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January 27, 2011 |
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Richard M yhrslo Bolling,
92, died Thursday, January
20, 2011 at Mason General
Hospital. He was a resident
of Shelton for 85 years.
He was born August 23,
1918 to Peter M. and Ruth
(Hatcher) Bolling in Taco-
ma and came to Shelton as
a young child.
He graduated from Irene
S. Reed High School in
1936. He attended business
school in Tacoma.
He served in the U.S.
Army during WWII and
was discharged at the rank
of sergeant.
He married Georgia Ann
Campbell December 3,
1943 in Albany, Ore.
After he was discharged
from the Army and hav-
ing taken some classes at
a Tacoma business school,
he went to work for the ITT
Rayonier Pulp Mill until its
closure. Next he worked for
the Marine Biology Divi-
sion of ITT in Hoodsport.
In 1959, he went to work
for Mann Real Estate then
for Himlie Realty eventu-
ally going to work for Land
Title and retiring in 1989.
He was a member of the
VFW, American Legion,
the Moose and the 40 et 8.
His main hobby was
gardening. He was an avid
reader his family said.
In his earlier years he
made many camping trips
including beach camping.
He truly enjoyed his family
and was extremely fond of
reading to his grandchil-
dren and great- grandchil-
dren his family states.
He is survived by his
wife Georgia Bolling of
Shelton; daughter Serry
Barnes (Bob) of Olympia;
sons Ken Bolling (Sharon)
of Indian Springs, Nev. and
Tom Boiling of Shelton;
brothers Sam Bolling (Pat)
of Port Orchard and Walter
"Dale" Bolling (Gladys) of
Yakima; six grandchildren
and twelve great-grand-
children; numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
A private family service
will be held at a later date.
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at
Jacob Charles Chappell,
1 1/2 years, died January
21, 2011.
He was
born Feb-
ruary 12,
2009 at
in Port-
I land, Ore.
Jacob to Joshua
Charles and Melis-
Chappell sa Chap-
pell of
His family said that dur-
ing his short time on earth
he made a difference in so
many lives. His happiness
and joy of life was so great it
touched all who knew him.
He loved hugs and kisses
and shared those openly
- even with children he
met in random places. He
loved all living things and
showed us his appreciation
for them every chance he
had by smelling the flowers
in grandma's garden, hug-
ging giant pumpkins and
chasing down the snakes
and bugs and worms just to
hug them and give them his
"loves." His family states
"He is our angel, taken
by God to use that love in
other ways. He is gone but
never forgotten."
Jacob is survived by his
parents Joshua and Melis-
sa (Heim) Chappell of Mat-
lock; sisters Miranda Lyn
and Sierra Renee Chappell;
paternal grandparents
Charles and Lorna (Sol-
lars) Chappell of Matlock;
maternal grandmother
Becky Heim of Matlock; his
aunt and uncle Craig and
Tina (Chappell) Monaco of
Sitka, Alaska; uncles Jason
Chappell of Sitka, Alas-
ka,= and Waylen Heim of
Portland, Ore., and great-
grandpa Barton Sollars of
His maternal grandfa-
ther Michael Heim of Sit-
ka, Alaska preceded him in
Any letters or cards can
be mailed to Josh and Me-
lissa Chappell, P.O. Box
141 Matlock, WA 98560.
J ay A I I a n She was born April 10,
1934, in Comanche, Okla. to
Coo k Nolen E. Downey and Mag-
gie "Woolf Downey.
She earned her GED and
Jay Allan Cook, 61, died went on to Olympic College
Tuesda:¢, January 18, 2011 in Bremer-
in Nevada. He was a resi- ton to get
dent of Reno, Nev. an asso-
He was born August 9, ciate de-
1949 in Shelton to Margue- gree then
rite Gibson and Ray Jay
to City
Cook. Univer-
He grew up in Shelton sity for a
and attended Bordeaux El- bachelor's
ementary, Shelton Junior degree in
High and Shelton High Frances b u s ine s s
School. He graduated from a d m i n i s -
Central Washington Uni- Downey Alan Corey Steehler and Chad
versity in Ellensburg. McCollum tration. Steehler (Stephanie Fuller)
S h e Rheinhardt of Shelton; daughter Mela-
After graduation he ac- married Ralph C. McCollum
Hie Steehler of Seattle;
cepted a position with Inter- July 23, 1949 in Yuma, Ari- Steeh ler brother Buck Clark Jr. of
national Harvester eventu- zona.
ally working his way up to She worked in an ad- Alan Rheinhardt Stee- Shelton; sister Carmen Or-
a position overseeing the ministrative support posi- hler, 54, died Thursday, sillo of Edmonds; grand-
Northwest tion for an accounting of- January 20, 2011 at Swed- daughters Abigail Steehler
Territory. rice in Bremerton. She then ish Medical Center, Seat- and Linaya Steehler; nu-
L a t e r worked for a few years for tle. merous nieces, nephews and
he took a a government contractor He was cousins.
p o s i t i o n at Bangor and started her a lifelong He was preceded in death
with the own janitorial services corn- resident of by his parents and brother
public re- puny in Kitsap County in Shelton. Jay Clark.
lations de- the 19808. He was A service will be held at
partment She was a member of the born No- 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27,
for Nevada Baptist Church in Silver- v e m b e r 2011 at the Squaxin Island
Jay Allen Cement. dale and North Carolina. 24, 1956 to Gym.
H i s Her family said that she Gordon R. Online condolences may
Cook work af- was a homemaker who ex- S t e e hle r be sent to the family at
forded him celled at cooking, baking, Alan and Edith www,mccombfh.com.
opportunities to travel the sewing, knitting, crocheting Rheinhardt " D e e "
world, sailing the Mediter- and gardening. She enjoyed Steehler (Johnson) Richard David
ranean and entertaining collecting and trying new Clark in
from his home base in Reno, recipes and having dinner McCleary. Wa I ke r S r
Nev. parties for friends. She and He attended Irene S. Richard David Walker Sr
After his retirement one her husband were square Reed High School. died on Friday, January 21,
of his joys was visiting Nor- dancers for several years He married Olivia Jean 2011 of cancer in Tacoma.
way, his ancestral home, and enjoyed traveling. Rostvold, the marriage end- He was born on August
with his mother Marguerite She is survived by her ed in divorced. 30, 1946 to David and Peggy
Gibson. husband, Ralph C. McCol- He was a plumber in his (miller) Walker in Shelton.
His family states that he lure of Shelton; daughters earlier career, he then be- He married Margaret
was quick to help family and Lisa C. McCollum of Shel- came a meat cutter. Recent- (Peggy) Hockett, which end-
friends, was dependable and ton and Holly E. McCollum ly he was employed as a ma- ed in divorce and then later
could be counted on in times of Folsom, Calif.; son Na- chine operator at Skookum married Judy Miller.
of need. He was good to ev- than S. McCollum of Pouls- Creek Tobacco Company. His interests included
erybody, opening his wallet bo; granddaughters Emma His hobbies included model airplanes.
and heart to care for others, Knight Davis (Bryan) of tribal fishing and beach- He was preceded in death
his family said. Statesboro, Ga., Kelsey combing, looking for beads by his wife, Judy.
He is survived by his wife Knight (Jerry) of Folsom, and arrowheads. He enjoyed He is survived by his first
Jo Ann, his mother Mar- Calif. and Alexis Eason of being on the water and was wife Peggy; sisters Nancy
guerite; sons Dax Cook and Dayton, Ohio and great- a collector. He enjoyed clas- Walker of Shelton and Su-
Jace Cook of Nev.; sisters grandson Alden Eason. sic and muscle cars and san Rozell of Juneau, Alas-
Lynn Haskins, Lori Smith, She was preceded in was an avid reader espe- ka, son David Steven Walk-
Sue Richter and Marilyn death by her parents and cially of westerns and Louis er, daughter Sherrie Walker
Cook and his grandchildren; in-laws, Marvin and Connie L'Amour novels, his family and seven grandhildren.
._ ~ McCollum ......... Inurnment will be in
Frances A service is scheduled at He is survived by stepfa- Shelton, Hope Wall, date
1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 19, ther Buck Clark Sr. (Sheila) andlocation to be deterimed.
I'~ .o
iJowney 2011 at Hope Chapel 421 of Lake Havasu, Ariz.; sons
West E Street, Shelton, WA
McCollum 98584
Frances Downey McCol- Memorial donations can Send obituaryinformation to:
lure, 76, died Tuesday, Jan- be made to the Alzheimer's
uary 18, 2011ofAlzheimer's Association of Western obits@masoncounty.com.
disease. She died peacefully Washington 100 W. Harri- Deadine is 2pm the tuesday
with her husband at her son St., North Tower, Suite
side at Alpine Way Assisted 200, Seattle, WA 98119. b efo re p u b I i cati o n.
Living Apartments in Shel- Online condolences may
ton. She was a resident of be sent to the family at
Shelton for 10 years, www.mccombfh.com.
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John Alan Fullerton
July 5, 1931 --January 13, 2011
John Alan Fullerton died January 13, 2011.
He was born July 5, 1931 in Port Gamble
WA to Dale and Ada Werner FuUerton. John
graduated North Kitsap High in 1949. In
1950, he attended Olympic Junior College
before joining the US Navy where he served
on the USS Hornet during the Korean War.
In 1955 he returned to Olympic College
before transferring to Oregon State
University where he graduated with a BS
in 1958. John worked for the Lane County ......................................
Surveyor in Eugene OR in 1959 before
moving to Portland for a position with the Social Security Administration in 1960. While training
in Baltimore for the SSA, John met his future wife Ruthie "GeneUe" Brantley. The two married in
1961. They raised their family in Portland OR up to 1970 when they moved to Fairbanks AK. There,
bush pilots flew John across the state to bring SSA benefits to remote villages. In 1973, the family
moved to Bend OR where, John produced a public access "IV show and was active in Kiwanis, and
the Boy Scouts of America. John left the SSA in 1979 to pursue his own business interests. In 1985
he and Genelle moved to Bremerton where they spent the remainder of their lives. His later interests
were playing with grandkids and volunteering at the Naval Undersea Museum at Keyport WA. He
is survived by his brother Dale Fullerton, Poulsbo WA and sisters Ruth Brown, Eugene OR, Betty
Owen, Unionville MO, Margaret Hewitt, Renton WA and Mary Pocialik, Yorba Linda CA; two sons,
Mark (Tani) of Selah, WA and Mitchell (Toni)of Sandpoint, ID; grandchildren Rhiannon, Brad, Tara,
Kylee, Aaron, Kaylor, Kianna and Joseph; many cousins, nieces and nephews. John is preceded in
death by his mother and father, brothers Ray, Ed, Tom and Bob; and sisters Esther Swalling and June
Price, and his wife Genelle. Memorial services will be 11 a.m. on Tuesday, January 25, 2011. North
Mason United Methodist Church Funeral arrangements and interment by Miller Woodlawn Funeral
Home. Memorial gifts may be made in John's name to North Mason United Methodist Church.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011 - Page