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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 flHT:LTON--MA,qON COUNTY. 30URNAL- Published in "Chr{Mma.¢to vn, U.S.A.", qhelton, Washington Thursday, January Judges For Jaycee businessmen have been named by ~i, [~2 .! . tne Sl:eih)n ,Itt.ycees lls jlhlges ini the Jaycees In(tep(~n(lence tlal] es- GRAPILVIEW -. Our stwpris9 ,.,i'?ht t)'mndu fOllI' ounces, a most say contest, Tony Mr(~z, (:hairm~ln Saturday morning snow forced commendable feat for a ii,'at- of the project annotmced this the posL1)on~ment of the Fair Har- bor,1 child. Proud Grandma Xdna week. [h,,.. (]ra'~ge c;trd 1)arty and let the Stevens who had been on hunt' Judges will work independently,celebrating of birthd:tvs dominate since Jan. 2, fina'ly retmnc:l ~) Each entry will be awarded a the weekend social a~tivities, from (3rapeview tl'is Ileal Sa'.u~id:~;,' v'iti number of points f~om one tl) 10. Thursday until Monday in fact. daughter K'y 'u,~:! ~a,-'i!,, ' The entry with tim llighest num- It was a v~al sllrprise for Shir-M()vgm~ B .~,q;,~:i,qd~ Vnr.,i, ~'*,.v ber of points will be judged tile ley Engen v:hen a group of well- ie, and "Mi:~sie". Bet Grandma winner. \vi:~hin~, f~i~.'n:!s dropped in Tnnrs- Stevens we:; ,l'~d in see them! The award winners will he re- (loy a.f!et'P, oon :tl"~,c!t with eooi:ie,q The Kiwani~ had a birth(tf!y tO0: vealed at a sp((:ial ~;chool t.~embly :~'? ~,.)f"ce !.., ~.,'¢, ',-r a h~pD?' Monday. I bivthday. 1"o,, 'o v.e kw,w i: wa:' Members (ff the judging corn-ia, roe! ~,u'r):i ;o'7 The e'u~ivo Shir-. miter are Rod Cottrell, manager] ley':.: bir'thcl'v'.w's l'O~ ;~'~'i; S:l,t- of the National Bank of Mason L urd,:!y. Le2;.,~ Jr's: rJ 'Opl)i:)N l;y with Connty; Jcrly Jolulson, personnel ) hirthd:!y , -,w l,i;~w; , ,,re :"'"'"~ nlanager for Silnl)soll Timber ~ S%):'k, L'~" J:e ' O~:o"e':, Mllui:1~ Celebrating Saturday evenin', e,. the Eastwood Rc()m o! tl:e ?''e brook Inn, Kiwa',aian3 fl'l~P" ' over tbe sU, te gatbe"cd :'b-," i:~,, dining tables t0 ma3"l.'. ],,)t .... the Kiwanis' Fifieth ~npiver;~v.ry but the Shelton grQ'lp,¢~ 10,'?tie.l Ily Joan Tul)per LAKE NAHXVATZb;L SKi. 1st Cl',ts:~ Leroy C, Smith, s,m-in- law of Mr. and 5.Ds. Lee Dawson, \va,~ se!~cted as one of the honor cordon for Presi(le!~L ,lohnson's ][/1- "n~gu].alion as he took the oath of ffice. Sgt. Smith was one of 22 "aen representing the 4th U.S. Army who faced two,, military boards befo~'e he was selected. The fotu' men scleeted a l e top non- ~ommissioned officers from Ft. ~ill Ok'a. The four men have a ",otal cf 80 years in ,-,ervice. Sgt. "]mith has had 17 years. He saw "ombat duty in Euro0e in World Nat II and Korea. He also served :n Saudi Arabia and ml additional of weeks hefore he lakes assignment aboard the cock. Monday evening the ited at the home of Mr. ]Sam Ogg of Shclton. I Visiting Mr, and Mrs, i Cooper last Sunday was Sharpe of Matlock. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bleeker last Smlday Mr. and Mrs. Dovscy ion. Dhmer guests at the Mr. and 1Vh's. Clifford Wednesday evening were Mrs. Bill Holman of Shelt Last Thursday N~r. Hector Barbour were