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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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V:vp‘__._.v,- 24A _.—__.... . 1 Port Tow by ater Heaters on riday n1 . Eats; .1 Farmers Mrs. Alice i. WW... I :chle and Mr. he local Iarm machinery ra- ridge. A sup Illg committee has been ad- ndwiches, s "‘5 that a small quantity of hot as served, " 81‘ heaters are. available to‘ rs for the Ju ,._‘ ers. These are of the twenty --' thirt 'allon sizes single ' f r , y g . Bigot-8:271:33: 1231 f thermostat control set zfor 1. Eleanor Ad ,eglees- president : alrymen who may be in need of secretary” ter are advised by Bert Rau, . lice McClan .I'man, to make application to ‘ farm machinery rationing mittee immediately. A letter ‘tin and Chfl I‘ be sufficient for application one of the “ -,_ V )ustin is empl . the forest ; R A D I O llden Flk l S E R V I C E RMILK By l CURLY BELT I pg gallon All Makes ! Tubes Tested l 5 Franklin r} l l r NASH BROTHERS I Phone 334 123 SO. 2nd I G H ONCRETE PIPE tion Due To is "canauiol . SEWER PIPE '44 CULVERT PIPE I DRAIN TILE WELL CURB ronchl’al Irritt} It so often dis amazing last " you get the ' l—coughing sp it loosens up ., )pens up clo I akes breathing ’. . For Quality and l ' B kle 1 to Economy I :onvince the ' , I I d ! Enrich as. SHELTON “mm: New CONCRETE many other no; Prepp's R drugglsts. PRODUCTS CO. . Seventh St. Bridge PHONE 123 lllI MILLO’S 'lUAllTY MARKET Ferry Dock. * lukee Dock, GROCERIES m. for FRESH MEATS V, FRUITS BEST. PR'CF—S HOODSPORT l _. 3‘. Convenient Terms s ‘ . Reasonable Rates No DELAY / ‘ .9 son County Savings ' Loan Association \\ :54, Title Insurance Bldg. Cliff Wivell’s IEXAOO Representative in V lymgia PRODUCTS '.., PROMPT 131: and Franklin E37 27, "i . rsday, January 27, 1944. Oil Wood" ‘ . as oou l: 5"." (Continued rom p.36: 1) L. Pearce, Potlatch. Their arduous 14-week‘s labors behind them, the graduates have returned to their units in arm— ored divisions and separate tank battalions throughout the United important part in the signal com— munication system which controls units on maneuvers and in com- bat. Each soldier in the course learns the International Morse Code, the “dit—had" alphabet and progresses through radio procedure and a study of radio sets. Final phaSe is field operation, in which radio sets are operated from scout cars, under simulated battle conditions. The Communication Department Armored School, “university” of the armoraiders. The school rolls off its human assembly lines each year many times more trained technicians than any civilian uni— versity or college in the world. Brig. Gen. Joseph A. Holly is commandant of the Armored School. LEE WELLS NOW INSTRUCTOR Lee Wells is now a flying in- structor stationed at Sheppard Field, Texas, the Journal has been informed. He paSSedhis instruc« tor‘s course second highest in the class. JOE BROWN IN CALIFORNIA Joe Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown of Kamilche has his Pfc. rating now. He is stationed at San Luis Obispo, Calif. His' brother, Pfc. Ed Brown, has re- iis one of eight in the mammoth‘ turned from Alaska and after. spending a furlough at home has returned to his duties with the Signal Corps at Camp Carson. The brothers saw each other for a few minutes at home one eve- ning just as one was arriving and the other leaving. I LARRY MONGRAIN NOW CORPORAL Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mongrain received a letter this week from their am Larry, who is stationed somewhere in England, that he has been promoted to corporal. JACK HOLMAN IN AUSTRALIA I will lead to their appointment as physical therapy aides in the Med- ical Corps, with the relative grade of second lieutenants. The two Air WacswPfc. Helen Whinthrop and Pvt. Edna Grout“ are both college graduates, one of the requirements for acceptance into the six months physical ther— apy course. Private Whinthrop, 22, graduated from the New Jersey College for Women, and attended the school of journalism'at Rut- gers University. Private Grout ma- SIaIeS. The“. they will play anItriculated at the University of, Washington, graduating in 1941 with a BS degree. She is 24. The physical therapy training is open only to members of the Women's Army Corps. “It is a valuable field of specialized voca- tion the Army is offering us," Private Grout commented, “and Helen and I are fully aware of the opportunity for postwar car- eers We will have as a. result of this training.” Upon successful completion of the course at Stanford, the train- ees will be transferred to Army hospitals for three months of prac- tical experience. They will then be given the title of “Physical Therapy Aide,” which is equiva- lent to a second lieutenancy. At this field, Private Whin— throp was a personnel clerk and Private Grout a photo laboratory technician. Private Whinthrop is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Whinthrop of Highland Park, N. J. Private Grout’s mother, Mrs. Beatrice Grout, lives in Shelton. LOREN STALEY HOME ON LEAVE Corp. Loren Staley, formerly connected with thé Pastime Tav- ern, and husband of Mrs. Pauline Staley, is in Shelton this week on leave visiting his wife. While here he received orders transfer- ring him to a new post the Sedalie Army Air Field, Warrens- burg, Missouri. ROY BANNER HOME ON LEAVE Roy Banner, stationed with the Army Engineers at Camp Adair, Oregon, is home on a 15-day leave visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Banner. ELSON BROTHERS CLOSE TOGETHER Eugene and Lewis Elson, both of .whom are now in Australia, are Mrs. Stella Westlund has just' received word from her son Jack Holman that he is now stationed somewhere in Australia where he arrived at Christmas. He says he is getting along fine. WALT ELLIOTT, Jr. HOME ON LEAVE Lt. Walt Elliott, Jr., will leave Friday to return to duty after a visit in Shelton with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. El- liott and his wife. BOB»R’E§IBEL HERE FOR VISIT Bob Kimbel, Signalman 3/c, U. S. C. G., son of Roy Kimbel and Mrs. Viola Kimbel, was in Shel- ton for a couple of days this week. He is now stationed in Bellingham but expect soon to be Sent out to small islands North- east of Victoria. JOHNNY SMITH HERE ON LEAVE Sgt. Fred J. (Johnny) Smith, Army Air Corps, is home on fur— lough from Fort Myers, Florida, visiting his wife Mildred. On his return he will be stationed at Tyndall Field, Florida, as a gun- nery instructor. Shelton WAC At Stanford Two enlisted Air Wacs from Marana Air Field, Arizi, are now attending a special Army training course in physical therapy at Stanford University, according to Col. Charles Backes, ing Officer of this big CERTIFIED '. SERVICE Mason County for COMPANY I. High Grade Fuel and Boise] Oils 8 E RVI C E Phone 397 Man A Real Razor Genuine Deluxe Gold and Chromium Plated Gillette Safety RazOrs 7 Each with 10 Blue Swedish steel blades. Give That Service I Carrying cases also .‘ Plated. At the original price of several years ago. 7- A This grade razor has ' ._ for: several years A limited number still available ._JounNAL STATIONERY DEPARTMEN Gold and Chromium 50 each been off the market I Command~ . basic fly- ‘ l stationed only a mile apart, word has reached their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elson. The boys are both on furlough now. Lumberjacks are Jungle Fighters Lumberjacks, says a veteran of the battle for Munda airfield, "are natural jungle fighters.” Sgt. Armond Pearson of Spo- kane, recuperating at Baxter Gen- eral Hospital from wounds receiv- ed in the “battle of Hastings Ridge," said he was thinkin of Sgt. LeroyNorton of Bend, ‘re., in making the statement. He said Norton was twice dec- . orated, once for saving the life of his company commander and again for single—handedly wiping out three or more Japanese pill- boxes. Another Bend man, Sgt. Robert Chambers, broke through Japanese lines and worked on pill— boxes until he ran out of gre— nades, Pearson recalled. He did not enlarge. He said Capt. Charles Hastings of Walla Walla, for whom Hast- ings Ridge was named, was wounded in the battle but has re- : turned to action. Pearson and the ! ling school for pilots. The coursel captain were hurt when a Japan- ese grenade set off American rifle grenades near the command post. After someone has touched poi- son ivy, or even been where it is growing, the exposed skin should be washed immediately and thor- oughly with a strong kitchen soap, lathered on freely and rinsed sev- eral times in running water. i LEGAL PUBLICATIONS No. 1485 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, 'FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON: In the Matter of the 'Estate of A. E. Elphick, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Fannie Mullenix and Mabel LaBrec. Administratrices of the estate of A. E. Elphick. deceased. have rendered and filed herein their Final Account and Petition for Distribution. that the same will be heard in the Court Room of the above entitled Court on the 26 day of 1944, at the.hour of eleven o’clock a. m., at which time and place any person Interested in said estate may appearand file his or her objection In writing to said Final Account and Petition. and contest the same. WITNESS the Hon. John M. Wilson, Judge of said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court‘ affixed, this 22 day of January, 1944. (SEAL) ESTHER ROLES. Acting County Clerk and Clerk of said Court. A. E. GRAHAM, Attorney for Administratrices, Aberdeen, Washington. 1-27--2-3-10—-—3t. l. l I No. 1601 NOTICE OF EARING OF FINAL REPORT, PET TION FOR DISTRI- BUTION, AND DISCHARGE OF AD- MINISTRATRIX IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of John N. Sells. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that India I SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL av— ORDINANCE N0. 015) AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS CONGREGATINC OR LOI— TERING UPON THE STREETS. HIGHWAYS OR IN P U D L I C PLACES OK UPON IINOCCUPIED PLACES OR GROUNDS IN THE CITY OF SIIELTON AFTER ll) O'CLOCK P. lVl.. PROVIDING CUR- FEW HOURS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE TERMS OF THIS ORDI— NANCE BY PARENTS. IANS AND LIINORS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF‘ SHELTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Definitions: The tt-rm ‘stree_ts' shall mean " any alley, thor- oughlal'c. pathway. Or uth‘I‘ course of travel open to the public. The term ‘highway’ shall include any _road. lane, dock. wharf. or any termlnal or continuance of a road- way open to the public. The term 'public places' shall in- clude, but is not limited to, places of amusement. parks, playgrounds, dance. halls, and similar premises 0 en to the public. p The term ‘unoccupied premises or grounds' shall include all such areas and pl-elllises of inside the corporate limits of the City of Shelton except those premises designed as dwellings or places of residence and presently occupled by such residents. The term ‘parent or guardian' shall mean the actual parent or legal guar- dian or a person that has the care, custody or control of such minor by consent of the parent or legal guar- dlan or 'by court action. Mascullne gender as used in this resolution shall include the feminine, gender and singular shall include plural. SECTION II: It shall be and it is hereby declared to be. unlawful for any person under the age of fifteen (15) years to congregate, loiter. (or be on the streets). highways. in pub- ‘ lic places. or upon unoccupied prem- ises or grounds in the City of Shelton, Washington, in the night time after the hour of 10 o'clock in the after- noon (10 p. m.) unless such person shall be accompanied by his parent or legal guardian or is spirit by his parent or guardian on some urgent business or errand, which renders it ,necessary for him to be. abroad after I l l February, I i l the hours herein mentioned, in which' case such person shall personally have with him the written consent of his parent or guardian; PROVIDED: That nothing in this section shall be interpreted as prohibiting minors from travelling over or along public streets by direct route to and from work'in the regular course of em- ployment where such occupation and employment has been approved by au- thorities under procedure outlined by statute and such minor has in his possession evidence of such approval. SECTION III: It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of eigh- teen (18) years to congregate or loiter upon the streets. highways. in Dupllc places. or upon unoccupied premises or grounds in the City of Shelton dur- ing the hours stated in Section II. SECTION IV: It shall be unlawful for any parent or guardian as defined herein, willfully or negligently, to per— mit a minor under the age of eighteen (18) years who is subject to his cus- tody to violate any of the provisions hereof. nor shall any such parent or guardian aforesaid issue a written consent as provided in Section II ex- cept in cases of necessity. SECTION V: It shall be unlawful for any person not the parent or guardian as defined herein to accom- pany, congregate, or loiter with any minor on any public street, highway. . in public places, or upon unoccupied premises in the City of Shelton, Wash- ington. except by and with the ex- pressed consent of the parent or guar- Ian. SECTION VI: Any person violating any provision of this resolution shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not‘ to exceed one hundred ($100.00) . dollars. or by imprisonment in the city jail for not to exceed thirty (30) days or by both such fine and im- prisonment. PROVIDED: That any person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be dealt with according to the appropriate juvenile laws of the State of Washington. SECTION VII: The hours indicated in this resolution are with reference to the standard time prevailing in the City of Shelton, Washington, from period to period, whether it be what is commonly accepted as Pacific Stan- dard Time, Pacific Daylight Saving Time. or Pacific War Time. SECTION VIII: If any of the pro- visions of this resolution are held in- valid or unconstitutional, the remaind- er of the. resolution shall not be af— fected thereby. ‘ SECTION IX: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as the same are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this resolution. be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION X: This 0 inance shall be in full force and effect 5 days from and after its publication as provided by law. Introduced in regular Council meet- ing this 16th day of December, 1943. Passed in regular Council meeting this 20th day of January, 1944. Approved: J. L. CATTO Approved as to Form: CHAS. R. LEWIS. City Attorney 0 (SEAL) Attest: A. K. McCAMPBELL. City Clerk 1-27—1t. State of Washington OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF . HYDRAULICS , Olympia ‘ NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 5935 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice .is hereby given that W. H. Travis of Union. State of Washington. under date of December 28. 1943, filed with the State Supervisor of Hydaulics. Olympia, Washington, an application fo’r a permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed stream. tribu- tary of Hood Canal, in the amount of 0.01 second-feet, subject to existing rights, continuously of each year for! the purpose of domestic supply; that the approximate point of diversion is located_within Lot 5 of Section 14, Townshl 22 N., Range 2 W.W.M., in Mason ounty. A map showing the and location and plan of said diversion and the lace of the proposed use is on file n the office of the State Super- visor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Wash- in on, together with such other in- formation as is required by law. Any person, firm or corporation whose right will be injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the State Supervisor of Hydraul— ics, at Olympia. Washington, such objections or representations, in writ- ing, as he may desire to make. within thirty (30) days after date of last pszlalication, which date is January 27. Witness my hand and official seal this 29th day of December, -A.D. 1943. (SEAL) CHAS. J. BARTHOLET. State Supervisor of Hydraulics. 1~20-27—2t. No. 4345 .. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. G. E. DeRosier, Plaintiff, ——vs.— Cleo R. DeRosier, Defendant. THE STATE OF‘ WASHINGTON TO I THE SAID CLEO R. DeROSIER, De- fendant: You are hereby summoned to ap- R. Sells, administratrix of the estate Ipear within sixty (60) days after the Of John N. Sells, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County and State her final report and petition for distribution of said estate; and that Saturday the 19th day of February. 1944, at 10 o’clock, A. M.. Department NO. Onel of said Superior Court. at Shelton in said County, has been duly fixed by our Superior Court for the settlement and in case of you I distribute the property plaint, which has been filed with the and Clerk of said Court. of the said Final Report. time the Court such report, at which Is asked to settle to the persons entitled thereto, discharge said administratrix. WITNESS, the Hon. D. F. \Vright, Judge of the above entitled Court. date of the first publicati of this summons, to—wit: within Sixty (60) days after the 20th day of January. 1944, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court. and answer the complaint of the plain- tiff an serve a copy of your answer upon e undersi ned attorney for plaintiff at his 0 f'ce below stated. failure so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the com- The object of this action is‘to ob- tain from the plaintiff an absolute divorce from the defendant on the and the seal 0f. said Court affixed grounds that the plaintiff and defend— this 18th day of January, 1944. (SEAL) ' ESTHER ROLES, Acting Clerk of said So erior Court JULIA WA DRIP KER. Attorney for Estate 203 Cap. Park Bldg, Olympia; Wash. 1-27--2-3~10-17—4t. ant have lived separate and apart from each other for more than five (5) consecutive years last past. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington. 1-20-27—2-3-10-17-24—3-2—7t. (‘iU.-\RD~ ' 4"" V Real Estate “AAAMAAMM‘ ‘A FOR SALE: 40 acre farm. 30 acres under cultivation. 4 room house,'barn, chicken house, milk house, small orchard. $2,000. $1,000 down, balance terms. J. I D. White, 423 Bellevue St. I 1-27--2~10—-3t. ! I may l side of Lake Isabella. 3 miles south of Shelton. 1 three room cottage, one six room house with two big porches, one closed in. Lots of built-ins, Cellar, wood house, barn, shed-garage. and a good well. Partly fenced with woven wire, electricity, 1 daily mail and school bus. Love- I l ly View of mountains and lake, good neighbors. G. Stoner, Rte. 1, Box No. 210, Shelton, Wash. 1-27—2-17-4t. FOR SALE: 40-acre improved farm, 12 acres cleared, deep Well with electric pump; 6- room modern house, barn, lge. brooder house, 3 chicken houses and car garage; fenced all around; only " miles from O Shelton. A buy at $3500, on easy terms. , M. C. ZINTHE Realtor Phone 157 FOR SALE: modern 4—room house with attached garage, lge. lawn, garden spot. Oil burner and drums. For details call 584R. S1—27—2-10—3t. FOR SALE: three room house, garage and chicken house on 5 acres land. One acre cleared. One mile from highway on Ar- cadia Road. Lee Carlson, Route 3, Box 166. 1—13-27—3t. FOR SALE: 5 acre tract, level, lights, good well, chicken house, assorted fruit trees, berries. East off Cascade on Dickinson. Could build either end. Close to industries. Fine berry and gar- den soil. Nice location. Sacri- fice for quick sale. Terms or cash. Write Mrs. Ann Fredson, Route 7, Box 953, Portland, Ore. 12-9—3-9—3m. FOR SALE: Hillcrest lot 50 x 125. East off Cascade. On corner Mason St. Cheap. Mrs. Ann Fredson, Route 7, Box 953, I Portland, Ore. m FOR SALE 4-room modern plastered home with built-ins, gas stove, with incinerator, gas automatic hot water heater, oil heater, new in- laid linoleum, laundry room and large porch. Nice garage and woodshed with new cement floor. Also nice yard and gar- den plot. Cement sidewalks. Home is in good condition and to sell at $3500. :1: * It 3-room modern home with built— ins and gas equipped. Also large stone fireplace. Located about two miles from Shelton on the. Bay. Fine spring on the prop- erty with about 50 feet of wa\ terfront. Good garage. Nice I garden tract. i3-room home on the Bay with good spring and about 50 feet of water front. Nice garden I tract. (Plenty of wood l beach). 1 These two homes are adjoined and I can be purchased together or On separately. They will make fine close in year-round homes with nice beach With all the fire- wood supply for picking it up on the beach. Both for $4400 or will sell separately $2550 and $1850. each, with terms. * * HERBERT G. ANGLE Phone 304' Angle Bldg.’ 'm‘m Lost and Found MA‘MMM LOST: black wallet containing currency and important papers. Finder may keep currency but . please return wallet and papers to- Journal. Rea Howry. 1-20-27—2t. m‘l‘ w~o........-I For Rent FOR RENT: three room furnished cottage, 2 miles north Twanoh State Park on Bremerton high- way. See sign on road. C. D. Hinson, Union, Wash. 1-13-27—3t. I——_____________ CALL FOR BIDS FOR DIESEL I MOTOR GRADER MASON COUNTY ROAD DISTRICT 3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners at their office In the Court House at IShelton, Washington, on Monday the 2§th day OLFebruary. 1944. at two ‘oclock P. 'M. for the furnishing of lthe followmg described road equip- lment: i One Diesel powered heavy duty tandem drive motor grader to meet the following specifications: I 1. To have a Diesel motOr Of not less than 68 .brake horsepower. 2. .All major controls to be me- Ichamcally or hydraulic power control- .led with all major operation gears to be fully enclosed, running in oil. 3. Machine fully equipped to weigh not less than 20,000 lbs. I I 4. Machine to be equipped with cab. ltully enclosed with steel and glass enclosure; to be equipped with com- plete electric starting and lighting (equipment. operated from cab. . 5. V type scarifier attachment and l12 ft. mold-board to be included. I 6. Machine to be equipped with lean- ing front wheels equipped with not less than 9.00 x 24 front tires; four tires on tandem drive to be not less lthan 13.00 x 24 type tires. 7. To be the latest current model in standard production. The Board of Commissioners re— serve the right to accept or reject any ‘and all bids. DATED this 17th day of January, 1944. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- E SIONERS. MASON COUNTY, low pressure lug WASHINGTON. By HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board. 1-27——2—3-10~—3t. JOURNALAN FOR SALE: 2 1/3 acres on west. 12-9—3—9—3m. } “w. l""' mvmmwm For Sale “AIIAAMAAAM. FOR SALE: Lang Junior range. $25.00. J. F. Thomas, Skokom— ish Valley. Phone 217J3. 1-27——1t. FOR SALE: Waldorf range, $10. Inquire G. F. Rose, end of Sum— Wanted AAAAAAAMM‘ WANTED: anytime before June. 5 or 6 room house with base-I ment in downtown district.I Steady renters. Write Box P, I c~o Journal. P1-20--2-3—- 3t. I MAL ..._1__.WA__.._. WANTED: capable“ man or wo- - can qualify for AAA soil build— ing payments by installing drain tile in your fields. Payments run from 21,1. cents to five cents per foot for drainage. Increase your yigld per acre as well as getting your crops in earlier due to bet- ter drainage. Consult your local County Agent for further in- formation or contact us. We IWANTED: fireplace screen to fit I opening 28" high 45” wide. Joe Taylor, phone 217J4, Star Rte.‘ 1, Box 135, Shelton. 1-27—1t.I WANTED: three or four room modern house and garage, closo in. Cash. P. W. Nance, Bremer- ‘ ton, Star Rte. 1. 1-27-—2-10—3t. IWANTED: girl or woman to help with housework and care of child. Phone 486.]. S1-27——1t. ~WANTED: furnished homelike house or apartment in Shelton or radius of approximately two miles for naval chief and wife. Will pay up to $55 for satis/m—P'hone 4777W' C1-27_1t’ I factory accomodations. Phone FOR SALE; wood burning circu- MY‘S- Harrington, 480’ any time- lar heater, like new, for five 1‘27"“;- I rooms. Phone 309M. ____._____ 0 WANTED: ride daily 5 -days wk. 137-24%“ 130 and from Olympla. MUSt be FOR SALE: home canned apple ! there by 9 am. Write Route 3. sauce at 35c quart. See Mrs. BOX 182- 1'20‘27—‘2t- Evelene Farrell, 323 North'4th WANTED: a coursed—nidnthl Street . “7‘”- Phone Union 280.- L1-13-27—3t- lFOR SALE: stove with: copper SPOT CASH: for small or m'éd; (30118. 1015 Dearborn Street. have a complete stock of al sizes of drain tile on hand. Clie- halls Brick and Tile Company. Phone 69, Chehalis, Wash. 1—27—3-2—6t. FOR SALE:‘ large ping-pong ta- ble and cbmplete equipment; ium size piano. State age, make, Clan—It condition, price. Also saxophone. FOR SALE: two beds, complete. Address Mr. Deaver, P.O. Box small white ename1ed range 132. CitY- 1‘13'27—3t- with coils, library table, ' kit- VTANTED TO RENT: by respon- sible Naval Officer, wife and Sltgtdfio afigucgircXme/fit two year old daughter. A nicely View 1_27_2_’3_2t: furnished modern 2 bedroom house with good heating facil- ities, ice box, stove and wash- FOR SALE: small range, good condition. Phone 407M after 6 ing machine. Prefer Shelton, but p, m. F1—27—1t. anything within 15 mile radius w of Shelton will be satisfactory. FOR SALE: one heavy duty Vaughn drag saw. Inquire 1621 Mason Street, Hillcrest or phone 584R. B1-27——-1t. Will pay up to $100 per month. Call Lt. Cdr. C. D. Simonsen, anytime at 425 ext. 42. man for part time maintenance mit Drive. 1-27--2-3«2t. I work. See Mrs. Faubert at ~- -— -»» a w we l Shelton Hotel. 1-20-277-‘2t. ATTENTION FARMERS: You Page SCVen T ADS l I l l i l chen table and chairs, reading MUSIC INSTRUCTION: WANTED: baby for sailor FORMSALE: oil floor furnace in] perfect condition. Inquire Cra- at Shelton Airport. Contact bill Grocery. Phone 121. Mrs. Ethel Flatner at Mell Chev. Co. HEMSTITCHING: 404 Franklin. FOR SALE: stewing hens and I Mrs. Martha Jacobs. 9-30tfn. fryers. Cream and milk. Large W..— . ——Hw—~. . eggs 50c doz. Phone 133J, 7th WANTED: waitress, also kitchenl and Wyandotte, Southside-An- helper- Apply at Shelton Hotel gle. Mrs. R. D. Stockwell Coffee Shop. 9-16tf. 1-27tfn. WANT TO BUY: 01d horses for FOR SALE: 3 piece bedroom set, Mink feed. Phone 391.] or write mahogany finish, complete with Alldy Hansen. PO BOX mattress and springs $75. 527 9-2tf. Bellevue Ave. R1-13-27—3t. FOR SALE: Pekinese Toy male, four pounds, registered. Also others. E. Bateman, Box 115, Matlock. 1-13—2-10—1M FOR SALE: two .Guernsey milk cows to freshen January 23 and February 17. Phone 14F23. ’P1-13-27—3t. ______A...__ FOR SALE OR TRADE: Bernard F. Smith place, 4 iles north Matlock, also 20 ton good na— tive hay, good cream separator. Some springer heifers. A. C. Jones, Matlock. 1-16-30—3t. FOR SALE: young pigs,_\6 wks. old. Roy Bowman, Rte. 2, Box 303. 1-13-27n3t. FOR SALE: dry alder and maple slab and edgings. Fine for range, $11 dump load lots. Post- card or letter. F. M. Nagle, Rt. 1, Box 116, Shelton. 1-20—~2-17—5t. FOR SALE: two child’s crib style beds, sanitary cot. 903 Gate. St,, Floyd Temple. 1-20—2—3—3t. FOR SALE: 65 head of high grade Jersey, Guernsey and lstein dairy cows. 50 fresh. Rest to freshen within 30 days. This stock may be bought on easy monthly payments. No down payment required. Will take beef or other stock in trade. H. F. Buth, Rt. 4, Box 278, Olym- pia. 15 miles south of Olympia, 2 miles east of Littlerock, 34 mile south on Case Road. 1-6-23—1M. 80 cu. in. motor and 1933'Harley-Davidson mo- torcycles. Very good condition. $600 and $230. M. L. Kolmor- gun. Rt. 3, Arcadia Road. equipped, good condition, 45000. $1290. Inquire Journal office. . Mel-13-27—~3t. IFOR SALE: '41 Nash 8. Fully Late Model Used Cars I Al‘ Huerby Motors Ford Sales and Service 5th and Railroad Ave PHONE 16 DRAFTED: forced to sell my 1931 model A convertible roadster. New top, brakes, rear end, paint, etc. Heavy duty 16-inch tires, 22 miles per gallon. $150 cash. George Franz, Union, Wash. 1-27—2—10—3t. WANTED 33 36 v-s. Must have EOR SALE: 1939 l good tires. Will pay cash. Write or see Les Johnson, Route 2, Box 152, Shelton, Wash. 1-27—1t. l - - _ FOR SALE: 1936 Ford .coupe, mo- 1 6 23 1M tor overhauled, good tires. In- quire 302 Laurel Street, after FUEL DEALERS 5 p. m. D1-27—1t. ATTENTION No. 1560 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Emil _Christensen. Deceased. 1 Notice is hereby given that Joseph Matsen, administrator with will an- nexed of the‘ Estate of Emil Chris- tensen, has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court his final Report and petition for distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report, dis- tribute the property to the persons entitled and to discharge said admin- lstrator.lw.w.a.; and that said Report and petition will be heard on the 19 day of February, 1944. at 9:30 A. M.. at the Court Room of the Probate De— partment of said Court. Dated this _18th day of January, Fuel Report Forms, which your customers must fill out before you can deliver them fuel. are now available at the Journal office. Get them while the supply lasts. ton load $11.85 per ton; range coal, 4 ton load $10.85 per ton; pea coal, 4 ton load $9.45 per ton. Load is single delivery. No load delivered less than 2 tons. Less than 4 ton load $1.00 more per ton. Sack coal (not deliv. cred) 100-le. sack, 800 (Shel- ton prices). A. F. Hemenway, Phone 473W. Orders for wood 1944. . accepted. 12-9mm (SFAL) “ERIE-32 EghEs'f 'd C urt FOR SALE 2 k b t . . cm I o sal o pairs 8 i 00 s. Sgigpldovlyetfrsm' “mm” _Phone 322R. 012-23tfn. Seattle, Wash. 1-20-27- -2-3-10-—-4t. NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY ' PROPERTY PERSONAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Clty of Shelton, Washington offers pursuant to an order of the Board of for sale the following described per- County Commissioners of Mason Coun- sonal property, located at or near the ty, Washington, made and entered on 'pump house at the City Springs: the 10th day of January. 1944, there One 1930 G.M.C. tank truck equip- w11! be offered for sale, to the hlgh- pad with 650 gallon tank. est and best bidder, by the Sheriff of ALSO one National cash register lsal County, at public auction, at the which can be seen at the City Hall. fro t door of the Court‘House in Shel- All bids shall be in writing and lton, on Saturday, February 5th. 1944. shall' be filed with the Clerk of the i at 10:00 A. M.. the following described , City of Shelton up to 8:00 P. M, on Ipersonal property; IThursday. the 3rd day of February. One 1932 Adams Grader and One 1944. Bids shall be separate for the 1934 Adams Grader DATED THIS 10th day of January, 1944. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS. OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. By _HARRY DEYETTE,‘ 1-13-20—27— t.» A Clerk. . National cash register and the same Wlll be sold for cash by order of the Council of the City of Shelton, Washington. A. K. McCAMPBELL. Clerk of the CW of Shelton. Washington. -20-2T—2-3——3‘t~. l l l COAL FOR SALE: lump coal, 4 l_ I said G.M.C. tank truck and the said: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimu . , charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 3' . Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. 750 minimum charge on each notice. Card. of Thanks, 75c; original poetry 500 per' inch; classified display rates on request. Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be- fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 100 will be "ade when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 mvvvww Classified Service AuAAA AAAAAAAM‘. : 1 PLENTY OF A-l GRADE RUB- BER for truck tire recapping. No certificates required. 0. K. Tire Shop, corner Cascade and Olympia Highway. 1-20-2-10— 4 t. FOR PLUMBING: phone 499. Prompt service. Hillcrest Hard: warc. W1-20~_2-17 ~1le SPEEDWRITING The accepted, natural method of shorthand. No new charac- ters to learn. Beginners take dictation 80-100 wpm. in SPECIAL WAR-COURSE in 8 WEEKS. New class begins Feb. 1. No previous know- ledge of shorthand necessary. OLYM PIA SECRETARIAL SCHOOL, 411 Capitol Way, Olympia, Washington. 1-13tfn. piano, violin, accordion, guitar, band instruction. Private lessons. See or write Prof. McGhee. Phone 288, Union. Wash. 1-13-27-«3t. NEW TERM Beginning and brush-up courses in all Business Subjects Olympia Secretarial School 411 Capitol Way, Olympia, Wash. 1-13tl'n. 1-27—2-10—3t. —_____ FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers. Indi- gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 1-6—4-13—15t. FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE NO. 4342 SUMMONS IN THESUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE- OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Leota Dean. Plaintiff, _vs_- Roy Dean. Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON to Roy Dean. Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first publication of this summons, to-wit. within sixty days after the 20th day of January, 1944, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and answer the com- plaint of the plaintiff, Leota Dean. and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his Office address hereinbelow stated and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the com- plaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said court. The object of this action is to secure a divorce on grounds of desertion and non—support and to secure custody of the two minor children of the parties hereto. J. W. GRAHAM. Attorney for Plaintiff. Office Address Govey Bldg, Shelton. Wash. 1-20-27—2-3-10-17-24—3—2—7t. WW" v~ vvv-m' PROFESSIONAL CARDS " v' . ALDEN C. ‘BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton I INSURANCE l HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 WITSIERS. FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORN EY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington l RICHARD F. EDDY; Lloenéed Public Accountant ‘ No’tary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 :