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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 24, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 24, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pge I6 .... tT&apos;,t ti "' , SHELTON--IIASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, January HARY H. KNIGHT SCHOOL HEWS Girl's Basketball Team Loses Close One To WiShkah, Wins Close One From Elma Group Our recent prediction as to the future of Nellie Chappell's girls' basketball team, duly recorded from visual perceptions aroused through gazing into the Mary M. Knight crystal ball has come true, proving that this journey into the realm of the occult and supernat- ural gave, us an accurate image beyonl any doubt, reasonable or herse: The prediction nearly backfired, owev(r fin the game with Wish- kah which was eventually settled ly MMK losing by a narrow mar- gin. After a rather inglorious be- tginning our girls had the game led up when the fourth quarter ended and lost by a mere two points after three frenzied over- time periods. The game began with our girls possibly under the impression that it was a'formal tea party with Wishkal{, 'pouring. Their hosts poured ah'ight but with deadly ef- fect into the old hoop. a serving which proved to be a bitter brew • -itholsugar or cream. The Owl- ettes made only two points while laxing and admiring the enter- l:ainent produced by their oppo- nts who had tallied 10 points r themselves when the first quarter ended. By means of frantic signals, ludging d a few broad hints, Coach Chappell finally got the ilea acrQss that it was a game ra- {her ttlan a social hour and that something should be done about it. After this moment of truth had lly germinated, the girls tossed away their tatting and livened up he. party with the fighting spirit d6 characteristic of MvlK, Grad- overcoming Wishkah's lead. he game was all tied up 24-24 as the whistle ended the fourth quarter. Wishkah finally won by a 28-26 score after three excit- ing overtimes. OUR GIRLS found they could really play basketball when they elated: down to work. overcame the defeatist complex and discov- ered they were as good as anyone else. This could have been ny-' body's game since the score was lied until the final moments. These interesting quarter and overtime scores show how MMK overcame an impressive lead and fought their way right to the top: Quarter MMK Wishkah 1 2 10 2 8 16 ' 3 15 22 24 24 OvrtTmes ,..1 24 24 26 28 PointS niade by individual play- "s: Jackm Landm 10. Gloma Av- eJW 8, Kristine Graham 8. Profiting from the Wishkah ex- perience, the Owlettcs played a group of girls from Elma high hol lt week. just squeakirtg by m win the narrow margin or 74-2a. Although the Elma school does not officially sponsor a girl's eam, a group who enjoy playing ook it:uton themselves to chal- iehge us to a game. Members of hc : team are Karen Matthews, s alldy Ocbsner. Marcia Hake, Ce- a Joba'nnes Christy Stevens. Merna Wolfe Joyce Graves and arva Stanby. They are a real leppy group and gave the local girls a busy evening. Carol Owen led MMIg in scor- ing with 11 points, Gloria Avery 5, Kristine Graham 2 and Donna )W 2, i Our top guards were Nancy Stodden, No. 15 and Sandy Miller,, No: 33 with good support from "Ginger Hollatz. No. 11 and uia. Spalding, No. 21. . LIBRARY MUSINGS ........ By Shirlee Murphy '. Upon-ecommendation of Miss lilers, Library Advisor for the stato Office of Public Instlamtion, "' eW:  classification of fiction oks, the "J' books, has been ere'ated::,Whis will make selection of fiction ;books easier for the in- teridilte: grades: We have al- eacly noticed its usefulness, cs-pe- iatly:forthe 4th grade. In 'adtiition to regular library activities this week we also have €lon Olll  'weeding" Weedin m le term used for the discarding Of books. In order for the shelves lb  look di:ractive and to invite cir- culation the worn out, outdated idok mua be replaced occasional- ]y: Teachers are asked to check hese bod;s closely to see if they emtain irfformation that could not bb, ' found elsewhere therefore mak- ing them "still useful. • Th! weeks library skills for the lower grades will emphasize read- ing shelf guides as well as learn- ing the order of progression of the numbers or letters from one boor shelf to the next. That the shel- ves read like the lines and pages of s book is both fitting and easy to undertand.-' Superintendent E. O. French and Coach Hogben attended the monthly conference for superin- tendents and coaches at Aberdeen last week. The major topic under consideration was relative to bas- ketball rules, particularly With re- gard to playoffs. SECOND GRADE ITEMS The second graders are very busy trying to learn how to "bor- row" in arithmetic. Some of them are finding the process quite easy while others have considerable dif- ficulty mastering it. Most of us were disappointed be- cause the cold weather failed to bring any mmw for those Christ- mas sleds. We are having our share of sore throats and colds. Susan and Jo- ann Stodden and Mary Cargile were absent last week. L, Cdr. Hupe of the Naval Re- serve office in Olympia visited the school last Thursday and talked to the boys about the advantages which would accruse from joining this branch of the service. Commander Hupe said that young men of college caliber could probably improve their college ex- perience greatly by deferring en- try into college by two years after graduation from high school as additional maturity can help many young men improve their college work. He stated that in the Naval Re- serve plan a boy would attend a Naval Reserve meetin me night a week until graduation from high school. After graduation, or thir- teen months after enlistment, whichever is later, he would com- mence two years of active duty in the Navy. If his Naval Reserve participation has been satisfac- tory, he would have advanced in pay grade and will earn $100 a month upon commencement of active duty. If he saves even half during his active duty, his "scho- larship fund" would amount to $1,200 when he returns home. If he works hard enough to achieve one additional promotion on active duty, his savings would be about $1,500. Also, upon graduation from college he would be able to enter into whatever career he has cho- sen, free of any obligation for mi- litary service, County Supt J. W. Goodpaster visited the school last week on a discussion of matters relative to construction of the new school. This is agony week at the school and social functions are at a low ebb because of six weeks exami- nations semester finals and the scramble to prepare themes and term papers postponed until the last minute. There is the usual weeping, wailing and scratching of heads and the pencil sharpeners receive more than the normal wear. Film Showing Is Planned by Saptist A feature length teenage film. 'The Big Blast" will be shown Sun- day evening, 7 p.m.. in the local Baptist Church. The film is produced in coopera- tion with the United State De- partment of Defense. Filmed on location at lV[cChord Air Force Base, views of Mt. Rainier Na- tional Park, and the Pacific North- west, are in the picture. It is the story of the Air Force captain who returns to an assign- merit of testing the high speed jet interceptor, the F106, Hc also finds barriers unbroken in home rela- tions. The film of exciting action of air force activity also includes breath-taking, suspense, and gran- deur of hazardous ski jumping competition. This film. with a Christian slant, is offered to the young people of this community for an opportunity to see, hear and sense, some of the wonderful things that happen to people who invite God's help. The public is invited to see this picture Sunday night. That which the fool does in the end, the wise man does ill the beginning.--Richard Trench. PAULEY MOTORS GET A 63 DODGE THEY'RE DEPENDABLE ECONOMICAL -- LOW PRICED LOW-GOST USED OARS & TRUOrKS READY TO USE 1956 RAMBLER sta. wag., 6-cylinder $595 1956 DODGE 4-door sedan .................... *SSS 1954 CHEVROLET 4-dr., std. trans ..... 245 " 1953 STUDEBAKER ½-ton ....... .............. $245 1946 DODGE /-ton ................................ $145 CAR OWNERS -- Come in mid sign up for Dodge's or 50 Sweepstakes. It costs nothing. You might win a new car! ' SEE BUD PAULEY -- at -- ! PAULEY IIOTORS • 1st& RR ' , Phone 426-8183 PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY JAN. 24-25-26 BETTY GROOKER DEVILS FOOD WHITE, YELLOW 19 OUNCE € BETTY OROGKER FROSTY-O'S 9 OZ. CHERIOS 101 OZ. TRIX 8 @UNCE WHEATIES 12 OUNCE $ FROM THRIFTWAY..6 DIFFERENT GOOK BOOKS Dinner For Two e Easy Entertaining • Party Book • Cooking Calender • Outdoor Cook Books • Cook Book For Boys And Girls With any B. C. Product - each 49 ° GOLD HEDAL 5-LB. SACK 25-1b. Sack e0w $ O WESSON OIL 24-OUNCE BOTTLE ONLY € CHEESE SPREAD KRAFT 2-LB. LOAF pIF_P, GF- OR SWIFt6 to S-I" Average to S I. aerage ...... 00I.00EII ,Z* Washington gr°n fresh LS, 3 ............. ..--'"""" -.-''''"" .................. ° ,.So s 00,ti000$ ,o,°o.°.. ........... LSi U .S. ChOiCe ............... 1E lean rl')letS .......... I.Mt00, o00o,oo U.$. . ............... LMtS ........................ FreSh slied EE R'FI 4 t iGl< sl'lGC .......... 2.L, pV, G. DOG FOOD PARD BRAND 15-OUNCE CANS BISQUICK ORANGE DRINK A WORLD OF BAKING IN A SINGLE BOX  40 OUNCE PKG. SUNNY JIM  46 oz. GRAPE DRINK SUNNY JIM -- 46 oz. ICE CREAM SPARKLE BRAND ASSTD. FLAVORS, V2 GALLON =navn©e u.s. NO 1 IDAHO GEMS IUBIBU I-] .................................................................................... 10-LB. PLIO BAG VER,,NE BRAND, CR,SP  SWEET VllllllVl]l ...................................................... :.... ............................. 1-LB, PLIO BAG SPINAGH PRE-WASHEO CELLO PACKEO ................................................................................................. 10-OZ. CELLO MUSHRDOMS FANCY W.,TES ............................................................................................ 4-OZ. PKG, RUTABAGAS OR TURNIPS M,X OR MATCH 2/ .......................................................... LB, 20th CENTURY ,ili