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of Supervisors to hold election
The Mason Conservation District
will be conducting an election for one
board position between 10 a.m. and 2
p.m. on Feb. 25 at the district office.
The elected position is currently
held by Bill Burrows of Harstine Is-
Local residents interested in seek-
ing election to this unpaid volunteer
position must file with the district be-
fore Jan. 28 to be placed on the Febru-
ary ballot.
Successful candidates will serve
a three-year term as a district board
A five-member volunteer board gov-
erns the Mason Conservation District.
Three of the board positions are elect-
ed and two are appointed by the Wash-
ington State Conservation Commis-
sion (WSCC), an agency that assists
with conservation District activities.
Mason Conservation District elec-
tions occur during the first quarter of
each calendar year. boundaries.
The Conservation Commission fills This includes all residents of Ma-
two positions on the district board by son County outside the incorporated
appointment. The next commissionboundaries of the City of Shelton.
appointment to the District Board will A candidate may also qualify
take place in May 2013. through the possession of land within
Conservation districts are subdivi- the district as an owner, lessee, renter
sions of state government directed by or tenant.
a board that represents landowners Individuals interested in the elected
and the general public while directing position must pick up a nominating
the efforts of a professional staff who petition at the Mason Conservation
provide technical assistance on natu- District office at 450 W Business Park
ral resource issues to Mason County Road, Shelton, WA 98584.
landowners. Petitions can also be requested by
Board members identify local natu- calling the district at 427-9436, ext.
ral resource needs, set goals and direct 21.
the efforts of the staff to implement Petitions must be returned to the
best management practices designed Mason Conservation District by Jan.
to protect soil, water, wildlife and oth- 28.
er renewable natural resources. Additional information
To be eligible for either the elected can be obtained by contact-
or appointed position candidates must ing John Bolender by phone
occupy land or be an operator of a at 427-9436, extension 21 or email at
farm within the conservation district jbolender@masoncd.org.
City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which includes vaccine,
wormer, spay/neuter plus $10 city license.
New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-
7503 or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street.
Dogs may be viewed at shelton.petfinder.com.
The hours are Monday through Friday from 11
a.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter is closed Saturday and
Current listings:
Shepherd/Rottweiler mix, male i year old
Pit bull terrier mix, male 2 years old
Pit bull terrier mix, female, 1 1/2 years old
Pit bull terrier mix, male I year old
Chihuahua, male, 2 years old
Chihuahua, male, 3 years old
Chihuahua, female, 2 years old
You can view the dogs at: shelton.petfinder.com
Scooby is an exceptionally handsome and friend-
ly fellow. He is approximately 1 year old and we
think he is a yellow lab/Staffordshire terrier mix.
He enjoys playing with other dogs, loves to learfi
new tricks and is always ready for a tummy rub.
Dogs like this don't stay here long so call or email
today to set up an appointment to meet Scooby. The
organization's email address is aapdogs7@msn.
com or call 432-3091. Other adoptable dogs can be
viewed at adop~apet-wa.org.
Jou/nal pnoio D~ Natalie Johnson
Ken Benjamin, founder of the Shelton Community Kitchen, said the kitchen has expanded its
services to help those in need of a meal in Shelton.
Continued from page B-1
the snow and ice storms of last week.
Benjamin said the community kitch-
en braved the weather and stayed
open, serving the few locals who
could make it downtown for a meal.
Benjamin said his recipe for Tur-
it flavor.
To celebrate the New Year s E e, Take a large Turkey and stuff
Benjamin and other volunteers at with four Sticks of butter and on-
"We were open through the whole the Shelton Community Kitchen ions and bell peppers to taste.
ice storm, he said. The whole flow cooked a donated 45-pot~nd ~urkey Bake for 10 hours at 350 de*
'of goods coming in to town ceased for patrons of the kitchen, grees.
during this period."
Benjamin has a vision for the com-
munity kitchen that goes far beyond
food. to help other people we're looking To keep up with City of Shelton
Benjamin said participants in for good cooks that can teach other codes, the kitchen, which is a regis-
Gethsemane Ministries, a Catholic people," he said. tered 501(c)3 nonprofit, the kitchen
program that has homeless and pris- Benjamin said he hopes the kitch- must apply for a business license,
on outreach combined with a drug re- en can become a sort of "learning and must add a $10,000 range as-
covery program, often volunteer with center" in the future, sembly to it's otherwise commercial
the kitchen. As they volunteer, the The kitchen survives by donations kitchen, Benjamin said.
kitchen's cooks teach them how to of money, food and time from its vol- While the kitchen has secured a
work in a commercial kitchen, a skill unteers, donated range, it still needs dona-
that Benjamin said couldbe usefulin After 14 years of helping others, tions, both of time and money, to
later life. however, the kitchen now needs ainstall the range and accompanying
"We have a few cooks that are able little help of its own. ventilation system.
Continued from page B-1
Grijaiva showing a cat and a bird in
a tree looking at each other called
"Bird and Cat are Friends."
The project is also important for
the kids, and can help develop young
artists, Ferrara said.
"It builds self-esteem," she said.
All 40 ...................................................................................
pieces of "It buitds
art have
bee n ~.~*tt~FF~ ~
turned~ ~~ ~ ~
into a
poster, which is framed by the names
of all the children whose art was cho-
The poster is available at Art Talks
in downtown Shelton and costs $20.
This fundraiser will help pay for
next year's competition, Ferrara .Mase~
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday,
General Hos dtal Arts Commission
This poster, containing
all 40 works of
childrens' art chosen
by the Mason General
Hospital Arts
Commission, is on sale
for $20 at Art Talks in
Shelton. The
fundraiser helps pay
for the following year's
' co~e~,~ot~
Truman and his friends are looking for homes of
their own. They are looking for families that will
share love, warmth and the safety these playful kit-
tens need and deserve. They would like if two kitten
friends could share a home together. Truman and
a friend will bring enjoyment and companionship to
the right home. For information on Truman and his
other indoor-only friends call 584-0594 or leave a
message at 426-2455.
Harstine Here at the hall on Jan. 29
you will have a chance to
Continued from page B-1 hear William Woodward.
Woodward is a cultural
and she will lay out a plan historian and he will talk
on how to manage your about artifacts of our
diet for the rest of the everyday culture such
year. as sports, advertising,
Everyone is invited, world fairs and military to
This is another remind- mythic.
er about the Inquiring I think it should be very
Minds series, interesting. It's crazy,
This is a program spon- the things I grew up with
sored by the Washington as a kid are now antique
Humanities, the National or cultural artifacts -- like
Endowment for the Hu- that roll of Kodak film you
manities, Washington still have loaded in the
State Legislature and the old camera you have in
Harstine Island Commu- the bottom drawer of your
nity Club -- wow, that is a desk.
bunch. Plan on being at the
The presentations are hall around 1:30 p.m. and
free, but they wilI accept the program will begin at
donations at the door. 2 p.m. this Sunday.
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