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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. SHELTON-*.AON COUNTY JOURNAL ' Thursday, January 27, • -' ' ,llV[IO "I ....... .orde or lee. (m i n, • o .............. eharee) 780 steele /nrtion II il ..... • U M   FOR SALFLED HAY: clover a4 A4- .vo -lrtione"$t. three 'tn;, I / u. :uo. ,p. Seg.e.,911%  !lion& Additional Jrertiona k0c l| NOTICE TO DREDITORS TO 15, Isabella Valll]l | .ezh. Larger ads at rate of 10c l/ PRESENT AND FILE CLAIM8 0tfn. 1 860RL [v. m_.u  w.-ds a__ve ... _ I/I--T--SEZ!O.a--qg.v.I9- LZ I%* '/)e .. Wr,W F  T . "4' cw  " 6UY oF t, L0 - LSO'; o.tbo_ nU 'Mr n0tlC  Der line  li $.'asm ue wamnxa'L'UD/ FOl  "WJr •  OR SALEEW 1949 LAUSON outbO. .... nim. e,,,. n;tlee, l* MASON cOUNT , - c5%2,.';o rd of Tba;lb, $1.00; orlglhti l[ IN PSOBATE --.-- .............  - Flnd 6 h.p. twins. Immedi'llc !O! tr teS nlr tneho¢lalfled dis- I/ Ip the Matter of the Estate of Earl rww.vv..v.vvwv.vv.wv .v..wv.¢.w ........ v..v.wv . ..... .........A .... . ........................ F Hardware, ___.lll L 7gd,e;.i],,;nh."Tted over I/Bs..Y%% ........... Classified Service Classified Service KEAL ESTATE WANTED or o'n , e  one from phone eu. vvvvvvvvvvv @vvvvvvv,w,wv - _ _ _ - wvvvvvvv AL N ( v lla le ... €... .......... ::.:.. lithe undersigned, Allce Stotshery, has h[.  I. ."']m i';, ',t. .-,,-,.',,',;v l/been appointed and has qualified as _  14-J. - !:' 'th'iv'e'' " ,'i.,['.."e.n aa.e, i/hdmlnistratrlx of the estate, of Earl HOMe MADE YIES, CAKES and - n _! ........ _ ......... HAVE $18':000:00 ,,stity tn $1,9:500,00 WANT TO BUY: old horses fo Mink -;:----sen (;rUon" Co 'gvTffi'pJ%] gh]-" I/: MalP_a_.LDe,_a.ed' and. that aS! BREAD: made to order. Phone 982  wn am/at!.!(: Nn'5.n?,.ae w,.nmg:,n feed:Mye and Hans_e,M[nk Far., toc eSrreaul.D [ag._Ap ext!a eh..e of. 10¢ will I/estate or the said Deceased are hereby or inquire First Street Grocery. Mrs.  ............. 150 ft. frontage) to trade for Itood ............. "arS"t ate s maue when nunng la neee ]|required to serve the name duly ver(- Mlntie Ahern. 4-Stfn. LJ].L. - J.T canal house. Migllt .con.'nder .water- WANTED: dead stock, prompt free ................ _tha "#' -- lifted with the necessary Vuchers at- "-iVf;:Z-K;;f'- ' ,-,,-,--.,-,. zront or. viewproperty near Sneton. courteous qervice. Phone us collect, FOR SALE: 19 bundles e I/inched upon the undersigned Admin- *-nli-- r= llla Wei'1. a Ar J'VJ.q,.J  • " Elma l l-J Grays Harbor tie - %%nl:n  PHON 100 ................. ...- ...v ...- Call bm0n -ol F1 13tfn  nuer , t .... o ................ " " " tfn . . ' ' ' n • , ., , ][ istratrlx, or her Attorney of Record ca, dis Avenue (Corner Arcadia and , .-.:_.2 _::._- ........ :: .... -:.---.- sag, Inc. -27 , 2- k. .t .iN U VV , ; btuzz saWlJo"  : /at the law office st t;nas. R. Lewis, Botmdary 86:eets.) -.tfu For Home and Car . /.. u£: excepuonauy r!ne  ..... ..- .* - . .-, ':--.-'..--,i vy. duty 2-whee! tt  a*'L'a2*..k_.__'aa* ! Bell ulldlng 119 South Fourth Street ..................... :: ......................... tn[ee-oearoom tamny home wtn .v,.r py worng..coupc.-a 1000 sey-helfe-r, fresh in [d Shelton Washin ton the same beln suostantial inconm from two se or- or apartment walking o]stn "*...%'d'-" '[7 ' , , g DON T THROW that old furniture , n I S ' 'P • ,' • )r reties ..... : ......... • .... """ in lBl101 designated.for ie transaction of the away Bring it to Le Cabinet 13bop A .D ..,9., ate_fuse/shed a p,artn]ens Available ';l.?U/u:hddlst'iilFUt'flZbCgd0o d 'o . y_t;!lel . vq.)ncs, oz t ne sam estate, ana. xue for repairs ann relmmn, t:amnets tJ Z .,.. u.  ......... tLu, ,?aut,,- .., . ],, ,.i,. n.   r- 'IO, agm tneLjE. , m saia cmms together with proox oz made to order Disnlay counters. _all _ .u, ,on.scopes, groun.s, .. .y .,.:e :. v .... - ........... ; 5u_ rash burner a.nd_rnj   aervie, w th the clerk of the above Phone 687 625 So lrst I3A/T!TCq .220', Assorted fruit,, trees, boysen mu thrice. l-ot. .,,.w. ,,,,,.,e. bottled gas. Three dozen'liar" ....... entitles court within 6 months after .... 1-20--2-10 .t .rx,..t" Ax. oerries and fine l'amny garden plot. ---z----]-S-Tji-'-E----n'--' ODe Olv Sand Red pullets, ready_ the date of the first publication of ................................ . ...., ..... ...., Can go :,H,A. Phone 787 ........... * , w...,,-' Tnsurance -"-' G, Lows. "Star Route" $, o], to-wit: January 12 1.949, SEWING CHZI ..Z:Z £AJUIU UI.IINIU Fll-4tfn. Cr(>p'" Zfii"Pea:son"."Dist'rc "t Maria: .... unuay /Dayt -Loop- Road).-  or l c ama not so eeryeu ann inca EXPERT WORK. Reasonable enar. ...... --- =_L%-=---.__. -- - .i=_ := ............... ger 1'21 East Grove'. Phon 654. p'], i Aan---: snRu De [orsver ,a, rred. la=tlmatee mane in your hem? ny a ML view __ wti,£, t AX l.J'l" .... ' 1-27 tfn J[:Jo. *uakr ,,*,J ou*,z, ourteou aono employs, No on, Tnree slnall hOUSeS eacn on oxl :_ _. .....  .................... . av. ....--v.. ....... Administratrlx of the estate llgation, Leave calls at The :ourm m Free Pickup and DeJ,very toot lot. Priced from $1500 to WANTED TO .ItEN. T: smart 3 or 4 J'_'_..'7Se of Earl B. Malpaas, Deceased. elton, Phone 1(. .tJ.-L-tn $2,000. Terms. See J, B, Schott room u nlm:n!sneu nouse/ sips. to Junction FOR-----EZ[f-'I-. f( CAS R LEWIS SINGER SENG  CO onr Laurel nd  St t 2 °Sn aC% "¢ ;'lr;7, 510 E. 4tb Ave. olympia vvvvvvvvvvv-,vvT,v,wvwv v,ew]. z-u---.- : i-i3-27 Union Wash. anteed. $775.. Also * Page 14 l  Words or leee (mln!mum I I ./nrtlon,. $1, I v., $.,m) three Idaer- I t|0nl ]rmertlons I esCh..rger ads st r%te of 10o I Inmum barge oneaeh hoUse, l ,. $1:00; ,.prUlal ! bl'. rates "on rut. " . Adver ti%ement te telephone ertber: Cash all other order WRhln five (5) |aerion tn. An be made NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO • FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE AT m OF W.HII/GTON IN AND FOR  COUI2Y OF MASON, I NPBOBATE Lq tze Matter of the ltate of la  p l r Deasod. C°OTIL 1. Y GIVEN, that Ltters Ttamentary on the estate Of (rnel Ann Piper were grante to tlie U'hflffP4 on the 15th day of J U 94 , upsrtor Court. all pero havlng flalms aal aald e$le, ar, requi, ed tq. serve them, ntp the .ece#ary vouchers, upon the undalJ  gt .. Law Office of AI- anw. J. yleyu../t 9 Izurance Build- lpg, 81e|' )n, .Washington, that being tlo-- ; lne of the estate, WtEMn el: moat aft the date of the flr4I ublJction of this notice, to- .t, w. l  alz mo nt after .me  etW O.= .U 94 and rUe xne e wsu the umrx of this COurt, to- gether Wt h r.oof of such ervice, or they will I'f0rver barred. l,tl[ hid Oth day Of January, , ,O.HN H. PIPER, .... (ut0r of the Ftate Of A rn)liayl Piper, I)oeased heft.,:,WUhiagton. -20-7--$-9-10--4t. NO.  DEYETTE. Estate of that the tet the eaid of County :118 at BPA survey_ ataUon .5 In the S'ANEA'SW o Townstip. 20 North R .ange shown On t'awlng. of of Attorney for said estate Bell Building, 119 So, 4th Street Shelton. Mason County, Washington, 1-13.20-7--2-3--4t. CALL FOR BlDbi ON NEW md and official seal r uar , 1949, Supervor of Hydraulics. 1-'-7-----2t. lg. FOR SPENR FOUNDATIONS and sore and knives sharpened. Inquire 4/ Bellevue Ave,, Shelton, Phone $7-M. ,l-tta REAL ESTATE I I FOR SALE: new 2 bedroom home. all WANTED: daily ride from Lilliwaup to Shelton by dept. store employee. Phone Hoodsport 32-J-12. H12-30tfn. stumpage. Write Daniel and F]et- eimr Logging Co., P.O. Box 35, Olal- la. Wash. ll-4tfn. WANTED: tiniaeir---attraiage-large or small tracts. Cash or mill contract, $8 to $20 per M. Write Kenneth Al- len. Rte. 6. Box 238, Olympia, Wash. Phone 29229. 12-9---1-27 1-27-11 I The Beautiful New IA •toss pmets $495 ann up. ' I lect or write Gene Arml ' 4th lt., Bremerton. Pho1m  LUMBER IS FOR SALE:-b'-aby baasinetjl gy $12; play pen, $8; "1 % NECESSARY jumper, $4. All like ne,j lent condltion. Buster .m corner Dearborn and  VEHICLES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sed bids will be received by the .Board of County Commiaatoners of .ason County, at their office in the ou.rt h.olme at Shelton, Washington, on Mon4a¥. February :14, 1949, at two oelock, P.M., for (he furnishing of the following dcr|be4 vehicles: 4 (Four) new conventional dump trucks wlth 9. to 4 yard dump bed; c.a shield; can controlled tailgate; a x 90 twelve ply tires; clearance lights and afety device to meet State Inal£tion, rde-t on above new dump truck are: one 1985 Ford 1% yard'd.ump truck; one /939 Ford IA ytrd aump trucx; one 1988 Chevrolet 1 yard dump truc, o . (t)new one-half ton pickups equipped fo pua State inspectlou. /l"re-ins. on new pickups are: one 1 l)ra one-nalf ton pickup; one 1984 Plymouth coupe. $ (two)_ passenger care  follows: one new 0 pusenger rout aoor sedan wtth heater and defroster; trade-in one 1942 ChevrMet eedan, One new |tandard coupe equipped with heater and defroster; taqe-tn one :1942 Chew- rolet four*door eaan. . The Board vea the right to re- 3eet any or a21 bld. Datedtht 17th day of January, 1949. BOARD OF C0UNTY COMMIS- SIONERS 0FMASON COUNTY, W SH O , , ulerk of Board. 1-20-27--2-8--t NOTICE OF COLLECTION OF ASESPfMENT Improvement of certain real prop- ert¥ hy, nstlatlon of .a ean, itary sawer in cne Nedlam ann ay's Uec- ond Addition, Oiymplc View AddRlon d Forest Park Addition to tho Town (now City) of Shelton, and all other work l tmnnection therewith. IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the aeesment roll for said Improve- ment embraipg the following de- sc bed propert : '. ta  t0 I ichLsive, Block 13, NImm and Dya becond Additlon to the City of tlelton; . A str|p of lured 80 feet wide by 100 fet long lylng contiguous to the east llne of Lot t, BlOCk I, Needham atd Day's 'Second Addition to the CRy of Sheltcm ; , ot 9 tO 18 inclusive, Block 14, Needham and Day's Second. Addition to the City f Shelton ; Ita 3 and 4, Block 15, Needham and Day s Second Addition to the City of Shdlon : All of View Addition the 9nt  1 lnelu- 5, Block 21; all of Block 29; All of ForeSt Ps:rk Addition to the City of Shlt0n,,,, except: Lots 17 and 18 of Block 2, all in the City of Shelton comprising Local Improvement District No. sven such assessmerit may be paid at any Ume within 85, days from the date of the first pulteatio of, this notice, without penalty, interest or eosts. All assessment and portions r,f assessments remaining unpaid at the expzratlon ot said thirty (20) days will thereafter be payable in ten (10) equal annual installments• with inter- eat upon the amou!t remaining unpaid at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum under the mode of payment of bonds, At any time after said thirty (80) d&ys She owner_ of any lot or parcel of land charged with an assessment may redeem the same tree all liabil- ity for the unpaid amount of said asssment by PaySng the entire in- stallnmnta of said assessment remain- Ing unpaid and charged against such lot.or parcel of land at the time of susan payment with |nterest thereon to the date of the maturity or the Installment next falling due. /s/ALMA K, CATTO, Clerk-TreaJurer. Published : January 20, 1949 January 27, 1949 1-20-272t, r CIaifled Service Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contents Haulel Away Quick lervice 1714 aat 9th, Olympia Phone 8488 or 7026 l-ltfn, for IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS SEE EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE PHONE 540 120 South TMrd Street, Shelton, Wash. [ Ill t 1 ,, eupporta, phone 799-J for appoint- ment or 0all at 1416 Eumft DTive. E. F. FULMER DECORATOR Painting, Paper Hang- ing, Spray Painting PHONE 100 SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE Cleanin building and repairing septic tanks• CHARLES WOJCIK Phone EIma 137M Box 738 Elma 1-1-27 PRESG-IPTION SiRVIt. on ml. oal oontract, old ae tstae, or direr with you on your doctor'S or'x..I'L'I Drug Biers, Second aria marc.a. 10-8t1. D'Y(-anteed service on home or auto radios. Free eaUmates gladly given if desired. Reasonable p.rleee. Free pickup and delivery. iose Fr. iday evenmge and Satu nays, or leave work afKillmer ml- me, _qU.OESON aDZO SEa.V/.pZ, 11 lTanklin ., near Loop Fiela. Note new phone No. 845-W. 5-30-tfr New hardwo floors installed, old or new homes. J. A. Schlange, Box 28, Belfair. Phone Belfalr 5-8981, 7-17-471 fn. done, Mrs, M, McCann 222 South Fourth St. Phone 489M.' 12-9tfn Title Insurance--AbstractsEscrows SHELTON-BELL Abstraet& Title Co., Inc. 119 S, 4(h (Bell Bldg.) Sholton, Wn. PHONE 65 Mason County agent for Puget Sound Tttls Insurance Com- Pany of Seattle Member Washington Land Title Ass'n. Amer/can T/tie Asa'S. lil II Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Mason County Medical Aun, Or Direct to You Service WE REPAIR All makes of RADIOS, WASHING MACI-TINES and SMALL APPLIANCES Expertly and Reuonably ZINTHEO'S VALUES TWO HOUSES FOR $8500; live in one, rent the other, or rent both at about 10% net. Electric range and other equipment In ech, Handy to mills, one block to bus, Terms. * * $ THREE - BEDROOM MODERN home on corner lot, oak floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, base- ment, furnace. Improved street, cement walk; on bus line. $7500. ON WEST COTA: 5-room modern; wired for range, automatic hot water tank; Bendix included; 2-car garage;, pee $4800. 4-BEDROO FURNISHED I mod- ern home with basement and furn- ace, laundry trays, automatic elec. hot water tank; unexcelled view; Price Reduced by $1000, for quick sale. Now only $5850. COMPLETELY F U R  I S HED HOME on East Fairmont, includ- ing lectric range and all new furnishings; garage; all for $6000, only $1250 down• $800 WILL HANDLE'this new four r,om bungalow, with bath and utility room; balance at $60 a month. THREE HIGHWAY LOTS in Mt. View; will sell separate: or all three for $3000. Ready to build on; water and lights available. t)lastered, all electric including beat- rig. Itardwood floors, fireplace. Cor- ner lot. Excellent view of Olym- pics. $9,200. Phone 945J. R12-9tfn FOP. SALE: tract of land three miles from She]ton on school bus line. Plenty of wood, 53 foot well and electric l)ump Chieken house nnd barn, good place ,for small home, See Mrs. 1-1 C. Johnson, Rl, 2, Is- land Lake. 1-20---2-3 FOR SALE: $600.00 buys my cquity in new two bedr:,om home. Utility WANTED: Live coh)red hens. H.I. Clay. Rt 2. Box 129. 1-13--2-17 room Inqutre Box H Journa: } Phoue 272R. Mrs. Shirk. )(')R--SXIEi siia) l 3 l:;)din-Unflnished 1-20--2-3 house. Inquir.e 806 Falrmont. YI-13:27 acres, cabin, on school bus route, garage, near Deer Creek for mpaller home in Shelton. John I-I. I)dnean, Route 2, Box 115 (Deer Creek)l..6.27 I II I ONE BLOCK OF CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE ALDEIt WANTED: If you san furnish logs or green lumber to kiln in vicinity write J. W. Smith 2127 .... Sc2'd A': Statte ................ 1-27 WANTED: Experienced woman wants work in Shelton office, Knowledge of shorthand, typing and general offiee routine. Call 741-R. 1-27 -WANTED: gold coins only.- Waltel  Berg. 609 No. Proctor St. Tacoma 6, Wash. i -20-27 822J B1-20--2-3 ', 'qw ,qr 'q, qTF 'q,' qp"qr 'q. ' 'qw v .qr v V 'qw "V"'qF 'q V 'V V Four bedroom home on Southside FOR SALE hill. Large living and dining room  w i t h fireplace, automatic dish- washer and built-in electric range' OPEN FOR BUSINESS wcekdays 8:30 to.6, Sundays 10 to 5, Hlllcrest Hard- in kitchen with pleasant dinette. I ware, 1-20 Full basement with double garage, 1 PcJl*s-KILi-'se iy/pl---a---/- a---- Automatic oil furnace with air- for auto parts and accessor/es. First conditioner. Beautiful surrounding' - a--nd..Mill-, st:eeta" Phs.n--5-: __ 7-4tf_.U grounds---90x200 ft. PHONE 26 for home mIIR aeI|very. . . . M11-14tfn. Four room house, electric range and automatic water heater, elcc- tric heat. Lot 60x100 ft. * * $ Four room house on lot 90xl00 ft. Also 3 unimproved 50xl00 ft. lots, Will sell separately or as a unit, Will make good rental property. Mrs. Claude Danielson Rt, 3, Box 209-C Phone 348-W * * * 1-6-tfn 5-ROOMS AND LARGE ATTIC, ' ' basement, oll furnace, laundry vvvvvvvvwvwvvvvvvvvw tray space for two cars; hard- wood floors, fireplace, wired for LOST AND FOUND range; corner lot on paved high-  way; priced to sell quickly on LOST: ladies gold Ityde Park wrtst watch, lost January 14. Call FAiza- terms you can handle. ONLY $3750 for this 4-room tnodern furnished house in Olym- pic View Addition. * * $ FARMS: one of 40 acre on Har- stine Island, one of 80 acres near Matlock; both well 'improved, Will beth Simpson at 432 durlng day ,)r 336J evenings, Reward. 1-20-27 LOST: men's Hampton wrist wateh, yellow gold, Call 568M cvcning.L27"" -IC)S2 " 6oc;k Of.. keys " downtowi-vtc In- ity. Reward. Return to Journal of- __;ice. ................................ s1:_7 LOST: btwecn llospital and Rich- field service station, one pair new army gloves with wool liners. Find- er please leavb at Journal officc. Re- ward. Lt. Rot: Kjonaas. 1-27 and whlto. L, A, Fltts. Rt. 2. Box 133. Cat seems to be pet. 1-Zl Miscellaneous RELIABLE Senior glzl will care for children day or night in your home or mine. Call 885-R. K6-10tfn. WiLi; tXfi• tF chidi:eE y--hbyhe - Day or night, Phone 473R. N1-20-27 W"-A--YIN'G sc-ap Iron, JUSk, batterles_ sed cars and wrecks. Rodger Bros, Garage, 1 tulle koutn on Olympia Hiway. R3-4-tfn Mondays 8 p,m, at 408 Cota St. Tacoma and Olympia group will as- sist. 11-25--12-9-tfn or part time. Farlnor's lusurance Group, Bill Pearson, District Mana- ger, 121 East Grove. Phone 654. 1-27 I fn Wi-L---R]V :RE 0f .;hilaFcn in nly home by dy or night, also your home evenings. Mrs. Ed Ber- gcson, 1411 Railroad, Phone 272R. 12-9tfn. • FOR RENT "V q' qV q'V V V 'qW q 'q" V 'qT ", qr "qw 'qF v V 'q' 'v r '  FOR RENT: Floor waxers, 50c a d.ay. Lawton  Lumber Co., 420 So. First St., Phone . 10-16.,tfn P6R-RT: sloiing rob:n, "Cle an: comfortable, In quiet home, Close to business dlatrlct. Inqulrc at 811 No, 4tk or phone 643. C10-7 FOi, RENT r 3XZ;E: P;7(b; t(h:ntShid 19 acres 4 room house. Electricity,  ' " : On Highway 14-A. O mile past Harstine fer'i'y road. O. W. Anthony4 Rt. 2. Box 301, 1-13tfn" ing cottagem $20 and $25 t)er me, L|ghts and water furni,,]xed. 20 minutes from Shellon. Dusty I-IbQdes Resort Hoodsporl. Phone Itoodsport 15Wll. 1-20-27 5'i--REN-'i¢:." 3=i'oom h)us(;• pa:tly fui L nished. R, F. Kevzers Kanfilehe Auto Parts. Pitons 9,i-R:L 1-20--2-3 quartel. Cod for any k nd of busi- ness. Marie Kubik 205 East t'ine. Call 427W. ' 1-20tfn Bayshore Road Chi'ken ranch with up-to-date 750 eapa('itv 3-unil" layer house, large broiler Ire'use, egg house and brooder house. Also g(md garden spot. See Mrs. 1larry Berg('son at Ritner's Corzmr 1-201 fn. of Frank Robinson. Lilliwaup, wash. 1-20-27 Fb-R-:RENT -3::r ro m ' m o d ¢ ,'u fL'rn shed apartment on Hood (:anal, Twin E]lns Apts. Phone 26J12 /-Ioodspo)'t, W1-20---2-3 "IOR - RENT: 2 )ot;n parlly fmnished housekeeping apt, I)owa toWll, Ph(,l}e 64. ._ 1-20 V6i--ffTT-Yrn IshT:-¥T;Si.--'/'h Pines. Phone 884. 1-201fn l& Ol (OU ,1, ] %ely working won n. • :  "' : ',r thing furnisiicd. 404 1 rankliu plone 563. J 1-27--2-3 .and Water, $30 month. Phone 28. MI-27 F()R "RJiN'T: 'Jh6-k-Wi,:bg,frS,("fi;;i';, also one large cabin, Phone 486J, SI-27 CARD OF TilANKS Our heartfelt thanks to all our friends whoetened comforting sym: pathy to,'us during the illness anu death of our d@ar mother, Mrs. Emma Pellischek. For the beautiful floral offerings and other klndnesses we ar,e deeply grateful, m Mr. and Mrm V. P. Bunnell Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall M.t. and" lIrs, Harold Hall consider a trade on either for Shelton home. * S * WATERFRONT and CITY I,CS in various locations. e * * For Realty Buys Conmnt a Realto! PREPP'S Drug Store M.C. ZINTHEO 2rid & Railroad, Phone 89 Phone 157  Title Ins, Building Sheltn , ..,, i.|  i i I ] I "ll III I I I KLMBEL OIL CO. WATERFRONT 4-Bedroom House RICHFIELD FUEL OIL AT HOODSPORT New Iel Tanks Telephone office building. $6500. Must be cash. (Any Capacity) Phone Shelton 676-J-4 . B1-20--2-3 Tor 1mine(Irate Delivery i , i H If FOR SALE PHONE 485-W 4-room modern home practically new, with utility room, dec. 'h.w. heater, wired for elec. range oil circulator, washing machine, liv- ing room rug, 275-gai. oil tank. Home double constructed, insu- lated and weather proofed, Corner lot 100x lb0 with lawn. Garage attached. G.I. loan balance a 4% merest, monthly payments $43.00 permonth including insurance, interest and taxes. Priced to' sell for $73 with $2700 equity down payment. . ;, • • FOR i%ENT g-roorr located over business building suitable for tremslent or steady rental rooms. Two front rooms could bc rented for buel- l i i i heSS purposes. Stov d FOR SALE urnacel modern plastered home VACUUM CLEANED # Phone 5T6-W e20 Cedar St, II I " State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance , Collision Coverage On Cars as Old as lg37 For Qualified Applicants Rates, Service for Policy Holders Transfers Now Available at BOB ERVIN MOTORS with large upstairs room sealed with veneer. Fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors and full basement. Nice yar with concrete walks and driveway. $5,000 ',G.I. loan balance with monthly pay- men of $54,00 including irtteresL taxes and insurance. $4950 down and assume G.I. loan. FOR SALE 5-room modern home with large unfinisled upstairs. Including el- ectric hot water heater, fireplace and oil circulator. Also wired for electric ange, concrete walks and good yard. Located close-ira $8,350 with $2,000 down and $50 a month to a reliable party. • $ * Business building located on Sec- ond Street. Well located for most every type of business, Herbert G. Angle i ................. =-- ........................ =-== " :: 833 8outh First Street Phone 673 FOR SALE CHEAF: 26 £oot boat, Just overhauled, Needs some cabin w6rk. Lester LaMarsh, Rt. ,1, Box 151A, Shelton Wash. 12-9---.2-3 springs and mattresses tone single) cook stoves, heaters; small air conl- ressor for spray gun; doyens. See • B. Schott, corner Laurel and K St.. Mt. View, 12-30---2-;t 3-PIECE BATlqROOM sets, $180 at Hlllerest Hardware. 1-2{) "-ZE'--SXi;- -40 -?tZ ?]V Eg--6ZE 1511 Olympic tI Phone 773M 1-27--2-3--10 RED HENS for sale a't $2,00 each at Skokomish Valley, Phone 862R4. H1-20--2-3 F(R--SALE'-welI StileShe-el slab wbol: 20 a load. Approxlnmtely two eords, one 478J bet'ore 10 a.m. L1-20--2-3 refrigcrah,r. Only 1%{ years old, $225. Also good washing machine. $25. '30 Ford pick-up. 16" wheels, $115, Also 4 tons of Monarch coal, $40. Pershall's Service. four'miles south on Olympia ttighway. 1-20-27 GALVANIZED PIPE, z, , ], 1/,, 1, inch, at lttllcrest Hardware. 1-20 also 80 gallon pressure tank, 800 feel outside wiring. Ton, Sergeant, 1-6tfn Capitol IIill. $65. Phone 466R. J1-13-27 a.m. to 6 _p.r weekdays, I0 a,m. to  ?.m. suaFaZ  .............. 12o FOR SALE: used D,D.H. Cletrac dies- el tractor, with top. Cares logging drum and bulldozer with land elear- lng teeth. Glen Butler, Rte. 3, Box 198B. Phone 961R3. 1-202-3 delivered, Either get in touch with Bob's Care First and Cola or drop postal card to Juanita Grant. Star Rt. 2. Box 81. Shelton, 1-20--2-3 "F-OFt'-'s'ALE i-- 8 weeks- oI¢i-- pigs--Alsi) electric crean, separator. C. L, Rood. Rte 2, Box 251. 1-20-27 I I II i ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Hoodsport 43-W Phone Shelton 65 P.O. BOX 55, HOODSPORT Jack Manley I It is not necessary to buy it where crest. ( - the price is the lowest but most "F--O-R--SA--LE: 2½ ton IoC 1 people find it advisable, especially electrle computer scale, :_ when quality is better, tlon. and used heavy V *eS saw. Rte. 1, Box 5 _(-y TODAY WE ARE SELLING • Park Road). R. E.1.6Do.:8.dr0 Good 2x4s for $53.50 M. FOR SALE: White enam-- t Delivered Estate gas range. G  ae Side arm gas water h BUY direct from the mill and hasement pump, Bradli Mill with 50 ft. 6 in. save. F.D. Watters, 645 W. It] TM 190M. ;iw " FIR LOGS Custom sawed. F--Oe RFD 3 Shelton, 2 Miles East range, Phone 91 .''t of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road. BE AN INSURAN¢2E to the "sign." or part time. Farmer'" Group. Bill Pearson, co. hd- Oat --aw'--$ B I Phone 867-R-1 Evenings I geselL Phone 8Fli, S IIII I m I I itl ROOFING- SIDING ---ob Weatherstripping, Insulation $6o.oo. _ Troll/rig tackle;n I r-els, Pete Mikkeleen, General Construction 87. Remodeling, Cabinet Work AtL MOD ,L o- -vlnr. '/-- F.H,A. Terms - Free Estimate mot_o sr sow at HlllcreJjir  PHONE 904 - SHELTON J-12-2-tfn ] - SALE : bath tub $20,.C ris, Rt. 1, Box 88 on Sl_ p/a Highway. it  -rkr! Second Growth sis. Brand ne. Also m erda. 1211 Railroad WOOD _ ssJ _ FOR SALE days, 10 to 5 SundaYj Dean Phone 89-M.Leave Orders ,Ha:d:are" . " JT 1-20-292-3-10-4t i IIIL I II .,t/Y Red Cedar Shingles _,, 2a)j?..,l,, you don't buy the lu]F Certigrade v ry.. s.h.orflyi. No. 1--$8.50 plus tax price is low  you'll h °. No. 2--$5,00 plus tax - Good 2x4's to€lay ... e' No. 3--$3.00 plus tax Cedar Shlplap ........ dk No. 4--$1.25 plus tax [ Ced rg,U n  A. R. Decker Shingle. Co. Jte " .......  on Road i, ar o Oahurst Coselman Sells Sanitarium, Elma, Wash. to 1-20--2-10-4t FIR LOGS. Cus RFD 3, Shelton, 2 ]t[ ' of Hillcret On Arca • CRAWFORD 'DOOR to the "sign." lbo of Washington, Inc. ] Phone eT-R-1EV T INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL Electric Operators PHONE 904- SHELTONj.12.2.tfn P------------:LUMBING I I II ill Sexauer System J . pump, ot Water MILL WOOD Plumbing Fixturu.Jc Licensed Master I. $10 a load Ernest Swear Phone 405-. Delivered In Shelton Star R t. 2, Box 9rL ! Our Wood Is Always A Cord ___ _..,:q or Better to the Load. - ' Enitai Lumber Co. " .... "USED C Minerva Park FOR SALE: 1946 Phone Hoodsport 38-W-12 master 4-door sedan. ]h,. dition and priced loW.  tested, new license, fq MISKELLA SUPPLY ood condition, IztqUi oorn, . ........ . •  Olympia Highway • FOR.SALE-'l41 Fbrd- Your "BEST BET" for Dickle, Journal. ,_= REFRIGERATION, 'OR SALE i--1940--P--k Garden-Tractors, Pumps, Phone 80R 7-15tfn Aluminum, Etc. P-O'R- -S-'A.'E'-- M Ed e.--.  " 9-2-tfn Sllverdome Trailcr 14t[ 472J, II I , condition mech$11L ' tires eceJlent, :,= LOGGERS, CONTRACTORS, MLL SUPPLIES Steel Construction Materials : Wire Rope R-inforcing Iron - Tools I,UMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE WHOLESALE DIVISION 606 South First Strcet, Shelton Phone 805 SAVE ON THESE HOME APPLIANCE BUYS Slightly Marred New Floor Demonstrators SALE 1 PHILCO 6-tube console radio, reg. $125 ................ $99,50 1 WHIRLPOOL Ironer. reg. $189,95 .......................... $149.50 1 PACKARD-BELL record player, reg, $86.95 ........ $83.50 1 WOOD RANGE, new, regularly $208 .................... "$139.50 1 WATER HEATER (oil) 45-gal., reg. $17695 ........ $109,50 1 WATER HEATER (oil) 20-gal., reg, $124,60 .......... 89,50 1 WATER HEATER {elect.) 40-gal., reg. $107.95 .... $89,50 1 WATER HEATER (elect.) 66-gal,, reg. $174,50 .... $139,50 Good, Serviceable Used Appliances 1 Washing Machine Wringer ........................................ $74.50 1 Monarch oil and wood range ........................................ 69.50 1 Nobby oil range ................................ 29.50 1 Thor automagic washer ...... .......... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 124,50 1 Thor automaglc washer ....................................  .......... 159,5¢ good and 298W. TRUCK FO SALE: with long stake bml.,ll 20 tires. Good oondl. quire 401 Railroad A AUTO PA" New and q Trucks For F Complete Aura L "Ace" Dot Mech00000 R. F. KeY.tI00 Owner: FOR PACKAI MARINE M T a Hardware Department LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE 3rd at Railroad Phone 305 See Your Pack.) Frank Thorp Packard S Servi " ?HON ': ' : 222 NO Call • H Quality Us ?),,