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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"2 E HERE FRIDAY, BOBCATS TO MEEr CLIMBERS IISRN DIVIS/ON host to the as yet unbeaten Ab- 0 W,W. Pre[) lgue , erdeen Bobcats. W L pf pa It wasn't much of a contest at Aberd0tm ........ " ..... 5 0 217 117 Olympia Tuesday after six-fc)t .. .............. 4 0 231 133 eight-inch Dick Peterson dunked Cenralia .............. .. 4 1 206 283 in the first four Bear baskets ' in SHEraTON ........ 2 3 155 203. the early going, and with Dean l'1oq .............. 2 3 191 190 Rocly and Doug MeClary keep- Montano .......... 1 4 142 151 ing him scoring company, the Ra)q0fld ............... 3 3 107 135 Bears were in front at the quar- Ehwt ................... 0 4 98 201 teriy rant pe.riod by respective . ffml margins (ff 15-8, 28,12 and 48-18. Olympia 58, Shelton 20 Last Friday's complete round, Aberdeen 44, Elms 12 in which Hoquiam was slated to Centrhlta 46, Raymond 29 visit Shelton, was postponed by Ho quiam 37, Montesano 29 the heavy snow and rescheduled 3a,m6nd 47, ELms 35 r February 8. GanU, s Friday Olymi (58) %heltem (9) Elnla at Shetton Rocey 13 f Tobey 9 cntralia at Aberdee , Peterson 12 f Ashley Hoquiam at Raymond McCafy 13 c Buck 3 Olympia at Montesao Partlow4 g Clary 6 Tuesday Morton 9 g Skagen Aberdeen at Shelton Ctralia at Hoquiam , Subs: OlympiaWestover 1, El- lis 2, J0rgensen 2, DeGarmo 2, Elms at Montemano Boyd, Allard. Sheion--.Wells 9, Olmpia at Raymond eels 2, Getty 2, Gohrick. Olympia's height and class 00.nowed .nder the B Team Defeated like' the.' Weather Tuesday night, the defending champions winning By Bears, 41 to 20 an ea.,y 58 to 29 northm'n division S.W.W. prep hasketbal3 confer- B EAM STANDINGS ence victory at Olympia. W L pf pa • The defeat dropped Sheltoa un- Hoquiam ................ 4 1 187 157 der the .500 markbut the High- Aberdeen ............ 3 1 172 114 climbers get a chance to clim Olympia ................. 3 1 132 98 bar..i  ev keel Friday When SHELTON ... ........ 3 2 161 165 the ,meet the tailend, Icto-le Montesano ........... 2 3 140 152 Elms Eagles il Shelton. Catralia .............. 1 3 100 132 Then again next Tueiay, Shel- Raymond 1 2 81 114 to is again at home, playing Elms ...................... 0 4 106 143 Ltest Results Olympia 41, Shelton 20 -----:-v--v--- Raymond 33, Elma 22 | .... • , Planning A r|p? Monteaano 28, Hoquiam 26 Wa ears you all ths In€on- Aberdeen-Elms, postponed. Centralia-Raymond, no report venPen of routing and ttoketln on Plane, R. R, @r Badly missing the scoring punch Stearht{P • and backboard strengtli of big Fritz Priszner, who was sidelined Selee t'ltmt'  by illness, trne Highclimber B team World-Wide Connections suffered a 41 to 20 shellacking at Olympia Tuesday night. Call Olympia Trvd The loss cost the Little Climb- Servlee ely. 62 era a chance to tie for first place , in the standings. OLYMPIAN HOTEl.. Shelton made a game of it for 0[ymP|a, Wn. the opening quarter, enjoying a 8-7 edge at the first rest period, '----------% but from there on the home club took command and led at the half, 18-11, and at the third quarter, 34-13. Olyrap (41) Shelton (20) Mitchell 11 f Ware 6 Cart 9 f Richert Muller 4 c , Hawk Nelson 7 g Dale 5 Budsberg 3 g Davidson 1 Subs'. OlympiaBrecX 4, Long 1, Willows 2. Shelton--.Austin 7, Phillips 1, Eacrett, Morton, Chap- man, Brehmeyer. Pastime Shares Leml With Two Rivals Now OLYMPIA SCRATCH LEAGUE W L Pa,utime (Shelton) .......... 6 3 Capital Cigars ................ 6 3 Chicken Coop .................. 6 3 Steak House ..................... 4 Tanums rvice ............ 4 5 Table ..... ,,......: 9 9. th' Hduae Monday night farced the Pastime of Shel- ton to share its lead in the Olym- pia scratch bowling league with two rivals, Ctpital Cigars missed a clance to top the circuit alme by drop- ping an odd game vardict to the Chicken CooI Trnum;s Ser- vice blanked Olympia Round Table in the third match. John Dotson and Percy Fmk both posted g44 series to top the Pastime scoring, but the loiters 207 game wa the only effort re- Walter L. Marble RAUSCHER & SON Represettg th. M]IOOIAAN LF 110lymplo 14ay (HIII¢) IrNURAC COMPAhrY • FHON  !,,Igo,ad Pavaona A¢cldeat and Health Insurance g04 8teysas Phone 854 ,.._: ..... ,, ...,. :!., ,o,  ....  . , Mr. O.K. Says By gd B Howdy lolks: Jtldging from t]e breezes ,frown Whins'totL every thing is goring highest except talk. That is ,til[ ch(,ap. e 4onal ammitte are L At least when ey guests l,o ]aotal)les. )ace th*re WeTe things that pc,)pi( couldn't talk about, NOW, th) y cttn'| talk about anything [ Perllal)S tl*e ,asoa talk il el ea,l i because the supply ex- ctedu the demand. 01' coUrse the man who hired t lawyer diIn't think talk was eleaI Oa the other had, there's a lot o1 dlf/erenee between f speech aad cheap tlk. " l"her: never an dlffer€ In tr tire retread work, Always the nv iVoYt qualily. Toy it, , .'L a Holt, Aronson Top Individual Efforts In Pin Tournament Joe Holt and Arnie Aronson came up with the best all-around performances in the annual Shel- ton Bowling Associatiem mid- season tournament which closed Sunday night. Holt compiled a. total of 1963 pins for all-events honors, fol- lowed by Aronson's 1896. Holt teamed up with Gib Frisk- en to win the donbh, s competi- tion with a 1289 pin total, worth $30 to the pair, and took sixth place in the singles with his 642 aggregate, worth $7, Aronson was second in the* sin- gles with a 658 aggregate, worth $15, and teamed with Fred Snel- grove for third place in t h e doubles witi] an 1198 aggregate, worth $21, Walt Snelgrove was top man in the singles competition, hitting a 672 aggregate and pocketing the $18 top prize, Pastime's 2881 pin total in the team event was the outstanding scoring feat of the tournament and was worth $61 for top money. ALL EV I'N'i'S Joe Holt ................................. 1963 Arnie Aronson ........................ 1896 TEAM EVENT Pa.time ....................... 2881 ........ $61 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ..... By JOE" $I)O00 Simpson Log .......... ........ $,1 LEADING CITY BASKET Simpson Office ....... 2705 ........ $41 RAYONIER W.H.S. Electric ........ 2699 ........ $32 Frisken Oil ............. 2688 ....... $22 Active Club .............. 2683 ........ $15 I CHASE AFTER 3RD NARROW DUKE INGLES EVENTS CITY LEAGUE BASKETBALL Mlay night and gave layorer Walt Snelgrove .......... 672 ........ $18 W L Pf  tde pockets.Ion of the top rung by Arnie Aronson ............ 658 ........ $15 IRay°nier .................. 3 0 74 handing McCokey Pharmacy its John Storts ............... 648 ........ $12 Belfair ...................... 2 1 77  first lotto of the se¢oad half, 32 to Ken Fredson ................ 645 ........ $10 McConkey ................ 2 1 85 84 28, with Willis tlslng in an even Laurie Carlson ............ 644 ........ $8, PantorlUm .............. 1 2 58 1 dozen counters., The last quarter Joe Holt ........................ 642 ........ $7 Anderso-Pten .... 1 2 73  told the story, for the score was Don McDonald ............. 634 ........ $7 I Woodfiber ................ 0 3 78 97 knotted at 21-all as the two teams Phil Bayley .............. ,. 633 ........ $7 I Games Monday took their last rest. Belfair then Gig Fz'isken 632 ........ $6 7---Woodfiber vs Panorium raced off to score eleven points Herb Durand 628 ........ while holding the pharmacists to ................ $6  8--Rayonier vs McConkey Bill Pearson .............. 622 ........ $5 Jess Baxter. ................ 621 ........ $5 Buck Price .................... 617 ........ $5 L(q Pearce ................. 615 ........ $4 Jess Danicls ................ 615 ........ $4 Ron Dodds .................... 613 ........ $3 John Detach ................ 611 ........ $3 Bugs Daniels ................ 608 ........ $3 DOUBLES EVENT Gib Frisken-Joe Holt ............ 1289 Ken Fredson-A1 Ferrier ........ 1225 Aronson-F. Snelgrove .......... 1198 Leo Pearce-Bob Newell ........ 1195 W. Snelgrove-P. Marshall .... 1179 Phil Bayley-Alph Kneeland .... 1173 L. Carlson-Hank Durand ........ 1173 John Stewart-Don :McDonald 1156 Bus Lord-Lyre McMullen .,. 1153 Ray Babcock-Joe Rank ....... 1144 Tiff Skels(y-Je,u Daniels .. 1144 Justin Keev:er-Gene Lihdberg 1144 The tournament dFew 25 team entries, 42 doubles entres, and 82 singles entries. FISHING SEASON Burl Brown ............... 627 ........ $6 9--Belfair vs Anderson Vic Zabroski ................ 625 ........ $6 Games Wednesday Jim Pnhn ...................... 623 ........ $5 7--Woodfiber vs Rayonier 8Pantorium vs Belfalr 9 -Anderson vs MeConkey • Look who's ruling the city league basketball roost today! , First half door-mats for their league 5rothers, Rayonier has be-; come the league's Cinderella club I , after its third consecutive paper-i thin triumph and now sp(rts the] only unblemished record of the second half schedule. I The pulpmen scored their big- gest margin of victory Monday evening when they shaded Pantor- I ium, 26 to 23, after previously de-! fearing Belfair, 23 to 22, and Woodfiber, 25 to 24, tast week. CLIFF MoPHER$OrN geared all three Rayonier wins not only with his scoring figures but also with excellent floor play and fine de- feusive roles. Jack Jeffrey was an. able a,sistant, all along. I I The pulpmen were a little slow getting started against Pantoriura, finding themselves trailing 10 to TO OPEN APRIL 17 4 at the end of the,first quarter, Here are the 1949 Washington !but McPherson got rolling in thb fishing seasons, as establtahl second Deriod and at halftime last week by the State Game Corn- league  leaders were in front y mission at its first meeting .,of 13 to 12 and stretched it to 221 the year in Seattle: at the final rest period. The last Lowland lakes, April 3 thru quarter was a defensive battle October 31. with both clubs getting but two Rh'e al rnalning lakes I polnts. I in Eastern Washington: May 2 / Rayonier, led all the way against 1 through Septemlr 15; in West- Belfair but barely outlasted the. ern Walngton May 22 thru Hood Canal club. Entering the October 22, last quarter with a 22-18 advant- Daily catch and possession lira- age, Rayonier scored only one its" Not to exceed 10 pounds and point in the fourth quarter, but one game fish providing the num- Jeffrey's converted foul proved to her of fish so taken does not ex- be just enough margin to hold off ceed 20 and does not contain more the rallying Belfair aggregation, than two steelhead over 20 inches, which was led by Anderson and Weekly catch limits have been Willis. eliminated. BKLFAIH TUHNKD around By Ted Ketit$ I have been reading strange and trtdges, both with the same wonderful things about the affects bullet and same advertised eel- of altitude and cold on rifles, ocity, may and may not sho0t to things that made me wonder why the same center of impact. I never have similar experience.' Never rest a rifle on a solid Actually, mo;t of the strange b;; object, rook or log, as it will havior of the rifle is caused probably shoot very high and the shooter violating some prin-!wild. Have some soft object be- ciple that ever rifle shooter I tween the rifle and rest, even ,hould know. the hmtd will do. Keep your Taylor Stars As Trails Hand Cams First Loss, 58-53 Bill Taylor gave Shelton fnn a polishad exhibition of why he earned honors as a topflight col- lege basketball star in Shcl(,on gym Sunday when he led hi,. Pa- c.ific Trail Sportswear t(,an from Seattle to a spine-tingling 58 to 53 victory over the powerful and hitherto understated ()iympa Cam- marshes, The former Highelimber cage star, who comp]qted .four years of varsity competition by helping the Univcrsity of Washington win the Pacific Coast college basket- ball championship last year, rang in 19 points for the Trail quin- tet, pacing it m a second half comeback which overcame the Cams' 30 to 24 bulge at the half. Taylor's brilliant play-making and floor play was the outstand- ing feature of the Seattle team's performance, although another of Taylor's teammates cm last year's U. of W. team, Le Eathorne. caught the eye of many in the crowd. The Cams proved themselves a highly capable aggregation and gave the Trails all the game they c).uld handle, thanks greatly to the uncheckable hook-shots o lanky Bill Day, who scored 16 markers fro- the Olympians. The Cams were without the service,  o one of their regulars and also lost three players on fouls before the close of the contest. In a preliminary, Pantorium di- feated nderson-Reiten Motors.,,15 to 12. Both are city league eams but the game was not a egular league affair. Pflc Trail (Sg) Cams (58) Eatharne 11 f Swanson 8 Gregg 15 f Ahmgi 4 Martinsn 3 c Day 16 Taylor 19 g Pashkowski 10 Bird 8 g Borden 2 Subs: Trails---Eckman 2. Mc- Carty, Red fern. Cams- Lyne 7, a single field goal. Hanson 4, Williams 2. The first half championship An- derson-Relten Motors club, afteriTig|]WQ q#'t I A17 losing its first two starts of the aa..v =- second half. finally began to [J'J['klt ]'l'o J[TTI[ straighten up and fly right dur- IY g2|rt DY ing a 36 to 27 victory over luck-  ,xa ,,xtz'aLv less Woodfiber. Most of the scor- I Seattle (Special) The Univer- ing was packed into the first and sity of Washington has completed last quarters with Ken Cardinal arrangements to open their 1949 contributing nine points as, the football season against the Uni- victors ran up a 15 to 12 opening versity of Utah on September 17, period edge, and Gone White and Director of Athletics Harvey Cos- Johnny Dunbar combining for an- sill announced today. The game other nine of a 13-point total in will be played in Seattle. the last period as the winners ran.. The addition, of Utah expands a third ouarter 23-19 marin to tne riusktes scnenme o en games, the final36-27 figure " [six of which will be played in • Seattle It is the first time since DANNY OORMI ER hit the • " ,- week's best individual scoring to- }  939, except for one war year, t.ha . tal with 19 points as he led Mc- washington has nau more than Conkey to a 86 to 27 verdict over a five game home schedule. The . ' September 17 opener also marks Woodfiber, second identical score' of the week for the losers, , the first year that Washington Pantortum led at all the inter- has chosen to start the season missions but never felt safe while on the optional opening date au- posting a low-score 14 to 12 vie- thoriged by the Pacific Coast Con- ference. tory over Anderson- Relten Me- Under the direction of Coach tots, second lass of the new sched- Ike Armstrong, the Utes breezed u3e for the first half tit.lists. Jim through their ten game 1948 Roe's eight tallies, scored in the schedule with only one loss and third quarter, were the instru- one tie, both suffered at the mental markers for the wianers, lhad of PCC Qppoents, They llneups: . ' ] r , "',:," ' d}0pped their: 'fi/t ''ame to" U. ]Hhtyonier (26) Paor;tma (28) I S. C. by a 27-0 score, then bounced Kendall 3 f Valley 2 back to win seven straight before Howe 4 f Dodge battling Oregon State to a 20-20 McPherson 8 c Rose 11 deadlock. They closed their sea- Armstrong 1 g McComb 6 son with a convincing 41-7 victory Daniels g Woods 4 over Utah State. Subs" Rayonier---Jeffrey 6. Dew- Next season's game will mark eyei't 4, Dronen. Pantorium .... the second time Washington has Fredson, D. Phillips. faced the Redskin team. In the And.-Reiten (86) Woodflber (27) Dunbar 10 f McCann 7 artwright 2 f Price 3 rhart 4 c Trobitz Fraser 5 g B.Viger 8 White 4 g Gruver 2 Subs: Anderson-Rotten-- Cardi. hal 9, Hagen 2, J. Phillips. Wood- fiber---Parsons 1, Levett 6, R. Vi- gor. Belfair (82) McConkey (23) Saffer 4 f Cormier 7 Willis 12 f • Eacrett 3 Anderson 6 c Smith Landram 4 g Lee 7 Foster 2 g Schirmer 4 Subs: BelfairForsyth 2, Dav- is 2. McConkeyMorgan 2. Pantorlum (14) And.-Reiten (I€) Valley 2 f Erhart RDodge f Dunbar osc 8 c Cartwright 2 McComb g Fraser 4 D.Phillips 4 g J.Phillips 2 Subs: Pantorium --- Fredson, Weeds. Anderson.Rotten ..... White opening game of the 1931 season. the Huskies defeated Utah 7-6 in Seattle, with All.American end Bill Smith catching a p(ss for the Purple and Gold touchdown. Matlock Trapper Earns Award for Proper Care Eugene D. Nye of Matlock is a winner of a daily award for cor- rect pelt handling "in the Twentieth National Fur Show conducted by the Raw Fur Marketing Service of Sears, Roebuck and Company. A carefully handled, pelt brought him one of the $5.00 daily awards, as a result of its being Judged one o the three beat hndled skins among all pelts received at Sears Raw Fur Marketing Station in Seattle. This pelt is now eligible to cormideration for one of the major awards, inchuting the $2,000 first award, to be seSeoted at the finv, l judging, which will Im held m, Thursd From where I sit ... y Joe Ma, Who's A Forei9ner? While rm waiting for a hair- cul the other day, Slim ]lartman lets slip with a crack shout lhose "foreigners" who live by the doper. "Now wait a minute, SIim," snaps Dec Sherman. "Don't forR'ct we're all 'foreigners' more or less. Some of our families have simply been here hmgcr than others. But oven if they came over on the May- ih)wer, they were i'orei.ners to the Indians," Slim gots a little red and you could see that Dec had him. "And the reason they came here," he goes on, "wan to find reedom to i drink as they wanted to so they didn't tramp on thc he other fellow." From where the great land it is foday our being tolerant ple and different it's a taste for square waltzing, radio or movies milk or a temperate glass kling heer. & Copyright, 7949, United States WATCH FOR THE NEW 1949 CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH SOON TO BE SHOWN AT KIMBEL MOTORS Complete Richfield Oil Products GAS, 01L LUBE SERVICE , Complete Automotive Body & Fender Repair and Car Painting ' Augmenting Our Former Services of Repairing and Rebuilding Cars- Trucks- Tractors Heavy Logging Equipment GREASING - WASHING - POLISHIN/ Pick-up and Delivery Service REFRIGERATIO By I nternationaI-Harvester FACTORY APPROVED Chrysler - Plymouth - International SALES - PARTS - SERVICE .th., .t a*.. M"LL., .. '" P..':. CAPTURE YOUR HEART 0 Here are practically all the pro- ! stock as dry as you can. 4. in l"il. , , cautions you should take to in- Most of the complaints we hear lgyonler (28) Be/fair (2) .... " sure that your hunting rifle will I about shooting high and the ad- Dronen 2 f Saffer 2 Deweyert NOW always deliver shot well Into monitions to aim low can be f Peterson lelten Ltllill NO,  ), game, at least when you aim and traced to the open rear sight. McPherson 8 c Anderson 7 L i squeeze the trigger properly, These Yet our manufacturers still per-l Sarnpair5 g • Willis 6 LOYAJL OlD] O] ,uggestions are from C01. qowns- sist in eqpipping their standara[ Jet, cry o g Landram 2 Uarf.Q., for l°n00 00h010n, noted arms and am-sport00g r.,r00 00yo.ier- 00eodall 2, With an Elgin-American munition authority, sights,' which are responble for }Peach, Armstrong, Daniels, Howe. MKTlii$ MLD A14 .... Don t take it for granted that many misses and much wounded[BeSfair--Foster 8, Forsyth 2, Al- ' : your rifle, as it comes from the game. No one who Ires lMd lan, Davis. , i COMPACT ARE3 I neueagey (o) wooiI| t ] _f td. u.t, b r sighted for you, for the ammu- rear sight has may of theSe lCormier19 f Gruver5 v .. m, nition you will use, and or the troubles: : Eacrett2 f McCannl0 . " " -- CASE . distance you Want. " if you will observe these prg- Smith 8 . e Trobitz 2  p.m.--agms ha. If you have your rifle sighted in cautions, then you must lay your Schirmer 4 g Levett 8 Marvin Leman, Governor for you by a friend who t, a good misses to your aim d trigger Lee 5 B Viger 2 W D Coburn, ortary shot always verify this sighting squeeze alone.. Modem American . Subs: McConey  M o' r g an. ' " yourself. He may not aim and hunting rifles are remarkab re- Woodfiber--.Price, R. Vigor. J L ..... , ......... ___=. - hold Lhe ri£1e as you do. liable arms, and with them our If you change ammunition, Per-'only alibi is, poor markmantip  . -------; :,; ......... _-T ....... - ,.,.,:For u Umlted Time 0nly lily. the sight adjustment with the not the altitude or*the weather. ,. H 00ave L' a LnnC to } ........ =-- ..... ..... 1st Grade" ' a a==e Join ' EXPANDED BIRD IIABITkT, HUNTING AND FISHING AREAS 1949-51 GAME PROGRAM CEDAR PANELING t The principal phase of the Wash- commission that $500,000 be set ington State Game Department s aside for big game range purchasa long-range program for 1940-,51 and development of existing A Fighting Outfit I win be to pzovide a broad expan- ranges, $150,000 for big game re- slon of bird habitat area and earch, $600,000 for public hunt' more pub!is hunting and fishing ing areas" (principally waterfowl), In Our First Line of Ddemt grounds, Game Commission Chair- and $575,000 to be used tor neas- .... man Harold Pebbles declared this ant habitat purchase .and devsl- ........ week in reviewing the program opment of public fishing atoM, On Land nnd in the hit which i to be presented to the The game department has a state legislature, big backlog of lakes on which "Game Director Don W. Clarke wm'k can be done. Th dxe Sm Yr Cry  Y ,,;, ,::& r.   St BATFERY B, 700 AAA A-W BN. National Guard of the United States ....... HEADQUARTERS SHE:LTON AIRPORT ARMORY " ........ Blanton Donaldson, C.O. Pholm li37.J 6 and 8-Inch Widths Priced from $3.50 to $.12.00 s139 Per M THE IDEAL GIFT FOR and hfS staff ,have followed the game commission's suggestions concerning the mapping of a com- prehensive program which will do a great deal to help provide con- tinued good hunting and fishin,g, for the sportsmen of Washington, ' Pebbles continued. The game department expects $1,200,000 from federal wild life "funds during the next l:wo years, he said, Adding $625,000 in state fmds to this would provide $1,- 25.000 for use An ttm coming bi- ennium for habitat use and de- velopment Clarke has auggestsd to the lakes on which sports Club and interested persons have donated land for use by the public. Ac- cordingly, the game department does not expect to need a large amount of money for land ac- quisttion for fishing purposes. Farnters also have been most cooper.ttVe in. furnishing pheasant habitat areas, so purchase of land for lis program also will not be extensive. DeveLopment of both the fishing areas and the habitat areas, how- ever, will mean use of a consid, erable amount of game depart- ment funds. B00FA$ BUILDERS (Formerly Visell Lumber) PHONE BELFAIFI 58512 HIM OR HER Something From Your Jeweler Is Always Something F. E. BECKWIT JWELR - GIFTS 129 Railroad Avenue - - Phons 143