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January 27, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 2011
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Martial artist continues to train at downtown location • By DEAN SIEMON Sergeant Clan Jacobs has traveled the world to teach and compete in mar- tial arts. Now he contin- ues to instruct in Shelton, opening the Jacobs Fight- ing System gym on W. Cota Street in Shelton in Decem- ber. The gym's first location was on Olympic Highway North three years ago and moved to Sanderson Field before the current down- town location. In self-defense courses Jacobs has a group of stu- dents, ranging in age and experience, training three days a week in mixed mari- tal arts (MMA). "I have students that I train that actually com- pete," he said. "We have a young lady who is going to be fighting some time this year." Julia Kerkes, a 15-year- old student at North Mason High School in Belfair, said she was interested when she heard of the school. "This is all after school. I'm dedicated to this," Ker- kes said. Some students hope to continue on and one day make a career as a fighter, like Kerkes. "I want to eventually fight and get to the point where if I get good enough, I can make money," Kerkes said. Kerkes was responsible for bringing another NMHS student to the gym, Jacque- line Messey, 17. "I need a really aggres- sive sport to get a lot of energy out," Messey said. "This is the only thing that I really like." A few of his students use the training as a hobby, including Juan Barcelona, 28, who has trained with Jacobs for two years. Barcelona said he was in boxing beforehand and said the MMA fighting styles were different from his pre- vious trainings. Journal photos by Dean Siemon Above, Sgt. Clan Jacobs instructs his class during warm-ups during a class at his Jacobs Fighting System gym on W. Cota Street in Shelton, which opened in December. At right, Jacqueline Messey, 17, works on strikes with Scott Svoboda, a co-trainer at the gym. "A lot of his boxing skills are mixed with Wing Chun," Barcelona said. "It's all blended into one." Jacobs first began learn- ing GoJu Kai Karate as a child in St. Croix, U.S. Vir- gin Islands. "There was a club right next to my home and it's warm there so most of the training was done outside," Jacobs said. "You couldn't help but hear and look and see the training." Jacobs explained that entering the school was reasonable at the time be- cause it was not expensive to train. "Most people were into it because they care about the sport," he said. "They wanted to seek knowledge, wisdom and perseverance." Jacobs began to learn other martial arts styles from various parts of the world - Shoalin Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Muay Tahi Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu- jitsu, Silat, Aikido are just a few examples. Jacobs began serving with the U.S. Army and while serving, used his martial arts training to help work with not only training soldiers, but also to teach self-defense cours- es to some of the military wives. "I used [my skills] for training special operations group," Jacobs said. "I was used for a lot of security for generals and such." He also entered compe- titions around the world to represent the United States, including a third- place finish at the World Kickboxing Championships in 1979. While competing, Jacobs would teach various organi- zations his different styles, including special forces for British, Italian and French armed forces. After serving and tour- ing around the world, Ja- cobs then began to train at Fort Lewis military base in Washington in the 1980s and continued to exhibit his skills. "At the time, recruit- ment was not that great," Jacobs said. "I used to do martial arts shows for the military, demonstrating my skills." "Rather than seeing that American soldiers are do- ing wrong, here's one that has won all these champi- onships," Jacobs said. In November 1986, Ja- cobs finished his service duty and becamse a Master of Use Of Force Instructor for Washington State, cer- tified through the Criminal Justice Training Center. Jacobs is also involved with training law enforce- ment corrections and mill- dents. "That's the way you get that exposure," Jacobs said. "Once you have the talent and skill, you can ex- pose that talent." Jacobs said he continues to train constantly because he knows prospective stu- dents are intrigued by the speed and skill of the in- structor. "You have to impress people to do things," Ja- cobs said. "Whatever you preach, it must be shown on the mats." is less than most gyms that charge down payments and minimum balances, accord- ing to Jacobs. "The money goes toward the rent and the equip- ment," he said. "I train for success and I'm not going to exploit students to do this or do that to make money." Jacobs said one of his' goals is to create fight- ing teams throughout the state. But in Shelton, Jacobs hopes to organize exhibi- tions at various locations in town to recruit more stu- makes gift for any I Complete this form, clip it and mail to RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 You can order by phone (360) 426-4412 with your credit card. $37 (Mason County address) $51 (Elma or Bremerton address) [~ $51 (in Washington State) [~ $61 per year out of state Please check: ~l New I~ Renewal Please charge my subscription to my credit card $ . [~ Visa [~ MasterOard Zip:. ~~ Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SHERIFF- SEX OFFENDER iNFORMATION BULLETIN - PA VERY HIGH RISK LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT STATUS Date: January 24, 2011 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: l 1-03 The Mason County Sheriff's Otffce is releasing the l~llowing inlbm~ation pursuant to RCW 4.24,550 and the Washinglon State Supreme Court decision in ~,~ttg..~.~- wh cl authorizes law enforcement agencies to intbrm the public of a sex offenders release when: in the discretion of the agency, the release of intbmmtion will enhance public safety and protection. The i,adividual who appears on this notification has been convicted of a sex offense that requires registration with Ihe Sheriff's Oltice in the county of their residence. Further, their prcxious criminal hislor~ places them in a classification level which reflects tile potential to re- offend. This sex offender has served the sentence iznposcd on Him by the courts and has advised the N|aSOll County SherifCs Office that he ~ill be living in the location below. HE 15 ~ ~,~¢~t NTED BY THE POLICE AT THIS TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT IN'FENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, 13" IS OtR BELIEF TIIAT AN INFORYvlED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. ]qle Mason County Sheriff's Office has no leg aulhont~ to direct xsberc a sex oltkmder may or may not li~e. Unless court ordered restriclions exist, this offender is constilutionally l~ee to live ~herc~ cr he chooses. Sex offenders ha~e al~ays li~ ed ill our colrlmunities, but it v,a~n't until passage of the ( onlrntlnity Protection Acl of l Q¢)0 r*,vhi¢.h mondates sex (?ffbnder tz,gtstraHon~ that law enforcement even kne~ v~hcrc thc~ ~cre li~ing In many cases, la~ cnloreemen! is nm~ able to share that ilfformation with you. Citizen abuse nf this in.formation to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex off;coders will not be tolerated. Further. such abuse could potentially etad law enforcement's abili~' to do community notifications. ~-rv~ believe the only pcrso,a who wins if community notification ends is the sex offender, since sex ofl~nders derive thelt paver through secrecy. if you have any information rt~aardinm current criminal ac/ix, ffv ol" this or any other offender. I~lease call 911. For other sex offender information+ htfD.*// JAMES HENRY CHRISTY WHITE MALE - DOB: 10/16/58 - 6'00" - 188 LBS. BROWN HAIR & BROWN EYES ,lames CHRISTY has recently been released l'rom custody again and registered as a Transient sex otT;ender due to numerous sex crime convictions as well as for being homeless. His most current conviction that he is just being released fi'om is due to pleading guilty to Felony Indecent [-xposure on 05/03/2010, Kitsap County Superior Court cause #10-1-00367-1. This is due to CHRISTY at age 51 exposing himself to a 52 year old woman in a connnon area of an apartmem complex. Other sex crimes are as lbllows: CHRISTY pied guilty to two counts of Indecent Liberties With Forcible Compulsion on 11/12/93, Mason County Superior Court cause #93-1-00098-7. This conviction stems from when CttRISTY 38 years old, he was baby-silting a friend of a relative's children. While he was alone with the two little girls, ages 5 & 6, he began tim sexual abuse by groorning the little girls through playing sexually oriented gmnes. Eventually, the sexual molestation escalated to rape. During the investigation of these sexual assaults, CHRISTY solely placed all responsibility for the offenses upon the little girls. According to Departmcnl of Corrections file material, CHRISTY also admitted three more sexual assauhs as follows Card Number: CHRISTY admitted to exposing himself to a 14 year old girl that was unknown to him: and that he approached two other girls unknown to him, ages 10 & 12, and offered to expose himself to them. CHRISTY further admitted that he provided alcoholic beverages to a 14 or 15 year old girl where the girl became intoxicated and CHRISTY stated that he "'had his way with her". In all, CHRISTY personally estimates that he has had "20 or so victims" including 15 teenage girls, 4 girls under the age of 7, and one 10 year old boy, Potential ~ictims for CHRISTY include children and vulnerable adults. CHRISTY personall> .lists his victim age range as 5 years old to 17 years old. CHRISTY also has a lengthy criminal conviction history which includes Possession of Marijuana, Minor In Possession, DWI, Malicious Mischief 3r~ Degree, DWLS, Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Trespass, Simple Assault, Theft/Larceny and Indecent Exposure (Public Indecency). WARN!NG~ 1~ th~ p~tl ~HRi~Y ~ad ihfo~:al ~partment of Corrections Staff psYch01ogist that he wilt ki]] unyone in the e~mmuni~y wh0 says anything it) him about being a sex offender. All Law Enlbrcement Officers sh~uid be forewarned to take this theft very seriously. The I)epaament of Corrections psychologist describes CHRISTY aS an angry sex 0ffender who is in denial ab0U~ ~ing a sex 0ffender, Due to these thetnrs he is Considered ~ $"ER~ HIGH R!SKi (NOTE: CHRISTY is no longer on Department of Con+ections Supervision and his only requirement is hi~ duty to register as a sex offender.) CHRISTY is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a L¢vel 3 Sex Offender. due to his assessment by the WA State Department of Corrections as an "EXTREMELY HIGH RISK TO RE-OFFEND". This is the HIGHEST LEVEL given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a VERY HIGH RISK to re-offend. CHRISTY has given his status within Mason County as: Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA Mason County Sheriff's Office Washington State Accreditation since 1990 South (360) 427-9670 t~bst (260) 482-5269 North (360) 275-4467 tary forces. Jacobs said that at his age, there is no reason to fight anymore, he focuses on training others. "Not that I can't fight anymore but I don't need to prove anything," he said. The gym in downtown Shelton only charges a monthly fee of $70, which Signature: Expires: 3 digit security code Name: Address: Eity:. State: Phone: Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011 1,- f ~, ! , ' -- ', !illllllml Alillllll llilllilliilllll ,i l [ 131 lifil liljil 'Iml i 11rll ,+Itt+ + II11111 [IMMM ! +