January 27, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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View - Shelton
SOUth of Skating Rin
therford . Phone
27, 1949.
Rainbow Girls
Entertain Grand
Worthy Advisor
An init.iation meeling was held
the lainhow Girls January 2.t
bY the Masonic Hall. l'r( Sent I'()F
the lneetmg was Pat V()lv(.rton.
Grand Wm'thy Advisor h)r the.
state of \\;Vasilint()n. i(tah,) and
the territory of Alask:l.
A high lighl of the meeting
was the bestowing o the GraNd
Cross of Colors upon s(,ven l{ain-
bow Girls by Miss Vt)lv(,rto.
Thi was the first Stl('h COFt'lllOI]y
ill tv¢[) years.
l(,ceiving' th(' h()nol ,vel'e t[(,l'ek
dith .lae¢fl).q. Helen Plemons. F,r-
nestine rane. I,¢rraine Andrew.q.
Barbara Mnnson. l:;ol.)by J(mn
(lardin(,r and Mas(m member
Mr. A. D Adam:q
The I)aytml La(lie. Club will t
meet at noon Feblllary 3 fit the
Angleside home of Mrs. Ted Berry.
All members are asked to meet
at 11 a.m. at Lempke's Store in
Dayton and phln to go together
froln there.
Fast Service
On your priuteet
Within A Week €) Placlnl
Your Order we can have m
yaur hands leautiful, plate-
less-engraved genuine Are-
point wedding invitations
and marriage announce
ments, Special attention
given to silver and golden
wedding anniversary tnvlta-
. Phone 100
combined with a birth(i:y party
g'iv('tl ill h(l)lOl' O[" MI':L l('ra nk
tTh'v<l;lud <)1 Allyn ,lattu;lry 15 at
the holtl,, ()1' Mr. :ll(l MI'. (?!ov(,-
[I l'}d.
.\\;11'. ('lov('la)1(l W'IS ¢'¢)uJi))(,d l()
lIh' ilOSpit.:d (lhl'm llw h()li(l:C'.
H[I(I ltlO il:g)lill I'illllilq FoIIIliOII, veo
Hlld ,e,'ll[s VC('I'O D()Nt];())led lJy l[le
fal:Hly until hi: l)irthdAy.
l)l'(,q('l II J'()l HI(' t )l'L'it, IOI] wore
{l', ;lll(t MI:. .c.'. !em ('h'vt ]:m(l
;llld J);tl)'\\; r] /l).d ltc))y; lr. ;tll(t
]V[):-I. )Itt'ob] ('h.v(,I:)ll(I :ill,| T()lll-
Ylly: ,1'. AIIS¢)/I (T]('V('I;tll(I MI :111(l
III'H. t{llI))l .It)lies 1111¢1 [)av y :llld
J'*{i': Mr. at.l M)'.< l';oh ('h.v(.-
l'nd M:'. and Mrs. )uu(' (l(,ve-
ltn(i a)k(l T(,mmy; .Mr. :)n(l 21r,q,
Jim I.-;;trl,,Iman and Mr. and ?drs.
l:r:ml¢ t" (,vcl,m(I.
Going Away Party
At Bates Home
The lain. (it M)':. Ninn Bates
Wlt,q the seen(, .latmary 21 of q
going ,*:way l)arty give.n in the
hont,r ()f Mi:;s Phylis l-ucker and
1,;.%; Slly Fergason who are Ieav-
Jill4 I()F VitncoIIVeI' V;Ishilli'l()n to
a[.[elld :(:}.OOI
F'ri(,mts of the girls attending
the tmrty incill(h,d the Ib.;se.:
Laura AM-baugh, Ann Halbert.
N¢)rma Leo Davidson. Margaret.
Walton. Barbara BI(,s. Joycella
W.illiflms and Donna Demmon.
Girl Scout News
The Girl S('outs in scout troop
No. 2 are working on projects
to earn l.lleir badges. At the last
meeting the girls made apple
sauce, a requirpment for the cook-
ing badge.
Word was received from Japan
that ihe pa(:kage sent by the
girl: in troop 9 to a needy coun-
try, had been received and the
articles would be distributed by
the se.oulu in Japan. The letter
also noted that th(, girls in Japan
do not wear the scout uniform as
they are too expensive for them,
however, they do wear the scout
i)m proudly.
Projects completed by the Girl
So(rots and /Brownies of Shelton
will be on disptay in the library,
Nursery designs will appear on
tim gowns worn by new born
babies al. :the Si]elton General
Ho.q;)tal, Troop -I. under tim di-
reeti(m of Mrs, Pllarris hav( been
embroidering these designs as a
new l)rojeet. .Vembers of the
trool) include "Patty Fentinmn,
Ari(,l I)mbar, 5annette Akloff, Don-
na to(lgcrs, Clair Pharris. arol
Mikl('tllun. l)oroth y F2ieth and
Beta ice H()dgeson.
Georgine Reed Guild
Eleel;s New Officers
'I"i'I( Georgine ReeG Orthopedic
Gut d held xLs fn'st meeting of the
p.ex year on ,Iamna'y 21 at the
home of ,Mrs. F. H. Diehl.
Ne.w officers were elected, Mrs,
Winston Scott succeeding Mrs.
P. t?. Murphy as president and
Mr>." Pa.ul .gchlo.ser mu.'t;eeding
Mrs. Scott as secretary-treasurer,
K, urmg the afternoon bridge
was played with tligh hllllOrS vvt)i-t
by Mrs. Maurme Kinsey.
R.et)'eshments were served by
(he hc)stess, Mrs. L)ichl,
................................................................................ . ....... . ........... , .
Belated Christmas €'1 II f & rlr'tt ]Banquet Slated
i , I I
00For Mr. Cleveland ll-ll-il IF I/l["l00l I • 00Honorlng Women
A be,.,,...,,,,.,.,a. ...as'_ X jl ! I L_ X )' I 1 I V t Legislative Group
• The traditional legislative ban-
0lvmDla SvmDhony CROCHET CONTEST !quet, presented by the Olympia
..... :=,n,n.r BY L.M. , Business and Protessional Wom-
I o Give Concert National Crochet Week, closing[ 2'lvUe b inh°l'i(aW]'imeoele(tde
f' • A o Saturday, launched a national ere- . s ..... ;..-Is . •
kun g| 511/ j-.tlternoon (het contest in which the Lumber-I g.imature. wiu .?e xq a p.m.,
ut.,,y __,_" .,. .... .,,^ .u ..... + ,,,I ueDruary .b in tne ,/acle loom m
men , vtercunue, u.ut,. , '.'-al the Ol-'m-ian Hotel
The Olympia Symphony Orehes- goods department, is sponsoring =. Y. P . ' .....
ira wil "present its first concert h)cally. I uests at the t)anquet Will in-
of the season at 3:30 o'elock Sun- The L.M. dry goods department
:]:ly afD,rnoon in the Olympia this week has featured crochet
Hitch School auditorium, materials and pattern books to as-
Amcmg the many artists rnak- sist Shelton and Masel county
in/z up tim Southwest Washing- residents who wish to enter the
ton :;ymphony are four from Shel- (.ntest, and Mrs. Mabel Burk,
t.(m who have been driving to head of the department, azid her
pr:wtice meetings in Olympia ev- staff, offers all the assistance pos-,
evy Wednesday night These in- sible to anyone interested in en-
(.lu(le Helen Bampton and Fred tering.
D¢)ugherty, first violin: Larry Total prize money for the year's
Giddings, sccond violin, and John contest is $2500. with the national
Steinberg, trombone, grand prize $500 plus a free trip to
The program will feature Hay- New York or Chicago. Besides a
(hfs Second Symphony, Grieg's cash award, the winner in the men
Pyre Gynt Suite, and Tschaikow- only group will also receive a free
ski's Nutcracker Suite. Miss Bar- trip to New YOrk or Chicago.
bars Glover. dramatic soprano of Cash prizes go to the top four
Olympia will be. guest artist: she winners in each classification, of
will stag a group of selected vocal which there are sixteen. Corn-
solos, plete details may be learned at the ........ _ ,, .
L.M. dry goods department by all
Mrs. E. F. Penry, president of interested.
Olympia Symphony Society, said.
"We appreciate the excellent sp- RALPH PIGG, JR.) WRITES
port given by Shelton musi¢ians Pfc Ralph Pigg, Jr., son of Mrs.
and the faithful persons wllo have Lee E. Dawson, has written that
attended past concerts." he arrived at Gibraltar Harbor
The Olympia Symphany, organ- on January 13. He is with a
'ized to present its ftrst series of Marine air squadron sllationed a-
concerts in 1.1}46, draws talent board the U. S. S. Midway. Ralph
from local communities. Leslie is a former Irene S. Reed student
Armstrong is orchestra director, and wishes to be remembered to
Tichm.ts may be purchased at his friends., He will complete his
Beckwith's Jewelry Store, 121} 3-year enlistment with the Mar-
Railroad avenue, ines this July,
At the time of the suicide of@
Ivar Kreuger, Swedish match king
and financia, 00uggler. revea,lng Layette Project
the complicated failure of his in-
ternational financial interests, it
was rtnnored that he had only
faked his death, and really had
departed to South America, to live
incognito and in luxury on a for-
tune that he had established there.
This story is the basis of the
play selected for presentation by"
the Senior Class of 1949 of Irene
S. Reed High School on Thursday
evening, February 27.
The subject of the play is a
murder trial, and an unusual
feature of it is the remruiting of
twelve members of the audience
to serve as jury. These mem-
bers will not be "planted" In the
audierrce, but chosen by lot. Jur-
ors selected will be an a profes-
sional basis, for they will be
paid a refund amounting to the
price of their ticke¢ to the show.
Night of January 16th had a
long run ill New York. and has
toured the United States. The late
Percy Hammond dramatic critic
on the New York Herald Tribue,
wrote of it "1 have the word of
no less an expert artist and show-I
man than George M. Cohan that I
Night of January 16th alternately 1
chilled ar£ixcd his blood with the t
drama's agues and fevers, more
than any other masterpiece that
ha cme within his 'experience.
:Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reed of
lhe Mas,m Hotel became the par- Women of Moose Plan
e.: ,," a d.hte,' bet. January Public Card Party
24 at the Shelton General Hos- Pot luck luncheon was served
pital, to the Ways and Means commit-
tee of the Women of the Moose
• w]3en they met January 20 at the
hme of Mrs. lVle Burgess.
During the afternoon prepara-
,tions were made for the public
card party which will be held
[,,L February5 at 8p.m. at the home couple's attendanL.
The bride, who is well known
df Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson in Shelton as dispatcher in the
on Mt. View.
State Forestry office, is a gradu-
(Lmit I) ....................... . ....
soAP 3 24
for C
AT SAVINGS! (Llmtt 3) ............
(Lmlt 1) ............. o . .......
9 C
Boule of 8.,.
Ileum P[RCOMORPHUM o t7= A
Econ,om,ca I 5o-cc. bottle for .
00,mE .R EVES
Medicated eye drops. P-ounces O 3e
Feet Fly at Riders
Dance Saturday Night
Despite the five inches o snow
that hampered Shelton's Saturday
night joy, the feet really flew
at the Evergreen Riders dance at
Delight Park, Betty Hill reported.
Complete with square dances,
polkas, waltzes and refreshments,
the dance was so successful that
the Evergreen Riders were not
discouraged by the weather man
who seems to delight in making
snow just before their dances.
At the previous Wednesday club
meeting he kangaroo court was
again .postponed in f/tvor of a mu-
sical jam session.
Elmer Swandson set the pace
on the violin, and Jamus Lawson
nlayed he guitar. Later Jamus
took the violin, while Elmer took,
a breather, and Mrs. Lawson took
the guitar. Two other musicians
were .unable to attend the meet-
Hospital Notes
Patients admitted to the Clinic
Hospital for treatment this week
included Mr. Frank Guyer, Bill
Mallenkopf Roy Kimball, Mrs.
Clara Raysen, Mrs. Delbert Wolfe
and Mary Magnett.
Patients discharged included
Gordon Smith, Mrs. Fred Elson,
Joe ZiomeV, William Austin and
Mrs. A. E. Cleveland of Camp
Admitted to the Shelton Gener-
al Hospital this week were Fritg
Priszner, Walter Sorenson, Alice
Waite, Ed Lehman, baby Gerald
Armstrong, George Carlson, Mas-
ter Bobby Leeds, John Wells, Mas-
ter Curtis Scrieber, Don Oburn,
Ned WiveIl, Maste David Waite,
and James Commet. '
Released from the hospital this
week were Mrs. Andrew Scott,
Vernon Crews, Catherine Simp-
son. baby Leonard Hurst, Peggy
Slator, Vida Ctemmer, George
Rebman and Sam Endicott.
PIE CRUST--A new pastry
cloth will soon b. availt{ble. Made
of plastic, the dough is placed be-
tween two sheets, rolled, the top
removed and then the bottom
peeled off after the dough has
been placed, in the pan. Rolling
pin and table remain Clean of
,r , ta! S=.t ItlNOYL MINERAL 01L Vs,
T 00oar,.. 98' •
4V,-ounee,i00e 9 = 5"00I
8= A
,icKs VAe00000UB
1 73'
.Contains lanolin, 8-ounce size,
Completed By
Canal Auxiliary
Despite the recent snow storm
16 members of the Hood Canal
American Legion Auxiliary .met
at the home of Mrs. Merle Sfnith
for the regular social meeting.
Mrs. Anna Johnson, head of the
child welfare committee, had ma-
terial and patterns for a complete
baby layette, The members fin-
ished the layette during the eve-
ng meeting.
Later in the evening Mrs. Myr-
tle Gray served a chocolate chif-
fon cake and coffee to the group.
Th next business meeting will
be held February 3 at Dusty
Rhodes Resort. The constitution
of Hood Canal American Legion
Au:iliary Post 230 will be read
and discussed.
, Proceeds of the bingo party
sponsored by the legion bing held
February 28 at Rhode's Resort at
8 p.m. will go to the March of
Dime. Everyone is invited to the
benefit party.
Informal Rites
Unite Couple
In an informal ceremony Janu-
ary 12 at St. David's Episcopal
Church, Miss Zona A. Neldon,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Neldon of Union, Washington, be-
came the bride of Mr. Omar C.
Senn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omar
Senn of Bremerton.
The Rev. Francis H. Ball read
the service. Mr. and Mrs; Neldon,
parents of the bride were the
ate of Hopkins High School in
Hopkins, Minnesota. During the
war she served in the Woman's
Marine Corps.
Mr. Senn, a graduate of Bremer-
ton high school served in the 1
Navy during the war and is now t
employed at the Puget ound [
Navy Yard. " [
Following a wedding trip to Vtc- |
toria, B. C. the couple will reside ]
in Shelton. I
Two Shelton boys enlisted in l
the U. S. Navy this week. They]
were Edward Bergeson, Jr., well l
lnown as "Buster, ' son of Mr. and t
[Mrs. Edward Bergeson, and Don
Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John t
Jensen. I
The boys are now at the Navy
trainlng statlon in San Diego. I
Buster s address is U.S,N.E.V., ser-
ial No. 3925089, USNTC, Kan Di-I
ego, C,alifornia. I
Don e address has not yat been[
received, " [
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Rickey, |
p. O. Box 402, became parent of [
a daughter born January 25 at the [
Shelton Gpneral Hospital. |
A daughter was born Jhuary i
20 to Mr. and Mrs. Joph Rid-
enour' of 234 South 2nd Street,
at the Shelton General lottal.J
A daughter was born January
21 to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cockran
at the Shetton General Hospital.
Their address is Post Office Box
Mr. and Mrs. Wright Vader
Weg of 729 N. 3rd became
parents of a son born. January 19
at ,the Shelton General Hospital:
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Booth. Jr.
are parents of a baby girl born
January 20 at the Shelton Geh-
eral Hospital. Their address is
:1.902 Hay Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sasse be-
came parents of a daughter born
January 22 at the Shelton Genei'-
al Hospital Their address is
General Delivery, Shelton,
a,00d CHOIRS
elude women serving in the cur-
rent session of lgislature, all
women state officials, Goverlaor
and Mrs. Arthu B. Langlie and
club members of the Washing-
ton State Federation of Business
and Professional Women's Club.
Reservations accompanied by a
check for $3.00 per plate must be
r'eceived on or before January 31
by Ella Mae Reininger, Presi-
dent, B. P. W., care of Olympian
Hotel, Olympia, Washington.
A guest speaker will talk on
diamonds during the regular
Thursday "noon Zonta h.mcheon
which will be held todsy in the
Shelton Hotel.
So Good You'll
Your perfect meal-tempting
appetizer, hearty soup, satisfy.
ing entree, luscious dessert, and
a cup of deliolous coffee; so
good you'll want more. Start
eating here today.
He|hie Hilderman's
3rd and Railroad
Hear the finest choral groups of this
region i their favorite programs.
Every Friday Night 9:00 to 9:30
In the Popular Program
"Voices of the
Performances Scheduled for the next
two months include:
Jan. 28The Mothersingers
Feb. 4 Renton Community Chorus
Feb. 11 The Allen Singers & Ralston Male Chorus
Feb. 18 Seattle Pacific College A Cappella Choir
Feb. 25 Philharmonic Orchestra & Choral Society
March 4 Queen Anne High School
March 11 University Presbyterian Church Choir
March 18 Philomel Singers of Seattle
April 8 Civic Choral Society of EdmOnds, Lynwood and
Enjoy these programs yourself and tell your friends
about them. They are sponsored as a contribution
to your pleastlre and the cultural development of
the Pacific Northwest by
$500,0@ in cash to b awarded to the Grand
National Champion! Get complete Contest
details in our Art Needlework Departmont.
Established 189S
<,::;: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (6,'.::'.'
.g.: ":;" .': "::; .!!::
, ...,, '4 Z:.:" ',"> :':':':'" 4:/,,,: '",: ..:,:.>"' ", .-:,y :.:,;:,, :.:.:.:,;,"
,:: :Y:" .4': '':'" :':!::/:: ::# :" :;:: :{::" :;' :!:i .''>':" '::: .';.::.i: i;
......... 00,il; • ,g# :,,i 00,:7{iil :00i!i 'iiii00U,i!::
Hook up big beuu ".
at tiny cost!
:, :'i , , ,¢: s:,:<.', ";:, ,:,' .s :':lJi
r = r :i[i:" : : : ii!i : 'i d .i' . i;{ ':' { ....
January 22 -29
Here's finger exercise that gives you lovaly
doilie and chair sets, heirloom tsb[ecloh=
and bedspreads. Big savins ahead wl:en
you crochet your awn! Ad funl Crochet-
ing is a wonderful hobby and it's such easy
pickup work. Come in! Look over our
large selection of threads, hooks, patterns.
Suggestions From Our Complde Crochet Sto&s
Coats 6-cord crochet thread,
white and colors ........ 29¢
Clark 3-cord crochet thread,
white and colors ......... 29¢
Lily's Skytone, white and
.co]ors ........................ 25¢
: Lliy's Frostone, white and
" colors ........................ 69¢