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19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01
have Skokomish Nation. WA 98584
fishing 427-9099
Skokomish Indian Tribal
Enterprises (S.I.T.E.)
At the intersection of Hwy. I01 & Hwy. 106
minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation
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Continued from page A-3
an individual reported
that he noticed his stolen
Honda Accord in a parking
lot in the 100 block of West
State Route 108.
booked for possession of
controlled substance.
Jan. 13
Sisto Chavez Partida.
53, of the 100 block of West
Pine Street was booked at
4:53 p.m. for criminal tres-
passing first degree.
session of controlled sub-
Jan. 20
Stanley Jarvis Conk-
lin, 18, of the 2200 block
of King Street was booked
at 4:22 p.m. for no contract
order violation.
At 11:22 a.m. on Jan. 21,
a mail theft was reported
in the 5200 block of South-
east Arcadia Road. Books
were reported stolen.
At 3:43 p.m. on Jan.
21, an individual reported
that a woman had been
detained for attempting
to burglarize his property
in the 1400 block of East
Crestview Drive.
At 8:53 a.m. on Jan. 22,
a gold necklace was re-
ported stolen from an un-
disclosed address on Lake
Boulevard. Estimated val-
ue was $1,400.
At 3:15 p.m. on Jan. 22,
a theft was reported in the
1700 block of Union Street.
At 3:54 p.m. on Jan. 22,
a theft was reported in the
5800 block of East State
Route 3.
At 10:49 a.m. on Jan. 23,
a green 1960s and white
Ford was reported found in
the 100 block of East Point
Wilson Road.
At 1:56 p.m. on Jan.
23. an individual reported
that their purse was sto-
len out of a grocery basket
at Walmart, located in the
100 block of East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
At 2:07 p.m. on Jan. 23,
an individual reported that
they found their friend's
1994 Toyota Carolla in the
600 block of Southeast Ka-
milche Point Road.
Jan. 14
Markie R. Haubrick, 19,
of the 2800 block of Sand
Trap Court, Olympia, was
booked at 12:15 a.m. for as-
sault fourth degree.
Enoc Romero Gaspar,
20, of the 1500 block of
West Deegan Road West
was booked at 8:18 a.m. for
reckless driving, minor op-
erating a vehicle after con-
suming alcohol and minor
in possessmn of alcohol.
Leonard William
Hawks, 34, of the 300 block
of Southeast Klah Che Min
Drive was booked at 10
p.m. for driving while li-
cense suspended (DWLS).
Jan. 15
Jeffrey Lee Hohnes, 42,
of the 500 block of West
Deegan Road West was
booked at 2:31 a.m. for ob-
structing law enforcement.
Justin C. Hiedeman, 20,
of the 500 block of South-
east Yarrow Lane was
booked at 2:46 a.m. ['or mi-
nor operating a vehicle af-
ter consuming alcohol and
false reporting.
Jimmy Albert Curtin-
dale, 44, of the 300 block
of South 5th Street was
booked at 12:15 p.m. for vi-
olation of protection order.
Jan. 16
Joyce Leann Witherow,
44, of the 1800 block of
Laurel Street was booked
at 12:21 a.m. for assault
fourth degree.
Fires Jan. 17
At 2:28 p.m. on Jan. 19, Richard Jason Bar-
a structure fire was re- nacascel, 39, of the 6200
ported in the 300 block of block of East Agate Road
Southeast State Route 3. was booked at 10:21 a.m.
for criminal trespassing
At 7:57 a.m. on Jan. 20, second degree.
a structure fire was re-
ported in the 700 block of
Southeast Picadilly Drive.
At 9:27 p.m. on Jan. 21,
a structure fire was report-
ed in the 200 block of East
Nason Road.
Jan. 12
Jessica Marie Hayes,
34. of the 1200 block of
West Franklin Street was
Christopher Michael
Fraisure. 26, of the 600
block of Turner Avenue
was booked at 4:41 p.m.
for assault fourth degree
and interfering with re-
porting DV.
Jan. 19
Colt Kamuela Black-
burn, 29, of the 500 block
of North 5th Street was
booked at 6:36 p.m. for pos-
Mary Renee Chris-
tensen, 27, of the 200 block
of Pacific Court was booked
at 9:36 p.m. for assault
fourth degree (DV).
Jan. 21
Jeremy Lee York, 26, of
an undisclosed address in
Cole Road was booked at
2:21 a.m. for possession of
controlled substances and
criminal trespassing first
Jan. 22
Brandon Jacob McLain,
24, of the 11200 block of
180th Lane Southwest,
Rochester, was booked at
12:58 a.m. for DWLS third
degree and negligent driv-
ing first degree.
Jarvis M. Baker-Weyth-
man, 22, of the 300 block
of Fir-Street was booked
at 5:50 p.m. for assault
second degree, interfer-
ing with reporting DV and
malicious mischief third
Markie Rae Haubrick,
19, of the 100 block of East
Garden Place was booked
at 7:43 p.m. for violation of
protection order.
James Louis Lyon, 27,
of the 900 block of East
Lakeshore Drive West was
booked at 7:43 p.m. for
possession of less than 40
grams of marijuana and
possession of drug para-
Jan. 23
Lee Raymond Baldyga,
23, of the 100 block of West
Alder Street was booked at
12:25 a.m. for DWLS third
degree, possession of con-
trolled substances, posses-
sion of less than 40 grams
of marijuana and posses-
sion of drug paraphernalia.
William Scott Gray, 22,
of the 10 block Of South-
east Klabasch Lane was
booked at 7:23 p.m. for
making false/misleading
Jan. 24
Robert Welty Rapha-
el, 32, of the 200 block of
West Harvard Avenue was
booked at 6:58 p.m. for two
counts of possession
A permit was issued on Jan. 12 to
Mathews Family LLC of the 100 block of
East Lilliwaup Place for a new stove with
~ank and outlets.
A permit was issued on Jan. 13 to Mar-
tha Simmons of the 100 block of East Pais-
ley Way to add a washer and dryer to the
interior of a home and relocate a hot water
tank to the garage.
A permit was issued on Jan. 20 to Joseph
Mehline of the 100 block of Northeast Kim-
berly Drive, Belfair, to repair a section of
pier and post foundation with new concrete
A permit was issued on Jan. 23 to Da-
vid Cardwell of the 100 block of East Tim-
berlake Drive for a new single-family resi-
A permit was issued on Jan. 13 to Frank
Dumars of the 100 block of West Star Point
Way, Elma, for a new free standing wood
A permit was issued on Jan 17 to Pat
McDermott of the 100 block of East Dalby
Road. Union, to re-roof a building.
A permit was issued on Jan. 23 to Ken
Dobie of the 500 block of East Eagle Ridge
Drive for a furnace.
A permit was issued on Jan. 23 to Ken
Dickenson of the 3000 block of Southeast
Old Olympic Highway for a new ductless
heat pump system.
Located on Hwy. 101 between Shelton &Olympia
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 26, 2012
Jan. 1 -- Dylan Scott An-
dersen and Michelle Eliza-
beth Coulter
Jan. 26 - Alfredo Lopez-
Perez and Maria G. San-
• • • Alcohol I Drug Evaluations
• lli • Deferred Prosecution
• Outpatient Counseling
• Alcohol / Drug nformation School
: • Domestic Violence Evaluations
• • Consumer Awareness
• • • Anger Management
Social Treatment Opportunity Program
www.stopwa.com • 611 w. Cota St., Shelton
LOST DOG: $100 reward.
Golden retriever, female.
Missing January 23, Rae
Lake, airport area. 360-490-
6390 or 360=490-9985. $1/26
STAR LAKE• 120' waterfront.
Level, fenced, southern ex-
posure. Electric motors only,
6-hole golf course. Water,
electricity. $42,500 cash. 425-
745-3077• J1/26-2/16
3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, new
home. Large yard, laundry,
single-car garage, Shorec-
rest. $900, $1,000 deposit.
No smoking, pets. 360-490-
7068. N1/26-2/16
dios. Leica SLR camera. 360-
427-3868. D1/26-2/2