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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page r ,t 0 ...... J[  ' I II J I [ I I I I GLOBETROTTERS, FORT LEWIS IN FR00KEN'S I CAGE EXHIBITION HERE I'UESDAY FUEL KIDS DOn't take chahs about uel. Play it mart  ¢kr yem' fel oil today. You'll be sure of mver getting caught with "cld feet" due to laok of he. STORA(E TAN 50 to '1 tllinl ll m burn I nstallatiomL _ , .J h, , .......... ..... Ill I III . I J ..... Basketball's eeebrated Harlem Globet'otteVS, No. I Yearn of he aport, aPe ooing to Bhelton gym next Ikle$ty. t to exhibit the dag$1ig lay and superb comedy d4doeS aai, the Vort Lewis WaVrior's. This game Will start t 8 oklock and is part of aa affreUc enter t.t program proby ever eqated in Slel- ton before. a Y/dition to the {]obetrotter- Warrior exhibttol lel, three otllr. Itpora feaav We for at- tenhkm ¢ tke Tuesgay night bill. k seven o'Clock, opening fes- ti,ts ,a, City rleage laasketball game between Belfair and the Patariunl Cleaners will be played. IM$bWEEN FIkLVES of the nn event a table tennis ex- hibition will be staged by two strong contenders for the. pro- ,feasinl table tennis title of the world, Syd Cohen of New York }ty, md Ted Bourne of England, Throng'hour the evening, when- ever.,, he .g'ts a chance to 'horn In, ,d Hamann, celebrated sports comedian who tours with t h e Globetrotters, wlll attempt to tickle the palates of the custom- ers with h{s antics. All of which adds up to a Juicy sports menu for those who turn OUt Tuesday eves.trig. TRI8 I$ he twenty-second an- null edttton of the Wonder unit that has mde sketball history. It  expected to take rank with their best, and perhaps again ac- claim as the greatest. Owner-Coach A. M. Saperstein Of Ohicago has again assembled an aggregation blessed with the many virtues that have made the words Harlem Globetrotters a household name symbolizing the best in basketball. In playing ability, star-studded personnel, height, '.speed, dazzling shooting, lightning passing and! play-making, the team is endowed tnor richly than ever. The Harlem Gloltrottors' show- ms.ship and fun-making procliv- ities surpass their best of previous years. Shoppers know... "It's a Case of Enjoymenf' I "THE FRESHFT THING IN TOWN" SITELON-MAON CUN " 3OURNAL  I I I m , [. t i • II I TilE GREATEST record in basketball and one Of the most astonishing in all sports saw the wonder Negro unit enter the 1948- ,19 campaign with a total of 3,038 victories as against only 230 de- feats and one tie. for a scintillat- ing percentage of a fraction under .930. Last year the original Harlem Globetrotters won 152, lost only five and climaxed their year by sweeping through the Hawaii In- vitational Tournament in Hono- lulu as theey completed setting a new season's attendance record for basketball. More than 700,000 saw them in action, surpassing their own high of 551,000 the pre- vious year. The Trotters likewise estab- lished a one-game high when up- wards of 20,000 jammed the mas- sive Chicago Stadium to see them down mighty .George Mikan and the Minncal)olis Lakers, 61-59, Feb. 191 194.8, in a game recog- nized by all as for the unofficial championship of the world. Simpson Pinmen Get Rough With Those Old Sticks SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE z L Research Reed mn ]*7T?:::':177::: t  .... Office .............................. 4 2 Reed Mill 2 ........................ 3 3 Lumbermcn's Mere ........ 3 3 Olympic Plywood ........ 3 3 Engineers ........................ 2 4 Woodftber . ....................... 1 5 Hi series--Toad Sergeant 599. HA game -Len Jones 235. Simpson league bowlers thumped Paul Berets' lins at n vicious pace in their matches last week and wound up with a new season's single game team mark as well as two other second half records on the books. LEN JOIE of Research pound- ed off a 23,)'" game to tap the in- dividual score-makers, the best gme of the second ha, if so far, as he led his team to a 2 to :1 victory over Olympic Plywood and also into a three-team tie for first place. Jones' big game, aided by Tom Nicholson s 216 contribution, produced a 1038 game for Re- search which is the best of the entire schedule to date, The game of all games, however, came as the Engineers slmded the L. M. by five pins in their opening scrap,. 10:19 to 1014. All three of the L. M.'s ewarts, I John, Jack and Bab, t ed 200, John with .225, but EIb  Peter-I and Fred Snelgrovc, with 221 and 217 respectiwly, had too much { handicap on their vide for the L. NL so edged the decision. After that it was an anti-climax, with the Engineers clinching the matoh in the second game, TOAD SER@EANT'S 59, best series of the night, paed Reed Mill 2 to the odd game over the Office after AI Petzold won the opehcr for the Office with a 199 effort. Woodflber failed to field a team and forfeited to Reed Mill 1 in the fourth match Ask Your Grocer For "The Freshest Thing In Town" Tides-of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour and 55 mlnut earlier) Commercial Teams All Win By Shutout Margins Kimbel Motors .......... 35 13 Pantorium Cleaners .... 29 19 Gruert's Service ...... 27 21 Morgan-Eaerett Lbr ...27 21 Local 161 .................... 22 26 American Igegln ........ t9 29 Simpson Electricians 17 31 Olympic Plywood ....... 1 32 Hi series--Bill Dick:e 535. HA game- -John Gavareski 204. SHUTOUT N IGdlT in t.he Com,- i mercial bowling league last week L served to give the leading Klmbel Motors quinte.t a sixth game to its margin atop the circuit, Pan- torium Cleaners pOsseSsion of see- SHELTON TIDES Thursday, January 27 High ........... 5:58 a,m, 15,0 ft. Low .............. 12:18 p.m. 7,9 ft. High ........... 4:28 p.m. 13,1 flL Low .............. 11:55 p.m, -1.4 It, Friday, ,Iammxy 28 High ............ 7:33 a.m. :15,2 . Low .............. 12:52 p,m, 7,6 ft. High ............ 5:]6 p.m. 13.0 ft. Saturday, January °9 Low ............. 0:33 a.m, -1.2 ft High ............ 8:03 a.m. 15.2 ft. Low .............. 1:29 p.m. 7,1 ft. High ............ 6:00 p,m. 12.9 ft. Sunday, January 80 Low .............. 1:08 a.m. -0.8 ft, High ........... 8:30 a.m. 15.2 ft. I.w .............. 2:06 p,m. 6.6 ft, High ............ 8:43 p.m. 12.7 ft. Monday, January 31 Low ................ 1:44 a.m. -0.3 ft. High ............ 8:55 a.m. 15.0 ft. Low .............. 2:41 p.m. 5.9 ft. High ........... 7:29 p.m. 12.5 ft. Tuesday, February 1 Low .............. 2:17 a.m. 0.4 ft. High ............ 9:19 a.m. 14.8 ft. Low .............. 3:20 p,m. 5.2 ft. High ............ 8:18 p,m. 12.3 ft. Wednesday, Febrtmry 2 I.w ............. 2:50 a.m. 1.4 ft. h 9:43 a.m. 14.6 f, " .....'.'..(..,. 3:58 p.L ,5 ft. High ............ 9:13 p.m, 8.9 ft. MAHONEY i • I Dotson Hikes Pin Record to 648 As Pastime Closes In CITY lX)WLIN( IX]AGUE *.V L W.H,S. Elcctri(, ...... 30 18 Pnstime ................ 29 19 l]eckwith Jewelry 27 21 Simpson I x*a. ............ 23 25 I.,mnbcrmen's Mere,.. 23 25 Friskcn Oil ............... 21 27 Active Cluh ................... 21 27 Lake Cushmaa ............. 18 30 tti sc.ri(,s John l)otson 64S Hi game .h)hn I)otsc)n 225 ,JOHNNY DOTS(IN cuffed the pins for a rec.ord 6tS series Fri- day night, at the Shclton Recrea- tion alleys, breaking the 622 which his teammate, A1 F'errier. }lad S(,I. several weeks before the new year' end place, and the taflend Olympic Plywood strong hope for higher things in the weekm 'to come. Paced by BuzZ. Plls, Bo Newell and Leo PearCe l gam No. 1, 2 and 3 i"eSpective]:y, .Kim- bel Motors rolled tO its 3.'to 0 triumph over Local 16t. Panorl- um collred the Impson Electric- ians i,n a 10w-scoring opener hy 22 pis, then did a little better be- hind the scoring of Bill Beach and Bob Kier in the last pair. I OLYMPIC PLOD, cellar I occupant ince virtually the open J lng of the schedule, drew 'up with- in a game of Seventh place 00ITA hanging a 3 'tO '0 ddfeat on the, LE TEN ACES HALFTIME American Legion, ' aS Bill Dickie posted the nights best sert qs  ATrRACTION WITH "rRERS '535 plnS, abetted by omc XWhite in one game. Clstent scOring brought the veeermen the night I A hit with the western unit E service while attached to the Of the great Harlem Globetrotters United States medical "corps. best team tta, alo. • bakball team in the form of an Bourne represented Camp Amira- eepiug the shutout tlme fit 'added attraction is the enter-,bad command headquarters in the tact, Morgan-Eactett L u m b  r gained a :1e for third plae and, knocked their victims 'out of Sec- end place W!¢h a 3 to 0 verdict 'over OruneVt s CheVron Sece U Ab Fisk, trank ler and Beanie Daniels got th crucial pinS, even 'offsetting the 204 3ohn GaVai  rang up in the finale for the night's best sinte 'game. HOOD UANAL SPORI?;MEN M . Hood Canal Stotsmes Asocl atlon is holdi]g I regular meet- ing Thfirsday Igt at the Hoo. port chool, and everyone is wel. come, M. C, Stark, president, a- nouneed. raining table tennis duo of Ted Middle East table tennis cham- B0urrm and Syd Cohen contenders] pionships at Teheran in May, 1943, for the world's pro championship, and lost in the singles to Sat. The paddle stars will be seen be- Jack Cherry, former international tv,'een halves when the Globetrot- %es play the Fort Lewis Warriors iu an exhibition game in Shelton gym ext Tuesday night. • he idea of sending Bourne and Cohen along to entertain t h e crowds attending Globetrotter pre- sentations was born out of the great receptions accorded famed table tennis championship pair of Doug Cartland and Harry Cook Wth the, eastern uiit of the team last year, and ,again this season. Bourne, born in Birmingham, England, received his American citizenship in Ivan during war champion, Bourne and Cherry paired up to win the doubles crown match watched by the Shah and Queen of Iran. Cohen is a youngster from New York City who only recently turned pro after winning a num- ber of championships in the east. During war service with the 130th Engineers he won tim Far East table teennis singles cAmmpionthip in Calcutta. India, in 1944. He iv considered a strong threat to fin- ish high in tournaments in this country and Europe m the near future. arrived, and at the'same time led the Pastime to within a single game of the city bowling league lead. In qnest of its third straight league clampionship, the Pastime bowled over Frisken Oil, 2 to 1, as Dotson finished up with 225 and 223 games after a 198 opener during w h i e h the defending chamt)s lost a three-pin verdict. MEANS/lilLE. th(' h, ading W. H.S. Electric quintet saw its mar- gin slip to a single game by drop- ping the odd decision to the surg- ing L.M. club. whi('h was led by Roland Gustafson. Third phtce Beckwith Jewelry also dropped a bit, losing a 2 to 1 decision ¢o the Active Club. with ,lack Bishop and Johnny Stevenson doing the damage. Lake Cushrnau took tt 2 to I fall out of Simpson Log behind thc valiant efforts of t-labe Cmr'lson. KIMBEL LOGGING Modern Ec Operated By Experienced FOR O LAND CLEARING • BULLDOZING • DITCHING • BASEMENT ING • BULKHEADING • PILEDRIVERS For Land or Water • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire For Sale PHONE 601 • PILING AND LOG = HBII IMtl00 = AItOWN BAFRY (Our Own) Loving Brothers Ira, Duane, William NASH BROTHERS Walter Naah Mlrritt Eelle George Valley Shelton Iundry , And Cleaaei Minoru Okano, Manger Phone 25-J Power Llne Construction Co. Jack Chleum, M|r. Mt. View WHITE SPOT Jim Bleecker 24.HOUR SERVICE Frank's Auto Repair and Welding Nkop Allyn Frank Kowalozyk, Owner General Automotive :Repair Acetylene Weldihg Harry's Auto Repair 2032 Hay St. (HIIIcelt) FOR FINE FOG08 THE GROVE RESORT Hoodsport Complete Men's Apparel And Shoes MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner Simpson Employees Federal Credit Union SAVINGS & LOANS For Simpson Employees Bill Pearson, Treas.-Mgr. SH ELTON'S FRIENDLY STATION BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield ProducL Bill Miller, Owner STOP-INN CAFE Jack Wallace, Owner Dewey Daniels PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt. View - Phone 842 THE WATKINS DEALER In South Maa County Francis W. Lough Box 782 -- Allyn IBATS - RENTAtS - REPAIR SMITH'S MARINE Stm and Pat Smith UN I01 PHONE 242 BOB ERVIN MOTORS 10% Ex-Servlcemen WOOD - MOVING HEAVY HAULING REA HOWRY 33 Sanderson Drive t €Housing Project) Phone 615-J- IF IT'S LUMBER CALL OUR NUMBER " 56 LAWTON LUMBER 420 South FirSt P.ONE :1162 CITY CAB Mel Robertson CH EVRON PRrOO UCTS DUANE'S SERVICE Potlatch MI - Hdlrw Pkl FOR VET'S DOIN'S By Kurt Mann World War I or other veterans of war Mr peacetime service since April 21, 1898, who have perman- ent-total service-connected dis- abilities due to a spinl cord in- Jury or disease, may now quail- for a federal grant through tThe Veterans Administratipn to acquire a home suitable for wheel- chair living. The spinal injury or disease must have resulted in par- alysis of the legs and the lower part of the body. Eligible veterans will receive federal grant of not morc than 50 per cent of the cost of the home or maximum of 10 thou- sand dollars with which to buy or build a ew home, or to re- model an existing home to meet the special requirements. The grant may also be used to pay off the indebtedness of a special home already acquired by the veteran. Plans and specifica- tions for suitable homes may be had free of charge from the Veter- ans dministration. Applications or further informa- tion may be obtained from the nearest VA office or fram your serViCe oftcer of the American Legion and the Veterans of For- eign Wars. The date for the polio party to be held by Hood Canal America Legion Post No. 230 is Friday, January 28 instead of the 23rd as was reported last week. RAY'S SERVICE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CARS Bill Jackson & Ray Buchmann FIR DRUG STORE Russ Hunter, Manager FOr ,Heine DeflveHes Call 26 BOB KOLAR Distributor of Kitsap Daicy Products Milk - Cream - Butter OLYMPIC BREAD Ed Burslie, Driver-Salesman UPHOLSTERING LITERAL TRIM sHoP Audra Literal Phone 145 HOODSPORT LUMBER CO. Emil L. Lauber t ..... "SPortsmen's Headquarters" Dusty. Rhodes Resort Starlight Room Available for Private Parties and Banquets Mr. and Mrs. Dusty Rhodes Complete Automotive Repair MT. VIEW AUTO REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View Phone 838 BANNER & BURNETT SHELL SERVICE 1st &. Cota - Phone 940 FOR FINE CAKES AND PASTRY SHAFER'S BAKERY Walt Sherr, Owner "Our Aim Is to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 494 DEN'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's). Don Woods, Owner Groceries - Meats UNION MARKET Roy Watson, Owner UNION 242 L. L. Mclneily Logging Corfipany Box 352 Phone 111-W WEE PAUSE CAFE ALLYN Dick Valley, Prop. FOR FUEL OIL PHONE 326 Union Oil Products Glenn Roessel 9 CLIFF WIVELLS TEXACO SERVICE • .100% Veterans GORDON S MEATS HOODSPORT Gordon Bayes, Owner EATON BODY FENDER WOB Automotive GlaSS li and Painting' t" ] ,.; Chevron .Serq HillcresL - Phon HILLTOP SER Auto Repair- 8hell pl Ed Johnson - Phone t NE/kl[,' SHOE REPA 320 South 1st Neal Robinson, EXPERT WATCH ' RAY'S Liberal Ray Vrahnos, m PHOTOGRAPHY P0RTR AIT -- COMMERCI AL-- € Phone Cottages - Lunch Groe rle, s I LILLIWAUP M, Jack and Ji BELFAIR BELFAIR Bill Landram, BELFAIB GA Gordon Squire, ,m0, 1000 Ft No Allyl!, Road JunctlO 1) CALL 697 F0$ Dick's City De Dick Gardner, 0 Dirt - Gravel . ;,r Bob Allen ,. Phone 354 Hoodsport Met Ce,  Chuck Winne .... Farmers Insurance Group PHONE S54 Bill Pea€son, Distri0t A0eht FLY WITH • . . SIIELN)N AIR SERVICE, INC. Len Tffan¥, P'esRlent Your Directory Of Veterans Doing Business In Mason County 'S:E D S FOR COMFORTAtJE LIVING OLYMPIC FRNI£URE WaR Elltt, Owner The Veterans' Corner DON'S SPORT AND CYCLE t OBieyele Repairs OLawnmowers Sharpe "F HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSr ! Street Phone 243 223 Cota ._ ,,, [ a "n I ,