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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rsday, 5anuary 27, 1949 , SHELTO=N-MASON COUNTY JOURNAII " / t= ............. • ' -:"'- ............................................................... ' -  ............................................ -"-: ' : SLED ..................... DOGS EAGER T0" CHURN SNOW AT GRAPEVIEW IGLOO THE FORMAL OPENING OF r t  ind lke I airy"I 19'i Ies, I i: 2 NEW Belfair Business Establishments SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, AT 9 A.M. J's Belfair Hardware By Geneva and Jay Porter Our Door Prizes Sunbeam Mixmaster and 42-Piece Set of LuRay Dinnerware Belfair Cleaners By Lillian and Ere Juhola Our Door Prize ARVIN PORTABLE RADIO REFRESHMENTS w,,,y: NOON TO6 P.M. We---Your Neighbors and Fellow Businessmen ly extend our warmest and most sincere of Belfair -- cordial- WELCOME CON GRAT U LATI 0 NS And BEST WISHES To Our New Associates j,s BELFAIR HARDWARE ; and . THE BEL!AIR :CLEANERS Upon openmg new retail services which will make our community a finer place in whmh to enjoy life. BELFAIR BUILDERS' I ' STUYT'S I " SUPPLY [ DRY GOODS BELFAIR GARAGE PAUL SUMMERS H TRU-VALUE STORE FLOYD KNUTZEN, MGR. EMMETT'S I SHURFINE BILL and NELL'S MALT SHOP BELFAIR TAVERN OLSEN'S CAFE By Lydia Wren The dogs are harnessed to the old sled in the snow drifts outside this reporter's igloo, pawing im- patiently, their breaths making small clouds of fog as they bark I in sharp staccato in this zero wea- ther. The news must get to head- I quarters, so on you huskies, mush • . . (This is being written on Men- day morning after the coldest night of this cold spell. Probab- ly by Thursday when the Journal goes to press the weather may be different---we hope.) t Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cunningham I and son, Henry, of Olalla, Wash., were Sunday guests at the Cliff Barrett home. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Leevers will ] attend the Western Lumbermen's Association convention at Seattle this week end. Mr. Leevers will represent his firm, the Acme Mill Works, Inc., and Mrs. Leevers will assist as hostess. Bill Ellis of Seattle and Jack' Ellis of Port Angeles were week, end guests at the Wren home. I21is was in the nature of a fare- well as Jack is being transferred from the Coast Guard at Port Angeles to Norfolk, Virginia• tlis wife and three children will drive East but because of weather con- ditions across the country, their route will be from here to Bakers- field, Cal., thence due east. Mrs. Madalyn Stock was honor guest at a stork shower last Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Leevers as hostess. In spite of the deep snow, many guests were present. Mr. Leevers met fhe guests at our local store and drove them to his home. He had chains on his car and made several trips. An interesting feature of the show- er was the skit put on by Sar- ah Tschida, physician, and Mar- garet Rice, nurse. Margaret also had to double as wash lady as Edna Stevens who was to have appeared as wash lady, couldn't get through the snow drifts. Those enjoying the afternoon were Mes- dames Bacon and daughter, Lor- raine, Hell, Merritt, Lois and Em- ma McClothlin, Iuise Spooner, Susie Syrajala, Reeves, Jane Mit- chell, Leona Somers, Muriel Som- ers, Tschida, Hilda Okonek, Van Valkenburg, Johanson, Rauschert, Etherton, Palms, Schwinn, Hawson, Rice, Hillman, and Miss Leah McGraw, the honor guest and hostes, .Others who couldn't come because of the wea- ther sent gifts. Dan Taylor was taken to the Shelton hospital last Sunday suf- fering from a case of flu. Gerald Finger of New York ar- rived by plane in Seattle last Sun- day. Mrs. Finger and daughter, Helen, and Richard Coleman met him at the Bremerton dock. Clare Peters is building an ad- dition to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Cronquist at Shelton. We read a very inteersting letter in the Clarence Dirks' column of the Seattle P.I. recently. It was written by our own Mrs. Paul Luther about our grape industry hn4..,the Lathers' own personal ex- permrce in this district. Mrs. PaUl Luther was hostess at a hmcheon honoring Mrs. Mad- alynn S t o c k on January. 13th. Guests were Mesdames Eckert, Hill,an, Merritt, Reeves, Penne- bern and Macginnis. The group had crocheted a baby afghan in blue and white--a gift to Mrs. Stock. The children have really enjoyed this cold weather. No school and plenty of slopes for liding. The main attraction seems to be hitch- ing onto the Somers' jeep which cleared some of the roads on the island. Our district is expressing its sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Strickland on the loss of a little son who was born two months rematurely. Mrs. Strickland is , Page g I I I I i I1.11  I I I II illl home from the hospital and is get- tins along nicely. Campfire news: Newly elected officers are Marylin Hawson, pres- ident, Evelyn Barrett, vice presi- dent, Kay Stevens, secretary, Car- ol Somers, treasurer Barbara Eth- erton scribe. The group is sew- ins aprons of different kinds and patterns. The meetings have been held at the Etherton home during the winter. Mrs. Barrett is go- ins to have them later in the sea- son. IlOOD CANAl. GARDEN CLUB The Hood Canal Garden Club will meet at the home of Beulah Worl, February 3 starting with 12 o'clock potlu('k hmch. Re- member it is to be a bring-and- buy sale, anything, according to Blanch Radtke, secretary. I ...................................................... The hardest job a present day i small child faces is learning good manners without seeing any. ?, ...SEtECT THE SIZE YOU NEED., WE HAVE IT IN STOCK. IN STOCK NOW! • INVENTORY BLANKS • 1949 CALENDAR PADS and STANDS • FOLDERS and "GUIDES for TRANSFER FILES • LEDGER SHEETS Current & Transfer Bindere For the New Year MASON COUNTY STATIONERS Stationery, Offi Supplies and Equipment 118 N. 2nd Stre Acss fm PolRoffi Phone 602 18 PIECES Rayon Broadcloth PRINT v,. 79 € 38 Inohes Wide GIRLS FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS Size 10 & 12 2 ONLY MEN'S JACKEqUS Baseball Type - Size 38 and 40 eaoh 10.00 1 .SO CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTE SLEEPERS 99 ¢ 42 PACKAGES PINK RICKRACK Package 4 ¢ GIRLS' KNIT CAPS 44 ¢ GIRLS, FELT HATS IIIII I SHELTON'S NEWEST 5 - 10 - 15 CENT STORE SPROUSE- REITZ CO. INC. Boys' Cord Pants .............................. 3.98 Men's Cord Pants .............................. 4.98 Rondo Percale Prints .................. yd. 44¢ Men's Hickory Shirts ........................ 1.98 12-Ounce Canvas Gloves .............. pr. 29¢ Timber Wolf Gloves ...................... pr. 45¢ Men'$ Chambray Shirts .................... 1.59 NEW LOW 12:00 PENNEYS CUTS YOUR COST OF LIVING... WOMEN'S DRESSES Marked Way Down 3.00 and 6.00 PA.R .oYs' CORD P.NTS 2 1 I)  ONL ME.'. .KETS, W.*.r 2 O0 Size 12 - 14 .......................... Pair m Repellant, Size 40 .............. Ea©h m WOMEN'S RAINCOATS Blaok Rayon Satin Twill - Size 10, 12, 14