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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 25, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 25, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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100 Years Ago From the January 25, 1907, Ma- son County ,]mffnal: Congressman Cushman has suc- ceeded in getting passed through the house the bill increasing the pension Commission of Thomas Daniels from $12 to $30 a month, and has every prospect of a favorable consideration in the sen- ate. Mr. Daniels is unable to care for himself, as a result of a stroke of pa- ralysis last year. The street committee of the coun- cil is planning an aggressive cam- paign for new sidewalks and repairs to old ones this summer, and also to put the streets in better order, all badly needed. Health and social services,00[ help just a 211 call away Mason County residents have a new number to call for non-emer- gency health and human services: 211. After a series of tests and oth- er planning efforts, the Western Counties Call Center went public on January 17 for residents of Ma- son and four other counties: Grays ston County commissioner. In addition to connecting people with health and human services during times of need, 211 also is designed to connect people with volunteer opportunities in their community. The Washington In- formation Network is a statewide nonprofit organization which will I Stan Kehl is executive di| tor of WIN 211, as the Washi| ton Information Network is aim| called. He makes the point | 211 does not replace 911. "If its J| life-threatening emergency - ! house is on fire or there's a c being committed,- people sh0t always call 911,' he said. "But appoints Harbor, Lewis, Pacific and Thur- organize and oversee the call cen- other parts of the nation, 211 35 Years Ago ston. Those who call 211 can com- ters while receiving and distribut- already demonstrated its valueq trails municatewith trained information ing foundation, state and federal relieve the burden on comm new From the January 27, 1972, Shel- and referral specialists at one of funds in this state, ties responding to the tremend0 ton-Mason County Journal: Mason County residents, who eight such centers in Washington. The Washington Legislature needs that arise during a diJ| ter"  --vu committee ,o the past two weeks have been Behavioral Health Resources, authorized the development of the .  Cle lashed by gale force winds, deluged a nonprofit organization with an 211 system in 2003, and all coun- Kehl said that after Hurric.| d County commissioners have up- with eight inches of rain and buried office in Shelton, will operate the ties are expected to have access to Katrina, more than 267,000 cl| ed gn pointed 17 people to the Mason under a foot or more of snow, are call center through its Crisis Clinic its,services by the end of this year. came into the 211 system in Te I , wondering what'the weather will Resource Network. This is an in- In our five-county area, the from people displaced by the at[' ,,U° County Trails Committee. h re| m come up with next. Appointed were Jim Tobey, formation and referral service es- rate of joblessness is higher than lamity who sought help wit re| A. T John Eaton, Don Welander, Brian A fire which burst out about 3:30 tablished in 1972 and now run by the national average and our aging cation, ci tie l a.m. Monday in the back porch Behavioral Health Resources. The population is increasing as well," The Western Counties Call b'w $200 McLean, Dave O Connell, John burned the Joe Bourgault home in ,Johnson, Herb Gerhardt, Jesse the Skokomish Valley to the ground. United Way of Mason County and said John Masterson of Behavioral ter will be open Monday throt!i an , Sims, Tori Dulemba, Reed Waite, The Skokomish Fire Department the Washington Information Net- Health Resources. ' Consequently, Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ]V.J Shah Thomas Kimball, Anastasia Ru- answered the call, but was unable work have helped to establish the there is an increase in the number sages can be left after hours Sh,l land, Anne Whitman, Mike Jen- to save the house. 211 service through a committee of people who need to connect with will be returned the o sen, James Clark, Steve Rose and chaired by Cathy Wolfe, a Thur- support systems." business day. Jack Sisco. 10 Years Ago : The committee has been charged From the January 23,1997, Shel- NOW ACCPT|N NW FPATINTS ,f" )t with completing the county's Mas- ton-Mason County Journal: ...... /  ter Trails Plan. Tomorrow, Mason County will Dr. Chandar Bhimani (2 be included on the President s offi- cial federal disaster list, according Internal Medicine ,f- l Creator is to Mason County Emergency Ser- 0 vices Director Joe Murray. Murray 1930 North 13 *h Street, Shelton /" ] debate topic says the county s losses from post- • [ABETES  b! Christmas storm damage will top a (Continued frompage 13.) $29.5 million. That's counting a • HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, CHOLESTEROL MANAGEMENT " 1 Humanists of Washington. He re- whopping $24,628,000 in business- • DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC MEDICAL PROBLEMS related damages, said Murray on ceived a bachelor of arts degree Wednesday. • PREVENTIVE HEALTHCARE 0 in American studies from Marist Mason - County commissioners • WEIGHT MANAGEMENT l College and a master's in library learned this week that last month s • GENERAL HEART AND LUNG DISEASE science from the State University two appointments to the Skokom- of New York at Albany. He also at- ish flood board had to be rescinded tended law school at the Univer- because the appointments didn't fol- MOST INSURANCE PLANS ARE ACCEPTED  beenSity Ofa PugetmemberSOUnd.of theC°rbettAmericanhaS low state law. _CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT (360) 427-8940 ' Atheists and Humanists of Wash- )l ington for many years and has Morman was , - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- • ' contributed many articles to their ____ ! NEW PATIENT OFFER! " newsletter. For more information, visit the on mission to ", Web s'te "t www'th°"ghtUfe" Golden State [   corn or call 360-463-0870. (Continued from page 13.) [ cisco and asked how they could be helpful. The group of young men I 'c was supplied with brooms and ' dust pans and accepted the as- I With paid comprehensive exam, X rays and cleaning. $300 valueI l -i: J signment of sweeping the streets • With coupon through February 28, 2007. Not valid with other offers, cash value 1/20€. C Snlltb" of the city. This included Haight The office of Richard C. Downing, D.D.S. Shelton. [ i," lithe Medicine Street of the famed Haight-Ash- I I ii  [ $hoppe® bury DistriCt.when asked for comments on • 'l, ""----,._ ;l:iii!iiii:::il/ [ PCy the experience Nadeau smiled[[ 'iii i i!ili i! and said, "It was really dirty, very black and lots of trash." Nadeau was also surprised to LOW TESTOSTERONE discover that within his mission's ASSOCIATED WlTHCAROTID geographical boundaries seven languages were spoken: Tagalog, I The most advanced dental technology is now available in Shelton. ATHEROSCLEROSlS IN MEN Mandarin, Samoan, Tongan, Fiji- - /3 _ 1626 Olympic Highway North i Circulating testosterone levels de- an and Spanish as well as English. • (tmI}' crease with age in men. Low tes- There were full-time missionaries II , • Families welcome Richard C. Downing, D.D.S, and tosterone has been associated with of The Church of Jesus Christ of I !1  I • Di"it"l X ra"-" ristopher J. Burton, D.I).S. pro arterial stiffness, a major risk factor for Latter-day Saints in the area who l I ..  .  . a - yo . comprehensive family dentistry •   * bmile enhancement Christopher J. Burton, D.D.S. provide cardiovascular events. A study recently were able to converse in those lan- with a friendly personal touch published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology examined the as- sociation between sex hormone levels (low serum testosterone), andropausal symptoms (weakness, fatigue, reduced libido) and atherosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries") in 239 middle-aged men. Ninety-nine men (age 58 +/- 7 years) were andropausal based on serum hormone levels and high symp- tom scores. The study results we{e adjusted to exclude the effects of risk factors such as age, total cholesterol, body mass index, blood pressure, and smoking. The conclusion was that middle-aged men with symptoms of andropause and testosterone defi- ciency have increased atherosclerosis, and suggested that normal testosterone levels may offer protection against atherosclerosis in middle-aged men. Ask us about options for testosterone replacement, 1-800-640-5503 207 Professional Way 426-4272 (Across from the hospital) guages due to instruction received from the church's Missionary Training Center. Nadeau enjoyed this cultural diversity and now has a few Tai and Pilipino recipes that he has cooked for his family. When asked what he learned on his mission, Nadeau says he believes he has become more con- fident. "I'm not as shy as I used to be," he says. He also reflects on his spiritual growth as well. "I learned more about Jesus Christ and his atonement and how he plays a role in my life. I know He will lift me up when I need Him." Missionaries of the church gen- erally begin serving when they are 19 to 21 years old. Missions are voluntary, and missionar- ies are not paid for their service. Some missionaries are given two- year, nonproselyting assignments to assist with health, welfare or other needs. Currently there are 341 Church of Jesus Christ mis- sions established throughout the world and more than 52,000 full- time missionaries. IIIII IIIIII I I ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC and Dr. George Blevins (Formerly Chiropractors of S:elton) are now select prowders for GroupHealth 426-6325 COOPERATIVE • Now taking new patients , Walk-ins welcome • Same day appointments = Auto and work injuries 628 N. Alder (Next to the library) I I Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 25, 2007 "Shelton's I friendiydentist." Call for appointment today! 426-4712 I / I / I I I I I I I I / I I I 5 Facts Every Woman Should Know 5) Osteoporosis is a silent disease that gradually weakens bones by robbing them of internal mass and thickness, so that they become fragile and likely to break 4) Osteoporosis kills more women than breast cancer 3) Osteoporosis is a serious threat to both men and women of all ages 2) 25 million women suffer from osteoporosis and osteopenia 1) You don't have to suffer • Mountain View Women's Health Center offers new treatments that can stop and even reverse osteoporosis • New bone scanning techniques are quick and accurate • Bone scans and treatment for osteoporosis are covered by Medicare and most insurance companies Don't let yourself or anybody you love (male or female) suff,r from osteoporosis Come in to Mountain V, ew Women's Health Center in Shelton today for informative and friendly care to help fight osteoporosis Call TODAY: 426-0955 Located near Mason Genera/Hospita/ 2300 Kati Court in Shelton 100 Years Ago From the January 25, 1907, Ma- son County ,]mffnal: Congressman Cushman has suc- ceeded in getting passed through the house the bill increasing the pension Commission of Thomas Daniels from $12 to $30 a month, and has every prospect of a favorable consideration in the sen- ate. Mr. Daniels is unable to care for himself, as a result of a stroke of pa- ralysis last year. The street committee of the coun- cil is planning an aggressive cam- paign for new sidewalks and repairs to old ones this summer, and also to put the streets in better order, all badly needed. Health and social services,00[ help just a 211 call away Mason County residents have a new number to call for non-emer- gency health and human services: 211. After a series of tests and oth- er planning efforts, the Western Counties Call Center went public on January 17 for residents of Ma- son and four other counties: Grays ston County commissioner. In addition to connecting people with health and human services during times of need, 211 also is designed to connect people with volunteer opportunities in their community. The Washington In- formation Network is a statewide nonprofit organization which will I Stan Kehl is executive di| tor of WIN 211, as the Washi| ton Information Network is aim| called. He makes the point | 211 does not replace 911. "If its J| life-threatening emergency - ! house is on fire or there's a c being committed,- people sh0t always call 911,' he said. "But appoints Harbor, Lewis, Pacific and Thur- organize and oversee the call cen- other parts of the nation, 211 35 Years Ago ston. Those who call 211 can com- ters while receiving and distribut- already demonstrated its valueq trails municatewith trained information ing foundation, state and federal relieve the burden on comrn new From the January 27, 1972, Shel- and referral specialists at one of funds in this state, ties responding to the tremend0 ton-Mason County Journal: Mason County residents, who eight such centers in Washington. The Washington Legislature needs that arise during a diJ| ter"  --vu committee ,o the past two weeks have been Behavioral Health Resources, authorized the development of the .  Cle lashed by gale force winds, deluged a nonprofit organization with an 211 system in 2003, and all coun- Kehl said that after Hurric.| d County commissioners have up- with eight inches of rain and buried office in Shelton, will operate the ties are expected to have access to Katrina, more than 267,000 cl| ed gn pointed 17 people to the Mason under a foot or more of snow, are call center through its Crisis Clinic its,services by the end of this year. came into the 211 system in Te I , wondering what'the weather will Resource Network. This is an in- In our five-county area, the from people displaced by the otl ,,U° County Trails Committee. h relY| m come up with next. Appointed were Jim Tobey, formation and referral service es- rate of joblessness is higher than lamity who sought help wit re| A. T John Eaton, Don Welander, Brian A fire which burst out about 3:30 tablished in 1972 and now run by the national average and our aging cation, ci tie l a.m. Monday in the back porch Behavioral Health Resources. The population is increasing as well," The Western Counties Call b'w $200 McLean, Dave O Connell, John burned the Joe Bourgault home in ,Johnson, Herb Gerhardt, Jesse the Skokomish Valley to the ground. United Way of Mason County and said John Masterson of Behavioral ter will be open Monday throt!i an , Sims, Tori Dulemba, Reed Waite, The Skokomish Fire Department the Washington Information Net- Health Resources. ' Consequently, Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ]V.J Shah Thomas Kimball, Anastasia Ru- answered the call, but was unable work have helped to establish the there is an increase in the number sages can be left after hours Sh,l land, Anne Whitman, Mike Jen- to save the house. 211 service through a committee of people who need to connect with will be returned the o sen, James Clark, Steve Rose and chaired by Cathy Wolfe, a Thur- support systems." business day. Jack Sisco. 10 Years Ago : The committee has been charged From the January 23,1997, Shel- NOW ACCPTIH aW FPATIHTS ,f' )t with completing the county's Mas- ton-Mason County Journal: ...... /  ter Trails Plan. Tomorrow, Mason County will Dr. Chandar Bhimani (2 be included on the President s offi- cial federal disaster list, according Internal Medicine ,f- l Creator is to Mason County Emergency Ser- 0 vices Director Joe Murray. Murray 1930 North 13 *h Street, Shelton /" ] debate topic says the county s losses from post- • [ABETES  b! Christmas storm damage will top a (Continued frompage 13.) $29.5 million. That's counting a • HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, CHOLESTEROL MANAGEMENT " 1 Humanists of Washington. He re- whopping $24,628,000 in business- • DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC MEDICAL PROBLEMS related damages, said Murray on ceived a bachelor of arts degree Wednesday. • PREVENTIVE HEALTHCARE 0 in American studies from Marist Mason - County commissioners • WEIGHT MANAGEMENT l College and a master's in library learned this week that last month s • GENERAL HEART AND LUNG DISEASE science from the State University two appointments to the Skokom- of New York at Albany. He also at- ish flood board had to be rescinded tended law school at the Univer- because the appointments didn't fol- MOST INSURANCE PLANS ARE ACCEPTED  beenSity Ofa PugetmemberSOUnd.of theC°rbettAmericanhaS low state law. _CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT (360) 427-8940 ' Atheists and Humanists of Wash- )l ington for many years and has Merman was , - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- • ' contributed many articles to their ____ ! NEW PATIENT OFFER! " newsletter. For more information, visit the on mission to ", Web s'te "t www'th°"ghtUfe" Golden State [   corn or call 360-463-0870. (Continued from page 13.) [ cisco and asked how they could be helpful. The group of young men I ' was supplied with brooms and ' dust pans and accepted the as- I With paid comprehensive exam, X rays and cleaning. $300 valueI l -i: J signment of sweeping the streets • With coupon through February 28, 2007. Not valid with other offers, cash value 1/20€. C Snlltb" of the city. This included Haight The office of Richard C. Downing, D.D.S. Shelton. [ i," lithe Medicine Street of the famed Haight-Ash- I I ii  [ $hoppe® bury DistriCt.when asked for comments on • 'l, ""----,._ ;l:iii!iiii:::il/ [ PCy the experience Nadeau smiled[[ 'iii i i!ili i! and said, "It was really dirty, very black and lots of trash." Nadeau was also surprised to LOW TESTOSTERONE discover that within his mission's ASSOCIATED WlTHCAROTID geographical boundaries seven languages were spoken: Tagalog, I The most advanced dental technology is now available in Shelton. ATHEROSCLEROSlS IN MEN Mandarin, Samoan, Tongan, Fiji- - /3 _ 1626 Olympic Highway North i Circulating testosterone levels de- an and Spanish as well as English. • (tmI}' crease with age in men. Low tes- There were full-time missionaries II , • Families welcome Richard C. Downing, D.D.S, and tosterone has been associated with of The Church of Jesus Christ of / !1  I * Di"it"l X ra"-" ristopher J. Burton, D.I).S. pro arterial stiffness, a major risk factor for Latter-day Saints in the area who 1 I ..  .  . a - yo . comprehensive family dentistry •   * bmile enhancement Christopher J. Burton, D.D.S. provide cardiovascular events. A study recently were able to converse in those lan- with a friendly personal touch published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology examined the as- sociation between sex hormone levels (low serum testosterone), andropausal symptoms (weakness, fatigue, reduced libido) and atherosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries") in 239 middle-aged men. Ninety-nine men (age 58 +/- 7 years) were andropausal based on serum hormone levels and high symp- tom scores. The study results we{e adjusted to exclude the effects of risk factors such as age, total cholesterol, body mass index, blood pressure, and smoking. The conclusion was that middle-aged men with symptoms of andropause and testosterone defi- ciency have increased atherosclerosis, and suggested that normal testosterone levels may offer protection against atherosclerosis in middle-aged men. Ask us about options for testosterone replacement, 1-800-640-5503 207 Professional Way 426-4272 (Across from the hospital) guages due to instruction received from the church's Missionary Training Center. Nadeau enjoyed this cultural diversity and now has a few Tai and Pilipino recipes that he has cooked for his family. When asked what he learned on his mission, Nadeau says he believes he has become more con- fident. "I'm not as shy as I used to be," he says. He also reflects on his spiritual growth as well. "I learned more about Jesus Christ and his atonement and how he plays a role in my life. I know He will lift me up when I need Him." Missionaries of the church gen- erally begin serving when they are 19 to 21 years old. Missions are voluntary, and missionar- ies are not paid for their service. Some missionaries are given two- year, nonproselyting assignments to assist with health, welfare or other needs. Currently there are 341 Church of Jesus Christ mis- sions established throughout the world and more than 52,000 full- time missionaries. IIIII IIIIII I I ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC and Dr. George Blevins (Formerly Chiropractors of S:elton) are now select prowders for GroupHealth 426-6325 COOPERATIVE • Now taking new patients , Walk-ins welcome • Same day appointments = Auto and work injuries 628 N. Alder (Next to the library) I I Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 25, 2007 "Shelton's I friendiydentist." Call for appointment today! 426-4712 I / I / I I I I I I I I / I I I 5 Facts Every Woman Should Know 5) Osteoporosis is a silent disease that gradually weakens bones by robbing them of internal mass and thickness, so that they become fragile and likely to break 4) Osteoporosis kills more women than breast cancer 3) Osteoporosis is a serious threat to both men and women of all ages 2) 25 million women suffer from osteoporosis and osteopenia 1) You don't have to suffer • Mountain View Women's Health Center offers new treatments that can stop and even reverse osteoporosis • New bone scanning techniques are quick and accurate • Bone scans and treatment for osteoporosis are covered by Medicare and most insurance companies Don't let yourself or anybody you love (male or female) suff,r from osteoporosis Come in to Mountain V, ew Women's Health Center in Shelton today for informative and friendly care to help fight osteoporosis Call TODAY: 426-0955 Located near Mason Genera/Hospita/ 2300 Kati Court in Shelton