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By ARLA SHEPHARD down the old building in 2007. get the best rates in the market, bond market was such that it was
arla@masoncounty:com "We currently have about $5.3 which has been quite volatile as of apparent that we would exceed the
million remaining to be paid off, late." savings threshold, the bonds were
but now it will be at a significant- In November, the Hood Canal sold by our broker. [On Jan. 18], the
The Hood Canal School District ly better interest rate than when School District Board of Directors rates in the market were extremely
refinanced the remainder of its con- we originally sold them in 2004," had adopted a resolution to set the good and the district realized a sav-
struction bonds on Jan. 18, enabling said Tom Churchill, superinten- threshold for net savings at 5 per- ings of 7.94 percent of the value
the district to save taxpayers about dent of Hood Canal School. "The cent of the value of the remaining which is well above the minimum
$420,000 in interest payments on school district also earned an A1 old bonds, Churchill said. threshold set by the school board."
$9.75 million worth of bonds that bond rating from Moody's, which "In other words, this was the The district expected to save
voters approved in 2004. is the best rating available for minimum savings target needed to about $270,000 in interest, but end-
The bonds were used to finance school districts in the municipal move forward with the refinancing ed up with a savings of $420,000 in-
the new school building and tear bond market. This helped us to of the bonds," he said. "When the stead.
County Commissioners agree on precinct names
Last Tuesday, Jan. 17,
the Mason County Board of
Commissioners voted to give
each of the county's 39 voting
precincts a name, in addition
to a number.
This Monday, Jan. 23,
Commissioners Lynda Ring
Erickson and Steve Bloom-
field approved specific names
for the precincts during a
12:30 p.m. briefing.
"The boundaries have
changed, the numbers have
changed. To have no names
would be kind of the straw
that broke the camel's back,"
said Mason County Auditor
Karen Herr.
Originally, the briefing
was scheduled for 2 p.m., but
was rescheduled early Mon-
day. Herr said she invited a
few members of the citizens
advisory committee that
helped in the redistricting
process earlier this summer,
but didn't have time to ad-
vise them of the new briefing
The auditor's office also
changed the precinct num-
bers to reflect the commis-
sion district in which it re-
sides. For example, precinct
4 is now called Precinct 304,
because it is in the third
commissioner district. It now
als0 .willbe called the Hill-
side Precinct.
In most cases, Bloomfield
and Ring Erickson approved
the first choices of the audi-
tor's office and the advisory
"I thought the rest were
pretty straightforward,"
Ring Erickson said. "I think
most of these convey to peo-
ple where the place is."
The commission also of-
ficially voted last Tuesday,
Jan. 17 to approve the addi-
tion of two voting precincts.
After the Washington State
Redistricting Commission
voted to split the county be-
tween the 6th and 10th Con-
gressional Districts.
The lines of the 10th dis-
trict cut several precincts in
half and according to state
law, the county had to re-
draw the affected precincts.
Ring Erickson and
Bloomfield decided Monday
to name the first new pre-
cinct, number 207, Kamilche
Name suggestions for the
second new precinct, num-
ber 205, which is west of
Shelton, and includes part
of the city limits, included
Westside, Deegan and Shad-
ow Valley.
Ring Erickson suggested
calling the precinct Bordeaux
instead, after the Bordeaux
family, some of the earliest
settlers in Mason County.
"It's a historic name for
the area," she said.
Mason County Election
Superintendent Amber Cer-
vantes said Monday a com-
plete list of precinct names
should be available on the
Mason County website in a
Mason County C~ifimissioners Steve Bloomfield, left,
Erickson approved names for each of the county s 39
Journal photo Dy Natal e Johnson
and Lynda Ring
voting precincts
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Calls reported to Shelton balcony and punched in the
Police, Mason County Sher- back.
iff s Office and Tribal agen-
cies included: At 11:21 p.m. on Jan. 20,
an individual reported that a
Burglaries 17-year-old girl that is stay-
At 11:35 a.m. on Jan. 17, ing with them is being dis-
a burglary was reported ruptive and just slapped the
in the 5000 block of East reporting person in the 1200
Brockdale Road. block of West Franklin Street.
At 1:04 p.m. on Jan. 20, At 1:42 p.m. on Jan. 21,
a burglary was reported in an assault was reported in
the 1700 block of East Is- the 100 block of West Insels
land Lake Drive. Road.
At 1:49 p.m. on Jan. 22, At 8:14 p.m. on Jan. 21,
a residential burglary was an assault was reported in
reported in the 300 block of the 100 block of West State
East Leeds Drive. Route 108.
At 4:47 p.m. on Jan. 22,
a burglary was reported in
the 2200 block of East Spen-
ce Lake Road.
At 1:23 a.m. on Jan. 23,
an individual reported that
his home was robbed in the At 3:47 a.m. on Jan. 22,
200 block of East Hillcrest an assault was reported in
Drive. Estimated value of an undisclosed address on
loss was $3,000. South 1st Street.
block of East Alder Street. east Vic King Road.
Domestic violence At 4:01 p.m. on Jan. 19,
At 8:22 p.m. on Jan. 19, an individual reported that
a domestic dispute was re- somebody stole her sled in
ported in the 200 block of the 500 block of West Wy-
Southeast Craig Road. andotte Avenue. Estimated
value was $10.
At 1;31 a.m. on Jan. 21,
a domestic dispute was re- At 11:33 a.m. on Jan. 20, a
ported in the 700 block of generator was reported stolen
West Kamilche Lane. from the 100 block of South-
east Brenner Oyster Road.
At 4:12 a.m. on Jan. 21, Estimated value was $5,000.
an individual reported that
his brother-in-law just as-
saulted him while he was in
bed in the 300 block of Fir
At 4:27 p.m. on Jan. 21,
At "9:23 p.m. on Jan. 21, possible domestic dispute
an individual reported that was reported in the 1500
they were just assaulted block of South 2nd Street.
in front of the bus depot in The call was a 911 hangup
the 500 block of West Cota -- no individual could be
Street. reached upon a callback.
At 11:57 p.m. on Jan. 21,
a physical domestic dispute
was reported in the 100
block of East Ashwood Lane.
At 10:22 a.m. on Jan. 23, At 2:45 p.m. on Jan. 23, Thefts
a burglary was reported to an individual reported an At 9:42 a.m. on Jan. 17, a
a vacant home in the 100 assault in the 300 block of green 1994 Toyota Corolla
block of West Old Cloqual- North 5th Street. was reported stolen from an
lum Road. undisclosed address in West
Sex crimes Kamilche Lane.
At 1:47 p.m. on Jan. 23, At 12:37 p.m. on Jan. 20,
a burglary was reported in an individual reported that At 11:09 a.m. on Jan. 17,
the 600 block of Arcadia Av- they received a letter report- a mail theft was reported in
enue. ing a child rape in Union. No the 1700 block of East Shel-
other details were available, ton Springs Road.
At 6:22 a.m. on Jan. 17, a At 1:39 p.m. on Jan. 22,
fight was reported in the 400 an individual reported that
block of North 4th Street. her 14-year-old daughter
was messaging back and
At 6:20 p.m. on Jan. 19, forth with a 25:year-old
a woman reported that she Matlock man.
was just assaulted at her
friend's home -- an un- At 10:33 a.m. on Jan. 23,
known address. She report- a sex offense was reported
ed that she was thrown offa in a hotel room in the 100
At 6:20 p.m. on Jan. 18,
a phone was reported stolen
from the 100 block of Johns
Court. Estimated .value was
At 1:04 a.m. on Jan. 19, a
black 1993 Honda Civic was
r~Dorted ,q~:o]en from an un.-
disclosed address of South-
At 12:18 p.m. on Jan. 20,
a tractor key was reported
stolen from the 1800 block
of Lake Boulevard.
At 2:36 p.m. on Jan. 20,
a mail theft was reported
in the 1800 block of West
Franklin Street.
At 2:50 a.m. on Jan. 21,
See Record on page A-6
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Journal -Thursday, January 26, 2012 - Page A-3
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