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CLIMBER LOGAN ROADMAN captivates a pair in the partisan peanut
gallery by getting the upper hand (not to mention the lower left elbow) en
route to victory in a recent varsity wrestling match in the Minidome.
Mats gearing up for biggie
• y "
"We had wins that night by wresthng, he quips, adding that
Their big event fast approach-
ing, Shelton High's wrestlers
prepped by way of a pair of dual
meets and a pair of tournaments
last week.
They went woefully under-
manned against the league-lead-
ing Yelm Tornadoes and paid tbr it
on Wednesday and then Thursday
returned to the Minidome with
ranks not so depleted and regis-
tered their second league victory
against three defeats.
And then on the weekend - a
fortnight before their much-an-
ticipated February 2-3 hosting of
the Western Cascade Conference
championships - they broke ranks
to participate variously m two
Here's veteran coach Chris
Lacy's report:
"WE HAD NINE forfeitures at
Yelm, due to injuries, discipline
and illness - which was ridiculous.
It wasn't fair to Yelm. They de-
served a good dual, 'and we didn't
give it to 'em.
(junior heavyweight) ,l acob Niko-
laisen and (senior 112-pounder)
Bennett, Barrow - both by pins.
"And then Thursday night we
wrestled Ch>ver Park here and
won the dual 45-28. We still had
four fortbits, but we had a lot more
people back in the lineup.
"And wc had wins by Bennett, by
decision; (sophomore) Kim Yates,
by foribit; (senior) Ty Barnhart, by
pin; (junior) Logan Roadman, by
pin; (junior) Nathan Zoren, by pin;
(sophomore) Jordan Frost, by pin;
(junior) Isaac Garfias, by pin, and
(junior) Brett Corbett, by fin'tbit."
tally, has been trading off with
Nikolaisen at heavyweight this
season, and little wonder.
"They're both having excellent
seasons," says Lacy. "They're both
going to have over 20 wins by the
end of the season,which is a great
season tbr anybotlv. So we're just
very tbrtunate to have them."
Good friends, are they?
Coach grins. "Until they're
TO VARIOUS RESPONSE from the sidelines, Climber
sophomore Kim Yates handfights for an escape in recent
varsity wrestling action in the Minidome. Our animated
cheerleaders are Brooke Wuolle (left) and Alyssa Smith,
and propped between them in the first row is Climber
Justin Whitley.
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 25, 2007
they've split in their only two head-
to-heads. "Once they wrestle they
get after it pretty good. And both
of their matches were very close."
A similar situation exists at
215 pounds, adds Coach- "with
Isaac Garfias and Isidro Antonio.
Isidro's just a sophomore, but he's
had just a fabulous season. He's
placed at three tournaments and I
think he's won about a dozen var-
sity matches. So he's really coming
Also closing in on the 20-win
plateau fbr the Climbers, says
Lacy, is senior veteran Barnhart
at 140 pounds.
the Climber roster as of this past
week, alas, is one of the team lead-
ers, sophomore state veteran Sar-
ah Brownstein.
"Sarah's had to have season-
ending surgery on her finger," says
Lacy. "The doctors decided it was
starting to heal improperly, so they
put a pin in her finger and ended
her season - which has been kinda
hard on everybody, including her,
because she's SO disciplined with
her training and" - he grins "- ba-
sically fanatical about wrestling;
she loves it SO much.
"She's still on the team; she
comes to practice every day." He
grins anew. "We can't keep her out
of the room!"
SARAH'S NOT THE only girl
breaking stereotypes on the Climb-
ers' varsity roster this season, as
it happens. Sophomore classmate
Kim Yates continues to make be-
lievers as well, says Coach.
"She's doin' great," he intones.
He shakes his head in awe. "I've
never seen hesitation in that girl's
eyes! A lot of the matches she has
lost she has gotten the first take-
down in, and so she just goes right
out and is very aggressive.
"If the boys are a lot ,tronger
than her they usually get her tied
up. But if they're not a lot stronger
she'll win. She's a very good wres-
"She hasn't wrestled a lot of
people who are better wrestlers
than her. Maybe just a lot more
strength. But she's not even being
overpowered as much as she used
"So both of our girls have just
been /abulous. We're all very
proud of them."
TONIGHT THE Climbers wrap
up their dual-meet slate against
visiting Lakes High School. It's
their "Senior Recognition Night,"
and action starts with the jayvee
matches at 6 p.m.
"And then we don't wrestle
again until the second and third of
February, when we're hosting the
league championships," says Lacy.
"And we're really excited about
that and hope we get a lot of the
community to come out and watch.
It's gonna be great wrestling."
Climber winners - Bennett Barrow by pin
at 112 pounds and Jacob Nikolaisen by pin at
heavyweight (285).
Climber winners - Bennett Barrow by
decision at 112 pounds, Kim Yates by forfei-
ture at 130, Ty Barnhart by pin at 140, Logan
Roadman by pin at 152, Nathan Zoren by pin
at 160, Jordan Frost by pin at 189, Isaac Gar-
fias by pin at 215 and Brett Corbett by forfei-
ture at heavyweight.
Bennett Barrow went 3-1 to take third at
112, Ty Barnhart 3-1 for second at 140, Lo-
gan Roadman 3-1 for third at 152, Jordan
Frost 1-2 for unspecified placement at 189,
(Please turn to page 23.)
Makin' up for lost time
The schedule-challenged boys
of Climber swimming made up
for lost time in a big way Thurs-
day, taking on three foes in one
afternoon by way of a rare quad-
rangular meet.
Necessitated by recent cancel-
lations due to the winter's already
memorable assortment of inclem-
encies, the four-way meet saw the
Climbers swamp host Clover Park
139-33, bow 72-111 to Lakes and
eke out a 98-92 win over Aberdeen
behind fully 11 personal records.
Registering those lifetime bests
were sophomore Nick McCaus-
land (twice), senior Tom Malysch
(twice) sophomore Tim Russell,
junior Alex Grinenko, senior Tom
Malysch, ninth-grader Daniel Ber-
ndt, senior Tom Kealy, classmate
Dan Krafcik, sophomore Garrett
Sullivan and classmate Micah
200 medley relay - Lakes A (Casey Ar-
cher, Ryan Carney, Peter Lofreddo and Tom
Edgecomb) 1:48.03, Aberdeen A (Bennett
Rowe, Andrew Gross, Jay Wilson and Joe
Finazzo) 1:53.34, Shelton A (Tom Malysch,
Jimmy Riley, Tyson Cochran and Dan Kraf-
cik) 1:53.84, Lakes B (Josh Albright, ian
Harrington, Thaddeus Miller and Matt Fruge)
2:01.25, Shelton B (Marcus Berndt, Tom
Kealy, Nick McCausland and Ryan LeDoux)
2:02.29, Aberdeen B (Chris Bortel, Levi Old-
en, O.J. Damron and Daniel Gross) 2:08.91,
Lakes C (not identified) 2:19.68, Clover Park
(P. White, J. Sosa, Z. Sheats and A. Gonza-
les) 2:20.39, Shelton C (Taylor Dean, Daniel
Berndt, Garrett Sullivan and Micah Martinez)
2:28.14, no 10th through 12th places.
200 free - Peter Lofreddo (L) 2:01.79,
Cole Phelan (S) 2:07.14, Tim Russell (S)
2:08.93,* Caleb Berken (A) 2:09.16, Jay
Wilson (A) 2:10.57, A. Aasen (CP) 2:16.35,
Chris Shatz (L) 2:17.57, Alex Grinenko iS)
2:23.44,* Chris Badger (L) 2:26.33, T. John-
son (CP) 2:47.28, no 1 lth or 12th pace.
200 individual medley -Tom Edgecomb
(L) 2:07.87, Tyson Cochran (S) 2:20.84, Jim-
my Riley (S) 2:21.38, Erik Larson (A) 2:30.82,
Andrew Gross (A) 2:34.16, D.J. Damron (A)
2:35.86, lan Harrington (L) 2:36.5, Richie Mc-
Causland iS) 2:54.65, Tucker McDowell (L)
2:55.8, no 10th through 12th I/laces.
50 free - Joe Finazzo (A) 23.24, Mat
Edgecomb (L) 23.84, Kevin Randich (A)
24.79, Josh Smith (L) 24.80, Dan Krafcik (S)
25.11, Bennett Rowe (A) 25.49, Tom Malysch
(S) 25.90,* Nick McCausland (S) 26.29,* Matt
sign-up time
Shelton Parks and Recreation
and Shelton Wrestling Club are
taking sign-ups now for the up-
coming Shelton Youth Wrestling
Eligible are all kids in kinder-
garten through eighth grade, and
they will learn the basic skills and
fundamentals of wrestling "while
having fun," to quote the rec de-
partment's veteran director, Mark
Practices begin Monday, Janu-
ary 29, and run through April 27
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes-
days and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at
Oakland Bay Junior High School.
Registration fee is $25.
Sign up at the Shelton Civic
Center, 525 West Cota Street
For more information, call the
rec department at 432-5194.
Fruge (L) 26.77, A. Gonzalez (CP) 29
Sosa (CP) 29.80, H. Leyton (CP)
Diving - Camren Smith (L) 141.0,
Berndt iS) 116.9,* Daniel Gross (A) '
P. White (CP) 89.3, Tim Tabron (L) 86.
sixth through 12th places.
100 fly - Peter Lofreddo (L) 57.13,
Archer (L) 58.13, Jay Wilson (A)
Bortel (A) 1:11.09, Tom Kealy iS) 1
Thaddeus Miller (L) 1:15.06, Nick
land (S) 1:17.28,* Richie McCausland
1:21.73, no ninth through 12th places.
100 free - Joe Finazzo (A)
Edgecomb (L) 54.88, Ryan
Kevin Randich (A) 55.50, Tim
56.18, Marcus Berndt iS) 57.98, Z.
(CP) 58.32, Josh Smith (L) 58.84,
cik (S) 58.96,* Levi Olden (A) 1:01.30, H.
ton (CP) 1:20.14, P. White (CP)
500 free - Tom Edgecomb (L)
Cole Phelan (S) 5:53.28, Erik Larson
5:53.29, Caleb Berken iA) 6:08.84, A.
(CP) 6:13.64, Alex Grinenko (S) 6:
Chris Badger (L) 6:44.88, Tucker
(L) 7:11.68, Garrett Sullivan iS)
10th through 12th places.
200 free relay - Aberdeen A (Kevin I
dich, Jay Wilson, Caleb Berken and Joe
azzo) 1:38.89, Lakes A (Josh Smith,
Fruge, Ryan Carney and Matt
1:41.00, Shelton A (Tim Russell,
Nick McCausland and Cole PheJan)
Lakes B (Josh Albright, Tucker
Dylan Huessman and Chris Shatz)
Aberdeen B (Daniel Gross, Andrew
D.J. Damron and Bennett Rowe) 1:
Shelton B (Tom Kealy, Ryan LeDoux,
Sullivan and Alex Grinenko) 1:57.19,
Park (T. Johnson, H. Leyton, A. Gonzal
A. Aasen) 2:03.73, Shelton C (Taylor
Richie McCausland, Micah Martinez
Richie Price) 2:19.25, no eighth through 1
100 back - Casey Archer (L) 59.55,
nett Rowe (A) 1:05.73, Tom
1:06.32,* Z. Sheats (CP) 1:07.38,
Berndt (S) 1:08.68, Josh Albright (L)
Daniel Gross (A) 1:18.79, Levi
1:21.12, Oylan Huessman (L) 1:21.11
Johnson (CP) 1:21.77, Micah
1:57.58,* no 12th place.
100 breast- Tyson Cochran (S)
Jimmy Riley iS) t:08.89, Ryan
1:09.74, lan Harrington (L) 1:11.76,
Gross (A) 1:12.59, Tom Kealy (S) 1:1
Matt Fruge (L) 1:17.01, D.J.
1:17.05, Chris Bortel (A) 1:19.87, J.
(CP) 1:23.83, no 1 lth or 12th place.
400 free relay - Lakes A (Peter
Matt Edgecomb, Tom Edgecomb and
Archer) 3:36.5, Shelton A (Cole
Tim Russell, Marcus Berndt and
ley) 3:49.95, Aberdeen (Kevin Randich,
leb Berken, Chris Bortel and Erik
3:54.04, Lakes B (Josh Albright, Chris
Dylan Huessman and Josh Smith)
Shelton B (Garrett Sullivan, Alex
Tom Malysch and Tyson Cochran) 4:
Clover Park (T. Johnson, J. Sosa, A.
and Z. Sheats) 4:27.32, Shelton
Ior Dean, Micah Martinez, Ryan
and Richie McCausland) 4:59.80, no t
through 12th places.
*Personal Record
Richies 4-0, D.H. 4-0. Basic 4-0, LOg
GSC 3-1, Rich 3-1, Sunrise 2-2, North
Timber 1-3, Pine 1-3, Custom 1-3,
4, Just 0-4.
Scratch Game: Bob Phillips, 267.
Scratch Series: Scott LaVato, 696.
Missfits 8-0, Perfect 6-2, Timber 5.
Ernies 4-4, Pin 4-4, Nitas 2-6, JBs 1.
VFW 1-7.
Men's Scratch Game: George Arnot, 224,
Men's Scratch Series: Joe Smith, 558.
Women's Scratch Game: Joyce
Women's Scratch Series: Edith Willis, 4'
Accounting 7-1, Lowland 7-1, OPP
Mason 6-2, Camp 6-2, Dry 6-2, PlanerS
Shipping 4-4, Loggers 3-5,
Power 3-5, Mill #3 2-6, Railroad 2-6,
1.5-6.5, Tech 1-7, Dry 1-7.
Scratch Game: Wendy Medcalf, 224.
Scratch Series: Patsy Robinson, 555.
CLIMBER LOGAN ROADMAN captivates a pair in the partisan peanut
gallery by getting the upper hand (not to mention the lower left elbow) en
route to victory in a recent varsity wrestling match in the Minidome.
Mats gearing up for biggie
• y "
"We had wins that night by wresthng, he quips, adding that
Their big event fast approach-
ing, Shelton High's wrestlers
prepped by way of a pair of dual
meets and a pair of tournaments
last week.
They went woefully under-
manned against the league-lead-
ing Yelm Tornadoes and paid tbr it
on Wednesday and then Thursday
returned to the Minidome with
ranks not so depleted and regis-
tered their second league victory
against three defeats.
And then on the weekend - a
fortnight before their much-an-
ticipated February 2-3 hosting of
the Western Cascade Conference
championships - they broke ranks
to participate variously m two
Here's veteran coach Chris
Lacy's report:
"WE HAD NINE forfeitures at
Yelm, due to injuries, discipline
and illness - which was ridiculous.
It wasn't fair to Yelm. They de-
served a good dual, 'and we didn't
give it to 'em.
(junior heavyweight) ,l acob Niko-
laisen and (senior 112-pounder)
Bennett, Barrow - both by pins.
"And then Thursday night we
wrestled Ch>ver Park here and
won the dual 45-28. We still had
four fortbits, but we had a lot more
people back in the lineup.
"And wc had wins by Bennett, by
decision; (sophomore) Kim Yates,
by foribit; (senior) Ty Barnhart, by
pin; (junior) Logan Roadman, by
pin; (junior) Nathan Zoren, by pin;
(sophomore) Jordan Frost, by pin;
(junior) Isaac Garfias, by pin, and
(junior) Brett Corbett, by fin'tbit."
tally, has been trading off with
Nikolaisen at heavyweight this
season, and little wonder.
"They're both having excellent
seasons," says Lacy. "They're both
going to have over 20 wins by the
end of the season,which is a great
season tbr anybotlv. So we're just
very tbrtunate to have them."
Good friends, are they?
Coach grins. "Until they're
TO VARIOUS RESPONSE from the sidelines, Climber
sophomore Kim Yates handfights for an escape in recent
varsity wrestling action in the Minidome. Our animated
cheerleaders are Brooke Wuolle (left) and Alyssa Smith,
and propped between them in the first row is Climber
Justin Whitley.
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 25, 2007
they've split in their only two head-
to-heads. "Once they wrestle they
get after it pretty good. And both
of their matches were very close."
A similar situation exists at
215 pounds, adds Coach- "with
Isaac Garfias and Isidro Antonio.
Isidro's just a sophomore, but he's
had just a fabulous season. He's
placed at three tournaments and I
think he's won about a dozen var-
sity matches. So he's really coming
Also closing in on the 20-win
plateau fbr the Climbers, says
Lacy, is senior veteran Barnhart
at 140 pounds.
the Climber roster as of this past
week, alas, is one of the team lead-
ers, sophomore state veteran Sar-
ah Brownstein.
"Sarah's had to have season-
ending surgery on her finger," says
Lacy. "The doctors decided it was
starting to heal improperly, so they
put a pin in her finger and ended
her season - which has been kinda
hard on everybody, including her,
because she's SO disciplined with
her training and" - he grins "- ba-
sically fanatical about wrestling;
she loves it SO much.
"She's still on the team; she
comes to practice every day." He
grins anew. "We can't keep her out
of the room!"
SARAH'S NOT THE only girl
breaking stereotypes on the Climb-
ers' varsity roster this season, as
it happens. Sophomore classmate
Kim Yates continues to make be-
lievers as well, says Coach.
"She's doin' great," he intones.
He shakes his head in awe. "I've
never seen hesitation in that girl's
eyes! A lot of the matches she has
lost she has gotten the first take-
down in, and so she just goes right
out and is very aggressive.
"If the boys are a lot ,tronger
than her they usually get her tied
up. But if they're not a lot stronger
she'll win. She's a very good wres-
"She hasn't wrestled a lot of
people who are better wrestlers
than her. Maybe just a lot more
strength. But she's not even being
overpowered as much as she used
"So both of our girls have just
been /abulous. We're all very
proud of them."
TONIGHT THE Climbers wrap
up their dual-meet slate against
visiting Lakes High School. It's
their "Senior Recognition Night,"
and action starts with the jayvee
matches at 6 p.m.
"And then we don't wrestle
again until the second and third of
February, when we're hosting the
league championships," says Lacy.
"And we're really excited about
that and hope we get a lot of the
community to come out and watch.
It's gonna be great wrestling."
Climber winners - Bennett Barrow by pin
at 112 pounds and Jacob Nikolaisen by pin at
heavyweight (285).
Climber winners - Bennett Barrow by
decision at 112 pounds, Kim Yates by forfei-
ture at 130, Ty Barnhart by pin at 140, Logan
Roadman by pin at 152, Nathan Zoren by pin
at 160, Jordan Frost by pin at 189, Isaac Gar-
fias by pin at 215 and Brett Corbett by forfei-
ture at heavyweight.
Bennett Barrow went 3-1 to take third at
112, Ty Barnhart 3-1 for second at 140, Lo-
gan Roadman 3-1 for third at 152, Jordan
Frost 1-2 for unspecified placement at 189,
(Please turn to page 23.)
Makin' up for lost time
The schedule-challenged boys
of Climber swimming made up
for lost time in a big way Thurs-
day, taking on three foes in one
afternoon by way of a rare quad-
rangular meet.
Necessitated by recent cancel-
lations due to the winter's already
memorable assortment of inclem-
encies, the four-way meet saw the
Climbers swamp host Clover Park
139-33, bow 72-111 to Lakes and
eke out a 98-92 win over Aberdeen
behind fully 11 personal records.
Registering those lifetime bests
were sophomore Nick McCaus-
land (twice), senior Tom Malysch
(twice) sophomore Tim Russell,
junior Alex Grinenko, senior Tom
Malysch, ninth-grader Daniel Ber-
ndt, senior Tom Kealy, classmate
Dan Krafcik, sophomore Garrett
Sullivan and classmate Micah
200 medley relay - Lakes A (Casey Ar-
cher, Ryan Carney, Peter Lofreddo and Tom
Edgecomb) 1:48.03, Aberdeen A (Bennett
Rowe, Andrew Gross, Jay Wilson and Joe
Finazzo) 1:53.34, Shelton A (Tom Malysch,
Jimmy Riley, Tyson Cochran and Dan Kraf-
cik) 1:53.84, Lakes B (Josh Albright, ian
Harrington, Thaddeus Miller and Matt Fruge)
2:01.25, Shelton B (Marcus Berndt, Tom
Kealy, Nick McCausland and Ryan LeDoux)
2:02.29, Aberdeen B (Chris Bortel, Levi Old-
en, O.J. Damron and Daniel Gross) 2:08.91,
Lakes C (not identified) 2:19.68, Clover Park
(P. White, J. Sosa, Z. Sheats and A. Gonza-
les) 2:20.39, Shelton C (Taylor Dean, Daniel
Berndt, Garrett Sullivan and Micah Martinez)
2:28.14, no 10th through 12th places.
200 free - Peter Lofreddo (L) 2:01.79,
Cole Phelan (S) 2:07.14, Tim Russell (S)
2:08.93,* Caleb Berken (A) 2:09.16, Jay
Wilson (A) 2:10.57, A. Aasen (CP) 2:16.35,
Chris Shatz (L) 2:17.57, Alex Grinenko iS)
2:23.44,* Chris Badger (L) 2:26.33, T. John-
son (CP) 2:47.28, no 1 lth or 12th pace.
200 individual medley -Tom Edgecomb
(L) 2:07.87, Tyson Cochran (S) 2:20.84, Jim-
my Riley (S) 2:21.38, Erik Larson (A) 2:30.82,
Andrew Gross (A) 2:34.16, D.J. Damron (A)
2:35.86, lan Harrington (L) 2:36.5, Richie Mc-
Causland iS) 2:54.65, Tucker McDowell (L)
2:55.8, no 10th through 12th I/laces.
50 free - Joe Finazzo (A) 23.24, Mat
Edgecomb (L) 23.84, Kevin Randich (A)
24.79, Josh Smith (L) 24.80, Dan Krafcik (S)
25.11, Bennett Rowe (A) 25.49, Tom Malysch
(S) 25.90,* Nick McCausland (S) 26.29,* Matt
sign-up time
Shelton Parks and Recreation
and Shelton Wrestling Club are
taking sign-ups now for the up-
coming Shelton Youth Wrestling
Eligible are all kids in kinder-
garten through eighth grade, and
they will learn the basic skills and
fundamentals of wrestling "while
having fun," to quote the rec de-
partment's veteran director, Mark
Practices begin Monday, Janu-
ary 29, and run through April 27
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes-
days and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at
Oakland Bay Junior High School.
Registration fee is $25.
Sign up at the Shelton Civic
Center, 525 West Cota Street
For more information, call the
rec department at 432-5194.
Fruge (L) 26.77, A. Gonzalez (CP) 29
Sosa (CP) 29.80, H. Leyton (CP)
Diving - Camren Smith (L) 141.0,
Berndt iS) 116.9,* Daniel Gross (A) '
P. White (CP) 89.3, Tim Tabron (L) 86.
sixth through 12th places.
100 fly - Peter Lofreddo (L) 57.13,
Archer (L) 58.13, Jay Wilson (A)
Bortel (A) 1:11.09, Tom Kealy iS) 1
Thaddeus Miller (L) 1:15.06, Nick
land (S) 1:17.28,* Richie McCausland
1:21.73, no ninth through 12th places.
100 free - Joe Finazzo (A)
Edgecomb (L) 54.88, Ryan
Kevin Randich (A) 55.50, Tim
56.18, Marcus Berndt iS) 57.98, Z.
(CP) 58.32, Josh Smith (L) 58.84,
cik (S) 58.96,* Levi Olden (A) 1:01.30, H.
ton (CP) 1:20.14, P. White (CP)
500 free - Tom Edgecomb (L)
Cole Phelan (S) 5:53.28, Erik Larson
5:53.29, Caleb Berken iA) 6:08.84, A.
(CP) 6:13.64, Alex Grinenko (S) 6:
Chris Badger (L) 6:44.88, Tucker
(L) 7:11.68, Garrett Sullivan iS)
10th through 12th places.
200 free relay - Aberdeen A (Kevin I
dich, Jay Wilson, Caleb Berken and Joe
azzo) 1:38.89, Lakes A (Josh Smith,
Fruge, Ryan Carney and Matt
1:41.00, Shelton A (Tim Russell,
Nick McCausland and Cole PheJan)
Lakes B (Josh Albright, Tucker
Dylan Huessman and Chris Shatz)
Aberdeen B (Daniel Gross, Andrew
D.J. Damron and Bennett Rowe) 1:
Shelton B (Tom Kealy, Ryan LeDoux,
Sullivan and Alex Grinenko) 1:57.19,
Park (T. Johnson, H. Leyton, A. Gonzal
A. Aasen) 2:03.73, Shelton C (Taylor
Richie McCausland, Micah Martinez
Richie Price) 2:19.25, no eighth through 1
100 back - Casey Archer (L) 59.55,
nett Rowe (A) 1:05.73, Tom
1:06.32,* Z. Sheats (CP) 1:07.38,
Berndt (S) 1:08.68, Josh Albright (L)
Daniel Gross (A) 1:18.79, Levi
1:21.12, Oylan Huessman (L) 1:21.11
Johnson (CP) 1:21.77, Micah
1:57.58,* no 12th place.
100 breast- Tyson Cochran (S)
Jimmy Riley iS) t:08.89, Ryan
1:09.74, lan Harrington (L) 1:11.76,
Gross (A) 1:12.59, Tom Kealy (S) 1:1
Matt Fruge (L) 1:17.01, D.J.
1:17.05, Chris Bortel (A) 1:19.87, J.
(CP) 1:23.83, no 1 lth or 12th place.
400 free relay - Lakes A (Peter
Matt Edgecomb, Tom Edgecomb and
Archer) 3:36.5, Shelton A (Cole
Tim Russell, Marcus Berndt and
ley) 3:49.95, Aberdeen (Kevin Randich,
leb Berken, Chris Bortel and Erik
3:54.04, Lakes B (Josh Albright, Chris
Dylan Huessman and Josh Smith)
Shelton B (Garrett Sullivan, Alex
Tom Malysch and Tyson Cochran) 4:
Clover Park (T. Johnson, J. Sosa, A.
and Z. Sheats) 4:27.32, Shelton
Ior Dean, Micah Martinez, Ryan
and Richie McCausland) 4:59.80, no t
through 12th places.
*Personal Record
Richies 4-0, D.H. 4-0. Basic 4-0, LOg
GSC 3-1, Rich 3-1, Sunrise 2-2, North
Timber 1-3, Pine 1-3, Custom 1-3,
4, Just 0-4.
Scratch Game: Bob Phillips, 267.
Scratch Series: Scott LaVato, 696.
Missfits 8-0, Perfect 6-2, Timber 5.
Ernies 4-4, Pin 4-4, Nitas 2-6, JBs 1.
VFW 1-7.
Men's Scratch Game: George Arnot, 224,
Men's Scratch Series: Joe Smith, 558.
Women's Scratch Game: Joyce
Women's Scratch Series: Edith Willis, 4'
Accounting 7-1, Lowland 7-1, OPP
Mason 6-2, Camp 6-2, Dry 6-2, PlanerS
Shipping 4-4, Loggers 3-5,
Power 3-5, Mill #3 2-6, Railroad 2-6,
1.5-6.5, Tech 1-7, Dry 1-7.
Scratch Game: Wendy Medcalf, 224.
Scratch Series: Patsy Robinson, 555.