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Resolving our conflicts Choice need
Editor, The Herald:
I have been trying to get to
know the community by attend-
ing meetings and reading the local
papers. Wow! Among the positive
actions, there are expressions of
frustration, fear, hurt and anger.
Everyone experiences dis-
agreements and change during
his lifb. Clearly, the Belfair-area
residents have experienced an ex-
treme amount of both during the
last few years. As a conflict man-
agement specialist, I have found
the fbllowing reminders helpful
in these situations.
1. Focusing on WHY I want
something to happen often opens
up alternative solutions. Focus-
ing only on WHAT I want to have
happen tends to limit me to one
2. When trying to explain to
the other side why they should
agree with my solution, I gener-
ally am more successful if I use
benefits they will receive. This
requires "walking in their shoes."
If there are no benefits to them
or the benefits include threats,
I can't be surprised if they don't
3. Personal attacks are easy
when I feel attacked. Although
they are easy, I have found such
attacks only increase disagree-
ment. Focusing on my real con-
cerns and not responding with
personal attacks can help us find
a solution.
I hope your readers find these
reminders as helpful as I have
over the years. I look forward to
being a part of this wonderful
community as we move into the
Wanda Thompson
A crisis in Grapeview
Editor, The Herald:
Peg Ryan's January 18 letter
did an excellent job of laying out
the problems and suggested solu-
tions tbr the current crisis in Ma-
son County Fire District 3.
She points out that the prob-
lems arose from the $50,000
no-interest loan to complete
the Grapeview Community
Association's expansion of the
fire hall. Jackie Longmire's let-
ter lists the good works of the
Grapeview Community Associa-
tion members. She states that
the fire district owns the facil-
ity, including the association's
$250,000 improvements. That
is true, but doesn't include the
important point that two of the
three fire commissioner votes are
controlled by staunch association
members whose wives are associ-
ation board members, effectively
giving control to the association.
The actions of the commissioners
repeatedly reveal their conflict
of interest. They should recuse
themselves from association-
related votes, but instead push
through the association's agen-
das, such as the above-retbrenced
Longmire's letter also cites the
many good works of the Grape-
view Community Association,
and I couldn't agree more. They
put on all excellent festival in
the summer and I'm sure had the
best of intentions with the fire
hall expansion. It is a select few
members who are taking action
on behalf of the whole who have
created our current crisis and
placed a blemish on the Grape-
view Community Association's
list of good works.
It's not too late to repair the
damage. Ryan's letter lays out
some solutions. The resignation
of" Commissioner Fugere is an-
other suggestion I would make.
We need a commissioner who is
sincerely interested in the fire
department and who will give se-
rious consideration to its input.
That is simply not the case with
Commissioner Fugere.
Diane R. Hartley
Can,t support district
Editor, The Herald:
I was born and raised in
Bremerton and our lamily has a
summer home on the South Shore
where I have spent most sum-
mers of my life. I am now a senior
citizen who moved to Tahuya 25
years ago. I have always been
proud to say I was from "Belfhir."
Now people say Belihir seems to
have lots of problems, especially
in the school system. I am thank-
ful that none of" my children or
grandchildren are presently in
the Belfair schools.
The situation with the school
board is alarming. It has been
reported that 90-plus percent of
teachers and administrators have
a big problem with the school
board. These teachers and admin-
istrators are the ones in the front
line with your children. Talk to
them and support them or the
good ones will leave. Would you
want a job in our school district
if you checked out what was hap-
pening here? What qualified su-
perintendent would want to come
work here?
There have got to be people
within our community that can
help make any changes needed in
a positive, people-friendly way. I
have always supported the school
bonds and levies because I truly
/bel that educating our children
is one of the most positive ways
to secure our future. We need to
step up and say our schools are in
trouble and get a school board in
there that can work with teachers
and administrators rather than
push them out. I will not vote for
our schools until this situation
has been resolved. How about the
rest of you citizens and parents?
What do you want for your chil-
dren and grandchildren?
Janelle Cain
Volunteers needed for
a wide variety of jobs
The Retired and Senior Volun- rience as a tutor is not needed. Ex- games and skills (chess, knitting,
teer Program has several volun-
teer opportunities fbr North Ma-
son residents. Anyone interested
in helping out can call 360-426-
3405 for information, referring
to the numbers at the end of the
items listed below.
• Literacy Tutors: Tutor North
Mason adults in reading, math,
and writing, GED preparation
English as a Second Language
(ESL). Looking for people with
patience, sensitivity, enthusiasm
and the ability to work with people
from different cultures. Past expe-
cellent training is also provided.
• Food Bank Volunteer: Help
those in need by handing out food,
stocking or picking up donations
for the North Mason Food Bank
and others. A few hours a week
can make a big difference. The
fall and winter are especially busy
times for the area's food banks.
• Youth MentorfFutor: Do you
have a hobby or skill that you would
like to teach to youth? Many would
enjoy adult mentors to teach them
P,O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
AIlyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
card games, etc.). Tutor youth in
reading, writing and math. The
North Mason branch of the Boys
and Girls Clubs of South Puget
Sound helps to inspire and enable
all youth to realize their full po-
tential as caring, productive and
responsible citizens. (3229-5213)
• Chore Helper: Keep North Ma-
son seniors and the disabled inde-
pendent. Low-income seniors and
the disabled need help to main-
tain their independence. Giving a
couple hours when convenient can
help make a big difference. There
are a variety of needs: household
chores, meal preparation, house-
hold repairs, lawn work, drive
to/from medical appointments or
on errands, shop for seniors, etc.
Construction, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, January 25, 2007
Editor, The Herald:
Recent articles in The Kitsap
Sun and The Be/fair Herald al-
luded to a decision by the board
of directors of the Mason County
Hospital District to remove the
areas of Belfair and northward
from their hospital district. We ap-
plaud the board for their decision,
but don't think they have gone far
enough. The same option should
be presented to all residents and
taxpayers within the North Ma-
son School District boundaries.
The North Mason area has been a
thorn in their side every time they
have tried to pass a bond or levy. If
we are removed from the hospital
district, their chances of passing a
bond or levy increase.
The big problem is that most
North Mason residents who are
looking for health care generally
go to Bremerton, Silverdale or
Port Orchard. Some have even re-
tained the same doctors that treat-
ed them in Seattle or Tacoma. It
isn't just that Mason General is
farther away than the Bremerton
or Port Orchard medical facilities,
Submit a letter
through the mail
Here at The Belfair Herald
we're happy to print as many let-
ters to the editor as possible. We do
ask that you sign your letter and
include a phone number where
you can be easily contacted in
case there are questions. We also
ask that you include your address.
We are located in the Log Plaza
and our mailing address is P.O.
Box 250, Bellair, 98528. Our of-
fice can also be reached by calling
275-6680 in case you have ques-
but many of the doctors
on staff at Mason General
their offices in Olympia or
It is simply a matter of
and convenience.
We really don't know
dents of Allyn, Victor,
and Mason Lake; would
be excluded from the
ty Hospital District or not.
believe they should be
choice. Why should we
hospital district that can't or
provide the kind of health
need locally?
The North Mason
Voice group would like to
your opinion. Send your
Chad, owner. Licensed
15 years experience
Cell 1-360-401-0048
Valerie McLeod,
Physical Thera
70 NE Medical Center Road
Topsoil * Bark • Mulches. Fill Dirt * Rockery Rock • Crushed Rock • Washed R0
Land Clearing • Free Estimates • Certified Scales
• Accepting Stumps, Brush and
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: I
N Since 1961
Miller Remodeling
Buildin on Your Dreams, with Quality and Service
. Design/Build 360-275-5702
• Remodels 360-426-2058
• Additions
Visi www'tnmillerrem°clelin
• Restorations
• Custom r,, r,.,t h,,ur ,,r (r,r:,e,,,e
1",,.1£W IN B£LF2,,Ii00
OPEN DAILY 1 1 A.M.-9 P.M.
10 % OFF Any Entree
with this ad -- valid thru 2/17/07
23690 NE Hwy 3 * Belfair
(N(XI 1:0 NINk'i NklLi I;kN)
RO. Box 275 NE 431 Yard Rd. WA
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
Per Small
(pick-up Size) OR
Sl. Per
A.M.- 5 RM.
275-0228 Please call for directions and more informati0
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
Resolving our conflicts Choice need
Editor, The Herald:
I have been trying to get to
know the community by attend-
ing meetings and reading the local
papers. Wow! Among the positive
actions, there are expressions of
frustration, fear, hurt and anger.
Everyone experiences dis-
agreements and change during
his lifb. Clearly, the Belfair-area
residents have experienced an ex-
treme amount of both during the
last few years. As a conflict man-
agement specialist, I have found
the fbllowing reminders helpful
in these situations.
1. Focusing on WHY I want
something to happen often opens
up alternative solutions. Focus-
ing only on WHAT I want to have
happen tends to limit me to one
2. When trying to explain to
the other side why they should
agree with my solution, I gener-
ally am more successful if I use
benefits they will receive. This
requires "walking in their shoes."
If there are no benefits to them
or the benefits include threats,
I can't be surprised if they don't
3. Personal attacks are easy
when I feel attacked. Although
they are easy, I have found such
attacks only increase disagree-
ment. Focusing on my real con-
cerns and not responding with
personal attacks can help us find
a solution.
I hope your readers find these
reminders as helpful as I have
over the years. I look forward to
being a part of this wonderful
community as we move into the
Wanda Thompson
A crisis in Grapeview
Editor, The Herald:
Peg Ryan's January 18 letter
did an excellent job of laying out
the problems and suggested solu-
tions tbr the current crisis in Ma-
son County Fire District 3.
She points out that the prob-
lems arose from the $50,000
no-interest loan to complete
the Grapeview Community
Association's expansion of the
fire hall. Jackie Longmire's let-
ter lists the good works of the
Grapeview Community Associa-
tion members. She states that
the fire district owns the facil-
ity, including the association's
$250,000 improvements. That
is true, but doesn't include the
important point that two of the
three fire commissioner votes are
controlled by staunch association
members whose wives are associ-
ation board members, effectively
giving control to the association.
The actions of the commissioners
repeatedly reveal their conflict
of interest. They should recuse
themselves from association-
related votes, but instead push
through the association's agen-
das, such as the above-retbrenced
Longmire's letter also cites the
many good works of the Grape-
view Community Association,
and I couldn't agree more. They
put on all excellent festival in
the summer and I'm sure had the
best of intentions with the fire
hall expansion. It is a select few
members who are taking action
on behalf of the whole who have
created our current crisis and
placed a blemish on the Grape-
view Community Association's
list of good works.
It's not too late to repair the
damage. Ryan's letter lays out
some solutions. The resignation
of" Commissioner Fugere is an-
other suggestion I would make.
We need a commissioner who is
sincerely interested in the fire
department and who will give se-
rious consideration to its input.
That is simply not the case with
Commissioner Fugere.
Diane R. Hartley
Can,t support district
Editor, The Herald:
I was born and raised in
Bremerton and our lamily has a
summer home on the South Shore
where I have spent most sum-
mers of my life. I am now a senior
citizen who moved to Tahuya 25
years ago. I have always been
proud to say I was from "Belfhir."
Now people say Belihir seems to
have lots of problems, especially
in the school system. I am thank-
ful that none of" my children or
grandchildren are presently in
the Belfair schools.
The situation with the school
board is alarming. It has been
reported that 90-plus percent of
teachers and administrators have
a big problem with the school
board. These teachers and admin-
istrators are the ones in the front
line with your children. Talk to
them and support them or the
good ones will leave. Would you
want a job in our school district
if you checked out what was hap-
pening here? What qualified su-
perintendent would want to come
work here?
There have got to be people
within our community that can
help make any changes needed in
a positive, people-friendly way. I
have always supported the school
bonds and levies because I truly
/bel that educating our children
is one of the most positive ways
to secure our future. We need to
step up and say our schools are in
trouble and get a school board in
there that can work with teachers
and administrators rather than
push them out. I will not vote for
our schools until this situation
has been resolved. How about the
rest of you citizens and parents?
What do you want for your chil-
dren and grandchildren?
Janelle Cain
Volunteers needed for
a wide variety of jobs
The Retired and Senior Volun- rience as a tutor is not needed. Ex- games and skills (chess, knitting,
teer Program has several volun-
teer opportunities fbr North Ma-
son residents. Anyone interested
in helping out can call 360-426-
3405 for information, referring
to the numbers at the end of the
items listed below.
• Literacy Tutors: Tutor North
Mason adults in reading, math,
and writing, GED preparation
English as a Second Language
(ESL). Looking for people with
patience, sensitivity, enthusiasm
and the ability to work with people
from different cultures. Past expe-
cellent training is also provided.
• Food Bank Volunteer: Help
those in need by handing out food,
stocking or picking up donations
for the North Mason Food Bank
and others. A few hours a week
can make a big difference. The
fall and winter are especially busy
times for the area's food banks.
• Youth MentorfFutor: Do you
have a hobby or skill that you would
like to teach to youth? Many would
enjoy adult mentors to teach them
P,O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
AIlyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
card games, etc.). Tutor youth in
reading, writing and math. The
North Mason branch of the Boys
and Girls Clubs of South Puget
Sound helps to inspire and enable
all youth to realize their full po-
tential as caring, productive and
responsible citizens. (3229-5213)
• Chore Helper: Keep North Ma-
son seniors and the disabled inde-
pendent. Low-income seniors and
the disabled need help to main-
tain their independence. Giving a
couple hours when convenient can
help make a big difference. There
are a variety of needs: household
chores, meal preparation, house-
hold repairs, lawn work, drive
to/from medical appointments or
on errands, shop for seniors, etc.
Construction, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, January 25, 2007
Editor, The Herald:
Recent articles in The Kitsap
Sun and The Be/fair Herald al-
luded to a decision by the board
of directors of the Mason County
Hospital District to remove the
areas of Belfair and northward
from their hospital district. We ap-
plaud the board for their decision,
but don't think they have gone far
enough. The same option should
be presented to all residents and
taxpayers within the North Ma-
son School District boundaries.
The North Mason area has been a
thorn in their side every time they
have tried to pass a bond or levy. If
we are removed from the hospital
district, their chances of passing a
bond or levy increase.
The big problem is that most
North Mason residents who are
looking for health care generally
go to Bremerton, Silverdale or
Port Orchard. Some have even re-
tained the same doctors that treat-
ed them in Seattle or Tacoma. It
isn't just that Mason General is
farther away than the Bremerton
or Port Orchard medical facilities,
Submit a letter
through the mail
Here at The Belfair Herald
we're happy to print as many let-
ters to the editor as possible. We do
ask that you sign your letter and
include a phone number where
you can be easily contacted in
case there are questions. We also
ask that you include your address.
We are located in the Log Plaza
and our mailing address is P.O.
Box 250, Bellair, 98528. Our of-
fice can also be reached by calling
275-6680 in case you have ques-
but many of the doctors
on staff at Mason General
their offices in Olympia or
It is simply a matter of
and convenience.
We really don't know
dents of Allyn, Victor,
and Mason Lake; would
be excluded from the
ty Hospital District or not.
believe they should be
choice. Why should we
hospital district that can't or
provide the kind of health
need locally?
The North Mason
Voice group would like to
your opinion. Send your
Chad, owner. Licensed
15 years experience
Cell 1-360-401-0048
Valerie McLeod,
Physical Thera
70 NE Medical Center Road
Topsoil * Bark • Mulches. Fill Dirt * Rockery Rock • Crushed Rock • Washed R0
Land Clearing • Free Estimates • Certified Scales
• Accepting Stumps, Brush and
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: I
N Since 1961
Miller Remodeling
Buildin on Your Dreams, with Quality and Service
. Design/Build 360-275-5702
• Remodels 360-426-2058
• Additions
Visi www'tnmillerrem°clelin
• Restorations
• Custom r,, r,.,t h,,ur ,,r (r,r:,e,,,e
1",,.1£W IN B£LF2,,Ii00
OPEN DAILY 1 1 A.M.-9 P.M.
10 % OFF Any Entree
with this ad -- valid thru 2/17/07
23690 NE Hwy 3 * Belfair
(N(XI 1:0 NINk'i NklLi I;kN)
RO. Box 275 NE 431 Yard Rd. WA
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
Per Small
(pick-up Size) OR
Sl. Per
A.M.- 5 RM.
275-0228 Please call for directions and more informati0
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE