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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 27, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Journal photo by Dean Siemon North Mason High School's Renee Willey fights for a rebound against Olympic High School's Ashli Payne during Tuesday's game in Belfair. Bulldogs Continued from page C-1 Jennifer Hicks led the team with 16 points and made five three-point field goals, which Harris said helped the rest of the of- lense. "When she was hitting outside, it opened up things inside for Renee [Willey]," Harris said. Willey had 10 points and 13 rebounds on Friday. Harris said she stepped up in one of the team's best ef- forts of the season. "She [Willey] played a really well rounded game," Harris said. Ingwaldson also contrib- uted 13 points, while Emily Satran was next with four points. North Mason has four games remaining on the schedule and still have a chance and qualifying for the sub-district tourna- ment. January 25 at North Ma- son High School in Belfair Olympic 18 17 18 9- 62 N. Mason 5 7 12 17- 40 Olympic - Jackson 15, Halstead 13, Payne 11, Jones 11, Quitevis 7, Muss- man 3, Logat 2 North Mason - Ingwald- son 13, Johnson 10, Hicks 9, Willey 4, Lake 2, Satran 2 January 21 at Kingston High School in Kingston N. Mason 11101710-48 Kingston 9 15 20 15 -.59 North Mason - Hicks 16, Ingwaldson 13, Willey 10, Satran 4, Johnson 3, Lake 2 Kingston Rose-Albert 11, Wicklein 10, Brown 9, Snaza 7, Fontes 6, Carper 5, McMullen 4 p.o. Box 430 * Shelton, Washington 98584,360.426.4412 DEADLINE: 5 P,H. MONDAY Jug fill in this ea~]-t0~ order form and then mail to: Shelt0n-M~0n County J0umal, Box 430, Shelt0n, WA 98584. CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM Name Address PHONE Card # ['l Cars, Trucks For Rent ['1 For Sale ['1 Garage, Yard Sales [-1 Auctions I~ Flea Markets Boats & Motors ~ Bazaar ~Business Properties _Antiques Business Opportunities [..IChildcare D Help Wanted ~ Porsonals 1"7 r-IIns~Yd0n ~Farmers q Sporting Gcxxls l-1 Lest & Found ~Pots 17Travd Vehides Mobile Homes [-I Pot Services [] Wanted Motorcycles ~ Real Estate I"lWant to Rent [-]Music [-I Real Estate Wanted ~W~ Wantecl N Farmers' Markots ~Servses ~ Mortgages Date ...... 20 No.Times City ?ip Expiration: No. ~mes: 10 15 20 25 '30 35 List your credit card number and expiration date or enclose your check or money order for correct amount. ~ minimum charge is $10.35 per week for the first 20 words. Additional words are 15 cents apiece. Fourth insertion is FREE. Page C-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011 Swim Continued from page C-1 and be more aggressive," Youngquist said. January 20 at Shelton High School in Shelton Shelton 99, Olympia 84 Shelton individual results: 200-yard medley relay- 1) Grant, I. Endicott, Crain, B. Rodgers, 1:56.13; 3) G. Endicott, Taylor, Smith, Kealy, 2:07.70 200-yard freestyle - 2) Ramsey, 2:05.35; 5) Finlay, 2:18.90 200-yard individual medley - 2) I. En- dicott, 2:18.97; 4) Crain, 2:32.69 50-yard freestyle - 1) Grant, 24,57; 2) Rutledge, 25.43; 3) B. Rodgers, 25.45 Diving - 1) Dean, 131.25; 2) Hurst, 117.35; 3) Wiley, 58.15 100-yard butterfly - 3) Crain, 1:07.85; 4) Smith, 1:12.09 100-yard freestyle - 1) Ramsey, 55.34; 3) Rutledge, 56.58; 5) B. Rodgers, 1:00.16 500-yard freestyle - 4) Finlay, 6:28.38; 5) Maddox, 7:13.31 200-yard freestyle relay -1) Rutledge, Ramsey, B. Rodgers, Crain, 1:41.55 100:yard backstroke - 1) Grant, 1:02.71; 4) G. Endicott, 1:10.24 100-yard breaststroke - 1) I. Endicott, 1:12.70; 2) Taylor, 1:20.51 400-yard freestyle relay - 1) Rutledge, Ramsey, Grant, I. Endicott, 3:42.49 Journal photo by Dean Siemon Shelton High School's Jon Ramey in the 200-yard freestyle event in Thursday's home meet against Olympia High School. Climbers Continued from page C-1 during a 12-2 run within a three-minute span where the High- climbers began to pull away in an 18-9 frame. Within the final 30 seconds, the Cou- gars closed the score to 52-49, giving a foul to Fisher, who missed both free throws. Padgett rebounded the second missed free throw and converted one of his two free throws. Snapping a three- game losing streak, Jensen said the rest of the schedule is not ex- pected to be easier. "We psychologically needed this win," Jen- sen said. January 19 at Shel- ton High School in Shelten Shelton 53, Central Kitsap 49 Central Kitsap - Collins 17, Ja. Sontag 15, Thomas 5, Thomp- son 4, Corry 4, Jo. Son- tag 2, Cox 2 Shelton Peterson 19, Fisher 15, Padgett 9, Ownby 4, Millard 2, Wuestner 2, Miranda 2 Regionals Continued from page C-1 they must qualify through the Sub-Regionals/Nar- rows League tournament on February 4-5 at Foss High School in Tacoma. The top-eight wrestlers from the league tournament vcill advance to regionals. Judson said the feeling is the same amongst all the Highclimber wrestlers - ex- citement. "When I armounced to the team that we were going to be the site for the tourna- ment, the kids were all ex- cited," Judson said. "I think that's a special thing for our kids." in the Tell that special someone that you really care ... Your message will be published in this newspaper on February 10. It's a fantastic way to say "1 love you!" So give us a call ~ 360-426-4412 or stop by our office at 227 West Cota St., Shelton and we'll get it down "on paper" for you. Valentine Greetings are one column wide by 2" tall in a display ad format with Valentine art and your special message of approximately 25 words or fewer. Larger ads are available at the standard display rate. Deadline is Monday, Feb, 7 at 5:00 p.m. This size ad with spot RED color for only $19,s What a great way to show your Valentine" that you care~