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Continued from page C-1
He's due back in New Jersey at the end
of April for Organized Team Activities,
commonly known as OTAs, he said.
Even though he has to watch what he
When he first left high school, football eats and continue working out, Schlauder-
was not a long-term plan for Schlauderaff. aft said it's nice to have time to relax while
"I came out of high school at 240 pounds spending time with his family.
and figured I'd play in college for a free ed-
ucation," he said. "My junior year, people Still a Shelton kind of man
started saying if I pursued this [football], He said that he's still a regular guy,
I could be drafted. I thought I'd be an idiot even though he's in the NFL.
if I didn't pursue it and here I am a year "My family owns a farm and I've helped
later." out with it," Schlauderaff said. "I told my
If he hadn't been drafted, Schlauderaff brother at Hunter Farms I'd help so I was
said he probably would've taken one year logging for 10 hours because he of course
off from school and then applied to gTadu- wouldn't let me leave until I was done."
ate school. He said he is still friends with the same
"I'd be back at school, that's what I'd group of people he knew in high school and
always planned on doing but football is a he even had to wait for his mother to pick
great opportunity," he said. him up during a recent interview with the
Despite the chance he's been given to Shelton-Mason County Journal, since he
continue playing the game he loves, Schlau- didn't bring his car with him to Shelton.
deraff said there are times each year when "It's still definitely normal Caleb,"
he wonders if he wants to keep playing. Schlauderaff said. "I don't think it's as
"I've talked to veterans who struggle glamorous as most people think. You're up
with it on a day-to-day basis," he added, at 5:30 to go to practice by 6. It's a lot of
Even though the question persists, work to get there and a lot of work to stay
Schlauderaff said he plans to continue there."
playing fbr a long time. His mother, Pam, said having her son
"Football is something I'm good at and chosen to play for an NFL team has been a
something I enjoy. I'll do it for as long as real honor.
they'll have me," he said. "I went to five games this year," Pam
Schlauderaff added. "I went to a couple in
Green Bay and three or four in New Jer-
Home again sey."
When the Jets' season ended with a She said she's enjoyed having her son
19-17 loss at Miami on New Year's Day, back home.
Schlauderaff headed home to Shelton "It's fun watching games with Caleb be-
where he said his first goal was to relax, cause he's watching the line and telling us
"I got here a week ago and have spent what will happen before it does," she added.
most of the time on my parents' couch," he "We're all learning a lot about the game."
said on Wednesday, Jan. 11.
During his time off, Schlauderaff said
he plans on traveling a bit and then prob-
ably going back to Salt Lake City.
"I get three and a half months off," he
said. "It's kind of like being a teacher; what
other career in the world gives you three
and a half months off?."
His time off isn't all about relaxation,
"Our coaches all gave us workouts to
follow," Schlauderaff said. "I'm on a strict
diet new and working out hard because you
have to come back strong and earn your
spot all over again."
A new task
When Schlauderaff returns to New
Jersey in the spring, he'll be meeting new
coaches: After finishing the season 8-8, a
number of the Jets' offensive coaches were
all let go or signed elsewhere. Offensive
coordinator Brian Schottenheimer was
replaced by former Dolphins coach Tony
Sparano and offensive line coach Bill Cal-
lahan was hired by the Dallas Cowboys to
replace offensive line coach Hudson Houck.
"Whoever management brings in I'm
very confident in and I'm sure they'll do a
great job," Schlauderaff said.
Caleb Schlauderaff
University of Utah.
File photo
stands ready for his opponent while playing for the
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton's Danielle Ewart approaches the lane during one of her
frames against Central Kitsap on Monday, Jan. 23 at West Side
Lanes in Olympia.
Highclimber games rescheduled after snow
By EMILYHANSON The SHS boys! and girls' basketball
~mity(~;'.,~a,~,,~.,,.i~o~b,.com. games against South Kitsap, originally
............................................................................... scheduled for Jan. 20, have been resched-
uled for 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 6. The boys
With students all over Mason County re- will play at home while the girls will play at
ceiving four snow days last week, all sport- South Kitsap.
ing events and practices were canceled as The bowling team's match against Cen-
well. tral Kitsap, originally scheduled for Jan. 17
"Our district cancels activities and ath- was rescheduled to Monday, Jan. 23 while
letics when schools are closed due to inclem- the league tournament originally scheduled
ent weather to keep students, coaches and for Jan. 20 was rescheduled to Tuesday,
fans safe from travel in risky conditions," Jan. 24.
Jim Judson, Shelton High School athletic Finally, the wrestling team's home
director, said. "Games are rescheduled by match against Olympia originally sehed-
mutual consent of the teams involved and uled for Jan. 19 was rescheduled for Jan.
the availability of officials and transporta- 24.
tion." "The wrestling tournament at Tahorna
The Highclimber boys' and girls' basket- High School and the swim meet at Ever-
ball games against Central Kitsap, origi- green State College [both scheduled for Jan.
nally scheduled for Jan. 18, have been re- 21] will not be rescheduled due to a lack of
scheduled for 7 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 30. available dates remaining in the regular
The girls will play at home while the boys season," Judson said.
will play at Central Kitsap.
Snow wreaks havoc on sports section
By EMILY HANSON As I'm sure many students rejoiced in
e~,'~i~y@m~sonco~mtyx~om, the nearly unheard of fourth snow day
.................................................................................. in a row, I cringed at one thought: How
in the world am I going to fill this week's .
I remember being in high school and sports section?
seeing snow reports on the weather For most of this past school year, I
channel and hoping the snow would have been going from school to school,
actually stick for a change and lead to a game to game, nearly driving myself
snow day. More often than not, it didn't crazy trying to get as many photos as I
happen, could from as many different sports as I
Back in those days, I could, writing between 10 and 14 articles
never thought I would per week to fill my section and this week,
despise having three none of that was possible.
snow days in a row butWith no games to cover, there was lit-
last Tuesday, while I erally nothing to doand I found myself
was working at the office going crazy for another reason. Too much
and beginning to hear time at home with nothing to do other
cancellations of sporting than read and shovel snow is not my idea
events, I knew it was go- of a good time.
By EMILY ing to be a tough week.I know the games were canceled for
HANSON Waking up on safety issues and I completely understand
Wednesday to 8 inches of and would have thought ill of the schools
fresh powder on the ground was not ~in for not canceling the games, but this en-
enjoyable experience for me, since I knew tire situation has caused a nightmare for
it would lead to more cancellations. Not me and the sports section.
to mention multiple hours of shoveling With January nearly over, I'm hoping
snow. there's no more snow. Along with those
When it began to rain lightly on hopes are dreams of no more ice and an in-
Wednesday afternoon, I hoped it would tense desire for no wind storms so strong
turn into a really warm and strong rain power is knocked out and the streets are
that would melt away all of the snow by littered with fallen trees.
Thursday morning so that the wrestling I'm also hoping the sports readers of
match and Friday's basketball games Mason County will join me in hoping that
would not be canceled. Those hopes were no more games are canceled this school
fruitless as I woke up both of those morn- year.
ings to discover that school had been After all, what will there be to read in
canceled and I didn't have to go into the the sports section if there are no games to
office, cover?
Page C-4- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, January 26, 2012
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