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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1949
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January 27, :194!). 0 Well Drilling Water Wells -- Test Holes OUR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Bedeil Drilling Co. LAURENCE BEDELL (formerly Davidson Drilling Co.) Route 3, Box 101, Shelton Y0u Were Wonderful! We Feel Inadequate to Properly Express OUR APPRECIATION for the Wonderful Welcome you Accorded the Grand Opening of Our NEW SHELL STATION last Friday. We wish we could thank everyone in person for their part in making our introduction to the Shelton baslness scene so encouraging. Although this is an inadequate expression of thanks, we assure you we do feel fully adequate to give your car the very best care to keep it young and peppy. THANK YOU, SINCERELY JOHN BURNETT, BEN BANNER Supervisors Pad Ravoni00er League I,eiid I o 2 Games RAYONIER BOWLING W L Supervisors ............... 31 23 Maintenanc( ......... 2(,) 25 (;uttersnil)es ............ 28 26 ()fl!iee ..................... 27 27 Research Girls .......... 27 27 Grease Balls ............ 27 27 (:hmfists ..................... 26 28 Bleach Plant ....... 22 32 Hi series Art ,lacobson 505 'Ill gaale Walt Adams, Joe ttoit, Art .lacobs0n, 182. ODD GAME verdicts, one proll and one cm], gave the Supervisorsl a. second gam e to their lead in Monday's Rayonier league bowl- ing matches. The "Supes" whipped the third place Guttersnipes behind Ernie Lemley and Clyde Fagergren, While secon(I place Maintenance was losing the  od(l game to the Office on the combined efforts of John Gavareski and Joe Holt. The night's individual scoring totals were all posted in the Of- fice-V[aintenance melee, Walt Ad- ams and Holt of the winners shar- ing with Art Jacobsen of tle los- ers high game mark each with 182s, while Jacobson's 505 was best series. THE GREASE BALLS mounted to a fourth place tie after blank- ip.g the last. place Bleach Plant behind Ade Wright and Chet Zeitlcr, with ,lee Edmiston toss- ins in one helpful game, while the Chemists won a 2 to 1 victory owr Research Girls behind Gene SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL '1 i i GOLF GABBING we golfers have been "shl-ins" for the past month, To we guy; and gals who are used to the (,.olor green, this white stuff is enough to drive a golf nut nut- tier. With our golf sticks on the shelf and nothing to do with (mr spare time we have turned to books on golf. With the "Lord" Nelsons, "Bel,tin" Hogan's. 'and "Slamming" Snead's we are well fortified with literature on how the game should be played. So we delve into the pages, find out that the left arm should be stiff, knees relaxed, head down, left band on top of the shaft and so on through our book. We get back into the rules section and find that the .penalty for hitting our opponent's ball on the putting surface is 2 strokes in medal play and loss of the hole in match play. We find also that there aren't enough rules governing ' golf in this sort of weather, so we close the book. We now have read it from cover to cover and feel that we now know all the ruleu and better yet, we have found out what we were doing wrong curing the past season and fee we can bust par every time out now. "Come on Spring"--hurry up and get here. We'll tear thac course of ours apart with more birdies and pars than the big timers on the circuit could get in a season. Some dream, but it might come trkm if you work at it! See you on the practice tee soon--we hope. SamI)air's pin-spilling. ....................................................................................... MAC'S, OLD MILL HOME LOANS Convenient Terms r Reasonable Rates 4 NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association title Insuranc Bldg. WAR SURILUS 00#111 TESTIMONIAL Almost unbelievable because of our notoriety for Low Prices.. Business analysts maintain that prices on consumer goods will drop in '49. We are not waiting for the drop . . but starting 1949 with the hottest plqces since 1939. w SHOES WORK SHOEHeavy duty. Men--Here is a Work Shoe af a Ne'w a, he Low.-Don,t Miss This Bargain. Only .... a ON SALE! 2ND WEEK! Whipcord Pants 3,49 Forest Green .................. Sntan Pants 3.95 Officers, GI Chino ..... Reg. $4:50 Suntan Pants 2,49 Heavy Wt. Twill .......... Reg. $3.95 Slate Grey Pants 3.49 CPO Heavy Chino ........ Wool Pants 5.95 10Oc Army O.D ........... Size 30-33 Don't buY One! Buy 2! SHORTS & T-SHIRTS Gripper Shorts 59' All colors ............ Reg.'97€ BRIEFS Reg. 89¢ ............ lit € A T-SHIRTS For Quality ' O= € SHIRTS Sun Tan Chino .......... $3.49 100% Wool Plaid .... $4.95 Navy, C.P.O ............. $4.95 Flannel Plaid ............ $2.49 Dress, Some White, Odds and Ends .... $1.00 Sweat Sirts ..... . ...... $1.49 FOR ALL WEATHER I Navy Alpaca, Army B-15, I Leather Flight Coats, . Wool WhLpcord, etc. J LEAD PIN MEET Half the teams in the Shelton women's bowling league took part in the 12th annual Broadway al- leys' feminine handicap tourna- ment in Tacoma last week, and Mac's Corner topped the entries after the first weekend of play with Old Mill holding second place. McConkey Pharmacy and Fields Auto Parts failed to post scores with the leaders. The tournament ends next Sun- day night. Mac's posted a 2630 total, .Old Mill 2614. In both instances, all members of the two Shelton teams hit above their averages to help the totals mount. None Of the Shelton entrie in the doubles and singles events were among the leaders after Sun- day night's play was completed, although Margaret Newman and Emily Kier should be in the money in the singles UNDERWEAR ] Unionsuit, cotton .... $1.69 Shirt and Drawers, set .......... $2.00 2-Pc., 50% Wool, Used, each ................ 49¢ ' SOCKS ! Work, Heavy WI. Cotton, 4 for .......... $1.00 Dress, 50% Wool, 3 for ............ $1.00 Boot, 50% Wool .......... 49¢ = JACKET --- SPECIAL I 100% Heavy Wool UOUble Back ' WORTH Pocket $16.95 ................. 9.95 t i FURNITURE SALE TWIN BED ................................. $18.95 Cmplete with Coil Spring and 30-lb. Mattress' HOLLYWOOD BED ' ( ..... • ............ 14.9a Complete With Mattress BUNK BED --- ' . $16..)a ................... • (*" DOUble Bunk With Two Mattresses CIIEST OF DRAWERS ............. $19.95 Hardwood Veneer, Mortised-in Drawers. Every Drawer on a Runner. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ............ $7.95 (omplete with Coil Spring and 30-lb. Mattress All Hardware, Leatherette Seat. % SERVICE M Ell'S MERCANTILE 407 SOuth First St. ' • "Where Prices Are Low" Phone 748 I Mac's Corner Top Dog Again In Fern Loop On 3-Ply Win W L Mac's Corner. ........... 32 22 Cash Grocery ......... 30 24 Ritner's Corner . ....... 28 26 Old Mill ................... 28 26 McConkey Pharmacy 27 27 Fields Auto Parts .... 27 27 Pastime ..................... 26 28 Pantorium ............... 18 36 Hi series--Frankie Southmtyd 490. Hi gme -Helen Smith 182. Matches Tuesday 7-.McConkey vs Mac's Grocery vs Fields 9--Ritner vs Old Mill Pastime vs Pantoriunt MAC'S CORNER bounded back onto the top rung of the feminine city bowling league Tuesday night, propelled by their own shut- out victory over Pastime and Old I Mill's similar" triumph over Shel-] .ton Cash Grocery. Mac's benefitted from thel league's, best individual scoring,] Frankie Southmayd's 490 beingl one pin better than teama.te Hel- I en Smith's series, while H el e n hung up a 182 for best game Continuing the pace which has carried it from the cellar', Old Mill pulled into a tie for third nn its triumph. Evie Smith, htez Dodds and Merna Mifflin all tossed strong games to aid the cause. LAST PLACE Pantorium ended ,a long victory famine with an odd game verdict over McConkey Pharmacy which Rena Tucker and Esther Berets engineered, and Les Fields Auto Parts took a 2 to 1 decision from Ritner's Comer on scoring by Helen Pearce, Fran McNeil and Lodga Kimhel. By Ted Kesting Freezing is an ideal methoci for preserving game and fish, and although most freezer units come with complete instructions. Sara Hervey, well known foods editor'. has some useful suggestions for preparing the meat before it goes into the locker. Hunters too often store game that is in poor condition, and then are disappointed if the cuts of meat aren't choice and tasty. If care is taken waste can be cut down to a minimum and quality pre:mrved. Rabbits, squirrel antl other small game ammals should be dre.ssed soon afteer they are shot. Removing the entrails eliminates the chief cause of spoilage. Skin the game and wash it well in cold water. Be sure and chill the game by hanging it in very cold air or leaving it in cold water for at least 48 hours. You'll save locker space if you freeze only the thick back and hindquarters. Game birds too should be cleaned soon after they are shot. At least take time to remove the cTaw and intestines. Chilling so that the body heat is lost quickly is very intportant. Don't skin birds. Some of the flavor is lost and the meat will be drier. If you are shipping the birds home from tile field in or- dinary ice, do not remove the feathers. If shipping in dry ice, clean, pluck and freeze the birds before shipping. All game birds shmfld" be al- lowed to hang for at least 48 hours at a temperature just above freezing so that the meat has a chance to "season." Large pheasants that are to be roasted, as well as many small game birds which do not lend themselves to disjoining, should be packaged whole for freezing. For preserving fish careful and prompt handling is necessary, Fish should never' be allowed to get warm between catching and freezing. If freezing is delayed at least chill them quickly. Fish must be properly packaged m moisture-vapor-proof paper, f o r they dry rapidly in frcezer storage and may give off flavors to other foods. BLAZERS, HOQUIAM PLAY HERE FRIDAY Snowed out of their game at Olympia last Friday, the Shelton Blazers make their next start in the Douthwest Washington junior high basketball conference at home this Friday afternoon when they entertain the Hoquiam Cubs in the Shelton gym. Hoquiam leads the conference staudings at the moment, unbeat- en in three starts after shading Aberdeen last week, 36 to  34. i ii i i , "SIDELINE SLANT S by BILL DICKIE FI(IURES ,I?ELL PI,ENTY No basketball team, or perhaps any sport aggregation, boasts the record t'he Harlem Globetrotters have compiled in the past 21 sea- sons. The sensational Negro,quin- tet, which meets the Fort Lewis Warriors here Tuesday night., has compiled its total nf 3,038 wins as against 230 defeats and one tie going into this season, despite the handicaps of nightly play, long and ,some,imes arduous l.ravel, taking on all comers'without bene- fit (if advance scouting, l)erfornt- ins on opponents' fh)ors and never questioning the selection of offic- ials. The Gtobetrotters' best seasons have been those of 1933-34 when they won 152 and lost only 2, 1939-40 wi]en they captured their like Bill Day, former Olympia prep athlete whom this column mentioned la.ut week, wlmse ath- leth: dewdopment really began 1o become apparen! after his high .hool graduatiou. Two years in the Marine ('orps was the key to Dick's progress. In writing about the Cougar cage cubs recently, Sports scribe George M, Varnell of the Seattle Times listed Oltman as one of the five players Coach Mike Angelo could call upon to put a team on the floor averaging 6 l!eet 5 inches .in altitude. Dick reaches six-four ()ft" the fhlor. Of the 25 players (m the W.S.C. fresh squad, 20 top six feel in height. ] A hand here t.o Chet I)oml)ros- j kl and Javk Stewart for efficient, one season's high of 150 victories effective and unbiased work of- and dropped 8, 1946-47 when they ficiating the junior high basket- triumphed 154 times and were de- ball games playel by the Blazers. feated only three, and last year Visiting teams have itad nothing when they finished up their sched- to squawk about on that familiar ule with 152 wins and five losses. ["home-town refcree deal when They climaxed the 1939-40 Chet and Jack have handled the campaign by winning the world ,i whistles. ehampionship tournament at , Anyone fhtd a basketball roll- Chicago and, off that triumph, ling around in the street in front erning the right to play the of the Lincoln gym Tuesday rriorn- College All-Stars at Chh, ago i ing last week? The Belfair club Stadhtm the following Novem- [ found itself minus a new $30 ball her of that year In the first of [ after playing its city league game the Anmml College All Stars- .January 17 and the boys think it Pro (,laash's. ;must have rolled out of their car The Globetrotters' record is all without being noticed. It had the more remarkable when it is the word Belfair painted on it, taken into consideration that they so there should be no doubt of played throughout the war years its identity. with formers against the many power- ful ervice units. Despite this, they. still managed to win 13 games while losing only 74 from the start of the 1941-42 season to the finish of the 1945-46. In compiling basketball's great- est record over a period of 22 sea- sons including this. the Globe- trotters have exhibited their' wares in many parts a)f the world. They have appeared in many sections of Canada; Mexico. too, has seen the Negro stars on vari- ous occasions, including their win- ning of the Mexico City Invitation, al International Cup Tournament in both 1943 and 1944, The Giohetrutters toured the llawailan Islands the last three years In the spring as a climax to their season's activities in 1946, 1947 and 1948. The first of those visits saw then sweep 17 games in sue.cessh)n as they made the entire ]2,500 mih's jaunt hy plane. The following year they achieved 18 triumphs m 19 games against the best teams in the islands, Last year (1948J they flew over again and won the first Hawaii Invitational Tournament without a set-back and s total of 14 vic- tories in 16 games throughout the Hawaii chain• SINGER Vacuum Cleaner Yes, hero is the SINGER* Vacuum Cleaner--with 5 a/1 ram,, exclmivs feature=: • CORD REWIND reel| In cord without winding by hand. • CORD REEL stere| cord for you within the cleaner ifsolf. • TWIN FANS maintain o Itronlb uni- form current of suction along the endl of tho nozzle aswell aswlth the center! • PIVOTED FLOATING BRUSH requime no adjustment for ordinary type rags. • STREAMLINED HOUSING, oreator "getundor-abillty", only S  hlghl • Reg. U. R. Pat. Off. t The RINGER Mfl r. CO,  "Allowcnce for yore" pmnt mlcl { $|| ITI W.'l, o.onp • .m. =trattoa ha you own homo i sold -- serviced uarantemd only at your SINGER SEWING CENTEit 510 East 4th Avenue OLYMPIA Phone 7586 a depleted roster of pet'- ........................................................................................................... Appliances -- Suliplies -- Fixtures 4 Sizes  2 Styles -- "B" Hearing Aid Batteries FOR THE HOME BUILDERS who do their own electric wiring . . . I have everything needed in supplies from the entrance cp to and including fixtures and appliances for the complete job. Infonation for proper sizes and types of material and correct method of installing to mect the National or State Electric Code. Always a Few Items At Bargain Prices Keep Extra Lamps on Hand -- 6 Watts to 1000 Watts Also to their credit is the win- - .................................................................................................... ning, without a defeat, of the first C u b a Intcrnational Invitational meet at Havana in February, 1947. The next few aeasons undoubt- edly will see the Harlem Globe- trotters take their cage legerdema into many other countries. Sollth America.. Central America, the Philippines. Japan, China, Puerto Rico. and parts of Europe arc bc- mg considercd for visits by the razzle-dazzle sensations, some this season. Their game here Tuesday against Fort Lewis will be the first after returning from a two-week tour of Alaska. This Fort Lewis club which will oppose the Globetrotters is no slouch in its own right. Thc Warriors roster includes all- city high school stars from Mil- waukee and Oakland, all-state high school luminaries from Illi- nois, Iowa, Nevada and Lmisiana, and one college ace. plus two 6th Army all-star team members. The Warriors are coached by Lieut. Herman Marks, who led the Fort Bhss, Texas, team to the Army championship. The War- riors have won the 6th Army champim{ship for the past three year's, so it is a club capable of making the Globetrotters cxtcnd themselves to the limit. PORTS CHIT-CllAT Among the players composing what is generally considered in Pullman as Washington State's finest and tallest freshman basket° ball squad is Dick Oltman. High- climber football and basketball letterman of a couple years back. Of the 25 players on the squad, Dick ranks about 14th or 15th in the line of action and so has nlayed some of every game des- pitc the handicaps of knee and ankle injurms and a bout with flu, Dick iv anotur of tho lads ' By JOE Complete Information on Electric Heating ELECTRICITY--Your Bt and Cleapcst Servant! E A Carr "'° ,nsurancc Building • • PHONE 645 Shelton HILLCREST Friday and Saturday, February 8 - 29 Prem - 12-Oz. Can LUNCHEON MEAT .... 39¢ V,K,NG Libby's - 12-Oz. Can (:O I EE CORN BEEF .................. 45e LB. 42' Clorox 3 Ibs. 1,25 BLEACH ............. !/z-gal. 25e White Star - 6V2-Oz. Can GRATED TUNA ........ 39¢ LARGE AA 'i DARIGOLD MILK 2 tall 25c EGGS i Nalley's Wash. Co-op I MAYONNAISE ........ (It. 79¢ DOZ. 67 ¢ | Kitchen Charm - 125-ft. Roll WAX PAPER 25-ft. roll 19¢ Libby's - 46-Oz. Can Fancy , ..J PINEAPPLE JUICE .... 39¢ JERSEY 1 Rinso or OxydoI BUTTER I DUZcRISCO ................ a-lb.lg' pkg.tin LB. 69' I ............ tlV¢ l i IL • FRUITS .AND VEGETABLES Small Size ORANGES .... lb. 8¢ California CARROTS '2 bu. 17¢ Large Solid Heads LETTUCE lb. 15¢ Oregon Deschutes. No. 2 SPUDS 50-lb. 1..69 LEAN MEATY SHORT RIBS ............ MEATY •   o. PORK NECK BONLS 2 lbs. 35' CARSTEN'S WASHINGTON SLICED BACON.. ........ lb. 59 =