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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page  SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL .... , ,., Lr ,,i, .. i ....... . ...... iii i I IHI n ..11 i i i i STATE GRANGE MASTER henry Carstensen Js shown above left proudly presenting two $100 bonds to Carl Emsley,, past master of Southside Grange, as a prize for winning third place in the state community improvement contest by improving Walker Park on the south bank of Hammerslcy Inlet. The pub- lic ceremony was attended by 56 grangers and their friends. (Photo by Andrews.) CI 1 Y S RECREA FION CONSIDFRED DEEPLY AT COUNCIL MEETING i(&apos;,utlnlll,d froln ]*a,' 1) (r t I i Ol'l." I'IgESII)ENT OF lhe con;mun- it9 eolmeii. Glenn C.(wrea ael:ing as moderator during the intelest- ink discussions, pointed out that the l)rorar[1 "was started along reereational lines but that g.s st:oDe has bcff:oule nlo|'e extensive. Fie emphasized main problems: I1| HOW CHI) the cty reLail'l a di- rect, or. If it needs one: (21 how Call tilt, IJl'OgTam be tilllneed over t period of I.lrne? l{r, Vel"efld Alb'v:.h [lgll!l r()sL to say, "The council shollid be t ptlb- lit: [()I'llln glVell oveF to .(filch es- sentials as tilt' liqllidfth'ln of "eor. rulltlll  (',it iiseS of toda y', [FOll- bles." . l:}y this;m lhe meelinl t was ttll'l 1)1 HlfO II philu.qophy ,:eln- mar of the s.r Socrate:. the ancient (lt,ek lililkel', may )lave CI1 I()yed, MI{. (iEOI{GE C R () 1' i" E 1{ bl'riilght lip n point. "Ve, al't  try- lflg i[o ('tI'e tel' C]llldreli not hav- ]llg l)al'ent,¢; [)l' paxental g'uidan(!e." (.)ne of Shcltm's l)roponents el tile sCOlltlllg l/Iovenqellt, [)ean I';tllneI' rlext took the lhlor t() say, "If money is to be gathered tel purposes of youthful trainilg, it lJloLlld be tttl'lle(l over to StlCII stHrdy, existing organizations as the HCOLJI. .lll.[ LS. %%"e stenl LO \\;V*It Fte Ill( ,lley Aq'l(!I l ill a .'¢a ["S lm)e more than $3,000 WHI be iiotli"ed llllt) H llew rcereiltlolJ ilnlt. ,nd (,xist, iilg ohes ill'e d(ela h(l. SpeaRing for the Jtlnior (.'htlln o Pet:' of Commerce. Robert We, aver (q'n l)hal.leally nl,ssted that "the leCl'('a[loll 1)rol';ID'l vvlt, IitJl 'F;iil- l'otlded' L[(nl Illc clLlgellly l' CI[.y offa:ials. " (.'ENIq OF I)EISATE engaged )1 by nlay of the '0 1)erson at.- tcndln shifted [or a IeW Inllltltes Io Porl: TowP..';end, which had Mrs. CJ/opDel stud, "a "¢t!l'y fille )eu, l'eatinl'l J)FOgl'il[a llllderwliy." "[t.'cilse l}( )l"t T()v¢ D.e|) (I hits Si.lch l. sIIeC('ssful recl'otli it}hal nio\\;elliQnt, 1[ .;CtqllS Shelton should be ahle to start one tot)f' AIr. (l:'()l}pel' indicated. ltegaFdJng l J.nHlit'es. (; () r' r t* it |)l'OIlfit OI1[ tJq' lli()lle Sltllal.lon. "Ill (.)(:tober (ff HI,IS we had $1,000. and now IU JK|ltlaly We have truly $11)0, despite II'tlga.tlty H spending. L)Hr e(lLnplllent is monger; tile COtlt Hall IS inadeqtlate. "To k(!e I) the t)r(gr[ml expand- illg over the conllllg year, only t orgalllzations. ()tit t'ff rnarly listed have paid in their dues lor 19-19,' Correa sHtd. II'tllI,E M|NDS w(,re being di- rected Jill,{) tile COIISItI,FIiI, i()II el Pq/n[lmenl, btldding q)ax:e, fi- lalICC, J .udy [)Jtll|In. ?l.)l)el'D }- Italldi'flt {If th(' e|ty , ]lO dS. stood tip, cleared DIS LJll'€)l'I{ Still ly, dlHl pFoe)}t lnlct|. "The buhot)Is l'll Ve lie(ill givillg a.s L(IIICII ,1. ttporL a.'i. possibw: llOwever ollr I aellltics lil'0 Jirl]ltod as tl't(! gylll:; ale be- IIlg u}cii for regular' school ,Ullort- 41}.%[ alld reereatlOll programs. All (Ill) lacdJlies are open to the cll, but the law |'eqtln"es tile we have olle peI'son iu attendance at each sess|on to look fitter school l¢ope r t y. Ottman explained thtlt he car- ries fl large rcspollsIDiliLy i.,] IlaV Jllg to [LCcount [()r tl IIqll[lOn (lo[lars W()YLII of l)lll)]Je l)rol:erLy and tO WOFI'y over the education of ap- proxln'lately 2.000 children. "iF OUR IPACI can be (,)1  spealdng, Correa eould be seen wrinkling his hrow ill study. Then, driving thoughts toward the (:ore of the subject after the Simpson reereatmn chief was finished, tile young attorney said. "Even with the $250 salary paid to a good nlan. vve cannot sustain the rec- reation progrslB lu)lcss wo have proper faeihties. We cannot ask Illore freD1 lhe city, for Shelton's finances atready are strained with other conlnlul|ity proJect,, We may have t{) find other means of .SI1 l)plenlen ta 1 nlcolnc. Dean Palmer again stood on his fl(t I (/ ask. "I-loW IIIuch recrea- tion does Shelton need? Does it rl(!ed illore Y These questions nlu,st be Ill isv(,rcd," SIT'riN(J QI]IETI,Y throtlRh l[)e sessI()I| (,ollecling his notes, (]ene }]urgoyne, f<)rmer president of Shelt(m Jayeecs, finally stood up mid,;t ehee/'. tO f;tce his at- tel)tire audience "A lot has bee)l aecor)]plished with the ct)nlnlunity (:ollnet], but we nmst not g)vc t|II [ becall.qe We cannel see tile nleans. ()rigin} l)lan of the Jaycees was to fo.fer recreation for tic chin (]re]] and for adulls.' "Ve need facilities deslleratciy ;l|(l o,'e have to hTIve ln{lney to create thenl, We m L}le city nmst pay for It. But we must show a need for the proyrnm before we can e:tablish concrete inflows of nloney," Bt|rgoyne noted. Vern Satterthwaite pushed fur- ther tle proposal that possibilities be exl)Iored for incorporating the. recreation et-up into the school systenl, tie a.ked. "Can we con- tinue ind(,pendently, financinlly, <)r should we turn CVelythJllg ovel' if) the schools?" LAST PEAKER %VAS E. Lncky Luck ee(,reation director who had listened to all arguments with(nit commerlt, He stated that 272 t)er,;)ns were enr'olled in tle program, Daily 13 to 26 boys took part in the activities at Scout Hall after school and before sup- per. "in the evenmg: the events are limited to teen-age groups and adults." V¢ItlLE PARTICIPANT a n d uudienee were still thinking over the many ideas evolving from the di,qellSSlon on recl'eation., a sug- gestion was approved that further aetio|l be postponed unt, il the next meeting, "after everyme has had a chance to think over the issues." LAKE TREATMENT PROGRAM BUDGET 4 TIMES GREATER The game dcl)artmcnt budget whirl1 will be presented to the ]949 legislature for approval pro- vides funds for a greatly ext/anded lake treatig program. Clarence Patltzl(e, Chief of the del)artnlent's fish management division, as- serts. "We hope to poisol the scrap f]sll in four times as many lakes in the next two year as we 'have in the past two," Pautzke de- clares, Work of the gamc department in ridding lakes of scrap fish in the pa,L twn years has heen ex- tensive, so extensive, in fact. that it has totalled nlore than 41 pe, r cent of all work of this type done in the United States. "All the other states arc taking their hsts off to us, realizing what value to the recreation couneil a tremendous program this de- durinK ho|u's we don't need it. tJm i,artnlent has dcve/oped in thls COllnCI| }S lIlore thllll web'.ChiC to, r(gar(|," Pautzke says. use it.." OJtman said. "We will, A d,)zen lakes were treated in be glad to coordit|ate on) program WashmgLon during the summer with yot|rs." and early fail of 1948. These in- Th(, principal of Irene S Freed clu(ted Storm and Fh)wing in gno- l/gh School. (;eorg,' |!crnes. i llr,nish Collllty, Horseshoe in Cow- speaki]g lrnn a corner where] litz. I(ahlotus in Bent(In, Charley lie w;is ,:;tan(ling :mggesl.ed Ihat J in Yakinls, Deep m t(wens, 'H, eed ttle he]to.q-Ma,on C(mnty Conl- and (aJD I1l Wl}ateoln, ICrJckson nllnllty be a ec)or(/lnating in Skagit, Hunnlcll irl Is]and. and grollp that Wollhi plRn ii t t4]e|ltlar]Aellea.s, Crawfish and Gl'een ill t{I av(nd conflJ('tJont.; i)f dates be- I Ot(allOgTiJ1. twecn schot/1. ChllrcJl, (olnlltnnl.y After tlle carp, sl|(!kers a n d evenls. (,ther scrap fish were killed, lakes MII,. (!01{ liEI,I,Y, secrl;.ta.ry were rea(ly for restocki|lg with Or' the eO|'l')lltI.Irlity e(}Ul|Cl (.x- Lg, anle fish. I;]ass were planted tn pla.ined Lhat the l.llsi|le:s and lq'o- i Kahh)tus Lake, with the ()tllers fessional %Vomen are |lOW en- , being set a.ido for pblnts. gaged m w,irt.nlg ou! ;t general , In tile fL]tllre, We will plant bass cah;'ndar, ill nla, ny in(ire Of tile cleared-out 13r]/lgin the rliseusion t ;H1 lakes. IlpPX, }{okle ]:lokonson. SJnp:,t)  "['O|lKllPSl. (if tile l)O|S()Din, jobs yeel't, atiolt ,lirecl )r, ltointed mlt } of 191B wns that a! Khlot.lls I'W(} t'Olll'Hf [aCllig tllC e(mncil:, L, ake. largest b()dy of watt) ever "l l i| ;V, :;JlOllld, try t(/ to De l.l'eill.ed with rotenone, Tile nline wlltflhcr the Shell.ol r(,cret- tJoll ulovcluenL cHll t=p('raLo o)]]y with [lllld;.; .}HII]e('| II'OlU 4i)ollti()l'* IIIK ];r)llt ), ;tlld fF(DI) the city, .r (2} wl, Mlt)uld n,k the sch{)(tl bet|I'd {o })Lit o]1 ;tll(H|'hl lllall all(I expand its program "The ,;'h()o] nlay be able to tliFe all ac('rc, dJted, n')nn, even il for only fl llatf day, &lid tile (nty could hire hml for the o/her hall," l.ln kon(m said. W I! I L E llOKONSON was departnwnt got I)rat:tieally a cam- I plete hill but I'r)tllld that some carp did survive, appare| hy seek-1 |t}ff out the sl>einF, s feeding the] ]ak(, and thereby e:,calnng tl'l t ft|iI etTcct of the rotenorle, More than 220(} 000 Cub Scouts. P, oy S<:o(ltq. S(mi()r Neat|iS trod their ,/dult leaders in every part of the naT.n will observe this'. 39tJ Anmversary from li'eb uary 6 to February 12. t , /,/// ry 2q Thursday, Janua \\; \\; WIN ,*5000 FOR YOUR HOMIMAKIR Cantest doses Sunday, January 30th It'= |ASYI Just flnhdlt thi Ilmeridcs I'm proud of my wife, you can seo She's thrifty and keen as can be, At Safeway she shops That's where values are tops (You supply the last line.) FIRST PRIZE $5000 2rid prlae -- $1000 " 6th prise -- - $71 0rd prise -- $$00 7th prise -- SS0 4fh prl=f -- $250 I,h prl=e -- $2S SalVe to ttomema00ers ! // We salute you=with... SPECIAL MEAl VALUES Sth prize -- $100 100 prises -- SS each GET A FREE INTRY BLANK AT IAF|WAY It includes the complete rules.' Nothing to buy. Blade or arm cuts, U.S. graded "good" BEEF ROAST .. lb. 43 ¢ U.S. Graded "good" beef, waste-free trim SIRLOIN SrEAKS U.S. graded "good" beef, trimmed, waste-free ROUND STEAKS ......... Good eating at a thrifty price! GROUND BEEF .......... Fry with onions! Delicious and nourishing BEEF LIVER Rib end, tender, loin Nourishing, tasty, eeonomical Pork.Roast .... lb. 49¢ Pork Liver ...... lb. 39¢ All pure seasoned Pork Sausage .. lb. 45¢ Center cuts, loin Pork Chops ...... lb. 63¢ Small. large or ring Bologna .......... lb. 55¢ Always fresh at Safeway Luneh Meats lb. 59¢ Pan ready, steaks Italibut ........ lb. 53¢ Ready to cook! Cod Filet .......... lb. 39¢ Pacific, medium size Fresh Oysters pt. 67¢ Pan ready Sole Filet .......... lb. 49¢ Young Colored FRYERS Grade "A" New York Dressed, Select Birds 53', Pork Spare RIBS Try them Barbecued A Delicious Dish! Pork Shoulder ROAST - Tender Young Grain. fed. Round bone cut. Skinless WIENERS Sure to be tender! Serve with sauerkraut SKINNED HAM Rath's "Black Hawk". or Mor- rell's "Pride." 16 pound sizes and over. Dress with pineapple and brown sugar . . , Virginia bake • . . mmmm, good l " LB. 59,= Armours "Star," Hormel's "Dairy" or Morrell's "Pride." 63 ¢ 10 to 16-1b. Hams ............ LB. PICNICS ... lb. 39  Morrell's "Pride" 4 to 8-lb. sizes. Short shank smoked picnics. BACON .... lb. 5S  Special sliced bacon. Wilson's "Corn King." Quality and saving! Wl LSON'S "CE RTI F I E D." 69  SLICED BACON ................ lb. Lean Streaked Salt Pork ... Ideal For Seasoning Bacon Squares I REDUCED PRICES" Safeway has the low prices not only on specials like these but on every item, every'day! GARDENSIDE TOMATO SAUCE ......... VITAMIN "D" INCBEASED CHERUB ltIILK .......... GUARANTEED" QUALITY 8-oz. tin 5€ 2 tall 25  FRESH BUTTER ........... l-lb. 69 ¢ GRADE "AA" WHITE OR BROWN (MED. DOZ. 59¢) LARGE EGGS ............... doz. 65 ¢ AMERICAN FULL CREAM CHEESE ................... l-lb. 49 ¢ TANG OR TREET - ALSO SPAM LUNCH MEAT .. 12-oz. tin 39* MAYONNAISE, Nu-Made (qt. jar 85¢) ........ pt. 43¢ SALAD DRESSING, Cascade (qt. jar 49¢) .. pt. 29¢ SANDWICH SPREAD, Lmeh Box qt. 69¢) pt. 37¢ TEA TIMER CRACKERS, golden, crisp .... l-lb. 31¢ AM. CHEESE, Dutch Mill, cheddar .......... 98¢ SODA CRACKERS, Busy Baker .............. 2-lb. 45¢ LARD, Open kettle rendered .................. 2-lb. 39¢ FANCY PEAS, Sugar Belle, sweet ........ 20-oz. 19¢ STEERO BOULLION CUBES, pkg. of 12 ........ 25¢ FLUFFO SHORTENING ...................... 3 Ibs. 85¢ REAL ROAST PEANUT BUTTER ........ 2 lbs. 59¢ Fresh COFFEE So(fee at Safeway is Delivered Fresh Every Week! NOB HILL Our Finest! (l-lb. 46¢) 2-LB. PKG, 89 ¢ AIRWAY Brazilian Blend (l-lb. 44¢) 2-LB. PKG. 85" EDWARDS Vacuum Pack (l-lb. can 51€) 2-LB. CAN 99€ Look at BREAD PRICES ! Then buy WRIGHT'S fresh bread and save 1€ per loaf! Enriched, white or wheat. ,+=21 LOAF LUCERNE MILK ... 19 ¢ Grade "A." Fresh every day! Feather- weight carton. Quart. Cashmere Bouquet 2/21 € Fragrant toilet soap. Get several cakes! Regular size bar. SWIFT'S PREM .... 39€ Get several tans! For many quick, tasty meals. All meat, no wastel 12-oz. LIFEBUOY SOAP .... 9 ¢ There's nothlhg like Lifebuoy Soap for refreshnessl Regular "oar. HI HO CRACKERS . 31 € They all go for HI He! Fresh, crisp round golden crackers, l-lb. pkg. SNOWDRIFT . 3 lbs. 99 ¢ Pure vegetable shortening. Makes light cakes and flaky pie crusts! IVORY SOAP .. 2 for 19 ¢ Pure, mild floating ivory Soap• Famous for years! Medium size bar. PEgF SOAP ...... 39 ¢ Peet'a granulated soap is economical be- cause it's concentrated. 33-0z. CHOCO. SQUARES . Suchard's delicious milk chocolate squares. 6-oz. cellophane package. CIGARETTES .. pkg. 17  Camels, Lucky Strike, Old Gold, Ral- eigh (carton 1.69). Fresh! CRYSTAL WHITE" 2/15 ¢ The Family Laundry Soap. Gives billowy suds! Regular size bar. LUX FLAKES ...... 31 ¢ For washing dainties. New tiny dia- mends of Lux! 12/.oz. package. PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 & 29, 1949, SUB- JECT TO MARKET CHANGES AND STOCK IN SHELTON. NO SALES TO DEAL- ERS. SORRY, WE MUST RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. i i |1 SALE OF BULK FOODS Fancy, white, a real value! Show Boat Rice .. 2-lb. 29  "Market Day" seelcted quality Seedless Raisins. 4-lb. 52 ¢ Great NorLhern WASHBURN BEANS .... 2-lb. 27¢ Washburn, fancy IDAHO RED BEANS ...... 2-lb. 29¢ "Sunny HIll" BABY LIMA BEANS .... 2-lb. 31¢ "Sunny Hill" SMALL WHITE BEANS 2-lb. 33¢ For tasty econimy dishes! ELBOW MACARONI 3-lb. 32¢ Sugar Ripe DRIED PRUNES ............ 2-lb. 39¢ Ensign Brand DRIED PEACHES .............. lb. 35¢ WIN 5 YEARS' GROCERY MONI $9,000.00 in prizes $6 prizes in all KIT£HEN CRAFT FLOUR CONTEST full details at store KITCHEN CRAFT 25"LB" 1 93 IO-LB, BAG • BAG Baker's or (8-oz. 19¢) HERSHEY'S COCOA Nestles INSTANT COCOA Ghiral'delli Ground CHOCOLATE LARGE FLORIDA ORANGES FUll of juice. Thin skinned. A real value! YELLOW DRY ONIONS Price qs low! (10-lb. mesh bag 43¢) YAKIMA G; POTATO] 15-lb. 65 • ROME APPLES Fancy & ex. fancy (25-1b. 2.79) lb. 1 # • PINK GRAPEFRUITLge size, fancy Ruby lb. 9  Clip-top Fresh, grcen Carrots ........ lb. 7½€ Celery ......... lb. Local Rutabagas , ..... lb. 7€ Solid, crisp hcads Lettuce ........ lb. Medium, solid heads Cabbage lb 7¢ Washed and trimmcd Spinach..... 10-oz. Marblehead or Hubbard Squash .......... lb. 5¢ D'Anjou, wrappcd & packed Winter Pears. lb. 11 Salad Mix .... pkg. 15€ Lemons ......... •