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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 25, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 25, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Library's reading contest has Water group[ set to meet lots of great prizes available (Continued from page 1.) book discussion and enjoy some snacks. Hear about the author, find suggestions for other great reads and meet new friends. Featured book: Surviving the Applewhites by Stephanie Tolan. Limit 15. Sign- up is required. The book may be picked up beginning February 1. Cosponsored by the Friends of the North Mason Timberland Library. • The Belfair library presents "Computer Adventures: Publisher and Advanced Word," from 9:30 to l l a.m. on Tuesday, February 20, tbr adults. This class will intro- duce the Publisher program, and advanced tbrmatting techniques and features m Word. Participants should be comfortable with basic computer use and word-processing in the Word program. Because this Chamber's gala is this Saturday The annual North Mason Cham- ber of Commerce Installation Gala is coming up fast. The event will be held at Alderbrook this Saturday, January 27. Citizen and Business of the Year awards will be announced at the event. The President's Award and the new OysterFest Award will also be given during the event. Chamber officials say that tick- ets are going fast. Those that are still planning on attending still need to make reservations. Alderbrook has set up a special room rate [br chamber members of just $89. Folks can get the special rate by telling Alderbrook staff that they are with the chamber of com- merce and coming to the gala. The event starts at 6 p.m., with networking and mingling. A scrump- tious dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Organizer's say the event should be completed by about 9:15 p.m. Those that would like to attend the event should contact the cham- ber's executive director, Frank Ken- ny, to make a reservation by calling him at 275-4267. is a hands-on class, there is a limit of seven participants. Sign-ups re- quired; call (.360) 275-3232. * The Timberland Regional Li- brary Board of Trustees will have a public meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednes- day, February 21, at the Centralia Timberland Library, 110 South Sil- ver Street, Centralia. The public is encouraged to attend. * The Belfhir library presents Last Leaf Productions' Tiw Wolfs Tale from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 22, tbr ages 4-12. In this play, the wolf gets to tell his version of two fairy tales, "The Three Little Pigs" and "Little Red Riding Hood." See how things looked from his perspective. • The Belfair library presents ,Junior PageTurners Book Club from 4 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 1, for ages 6-8. Meet for a book chat, games, snacks and a craft. Featured book: Some Frog by Eve Bunting. Limit 15. Sign-up is required. The book may be picked up beginning February 25. Cospon- sored by the Friends of the North Mason Timberland Library. ALL TIMBERLAND pro- grams are free of charge unless otherwise noted. Anyone needing special accommodations to partic- ipate in a library's program may contact the library at least four days in advance. For information on any topic or for help finding information re- sources, the TRL Central Reference librarians are available toll-free at 1-800-562-6022. UW Dean's List features some locals The University of Washington has announced its dean's list for the 2006 autumn quarter and sev- eral students with local ties earned that recognition. To qualify for the dean's list, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have earned a grade-point average of at least 3.50 out of a possible 4.0. On the list this quarter are ju- nior Jeff D. Eck of Allyn; senior Jennifer Christeen Hovee and ju- nior Lindsay Marie Wing, both of Belfair; and seniors Anna Laura Hoover, Danene Marie Jesionows- ki, Ashley Helen Minaker, Amelia Dale Wallace and H'ilma Maudi Yantis and junior Emma Willa Yantis, all of Grapeview. speaker Teri King ton Sea Grant organization. King's topic will be "The Native Plants to Control water." The meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Monday, at the North Mason School trict administrative offices, on Campus Drive below the school. The Lower Hood Canal shed Coalition is a group citizens, businesses and tatives from government and the Skokomish Tribe work to improve and protect quality and quantity of fresh marine waters in the lower Canal watershed. The presentations are free charge and are aimed at local meowners. For more call the group's co-chairman, Hager, at 275-0618. Allyn View RV Senior park located in quaint beach community. Sound views. Walk to shopping and beach. (360) 275-3120 More squares are needed for Theler Center quilt project Last summer the Mary E. Theler Community Center be- gan a quilt project, planning two theme quilts to be made by members of the public. One quilt was to be for permanent display and one was to be auctioned off as a fund-raiser. The first quiltz'a truly out- standing piece of workmanship, is now on display at the center and plans for the second one are now under way. Prior ex- perience is not necessary. To make a square, go to the center and, for a $10 fee, pick up the instructions and three required fabrics. Completion is required by January 31. The center is located at 22871 NE State Route 3. For more infbrmation call the center at 275-4898. Literacy program in need of volunteers to serve as tutors Mason County Literacy is looking for volunteers to tutor in adult basic education and GED preparation. Volunteers must be 18 and able to pass a Washington State Patrol background check. The work is generally done at the North Mason Timberland aRe- gional Library in Belihir and vol- unteers should be able to commit to three to fbur hours per week of work with their students. Of- ficials say that volunteers must also be patient and understand- ing, and able to work with very diverse sorts of students. Those that would like more information about the program should contact Amy Olson at 360-621-5092. Mason Transit asks Driving classes to for more volunteers begin on February to transport clients Mason Transit is seeking vol- unteer drivers in the North Mason area to provide transportation for citizens who are unable to use regu- lar transit tbr essential medical- care services outside of the county such as kidney dialysis, cancer treatment and other medical con- cerns. Rides are also arranged for nutritional services, social services and shopping. Transit officials say that pres- ently a strong need exists tbr vol- unteers in or near the Tahuya and South Shore areas to transport cli- ents to Kitsap County for kidney dialysis treatments. Such appoint- ments are scheduled around the clock so wflunteers with unconven- tional schedules are welcome. Volunteers use their own vehi- cles, are reimbursed and participate as often or as seldom as personal schedules will allow. Vehicle insur- ance as well as a good driving record are required for all volunteers. Those that are interested in vol- unteering should contact Mason Transit at 1-800-281-9434 for more infiwmation on how to get started. 21 at high school Driver education classes are slated to begin at North Ma- son High School on February 21. The eight-week course costs $300 with classroom instruc- tion offered on Mondays through Wednesdays after school, and drives scheduled for Thursdays through Saturdays outside of class time. For more information call the high school at 277-2303. Recycling old cell phones and ink-jet cartridges in Belfair Cell phones and ink-jet cartridg- es can now be recycled in Belfair. Cell phones themselves contain at least eight toxic chemicals and if discarded in a landfill, each one can potentially contaminate up to 34,874 gallons of water. Recycling is sponsored through Belfair's Pacific Northwest Salmon Center and sev- eral local businesses have drop-box- es ibr used phones and ink-jet car- tridges. For more information call the Salmon Center at 275-2763. Gala evening will benefit Shining Star scholarship fund The first annual Marissa Goodell Shining Star Scholar- ship Evening is set to begin at 6 p.m. on February 18 at the A1- derbrook Resort and Spa. The event will include a no- host bar, music, a gourmet din- ner and will also name the win- ner of the first Shining Star Hu- manitarian Award. Reservations are required by February 5, and the cost of the evening is $75 per person. Proceeds will ben- efit scholarships to North Mason High School students. For more information call Dan Goodell at 275-9505. SHOOTING STAR "Where You're The star' • All occasions • Corn • New luxury stretch limoS • 5 star service 24 hours Airport Service $75 2 tI I 0 hwalions Our Un Serving anyone livhg in Mason or Gno's Harbor 526 W. Cedar St., Shelton 2948 Olympic Hwy. N., 426-9701 Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Repaired Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains ° Foundation DigoutS Misc. Clearing • Gravel • Perc Holes • Designs Available Librarylscalendar s iP ,,- .- .-..- ]1 ; -- i -,. -- celebrate 40 years, I support programs I ,I I The North Mason Timberland | Regional Library is selling art cal- endars in celebration of their 40th | anniversary. The calendars feature pen-and- r ma ink drawings of local landmarks I and a brief history of the local Friends of the Library group. The | I , I n ..._...offo.r.a/ I I An in-county subscription I brings you the news for I only 59 cents per week. I | $10 price tag supports library activ- ities, including reading programs. For more information, drop by the library, located at 23081 NE State Route 3, or call 275-3232. I I Name: I Address: .... I City: I ;:) $31 in County | ’) $45 in Washington State | Mail with ch(,ck to: ThcJournal PO Box 430 Shehon, WA 98584 I'd like a one year subscription mailed to the following address: , ,,J i'm Iovin' if State: Zip: () $45 Elma or Bremerton address O $55 out of state I Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, January 25, 2007 J J Questions? Call 360.426.444 • -, am mm -- -- m,,  Library's reading contest has Water group[ set to meet lots of great prizes available (Continued from page 1.) book discussion and enjoy some snacks. Hear about the author, find suggestions for other great reads and meet new friends. Featured book: Surviving the Applewhites by Stephanie Tolan. Limit 15. Sign- up is required. The book may be picked up beginning February 1. Cosponsored by the Friends of the North Mason Timberland Library. • The Belfair library presents "Computer Adventures: Publisher and Advanced Word," from 9:30 to l l a.m. on Tuesday, February 20, tbr adults. This class will intro- duce the Publisher program, and advanced tbrmatting techniques and features m Word. Participants should be comfortable with basic computer use and word-processing in the Word program. Because this Chamber's gala is this Saturday The annual North Mason Cham- ber of Commerce Installation Gala is coming up fast. The event will be held at Alderbrook this Saturday, January 27. Citizen and Business of the Year awards will be announced at the event. The President's Award and the new OysterFest Award will also be given during the event. Chamber officials say that tick- ets are going fast. Those that are still planning on attending still need to make reservations. Alderbrook has set up a special room rate [br chamber members of just $89. Folks can get the special rate by telling Alderbrook staff that they are with the chamber of com- merce and coming to the gala. The event starts at 6 p.m., with networking and mingling. A scrump- tious dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Organizer's say the event should be completed by about 9:15 p.m. Those that would like to attend the event should contact the cham- ber's executive director, Frank Ken- ny, to make a reservation by calling him at 275-4267. is a hands-on class, there is a limit of seven participants. Sign-ups re- quired; call (.360) 275-3232. * The Timberland Regional Li- brary Board of Trustees will have a public meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednes- day, February 21, at the Centralia Timberland Library, 110 South Sil- ver Street, Centralia. The public is encouraged to attend. * The Belfhir library presents Last Leaf Productions' Tiw Wolfs Tale from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 22, tbr ages 4-12. In this play, the wolf gets to tell his version of two fairy tales, "The Three Little Pigs" and "Little Red Riding Hood." See how things looked from his perspective. • The Belfair library presents ,Junior PageTurners Book Club from 4 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 1, for ages 6-8. Meet for a book chat, games, snacks and a craft. Featured book: Some Frog by Eve Bunting. Limit 15. Sign-up is required. The book may be picked up beginning February 25. Cospon- sored by the Friends of the North Mason Timberland Library. ALL TIMBERLAND pro- grams are free of charge unless otherwise noted. Anyone needing special accommodations to partic- ipate in a library's program may contact the library at least four days in advance. For information on any topic or for help finding information re- sources, the TRL Central Reference librarians are available toll-free at 1-800-562-6022. UW Dean's List features some locals The University of Washington has announced its dean's list for the 2006 autumn quarter and sev- eral students with local ties earned that recognition. To qualify for the dean's list, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have earned a grade-point average of at least 3.50 out of a possible 4.0. On the list this quarter are ju- nior Jeff D. Eck of Allyn; senior Jennifer Christeen Hovee and ju- nior Lindsay Marie Wing, both of Belfair; and seniors Anna Laura Hoover, Danene Marie Jesionows- ki, Ashley Helen Minaker, Amelia Dale Wallace and H'ilma Maudi Yantis and junior Emma Willa Yantis, all of Grapeview. speaker Teri King ton Sea Grant organization. King's topic will be "The Native Plants to Control water." The meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Monday, at the North Mason School trict administrative offices, on Campus Drive below the school. The Lower Hood Canal shed Coalition is a group citizens, businesses and tatives from government and the Skokomish Tribe work to improve and protect quality and quantity of fresh marine waters in the lower Canal watershed. The presentations are free charge and are aimed at local meowners. For more call the group's co-chairman, Hager, at 275-0618. Allyn View RV Senior park located in quaint beach community. Sound views. Walk to shopping and beach. (360) 275-3120 More squares are needed for Theler Center quilt project Last summer the Mary E. Theler Community Center be- gan a quilt project, planning two theme quilts to be made by members of the public. One quilt was to be for permanent display and one was to be auctioned off as a fund-raiser. The first quiltz'a truly out- standing piece of workmanship, is now on display at the center and plans for the second one are now under way. Prior ex- perience is not necessary. To make a square, go to the center and, for a $10 fee, pick up the instructions and three required fabrics. Completion is required by January 31. The center is located at 22871 NE State Route 3. For more infbrmation call the center at 275-4898. Literacy program in need of volunteers to serve as tutors Mason County Literacy is looking for volunteers to tutor in adult basic education and GED preparation. Volunteers must be 18 and able to pass a Washington State Patrol background check. The work is generally done at the North Mason Timberland aRe- gional Library in Belihir and vol- unteers should be able to commit to three to fbur hours per week of work with their students. Of- ficials say that volunteers must also be patient and understand- ing, and able to work with very diverse sorts of students. Those that would like more information about the program should contact Amy Olson at 360-621-5092. Mason Transit asks Driving classes to for more volunteers begin on February to transport clients Mason Transit is seeking vol- unteer drivers in the North Mason area to provide transportation for citizens who are unable to use regu- lar transit tbr essential medical- care services outside of the county such as kidney dialysis, cancer treatment and other medical con- cerns. Rides are also arranged for nutritional services, social services and shopping. Transit officials say that pres- ently a strong need exists tbr vol- unteers in or near the Tahuya and South Shore areas to transport cli- ents to Kitsap County for kidney dialysis treatments. Such appoint- ments are scheduled around the clock so wflunteers with unconven- tional schedules are welcome. Volunteers use their own vehi- cles, are reimbursed and participate as often or as seldom as personal schedules will allow. Vehicle insur- ance as well as a good driving record are required for all volunteers. Those that are interested in vol- unteering should contact Mason Transit at 1-800-281-9434 for more infiwmation on how to get started. 21 at high school Driver education classes are slated to begin at North Ma- son High School on February 21. The eight-week course costs $300 with classroom instruc- tion offered on Mondays through Wednesdays after school, and drives scheduled for Thursdays through Saturdays outside of class time. For more information call the high school at 277-2303. Recycling old cell phones and ink-jet cartridges in Belfair Cell phones and ink-jet cartridg- es can now be recycled in Belfair. Cell phones themselves contain at least eight toxic chemicals and if discarded in a landfill, each one can potentially contaminate up to 34,874 gallons of water. Recycling is sponsored through Belfair's Pacific Northwest Salmon Center and sev- eral local businesses have drop-box- es ibr used phones and ink-jet car- tridges. For more information call the Salmon Center at 275-2763. Gala evening will benefit Shining Star scholarship fund The first annual Marissa Goodell Shining Star Scholar- ship Evening is set to begin at 6 p.m. on February 18 at the A1- derbrook Resort and Spa. The event will include a no- host bar, music, a gourmet din- ner and will also name the win- ner of the first Shining Star Hu- manitarian Award. Reservations are required by February 5, and the cost of the evening is $75 per person. Proceeds will ben- efit scholarships to North Mason High School students. For more information call Dan Goodell at 275-9505. SHOOTING STAR "Where You're The star' • All occasions • Corn • New luxury stretch limoS • 5 star service 24 hours Airport Service $75 2 tI I 0 hwalions Our Un Serving anyone livhg in Mason or Gno's Harbor 526 W. Cedar St., Shelton 2948 Olympic Hwy. N., 426-9701 Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Repaired Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains ° Foundation DigoutS Misc. Clearing • Gravel • Perc Holes • Designs Available Librarylscalendar s iP ,,- .- .-..- ]1 ; -- i -,. -- celebrate 40 years, I support programs I ,I I The North Mason Timberland | Regional Library is selling art cal- endars in celebration of their 40th | anniversary. The calendars feature pen-and- r ma ink drawings of local landmarks I and a brief history of the local Friends of the Library group. The | I , I n ..._...offo.r.a/ I I An in-county subscription I brings you the news for I only 59 cents per week. I | $10 price tag supports library activ- ities, including reading programs. For more information, drop by the library, located at 23081 NE State Route 3, or call 275-3232. I I Name: I Address: .... I City: I ;:) $31 in County | ’) $45 in Washington State | Mail with ch(,ck to: ThcJournal PO Box 430 Shehon, WA 98584 I'd like a one year subscription mailed to the following address: , ,,J i'm Iovin' if State: Zip: () $45 Elma or Bremerton address O $55 out of state I Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, January 25, 2007 J J Questions? Call 360.426.444 • -, am mm -- -- m,,