January 27, 1944 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page Four
Visits. Son
Mrs. F. F.
home Saturday from a week's vis-
it in Olympia with her son, Mr.‘
and Mrs. George ‘.‘.'arren and son. ‘ rm.
2Friday evening, January 21. The
3’ Kfi’l‘.
., REGULAR-JUNlifti-Si.I
30X OF 12
Harold Peary and Billie
Dick Foran
Sunday Monday — Tuedsay
Richard Dix
Wednesday Thursday
Margo and Allen Carney
Friday and Saturday
Wally Brown and Allen
Francis Lang’ford and
Robert Page
Bridal Shower Honors
Warren returned , Miss Helen Marie Troy
Gertrude and Edna Lee \Vhaley_
entertained with a bridal shower:
Miss Helen Marie ’l‘loy
er quilt.
The enjoyable evening was
brought to a close, with the serv—
ing of a buffet luncheon to Miss
Troy, Mrs. Clive Troy. Mrs. Mac
Troy, Mrs. Nina Harris. and
ldaughter Nona, Mrs. Wylie Prin-
, ’l‘.
‘ lnSOl’l,
If Your Nose Fi
t die! Wick Belief!
Just a Few Drops Relieve
Breathing Easier—Invite Re
It’s wonderful how Vicks Va-tro-nol clears the tran~
sient congestion that clogs up the nose! Results are so
very good because Va—tro—nol is specialized medication
that works right where trouble is—to relieve stuffiness
and make breathing easier. Try it—put a few drops up
'. eachnostril+followdirectionsinfolder'
‘-_, Mrs. Mamie Earl, Mrs. Clara
Angle, Mr—s. Mabel Nelson, Mrs.
P, Fisk. Miss Mary Gail Rob-
Miss Lucille Allen, Miss
Margaret Hamilton, Miss Marjorie
Troy, Mrs. E. A. Middlcbrooks,
Mrs. Edward VVhaley, Miss Wilma
Thornton. Mrs. Mary Boyer and
the, ~ell-hostesses.
Miss Troy, who will become the
bride of Samuel Earnest Thomas
of the Shelton Naval Air Station
this Saturday at the
Church, received many lovely and
useful gifts.
VFSV. Auxiliary
Initiates Member
Alln Levin was. initiated into the
li‘clllbt‘l'Sl'llp of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars Auxiliary
they met January 21 at the. Mem-
orial hall. They voted to contri-
bute to the ‘March of Dimes.’
Five. ladies attended the sew-
ing club last Friday at the. home
of Mrs. Bea Gray to do Red Cross
Visit in Aberdeen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carl-
son and children spent last week
end in Aberdeen with Mr. and Mrs.
George Durkee.
: awmmd
{finess— Maize
stful SleeP
Compare lose
DON'T LET rooo suoross MEN
vmmm suomsss to YOUR svsrm
lilo Purefif/ v‘IrAMlN
100 BMW
Vitamin B-Com-
plex factors Caps.
250 PurcW BfiEWER-s
.llo Fluvial
72 BMW
. 9c
Vitamin A and
D tablets
rompers For. $259
Fortify your wartime diet with allvitamins known to be
essential to nutrltlon, plus liver concentrate and iron.
Contain Vitamins A, B-
Comple‘x factors, C, D and
E, plus liver and iron.
A mean}! nooucr
.59 '
$4.79 144':
0 O O
O O O o O 0 O O O
100 Vitamin B Complex capsules .... .. 3.39
100 ABDG High PotentZy .................. .. 2.98
50 cc N'a'vltol ...................................... ._ 2.67
Navitol Malt Compound .............. .. lb. 1.69
,, .l. w-
011 ‘
, .g was spent embroidcring‘l
;.llsh tthels and tying {l comfort-
LILLIAN “’ARREN, Society Editor
l Drake-Durand \Veddiug I
i Solemnizotl January 12 .
Methodist Barbara
Last week end Mr. and Mrs. O. l
D. Durand received a letter fromi
their daughter, Erline M. Durand, '
brimming with the details of her.
marriage to Lt. (j.g.) Donald L.l
Drake, son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Drake, also of Shelton. I
The couple plighted their trothl
in the First Presbyterian Church!
in San Francisco before about 40 '
relatives and friends, at o‘clock i
on the evening of January 12.
Lighted tapers and early spring'
flowers enhanced the beauty of l
the altar and soft organ music.
filled the church.
Mrs. William L. Collins. nee
Drake, sister of the
groom who chose Miss Durand as :
her maid of honor at her early fall l
wedding, was the bride’s only at- i
tendant. Vern Miller, U. s. Coastl
Guard, brother-in—law of the bride, ,
orave her in marriage. For the oc-
D .
casion she had chosen a smartl
when grey and white pin stripe suit with
black and white accessories and;
her flowers were green orchids to
match the green on her hat.
Lt. (jg) Charles Newton, cous-
in of the groom, was the best man.
A reception followed at the
apartment of Mr. and Mrs: Peter
Merrill. Mrs. Merrill is the form-
er Jane Travis. Spring fIDWers
decorated the rooms and a beauti-
ful bride’s cake centered the per-
fectly appointed table.
Among the guests were the fol-
lowing who formerly made their
home in Shelton: Mr. and Mrs.
Henry NeWmark, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Travis, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Miller, Mrs. William Collins, the
Misses Mae and Jean McDonald,
cousins of the bride.
Mrs. Drake graduated from the
Shelton high school with the class
of 1939, attending Washington
State the. following year. She was
Seattle Trust and Savings Bank,
coming back to Shelton last year
to take over the accountant job
at the hospital.
Lt. (jg) Drake graduated from .
the Shelton high school with the!
class of 1937 and from Oregon}
State College in 1941 where he
was a member of Phi Sigma Kap-
pa fraternity. He entered the
Navy in July of that year with
the rating of Ensign. He was in
the South Pacific for some time,
seeing a lot of action at Guadal-
canal. He has just completed sub— l
marine school at New London,,
Conn., and is now stationed at
employed for some time in the,
handsome native gown and shawl
Lincoln P.—‘l‘.A. Holds
Monthly Meeting
The January meeting of the
Lincoln Parent—Teachers Associa-
tion was held in the Lincoln
school on Thursday, January 20.
After the meeting opened with the
flag salute the two fourth grade
able program.
Students of Miss Harrison’s
room gave two readings, “I- Love
You, Mother" and “Little Orphan
fourth grades sang three num-
bers, “The Sailor,” “The Wooden
Shoe Dance“ and “There Was a
Goose.” Two of Miss Bremer’s
rooms entertained with an enjoy-i
students closed the program with
“The Wind” and “The
Duel." 1
Mrs. Louis van Arsdale, guest
speaker, was Well received. Her
topic was “Posturial Defects and
Feet. Deformatives." Mrs. ‘Van
Arsdale demonstrated several ex-
cellent exercises to correct poo'r
posture and feet defects.
Routine business, followed with
the preSident presiding. When
roll call was taken Miss Bremer’s
room Won the flag for the fol-
lowing month.
A social hour followed. The lace
covered tea table was Centered
with o cleverly arranged snow
scene with two patriotic figures
,star‘ldlng on the ice saluting the
flag. Miss Morris and Miss Brady,
second grade teachers, presided at
the urns. The secOnd grade moth-
ers were in charge With Mrs. Al-
fred Killmer, chairman, and Mrs.
Al GOOdwin and Mrs. C. A. Rutter,
woman’s Club “School”
I's Wéll Attended
When the Hood Canal Woman’s
Club played “school” for their
program last Thursday afternobn,
there were 26 “pupils” to greet the
“teacher,” Mr. Frank Robinson of
Lilliwaup. Wearing school day ap-
parel, from sweaters and skirts
to pinafores, with bows in the hair
of even the grandmothers pres-
ent, the club members sang
“School Days” enthusiastically be-
fore reciting their geography les-
sons. RepOrting 0n the countries
assigned them for study, quite ,an
excursion around the globe was
made during the session, made es-
pecially interesting by the war-
service travel of relatives and
friends. Mrs. Rule Dickinson made
her report on India wearing a
sent by her son-in-law on duty
in that country. Mrs. Frances Hill
A mixed chorus from the
Mare Island. The young couple are
making their home at Vallejo.
Mrs. Vern Miller, Who accom-
panied her sister South, is visiting *0“ leave to Bagdady Iraq.
d Where] During the club’s business ses-
figrishgigggiegf Alame 3' lsion before luncheon, Mrs. Alden
,of Hoodsport was appointed to
:serve on the Child Welfare com-
3231,23,“ $363,531; lmlttee, following the resignation
, {of Mrs.“ Beth Johnson due to wa‘l‘
The Shelton Garden Club had a lwbrk. Mrsi Alice Am.was appomk
displayed some souvenirs sent by
‘her army husband after a trip
most . interesting meeting .at the
home of Mrs. George Grisdale last
Monday. Mémbers discussed plans
to help beautify and improve
Kneeland Park and agreed to of-
fer their assistance to the Park
Committee of the city council.
Mrs. Phil Fredson announced
Garden Day at the USO. is Mon-
day, February 7. Any member who
was not present at Monday‘s meet-
ing and could act as a hostess in
the afternoon or will donate cook-
ies, was asked to call Mrs. Fred-
son, 92R. ,
Mrs. Guy HutchinSOn, president,
urged members to help in every
possible way with the sale of
bonds in the Fourth War Bond
Drive. For the program, Mr. Clin-
ton Mifflin gave Cecil Solly‘s rec-
ommended list of vegetables that
are most disease resistant. l
Mrs. Kullrich had prepared a
qulzz which caused much merri-
ment. First prize of two packages
of seeds went to Mrs. J. E. Angle
and second prize, one package of
seeds, to Mrs. L. D. Hack. Each
member vowed they would study
their garden encyclopedia after it
was over. 1‘
Mrs. Hutchinson acted as co-i
hostess with Mrs. Grisdale to
serve tea after the program.
Tickets Going Fast ‘
For Jack FrOst Party ,
Tickets are going fast for the
“Jack Frost” card party and dance
tomorrow night in the Hoodsport
gym, the first of a series of club-
house fund events planned by the
Hood Canal Woman’s club. IMrs.’
Vera Linscott, chairman, and her
committee promise plenty of
community fun, with admission
and food prices “frozen” at low
levels. That newcomers to the
Canal will have no trouble “break-
ing the ice” at this winter party,
is another promise.
Cards will be in play with prizes
awarded at 10 o’clock, after which
there. will be dancing to music
furnished by the well known Rad-
tkes. Cafeteria supper will be
served in the basement with Mrs.
Frances Lewis in charge. Others
on the cammittee include Mrs.
Helen Miele, Mrs. Cecil Gilbert.
Mrs. Alma Hill and Mrs. Frances
Mrs. Oletha Stark of Union is
donating the door prize for the
Mrs. Carl Hellman
Entertains Club
Mrs. Carl Hellman entertained
the members of her bridge club
at her home Tuesday evening. ;‘
Honors went to Mrs. Edgar Byrne
and Mrs. George Gaoper, Jr. Mrs.
Glenn Edgely won the galloping,
goose. ‘
Other members present were
Mrs. Bill Smith, Mrs. Elmer Smith, !
edpersonal correspondent to kem
an“ touch With former club mem5
bers and those unable to attend
regularly. Mrs. Rule Dickinson
was appointed chairman of the
party to be sponsored by the club
in February. Two books, with Mrs.
Irene Hembury and Mrs. Frances
Hill, the donors, were presented to
the club library.
Collections were made for the
Mason County Youth Council and
the “Mile of Dimes” campaign;
Luncheon hostesses were Mrs.
Vera Linscott, Mrs. Helen Miele,
Mrs. Frances Lewis. '
Dinner Honors Marriage
of Pvt. James A. Miller
A dinner was giVen Sunday at
be home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
M. Potts, of Olympia, in honor of
the marriage of Mrs. Pott's son,
Pvt. James 'A. Miller, who was‘
married on Saturday, January 22
to Miss Anita Helen Johnson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Johnson of Olympia.
Rev. Dwight C. Smith officiated
at the wedding which was per-
formed at the minister’s home in
Olympia. .
Those present at the dinner
were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Durand
and daughters, Donna, Jovita and
Carlit‘a, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dur-
and, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Q. D. Dur-
and, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dur-
and, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dur-
and, Jr.. and daughter Sally Jo,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. smith and
Lloyd George, on of Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert StinsOn
and sons Bobby and Lyle of Seat-
tle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker
of Hoqulam, Stanley Parker and
Miss Jean Grille of Port Toer-
send and thehonored gueSts, Pvt.
and Mrs. James A. Miller, Pvt.
Miller is homeon furlough from
San Rafael, Calif.
Eagle Auxiliary
Honors Birthdays
At the regular meeting of
Eagles Auxiliary on~Monday e -,
ning, the group honored the birth-
day of their madame president,
Mrs. Bertha. Lord. Mrs. Lord’s
birthday was January 25 and her
husband’s, Albert Lord, ice presi-
dent' of the‘F. O. E., bir hday was,
the 23rd, so they also honored
After a. delightful social hour
refreshmentswere served with the
honored couple receiving a huge
cake inscribed “Happy Birth-
days, Bertha and Al" and a gift
from the organization, .
The next meeting, February 14,
will feature the exchange of val-
Group Ehiovs
GoOse Dinner
Mrs. Mary Way entertained
Mrs. Ronald D'odds and Mrs. Roy with a goose dinner at her home
Getty. Refreshments were served Sunday. Her guests were Mr. and
at the close of the evening by . Mrs. C. K. Way of Camp 5, Mr.
the hostess. ' land Mrs. Sal Way and son Dale
, , of Frisken-Y and Mr. and Mrs.
VIEWS 315"?“ _ L. ASche and sons“
Mfs- BIaPChe DaWS Spent the Mr. Axel Willadson, son-in-law
week end 1n Shelton to help her , of Mrs. Way, sent the goose from
sister, Mrs. Orville Oppelt, cele-{North Dakota
brate her birthday. Mrs. Davis
was accompanied by her daugh- I Daughter of Pioneers
ter, Mrs. Magnor Holstrom and.Sclledulc Meeting
son of Seattle. ‘l The Mason County Chapter of
Sunday visitors at the Oppelt ‘ the Daughters of the Pioneers will
home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth meet with Mrs. Annie Fraser on>
Logan, Sharon and. Bobbie of Thursday, February 3, at 2:30
U.S.0. Hoste‘sses
Hostess Organizations for
this week:
I Jan. 27M-Angleside Club
Join. 28-—»Navy Mothers‘ Club
Jan. 29s-Mill Creek Home Ec.
Jan. 30e—Nurses Association
Jan. 31—-Bridge Club, Mrs. Jack
Gray, chairman
Feb. l‘American Legion Aux-
Feb. 2#Women‘s Society Chris-
tian Service
Feb. 3eWomen’s‘ Benefit As~
Feb. 47AV.F.W. Auxiliary
Feb. 5AMNeighbors of
In Sund Weds Homer
Wills in Bremerton
Beautiful in every detail was
the wedding performed January
15 at Our Savior's Lutheran
Chu'rch'in Bremerto‘n, which un-
ited in marriage Miss Inga Viola
Sund of Grapevi'ew and ,Homer
Raymond Willis of Bremerton, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Homer B. Willis
of Roy, Mont. The bride is the
pepular daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Sund, one of the Oldest
and best known families of Grape-
The Reverend Theo Hokenstad
read the ceremony at o’clock in
the evening before a large assemh
blage of relatives and friends.
The couple stood before a set-
ting of lighted tapers in tall can,-
délabras, bouquets of pink and
white Carnations, White tulips and
greenery. For her wedding the
bride wore a gown of traditional
White satin, fashioned with a
sweetheart neékline, long sleeves
,and a fitted bodice. The beautiful
iskirt‘ ended in a court train and
she wore a fingertip illusion \veil
held with a halo encrusted with
seed pearls. Her Colonial bquu‘et
was of yellow roses and white
carn‘ation’s with a shoWer of white
satin streamers.
Dorothy Sund,
bride and maid of honor, was
gowned in pale blue chiffon and
carried a Colonial bouquet of yel-
low roses and pink carnation with
a shower of pink streamers. Edna
Wilson and Marian Okonek, attir-
ed in pink and yellow chiffon
dresses respectively were brides-
maids and Betty Jean: Eddy, in a.
blue chiffon gown was the junior
bridesmaid. Each girl carried a.
Colonial bouquet and wore a small
gold pin, presented them by the
Robert Willis, brother of the
groom was the best man and ush-
ers were John Sund, cousin of
law of the groom and Jimmy
Preceding the ceremony ‘ the
candles were lit by Mrs. Edward
Westberg and Mrs. Gene Eddy.
They wore pale blue chiffon and
taffeta gowns with white carn-
"ations in their hair. Mrs. Nell
Schock sang, “I Love You Truly”
and “O, Promise Me)“, accompan-
-»ied by Mrs.‘nEdgar D. Stell, Who
also played the wedding marches.
Following the wedding a recep-
bride's parents at Grapeview,
which was attractively decorated
with blue and white streamers and
a miniature bridal party on the
[Was centered with a beautiful
Wedding cake topped with the tra-
ditional miniature bride and
groom. '
Eunice Eddy, sister of the
‘groom, cut the cake and Mrs.
Carl Sund, aunt of the bride, and
Mrs. Ed Westberg presided at the
urns. Assisting with the serving
were _Mrs. Oscar Sund, Mrs. A1
Okonek, Mrs. Elmer Wessex-ling,
.Mrs. Ed Wilson, Mrs. Emil An-
I derson and Mrs. Lee Carlson..Mrs.
Ed Westberg was in charge of
the guest book.
For traveling the bride wore' a.
soldier blue suit with Mom ac-
ices‘s'bries. The young couple will
lmake ,their home at Sheridan
Park, Bremen-ton, _Whére they are
both'employed in the Puget Sound
Naliy Ya‘r‘d. Mrs. Willis graduated"
from the Irene S. Reed high school
with the class of 1943. , '*
Mrs. Willis, who came here
from Montana to attend'lier son’s
wedding, wore a black and rose
crepe dress ,w’lth a corsagelmf
pink roses and Mrs; Sund wore
a black crepe dress with a. rod
rose corsage. , , ,1
Guests attending the reception
were Mr. and Mrs. Homer C.’ Wil-
lis and daughter Joyce ofMon:
tana, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Eddy and
daughter Betty Jean, Robert Wil-
lis, Min, and Mrs'. film worlley,
all of Bremerton, r. and has.
Carl Sund and son Donald, yr.
and Mrs, Johnstrand, and Mr.
and“ Mrs. Qtto Clarkof Tacoma.
Mr. and, Mrs.,,,Charles Clark
and family of Shelton, Mr. and
l Mrs. Ed Wilson and daughter, Ed-
na, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carlson
Mrs. Emil Anderson, Mr.,and Mrs.
‘Carl Mattus, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ja-
cobson, Mr. ander‘s. Irvie Win-
gert, and Mrs. Anna Johnson, on
of ,Harstine Island.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens, Mr.
land Mrs. Ed, CronqulSt, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar, Sundland family, Mr.
and ,Mrs. Ted Rauchert, Mr. and
Mrs. SwanMaki, Mr. and Mrs. A!
lokonek and family, Mrs. sarah
Hansen and son Chester, Jo‘e
Tschida, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dav-
is, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Housen
and family.” ,1 y
‘Mr. and Mrs. .Cllff Barrett, Mr.
and Mrs. Web Etherton, Mr. and
Mrs. H. ,Peterson, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Eckert,.Mrs. I. Kndpf and
son 1 Glen, -Mr. and Mrs. Orin
Bucki‘ngha.m_ and Son Dean.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sratford, '.
and Mrs. Charles Somers, Mr. a
Mrs. Ed WeStb’erg, Charles An-
derson, Mr: and Mrs. Elmer Wes-
serling, Muhand Mrs. N. syi'jala,
Mr. and , Mrs. Emmett JohnSOn,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parks and Rob-
ert Schwinn, all of GrapeView. -
Visit Sister
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Archer, Mrs.
Mary Silvers and Mrs. Gertrude
wagner visited with their sister;
Mrs. Lucy Starr, whoyis in the
Elma; hospital on_ Sunday.
Dash, point.‘ The Logan's spent p. m. All members are urged to
Saturday night with his parents. 1 b9 present.
They, report Mrs. sum is 1001':-
in'g better.
. . t... c“‘mt‘ ~~r
sister of the-
the bride, Gene Eddy, brother~in-‘
! Mrs. Donovan Palmer
Presents Recital
Saturday evening, January 15,
Mrs. Donovan Palmer presented a
number of her musical students
‘in a recital at her home, with the
parents as the guests.
l Those taking part in the.piano
‘solos were Carol Hunter, Marilyn
[ Anderson, Bobby
iman Morgan, Mary Ann Latham,
Eacrett, Nor-
Aylene Loughnan, Jay Look, Lor-
raine Andrews Jane Clothier and
Lavonne Norby.
Piano duets were given by
Carol Hunter and Mrs. Palmer,
.Betty and Marjorie Rayson, Jay
lLook and Norman Morgan, Ay-
ilcne Loughnan and Mrs.
Lou hnan, her mother. Lavonne
Nor y and Dale Palmer, rendered
vocal solos and Mrs. Palmer com-
pleted the program with a piano
Three students, Kenneth Eacrett,
1Merridee Wivell and Anna Lou
Elliott Were unable to be present
and take part in the program.
Mrs. Palmer served refresh-
Defense stamps Were used in the
lclever favors for the children.
Brother Spends Week
With His Sister Here
of Emmett. Idaho, visited last
week With Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Carlson and children.,Mr. Spauld-
ing is a brother of Mrs. Carlson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hale, also
former Idaho residents and friends
lot the spauldings, entertained
'them at a dinner Thursday. eve—
hing, Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding’s
son, Robert, S 2/c, who is temper-
arily “
iited three different cVenings at
the Carlson home.
To New Jersey
’Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Angle
droye Mrs. Joseph N. Bacskay and
daughter Sandra Lynn to Tacoma
Sunday, where they left by train
for Trenton, N. J., where they will
make their home. Mrs. Booskay
had made her home in Shelton
while her husband was stationed
at Fort LeWis.
Moose Ladies to
= Start Bingo Pin-ties"
I At the meeting of the Moose
1Ladies last Tuesday, plans were
made to again start their series‘
of Bingo parties held in the Moose
hall. The first One will be held
i this Friday, Jannary 28.
The Auxiliary served as host-
esses at the USO. on Sunday.
Girl scout Leaders
Slate Meeting,
The Girl Scout Leaders have
scheduled a. meeting for Tuesday,
February 1 at,8 p. m. at the home
lof Mrs. Winston Scott.
I Visit in Brenna-ton ,
. Mrs. Alonzo Robinson and Mrs.
Joanne Landers
()n Committee
Word from Washington State
College this week, reports Jeanne
Landers was named on the dance
00mmittee for the Valentine’s Day
semi-formal to be held February
12. The freshman class has taken
over the sponsorship of this all-
college dance. Jeanne is majoring
in general.
Jean Crossman Weds
Longvi’ew Man Recently
Of interest to her many Shelton
ments at the close of the evenlng.‘
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Spauldingl
stationed in Bremértt’m, vis- 1
friends is the news of the wed-
ding of Miss Jean Crossman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Crossman and L. C. Clark of Long-
view, formerly of Colorado.
The couple were married at
Longview on December 21, 1943.
The bride graduated from the
Irene S. Reed high school with the
class of '40.
From Deckerville
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brown of
Deckerville visited at the Asche
home on Monday.
No. 10 “A” gasoline coupons
now are valid and so far as can
be predicted the value will re-
main the same-a3 gallons, good
'through March 21. “A” coupons
are Valid only if endorsed on the
face with the license number and
state of registration of‘thc car.
L. Asche and son DOnald, Lee vis-
ited. with Mr. and" Mrs. Ray Kuhn
, of Bremerton on Friday. ‘
Returns‘to Shelton ,
Mrs. Merritt Eells returned to
Shelton last week from Davis,
Calif, where she had made herl
home since her marriage to Pfc.i
Merritt Eells in September. Her’
‘ husband .hasbeen transferred to
tion was held at the home of the
The lace covered table:
land daughter, Dorothy, Mr. and]
Monmouth, N. J.
say It .
They Bring Conl'fort
and Happiness
Delivered anywhere, anytime
Travis Floral Shop
I H: Shelton Hardware Bldg.
Phone 232 270-W
For Every Hour
0f the Day
Neat Chocks, Slirfiming’
Stripes and Novelties!
.W‘ejre‘ Kn'o’Wu" d: the
Fanny Sféri!
Fd-shion-Righi and Rightly Priced
To wear at home, now, and everywhere come spring!‘
Crisp little cottons in famous shirt-maker stlé‘s or ‘
dressy little models looking pretty with ru es of
other complimentary trim. Sizes 12 to 20.
sonal color analysis.
all. Januaryr.2,711_
Bible School at 9245. C1
for all ages.
. irsday,
Morning Worship Service at '
Young Peoples meeting at 5
A cordial welcome extended t '
young people to attend.
Evening service at 7:30.
ject "The World's Greatest '
You will find the
Church a friendly church.
worshiping elsewhere we
you to all our services.
choirs furnish
The M
It is our policy to main
9. complete supply of
mtory-fml) drugs at all ti
Included are the miracu
Sulpha drugs which are v'
able for prescription
your physician.
, BWflW
All next week in our Toilet Goods
Section . . . a representative of the
Richard Hudnut Salon, Fifth Avenue
to give you personal advice on
problems of skin care and make-up.
With your'purdlia’se of any DuBarry
Beauty Preparation next week, you
will be given a complimentary lesson
in fashion make—up, including a per-
mof are devoted to be:
year after year.
YOU’LL find things everyone in the family needs ,
at Penney’s. And you’ll find so many families
coming back to Penney’s season "after season,
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ney s—m everything from baby’s first soft shoes
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Where six floors and a s " f
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