and Naturali- zation Service announced today that any non-citizen who has not yet reported his address to the Government as required by law must do so before the end of Jan- uary 1963 as failure to comply could lead to possible serious pen- alties. Mr. Boyd said that cards for making this report are available It any P'b's'"O'ce" r"bfficc of the Immigratio and Naturalization Service. Can Save You Tax Money! Arc you clailui.g all drug dc- du(dtms to which you arc eutitled? Thousands of items can be listed. DrugTaxarailable free to our customers--furnishes you an an- nual record. Come in today and ask about DrugTax. It's [tee, Start saz,i.g tax money! PREPP'S Rexall Store Second & Railroad Phone 426-4642 (:Olwright 1962 SALE SHOES MENS -- WOMENS -- CHILDRENS '199 to '7 8s CHILDREN'S RUBBEil BOOTS ,299 , Insulated The BOOTERY E STORE-WIDE PRICE REDUCTIONS Merchandise Reduced In Every Department SALE ENDS MONDAY, JAN. 28 So Many Items On Sale We Couldn't Possibly List Them All NO REFUNDS . NO RETURNS OR EXCHANGES OF SALE MERCHANDISE TUESDAY, JAN. 29- AND WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30 .,Open For Business As Usual Thursday, l, nuarv 31 LUMBER'MEN'S MERCAFi00'iLE