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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 25, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 25, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ommunity 00alendar Meetings Thursday, ,January 25 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of th)odsport, itoodsport I.ibrary, 40 North School- house llill Road. 9 a. m., T()PS 1380 gl'a ke Off Pounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State l{ot|te 119. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Ot1" Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington and d streets. l0 a.m., Ladies of the l,ake quilting club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint David's Parish Hall. Noon, Mason Matters, She/ton (?iv- ic (:( 12 p.m., Friends of William (;. Reed Library, library meeting room, 710 West Ahier Street. 6 p.m., Parents tlelping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 6 p.m., Masen County Conservancy Board, Mason Conservation District meeting room, 1051 SE State Route 3, Suite G. 6:30 p.m,, Eagles Auxiliary, 411 First Street. 7 p.m., Southside School Board, school library. 7 p.In., Bey Scout Troop 126, Pio- neer School Gym. 7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks Lodge, Craig Road. Friday, January 26 10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), lh)od Canal Com- munity Church, Hoodsport. Call 360- 877-9814 tbr intbrmation. 12:45 p.m., Ahterbrook l)uplicate Bridge Club, Alderi)rook Pro Shop, 330 East C'ountry Club I)riw. (;all Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, tbr intbr- mation. 6 p.m., First Baptist Church Sin- gles Fellowship, First Baptist Church Fellowshil) Center on the corner of Fourth and Cota streets. 7 p.m., Mason County I)eat' Asso- ciatien, PUD 3 Auditorium, Third and Cota streets. Saturday, January 27 10 a.m., Shelton-Mason County Amvets and Subvets, Pine Tree Inn. 8 p.m., Salty Sashayers square and round dance, small hall, Skookum Community Hall, 3480 Lynch Road, Shelton. Sunday, January 28 Mason County invites you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, January 29 9 a.m., Take ()ff Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community ttall, 3:171 East Harstine Island Road North. 2 p.m., Shelton City Commission Workshop, Shelten Civic Center. 6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160, Faith Lutheran Church. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Ishmd Lake Fire Hall. Tuesday, January 30 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, commissioners' chambers. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 4:30 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Com- missioners meeting, district office in Potlatch. 5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church. Call 360-426-2843 tbr intbr- marion. 5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for intbr- mation. 7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110, United Methodist Church. Wednesday, January 31 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel- ton. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwan- is Club, Spencer Lake Resort. 8:30 a.m., Union Alanon Family Group, Harmony Hill, 7362 East State Route 106 in Union. Call 898-4438. Noon, Shelton Civil Service Com- mission, city hall. 7:30, Elks, lodge. Thursday, February 1 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport, ttoodsport Library, 40 North School- house Hill Road. 7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Li- ons, Tayh)r Station Restaurant and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. 9-11 a.m., Thursday MOPS meet- ing, First Baptist Church of Shelton, 428 West Cota Street, Shelton. 9 a.m., TOPS 1380 ('Fake OffPounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State Route 119. 10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 10 a.m., Mason County Board of ttealth, commissioners' chambers. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off" Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington and J streets. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint David's Parish Hall. 5-6:15 p.m., Adult Grief Educa- tional/Support Group, Faith Lutheran Church, 1212 Connection Street. 6 p.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with dinner at 7, prom at 8. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West: Rail- road Avenue. Want to be a host parent? World Heritage, a nonprotit fi)reign-exchange program, is hmking fbr American thmilies to host high-school studenl, s fi'om countries of the tbrmer Soviet Union. The students, from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Ar- menia, Azerbajian, Georgia, Ka- zakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmeni- a stun, Uzbekistan and Tajiki- stan, have received scholarships through the U.S. State Depart- ment-sponsored Future Leaders Exchange Program. They will attend local high schools for the 2007-2008 academic year while learning all they can about west- ern culture and the important elements of American civil soci- ety. The State Department pro- gram seeks to foster democracy and values inherent in a free- market economy. The students speak English. Anyone interested in learning more about the exchange pro- gram may contact Julie Germano toll free at 1-866-985-4111. Carol Christensen and George Blevins Blevins will m Christensen April Carol Christensen and Dr. vada. George Thomas Blevins are en- The bride-to-beworksfor gaged to marry. Their wedding is General Hospital. Her fianc6 scheduled to take place on April 7 Advanced Chiropractic and at the Sands Regency in RenD, Ne- bilitation. Both live in Shelton. Moose plan to thank firefi Members of the Shelton Moose appreciate the work of volunteer firefighters and plan to express their gratitude by offering them a dinner and dance this month. The menu will feature a choice of chicken cordon bleu or dressed pork chops and will be complimentary to all volunteer firefighters. Other guests will pay $6 for the meal. "Mason County Idol" George Mick, a Garth Brooks imitator, will perform at the dance. The dinner will take place fi, om 5 to 7 p Saturday, January 27, at the Lodge, located at 741 SE Road. A dance will ibllow 10 p.m. Also, every Thursday to 8 p.m. the Old Time have open rehearsals at the From now until Se Moose are also collecting as a fund-raiser to support with children on dialysis the Ronald McDonald House. to add some heat back into your relationsfiip. Open Z Days A Week Mon-Sat 8am-2am * Sun lOam- lOpm |lmo'$ ADULT 338N c0100. a6O.aTa.O Those Holiday Poundsl If It Is a mDd amll macko you are looking for we have you  eumydaY   .      ire NETAcmrt,& Y,o will find hDm n,  and  mng m lp)m  your rar goJs. We Ckt  talW  lttn is  lo ® tl dttl  gm wtt. CM l lltttft l   dasses m  w . We just expanded tr  kxx a 2500" feet ol wod ama. It Aeml duses rea 't ,xr mg, we have a U  of catt r,m  lrom     Nllt m h(lw to slart yllur workoul? Let o.r cedifl peeoa.I lrain   m   .  ll,r  in 11 lrat,  lrainir, and  ),a ca. h ya l#n    . We 11   a m'cn's only  out area in addition to our main /m area. If you're a an that pmk to ha a little mo :m,a,cy  your wor,kout e',is is the  for you. The workout ama have   ,e wwhts and St00.T00I AllI.El00 CI.UB The SAC be on/k00 soonl Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 25, 2007 00ommunity 00alendar Meetings Thursday, ,January 25 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of th)odsport, itoodsport I.ibrary, 40 North School- house llill Road. 9 a. m., T()PS 1380 gl'a ke Off Pounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State l{ot|te 119. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Ot1" Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington and d streets. l0 a.m., Ladies of the l,ake quilting club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint David's Parish Hall. Noon, Mason Matters, She/ton (?iv- ic (:( 12 p.m., Friends of William (;. Reed Library, library meeting room, 710 West Ahier Street. 6 p.m., Parents tlelping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 6 p.m., Masen County Conservancy Board, Mason Conservation District meeting room, 1051 SE State Route 3, Suite G. 6:30 p.m,, Eagles Auxiliary, 411 First Street. 7 p.m., Southside School Board, school library. 7 p.In., Bey Scout Troop 126, Pio- neer School Gym. 7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks Lodge, Craig Road. Friday, January 26 10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), lh)od Canal Com- munity Church, Hoodsport. Call 360- 877-9814 tbr intbrmation. 12:45 p.m., Ahterbrook l)uplicate Bridge Club, Alderi)rook Pro Shop, 330 East C'ountry Club I)riw. (;all Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, tbr intbr- mation. 6 p.m., First Baptist Church Sin- gles Fellowship, First Baptist Church Fellowshil) Center on the corner of Fourth and Cota streets. 7 p.m., Mason County I)eat' Asso- ciatien, PUD 3 Auditorium, Third and Cota streets. Saturday, January 27 10 a.m., Shelton-Mason County Amvets and Subvets, Pine Tree Inn. 8 p.m., Salty Sashayers square and round dance, small hall, Skookum Community Hall, 3480 Lynch Road, Shelton. Sunday, January 28 Mason County invites you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, January 29 9 a.m., Take ()ff Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community ttall, 3:171 East Harstine Island Road North. 2 p.m., Shelton City Commission Workshop, Shelten Civic Center. 6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160, Faith Lutheran Church. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Ishmd Lake Fire Hall. Tuesday, January 30 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, commissioners' chambers. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 4:30 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Com- missioners meeting, district office in Potlatch. 5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church. Call 360-426-2843 tbr intbr- marion. 5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for intbr- mation. 7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110, United Methodist Church. Wednesday, January 31 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel- ton. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwan- is Club, Spencer Lake Resort. 8:30 a.m., Union Alanon Family Group, Harmony Hill, 7362 East State Route 106 in Union. Call 898-4438. Noon, Shelton Civil Service Com- mission, city hall. 7:30, Elks, lodge. Thursday, February 1 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport, ttoodsport Library, 40 North School- house Hill Road. 7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Li- ons, Tayh)r Station Restaurant and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. 9-11 a.m., Thursday MOPS meet- ing, First Baptist Church of Shelton, 428 West Cota Street, Shelton. 9 a.m., TOPS 1380 ('Fake OffPounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State Route 119. 10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 10 a.m., Mason County Board of ttealth, commissioners' chambers. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off" Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington and J streets. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint David's Parish Hall. 5-6:15 p.m., Adult Grief Educa- tional/Support Group, Faith Lutheran Church, 1212 Connection Street. 6 p.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with dinner at 7, prom at 8. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West: Rail- road Avenue. Want to be a host parent? World Heritage, a nonprotit fi)reign-exchange program, is hmking fbr American thmilies to host high-school studenl, s fi'om countries of the tbrmer Soviet Union. The students, from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Ar- menia, Azerbajian, Georgia, Ka- zakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmeni- a stun, Uzbekistan and Tajiki- stan, have received scholarships through the U.S. State Depart- ment-sponsored Future Leaders Exchange Program. They will attend local high schools for the 2007-2008 academic year while learning all they can about west- ern culture and the important elements of American civil soci- ety. The State Department pro- gram seeks to foster democracy and values inherent in a free- market economy. The students speak English. Anyone interested in learning more about the exchange pro- gram may contact Julie Germano toll free at 1-866-985-4111. Carol Christensen and George Blevins Blevins will m Christensen April Carol Christensen and Dr. vada. George Thomas Blevins are en- The bride-to-beworksfor gaged to marry. Their wedding is General Hospital. Her fianc6 scheduled to take place on April 7 Advanced Chiropractic and at the Sands Regency in RenD, Ne- bilitation. Both live in Shelton. Moose plan to thank firefi Members of the Shelton Moose appreciate the work of volunteer firefighters and plan to express their gratitude by offering them a dinner and dance this month. The menu will feature a choice of chicken cordon bleu or dressed pork chops and will be complimentary to all volunteer firefighters. Other guests will pay $6 for the meal. "Mason County Idol" George Mick, a Garth Brooks imitator, will perform at the dance. The dinner will take place fi, om 5 to 7 p Saturday, January 27, at the Lodge, located at 741 SE Road. A dance will ibllow 10 p.m. Also, every Thursday to 8 p.m. the Old Time have open rehearsals at the From now until Se Moose are also collecting as a fund-raiser to support with children on dialysis the Ronald McDonald House. to add some heat back into your relationsfiip. Open Z Days A Week Mon-Sat 8am-2am * Sun lOam- lOpm |lmo'$ ADULT 338N c0100. a6O.aTa.O Those Holiday Poundsl If It Is a mDd amll macko you are looking for we have you  eumydaY   .      ire NETAcmrt,& Y,o will find hDm n,  and  mng m lp)m  your rar goJs. We Ckt  talW  lttn is  lo ® tl dttl  gm wtt. CM l lltttft l   dasses m  w . We just expanded tr  kxx a 2500" feet ol wod ama. It Aeml duses rea 't ,xr mg, we have a U  of catt r,m  lrom     Nllt m h(lw to slart yllur workoul? Let o.r cedifl peeoa.I lrain   m   .  ll,r  in 11 lrat,  lrainir, and  ),a ca. h ya l#n    . We 11   a m'cn's only  out area in addition to our main /m area. If you're a an that pmk to ha a little mo :m,a,cy  your wor,kout e',is is the  for you. The workout ama have   ,e wwhts and St00.T00I AllI.El00 CI.UB The SAC be on/k00 soonl Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 25, 2007