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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 24, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 24, 1963
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Page 12 •  • tJ il d SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- bhle ]In Oh'nstma:town, U.&A., 3helton, Washington Thursday, January 2 • . i • r • • t r • H,n rhanJ 00nnfl,nht Patrick r. Guild Evergreen P • -'" "--"----" -r,'--""- Makes Plans For Meeting Tonilg Olympic District Meet Attended By Eagles Attending the Eagles District meeting in Olympia last Sunday were the following members from the Shcltm Aerie 2079: The Ray M'orkerts. Lloyd Lewis'. Lester Dorsetts, Lmfis Herzogs, and the Albert Lords. the Messrs. VVinston Asche, Frank Mako. Curtis Co- mac. and the Mesdames Louis Asehe and Herman Lorenzen. The Shelton Ynen brought back the traveling trophy. NEW BLUE OX FRI. - SAT, - ONLY Opens 6:45  Starts 7 pan. MIRISCH COMPANY 0 presiey .00KiD Galahad Released |htu COLOR.0E LUXE UmTEOARnSTS COL,J{3L& PICTLIRE ,,,,t .4 '{AbtNER FiLM PRODUCIIOR i Legislative Session To Be Affended By Republican Club The Mason County \\;¥omen's Re- publican Club will atl.encl the Leg- islative Session in Olympia next Wednesday, January 30. rather than Wednesday of this week. as reported in last week's Journal. The visit will be in lieu of the regularly scheduled January meet- ing of the group and in accordance with the ple.n of the president, Mrs. George G. Shaekleford. It will give interested members a chance to become acquainted with the work- ings of the state legislature. The group will meet by 9 a.m. on Wednesday morning at the Tim- ber Bowl. 633 Iirst street. Those wishing to make the trip may call Mrs, L. L. McInelty at 426-3198 for transportation arrangement. New Caller For Salty Sashayers Bennie Berndson of Olympia will call his first dance for [he Salty Sashayer Square Dance club at 8:30 p.m. this Saturday at the Memorial ball. A potluck supper will follow the dance. Bennie and Hilda Berndson hay, started a new class of square dancing which meets at 8 p.m. Monday nights at the Bordux school. JAYETTES MEET TONIGHT Shelton Jaycttes will meet at 8 p.m. this evening at the home of Mrs. Jim Hartley. In Olympia... the N E W WESTERN AUTO STORE In West Side Shopping Center (On Old Shelton Highway) $1o9 per gal. (in your container) VITA- POWER MOTOR OIL SAE 20-30-40 This Thursday, Friday and Saturday Western Auto Store Jim ORR is a member of Radio-Speech Club at ISR. This is a new club which was formed this year. The group puts on a half hour program of high school news and events each week on the local radio station. Jim Orr is an enthusiastic mem- ber of a new club which was formed at Irene S. Reed high school this winter. Radio-Speech Club has about 12 members. The group puts together a half-hour radio program each week News. sports, student interviews. Kook's Corner and coming events are fea- tured on this half hour of enter- tainment on the local radio sta- tion. In addition to Radio-Speech club Jim belongs to Thespians and 'S" Club and is president of Honor The American Legion Dept. ,of Wash. FRED B. WIVELL POST 31 Jay Umphenour, Commander J, Mel Dobson, Adjutant Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesdays FEBRUARY 5 nd 19 -- At The -- Memorial Hall--S p.m. Society. His activities outside of school include Young Life, of which he is wee president. Band. civics, chemistry, honor's English, world history and dra- matics are the classes Jim is tak- ing this year. He plans to attend the University of Washington next year. He is not certain about the line of work he intends to follow but is quite sure it will be in the field of Chemistry. Jim likes sports and has turned out for football and basketball during his school years. Track is his main sport, with the one mile relay his main event. He also does some high jumping. Snow and water skiing lead Jim's hobby list. He also likes hiking and has recently taken up bicycling. Seattle was this senior's birth- place. July 24. 1945 his birth date. During his pre-sehool years he moved to Sbelton, thence to Whidby Island and back to Shel- ton. He is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Orr and makes his home with them on Wyandotte street. He has an older sister. Jim is 6 feet tall has brown eyes and dark hair. 2100 West Harrison Home owned and operated by Joseph Falcone VARIETY SPROUSE--REITZ 19c6003 c STORES UP- TO.- DATE VALUES! Continues NEW YEAR with-- half-gallon. Plastic Container 108 Count Spring Clothespins 63' 5 ½" Round Mirror 7 x 10 Photo Album 63 ° Oven Mills Washcloths 10 in pkg. Insulated Tumblers 19 ° Wool Squares 63' Striped Dish Towels Boys' Flannel Shirts 36 count Clothespins Chamois 3/19' Turkish Kitchen Towels Men's While Hankies 8/63' Nylon Hand Brush Wool Gloves Dish Cloths Tool Assortment Zipper Cosmetic Bags Assorted 324 Head Scarves 2/63' 2/19' Thurs., Fri., Sat. MANY MORE SPECIALSt S. HASTINGS EVERGREEN SQUARE 9:30 to 5:30 / Spring Sales The newly formed Patrick T. Orthopedic Guild met Jan. 8 in the home of its president. Judy Manke. with Ginger Manke as co-hostess. Plans and projects were discus- sed for the spring meetings. It was decided to have a bake sale and a rummage sale sometime in April and May. The remainder of the time was used to work on satin. honer-shaped pillows of various colors to be sold as Valentine fa- -ors. All m'oeeeds will go to the Mary Bridge Hospital in Tacoma. The next meeting will be held Feb. 12 in the home of Ginger Manke High School Boys To Host Mothers At Annual Banquet Next Tuesday evening is the night Irene S. Reed high school boys play host to their mothers at the annual Mother and Son banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the social hall at the high school. Class speakers for the occasion will be: Jim Orr. senior class; Tom Schlegel, junior class: and Larry Powell, sophomore class. Musical entertainment will also be presented. This special evening is for all high school boys and their mo- thers, but as available dining space is limited the tickets are sold on a "first come" basis--so. you fellows had better ask that "best gal" for a date and pur- chase your tickets before it is too late. They ire on sale at school for $1.00 each. THEY ARE WED MISS GRACE Ellen Fuhrer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waf- ter Fuhrer, Sr., of Westfield, Pa. became the bride of Seaman Al- bert Edward Dickgieser Dec. 8, 1962. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Dick- gieser of Shelton. He attended junior high school in Shelton. Seaman Dickgieser is stationed at the U.S. Naval Radio Station, Driver, Va. Homemakers Club Slates Luncheon The Hillcrest Homemakers Club will meet February 6 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Cornell, 1524 Ma- son street, for a 12 noon luncheon by Mrs. Mary Trotter. Members are to bring valentines for mystery pals. At the last meeting 1'8 members and 2 visitors heard Mr. Johnson of the ,Velfare department talk on Dependent Children and Emotional Problems. The club is starting its quilt ty- ing parties again. Mt. View PTA Meets Monday Mt. View PTA will meet at 8 p.m. Monday in the multi-purpose room at the school. Mr. Mervin Christiansen, the Juvenile officer, will be guest speaker. The invocation Will be given by key. Wigton and the flag salute led by Brownie Troop 301. /Cir. Jim Connlly will close the evening with an inspirational talk. Georgine Reed Guild January Meeting The Georgine Reed Orthopedic Guild held its January luncheon meeting at the home of lV[rs. H.G. Angle last Friday. Mrs. W. C. Hutchins was weI- corned into the guild as a new member. Hostesses for the February meeting will be Mrs. Alden Bay- ley and Mrs. H. E. Grant. Royal Neighbors To Install New Officers Royal Neighbors of America will meet at 7:30 p.m, Monday at the Memorial hall. There will be in- stallation of officers. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Willie Quinn and Mrs. Willie ShaY. All members are urged to at- tend. JAYCEES TO SPONSOR DANCE ]FOR TEENAGERS The Shelton Junior Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a dance for teen-agers from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the IWA hall this Saturday night following the Shelton-Ho- quiam basketball game. Music will be by the Romin's. The dance is in honor of National Junior Chamber of Commerce Week. DOUBLE CELEBRATION FOR MISS HILLEsLAND A January 18 birthday party at the Shelton Hotel in honor of Iiss Kay Hillesland's birthday turned out to be cause for a double cele- bration when Mr. R. W. lisser presented her with an engagement ring, iVHss Hillesland is the daughter of lVh'. and Mrs. Carl Hillesland of Silverdale. Mr. lIisser is of the Shelton Refrigeration Service. PICK-N-PULL BUNS is or,u of the recipes Mary Wood brought home from California where she and her husband usually spend the winters in a trailer camp. You will want to serve these buns often.  :I: A trailer court is an excellent place to swap recipes Mrs. Mary Wood has discovered. She and her husband, Earl. usually pull their 17 foot trailer to California each winter and stay until spring. The recipe for Pick-N-Pull Buns is one she brought home with her last year. Mary is a rockhound. She be- longs to the Shelton Rock and Mi- neral Society as well as the Am- erican Federation. She enjoys wor- king in handicrafts. She and Earl put in a garden each spring. Mary's specialty m sunflowers. She raises some lmge ones. The Woods spent their honey- moon in Shelton 36 years ago. They lived in Bremerton while Earl worked in the Navy Yard until 10 years ago when they moved to Benson Lake. He has since retired. The couple has six grandchildren--part of their rea- son for not going to California this winter. They decided to stay home this year so they could be with their family for the holidays. Pick 'n' Pull Buns One package dry yeast, A cup warm water. 1/3 cup sugar. 1/3 cup butter or margarine One cup scalded milk % tsp. salt. Three eggs, well beaten Three and 3/4 cup flour. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add to cooled milk with butter and sugar. Mix in enough flour to make a stiff batter. Let rise until double in size. Knead down with the rest of the flour. Let rise again. Turn out on floured board. Pull off small bits of dough (size of walnut). Roll in melted butter then dip in mixture o % cup sugar and one tsp. cin- nanlon. FROM Pile buns loosely in ungreased angel food pan. three rows. Let rise. Bake 40 minutes at 375 de- grees. Turn upside do/on and cool. Loosen with knife and remove from pan. Place on a plate and watch the gang Pick 'n Pull. de- , liciousI Can be stored in the freezer with foil wrap. Heat in oven when you are ready for them. You'll find them just as fresh as when they were baked. The January meeting green PTA will be beld tonight in the school a U The special feature of 'I ing will be a tape recorl s plaining the "Level svste: in tlc Shelton schools, lr Time will b,, given for who wishes vo ask questi0 eerning the svsl.em. Torg ei Evergreen sclool princil/ i be present to answer aft,' tions, tTohiS neeting is a 1 O all ' d( not underst o system as well as they w, n to. Refreshments will follow ( the social hour.  0, LOAHSi up to o $5 ooo Loans on automobiles, ment, livestock, other security take up to • to repay. Credit Insurance is a able. Phone, sto i or write: SERVICE FI CO. oi 124 Railroad Av 'i Shelton, WashingtOi Phone 426-4447 You'll Like The Prices - at - Cole Road Builders DRIVE OUT TODAY  -- We're One Mile off the Highway on the Cole Road. e, Building Supplies • umber • Plastering Supplies • Mill Wor! • Paint • Hardware P H O N E 426-8224  Westinghouse@ Electric Dryer DLC30 • Automatic Time Control • Handy Loading Door ,, 3 Temperature Settings • Adapts to 115 or 230 Y. • Built-In Lint Collector • Direct Air Flow System ;- ALSO FROM WESTINGHOUSE -- Matching Laundromat, Dishwashers, Water Heaters, Ranges, etc. Shelton Electric Company 419 Railroad Ave. .i i '148oo 426-6283