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Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 27, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 NO. 10-4-00206-6 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of CLINTON L. BOYD, Deceased. The representative named below has been ap- pointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statue of limitations, pres- ent the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative's at- torney, at the address stated below, a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representatives served or mailed the notice to the creditor as pro- vided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication.of the ndtice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise pro- vided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the Decedent's probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: January 13, 2011 /s/ VIRGINIA L. KINNEY Personal Representative /s/ RICHARD T. Hess, WSBA# 12976 Hess & Wilson-Hess, LLP 236 West Birch Street Shelton, WA 98584 3910 1/13-20-27 3t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate No. 104002015 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of: ETHEL P. GUNDERSON-BUNTING, Deceased. The co-Personal Representatives named below have been appointed and have qualified as co-Per- sonal Representatives of this estate. Persons hav- ing claims against the deceased must, prior to the time such claims would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, serve their claims on the Personal Representatives or their attomey of record at the address stated below and file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of this Court within four months after the date of first pub- lication of this notice or within four months after the date of the filing of the copy of this notice with the Clerk of the Court, whichever is later or, except un- der those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011 or RCW 11.40.0 13, the claim will be forever barred. Date of Filing Notice to Creditors with Clerk of Court: JANUARY 10, 2011 Date of First Publication: JANUARY 13, 2011 Personal Representative: TERRY K. COUSINS and STEVEN W. EWALD Address: c/o P.O. Box 1845, Belfair, WA 98528 Attorney for Estate: Daniel L. Goodell, HOULE & GOODELL, Attorneys, PLLC. Address: P.O. Box 1845, Belfair, WA 98528 Telephone: (360) 275-9505 DATED this 10 day of JANUARY, 2011. HOULE & GOODELL, Attorneys, PLLC /s/Daniel L. Goodell DANIEL L. GOODELL, WSBA #14790 Attorneys for Estate of Ethel P. Gunderson-Bun- ting 3911 1/13-20-27 3t PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE 1777-0111 An Ordinance of the City of Shelton, Wash- ington Amending Chapter 3.04 of the Shelton Municpal Code to Establish the Shelton Metro- politan Park District Fund The ordinance is on file with the City Clerk and is available upon request. 3937 1/27 It PUBLIC NOTICE SOLICITATION OF VENDORS and SMALL WORKS CONTRACTORS for 2011 Public Utility District No. 3 is soliciting vendors and small works contactors for placement on the current list to be solicited for price quotations to purchase goods and services used by the District. Further details may be obtained by contacting Terry Young, Purchasing Manager at: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT No. 3 P.O. BOX 2148 SHELTON, WA 98584 Telephone: (360) 427-5205 or (360) 426-8255 ext. 5205 Facsimile: (360) 539-1152 E-Maih The District encourages qualified firms to sub- mit a statement of qualifications and performance data. It is the policy of the District to encourage mi- nority and women-owned firms to compete for and obtain contracts for services with the District. The District will evaluate and select from the proposals submitted the most qualified firms for discussions regarding concepts and the relative utility of alternative methods of furnishing the re- quired services. PUBLICATION DATE: January 27, 2011 3940 1/27 It PUBLIC NOTICE SOLICITATION OF CONTRACTORS FOR UTILITY ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTANANCE FOR 2011 Public Utility District No. 3 is pre-qualifying contractors for placement on the current roster of pre-qualified utility electrical contractors. Further details may be obtained by contacting Terry Young, Purchasing Manager at: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT No. 3 P.O. BOX 2148 SHELTON, WA 98584 TELEPHONE: (360) 427-5205 OR 426-8255 EXT. 5205 FACSIMILE: (360) 539-1152 E-MAIL: The District encourages qualified firms to sub- mit a statement of qualifications and performance data. It is the policy of the District to encourage mi- nority and women-owned firms to compete for and obtain contracts for services with the District. The District will evaluate and select from the proposals submitted the most qualified firms for .$ discussions regarding concepts and the relative utility of alternative methods of furnishing the re- quired services. PUBLICATION DATE: January 27, 2011 3941 1/27 It PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE MASON COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AU- THOIRTY will hold a PUBLIC HEARING for the purpose of receiving comment on its Six Year .Transportation Development Plan for the period 2011-2016 and 20t0 Annual Report. This meet- ing will be held in conjunction with the regularly scheduled meeting of the Authority Board to be held on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. at Mason Transit's Business Office, 790 E Johns Prai- rie Road, Shelton, Washington. The public hearing portion is scheduled to begin at 4:30 p.m. Copies of the plan are available at Mason Tran- sit's Business office (790 E Johns Prairie Road, Shelton) and all local Timberland Libraries. You can also access an electronic version of the plan on our web site, or request the PDF version via e-mail at Comments must be re- ceived by noon on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 to be considered. For more information regarding the scheduled public hearing, please call (360) 426-9434. 3945 1/27 It PUBLIC NOTICE Summons By Publication No. 102011408 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MA- SON EHS&G profit Sharing/401(k) Plan, Plaintiff VS. Meridian Mortgage Investors Fund I, L,L.C. and PR Investor Services, Inc. and David Sorsoli and Jane Doe Sorsoli, Defendants The State of Washington to the said David Sor- soil and Jane Doe Sorsoli: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within 60 days after the 27 day of January, 2011, and defend the above en- titled action in the above entitled court, and an- swer the complaint of the plaintiff, EHS&G Profit Sharing/401(k) Plan, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff, Malcolm L. Edwards, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure to do sO, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of the court. The purpose of the action is to confirm the plaintiff as the beneficiary of four deeds of trust and the payee of four notes given by David Sorsoli to Meridian Mortgage Investors Fund I, L.L.C. Plaintiff's Attorney: Malcolm L. Edwards 214 First Avenue South Studio B 12 Seattle, WA 98104 206-340-9395 3949 1/27-2/3-110-17-24-3/3 6t PUBLIC NOTICE * NOTICE OF SALE OFTIMBER MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on Febru- ary 10, 2011, commencing at 9:00 AM in the Ma- son County Commissioners Chambers, located in Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shel- ton, Washington, the standing timber on the follow- ing described tract of land will be sold at public auc- tion on a sealed bid basis by the Mason County Treasurer to the best and highest bidder. This sale is for the purpose of removing all standing timber within the following described tract of land without regard for species or size, to wit: An area comprised of the timber in portions of parcel 420021000010, as identified by the Mason County Assessor and marked with pink paint and ribbon and existing roads. The sale area is com- prised of one unit totaling approximately 3 acres. A map of the sale area and sale contract is available at the Mason County Public Works office, 100 West Public Works Drive, Shelton, WA. Directions to sale area: Proceed north from Shelton on State Route 101 approximately two miles to the intersection with State Route 102. Turn left on State Route 102 and travel approximately 1/4 mile to the intersection with West Public Works Drive. Travel approximately 1,000 feel to the point where West Public Works Drive turns to the right The sale area is on the right all the way to the inter- section with State Highway 101. Timber will be sold on a pay-as-cut basis for the following products: Bid Product Class Basis Douglas fir saw logs, 5-9" S/ton Douglas fir saw logs, 10"÷ $/Mbf Lodge pole pine logs S/ton Douglas fir utility logs S/ton Estimated Minimum Volume Bid 50 tons $251ton 25Mbf $30~fMbf 20 tons $5/ton 50 tons $10/ton Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Public Works Timber Sale" to the Mason County Treasurer prior to the time and date shown above. The Treasurer's office hours are 8:30-4:30, Monday through Friday. It is closed for lunch from 12:30-1:30 each day. Bidders warrant to the County that the bid en- tered is based on their own evaluation of volume and quality of the products offered for sale, that they have had an opportunity to fully inspect the sale area and are not relying on any information provided by Mason County concerning the volume or value ofthe products offered for sale. The sale will be awarded to the bidder offering the highest total value based on prices per unit of volume for each class of product, extended against the County's volume estimate. All bidders are required to submit a bid deposit equal to 10% of their total bid. Bid deposit checks/ money orders should be made out to the Mason County Treasurer. All bid deposits will be retained by Mason County until the winning bidder is an- nounced. At that time, unsuccessful bidders will have their deposits returned and the bid deposit of the winning bidder will be retained. If the winning bidder does not enter into a contract with Mason County to log the timber from the sale area, his bid deposit will be forfeited as liquidated damages to the County. The successful bidder shall begin cutting and removing timber from the sale area no later than March 7, 2011 and will complete removals by March 21, 2011. As part of the timber sale con- tract with Mason County, the successful bidder will be required to post a performance and payment bond equal to 100% of the total amount bid. Mason County will require the successful bidder to supply proof of liability insurance with a minimum cover- age of $1,000,000 to include Logger's Broadfonn Page D-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, January 27, 2011 coverage. Mason County will be named as an ad- ditional insured party on the policy. Access to the sale area from Public Works Drive is limited to a single point The purchaser shall be required to re- store Public Works Drive its shoulder and right of way at the point of entry to a condition at least as good as that existing before timber removal activi- ties began. Bidders are notified that, under the terms of WAC 240-15-015, all timber removed from Mason County property is export restricted timber and may not be sold for export from the United States of America. The successful purchaser is responsible for paying the Washington Timber Harvest Excise Tax. The purchaser will be required to pile slash in order to prepare the sale area for reforestation. Complete contract specifications and sale area map may be obtained at the office ofthe county Engineer, 100 West Public Works Drive, Shelton, Washington 98584. Telephone Number: (360) 427- 9670, ext. 450. For questions, please contact Rick Hirschberg at (360) 427-9670 ext. 748. Dated this 18th day of Januarv. 2011. MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MASON COUNTY, WASH- INGTON /s/ Office Manager 3946 1/27-2/3 2t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC REVIEW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Hearings Examiner will hold a public re- view in the Commissioner's Chambers in the Ma- son County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington on Tuesday, Febru- ary 8, 2011 at 1:00 P.M. The PUBLIC REVIEW will be to consider an ap- plication by Rae Whitten for a performance subdi- vision as provided for in the Mason County Plats and Subdivisions Ordinance, Chapter 16:22 (as adopted). The 29.98-acre property is zoned Ru- ral Residential 10. By meeting the criteria of the Chapter 16.22 the applicant can double the density to a total to 4 residential parcels. The property is owned by Ms Whitten. In accordance with section 16.22.020 the Mason County Hearings Examiner shall review the proposed subdivision for consis- tency with Chapter 16.22. The property is located about two miles NW of Hoodsport, on both sides of SR 119,just south of The Girl's Cafe, in the NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Section 10, Township 22N., Range 4W., WM. For further details please contact Subdivision Planner Michael MacSems at extension 571. This is not a hearing, but a review that is open to the public. The Mason County Hearings Examiner will render a conclusion within ten working days of the hearing. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Mason County Commissioners' office at 427- 9670, Ext 419. 3947 1/27 It PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICE January 27, 2011 There will be a change of date of the Regular Scheduled Monthly Fire Commissioner's Business Meeting for February 2011. The regular scheduled monthly meeting is usually held the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. In February the Fire Commissioner's meeting will be held on Wednes- day February 9th 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Station located at 130 E. Island Lake Rd. Submitted by: Michelle Ritchie, District Secretary Mason County Fire District #11 360-426-1822 360-427-8361 fax 3951 1/27 It for small change in the Shelton-Mason County with the and Just 71 cents per week when you subscribe! r" "1 I Complete this form, clip it and mail to P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 I You can order by phone (360) 426-4412 with your credit card. I I 0 $37 (Mason County address) I 0 $51 (Elm 0~ aremed0n address) I I ~3 $51('m W~ingt0n State) ~ $51peryear~olstate I I Please check: [1 New [~ Renewal --,J/ i I Please charge my subscription I to my credit card $ .__ [~ V'~a ~ MasterCard I I I Card Number:.. I Signature: I Expires: 3 digit security code Phone:__ I I I Name: Address: ICi~. State: Zip: I J Complete this form, clip it and mail to P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 You can order by phone (360) 426-4412 with your credit card. $37 (Mason County address) $51 (Elm or Br~erl0n address) 0 $51 (inWashingt0n State) [1 $tl per y~ out 0f state Please charge my subscription to my credit card $ .__ 0 Visa [~ Maste~,ard Card Number: Signature: Expires: 3 digit security code Phone: Name: Address: City:. State: Zip:.__ I Please Mail Gift Subscription to: I Name: Address: State: Zip: I LPhone: I I I I I