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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 1949
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WEATHER TAKES TOLL LILLIWAUP RESIDENTS )ntilltl(,d FI&apos;, ill PIIIt, (Inq) anotller party date ,'lie next nlonthly chlb meet- 11 be Friday night. Febru- YOUR 'Valentine," era told Be.rt Davis when him with 1 picture Davis henm tak,,n (hn'inl lite winter. And we must :hat with the Sll()W-COV(,re(. .e white trimmed shrubbezy failing flakes giving a to the scene, the pic- I and holiday parties. On Vodnes- day evening before they left. they aceompaai,,d the Hills to Tacoma. where their dinner party inclu(l- ed Dr. Lou Yosenbladt all(l M)'.4 1 {(;senbla(lt. l(;Flner Minlleap()lis residents. BOll MOFi"ET took his cur. equipped with snow tl'elld:;, to fill a neighborly at,/ Sunday atom- inK, taking l'rank Robinson into Shelton for m,.,dical treatment at the hospital. Part of a nlove for increased a Valentine apl)earan(.e with his remrk. Out ired photographer has himself hugely, I g on film the exquisite of the winter ermine cos- which seldom comes to cape. Hill returned Men- cattle and her university lowing a week end with m Lilliwaup. general snowstorm and Oregon, Mr. A. haffer. non-in- el the FrAnk Who have een visilig 'C'hvistmas, left FTiday California. Their home but they plan vacation. Visit- Francisco. Los Angeles prings before returning They had a bit of their car up the C. E. Hill resi- • Sis Ander- elp with his wagon.,, the vsit of the Shaffers a number of family "v "lP"v,,,Wp ,,ip.,l. lr ,qv,r .llV ,v 11v v. v ,v wi ' ._.. CARDS ROER ACCOUNTING SERVICE Bldg. Washington t P. ELIOT CTRICAL ENGINEER Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 R. LEWIS I¢INEY AT LAW SOuth Fourth St. gton C. BAYLEY AT LAW  "Insurance Building First Nationa/1 Bank - - Shelton B. SPRING Tax Services DOkkeepng Systems t. hone 565 cooperation between l,)lliwaup and Brinnnn organizatioll,;. ]()(:ill resi- dents will be interested iff the allnotlncelllent by the M(;t]ler's Chlb of Brinnon nf their social evening Saturday, ,Ianuary 29 to help the March of l)imes. Pro- ceeds from the CArdS, bingo and other entertainment will be for this cause. Like many others, the Ernest CAmpbells have a new apprecm- lion of the simNe 'convenience of inside "running" water, since the freeze. Their pipes froze and for two weeks they had to carry wa- ter from an outside pipe back of their hou.e. Lilllwap women who are mem- bers o' the Hood Cmat Wovnan's Club are to be h'ostesses for the club's annual birthday banquet to be held in February. Mrs, Ft. A. Smith of H.estwhile Park is to be toastmistress, L o c a 1 members wet'e to meet last night at the home of Mrs Gus Peterscm to make plans for the affair, also for their part of the entertain- ment. which consists of skits pfft on hy the various localities repre- sented, such as Union, Hoodsport. Cushman, Potlatch, Shelton and IAlliwaup. Mrs. J R. DeBard of Lilliwaup is president of the club and urges all interested women to join now and enjoy the activities of the remainder of the club year. The Navy Public InformAtion film. "The Secret Land," portray- ing in technicolor Admiral Byrd's Antartic expedition, was so much enjoyed when shown recently in Lilliwaup, that Lt. Commander J K. Jackson will try to arrange for another showing in the near ru- t UI'P. Junior High By Lula Speece The volley ball tournament in the third period gym class is over. Sonja Larson's team won. JeAn Hadsell's team was second and Alois Kenyon's team third. The winners will get 75 points toward their G.A.A. letters: the second team will get 60; and the .losers will get 50. m By Danny Yarr For the third time this year a Blazer game was called off. The first was a practice game with Poulsbo which was never played. The second, a league game with ChehAliS scheduled foe January 14:, but (:ailed bff, was ly.ed @ues- day .following . Finally the Olym- pia game-last Friday was can- celled because of snow. The game has not yet been reseheduled. . m By Barbara Plemonu Last week two boys from high school, Chuck Berets and Tike Hillman took pictures of the jing- ler high students at work. Pic- tures were also taken at noon of thp lunch line and otheP activities. These pictures will be put in ('his year's annual. The annual sale was extended another week be- cause so many students were ab- sent because of the bad wea'cher. By Imam Dails Mrs. Dinges asked her science students to bring molds in any form, color or' size to the class. no they can do some scientific study about them ly aWt OItman The staff of the Blazers' Trail iS working hard to get this mnth'8 e ot. Stories and in- terviews have bee turned into the editor. Copy readers and technicians have been busy count- ing and correcting stories. The paper iv scheduled to come out January 28. Ovey Phonel:: ' Farm people total one-fifth of the U. S. population but have a third of the nation's children. CROSSWORD PUZZLE II te Answer 26 Biblical giant. slayer __ ]B[et, e's • 27 Scoff 29 Wand 31 Emmet 34 Blood money 35 He 36 Eject 37 Cast off 8ro ,4 4 Wtilt 4S .. TTO&L 9 Tkmte  AfriCa 1 UIn , lOUh Da- antelbpe 2 Fold  (,) 5 Mke @ 3 Parailph IS ]:mtRa lt, 19 4 Mmtc" title SIIELTON-ivIAS;ON COl 7NTY JOl rPN A T, . _. -. C,,IRINTIAN S(JE, (.E S "I,()vl," is the subject of the c,:td ? ()1 The t,'irsl. in LeSSOli-Srrn3oll whicll will be read next Sund,:ty m all bran('he.; ()] The Motller Chul ell. Chm'cln of Christ. S('ienti;t. L'o:qt on. Massachusetts. G,dden Text: Psalms 36:7. "tf¢w excetienL s lhy loviag-kin(lness. () (;()(11 therefore the ehildr(m of men lint thei lrust tnlflet' ill(' :;hadow ,)f lhy wings." The t'nllowing verse lram I John i:; in('haled n the Lesson-SerrliOli: "And w( have known and believed the h)ve that God hath to as. FIRST BAPTIST CI!URCII F'iftll and Cola Nlreel. J. O. Bovee. Pastor VCarren llale, AssiMant You are cordially invited I() fit- tend the following services: Rev. R. C. Muhly To Present Talk At Church Here MOUNT OLIVE FAMILY NIGHT HELD IN PARISH HALL, SUNDAY Member:; and friends of Mountbought 3,.',,'., ,)lve I.,uthcr:)n's Olive luther:tr l Claur(.h p,urlicqx!t- I Family Night ,.o a very .:ll,Cc;;.Hlll cd in the congregation'.q :',nntml and pleasant (:lose.. Mt. View A4ttae 1o1 Rev. Thee. W. Ch.spmln, PAst>r 9:45 am. Sunday Se;hfl I a,. MOrning Srvlce 7:30 p.m. l n,pivatioal 'rvie A ltearty We'lcom to'° 1,'amily Night h(,Id last Sunday evenirg iz the parish hall. Prevalent snowy weat!]er and icy roads were of no consequence to a large crowd nf "f'tmily niglt- (,rs" wile gathered to enjoy a buf- fet dinner and.entertainment. Guests were ::caLcd "!I tallies ........................................... ,_,_ First Methodi00 ¢.JIl00 "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Commity" 4th & Pine ..... Parsonage 320 N. 4th ..... Pho,ae 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning W@rso  a.ra, \\;VAYNE WRIGHT, lfinfster God is l[ve; :rod h(, that dwelleth i; love dv.'elleth i) God. and God in him. ' From "Science and Health with Key l() the S('riltures" by Mary Bailer Eddy is the following car- relaDve statement: "It sh,lllld b(, thoroughly understood tlmt all inert h$tve one MJllq, o11o God ftll(l Father one Life, Truth. and I, ove. Mankind will become perfect m proportion as this fact becomes apparent, war will cease and the true brotherhood of man will be established. ' ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar Rev. Franc,is I!. Ball Holy Communion is at S a.m,, and church school fro' all grades begins at 9:45 a,m. Service and sermon is at 11 a.m. The Altar Guild will meet at 4 p.m., Thursday in the Guild Hall. Choir practice is at 7:30 o'clock ThursdAy evening. NOTIC|,] Notice is heeby given that the Real and Personal Property Tax Rolls of Mason County, WashingtOn. for the year 1949, have been delivered to me In aecordalee with the law. for th( colh'eiL)II of the taxs an hown there- in. The Real and Personal Property taxes for the year 1919 will be due and payable on and after lhe 18th of Feb((tory, 1949, All tax payments made in full on Real and Pbrsenal D'operty on or hefore Marell 15. 1949. will be subject lo a rebate of three per cent. S, E. SMITH. T'easurer Mason County. -1-20-27---3t. NOTI'CE OF IlEARING Nolice is hereby g]v(,n that a puh- lie hearing will be held on Thurs- ,lay January 27 1949, at 7:30 p,Ltl, In 111,' ('ity C(lnmission roolll, City Hall ,m the question of whether or not approval :;hotlld bt' granted for i'(,z()ning ()I till il I'(ql hprl,llndel' do- seribpd : ZONING REVISION ])ESCP.IPTION EXTENSION OF MANUFACTUI:tINC DISTRICT TWO (M-21 TO INCLUDE THE BELOW DESCRIBED AREA NOT PRESENTLY DESIGNATED AS M-2. ,tlll'|illE Ill a point on the west ]'iiar- in ()f tlt(' l)r('sent ?,{-2 zone at Its lnterse(.tion with the nt)rth margin of Cots tt'('("! t'xtendPd easterly : run= ning lheneo westerly to the easierly I'Ilal'ln of Front .tI'PPt : thence north- erly alonu the easterly margin of Front s[re,I extended northerly to the SOllt h('rl. , tllal gin of Pine street : thenc .... asl(-rly along 111( )' southerly Dial's'In i)[ )iHe S| r('('[ :In inter- N('f'|i()ll with thp I|11o between Lr)ts 3 an(I 4 Ilh)ek 1. alllpnded and cor- rot'ted P 1 rt t extended southerly ; then(', n))'thorly along said Line o th(" m)rthw(x.t corner of Lot 3, Block 1. a)ll(,ndo(] and corrected Plat: [hence east(,l'ly all(] llorthea;terly alon" the II')Ft}V'FIy t')Otlll(l{ll'V I,[ Lots l. 2. tlnd 1 el []o('k 1. and [¢fl.,; 11. 10. 9, 8. 7 and G ()1' }lh)('k 7. anl(,nded and e()vre(.led Plat to lit(, n()rlheasl ('f)]'n(*.r (,f said Lot 6: then('e alonI the boun- dary of L,)t 6 to the west(,r]y nlargln of Shl'lt=)ll Aventw. thence northerly ah)ng l[ll. west,,rly Ill'3,1'gin )f Shelton AVPnll(, to th(" a()rth (:it,," limit line. whi(']l ]hip IS the b()uI3dary ])etween seclmns 17 and 20. T 20 N ]-{ 3 W.. "V JV[, |h¢'ncp e.aste, rly alollg said lira! tO tli'  lllealP1PV corn(l })otw(.PI/ s:|i(] sect)ells 17 told 20: thence ahmg the city limit line whlcl is the inner ha'bor rie. to the meander corner between Sections 0 ad 21. T 20 N.; R 3 W; V M.; thence southerly along the eily lirnfl Wne to the southeast eo)'ner of Government ff,ot 6, Section 20: th(,nce westerly ah)ng the south- orly lie of GoVe)mmenl Lots 6 and 5 re lhe southwesl ('orner (ff Gov(,rn- n:ent l,ot ,, s(.tion 20; thence north- ('r]Y :lloag the westerlv hollndaTy of said Goverlllllont Lot 5 1() the south- Past :c)]'ner oT the pl'eSertt M- ?,ole : thene(* WestPrly. southerly, xvesterly ,tll(l nirt]lerly along iho perip]'tery .f-, lho present M-2 zone. Io lh' p],a(:e Of beglnn Inl'. CITY ()]P SttELTON. 1-20-27----2t. NO. 201 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PET][TION IrR I)ISTRIBUT|ON IN THE SUPERIOR COIRT OF TE STATE OF WASHINGTON ]OR MASON COUNTY IN I)RO BAPE In the Matter of the Estate o Harry C, Ahfieldo Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN %la Chas. R. I,ewis, Administrator, oT te estate of Harry C Ashf eld. Deceased, has fih.d with' the Clerk of the above. entitled court his Final Rel)or¢ ,an@ Petllton :for Distribution, as]¢ilv K tte Court to settle and approve the Sane. 'distribute the property to the peron Rhereto entitled and [o discharge bhe said Administrator. NOTICE IS FURTItER GIVEN ta said , Final Report and Petltlc o'r Distribution will bfheard on ar- day, the 19th day February. 1. at the hour of 10 o'clock in thebes'e- aoon at the Court Room. in the CoUI' I-louse in Shelton, Washington. Date'd this 15th day of JanumT. ] 949. IoA RR Y DEYETTE unty Clerk. CHAS. R. LEWt,S, -, Administrator (f said Estate, I]ell Building, 119 South ourth St. ,Whelton, Mason County, Washington. 1-2fl-27--2-3-10--4t, BAPTIST CHURCH ,l. O. BOVEE, Pastor WARREN HALE, Assistant Preaching services: Bible School. 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship, 11 A.M, Young People's Groups, 6:30 P.M. Evening Service. 7:30 P.M. U.R, Invited to All our Services ..... i ,. Foursquare Chtrcla 910 E. Dearborn Sunday School---9:4& Wolitlb ervtce--41 :a Crusader( erVce-6:45 Evangelistic ervte--7 :& R.V. IlL E. tFIYCH PaO¢ Sun(lay School, 9:45 a,m., a (.lass for every age pupil, Morn-" ink Worslip, 11 a.m.: Mr. Hal(, will bring a message trom the Book of lomans, "Paul the Bondservant." Young People's Meetings, 6:30 p.m., three age groups Junior.i. Into)mediates and Seniors. Eve- ning Service. 7:30 p.m. Mr. Bovee will bring a message on "Wnl Are the Signs of the Lord's Re- turn. ' Monday Evening Devotional Hour, 7:30 o'clock. All young peo- ple of junior high, high and eel- lege age are urged to attend. Wednesday evening prayer meet- ings and Bible classes at Allyn, Dayton, Southside, Valley and Capitol Hill. Thursday evening prayer and prame service 7:30 p.m. Choir practice follows the prayer ser- vice. If you are not worshipping Cod in another Chur'eh we urge you to Attend these services. ST. EDWARD'S CHURCII Rev. Mark Wlechmnn Sunday, January 30 ix the fc)urth Sunday after piphany. The first Mass is at 8 a.m,. and the second High Mass is at 10:30 a.m. "The gospel is St Matthew, chapter 8, verses 23 to 27. Sermon subject both Masses: I Believe in God the Father Almi'ghty; The Unity and Trinity of God. CAtechism for all childrert and ehureh and Bible history for all high school students at 9:-t5 a.m. Evening devotion and benedie.- tion is at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock is inquiry class for till interested at the parish house. MOUNT OLIVE LUTHICRAN CHURCtl Caade ad the ltlghway Win. H. Albach, Pator Tonight: Choir executive board meets at 7:30. The Choir meets at 8 p.m. Friday: The Lutheran Women's Missionary League will meet at 8 p,m Mrs. John Nordstrom will tell of her summer' trip to Sweden and display souvenirs brought back with her. Saturday: The Junior Member- ship Clas,s will meet at 9 a.m. Sunday: Sunday School and Ad- ult Bible Class begin at 9:45 a,m. Services begin at 1,1 a.m. The Rcv. R. C. Muhly, former pastor of Mount Olive will deliver th'e mes- sage. The Mountain View Branch Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. A general Parish Education meeting will be held in Olympia for all engaged or interested in parish educatiou. Pastor Muhly will be in charge of the presenta- tion and discussion of parish edu- cation problems. The meeting will be held at Trinity Church, 20th and Franklin. beginning at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday: Bible Class and Sun- day School teachers meet At 8 l p.m. SHKLYON LUTHERAN CHURCH[ 1.0.0.i . Hall, 2nd Street t John DeBoer, Pastor [ Sday school and, adult Bible l class meets at 9:45 and divine I worship iv at 11 a.m. ermon I to.c: Trust and Obey• I Adult confirmation class meets for instruction every TueSday at ,7:45 p.m. Pator"s residence is 627 J street an'd phone is '959-M. The Reverend R. C. Muhly, Ior- tie(orated with trailing ivy nnd mer Pastor or Me(rot Oliv I,uth- candles, completing a green nl:d. eran Church. will revisit his for- white color motif. Pastor William mer parish this week end, deliver- H Albach acted as; master of cere- inp the message in the 11 o'clock monies for the program which fo!- serwcc in the chapel at Higlway lowed the dinner. and Cascade. MUSICAl, NUMBERS included Pastor Muhly, now serving at Greig's Sonata, a duet by Alice Twin Falls, Idaho. is in thiq 'area Muench. pianist, and Elizabeth in his capacity as a member of Mobbs. violinist, both of Olympia, the Board of Directors of tim The Olympian musicians also sup- Northwest District of the Luth(,r- plied the aecompanime:t for t an Church.--Missouri Synod To- solo, The Lost Cbm'd. by Ievcrcnd gether with other members of the Albaeh. Board for Parish Education, he Little Mary Rauscher's interpre- will conduct a meeting in Trinity tive singing of You Can't Play In Church in Olympia next Sunday My Yard, was accompanied by afternoon and evening for the con- Wanda Ristine at the piano, Pad- I siderAtion of parish education pro- erewski's Minuet. a piano solo by RrAms and problems. Snnday Miss Ristine was enjoyed by the st'heel, day school vacation Bible group. school teacher's, pastors and oth- ers interested or engaged in the Jimmy Miller, son of the Robert work of parish education are all Millers of H a:mmersley's Inlet, on- invited to this meeting, to(rained the audience with sev- ;: .... Pastor Muhly is still well re- oral accoz<lion numbers. Jim Need- membered around Shelton. where ham sang Prayer Perfect, Morning he served for eight years as Pas- and Somewhere A Voice Is Call- Lor of Mount Olive Congregation. ing. The tenor soiois was accoIn- A popular Pastor, he iS particu- panied hy Mrs, John L. Do(son at larly remembered as an outstand- the piano ing leader of young people, a MS. I)TSON played the pla- community-minded citizen, and an no accompaniment for a novelty active Kiwanian. number, featuring the killhll His first visit to Shelton since "bone playing" of John Luhm. Bet- [ leaving for Twin Falls three years ty and Audrey Luhm harmonized ago, Pastor Muhly is looking for- on the vocals of You Can't Be ward to seeing old friends and True and My Darling. acquaintances during the few hours that he is in the Shelton area. FIRST IVlETItODIST CItURCIt Fourth and Pine 'ayne Vtrlght, Minister We invite you to worship God with us at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. on The evening's highlight was the liquidation of the remaining in- ciebtedness on the new, two man- ual Wurlitzer organ which was m- stalled November 1 in the ahapel at Mount Olive Lutheran Church. The organ's final 'pay-off" was accomplished by a generous free- will offering of those who attend- Sundays. ed the Family Night get-together, The Sunday School has a ('.]ass Beverly Dorman, organist, reward- for you at 9:45. ed donors with several selection The Youth Fellowship meets at ,plAyed on the now unencumbered 6:30 Sunday evenings for their instrument. meeting. Their Mid-Wntor In- Group singing of old favorites stitute will be at Chehalis Febr'U- . ............ *_ ................................................... ary 5 and 6. responded so willingly to follow The Choir practices on Thurs- Him wherever lie ,may lead. There da;ha: 7:45. is no s tntsl ot 14 in Biola from Young Adults meet t h e 'the Baptist Church. And Six more first Sunday evenfng of each ave planning to enter this fall. month at 5:30. The W'esleyan Service Guild for business and professional women will be held at the church Mon- day, January 31 at 8 p.m. BAPTIST STUDENTS (d) TO LOS ANGELES ' Tim Baptist Chureh wishes to announce the departure of three more young people to the Iiblc Institute of LoS Angeles. Miss Phylis Herzog, Wesley Adams and Dick Hunter arc leaving this week -for Los Angeles where they will begin their preparation for "Chris- tian service. The Church is very pr0ud of its young people who have lmard the call of God and UNITY TRUTH CENTER Mina Hocker(, Leader 408 C0ta Street Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School; 8:00 p.m. Services. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Clans WOrk. Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation Healing Work - All Welcome _2L__' '_ '____'..___" ......... " " ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE  ,EAST PINE ST. Sunday School, @: a.m. -- Worship Service 11 a.m, Evangelistic, 7:4 ,tn. Young ,Peddlers .rviceTuday, 7,:4-5 p.m. Jubilee ,erVie  Friday, 7:45 p,m. THE HtST FOR THE CRISIS (Paid Advertisement) St. David's Episcopal Church 4th & Cedar St, oLy Cqmmt(nlon, 8 a.m.; Cureh 'heel (all t'ades) 9:45 :a.m. Morn- ing Pray.r atd Srmon, 11 a.m. Rev. FYaRels H. l]al!, Ibm, tot ' 11 ILL II ............................. First Lhurch of Christ, Scientist SHELTON Branch. o The Mother Church, The First Chh of Christ. cel't Boston, M41S. Subject Next @Offd "LOVE, SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVIE tlkT :I O'CILOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEii['t'INI AT • O,A.OK Reading Room maintained by tlls church t 302 Alder treet, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock, and Wednesdays fern 6:4.5 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the servt¢ and vt, the Reading Room. .... CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET ..: . .- Z. " ..... = ...... - "- - ........... ; . ....... LZ.: ....... 2:.'£" "=,'.,'..."2:=22=_k._'22.,=..:: ........... WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLFH'tN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Miai ;,:' JANUARY 27, 1949. The e, Hpt,*l ay 4urther, "The salvation of yH' It|6 of 'which salvat4i te 'et have enquired (see Ti,a:h 4;:11) and searched H:ligey, o prophesied of the grace that should come unto yot (earth what or what manner of time he )irt of Christ whh Wee in them did slgnlfy when it testified E, FORUM.AND the lUfferings of Christ, arvd the fttoey that @hould forl,ow2, $o here we see that the Irophet 4ea|a obeyed the commentmet f God saying, "Ask of me things to come con- cerning nay sos, av,d the work of my hands ¢0Ynad y.- lsaiah 45:11.). In .chapter 53:1..12 he ha( written God's i'e]y to his Inquiry concerning the first advet 'el Ctrit, 4 lfer- lags, and the glory that should follow, AI, ,A¢s ,8,.,''DId you notice how ths Holy Spirit ore hllltp 't@ is .argots % )ver- take the (harlot of the eunoch, and then after la. h e#tnoc;h was ba@tized the angel bore Plllip awly tO ktu? $or was that divine cooperation with Philip a mirate. hat .a,n(lt ' as commanded of Jesus Christ to render that kild of fefieship and cooperation to every believer who aocll t l of Jesus Christ ae he proclaimed it, and we ¢ind e¢r,ed i. Mat- thew, chapters 5, 6, 7. (3) That the pirit of Christ (Holy Ghost, Com¥'orl"er, l'tt of truth, et all is a real person, in appearance S described y"tWe prophet Ezekiel, 1:5.25.), and variously called the angel of HIS PRESENCE (Isaiah 63:9.), And in that attendance upon the mighty God he bore htm on hie back (hue, as the pt amuel declares, he "rode upon a cherub, and d  fly" (I1.'1f uel 22:7-11.), he was aeen upon THE WINGS OF THE WIND-" The wePd wind as used there is a divi'ne 'nacre for ,*["Jll 'revealed ¢n Zech. 6:1-5, Dante1 7:2, a'nd 4::S-2. Da. @,,,, 1. In the temple which Solomon built, an well as tt had bee?t iR the tabernacle of Moses, this angel Of :hia l=reserme was ,,¢Hed the Shekinah, and dwelt upon the mercy ecat, overtdadowd t the two golden chePublm. And the same PrelR¢e oame t the ,second temple of Ezra ane Nehemiah, a'd continued ere unto the hour of te death ,of 3esus Cr'ls't upon the €rose. (Continued Cron this point ,in the Rext issue of The $¢m)-at.) -- - IUIlll II Jii I .... x .............................. ....... .=l. I,_ -[;.. A REMARKABLE LETTER AND REPLY OF THE ADDRESSEE WM. W. ANDERSON • ox 57-B, Lost L, ake Elna, Wash. Deoeh*d0e'" 16, 947. Charles T. Shaffer, Lost Lake,-- Dear Mr. Shaffer,---Wlt'h my he!p, do .you think you would be equal 40 the task Of wf-iting a basic and fundamental htlt0y of Religions Starting with probabiNths uveooedl, and covering the two hundred or more deP4rd'ilations in chapters bringing out the higRighta, ecrors and assump- tions, etc.? Maybe God Almtghty instigated religion to decimate the aWees o Il-lantty, if so It works. re my mi.nd there Is @ killer s ruthless and greedy as a  religious fahatlc, ever. Religious 'bsllefb Injected into an aboriplnal mind has dreno'hed the earth with blood from time immemorable. That's why R ussia has banned it until such time (a), when hsr illiter- ate neoples can see eye to eye with learned people. t A historical theis"bft religl would be the world's best seller, and a seeing e,s for tkie world's blindest, and a finger ointig out the ruthless exploitcra of the belief in God-" Yours truly, (Signed) Win. W.A. EtY Doember NB, 1947. Dear Mr. Aderson, Your kind favor of the l@th ins(. was duly received, and the ¢0tets read and considered. The question which yU ask, "With my hel0, do you think you wouF 'be eelua to the task of writing a basic and fundamental history of Re- ligions starting w[t 10rObabllltles umrecorded, and covel@ tha two h,uPlPed or mere dee- Inations, in chapters, bringing out the highlights, errors, and asssufftpt:s; ete?" The comments which you add to the above question make clear what your sta f id ia rdlative to both AI- mighty God, alibi Teii@'ion ¢ ¢leneral. With this uldllin¢$ f the ¢luestlon, my answer is, NO. I AM NOT ABLE TO DO THI8. The task, when o;4@ed, wodd mean the writ- ing of not mery 'te ook, but a number of books, totaling a t ,about tire ize of an En- cyclopedia Brittanica, It w0ulcl mean a CRITICAL eXamlnatlon of the creeds of each of the religious beliefs which have influenced ma'nklnd slnoe the beginning of human history. I did ,haVe a complete set of books covering tl f|eld of your queation, many years ago In my llbfuary; t:oke wrltta by schol- ary men. with the 'Peouvcee for their work at hand for refePebe purlNes, rne both cavable as judges in evidence, atoll oeet tn their deois- ion, men wPro were not hampered by prejudice, and the sum of thelf tabors is that Religion in itself, is not dstructive, b@t oestructivethat real and true Religion is a matter of motive, and has nothing whatcver to do with the human translation of mettve Ito enfo:rcemcnt. Enforcement ts wholly human and physical. In that field AMB;TIOI tS the human equation, and Is reslonsible fer the method employed, and not RELIGION Itsellf. That the 0rotagotllts Of religion have re- sorted to deceit and violonce toward mankind in their proselyting is 'no argument against RELIG- ION, as such. As well claim that the purest water is vile after a person has put it In an un- clean vessel. It Is the vessel itself which Is vile and not the water, So it is with religion, It is man who in vile, and not RELIGION. The place .where Almi@ty God fills In the picture is where he, by various ways and means, tri e gbt the vessel clean before putting the water Ito it, But man's t¢on to that 'ean'ing up task is exactly the came a,s that of tWe avera@e small boy toward geti9 Iris dirty fae wthl. And it Is right here that the well-disposed mother resorts to force for decenoy's sake, aa well as or the welfare of the child himself. Even the child R]4fflrBe'lf, seeing hie improved a@pearance, i confesses to hi.self at least, that the reulrad force was a good thing for him, That dehtion is simple honesty. .B'lt even herc the force era. nloycd has nothing T4 do with the need for clean [iness. Again, all relig/0, a it very name implies, Is an impelling force from within the man's own heart, and Is not an exte'nal powsr."fll- where exeevt bn ma, de we ee violonce at- tached to religion. And thi= vioterfce s ever born of ambition |n tha ta" heart to domln=ite ether men ad e0@}e. Alm,gty God never gave to'man thst rseponsibllity. See (enesls 1: verse 28. Vtolence was ever in the mind of God. Hi mind and work ha over been. Peaos on earth sncl geodwill to= il rten. That fact was procisimed by the an@els 'oh the day tha..Je4Js of Nazareth was born. Dut that Droclamathn was he ew hno. Violence waC not ee, ¢earl of. or'even known on ea,rt till man turned'over his aoverelgtt;y tO the Devil whoe only vower ws that ' 0tence hd @etr:tle. It tS thit enemy of;a who is repobl for any and aH violeraOn earh, whioh I=s bee, ts, and will :1 ,. He is an homeless outcast, togethdr/'wtth his ,agels, in this wor4d, and is determined te ev,ict man In t0to fraY1 his home, which 'i=lt world, in order to have a me for him,f d his angels. This Tact ts afply €0nf'lr.@dy the su.oes had in gettin@ abt all ne to b-. liev¢ afvd i'e about  future home mmew4me othe" tha this world, fo" I.t,h eait al little'r; the saint to be in heaven, and the sinner i hell, Another thin, which I beHevs e evtdeflt to yl, is that this world was designed and created a THEOCRACY, with none other than its'Creator to be its ruler, and man his deputy, to whom. he committed a share ef 'is ow respon!lb!lltlee. For th!a cause man h$1 @.uthority ovsr .avery oreattl,e except r¢larkl, In halt dlHmn all men ae brethren and €€,rulers. (brethren},,,,'=T'e changed condRIons wloh 'has existed  =n@ YtR exists, where  ?'U,, ove' ether men :b,yl laVil racl'e by man. IS n@t hs f)'lvie pla,n 'for man- kind. and is Rot an a:¢t of GOd. It Is a pur urur0ation f I0wer 0V ikl lSl, with, or without, the consent of those ruled. NO MAN HAS ANY NEED FOR ANoH. ER MAN TO RULE OVER 4q'IM AS LQNG, AS HE RULES HIMSELF BY THE VOIC.E ."OF Hl, CON6CIENCE.  T#tU TO Ol.lS' OWN CONSCIENCE. DO NOT ABUSE-YOUR CONSCIENCE:... I'OtCING 'IT TO SPA'K . CORDING TO YOUR A.,B rTI ON, LEFT ALONE, 'T WILL OUtOE YOU At]T,_', The wo'rk which you aek o me q@ Imoulble, uaeles,, beeause it would be a mere ddpfliatlon of that which has bee done. ts well known by all interested pattie=, foe tIoasands of years past, and even today av be found in every oeod rublic library. It ,Is Imessibte ,tNKa the amount of time reluirsd, and the Izlk.o= or absence of rccords ad money, Also. the wh@l. s(henie a'rd fcts bf" C'a- tion is that of a Tkeoca-ac,, and not a Demoo. racy. If it was a Demracy no 0feature WoUld ever die. The fs(t of Death proves that it in not in man, nor was it. aver given to man, to decide for himself and realize h|s own 'WetVate ambition. In that matter he must alw&ya'ablde, whether he likes it or net, tho decision of" Al- mighty God, the lawful and irresistable hilt0- crlt. Ma 'can chose, b'Ot without DI,ws . operation, he cannot ealle. RELIGION I'@ at- way . ¢0nt'ructive: never destruotive. Although I oannot you in,:ths proposed task heoat do thank you for the me to do so. fHendiy spirit in aoe me whenever "ls latchstring is alwaysut, a$1 We|gbors. you." My to my friend= Very truly ¥oura, (Signed) Charles T. Shaffer. i