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District hopes for 'wind day'
waiver and June 22 finish
• t l
at he f •
€ledi't JACOB PEOPLES and Josh Reese are so excited about
ttiol eir new cooking class offered by the folks at Save Our
lnt "ourlty's Kids that they're holding a cookbook.
re "[
offers fi'ee
00"00'00elass on cooking
free, 12-week cooking class
be offred at the Shelton
& Transit Center,
Franklin beginning
February 3.
Chastek, a 25-year vet-
of the restaurant and cater-
will teach a course
Vys Kitchen Cooking
s." Sessions will be once a
to Chastek, up to 12
will be enrolled in the
with a minimum age of 10
Adult students will also be
but pretrence will be
said the class will
Ude a bonus course in emer-
preparedness and instruc-
on how to prepare a family
cooking class will utilize
Kitchen, a commercial-
facility in the Community
enter. Each class will
the cooking skills needed
Prepare a full menu, and stu-
may take the meal home to
with their families.
Ivy's Kitchen was named in
memory of Ivy Wood, who died
when her family's house caught
fire in 1999. Ivy was 4 years old
at the time, and loved coming to
SOCK, eating nachos and play-
ing Nintendo Donkey Kong, said
Sue Sheldon, founder and execu-
tive director of Save Our County's
Kids, as SOCK is also called.
"On nights when she came
to SOCK, Ivy rethsed to eat at
home, saving her appetite for
nachos at the youth center," said
Ivy's parents are Rick and Pau-
la Wood of Shelton. Ivy's Kitchen
Cooking Class will run tYom noon
to 4 p.m. every Saturday, from
February 3 through April 21. To
register, contact Kelsey Martin-
So far this winter, the Shelton
School District has been forced to
close its schools four days due to
bad weather and road conditions.
The district made up one of the
"snow days" on January 2, which
had been scheduled as a vacation
day. Currently, the district plans
to make up the three remaining
lost days on June 21, 22 and 25.
Meanwhile, Superintendent
Joan Zook has asked the Washing-
ton State Office of Superintendent
of Public Instruction for a waiver
for one of' the lost days, namely,
December 15, the day after the
major windstorm that caused
widespread power outages in Ma-
son County. Governor Christine
Gregoire declared an emergency
in several counties, including Ma-
son County, following that storm.
The OSPI has proposed an emer-
gency amendment to the Wash-
County surveying
north-end sewers
(Continued from page 1.)
Another proposal is to convey
collected wastewater via a trans-
mission force main to a reclama-
tion facility utilizing membrane
biological reactor technology
located adjacent to the Belfair
The estimated project cost of
the recommended plan is $33.8
million with $507,000 in annual
maintenance costs or $35.4 mil-
lion to include the North Bay/Case
Inlet Expansion, with annual op-
eration costs of $477,000.
MUST SEE this mobile home rental,
gated family community at Fawn Lake,
Shelton. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, big country
kitchen, living room, dining room, utility
room. 2 covered decks, double carport,
t/2 acre. Good fishing, rainbow trout/
bass. $875 monthly. Call Jan or Ron
(206) 550-6792 or (425) 357-8787 leave
message. H 1/25-2/15
TV ARMOIRE, maple colored, holds up
to 34" TV. 38"Wx6'H, $125. (360) 426-
4606. B1/25
BRAND NEW, beautiful 2 bedroom
duplex, W/D hookups, close to bus
and shopping, $750 monthly includes
W/S/G, $750 deposit. Available 3/1/07.
(360) 239-7251, 223 South 10th Street.
e-mail kelsey@sock.org, or stop
by the Shelton Community &
Transit Center between 3 and 6
p.m. on weekdays.
This class, like all SOCK pro-
grams, is ottred at no charge.
However, donations to SOCK's
youth programs will be accepted.
is traced
gas company
big stink pervaded parts of
last Friday morning.
4:30 a.m., a person report-
ling a natural gas odor
ay area. A Shelton
hter responded and could
what seemed like natural
dd Assistant Shelton Fire
zer, who lives in the Angle-
area, noticed what seemed
a sewage-like smell as he
for work. When he
at the fire station down-
said, the aroma smelled
Lral gas odorant. People
all over downtown, he
GROUNDSKEEPER FT, primarily day
shift, M-F, with some weekend and eve-
ning shifts possible. Assists in maintain-
ing grounds, mowing, weeding, fertiliz-
ing and other general grounds mainte-
nance. Must have the ability to operate
small grounds equipment including but
not limited to lawn mowers, trimmers,
and pressure washers. Must be depend-
able, self-motivated and have the ability
to work independently. Send resume or
pick up application at H.R. Dept., Mason
General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shel-
ton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalva-
rez@masongeneral.com. M 1/25-2/1
sition. Must be able to work all days and
shifts assigned. Able to assist in routine
maintenance on building equipment and
structure, as well as light duty carpentry
and painting. Ability to learn to read blue
prints and interpret various documents.
Ability to assist in troubleshooting and
performing of repairs to electrical, HVAC
and plumbing systems preferred. Mini-
mum of two years general maintenance
experience. Apply/send resume to H.R.
Dept., Mason General Hospital, P.O.
Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. (360)
427-9575. lalvarez@masongeneral.
com. M1/25-2/1
i |o]l II: I I Mfli ;|11 ti ili II I.'( |:1[0]11-'| eli
Natural gas is odorless, but an
odorant is added to it so that peo-
ple will know when it is present
in the atmosphere. Salzer said
the cause of the smell was traced
to a Cascade Natural Gas trans-
fer station in the Deegan Road
area and to a filter that needed
to be replaced there.
There was no leak of natural
gas during Friday's event, but an
amount of the odorant escaped
into the atmosphere and a tem-
perature inversion kept it close
to the ground, Salzer said. The
filter was replaced by 9:30 Friday
morning and Shelton returned to
its usual aroma.
As it now stands the state has
currently designated $16 million
for these projects. North Mason
residents will have another chance
to participate in the discussion of
these proposals on Tuesday when
commissioners meet at the Mary
E. Theler Center in Belfair.
Wellness Assistant. PT, M-F, day shift.
Computer experience including word
processing, graphics, and statistics re-
quired. Must be able to multi-task, have
excellent communication skills, organi-
zational skills and people skills. Send
resume or apply at H.R. Dept., Mason
General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shel-
ton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalva-
rez@masongeneral.com. M 1/25-2/1
tion, some variable week days and ev-
ery other weekend, plus holiday, vaca-
tion and sick relief, day shift. Excellent
communication skills, and computer
experience in Word and Excel required.
Previous hospital staffing exp. preferred.
Apply at Mason General Hospital H.R.
Dept., P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, WA
98584. (360) 427-9575. lalvarez@ma-
songeneral.com. M1/25-2/1
¢00'°ger at
ington Administrative Code that
would allow it to waive make-up of
all days related to when a school
district is closed due to fire, flood,
explosion, storm, earthquake or
volcanic eruption and the gover-
nor has declared an emergency in
that county.
The Shelton School Board voted
to allow Zook to seek a waiver for
the closure of all district schools on
December 15. If' it's granted, the
make-up day on June 25 would not
be necessary and the school year
would end on June 22, barring any
further "snow days."
School District #309
January 29-February 2
MONDAY: Breakfast: C()ld cereal, ( hurro,
fruit or fruit juice, milk. lunch: Fiw' tar
Snlart Bar: Main Line: Cheese pizza, milk.
Speed Line: Burrilt with salsa.
TUESDAY: Breakfast: f:rench toast, sausage
link, fruit or fruit juke, milk. I un(h: Five
Star Smart Bar: Main Line: leriyaki dip-
I)ers, fluffy rice, egg roll, fortune (::(()kie,
chocolate milk. Speed line: BB() rib on
a hoagie.
WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Bagel and cream
(:heese, fruit or fruit juice, milk. I.unch: f-iv(!
5tar .Smart/Jar: Main I.ine: Chef salad with
meat and cheese, milk. Speed line: ftot
dog on a bun.
THURSDAY: Breakfast: Breakfast pizza,
fruit or fruit juice, milk. Lunch: tiw .star
Smart Bar: Main Line: Chicken noodle
sou ), Ioasled cheese sandwi(h, milk.
Speed Line: ltamburger on whole wheat
FRIDAY: Breakfast: Cherry turnover, truit
or fruit juice, milk. Lumh: t/ve 5tar Smart
Bar Main Line: (:hi(ken nuels, clodhop-
)ers clusters, chocolate milk. Speed I.ine:
Cheese quesadi la.
this menu sponsored by
114 E. Cedar S1. 360-426-2611
150 N. Lake Cushman Rd.
• $[RAffH & DENTS!
Financing O.A.C Offer limited to inventory in stock
Thursday, January 25, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
District hopes for 'wind day'
waiver and June 22 finish
• t l
at he f •
€ledi't JACOB PEOPLES and Josh Reese are so excited about
ttiol eir new cooking class offered by the folks at Save Our
lnt "ourlty's Kids that they're holding a cookbook.
re "[
offers fi'ee
00"00'00elass on cooking
free, 12-week cooking class
be offred at the Shelton
& Transit Center,
Franklin beginning
February 3.
Chastek, a 25-year vet-
of the restaurant and cater-
will teach a course
Vys Kitchen Cooking
s." Sessions will be once a
to Chastek, up to 12
will be enrolled in the
with a minimum age of 10
Adult students will also be
but pretrence will be
said the class will
Ude a bonus course in emer-
preparedness and instruc-
on how to prepare a family
cooking class will utilize
Kitchen, a commercial-
facility in the Community
enter. Each class will
the cooking skills needed
Prepare a full menu, and stu-
may take the meal home to
with their families.
Ivy's Kitchen was named in
memory of Ivy Wood, who died
when her family's house caught
fire in 1999. Ivy was 4 years old
at the time, and loved coming to
SOCK, eating nachos and play-
ing Nintendo Donkey Kong, said
Sue Sheldon, founder and execu-
tive director of Save Our County's
Kids, as SOCK is also called.
"On nights when she came
to SOCK, Ivy rethsed to eat at
home, saving her appetite for
nachos at the youth center," said
Ivy's parents are Rick and Pau-
la Wood of Shelton. Ivy's Kitchen
Cooking Class will run tYom noon
to 4 p.m. every Saturday, from
February 3 through April 21. To
register, contact Kelsey Martin-
So far this winter, the Shelton
School District has been forced to
close its schools four days due to
bad weather and road conditions.
The district made up one of the
"snow days" on January 2, which
had been scheduled as a vacation
day. Currently, the district plans
to make up the three remaining
lost days on June 21, 22 and 25.
Meanwhile, Superintendent
Joan Zook has asked the Washing-
ton State Office of Superintendent
of Public Instruction for a waiver
for one of' the lost days, namely,
December 15, the day after the
major windstorm that caused
widespread power outages in Ma-
son County. Governor Christine
Gregoire declared an emergency
in several counties, including Ma-
son County, following that storm.
The OSPI has proposed an emer-
gency amendment to the Wash-
County surveying
north-end sewers
(Continued from page 1.)
Another proposal is to convey
collected wastewater via a trans-
mission force main to a reclama-
tion facility utilizing membrane
biological reactor technology
located adjacent to the Belfair
The estimated project cost of
the recommended plan is $33.8
million with $507,000 in annual
maintenance costs or $35.4 mil-
lion to include the North Bay/Case
Inlet Expansion, with annual op-
eration costs of $477,000.
MUST SEE this mobile home rental,
gated family community at Fawn Lake,
Shelton. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, big country
kitchen, living room, dining room, utility
room. 2 covered decks, double carport,
t/2 acre. Good fishing, rainbow trout/
bass. $875 monthly. Call Jan or Ron
(206) 550-6792 or (425) 357-8787 leave
message. H 1/25-2/15
TV ARMOIRE, maple colored, holds up
to 34" TV. 38"Wx6'H, $125. (360) 426-
4606. B1/25
BRAND NEW, beautiful 2 bedroom
duplex, W/D hookups, close to bus
and shopping, $750 monthly includes
W/S/G, $750 deposit. Available 3/1/07.
(360) 239-7251, 223 South 10th Street.
e-mail kelsey@sock.org, or stop
by the Shelton Community &
Transit Center between 3 and 6
p.m. on weekdays.
This class, like all SOCK pro-
grams, is ottred at no charge.
However, donations to SOCK's
youth programs will be accepted.
is traced
gas company
big stink pervaded parts of
last Friday morning.
4:30 a.m., a person report-
ling a natural gas odor
ay area. A Shelton
hter responded and could
what seemed like natural
dd Assistant Shelton Fire
zer, who lives in the Angle-
area, noticed what seemed
a sewage-like smell as he
for work. When he
at the fire station down-
said, the aroma smelled
Lral gas odorant. People
all over downtown, he
GROUNDSKEEPER FT, primarily day
shift, M-F, with some weekend and eve-
ning shifts possible. Assists in maintain-
ing grounds, mowing, weeding, fertiliz-
ing and other general grounds mainte-
nance. Must have the ability to operate
small grounds equipment including but
not limited to lawn mowers, trimmers,
and pressure washers. Must be depend-
able, self-motivated and have the ability
to work independently. Send resume or
pick up application at H.R. Dept., Mason
General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shel-
ton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalva-
rez@masongeneral.com. M 1/25-2/1
sition. Must be able to work all days and
shifts assigned. Able to assist in routine
maintenance on building equipment and
structure, as well as light duty carpentry
and painting. Ability to learn to read blue
prints and interpret various documents.
Ability to assist in troubleshooting and
performing of repairs to electrical, HVAC
and plumbing systems preferred. Mini-
mum of two years general maintenance
experience. Apply/send resume to H.R.
Dept., Mason General Hospital, P.O.
Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. (360)
427-9575. lalvarez@masongeneral.
com. M1/25-2/1
i |o]l II: I I Mfli ;|11 ti ili II I.'( |:1[0]11-'| eli
Natural gas is odorless, but an
odorant is added to it so that peo-
ple will know when it is present
in the atmosphere. Salzer said
the cause of the smell was traced
to a Cascade Natural Gas trans-
fer station in the Deegan Road
area and to a filter that needed
to be replaced there.
There was no leak of natural
gas during Friday's event, but an
amount of the odorant escaped
into the atmosphere and a tem-
perature inversion kept it close
to the ground, Salzer said. The
filter was replaced by 9:30 Friday
morning and Shelton returned to
its usual aroma.
As it now stands the state has
currently designated $16 million
for these projects. North Mason
residents will have another chance
to participate in the discussion of
these proposals on Tuesday when
commissioners meet at the Mary
E. Theler Center in Belfair.
Wellness Assistant. PT, M-F, day shift.
Computer experience including word
processing, graphics, and statistics re-
quired. Must be able to multi-task, have
excellent communication skills, organi-
zational skills and people skills. Send
resume or apply at H.R. Dept., Mason
General Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, Shel-
ton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. lalva-
rez@masongeneral.com. M 1/25-2/1
tion, some variable week days and ev-
ery other weekend, plus holiday, vaca-
tion and sick relief, day shift. Excellent
communication skills, and computer
experience in Word and Excel required.
Previous hospital staffing exp. preferred.
Apply at Mason General Hospital H.R.
Dept., P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, WA
98584. (360) 427-9575. lalvarez@ma-
songeneral.com. M1/25-2/1
¢00'°ger at
ington Administrative Code that
would allow it to waive make-up of
all days related to when a school
district is closed due to fire, flood,
explosion, storm, earthquake or
volcanic eruption and the gover-
nor has declared an emergency in
that county.
The Shelton School Board voted
to allow Zook to seek a waiver for
the closure of all district schools on
December 15. If' it's granted, the
make-up day on June 25 would not
be necessary and the school year
would end on June 22, barring any
further "snow days."
School District #309
January 29-February 2
MONDAY: Breakfast: C()ld cereal, ( hurro,
fruit or fruit juice, milk. lunch: Fiw' tar
Snlart Bar: Main Line: Cheese pizza, milk.
Speed Line: Burrilt with salsa.
TUESDAY: Breakfast: f:rench toast, sausage
link, fruit or fruit juke, milk. I un(h: Five
Star Smart Bar: Main Line: leriyaki dip-
I)ers, fluffy rice, egg roll, fortune (::(()kie,
chocolate milk. Speed line: BB() rib on
a hoagie.
WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Bagel and cream
(:heese, fruit or fruit juice, milk. I.unch: f-iv(!
5tar .Smart/Jar: Main I.ine: Chef salad with
meat and cheese, milk. Speed line: ftot
dog on a bun.
THURSDAY: Breakfast: Breakfast pizza,
fruit or fruit juice, milk. Lunch: tiw .star
Smart Bar: Main Line: Chicken noodle
sou ), Ioasled cheese sandwi(h, milk.
Speed Line: ltamburger on whole wheat
FRIDAY: Breakfast: Cherry turnover, truit
or fruit juice, milk. Lumh: t/ve 5tar Smart
Bar Main Line: (:hi(ken nuels, clodhop-
)ers clusters, chocolate milk. Speed I.ine:
Cheese quesadi la.
this menu sponsored by
114 E. Cedar S1. 360-426-2611
150 N. Lake Cushman Rd.
• $[RAffH & DENTS!
Financing O.A.C Offer limited to inventory in stock
Thursday, January 25, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7