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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 26, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 26, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"I've got to find a new place for Mom, but I've never done this before: What can you tell me about Alpine Way? What do I get for the money? I don't even know what questions to ask!", We're here to help. We've been providing a safe and lovely home for seniors for over twenty years. For less than the cost of the nursing home, Alpine Way has private apartments with private showers, 24- hour on-duty licensed nurses, a shuttle bus to downtown shopping and doctor appointments, a variety of activities, social areas for gathering and visiting, a beauty and barber shop, chef-prepared meals, laundry services, and security. Everything is on one level (no stairs!) and parking is available for residents who still bring their cars. A full-service hospital and several clinics are just a few blocks away. Best of all, we are complimented the most for our friendly and helpful employees. If you're ready to help Morn find a new home, come and tour Alpine Way. We'd love to treat you to lunch, show you our lovely apartments, and answer all your questions. Call Kathy Burbidge at (360) 426-2600 for a free lunch and tour 900 West Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584 SHE[ TONMASON(-OUNTY RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ....... -- ALZHEIMER S SPECIAL CARE MAKE YOUR GOOD DEAL IN THE JOURNAL >for advert, sing information ' I li .......... > ............ ..... ........ .............................. h, ...................... ......... Sii! !!i" Drug, alcohol awareness dinner scheduled The fifth annual Squax- to memorialize loved ones they hope to bring families in Island Drug & Alcohol lost due to drugs or alcohol, together for support and to Awareness Dinner will be This year's sponsors are facilitate the healing pro- held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Squaxin Island 1 percent, cess. Jan. 29, in the Squaxin Family Services Preven-They encourage any- Gym, S.E. 70 Squaxin tion and Wellness, Canoe one who has been affected Lane. This year's speakers Hosting 2012, MCDAP, by drugs and/or alcohol are Morgan Fawcett from Shoal Water Tribe and the through either personal One Heart Creations and Semanko family, use or a loved one's use to Eric Munson with Heidi's The purpose of this din- attend. Promise. ner is to raise awareness of There will be a free din- Others participatingthis the effects that drugs, alco- ner, free information and a year are Family Services hol, trauma and grief and free T-shirt to all that at- Prevention and Wellness, loss have on individuals, tend. SADD and Mason County families and communities For more informa- Drug Abuse Prevention and to provide resources to tion contact Christine (MCDAP). MCDAP is also the same. at 402-7297 oremail at hosting a candlelight vigil Event organizers Hood Canal Food Bank hosts meeting The annual meeting of the Hood Canal Members include all individuals who have Food Bank will be held at 3:30 p.m. on demonstrated an interest in the activities Monday, Feb. 6, at the Hoodsport Corn- and business of the food bank in one of the munity Hall located at 331 North Finch following ways during the 2011 calendar Creek Road in Hoodsport. The purpose year: financial donations on record; dona- of the meeting is to present reports on tions of food or other materials/services 2011 operations and finances and to elect on record, or service as a food bank vol- new directors for board positions who are unteer. elected annually. Membership is also conferred auto- Members of the food bank corporation matically on members-in-good-standing will elect six annual directors to serve un- of those community organizations that til the next annual meeting. Cumulative have made donations to the food bank. An voting and voting by proxy are not permit- updated list of members in good standing ted. In addition to the slate of directors must be on file with the food bank secre- nominated by the present board, members tary prior to the meeting. Each communi- prior to the election may offer additional ty organization will be allowed one vote in nominations. Additional nominations can matters conducted at the annual meeting. only be made for members who have con- For more information about the meet- sented to serve, ings, elections, membership, director/of- The secretary of the food bank main- ricer responsibilities, or bylaws, call the tains a list of members who are eligible Hood Canal Food Bank President Dottle to nominate, vote and serve as directors. Rhone at 877-0085. Shelton cinema to screen movie Shelton Community Cin- turned into a commodity, nity Cinema, but donations ema will screen its month- to be privatized and con- are welcome with proceeds ly "Final Friday" movie at trolled by governments,going to pay the license fee 7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 27, corporate giants, and even for the films shown, and to at the PUD No. 3 audito- the military. SOCK's (Save Our Coun- rium, 307 W. Gota Street, Water, something we ty's Kids),youth programs. Shelton. This Friday's film take for granted, :is be- For more information, call, is "Blue Gold: World Wa- ginning to be fought over', 432-3229 or ema@ "bob@ ter Wars," a documentary around the world, much as She!ton Commu- that starkly shows how the oil is now. nity Cinema is not associ- world's diminishing sup- There is no charge for ad- ated with any political or ply of fresh water is being mission to Shelton Commu- religious group. Valentine's Day dessert, gift auction upcoming United Way of Mason County will be host- Squaxin Island Tourism, Simpson Lumber, ing its Annual Valentine Dessert & Gift Auc- media partner Hood Canal Communications, tion from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Monday, along with floral arrangements from Lynch Feb. 13, at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 W. Creek, Ferguson Flowers and Blooms by the Cota St., Shelton. Cost to attend is $10 pay- Park. able at the door. All proceeds benefit United Way of Mason Enjoy lunch sponsored by Alpine Way with County's community fund. friends and a display of locally made desserts. RSVP to United Way at tingwaldson@tmit- Entertainment will be bidding process facili- or call us at 426-4999. tated by Dale Hubbard of KMAS. Investments through the local United Way At press time, United Way has support earn dividends that matter; bringing neigh- from the following sponsors: Alpine Way bors and resources together to advance the Retirement Apartments, Green Diamond, common good in Mason County. Grace Baptist Church C0ntaetus: Mailing address: ... for the faith of the gospel ~f~ P0 Box 1025, Shelt0n, WA 98584 ~ff ~ Phone: (360) 462-1611 Times of Services: m~ ~a~e~:~* E mail:pasto,egbcshdton,org i: Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. V~:~ .... ,,'wgb¢~t,~lt0n.o~ Sunday Morning Worship ...... ll a.m. ~ Listen on Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m.~?~b~z~b KMAS 1030 AM . Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m. ~ Snndag 9:30-lO:OOam Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd, Smlda ,, 9:30 a,m. 1 728 Railroad Ave, ,/.~ ,: CrossPoint Service Traditional Service .: .... (~"R~ Amol*edor, len,pora,ryservk'ethat begi~qs a, 'l(]lO AM A .......... ,hal"IditkmaIgervkebegins a, ~ :: • Praise Band - Praise'l'eam 10:45 AM • ConlenlporaryMessage Choir Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM Sunday Services 9:OO aM I Celebration Service 10:30 AM I Celebrdtion Service Attended~Nursery Chi]drerl:q Classes 4:OO ,,M I (;ateway to R(~(XWel~y Cl~ild* (~" Provieh'd ADDa~SS I I I www.gatewaycE(o~la Faith Lutheran Chureh A Christ-centred Church Pastor Steve Olsen Paster Brian Weinberer THE SIMPLE SHi:.:.L::iC t. .iFIRSTBAPTIST I ICP~I~nlIM~TM vr J":~:~ =m~ -~. Come Hear What Has 428 W, Cota b-'t. SheRon, WA 98584 Satified Our Souls 360.426.8461 121_2 (DntleCti6ft StEvergreen Elementary Library 9:00 & 10:30 am ~,,.~,,o~o..~.,~, 900 West Franklin St. • Shelton • Latino Church Service 6 pm ~ltEJll, WA Every Wednesday • 7:30 p.m.. NightChurch Service 6 pm 4~9 w. Railroad (360) 42G8611 360-790-0882 • Non Denominational January 1 ~* New Year's Day * 10:30 a.m. Bit@ ~t~y • No Collections • All Are Welcome Ministers: Everett Swanson & Ross Wetheretl e YOL~/h~'tiV~ Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m. Christian Education ................. 9:45 am Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 a.m Office 426-6353 Davcare 427-3165 St. David's of Wales EPISCOPAL CHURCH A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton SUNDAY SERVICES 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. 9:15 Conversational Bible Study office phone: 426-8472 New Community Church of Union Refreshed - Restored - Renewed in Rivers of Grace $#k¢ in Po/ntCome for Praw Sunday Night Worship 6 p.m. Worship for all ages Senior Center • 826 W Railroad Ave 438-8531 ~! Sunday Gatherings .... , (All are wdcome.') WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 26, 2012