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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 24, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 24, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iav, 3nlmrv 24, 1963 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY .:IOUINAL-- Published in "Oh'istmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington i .... vm, tern is to prevent stndents from . , ,,, smwlees at the Mountain View A1- RI"H 00ASON SCHOOL HEWS Class To Present Play, "The Many of Dobie Gillis" In Gym Sat. Night By Denuis Shelly the NM gymnasimn Satnrday at Saturday will be perform- 8 p.m. The public is invited to at- One-she\\;ring ouly of "The tend. Loves Of I)obie Gi!lis" as This last Wednesday, report -l}y the seniors. This year's cards were distributed at North rs is by far the Masou. and hope to show On Thursday the Student Coun- 1:o the public in cil held an unrehearsed general taking on too many activities. A certain amount of points are awar- (led for each aetivily with a limit set on the number of points an in- dividual may carry in a year. All the controversy with l his "nev¢ idea of "restriclion" is the nmnber of points qwarded. At present a "compromise" has been agreed np- on in the council and the system will-be voted-on by the high school. The last part of the aganda was general discussion and explana- tkm of the up-coming Student Gustavus Choir Due For Goncert Here Afternoon of Feb. 3 In its 32nd season. The Gusta- wm Choir of St. Peter. Minnesota. will appear in concert here on saddened by the sudden passing February 3rd at 3 p.m. it was an- of one of its most eolorhd and civ- nounced today. Director of the el-minded citizens, Sofus Hansen. choir is Professor Philip F. Knautz, Death. due to an apparent heart attack, came to Sofus sometime cousin of Sheltofs Baptist Pastor Friday at his Stadium Beach home Gene Knantz. where he was discovered by his SohSBy DeathHansen'At HisGrapevieW'Home FridaylS Taken iAfri" GRAPEVIEW --- The eommun- over Sunday to take Eleanm hom.e ity of Grapeview was shocked and again. Mrs. Uhly's many friends will be happy t•0 learn that she is feeling better but must take life quite leisure:y for a while yet. The AI Okoneks were most pleased to welcome daughter, Mrs. Marion Wick and grandson Don- liance Church Sunday. To Speak at tilt key and Mrs. Ost have been • mssionaries to the Ivory Coast, View Alhance Ghurch West Africa for 15 years. The Nationalism is on the march in Osts have seen history in the mak- ing. They have observed the down- Africa Communism is also trying fall of Colonialism. They have to get a strangle hold on this sire- seen at close hand the power strug- tegie area. What does this mean gle now in progress in Africa. to the American; to the Christian? Rev. and Mrs. Ost will bring Rev. Joseph est. assisted by Mrs. messages of both a devotional and est. will be speaking at all the a missionary nature. Sunday servi- ces begin at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School begins at 9:4a a.m. . ing to order at 8 p.m. Tlle treasu- Some of the girls at NM have the First Baptist Church, are an- was born eighty-two years ago day with them. WEEKEND GUESTS of Orin rer reported that approximately been asking for jude (jujitsu) der the supervision of Mason on Murie Island, Denmark. The Don Pogrebas were surpris- and Ethel Buekinghmn were Eth- iC0 . $12 from popcorn. $17.50 frm{ classes and ofter much ado a County Ministerial Association. At the age of 16 he left home ed Saturday evening when a group el's mother, Mrs. Marl Green of J" candy, $12 from after-game dan- schedule has been set up. All girls The choir, with a membership to go to sea aboard a sailing ves- of their Grapeview friends gath- South Bend, and also her cousin, by fusing Tir/#,i ees, and about $75 profit in game interested must have a signed'per- of 70 selected singers, heard sel and the sea was his home for ered at their home for a some- Mrs. Dottle Green, who is visiting particles to small admissions are being taken in at mission slip and insurance. Mr. throughout the midwest, south- a number of years. On his last iiI-s what belated, but none the less from gaper, Neb. Sunday the While its n .in u'  every basketball game• l=tawkins, who teaches boys' jude, west, and from coast to coast, voyage to Ptrtland (via Cape - ' ..... v Buekinghams drove over to Seat- a barbecued flaw: effective, Paddle Pmty. Ha- on TIlE IIlGtlEST item of business and Miss 2ffarv Anne Gol'dou, will make appearances in midwest Horn) he became ill and was un- ing expected to spend a quiet eve- tie with the ladies who plan fur- also goes we wit .,$i 'FIgw  iF'el was the school's new point svs- girls' PE leacher will be tile advi- and western states during its con- able to rejoin his crew, whereup- nin' visiting with the Ed Okon- thur family visits there before re-in hearty, h ,nema leo tern. The main purpose of the s\\;s- sots. cert tour this year. Selected as on he decided to remain perman- ek;gtheturn of events netted the turning to South Bend. Mrs. Marl The NM Dance Band has been one of the five choirs in the nation ently in this country. Pogrebas, not only an autograph- Green's youthful appearance and Cows den d sai  {i'ld = t LES=a=e tnlsy playing for mosto f the sock- to appeal- at the third assembly For some years, while living on ed paddle for their outboard cru- lively activities most certainly be- show symtc ls of ,r Plffll .. II O | ] S dances. All their proceeds and do- of the Lutheran World Federation, Anderson Islmd, he was emptoyed iser, (new last summer) but also lie her 92 years• ,within two weeks. rIe..ERFRONT __ V,EW DES'RABLE LOCAT,ON nl'ect'y t° the ASB- the gr°uP presented t'v° c°ncerts bY F°ss Tug and Barge C°" °f ;re" a deliei°us midnight p°th'ck snp" A F R I 'C A' 0 D A Y at the convention. In its years of coma as a machinist. In i914 Mr. per of "Venison Sla'oganof", along small'home in the downtown area  I-- 1. v -q --  v  has tzaveled extensively with ap- where he spent the rest of his life. Friends joining in the fun were near hospitals then see this one. pearanees in 40 of the 50 states, Not only was Sofus a fine ma- the "Speck" Fredrieks, Joe En-, It has one betroom kitchen, nice MSSONIERE but he also was highly re-gens, Walt Claytons, Russ Wells, living room and bath and base- a Gustavus Adolphus College, home garded for the number of years he Bill Staudts Howard Somers' and, morous and heartt)reaking meeting in front of the PTA. Pre- Funds Dinner. The event is pre- Arrangements for the local con- wife Laura upon her return home nie who came over from Seattle hostess, l'rs. "Jubie" Hicks, was and the Youth fellowship::liteeting Fje event will be staged at sident Gene Foster called the meet- senlly scheduled for March 2. eert. which will be presented in from Allyn that afternoon. Sofus to spend from Friday until Sun- ill and unable to attend, begins at 6 p.m. . Old Hickory Smoke Salt is made microscopic smoke salt-- 'czTstals. While its main use is in .giving a barbecued flaw)r tomeats, it also goes well with egg di'shes and in hearty, homemade sotps:: Cows denied salt will begin to show symtoms of salt defieney - t,e' workshoplarge pictUrep us woodWind°WS'stor- ment. The owner has done exten- of the choir, is a Lutheran college cheerfully, served as a member of ville°f courSe,and Leomathe EdKagerOkOnekS.were alsoOr" IS THE SLEEPING GIANT ON THE R!S? siVesiding.remodeling._..This is a -haSsacrifieeneW rOOfat onlyand o,o. Values . ...... nd' drilled well. Terms ar- C_'M REV. JOE OST, Missionary to the Ivory Coast, West Afr|t'.a, r , at $21,500. Owner would $3950. Terms can be arranged, will be guest speaker at the '.r a trade for smaller home d0n. A. ROY DUNg i./,O F ROOM ATTENTION GOVEY ou will find enough room WORKERS! !ur growing family. Five Two bedrooms, large living ms, large living-dining ar- room, tdtehen has plenty of built- ms, wired for washer and dryer. :place, spacious kitchen The prier $2950.00. It's located in dock, double garage. All the Skokomish Valley and would -ated on an extra large lot be iust a short trip to work. You "good view. This is an ex- can move in with a very small .terms.bUy at $11,500 with easy down payment and $45.06 a me. ' Can't last long on these terms. / MONTHLY PAYMENTS '3 per month including tax- A. ROY DLTNN insurance. You owe it to NOT A MISPRINT f'lo See this fine family It's yours for $6450. A very It has two bedrooms on the comfortable older downtown home [leer, another extra large with three sunny bedrooms, 1% n. up. Basement• Also a spacious baths, a double duty din- ;e and new roof. Low dowr mg room, and easily arranged t. F.H.A. or V.A. terms at living room. Walk to stores and i." work. What more could you ask ?E NTION VETERANS ---would c'onsider rent to right PAY M ENT! party. tdvantage of your G. I. eli- A. ROY DUNN to purchase this brand QUICK THINKERS ONLY bedroom Mt. View We have just been advised by You will Want to move this dandy home with iming hardwood floors, nat- )inets, electric heat and garage. $11,950 is the price. NT .has moved, so you can a mortgage company that they have a home that they must sell by Jan. 31st. It's located close to schools, churches, stores and town• There are four bedrooms living room, kitchen and bath. If you have been waiting for a real good buy, don't miss this. JJ possession. This ..... A. ROY DUNg la home is just right for A MANSION? ,ALMOST! 7J family. Four large bed- :d ' large living room with This five bedroom deluxe is '.e, plus an extra roomy perfect for the family man that  . You can assume the ex- knows what he wants. There are; V• . loan or purchase on a three baths, large living room and i .'t. Just $9,850. dining room, full basement with laundry and, workshop. The yard 'I:U'CED PRICE! 'is beautifully landscaped with one ,},d.aorOWnera .t°ld us to cut the of the finest views in town. This quick sale. He wilt is maxinmm value at the right &clude part of the furniture price. See today. TO(IS One bedroom r This is ..... Hillcresl ........ A. ROY DUNN ;g  - eXCellent buy at u. UWner needs cash but PERSONALITY PLUS! "'-rra_ ngeterms. Call Vince $14,900 ,rill buy this unique -v an ap oin home in a top neighborhood. Its NC=C0 'LISTINGP ment many features include a lovely IESIDE corner fireplace, guest house, 2 *l0is now. Two large bed- bedrooms, excellent yard with pa- :PLUS extra lar e fatal tie and barbecue. It's neat as a lBY;JOnvenie,  g i y pin and in top condition. This is " ' m I ', room arrange- a home with charm and warmth ie'i p :tSt°rage. Well located built in. Ask to see this soon. c. : " .... . mot Water heat Patio area. $11,750. ---- A. ROY DUNN IN__SUBURBAN 10 ACRES, STREAM, see this like-new, three 2 BEDROOM HOME charmer on three acres. Located in the sunshine area near Grapeview. Some timber and mile from town. Beauti- Christmas trees, nice orchard, ber- :% beam ceiling, new ries and garden. Plenty of elbow Carpet. Natural wood built in appliances, room for $5,750.00. well and many ......... A. ROY DUNN us features Owner must Finanoing "arranged at WATERFRONT :.Gg PRICED SPENCER LAKE Three bedrooms, family room /ff ET With fireplace, large living room 1 :buying a 3 bedroom home with fireplace, dock, 100 ft. front- i. ne level for just $10,750. 81 3v;e it, and it's located on age. The price is $13,500---not av- ailable very often. Someone will t,,uiS-jew', and Convenientsh . to all realize this and take advantage -N; Sea--- opp,ng. Large !_. v ,aie utility and de- of this house. o2;ag e. Why not take a A. ROY DUNN 1 i SPENCERacresLAKE • we know you will '0" down to veterans. 3 with 90 ft. frontage, • '" HANDYMA ! abO_ N_ large plot cleared and would be gpr ;o n SP:k an ideal home site or summerre- r.tunity for you treat. Road to real nice, flat beach. ;-llars K IIs and make a at the same time. Out This will go for $37.50 a front "  " n OWner h foot. Not many good ones left at °tt!se tw- -as cut the price this price. ,v  -- u nouses located on 1)fll,°n-ehhaS 3-o.r bedrooms, the A. ROY DUNN e.n¢w2 ; ese w II make excel HOOD CANAL be tau Un ts wi -  " d:;'subm t ;;.,_ th a httle work. Stunning 3 bedroom home, very nice quarters for guests, 3 baths, i ny reasonable of- lovely grounds, breakfast nook, ICE COTTAGE  fireplace and is completely fur-  close in on 190' of water- anyone would be proud to own. t , nished with the finest. A home nd Priced at only $7,450. Why not look this week. I ill enjoy SUmmer or year A. ROY DUNN  iV!ng in this cozy two bed- n .tatra22"_Sliding glass doors HAMMERSLEY INLET e' t PU:rf2 deck. Tidelands FOUl" bedrooms, zone control " '- Peach. heating, fireplace, large utility, e0rt]NTOWN LOCATION wood panelling, 100 feet frontage, "|Is the e - . dock, fruit trees, basement, and 'il il . s . $28,000 Photo and full deserip- and '' Or v vTect home for a everything deluxe. The price is o,:en °nn tion mailed upon request. be rooms. Con- I  A. ROY DUNN With all kind ill  s, Range i- • s o OAKLAND BAY t3i01H Upst  InCluded. Un- • f airs for ' r Storage "r extra bed.- Four bedrooms, large living room, [,ua! sell n,,£.',_, -''' new Iisz- fireplace, dining room, 2 "{e rl0t Iook'--. 'y at $5,750 so baths, den, family room, carpets, . : uuay. and 5 acres. It's a dandy -- $22,00O. Tl,yI EW :!it a point to see this t. A. ROY DUNN • a,, )2 me today. YOU will a re PHILLIPS LAKE e SUburban . PP " : 'eet !ie With"- S.ettmg of thi There is 60 feet of frontagG :iIrenl^^ . oedrooms. Beau- a float for a boat and swimming, , large dining room a cabin with gas range and some ea ° oar, This home i furniture. The owner has cleared !i old, has lots of slot- a large area for lounging'. The illllI'i  Priced at $13,500. price is only $3,250. Worth your careful consideration. REAL ESTATE A. ROY DUNN # 426.6592 ANYTI M E  R E A L T O R t Pirst Street  Eves Ca.: , LTON Mary VOSS 426-8074 426-4601 I E H I M L I E'-'426-6501% PHONE .......... 426-6363 126 Railroad ±"' i i i H "k 4 BEDROOMS, CORNER LOT, HIGH, WIDE AND H A N D S O M E. Nearly new Norman Brick front. Two fire- places, two baths, (one is a shower). Spacious living room w/corner windows. Large fmn- ily room in daylight basement. Laundry room, ample storage. Fully insulated, baseboard elec- tric heat. Small pool. Two-ear port, shop. Priced to sell at $17,500. FHA $975 down in- eluding closing costs. New list- ing today. 2 BIG LOTS, EDGE OF TOWN 2 LARGE BEDROOMS Possible 2 more bedrooms, part- ly sealed. Well insulated. Floor furnace. Circulator fireplace, panelled living room, nice din- lng room, smart kitchen, ex- ceptionally large bright utility. Garage and shop. A w6nderful "buy" for a young family. $600 down. $50 per month. The full price is only $6,600, and a lar- ge cane-berry patch goes with it. r 4 BEDROOMS, ANGLESIDE FENCED i/2 ACRE Abundant family space. Fireplace. Solid maple floors. Living and dining rooms "L" designed 23' x 20'. Cheerful breakfast area, nice kitchen, utility w/trays. Large attached garage. Efficient fur- nace, L/P recessed radiator system. Lawn sprinklers. Worth more than $11,500. Low down on FHA. TOP QUALITY, 3 BED- ROOM HOME, CLOSE IN Superb view locaLion. One o£ Shelton's finer homes. Maintai- ned like new. Panelled study doubles as one bedroom. Love- ly 22' x 15' living room, log- size fireplace w/broad mirror. Gracious dining room. Charm- ing kitchen, breakfast alcove w/fog free windows. Satin- toned hardwood floors. Bath w/ stall shower. Daylight base- ment, trophy room, play cen- ter. Large laundry room, shop storage cabinets galore. Imme- diate possession. The radiant heat is on. Nothing like it for $21,500 Convenient terms ar- ranged. * 2 BEDROOM HOME, OLYM- P I C V I E W Spacious living room. nice dining area, built- ins. Large kitchen W/recessed ntility, Ceilings insulated, gar- age, fenced yard, lawn. Priced to sell for $6,950. Move in for $350 down, plus small cost. $50 monthly. See this home today. * REAL - GONE OWNERS PRICE REDUCED $750 FOR QUICK SALE, Two bedrooms, possible third. Oak floors..Spa- cious 26' x 16' living room, be- autifully carpeted. Unique fire- place. Floor furnace. Smart kitchen includes electric and extras. Garage and PLUS large sealed guest Paved patio. Lovely garden. Full price $8,950, with $600 )wn FHA including costs. -k 3 BEDROOMS, IDEAL FOR YOUNG FAMILY, at a price you can afford. Good Angleside location. 1% baths, large liv- ing room, separate dinin Floor furnace. Half basemen{ w/shop. Two-car attached gar- age. Enclosed yard. Move in for $750 down, $ 60 monthly. price only $7,750. See today, it's a great buy and no costs to pay. ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDRooM ,ME PARTLY FURNISHED ON ANGLESIDE. Comfortable living room, brick fireplace, ni- cely carpeted. Dining space. Ef- ficient kitchen includes electric range, washer, refrigerator. Ex- tra built-ins Drapes 'and bed- room rugs to go in the $9,44 price. We can arrange easy terms. r 80 ACRE FARM 60 acres clear, 3000' broad creek, con- crete silo, 3 sound barns. 2 houses, loads of extras. $16,500. -k 160 ACRES, 6 miles from Sh'elton, small creek, 3 access roads, heavy reproduction in young firs, some older. Ideal for Christmas tree farm. or subdivision. % mile to tidewa- ter. $' 14,500 cash. Call John Devereux. CALL 426-4666 $$onlere A G E N C y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th  Shelton, Wash. EVENINGs: JOHN DEVEREUX 426-8544 SYLVIA CAREy 426-3132 with an enrolhnent of 1.250 stud- the Grapeview Pert Commission. ents. The college was founded by Sofas was also a member of the Swedish pioneers and most of the North Bay Grange, the predeces- students are of Scandinavian des- sor by sorne years of the Fair cent. Noted for its excellent ace- Harbor Grange. demic program and outstanding Survivors include his wife, Lea- extra-curricular organizations, the ra J. Hansen. sons Henry J. Hen- college is considered a "singing school" in that several hundred students audition for one of the three active choral groups each year. Metal salt feeding boxes should be used with care in the winter time. The cow's tongue might stick to the cold metal during zero weather. Fund to help pay off the Dance Band debt for the group's bla- zers. The coats are light blue in color and have a diamond-shaped emblem on the front. EXGEPTIONAL VALUES COUNTRY LIVING AT THE VERY BEST Four bedroom rambler, only 4 miles from town. Massive fire- place, new automatic wood furn- ace. Located on two acres. This m a nmst for the family that would like to be out in the coun- try. Why sit there reading, Hur- ry! EXTRAORDINARY VALUE ON THIS HOME Located on two lots. three large bedrooms, walk-in closets. Utility room. gourmet designed, kitchen with large dining area. Birch ca- binets, furniture arranging is easy in this appealing living room with brand new fireplace, electric heat, attached grage with room above for extra room. Washer and dry- er combination included in this buy for $ii,000. PLENTY OF ELBOW ROOM IN THIS HOME Five large bedrooms, living room. separate dining room for entertaining. Lots of closets, kit- chen has built-in refrigerator, dishwasher, separate breakfast room. large sturdy recreation room. Located on Angleside for $Ii,000. ONE OF A KIND AND LIVED IN AND LOVED This honle is so different that it must be seen to be appreciated. Two bedrooms, living room and dining room combination with fireplace, carport with lots of storage space. Outdoor fireplace, guest house included in this buy for $14,900. 18 CARAT VALUE PLANNED FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE Located in a fine residential ar- ea with an enchanting view of the whole city and Bay and moun- tains. This home has two bed- rooms and a possible third, easy care kitchen, fun-filled recreation room with fireplace, award win- ning yard, double garage with lots of storage space. Shown only by appointment. PRICED TO SELL QUICK!I! Two bedrooms, all plastered, li- ving room and dining room sep- erate, large kitchen and utility room, full basement with new oil furnace. Fenced yard, excellent condition for $12,500. DO YOU WANT ACREAGE? Here is 160 acres and two homes on it. One home has three bedrooms, living room, large ldt- chen. The other home has one bedroom. There are two barns and other out buildings. Located in Shelton Valley. Come in and check this one. sen of Seattle, and Kenneth ot Billings, Mont., as well as step- son Ted Byrd of Grapeview. Funeral serviced were held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Bat- stone Funeral Home in Shelton with cremation following. RAY UHLY was happy indeed to be able to bring Mrs. Uhly home ,his past Saturday from the St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Hos- pital in Seattle where she had spent 37 days. With them they brought Mary's cousin Eleanor, Mrs. 5ark Johnson, tO help. her get settled, lV[r, Johnson d'iving Preferred Properties by Walerfroni Real00 317 Railroad Ave. CALL 426-8277 COUNTRY COTTAGE 3ust right for the young couple who would like aeom-. pletely furnished suburban home! Can be purchased on a small down payment with low monthly payments that beat rent! $4150. MAKE IT PAY! Located in an excellent re- sidential area, this duplex has two-bedromn units, large liv- ing rooms, kitchens and baths'. A small down paymenf on total price of just $8500 will make this income property yours. WESTERN STYLE, //ll'on one able to drop in for a while. As a most suitable follow-up for the Paddle Party, :Don Pog- reba and Ed Okonek spent several hours Sunday afternoon salmon fishing in the waters off Harstine Island with Don getting the only catch of the day. Visitors from long-time assoc- iates continue to cheer Walter Ec- kerr Dropping in the middle o last week was Oak Lodholm, who is superintendent of Peninsula Light, Inc. Sunday Peninsula's forman, Martin Samuelson and his wife drove over for a leisurely visit with the Eckerts. Friday the Eckerts were "chauffeured" a la Webster) to Tacoma by daughter Ann Eacrett and were able to omplete quit. a few errands be- returning home. CLEM AND MARGE Holl spent a very busy Saturday travelling southward. Driving to Longiew they joined friends and drove on to Portland, all returning home bY Saturday night. The destruc- tion left by the October 12 storm was still quite apparent in the general area of Longview Celebrating Friday's school hol- iday, Doug Lutz and his trusty '31 model A Ford safely transported three schoolmates down to West- port and home again. In addition to having a successful journey, the weather was beautiful and a won- derful time was had by all. Lynne Stevens celebrated the three-day weekend by spending Thursday and Friday night in Se- attle with her sister Jeanne and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoskins. Saturday night she spent with sister Kay and family, the Morgan Brassfields before return- Ang to Grapeview Sunday. We are glad to hear that Mrs. John Stevens is feeling much bec- ter after her recent hospitaliza- ti)n. SPENDING SATURDAY skiing I00t. View Alliance Church/ Washington and J Streets SUNDAY, JANUARY 27th Sunday School ........................................................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service .................................................. 11:00 a.m. A11iance Youth Fellowship ........ : ....................................... 6:D0 p.m. Evening Service .................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Prayer eeting -- Wednesday ............................................ 7:30 p.m. Rev, Robert S. Wick, Pastor If you need transportation to any of the ser- vices --please call: 26-3294. FISHERMEN'S CLUB FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH: Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th &[Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, JANUARY 27 Broadcast over 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 11>.00 a.m. Morning Worshil. KMAS "Benefits of Certain "Vords" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 1280- 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service 60 minute Special Feature Film WHAT A BUY! WHAT A BUYI This is truly a aamily home and located on Angleside in a nice se- cluded area. Four bedrooms with large closets, two complete baths, living room with separate dining room with fireplace, full basement with money-saving furnace. Also recreation room in basement. All this and more for under $17,000, INCOME PROPERTY AND FINE INVESTMENTS Apartment house with four ren- tals. All have two bedrooms. Mo- dern building and located down- town. Call us on this one. Apartments. offices, stores and many other features included in this buy, all on Lhe same block. ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate -- Insurance HERB  Phone 426-8272  DICK SUE DANIELS DONALD (Bean) DANIELS 426-3434 floor' A brand-new Mt. View three- bedroom home with attached garage. Total down payment and closing costs just $400 on low-interest FHA financing. LAKE FRONTAGE! Beautiful Island Lake water- front lot; ideal area for boat- ing and swimming. ANGLESIDE VIEW PROPERTY . You can't beat the fine fea- tures of this large three-bed- room home. Lots of space in- side and priced under $11,000 including an extra lot. MOVE IN IMMEDIATELY! Attractive, neat, two bed- room home with attached ga- rage and playroom. $250 down and a total price of just $6950. SALTWATER FRONTAGES 65' of wooded, low-bank pro- perty, 5 miles out Arcadia road. Water in. Cash or terms. 75' on Pickering, beautifully wooded, good drilled well, peb- ble beach. Easy terms. 65' on Pickering, low-bank grassy slope. Gravity water, ex- cellent beach and view. @ i Evenings Call -- Harden Stroud ................ 426-4000 Dick Boiling .................... 426-862 on the slopes of White Pass with several Shelton friends. Pare Clay- ton felt that the weekend had been a real holiday, too. Delighted to offer their services as baby sitters, the Henry Kruizes spent from Saturday until Mon- day at the Lakewood home of their son Henry Kruize, Jr. Be- sides enjoying their three young grandsons, Scott, Chris and Ja- mie. the Kruizes had a first-hand chance Saturday night to become acquainted tiny month-old granddaughter, Jo Ellen. and at thd same time gave the proud parents a long anticipated chance to ejoy an evening out. Former Hoquiam neighbors of the Walter Claytons, St., the O• E. Perrins, dropped in for a short visit and were pleased to find Mrs. Clayton convalescing satis- factorily after her recent surg-, ery. Eight ladies of the Sarah Eck- err Orthopedic Guild met Friday morning at the home of this month's hostess, Mrs. Bill Staudt, for a regular Work and luncheon meeting. Main endeavors at this meeting were the preparation of used Christmas cards to be used in various types of craftwork by Tacoma guilds and the grouping of cancelled stamps. Interestingly enough, cancelled commemorative stamps are. resold by certain Ta- coma guilds and all regular post- age stamps are sent to Oslo, Nor- way, where their sale to philatel- ists makes a tidy profit for chil- dren's hospitals there. Guests at this meeting were Mrs. Anna Dowell and little Miss White who is the pert, bright-eyed granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grigg. Unfortunately, co- "The Big Blast" A TWELVE WEEK COURSE IN Basic Teachings of the Christian Faith Will be conducted at FAITH LUTHERAN GHUROH 7th and Franklin Starting: THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 -- 7:00 P.M) Led By: PASTOR CARL J. CARLSEN Church Phone -- 426-8611 EVERYONE WELCOME -- NO OBLIGATION 1/17 i i ,, i i i i i i SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor Sunday School ........................................................................ 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship ................................................................ Ii:00 am. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p. m. Evangelistic Serviee ............................................................ 7:00 p. m. Wedelay Bible Study and Prayer .................. : ............. 7:00 ix:in. i i. ,i MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Highway So. & Cascade Gerald Herman -- Pastor Sunday School ........................................................................ 9:45 a..m. Adult Bible Class ................................................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................. 1100 i ii ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m.  Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class: 11:00 a.m. -- Divine Worship. The Church is always open for meditation Roy Ritner, Herb Rotter Associates, inc. Income Tax Prepared :-: Some very cheap money on FHA loans WALTER GEORGE  OFFICE 1VfANAGER, BROKER OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 -- HOME PHONE 426-3530 LOG HOUSE Two bedrooms, five acres, good well and water. Orchard, mnall barn, large work shop. Full price $8,500. Sunday SchoOl 11:00 a,m, ,-- ChUrch 11 a.m. Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer ---7:30 p.m. FIVE ROOM HOUSE, three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat and garage. 60 ft. of waterfront, close to town. $12,000 hil4 Care Service Available at 11:00 Service with terms. I1 30 ACRES with eight acre lake, some timber close to black- III v-¢ IMII[TURIIIT UlIIBU ] top road, electricity, stocked with trout This is a pri- I1 vale lake. Price--S35,000,00. ,11 4": ,7";r-" TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, part basement. Priced at III ROBERT R. IQ, M.intS ........ $4,000. Down payment $350: III weep. - . ...... II I m. You{b FenowsIp TWO BED R%OrMe s, fi,ple, electric heat, walL-to-wan carpel II " THREE BEDROOMS,18ng room, fireplace garage and car- I] port. Pr'c $ , • Ill , nd Franklin Street with tide lands, 10 acres witn app 3 ' III CARL J CARLSEN, Pastor cleared. Priced at $60 per foot. /1[I &ffiliatetl', Lutheran Free "Church  lational Lutheran Cotmeil