January 27, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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What do you think is the biggest issue facing local schools?
Clint Ferrara
"Getting people who
are empty nesters to
vote for school fund-
Luann Travis
"It's probably going to
boil down to budget,
that's how it is these
days. There's just not
enough money to go
Donna Barker
"Overcrowding - The
ratio of students to
Brad Haberman
"Discipline, but that
was an issue back in
the '80s. I've had kids
in school since the
says sorry
Editor, the Journal
For some time now, I have
lived with the shame and
humiliation that my actions
have brought to myself and
that of my family. I have ac-
cepted the consequences of
those actions and worked
hard to bring some finality
to the mess which I alone
The system as it is, this
has been a long and difficult
year and one I hope not to see
the likes of ever again.
Belfair is a wonderful
community. Full of fine and
decent people. I am truly sor-
ry for bringing such a dark
cloud and negative attention
to its' citizens doorsteps.
I would also like to apolo-
gize to the men and women
of the United States Postal
Service. You are all members
of a proud and distinguished
group, who like few others
have worked long and hard
to garner the honor and re-
spect that is carried with the
job. I am very sorry to have
brought dishonor to your pro-
Lastly, I would like to
apologize to my friends and
family for the shame and em-
barrassment our closeness
has surely brought your way.
I appreciate your loyalty and
strength for standing with
me, when the easy and per-
haps better choice may have
been to distance yourselves.
Again, to all of Belfair
and those affected by my
selfish actions, I apologize
to you and yours. The guilt
and shame I carry has been
a huge weight, at times mak-
ing it near impossible to hold
my head level.
Through being truly re-
morseful and times' healing
nature, I hope soon to once
again see the good folks of
Belfair at eye level.
Rich Farre
need levy
Editor, the Journal
We are participants in
the water aerobics class
that is held on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday from
11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Shelton
High School. Many of us are
physically challenged. We
are from all walks of life,
but the one thing we have
in common is that the wa-
ter aerobics class helps us
to continue walking, mov-
ing and helps many of us
alleviate our pain. The re-
placement levy will allow
us to continue attending the
water aerobics class. This,
for many of us, will allow us
to lead a somewhat produc-
tive life. Chances are one of
us may be your neighbor,
friend, relative or co-work-
er. The new levy would not
impose a new tax. The new
levy will replace the cur-
rent tax that expires on
December 31, 2011. If this
levy doesn't pass the Shel-
ton High School will have to
shut down their pool, There
will be no funding for the
maintenance and operation
that the pool requires. We
implore you to pass this re-
placement levy. Not just for
us, but also for the numer-
ous educational programs
and services that are provid-
ed for the children in Mason
County. If this replacement
levy does not pass the dev-
astation will touch everyone
in some manner. Please fill
out your ballots when they
arrive, vote positively for
the replacement levy and
mail the ballots as soon as
Laurie LaMarre
Keep the levy
Editor, the Journal
This shouldn't even be an
Kids need
the levy
Editor, the Journal
Did you know there's a
good chance the high school
pool will be shut down if the
proposed school levy does
ndt pass? As a parent of kids
that use the pool both for
swim lessons and the Quick-
water Swim Club, I figured
I should offer my opinion on
the vote. What needs to be
said right away is that the
new levy will not result in
an additional tax on top of
what is currently in place.
When the old levy expires
on December 31, 2011, the
new levy will just replace it.
The good news is that based
on current estimates, the
new levy tax will come in at
a lower rate than the previ-
ous one.
Why wouldn't we vote
for this new levy? The
state doesn't pay for all of
the school district's operat-
ing expenses. It's up to us
to make sure that our kids
have the opportunity to use
facilities like the high school
pool, If we don't have to pay
any more than what we are
all ready paying, how could
we not do this? Because of
the work that he's put in, my
nine-year-old son was able
to attend and compete in his
first swim meet. He and his
fellow teammates loved it.
They wouldn't be able to do
this without the high school
pool. Also, my six-year-old
son absolutely loves going to
swim lessonK Being in the
water is his favorite activ-
ity. I can't imagine having
to tell him that he can no
longer go to the pool.
In addition to the high
school pool, the levy pro-
vides funds used for special
education, school safety,
nursing services, technol-
ogy needs, after school pro-
grams, auditorium costs and
many other programs and
services. Please help me in
making sure our kids have
issue - but it is. The High the same opportunities next
School performing arts cen- year as they do this year. It
ter (auditorium) may be w~n't cost us anything more
shuttered if the upcoming and they absolutely deserve
school levy doesnt pass. it.
This is only one of many Jeremy Ordonez
things that would be cur- Shelton
tailed, but I focus on this
because it affects something Scissor
I've been involved in for the
past six years - the Blue-
from the Forest festi- o.ners'-"
val. This is the on!y venue
in the area thats large unite
enough and has the ameni-
ties that will support this Editor, the Journal
event which draws so many
people from throughout the Only in America can
county and the northwest
for the weekend each May.
I've witnessed the hard
work of auditorium man-
ger Dave Miser in upgrad-
ing this amazing facility
through the years into a first
class facility. The school for
its music concerts, drama
event and much more uses
it. Also the community con-
cert series and much more
happens there.
Let's set some priorities
here. The arts are essen-
tial for quality schools and
community. Don't let us slip
backwards. Keep the levy in
Greg Lin~ter
you lawfully carry a ma-
chine gun concealed in your
pocket as you enter a public
space, but are prohibited in
the interest of safety from
carrying a pair of scissors
in your pocket as you enter
a public airplane. This is to-
tally unfair.
Scissor owners unite.
Don't allow the government
to interfere with your con-
stitutional right to bear scis-
sors, concealed or otherwise.
Help initiate a scissor
lobby in Washington D.C.
and put an end to this un-
American practice.
Prue Perry
Harstine Island
Wise editorial
Editor, the Journal
Thanks for the reprint of
the wise editorial from Hen-
ry Gay. I have had several
thoughtful discussions with
Charlie Gay on the subject
of treating alleged victims
the same as alleged perpe-
trators, stemming from the
Gay's admirable practice of
treating everyone the same.
I believe that most people
do not realize that implicit
in the presumption of inno-
cence, is the presumption of
error on the part of the ac-
cuser, be it the state or an
individual. This presumption
is all-too-often proven to be
correct. Critical thinking de-
mands that we slow our rush
to judgment, else why not
move straight to lynching?
We would do well to re-
member what Artemus Ward
said "It ain't the things we
don't know that get us into
trouble. It's the things we
know that just ain't so."
Larry Taylor
gift for any
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011 - Page A-5