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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 12 HILL - BILLY DANCE '7 SAII RDAY, JANUARY 29 , h(lln Valley (range Hall 9:00 P. M. TO 2:00 A.M. Music By "HANK" AND HIS ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN BOYS GOOD MUSIC - GOOD FOOD - GOOD TIME i m i Uln i, tl _ I i , i | [ WEATHER has played hob with your good clothes of late. Have your coats and jackets, dresses and suits cleaned now before the dirt and mud has time to set. For Swift service, pick up and delivery, with your cleaning, call PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 S. 2nd St. Phone 86 SUGGESTIONS FOR Wash THAT BABY SHOWER Cloth Sets ..... 98¢ (Contain 6 Wash Cloths Baby Books .............. $2.2,) Combination Bank and Brush Sets Cradle Craft (Handmade) ...... $1.6.) Shawls, were $4.69 ... Now $3.20 WE HAVE SHAVED UP TO 33% OFF ON THE PRICES OF OUR DRESSES Cotton Print Dresses, were $2.95 Now $1.98 Rayon Dresses, were $3.45 ..... New $2.98 Girls' Cotton Slack Suits, were $3.98 .... Now $L98 CHILDREN'S WONDERLAND 222 NO. 1ST PHONE 855 paRAMOUNT Shelton, Wash. " THE HOME OF THE FINEST ENTERTAINMENTDIRECT FROM SEATTLE'S,t;EADING THEATRES. Thurs. - Wed. (One Week) Jan. 27 - Feb. 2 Adults 50# this show ............. q ,, , .. / lliRItt I0 THESE FAMOI$ IOll[IS t Hilt HIT|! "WRh & Son| In My Head" "BlUe 140011 ''= • "The Lady is A TtnnP" * "Where Or When" "SPfin6 Is Hem" • "FMllnl in love With love" • (AVAILABLE ON M'G'M RHCORO$) Smeen Pity by FRED FLNKLEHDfFE * Sty I GUY BOLTON MddEAN HOLLOWA¥ Adepta6on by BEN FEINER, Jr. * I=l Numben Directed by ROBERT ALTON  NORMAN TAUROG *  by ARTHUR FREED * A METRO.GOLOWYN-MAYER P|CTUM SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Sharers Back from I I;!. " A • --- ;!; ip ;i; bocial 00.vents l.:, E" " I • m -- .w Anniversary Tr .': Re,turning |lh)nl IIU .'ra, IICJSCO, California. w)n,r, tlwy eel,brat.d "i' Barbara Nelson, Society Editor . . Phone 100 their ,16th wedding annivnrnary, .. .. Mr. and Mrs..h), Sinfcr (h,chtre ,;..;..;.*;..4..;..;.%..;..;..;..;.....;..;..;.*;.%.*;...;*.;*.. *; . ..%.%%.;**.'.%%..%%:.%**..;.*P%**.;..;..;..;".**;.*****:-**G that they had n wonderful tinte. ,"ra,,,neo w, re tne00 Business Meeting and Antique Show by tlnqr son AI Shafer. nnd es- (rotted by him. they toured the city. visiting b'ishernan's 'h:tri. Nob Hill and other inlere,;ti]tg places. It was in tile eity'n l'a- moun Chinatown that they cole- brat(,d the evening of their anni- Vt'T'sary. All, hough San Francisco is the "itome town" of both Mr. and Mrs. Shafer. they felt like strangers, SO nll}eh has it chaug0d siilce they last were there in 1931, Said Mrn. Shnfer. "'The only thing that hadn't ('hange(t was the church that w(, wer'e married In and it was b('iog ret)ainted." Frimlds who had been at their wedding i) 1903, anhcd the Sha- rers wimt "W:shington had that kept th(,nx leering so young. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer eredited quiet living. A high ]i/ht of the trip for Mrs. Slmfer was her first ex- pericnee of flying. From her neat m the large commercial airline ship, winging through the air at speeds as high as 290 miles per hour. Mrs. Shafer looked down to the towns and scenes lO.O00 feet below ,he)" and loved the trip, Com- menting on the speed, Mr. Sh;tfer said that it took I hour and 15 inilnltes h)nger for them to motor from Seattle to Shelton than it took them to travel from Seat.,h, to San Francisco by plane. Jay-ettes Begin Work On Project Chaitnan of the project com- mittee: Mrs. Robert Keir. present- ed plans for the new project for the .]ay-ettes and work was be- gun at the last meeting held Jan- nary 13 at I, he home of Mrs. Rich- ard Jacobsen Plans were also submitted by Mrs. Lee Westlund for tim .cake sale which will be held February 5 at the Needhan] Food Center on Mt. View. Mrs. Ray Buckman will be host- ens at the meeting today, Janu- By Hood Canal Woman's Club A nlornlug btls]ness sesnion cli-.} ............................................. raaxed by an afternoon nhow of antJquen occupied the dny when the Hood Canal Woman's Club hold a regular meeting. A renohltion sponsored by thP Belfair Woman's Club pertaining to I)ollntion of Hood Canal was adopted and a motion carried to cooperate with the Belfair chtb in presenting this petition to the county coin nlissioncra. During the business meeting it was alo recommended that the group notify the county commis- sioners that they stand against the Initiative No. 171 that was passed during the lst election I)ermitting the sale of hard liquor by the drink in Washington. Gertrude Hayes of Union was the speaker of the afternoon meet- ing. She spoke informally of her work with metals as a hobby es- pecially working with copper and brass. She displayed  number of the lovely articles which she has made over a period of years. Many articles worthy of mention xw:re displayed by the members. Ameng thorn w's a beautiful pew- ter fruit, dish belonging to Bea Grout: a pie knife 275 years old was shown by Alice Hill: an ex- quisite brooch which had been given t.o an ancestor of her family by the King of Norway was ex- hibited by Vera Bitney; and a quaint lamp belonging to Ira Col. lins was also among thc many in- teresting articles. Hostesses for the noon luncheon were Mabel Avey, Ada Yokum, Lois Pcarce and Beulah Worl. Shower Honors Recent Bride Mrs. Herb Grell was hostess at a bridal shower Given in honor of Mrs. Zona Neldon Senn who was married January 12 to Omar Senn I. C. Social Club Project of Year In response to t,(. appea made by Mrs. Lamson early in Decem- ber. the Inner Circle social club has undertaken as theh" project for the year, sending clothes to the orphan children of Europe. Mrs. Jack Demmon, chairman of the project, reminds interested persons that any wearable chin dren's clothing and any suitable for alteration mnsable. Shoes are also a welcome contribution. Any clubs wishing to send bun- dles of clothes to Europe, have only to pay the shipping charges as far as New York City, and from there the A.P.O. handles them. Further work and planning on this project was accomplished at a dessert luncheon meeting held at the home of Mrs. Frank Make on January 20, Legislation Talk Given By Packard Current legislative hills was the subject of the day when the Shel- ton Woman's Club held a regular meeting January 18 at the home of Mrs, C. E. Runacres. Mrs. Cliff WHeel, program chair. man introduced Mr. Grant Pack- ard who presented an informative talk on bills before the legislature that school groups are interested in having passed. Also. Mr. Pack- ard stressed the great need for ]more teachers and more element. ary schools. He also mentioned the need of increased salaries for teachers and other emPloyees of the school systems. Following the busines meeting tea was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Runacres and Mrs. H. E. Miller. ary 27. which will be h).ld at her of Bremerton A game called home. All day-ettes are urged to cooties was played and prizes were attend and help with the final awarded to Mrs. Gerald Needham cake sale plans. Call 421-R for di- for high and Mrs. Lloyd Arm- rcctionn to reach the Buckman ' strong won low honors, home. Guests honoring Mrs. Senn in- ....... cudd Mesdames Ed. Wolden, Valentine Day Dinner Floyd Armstrong, Gerald Need- ham. Roy Mingus, Lauritz Styze, Planned by Members Francis Wright, and Harley Nel- Of Friendship Club don. Mrs. Joe Vail was unable Plans fo)' a Va.l(ntine dinner to attend. at which ]msbands will be guests of honor ,veFe lnli(le by the nlerll- bern of the Frierdshil) Club whcn llwy met January 19 at the South- side Contmnnity Hall. Mrs. Edna Evann served as host- c,'n, in place of Mrs. Mary Flint "Vhl) 1vas unable to attend. I.o the 12 memhcrs who were present. Vice l)rcuident. Mrs, letty YVolfe, presided over the short hu:.ine:;s meetin>;- nubstituting for l)l'*'sid(,nt Mrs, b',ttwl Mit(:hell wl]o was ill Chairman in charge of arrange- merits lot" the dinner. Mrs. Alice Stotsberry lind Mrs. Florence Brumbaugh, were appointed dur- lug the meeting, Th(; next meeting, Fcbrnazy 2, will be hekl at the home of Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs, Flint will be hostes;. Mrs. Senn is employed as dis- pate.her aL the State Forestry ] Of flee, . lhteresting Afternoon Spent by llomemakers Mrs. John Jackson was hostess} to the 13 members and 23 visitors of the Hillerest Homemakcrs Club that met at her home January 19 fbt" a regular meeting and a" pot [LIck hmcheon. During the afternoon Mrs. Cecil- ia Clifton demonstrated the mak- ing of a doll door stop and Mrs, Helen Savage gave an inforrna- live report on the city comnis- sioners meeting eonccrmng the banning of objectionable comic books in Shelton. A dincussion of the proposcd ino crease of the state sales tax was held. with the membern against the idea. The district president will be present at the next meeting £o be held February 2 at the home of Mrs. Buelah Helser. All mem- bers are'urged to attend. Hood Canal Legion To Hold Funds Party A polio fends party will be held tomorrow night at tim Dusty Rhodes Resort at Hoods. Inner Circle Social Club Holds M .£ing The first lneeting, of the year for tie 1. C. Social Club was held at the Hammersh W Inlet home of Mrs Charles Johnson. Plans were dis(tossed for the. project of the year and Mrs. Jack Denl)llon accepted chairmanship for the first undertaking, which will be furnishing clothes for the war orphans of Europe. Attending the meeting were port with American Legion Post Mrn. Norman Hulbert. Mrs. Rob-[ 9 In eharge. RefrPhmenta el;t Marshall, Mrs. James Howell, Mrs. Howard Robinsol Mrs. Allen Striae and daughter Judy, Mrs. F'ank Make, Mrs. Alec Miller, Mrs. Ned Rucker and daughter Jane, Mrs. Jack Demmon and the hostess, Mrs. Johnson. MEETING CANCELLED The February 1 meeting of the Hood Canal Presehool group has been cancelled due to adverse wea- ther conditions. GnAHtM Friday, Saturday 4anuary 8, 9 "PITFALL" Dick owell, Llbeth Scott Jane Wyatt, ltymond Burr Suspcnse, Drama, Romance Runday. Monday, Tuesday Januray 30, 31, February 1. Rosalind RusseU "THE VELVET TOUCH" I,eo Genn. Claire Trevor, Sydney Greentreet: The Private Life of a Pub- lic Idol. . with never an IDLE Moment!! Admission : Adults 50' Children 15¢ Will be the post anxil- iary. Prises for bingo games were purchased from funds appropH, ated by Ihe legionnaires. Others were donated by friendly mer- chants. Bob Smith and Dusty. Rhode are making the arraage- ments. New Members Received By Raehael Knott Guild Two new members were wel- comed to the Rachel Knott Ortho- pedic Guild at the meeting held January 21 at the home of Mrs. Henry Bacon. Mrs. Bacon and co-hostess, Mrs. Robert Keenan, eerved  one o'clock lun}iheon to the group, The ,new members are Mrs. Pearl Duteher and Mrs. A, W. Callow. Following the s h o r t business meeting the afternoon was spent sewing on bibs for the small chil- dren tn the orthopedic hospital. The next meeting will be held February 18 at the home of M. George LeCompte. Mrs.-George Grisdale will assist Mrs. LeCompte as co-hostess. Clover seeds, which were soaked for 25 years by New York State Agricultural experts, have pro- duced normal seedlings. HOODSPORT THEATRE i GOODWILL TRUCK • The Goodwill Truck will be in Shelton, Thursday, February 3. Anyone wishing it to call at their home is asked to call Mrs. Charles Lentz at 815-W. I REBE]KAH MEETING Members of Ruby Rebekah lodge will hold a regular meet- ing at 8 p.m., January 29 in the I.O.O.F. Hall. Wednesday, Thuruday February 2, 3 " Double*. Feature Tom Conway "13 LEAD SOLDIERS" Murla Palmer. Helen West- eott Second Feature Thn Hell "GUNS OF HATE" Nan Leslie, Myena Dell Legislation Theme Panel Discussion At Lincoln P.T.A. A panel discussion oi" thc cur- rent legislation c, oncerning the/ state schools has been scheduled[ for the Lincoln P.-T.A. meeting to be held tnnight, January 27 at 8 p.m. in the Lincoln school. Discussing the proposed legisla- tion and how it will affect the peo- ple of Shelton will be Grant Pack- ard, Mrs. Muriel Dumbroski, R. W. Oltman, Bill Goodpaster, Mrs. Cora Kelley and Mrs. Francis Ea- crett. All P.-T.A. members and inter- ested persons are invited to attend this important meeting. Miss Kidd Engaged The engagement of her daugh- ter. Miss Dorothy Kidd, to Mr. Stanley E. Dysen of Tenion, has been announced by Mrs. Enther Kidd. Miss Kidd, a graduate of Irene. S. Reed high school livin K at present time in Tacoma. has set no date for the wedding. Baby Shower For Mrs. Caldweli A baby showe T' given in honor of Mrs. Pat Caldwell wan held January 1,t at th(' h()me ,)1' Mrs. Jack Dennis. During lhe afternoon games were played, with tie honored guest winning two of the prizes, Other lucky phtyern "wcre Mrs, Newt Townsend, Mrs. Tom Aaron, and Mrs. Cha)']es l)e))J]Js, ][r's. Caldwell opened ttc h)vely gifln received froIn her friends m](I refreshnlents were served. Guests present were Mesdanes Newt Townsend, T()m Aaron, Ralt)i Holt, George Sisley, Omar Dies, Charles Dennis, John Rice, Barney Cahlwell. Harvey Robert- son and Ruby Elwiss. Mrs. Mar- tin Barnett wan unable to attend, SPECIAL A UXILIARY MEETING A special rneeting of the Hood Canal Unit No. 230 and Fred B, Wive] Unit No. 31 American Le- gion auxiliaries will be held Jan- uary 27 at the Coloni:tl H()use. The meeting will be in lhe honor of department president, Mrs, Oliver Crook. All members are i urged to attend thin meeting. Thursday, Janus, WlLBERT S. Representativ of EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE Life Insurance & Aldercroft Nursery Phone 591-W Means Quality[, FOR • FOR W0q MEN Sock Hosiery 'L Neckwear Lingerie Shirts Dresses Underwear Coats | Pajamas Rainwear | Sportswear Sportswear| Accessories AccessorieS| ReaI Silk Hosiery Mills!.  YOUR REPRESENTATI K. L. MANN 433 Deh.rborn St. Shelton, Wn. - Phone 275 I-- UPHOLSTER Your DAVENPORT, CHAIR SET NOW FACTORY PRICES-- =125.00 UP CALL COLLECT FOR APPOINTMENTs We Will Bring Samples to Your Home To Choose Patterns  No Obligations FREE ESTIMATES and DELIVERY DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF FINE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE OLYMPIC FURNITURE STUDIO 545 4th Street, Bremerton- Phone 4971 4AM00 OLYMPIC ' POTATO BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE WITH MILK AND SPUDS &SK FOR IT AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCER LYNN'S GROCERY W. L. Lynn, Prop. MINERVA MERCANTILE Feed Hanna, Prop. OODSPORT MARKET Steve Hale, Prop, UNION MARKET Roy Watson, Prop. WXATT'S GROCERY ' Vern Wyatt, Prop. STARK'S 00WATERWHEEL GROCER00 i M. StarK, Prop HOODSPOBT MERCANTILE Gibson 4t. Winne, Props. L.M. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Buck Mackey, Manager Friday, January 28 "Home Sweet H)mieide" Sunday, January 30 Matinee & Night "Guadalcamd Diary" M & S FOOD STORE Harold ° Sutherland, Prop. CITY MARKET Harry Dlttman, Manager SHELTON CASH GROCERY Herb Durand, Proprietor MARGIE'S TAXI GROCERY Margle Erickson, Prop. i MOULTROP'S SERVICE W. R. Moultrop, Peep. NEEDHAM FOOD CENTER J. K. Needham, Proprietor MT. VIEW GROCERY Lee Olsen, Prop. ANDERSON GROCERY Gus Anderson, Prop. Show Times" / AIRPORT SERVICE MAPLE AUTO COURT =/ Matinee - 2:30 1 Elmer Swacmon, prop. Virginia and Vern Westman Evenings -7:15 & 9 p.m. • l