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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOIIRNAL 00-Libraries -]--SHaTON.M000 N- C-0-U00ITY-J000AL Crysanthemums and Topaz are I Bangs Disease Tests [. Bran &apos; " the flower and stone for Novem-{_ T._ rA_J. _,_. -- ] Cleary And I bet;" Narcissus and Turquois for/ xO  UIIULUCLU JJ['12, December. t To County's Farmers For Mc Me mbPUofbl'iwshed ?:: NewIhurs pduatYt.qlme r°/n2n ego lat tun ..........  - A voluntary bangs testing and I"I " 'a ! c'q /  1 |. and National .di(')rlal Asoctt(.n ' __ __  [ vacination program will be con- rlsuale 0000cne(luleo] Entered an second-elo.s matter at the posIoffice at Shelton, Waahlngton  [ducted free of charge in Mason Opening of branch libraries in mm  1 county, Andrew Kruiswyk, Jr., McCleary and in Grisdale is ached- I WILFORD L. JESSUP AND ASSOCIATES, Publishers . W: $ -1 extension agent, reports. ' sled for the near future under, Subscription Rates: IF " _ ,h " " FARMERS DESIRING to have jointauspices Dr..the Grays H ar-! $3.50 per year iv advance' 6 m,,nths $'-).00" outide Mason C.un/y $3.75 #A their animals tested may infn'm oor ounty vumm lmrary, .'vc-] ................ : ...... "' ............................................. mlW' _ the ounty agent, giving the in- Cleary Library Board and the t U  __tlbm formation: name, address, direr- Simpson Recreatim Association. []['']LT''_| A ][Il A/'/I[|| [ (t ]][-[) m r[ tion for reaching farm, number Appointment of Mrs .Clarence! I.]J'L).JIL£1k. .It' Jtl. z-lVV mlll.JJLk 1.]£| m IPm glbw " of cows to be tested, number and Arbogast as McCleary librarian DD][,ITKVlPII]IkT L- II71IDLaD IT 1[1O ]E:: w- ages of cows to be tested, was announced yesterday by Miss lltU12U_]llffL U'I' hUl¥11ll ll 17:O  --- i4)[ g Calf vaccination will b¢ con- Mary Botten, county librarian. Douglas fir sawmills of wcstcrn] FII,I'Y-TWO WEEKS of 19-18 (FITI e. -- " _WlH • ,, . ducted on the farms if the animals McCleary's library is to be es-! Oregon and V.ashington failed in i cumulative production 8 580 731- -- ' -,x  are between f¢r and eight months tablished in the former umoer- 1948 to equa recorn post-war I .. .................... ' ' : '.,  /_.,  old. This information comes from men's Mere,ttle building, nextl production of 19.t7 according to uuu ,oaz cet; nty-wo WOCS ot door to Verne Rowe s barber shop, H. V. Smpson, exccuhvc v I c c i,}l,, &79,028,000 board ft(t, ' [ _ - _ _ "| | the U. S. Bureau of Animal In- " ' - .... ' ' ...... q • dustry anti the State Division of ,nd library hears will be two hours ] president of the West Coast Luln- fifty-two weeks of 19.t6, 7,708,270,- ,.?. -- Dairy md Livestock. . each afternoon and two hours each, bermen's Association, as ycar-end 000 board feet • * * ' ¢" " " " -  " ' ' l t.Jl'tl ']'S lor lllty-t\\;o \\;VCCKS el date will be announced later, t TIlE REGION  lumber mi Is " , ' MIss otten sala Mculeary n- '  • ' -.--i months is something a dairy herd ...... ¢'1 ......  which nmmallv cut '(bout one 1918 brea]t-down :is follows: lail _ [ needs and deserves, believes Andy v will b anim u,ith I (n third of the nation s softwood him- 4,868 127 0(/0 board fc,'t, l)omcs-  Krutswyk, county extension agent, bra, rh,, -.5.,'7/''- - S2";"' ber turned out 8,580,731.000 board tic (,lr,'o 931 759 00() bourd feet regular This feet in 1948, Simpson said, 167 Export 313,09,t,000 hoard feet. Lo- b- the "-onth for usa It's hard for a cow to keep up periods, community -- 7 " top production when standing a- has had only monthly bookmobile I million of feet short of the pre- cal 953,437,000 board feet, in yom own home. round in a cold rain or snow, The service since 194.7. vious year. Production fell off The Industry's unfilled or(let badly during the last quarter a+s cow that has to break a skim of Grisdale library will be managed hundreds of small marginal op- file stood at 417,994 000 board feet -+.extra charge for ice before she can get a drink by the Grisdale Women's Club craters closed down tight and st the end <if D[:,cember, l;ro:s probably won't be much inter- and it will open with 500 vollmes, many larger mills went to stort- stocks at 9S:l 321.000 board feet. are to hold ('lasses that day." delivery or pick-up of rated in producing milk. Other branches of the Grays Har-ened work week in the faee era .......... MISS-. _..,_< ::4 _.:-_:_.:._:.=ALLEI00FULIOVICI,1M ............ maee.$8. per month, GIVE THE COW'S udder good her County Library are in Pacific', sharp drop off in demand and • ,.v.s.,t.o. - care, the extension ageut suggests, Beach, Neilton and Cosmopolis. choosy buying, Simpson said,, If it should become swollen or in ................................ The lumber spokesman refused MONDAY DELIVERIES flamed, a check should be made Simpson Recreation to forecast performance for 1949. with a veterinarian for mastitis, He did say the rcgion has suf- SI N G E R Prompt diagnosIa and treatment Unit Studies Ski ficient installed sawmill e(qmcity will help to cut mastitia losses. Trip To Resort to handle any foreseeable require- Kruiswyk adds that treating fbr lice and grubs will make life Plans for sponsoring a ski trip ments of the home building and S |Wl N G € E NTE R more pleasant for the herd. to either Deer Park, near Port An- construction industries. ............................ geles, or a Cascade mountain re- 1 HE EMPHASIZED tlmt every sort are under study by the Slmp-I effort of the industry would be 510 E. 4th Ave., Olympia Maine produces over 4 rail. son Recreation Association. aimed at selling the nation's ium- PHONE 7586 lion pounds of lobsters each year: ber users on the long-range con- " Joe Batie, of the Simpson pur- servation-by-use program spon- ...... - ............ ' "' chasing office staff, is arrange- sored hy West Coast mills. ments chairman. Employes inter- "There's a proper grade of hlmbcr iii(i Hill Billies eared in skiing are invited to write for every use," Simpson stated. , • -- Calling All - or phone Batie immediately. Batie "We have billions of feet of in- - -, said if 35 or 40 persons are signed expensive, economy grades of lum- te up, transportation and rental of ber suitable for' low-cost lmme rn Old Time & Scandinavian Music ski outfits can be arranged on construction, just as we have more moderate terms• Skiing at nearby billions of feet of the finest quality J DANCE res°rts will c°ntlnue until May lumber in demand where strength' L or June and Batie hopes to ar- appearance and performance is range the first "tour" for Febru- essential. Like the farmer who cry or March. must sell his number two pota- toes, so must we sell our lower ,,,, Officer Reserve Corp grades of lumber to practice Bernadene Allen smi es cheerfully in her bed at the Puget ., ,, sound conservation and maximum Sound Naval Hospital in Bremerton, where she s recovering " ,z'"er" ,,,,:%ur a''r Night To Meet January 2 utilization of our forests." from an attack of polio. " The next meeting of the Officer The weekly average of West By her bedside is the small radio given her by the Shelton - Reserve Corp of Shelton will be high school student body. Coast Lumber production in De- 9:30 P.M. tO 2:00 A, M. -- With Mu|Io By held in Olympia January 2, IV. B. cember" was 135,626,000 board In Bernadene's hand are three tickets to the Bernadene AI- Oak[e Watktns, S-2 planning chief, has feet or 85.7 per cent of the 1942- len Friendship Breakfast scheduled for Saturday morning. AI- and His U.E. Chamberlain Cowboys nounce. "Fellows in the group 1947 average. Orders averaged though Bernadene will not be able to attend, she will meet at the Memorial Hall 130,626,000 board feet; Ship- these tickets to members of her family who will Eleven radio muMelans and singers featuring Jeannle. at 7 p,m. before driving to the ments 126,924,000 boaffl feet, guests. (Cut courtesy Saghalie). • cut ohmmpl0n Dew-girl yodeler, Johnny Williams and "his Olympia Armory, for the session .................................................................................... MI.US. Hill-Billy Harmonizers at the which starts at8 p.m." i Weekly averages for November F i d hip E [ • were: Production 150,012,000 r en s vent Members of the Officer Reserve] board feet (95.0 per cent of the, ........... TROPICS BALLROOM 00orp meet regularly the first and !1942.1947 average," Orders 112.- TO Be Held Here '' " ' third Wednesdays of each month. I 059,000 board feet; Shipments .......... "There are .best,, a dozen men In 000000,872,000 board feet Saturday Morning "  - $1,00 P]R PERSON, TAX INCLUDED the local unit, Watkins said, "and Schneiders Prairie we're trying to build up." Tree Farm Movement m" Betty Mast ,Final arrangements have been 8 Miles from Olympia on 8helton Highway Michigan is leading other states Spreads In 8 Years completed for the lcr'nadene AI- • . in the study and care of rheumatic In the west where it was born len Friendship Breakfast to be ,, ,, ,,,, , fever, eight years ago, the American tree held at 10 a.m. Saturday in the ; - " ' farm movement gained 651,747 Memorial Hall. The affair is spon- acres in 1948. Eighty-three new sored by the R. (2. Spanish Club. Four-H boys and girls, by tho millions, know that troes are a crop. Thoy grow them, and they protect them from fire. They'll welcome your help. RAYONIER 00CORPoRATED ROY J. KIMBEL ENTERPRJSES G£O, H. 00SDALE CONSTRUCTION CO. =. ,w tree farms certified in the West- Bt;uce Schwarck, junior high era Pine and Douglas fir regions school principal, will be master during the year brought the total of ceremonies. A grotlp of ]igh in the western states to 5,722,923 sehoo] students will fur/lisA a acres, up more than 12 per cent program of song and dance. from a year ago. Pumerm, contests Will be hld These figures wcre announced for both the men and the women t o d a y b y American Forest ottendiug the breakfast and Products Industries, Inc., Wasi- worthwhile prizes will be awarded ington, D. C., which keeps nation- Tickets fro' the breakfast are al tally on the private enterprise on sale at Beckwith's Jewelry l tree-g:owing program that started store at $1.25 per person, Ac- in Washington state in 1941 and cording to uth Creasey, club now has spread to 23 states. ,The head, a capacity crowd is expect- nation-wide score as the new year ed, arrived stood at 1,633 tree farms, Posters advcrtising the broak- t 17,096,126 acres, fast were made by high school art Waahington, Oregon. California, students. Manh; of these wcre en-l Montana, Idaho and New Mexico tercd in a poster contest which are the western states in the pro- cnded last Thursday. Winners m gram, which is guided there by cach division are: Art V.+Esthcr the forestry staffs of the West.- Botts, first place and Jean Griggs, ern .Pine Association and West second. ArL II1-Don Winsor, Coast Lumbermen's Association. first; Faith Gray, second. Corn- for their respective regions. Be- mercial Art-.-- Harold Moore. first; twecn them they now havc ap- Irene Chase, second. proved for tree farm rating 23 The winning posters are now en forest land properties ranging exhibit at Beckwith's Jewelry from 10 acrcs up and owned by store. All posters will be on dis- farmers, city folk and industries, Play at the Memorial Hall the ..................................... morning of the breakfast. Production Credit Unit The Spanish Club wishes to , thank all merchants who hnve To Meet January 29 mvcn lhcir wholehearted support J. W. Bradley, secretary of the by donating prizes to be award- Prods(iron Credit Corporation of cd to winners of the wrious con- Spokane, will address the Grays I tests at the breakfast Harbor-Mason county section of ........................ the annual stockholders, meeting 'e|qp1v ENGINEER of the Southwest Wasiington Pro- duction Credit Association which IS ARTHUR WARD is to be held in Elma at the Eagles Athur L. Ward. who retains Hall January 29. it was announced the position of. co(sty engineer, a today, job he's had for 28 years, has been All meetings similar pro- appointed city engineer, with C. grams starting witl] registraUon A. Fisk assistant. at 11 a,m., hlnch at noon, and the Coming 'to Mason count in lhe business and educational program year 1900, Ward first became city running from 1 to 3 p,m, accord- Ogineer in ]91,1. His expcrmnce ins to secretary M. M. Oliphant. covers 40 years. Whih' working The EIma meeting will have di- for the city and county, Ward h's rector Lewis W. Young of Chehalis draws all the nmps used by these presiding, and W: 19. Olsan of local bodies. Elma will give the directors' re- - .............................. port. Oliphant will give the treas- Van Cleave Sells Bull ] urer's report and Virgil Badgett TO Bonnets Ferry Mall of Elma will report for the nom- inating committee, J.C. Van Cleavv. a Brown Swiss breeder of Shelton, tla. recently The P. C. A. tnembers will bal- sgld the bull. Hal, fist's Baron of lot on nominees for two positions S, B. Farm 92931. to R. K. Tcnney on the board of "directors. The of Bonncrs F'erry, Idaho. accord- terms of Olsan and A. D. Lynk ins to a report from Fre4 . of Camas expire this year. Hold Idtse, secretary of tha Brown over directors are Young, L. O, Swiss Cattle ,reeders' Associa- Co(brans of Yelm, and Alex tion of Beloit,  is. Schwartz.of Brush t rairie. Tim ballots will be tabulated after the final meeting in Chehalis. THE FORUM . Cherry Pie Contest Elimination Is Feb. 5 De,,,. Editor: This is the final week foT mtk- Folks. as you a]l know, this has ing plans to enter one of the elim- been a bad spell of weather with lnation events which are being rain, snow and ice on most roads held throughout the state on Feb- in District 3. I have done my very ruary 5, leading to the state event heat to have my men open all at the University Qf Washington roads to let evel[yone out, And they on February 12 and the Nat$onal have been working day and night, ,Chert 7 Pie Baking'contcst in Chi- [ /'re been cheeking roads every cage on February 22, .J day, ad I find them all pretty It is necessary, however, for well taken care of by sanding all aspiring Cherry Pie Quecns fir:;t, the worst spots to make it safe to enter one of the area elimina- as possible to all. By driving Lion events, choosing the one most carefully we arc in hopes of get- convenient as to IDeation, All that ting th'ough without too many is necessary is to send llLtln( /nd |);t(l wrecks. We all n]tlst work ]address Io home economics iv.- together in a like this. I case i structor or 4-H leader, and to want to do my part to aid the send a duplicate registration to safety to all and my road crews. Bake-A-Clerry Pie Contest Head- I think they have done a pretty l quarters, 605 Union, Seattlc 1. good job with a few breaIdowns Wr(sh. All registrations for area with snow plows. elimination contcsLs close Fcbru- Roy Cart, CommisSloner, cry 1. District No. 3. "1 • #.J Rat ' v. " a'']1II ]11 ln,lln'tr 1 ='=J ffi= 82 'njuries  5£ C+,nlb)u+,d h'.m ))a'e 1) ' The Birth(lt accidents. ing near buses. A tho{tghtlcss' Thursday at thc oi7 Mrs\\; H., ._ '---------- s(,,,ond may easily snuff ()tit the Shel)herd an(l ln) )hi ms  . ,.  m,..==.,q, life of a child and (++,use years of for ti, c, new ycp(+)t:  rAPPg regret " . luck hmch waahics 'IIY IFII Jmr r II TUESDAY SCHOOLS at Aate of thc club m'e .-....m. .... mltll and Bclfair held classes and ed- the quilt wh)lt;'a WA(=M nesday Skokomish school earned at the Novemb, for the  ml-  m+l I for (tie rest of the week, Gee'alpha- ben(fit . of the proposed Allyn  . .      '. " ter said. "If therc is more snow street ighttny also   l]  or a sudden thaw, thc schools will made tentativ(o- I1|| | remain down." cial (boy, ] ht been to eric   /+I " of those sin('(+ I got big enough 1 ( .,omc of the scl,ools ha,',, lost as. _. . ) I. r ' ..... tO DICI ()D one) anu oance some- much as eight days in regular at-., "" ,(#t#, I] J, ' "" . time in trle near ItlLure Ync pro- ' !ltl' ' tndance Goodpaster sad "They  .  [" U((.  • ' r, ', " CeCQS el shine Wlll also "0 LO .ne Ik' arc pernutted lo clays of tune lost s ..... .Wlll  tO } ,,J - i " " " ' trceL ilgnLs. " '" bccause of weather or low attend- 2LL ance: schools shut down for i,,g ..... aohn,,y Tal i e. !  *L.X-  cr periods will have to make up cnarged lromd is  + ffl." • " • ,  , nOW '/r J10)ne wiLn his wif( v + in I said ccs :..,d so,, .l,,h.n,, t..l' l i..... .' ' ' , , ..+ to attend school. " " ,.   __+' | k --- . ".--+....= he informs Seattle's radio station, so,, Mmh+lel loll a ' _r-.."N Jl - . business trip to :Montana Thcy KIRO, on the days that schools 1 ;' "" " ta: Thcy I .._.:k... are opening or closing not on cut the trancrJn.. .*' (/--_il ' . schedule. "The information is Dick Valley hn over the  / /€ ,f, broadcast on the daily 7 to 7:/5 4-H activities of thisarea cl is  --e€€ a,m. program that parents may .]p  Kno\\;v whethcr or not the schools W' w eatd 4 whe n ][rll pie41' | lubri will present be honored Chief Havens Resigns City Job ( C(,lllJlllh+l] r),())ll ])tgo ] ) been cmpl%yed +Is chief of police., this association has been a picas- ant one, md it has been my sin- (ere endeavor to fulfill the duties t¢) the best of my ability. In this connection I wish to express my appreciation to you, Mr. Darien." t',AVENS SERVED as sheriff of Thurston county from the firs of 1926 nntil 1935. He came to Shclton in 1946 to become head of the police department. "The city c<)uneil expresses re- gret that the chief is leaving," Carlan said. WHEN FATHER CALLED NEW YORK How in a few short years, Long Distance has speeded service, imp, roved clarity, lowered rates 2. Today it's lust as easy to talk across the nation as it is to talk to someone just across the table from you. Continual imp.rovements in the telephone instrument you use, m te|ephone lines and cables, in voice-boosting equipment along the way, make a normal voice carry 3,000 miles or more with ease. 4. Takes Jess time today to get your connccdon. Now calls go through in an average of less than two minutes. These arc just a few examples of the way telephone service grows in value.., becomes a better buy. A local call sdll costs just a few pennies. Compared to other prices, telephone service is one of your biggest bargains today. making plans for many 1)rojccts and social activities. C. Johnsbn returned from lengthy treatme{ at Madigan General Hospital-on Monday and we're glad to see him back. Marriage Licenses Only two from Mason county were among the six persons who applied for marriage licenses over the past week in the office of the county auditor. Mrs. Susie Pauley. Frank E. Smith, 26, and Lmfise D. Fish. 23, are both from Lilli- wasp. Others who filed for licenses in- clude: Joseph Hal/, .i0, U.S,S. In- diana. Preset(on, and Ella Beth Spradling, 28, Lampasas, Texas. Also Stanley G Brainerd, 21, U.S.S. Indiana, Preset(on, and Gladys Yerkan. 17. Bremerton, •.. hove our ex rune up your Yes, it's a lot keeo clothe clean, when washer is humming ly. Undue noise tells time for an exp@rt adjustment and Avoid serious trouble. i[. us today. We service' V// makes of washers. NASH BROT!| 123 S. 2nd St. Phon VISIT 0UR, NEW DINER TYPE KITCHEN OUR DAILY SPECIAL INCLUDES Soup - Salad - Entree - Coffee Homemade Pies STOP-INN CAFE OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY We'" Paek+Workere ' Lunrha= t 1. Back in 1918 it was quite a thing long distance all te way across the a good set of lun,, too. In those to use as much votce to talk long would in calling to another person away across an open field. 3. Rates have gone down amazl 1918, Father paid about $18.00 for the'P of talking Coast-to-Coast. Worth it, too, B]| we d been able to drop rates to about $9. three.mmute station daytime call. And to can make the same call for just $2.50, q Here's one of today's big bargains. +! i i,+, ¸ .... i! . r ,h, Pacific Telep00+ More than 70,000 people working toss1 ' nish eve.better telephone service to V ' L. i