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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight Skaar Funeral Held Saturday Funeral services were held Sat- urday for Christian N. (Chris) Skaar, a resident of Hood Canal for the past 20 years, from the Mason hall. Mr. Skaar was a member of the U. S. Forest Service from 1911 to.1940, retiring in that year. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge of Carson, VVash., No. 187, American Legim Post No. 137, Carson, VVash.. and V.F.VV. Post No. 1694, Shelton. Survivors include two sisters. Mrs. M. Tveit. Gig Harbor, and Mrs. H. Lillegard, Stevenson, VVash.; one brother Ole, Alaska. He was the uncle of Mrs. W. F. Compton, Shelton. Canada is now the greatest pro- ducer of maple sugar and syrup in the world. ELECTRIC MOTORS and Electric Appliances Repalred Phone 49R 714 Franklin Want a New Career? 0U CAN very likely find just the chance you’re look- ing for—in the W'AC. If you haven’t a skill, Army experts will teach you. Per- haps you’d like to drive a jeep, work a teletype machine, or help direct airplane traffic. Whatever you do, you will get valuable training—learn interesting things— and help get this war won! TODAY—get full details at the nearest U. S. Army Re- cruiting Station (your local post 'office will give you the address). Or write: The Ad- jutant General, Room 4415, Munitions Building, W'ashing- ton, D. C. l Don’t Burn Ferns, lRanger Warns l Warning of the seriousness of a letter to the public, which fol- lows: “Let this be the watch word in Western Washington during the late winter and spring of 1944. Remember the disastrous fern fires that burned last February set back reforestation more than the fires that burned during the regular fire season. You burns our infant forest that is just starting to grow among these same- ferns. “Reforestation must not be set back in Mason county because Upon it rests our future. Our fu— ture industry, our future commun- ities and our future standard of living depend solely upon the re— ,forestation efforts of the lumber- ling industry, the state organiza- 5tions and the National forests. If we allow fern fires to start and to burn it may set us back many years. Let‘s get behind these or— ganizations, find out what they are doing for your future timber supply, help them by your sup- port and start proving your inter- est in growing trees by preventing fern fires. From now on you and your neighbors should start think- ing and talking “Don’t Burn Fern.” HAROLD C. CHRISWELL, .District Forest Ranger.” Farmer’s Tax Meetings Planned In order to help farmers with income tax reports, meetings will be held in several communities where the farmers have asked for this help, Okerstrom. These meetings will be .Kamilche and Matlock communi- ‘ties. If other communities desire lassistance they should make this ‘fact known to the county exten— sion agent through the Grange or other community group. RECEIVES INJURIES Roy Ritter was admitted to the ‘Shelton hospital for treatment of <injuries received while at work at the R. E. Stevens Logging .......-... camp at Hoodsport. Pink. - in Oregon and Washington ? These knowl that every time ferns burn so, states County Agent' ,held early in February. To date: meetings are planned for the. l l l l l l x All Wool swarms Tweed Knit Slip-ons Pink, Melon, Lemon,» Sky Blue 8.75 BLOUSES The Classic Hendon Shirt $2.49 Gay Checked Long-sleeved Blouses. in Red and White, Blue and White, Green and White. - $298 Delicate Sheers White Be-Ruffled Fronts in Lemon Yellow, Crisp Green, Red and Dainty $3.98 Dodds Tops in Bowling Classic Trundling in major league style, , fern fires and the disastrous for- Ronald Dodds walked off with the ’est fires resulting from such con- 1 all-eVents ‘flagrations, District Forest Rang- ‘, Bowling League’s er Harold C. Chriswell has issuedl winter title at the Shelton annual mid- tournament held earlier this month. Dodds paced the field in the singles event with a sizzling 718 which was the main factor in his 1990 total for all events. Other winners were the Mason County Steam Laundry team event with 2652 followed by Simpson with 2648. The doubles title went to Bill Smith and I. H. Woods who rang up a 1297 total. John Dotson and Louie Stru- thers with 1266 were runners-up. CITY BOW'LING LEAGUE W L Associated Service ........ .. 31 17 Mason County Laundry... 29 19 Simpson Logging Co. 28 20 L. M. Company .............. .. 24 24 Beckwith Jewelry . 26 Texaco Service .... .. .. 22 26‘ Reed Mill ....................... .. 19 Munro's Men’s Store ...... .. 17 31 Friday Results Mason's 2, Associated 1; Simp- son’s 2, Reed’s 1; Texaco 3, Mun- ro’s 0; L. M. 2, Beckwith’s 1. LADIES LEAGUE W L Pastime Tavern .............. .. 36 18 Werberger’s Winery ...... .. 34 20 PantoriumVCleaners ...... .. Wilson's Cafe .................. .. McConkey’s Pharmacy .... .. 26 Mason Cleaners .............. .. 22 Mac‘s Corner ..... .. 22 Cash Grocery ................ .. 33 Monday Results Wilson’s 2, Pantorium 1; Wer- berger’s 2, McConkey’s 1; Pastime 3, Mason Cleaners 0; Cash Gro- cery 2, Mac’s 1. FUEL OIL With the fuel oil shortage crit— ical, householders were warned today to conserve their supply to the utmost to get through the cold weather ahead. Persons who ‘burn too much too soon may find no more available. To help budget fuel oil rations, your OPA issued a weekly guide. Up to January 24, householders living in Seat- tle and other communities West of the Cascade Mountains should not have used more than 46 per cent of their total year rations. In Yakima, Wenatchee and points East of the Cascades 56 per cent is the absolute maximum. in the 3 __SHE_LTON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Same Amount ,Points Available l Housewives will be able to buy about the same amount of ration- ‘ led process foods and meats and; E fats as they are now buying when , lthe new ration token plan goes into effect February 27, accord- ‘ing to Harry Carlon, chairman of the local war price and rationing board. Point values will be adjusted l ‘ slightly at the time tokens go into use in order to keep buying pow- . ‘er on an even keel. Under the token plan, he said, {30 points (3 stamps) will become i valid at the beginning of each two [week period for the purchase of, meats and fats. For processed foods, 50 points< will become valid the first of each ‘month under the token plan. The red and blue tokens, about the size of a dime, will be givenl in change by merchants when ‘ housewives spend their stamps at, the beginning of each period. Board Clamps Down on Gas Harry Carlon, chairman of the War Price and Ration Board, an- nounced that-No. 10 coupons in the “A” gasoline ration books are valid and will continue valid until [March 2lst. It is not anticipated that any change will be made in the gallon value of the stamps, according to Mr. Carlon. ’ The chairman warned that no stamp in book “A” is valid except the No. 10 stamps. He stated that heavy penalties would be inflicted -upon any service station accept- ing any stamp which is not valid. Carlon also announced that en- forcement of the regulation relat- ing to the endorsement on the face of all gasoline coupons of the li- l cense number and state will be vigorous. The OPA has issued in- structions requiring that any mile- ;age ration book in which all stamps are not endorsed must be confiscated. The best soil for growing fruit is fertile and well-drained. Most fruits do best on an upland site out of danger of frosts that settle in valleys and hollows. They need sunshine, and must not be planted too near forest trees, or in the shade of houses. If you don't think It pays to advertise—place a Want-Ad in the Journal! New 5min; MERCHANDISE Carol King Juniors 9.90 to 4.75 Rayon Prints Sizes 13 to 42 $9.90 to $19.7 5 —‘ . STOPS ‘ODORS, no transfer of odors. less current. ALL THIS FOR 5.85 'Here’s REFRIG-O- MASTER the ideal money- . . food stretcher. Get saver . yours now! Home Style, 231/z—oz. PINEAPPLE . . . 2% size 300 SUGAR—Stamp No. 30 in Book Four is good for 5 pounds through March 31. ' Del Monte Sliced (36 Points) BAKING POWDER _. . lb. 23c Crescent * SAVES FOOD, eliminates dehydration. * SAVES ELECTRICITY, less defrosting. REDUCES COST, keeps box colder with _—-——__._.,——————-o efrig- Something New for Your Refrigerator or Icebox fir. SAVES WEAR, cuts down operating time. VALUES, LIBBY PICKLES . . We N... Have Our New Seeds On Display LILL_Y’S - CECIL SOLLY MANDEVILLEKING Co. FERRY-MORSE Co. CREAMETTES ...................... .. 4-le. A more Tender Macaroni WHEATIES, KIX" or Cheerioats .... .. Sperry’s QUAKER MUFFETS ............ .. pkg. They're Different ' MOTHER’S OATS .................. .. pkg. Quick or Slow, with Premium CORN FLAKES .................. .- 3 pkgs. Kellogg's, 11—oz. BECKWHEAT FLOUR ........ .. pkg. ls er’s CALIFORNIA DATES ........ .. pkg. Good Quality BARLEY .................... .. lb. PUREX ...................................... .. gal. Bleach PEAS .......................................... .. can Picnic Size. mtg-oz. (9 Points) No Points ’ 43¢ 12¢ 10¢ 33¢ 23¢ 29¢ 73¢ 10¢ 45¢ 12¢ RIPE OLIVES ........................ gal. $1.25 aster Thursday, January .1... .vm.n.x<w§" KEEP Y0“? R2321?“ 90W” 70 I . . EARTH ruary 26. * . iar 23c, through February 20. 'k SLICED PEACHES ............................ .. can Libby, 21/,» size (27 Points) CAKE FLOUR .................................. .. pkg. MEATS, F A T S --— Brown Stamps R, S, T and U are good through January 29. Brown Stamp V is good t h r o u g h February 26. Brown Stamp W becomes good January 30 and re- mains good through Feb PROCESSED FOODS-— Green Stamps G, H, and J in Book Four are good .'.ld*jiere are s: i’ "19 at 1st "The upper pl he bottom p arles fiDneer . ‘ elton ., Inger of Sh . in the, pi ,~ zl’vlss, aged 3 rt the home 7,, 3- Paul Bel ‘Fan illness r Uneral ser\ eauspices 01 N0. 11,‘ S: ‘Wlth brief sl Maulden ar 'Lgasonic Order Softasilk . 0f the c VANILLA .......................................... .. 4-oz. 39¢ fesidefmlfig'et Hamilton's Imitation 3&81943. PINEAPPLE JUICE .............. .. No. 10 can 99¢ tan. $9.35? (128 Points) th0 Amer: CRANBERRY SAUCE .............. .. lge. jar $1.00. to°“.§,,;,‘:g§:: Ocean Spray (58 Points) lsso‘anc‘l GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .................. .. 46-0z. 30¢ imaseatile- t1“ No Points erlel igld‘rggg HOL-RYE TACK ................................ .. pkg. 20¢ .501" a year b Old Country tailigngaso; FLAT BROD ...................................... .. pkg. 25¢ :‘ he with Norwegian Style Sugailroad sl CRESCENT COFFEE ........................ .. lb. 27¢; 9055:3135: " We Grind for you . Cigarettes CARTONS Chesters, Camels, Luckies 1.60 Dominos, Sensation 1.35 . Medium... VISIT OUR Fruit and Vegetable DEPARTMENT For those Vitamins You need Dailyll EGGS Fresh Local Large ...... -. 49¢ Alcl’llth 4'5¢ IneChanic. Located ( iruled on r fie Club A “g in BI , 1 a2?“ of the : leatl’urned the bud Wednesda§ bigy 13? Breme seq Inter-dis ‘ a t. by the N 10n.