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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 , BHELTON-- ASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr stmastown, U.Z.A.", 8helton, Washington Lillh i t Trip Around The l iodd H :dsport Collple I Ieturm From thrill- !er fob=he," t ree grand- ngland and Mrs Cook e - non and edro Woolley, rot,,rn-F " ,'f " .. • 'mmren, mrs. t~ooK wasn't Rome piorea interesting places in tholing home Sunday evening. I , ing ~md pleasure-packed 37,000 long enough to be interviewed be-English countryside. ' Mr and Mrs "W H Gilbert of'/r~p l0 G3!g0rRl~t~ mexlc0 miles of travel, Mrs. Helen R. ]ore taking off for Moscow Ida A "PF ' > "' ......... = i oz a wmt Thin. ?~as the' fnst"]i[ mCaUSedskaanda ,seven h()t~r'tA'SOITI delayFOG ].n dock,that[i Thu, s~ay~ evemng' ' at t!~g' home ofeRie MrsHOODSPORTz~ Kmson,T° wqU°tem an[] SSc/t,~E,Arcadia fromT~Vancouver and Cook of Lilliwaup and Mrs. RULe: . ....: .. ~ . . . , _ H(ods]ozt we2e dmnm uests last. By Done O'Neil October 2. They set sail on the Dickinson of Itoodsport, arrived sea .voyage ~ot M~s Cook as hcz mg and a, head on colhmon f.oz ]M1. and Mrs. Jack Lennback. home .lan. ]8. Their tour aboard old saying, "If the mountain won't traveled down the west coast of pIewous tzlp to ~urope had beenother craft made thew mnval m l Mrs Jome Peterson who has/ ................... the S.S. Arcadia started Oct. 2made by air, and tr, e trip hasLondon excitin . Rule was unable • ~" .'o~.,. ":. ....: ..... '~[come m lvmnamme(L then North An]er~a through the Pan- l'rom Vancouver, B.C. and includ- whettcd her appetite for travel, to contact he[zg friends hi Ports ]beenst,:oy~;.g.F,,c~ea,.l~ De(j .... b~r[med must go to the mom~tain" An area Canal, the Cmibbean, and ed many ports of call before they . to d b Mr.. • • • . , ' . :.. m the Sneuon 1clan.or .~.ta'smg excellent parity to that old say- on to the West Indies. They spent disembs.rked Tuesday morning ancl ~,'e were , ! .y s, Dlckmso2. mouth and plevcnt th~ m my trips ] Hol~le, spent Tuesday m Lflhwaup, ling would be "~[ the sml won't t two glorious weeks in foggy Lon- were met in Vancouver by Mr. 'Cooky, as frlen.ds call the ~e. they took to meet hm .at a s!a Isayu~g.faTewell to her old .home/come to the Addlemans, that Ad- don town, and then went' south tued school p~mmpal, was espec tmn, she spent the mght w~th Ion Indmn Beach She was creed . . ~ .... and Mrs. lion Sutton of ]'-Ioods- !ally e~thuse~! by the warm, trop- "Cooky" at her hotel. Record hea-]b ...... ~,,~,,,-~ ..... ( .~ ..... , ....... 3 ...... [dlcmans will go to the sun. And tlu ough the St.~mght of Gibralter, port. mm pmces, nor zellow traveller vy winds were experienced at Port that they did Dec. 28, just about the Mediterranean Sea. and the Snow-blanketed home areas sale, and tney had found it "de- Said, Egvnt. ]~,~(~.~,.~'=: ~.~.~c,:~:: vu,? .... .:=.~[four days before Hoodsport be- Suez Canal. Adcn and Bombay, were no surprise to the world tray- lightfully warm"during most of e .~h~ nf film ~am~ , ' ,~C,y,S,.,~ ..... y w,:,ne(] ~o st,,,c came buriedm~der30 inches of I (1 ~ Is e d .. . . _ . T_n ~ .................... pl rcaas- ] .... ~ o~,~ ~o .,~ ...................... i i n m yore a .o on theu' ag n a ellers, as they had heard through . . . ' , ........... c ..... ,,~: .... c~c .... , ..... s- . tnelltour. ed shdcs and about 200 ca"ds ~ / snow. I l, ro'n S ngapore they went to Sid- letters received ill SI1VZl and Hono- p ' " • • • ' ' ' .,,~. ..... ,,~. • • • • A(%II~IC COAST I ORT_S, the showing places they have sccn, [ ......... [ Mr. and Mrs. Dick Addlcman ]ney, Austraha where Rme spent west ingles, Le Serve l~ iance Mrlose who c tree I1om ~catue hflu about the unusual early Jan--- , .... ,. ...... : "' .,will prove to be pleasm'ablc raG-[ nd '~" ~ "" "~ _ '_ ' [set out with destination Mexico I three weeks visiting ~ith friends uary snowfall. ~onaon. , umz'aire~ ', ivtemtert'anean, mentoes of a wonderful tour ] a, .spen~. [m. ~ee .Rays% net.; 'e win• 'e [ City in mind They stooped in Os- ] while the ship continued on its Eager to see her son's familyports Naples and Port Said, the After several ~,~,a~=,,,~,,, ,’ nor nepnew t~ar~er ~anaahl mm . ,~ .... ~ .-,~.~ ~,~ ".:- ..... I~o .... and to deliver in person the sou- , , g - gettingtogether localPinochle I./ ~'.~ " .' . ..... "''rod lraveled m st le the rest of o ho~ New Red Sea Bombay Penan , Male • ~ ...... ~: ......... hiswife Lena and old friends .... s ......... ~. ..... ~ ............ • .. ,~ . . , • ~ . ........ Y , The ~ ad ne included = ,. ' , " p y- s espeemlly eny,yed the eardl -- --'. ; . • . / Na Singapore, Austraha New la ~.r " IYllall(] lvlrs l~eslle ~.ller Utllel's ,. the way. Zealand the Fu3~ Islands and ~eamnd Suva Fiji and Honolllhl art ,~i ' , . . were 2vLrs ~eterson s roster-in-law ..... ......... :'-:,-:, ,:- ....... . P Y e. yen Jan. 22 bythe Ldh- ~w.~ T,~. TZ.~ ,.~ T~.,, ~ ..... * ..,.~ They passed through Oregon t~onolulu. They set foot on North • . p ]t.y Club E~gnL ta-I .............. land Northern Califorma w~tness- American soil in Vancouver Jan. rOlll'iStS, i 1 , • " ; nelgnoors Mrs. J~.llle w. l~ODlnson ~ , D,,,.i-~ ~h,~ ^.~.m.,. ~ .......).es wmem play and several new land Mrs ~.,~ ~ ...... - 'vhov h.’t n ing the great damage done by 18. They had coveled 37,000 miles i,, ~,,.~ .... ~., ~u ........ ._ '~_: -.2 players2wme welcomed to the [ ,~o+1,,~1- ~ .... ~ ..... ~,.~oth,~,, w... [ the recent floods, While crossing [ m theu" journey, and they found 2~,:2 varyy, no,and Will,.o,, was ] [the Siskiyous they ran into a snow [ each milc to be an adventure. ..... a ~..c.. ..,. ~w,, ~==,.~, nostess, g " ......’' ..... "" " ' l )n l'n . • the women visited with friends Damage to the community hall Itbem, t oS~°~tmaf~:'cdfS~allCdrWa,? h~ug ~ ^,AtTb.T~EA REo(;[~L~mRiame~e[a?g ana too~’ snor~ trips..mrs. DmKin- caused by the early Januar.v bur-' I MR. AND MRS. ROBERT Mik- [.,,.,m. +~ .......... v...+ ...... ’~. +~.~1~* t/i ~ , : ' _.s v son visiter in Adelaide, South Aus- den of snow had' been r@aired/kelsen, staying temporarily in l:=='~';5+='eL.*~c~'=.=°~=':’.~:~'~r.,~'..'~ ] tor tne new gym were mscusse~; }ra,ia. and in Sydney with ~rs. to have the i all in readiness for ] I~[oodsport at The Treasure Chest, I::[%"~",==l,'~'~=,.:~ tn~i'~"~ .............. ] riowaro bcnwao, tnew _mtenaea Lal l~nllllpS, a zIlend made four w~ .~u~ ,~u~ ~ guest speaKeI, was unaDle ~o De ' the carol oa~tv Jack Leimback in- will become new Indian Beach res- • • . . I : " yeats a o on a tour of'the Bzi ' " "' Thei~ t~iincluded ,a corn, crmp present I'' ~- g - . . ' t- stalled the new kitchen door and]idents in February when they[. ' "P .~ . '_ [ " • : mn ±rues. She naa visited her in I-Ienrv Mourik and Fred Martin Imove into the Dave Collins house, laaY at the r’ose ~owi game, ana I They also adopted a new project Aush:alia two years ago and it had built a fine new chimn-y to [Mrs. Mikkelsen's sons, Randy and/a visit with:a niece, Diane Dick- Icalled" Books for the appalachian was tier urging to come again replace the one that broke oft:and Billy Essex, will continue in their Iinson, who is a Stewardess tot I Schools" The PTA urges anyone that inspired another trip. SheCr~shed through the kitcllen door I present school, Billy at the Ho0d/Western Airlinesin Reoonao ]who has new or used books, to do- spent time with friends in Ports- ] It Was no eas"''job Fmday' ' to clean' I Canal Junior. High School and / Beach. I nate them to their new project. ---------~ Jup the soo~-blackened-kitchen. [Randy at Lower Skokomish. She[ When they arrived in San Diego lThe books should be in good con- BUSINESS I • ll~l~mm ~ ]a task in which Mrs. Mattie Back' [is the daughter of Mrs. Mel Bear- [the temperatures were still a cool [dition, suitable for children from li~l--~-~-~OV Ilund..helped Mrs. Sig Ploff to corn- Idon, proprietor of rhe Treasure 155-60 degrees. This being the case, [kindergarten to high school. Do- ~i"la, ilJ~ ~[ /p!ete in.time for the evening event. IChest, and became the bride of/they began scanning the newspa- [nors a~e asked to send or bring ~ m i-~m~m ~am ] ' Mrs. Esther Christensen was /Mr. Mikkelsen in a fall wedding / per looking for lands of bluer skys [the books as soon as possible to ,I, .~ I winrier of the women's first nrlze /last year land warmer sun After waiting / any one of the tbree schools These Appliance Repairs -----.1 e ....... ' " • m ome xax ~erwee ~[while Walt Carpenter tied with t Other new residents moving this/several days they were able to/b°°ks will be sent to the one and I l~anges-Refers.-Washers- etc. I I |]By~on Miles for the men's first [week to Indian Beach are Mr and /get a flightout of Tijuana via/two room schoolhouses through- [ Any Make - Any Model [ [ Experienced Assistancel[prize and shared it ~'ith him. See- [Mrs. W L. Lhamon formeriy of/Mexican Airlines for Mexico City ~out the Appalachan Mountains Guaranteed Satisfaction I I ...... l[ ond 'prizes Were won by Mrs. Matt [Fairbanifs Alaska ~'he Lhamons }(the "Paris of the Americas") and [where books are either very I I -easonao,e ~'r,ces []Kaare .and Roland Willson; pin-[who spent the winter on the Can-[Acapulco. /scarce, or p1'.actically non-ex- I | Lem Warren Refrigeration I I 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Ph, 426-4g00 [[°chle'by Mrs. Willson and tIazel [al in the home of Mr. and Mrs. [ THEY FOUND Mexico City an[istant. Books useri ], 2nd & Cote ,, 426-2445 ]l I/r'!ers°n, and the door prize by/Wiff Jessup, are occupying the /ultra-sophtsticated and fascinating }are Atlases, encyclopeams--Dotfl i ..... [ l lHenry Mourik. l former'residence of Mrs. Josie /citv of over six million people. [old and new, alcuonaries, ~ex~-I ..... --] WITH ','APPRECIATION of the ]Peterson recently mwehased bv [They visited the Aztec Pyramids [books, novels, poetry, and etc [ .... _. _ ~ ~. [World s Beaqty as her subject, [Mr. and Mrs. Herman Joslyn, [now restored datin~ back to 200 ]Now m the chance to clean outI Auto Glass ~ ~er₯1c’~ , ./Mrs Rule .Dickinson well known/ .-- ..... /~,-~ "he-" toured l~aximilian and [another corner of the attic and I [' - - "traveler-" • • " . I ~urmg ~neir winter resiaence on / ...... ~ • I Por ~ood Service l i_ . , Who .nas Just returneo 1the Canal, Mr. and Mrs Lh~mon /Charlottas castle with its priceles~ ]an even better opportunity to putI I • Expert Installation I I See Usl i][r°m a w0rld tour, willi.speak at [have made many friends and j0ii - [collection of antiques, enjoyed the ]those dusty om SChoolbooKs to I I JIM PAULEY, INC. I I All Work Full-" Guaran ....i]~m. !m_x~ me~!ng o~ tne r~ooa led the Lilliwaup Community Club /'arChitectural beauty of the build-[gooa use. I I z ~u |j ~anai (garaen ulu~ ~'eb. 4. Mrs. N. is0 they (to not come as strangers/ings of the University of Mexico, [ The Hood Canal Garden Club I bth & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 | . J ~ceva of Lilliwau and Mrs ' ,. o ,. " " i ce and the • I c & L T~me Service Station |[Ed ",= " . ~P . . "lto make their home m the beach/the Premdentml PaR , ]wzll meet Feb. 4, at 11 a.m. at[ i 401 So. 1st St. Charilne & Lloyd |[ to.War(~_H', Jennm, ~otlatcnla~e [neighborhood south of Lilllwaup. [famous shrincs, and cathedrals. ]the Womans Clubhouse. After the] | Ir ve 'hostesses at the p0tmCK ~ .......... /Impressing .also, were the many |meeting there will be potluck lun- lunche r e ' ~wr ana ~m's ~eil vance were ~ ' [ on p ec.dmg the afternoon [ '. - - ' ..... : - /fountains, statues, and parks and ]cheon and after that the program: ro ram Vi ito"S l sllrDrlse(l Dya weel(ena VlS1]: Irom , " ' .... 1;~!^.... g'~ ..... :.....~ /p g :; S 1 are we come to T,~|~ l:ln~ll nf [Lhe beautiful mm'als and paint-]will feature RUle Dickinson who Bakery .... x'auux ~L~t~vuriaa ~ ,/me meeting in the woman's club ............. ' ........... :'"'~ ~" ' the Mexican artist Die e will eak on the 'A reciationl ho~ Greeley Colo., who came w~th Mr rags of . g sp , pp ,, [ Fresh Baked Bread - Cakes- I I •Linoleum i[ .... me at Potlatch, - -' .... [and :M~rs Allan Aldrich and threeiRivers. One eveningwas spent on-[of the Worlds Beauty. Herl i Doughnuts - Rolls - Buns- i ~ ,~n^ !/ ~vtrs. rticnara (~. scnauner was /'~ ._ ' .... .~ . /~o,,in~ the colorful ~a eantry of source for this travel talk will be: • ~ h st ' t . enlloren she naa ~een Vlm~ing in J a ~ .- g '~ i Custom Baked Cakes ] I • Carpeting I/.0~ e&~ o..membms..~ .... of the newly. [Portland Ore Mr Aldrich is i the Ballet Folkorico at the Palace /her recent world tour. Hostesses reorganizer ~dnor t~nap~er, O E S ' " ' " de Belles Artes will be Mrs. Edward Jenner of I HI'S BAKERY I I | Oly. Hwy. No. (Mt. View) | • Formica P' z r ' " " ' NeWs nephew They left Monday • | Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 |] last w~ek ~Irs~'.~'.r~f-~'~H~-~/spend some time with a daughter/kn°wledg e our msmry wmcn ]Liuiwaup. 426-3179 I 1 PI~A rl.~Ort t~UV~NllU~ lih~r home ~r~.~n~,, ~ ........ /ana Mrs. ~uen was pmnning to, . ..... .. ., • I I , f/sid,~n" of L----'-"22Z~--~u";; ,'~'~":"/in Hubbard, Ore. /woum pro: many ot us to.sname,/ The president of the Gatxlen i:. group .anu ~ms. yxa - [ • ..... o..,,._ _/and their universal love zor [ne/Club, Mrs. Lois Pierce, has been Lie .t-$acKtuno, secremr -treasurer. v.~,L,.~ .u,. ~L~, .~., ~ • " e i .... IIt~idbl~lllP" , / l~e~resnmencs were scrvea zof 1 c,. u r~un n~u ~ c ~u . 1,~ ,A~ -,~-.,-,~re " ~ ...... Beauty [ "~’"-~-'---" ] ..... Y " ~ " [cousin Mr" An~e ......... & -^e- [late Premdent Kennedy was v Jill w~th pneumoma and must take i • Complete Hair Care | I ~.~., ~..~. |[lowing a business meeting .'and [for years, Barney Essendrup and ]~,e~. e~.~,.,~ :: ..... ~ en~o~n~" [lite. easy for awni!e.. ~ne. ma.y ~e • ~ ~"~"'~ .... ' ' his dau h r t • els 2 ," ,w "'~Z° ~-~ ov .... ~ J" ~ a~ me meeting DUE in all pro~ao- m~tmtmn of a new member, Mrs. " g te lV~.s. Bonme N o~ enl .. . i * Merle Norman Cosmetics I I . Cle~-up I/...,i ~,,,., .... , .~.,~^. r~, .... /snent lasf Fr'.".~ -, ,h,. h-re. -, [the sandy beaches and bea.v y/,1,ty the v,ee premdent will pre- [ (free demonstrations) i | • Minor & major repairs ||~.'==':~4",,,'::,:;'~'~x’=:~_~-"-~'2':~.,''' V'2Y'Y t~, =,,,,'~r;= ".~'~'~ ~o';t~*;:" ,~r;,'~ [weather at Acapmco, wn,cn on-'side at the meeting • :~, Vt=......... *v ...x.~ualILeS 1~ reu ~au~ ..--. -~-.- "-.--.~. --~ ----,~-.,-. """" " - ' " xic6 )k ' • I ST~R,KEV,S HEATING |/ers O C ~--- .... ,~ w T r~_..~ ~lhem were an uncle and a,int M~- maxed t, he~r stay ]n :iV[e. :I [ Cub Scout Pack 11 will meet I Elaine's Beauty Salon I | "Sales & Service []ma;m of gbe~to'n'; ~}'r's.'Ella'La~'n~g"e:/and Mrs: John Ol~ert,'and'anoLh-~e'r thrill not soon to be^fm'go,t.ten [Thursday eveninfl at 7-30 p.m. ill 6th & Laurel 426-4582, [ 514Elhn was seeing ~ne ~ ............... I - " or 426-4673 [J Union; Mrs. Dess Haines, Hoods- [cousin, Mrs. Ernest Todd, of Man- . . "= . ~ ............ ~ 'nto [the gymnasium zor the rang await- I I oft Mzs. . chestm at ~e~.2ueora(]a uzve sou te~ ~ • • ' M " " ed Pinewood Deruy. [l~vIrs' t~ed Mazat~eLiBl~clvc~lund and[ -. • ..... . the swirling ocean below. One [ Happy belated birthday to Elvis / .. ' ' aup; Mrs. [Satllraay tne An~ersons went d~Hc~hfflll ~fternoon was sDcnt On • • Beauty Salon .... , • Luhl smith .' .... t, ...... Presley, who celebrated his 30th ] Complete Beauty Care [ Landscaping... ![George W. i~IoBa~C~lP°:nat'nd~Se [~l~ Met~nnCihenst~r.i~ at~es~ds anfat~e a harbTd~7~ens also s-ent two [b~rthday Jail. 22; And ~,ith that I . ~awns roc~emes, trees I |hn’~f-~’~ / ........ " .... ..: The ~P ~ /las~ Dil: or useless imormation , .,._ ,.. ,~ ....... • /majority} aE ~ne TOGa nome All~rS in the city of ~olden gate/,~.: .... u,. _~ ...... ~...~ ~...**^. [ Evenings By Appointment I ~.~uu~ /V~rs Dam " " ..... ~ • o " "' u,,~ ~==,, ~ ............... ~=, I ........... |/ ~ mann wlll be hostess [had a wonderful hme, Mrs Ander- ,,,~q~ their old timefriendsMr [~,,a | . Top sou, umng, mve~mg I/at the next meetin~ of th^ cl"-~-~ ~ " ..... ". .... t . - - , • .... i Under New O{vnership i . .~ .. . ,, ,.. ~. ~ uu ~son reports, a,u a coumn in ~an- -~ Mrs Gerald Mineher of San/ "" • ~'ree esumm;es 1~ ' . ~,~u ,. eb 17. . ta Barbara Cahf joined the par .... "n S , . , ', • . . Franmsco, dm g the town. | Christmastown Beauty Salon| [ SUN ET LANDSCAPING [[ MR. AND MRS. TIM ONefl]tywithalongtelephonewslt. The --nd so ended a delightful ex-[ = • • --. • • [ I Herbert Baze 426-4718I/have moved from the Collins beach ]/klaskans left by plane Monday ~ ........ a-" fro-- -'" ~£'1" Per / ~][ ~14~ L~$~~e~ 114 SO 4th 426-4783 t t reside ce c curmon aw y m ~ ~ n into the ottage near mornm to retmn to then home ]n PlUMI i.uuta|ltlll - i... ,, " - .. - ] " g ' ..... hans if we wait long enougil the / /me tAulwaup Motel owned by/Sitka ~ - -~ ,'~" .... :~ ~,,~'" ,,,ill / Chiropractor , . ° Mrs " warm rays tn ,,u man .......... C W Cheatham Mz and Mrs Clarence Saeger of race o ~r now cold Rental Serwce i~' ...... " ..... once again g t , I • o,.co o 0. I' -'! r. Mrs. A. J. Indahl went/Shelton spent from Thursday until w(t, empty beaches, until that, ,eaS.~ ,~ Offer I AlmOst Anything Anywhere I|to :Burlington, Tlmrsday to cele-]Saturday morning at lVIike's Re- ~ ;" ,,__ ,'.~m ..... "~ .... , ~^_.{~ I 323 Franklin Street I B 1 ers - m brate th . ." " time, Lice a~.uua~n~ttz~ z~ve ~ ~x~ I u ldozers - Load Pu ps || e 19th birthday of her]sort wffh Mr. and Mrs. C. O ......... o ................I ~ ~ I • . I . Phone 426-8060 ] [ Folding Banquet Tables i|son, Terry Witham, who is mak-]Bartch. The early Saturday mor" aandlOnuthen- ...... y Lo oo , o ...... New . ume’ s I J.L. DEBBAN, D.C. [ | & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc, I|inghis home there while attend-/ning snowfall hastened their de- =- R'uie Dic ........ W- Mrs I w 2-6 I I 2216 E. 4th Olympia 357.7731 |]rney mso.visited with old friends |increase before the weekend was ~,~',~,~, embarl~,~ ,- o~, ~h~oe[are Demg offered in [ne second |1 9-noon, olosed, Thurs. | LEW RENTS |[~.~g .g" Valley Junior College. [partu,re as they feared iL might ~z-~n'Cook as her traveling, com[ Some intriguing new subjects • I' in that.urea at Concrete, Mt Ver owr v .... :7_"~ ....... "'~': .."- ~ ..-:-~ section of the 1964-65 adult edu- ' "' ' " " " " month Lz'~p ~z'ouno the worlalast .. • . • • , * ..... catmn classes which began thin Cleaning Services i .__=~ ,,~ , .......... week (or will start next week) l under auspices of the Shelton [ . Janitor Service I school district I * "Wall To Wall Carpet [ • Top. ~oil Several of the old standbys--- | • House & Upholstery I • &e~ S0il . . . [bookkeeping, typing, drivers train- ] • Complete Line Of Supplies | • scorn Tractor work ing, sewing--l~eld opening 2-hour | DON'S JANITOR SERVICE | .-u.. ,~ .......... ., weekly sessions this week (there 2103 E 4th Olympia 352-1367| 426-3552 N~-.~ a,,~,=~n lis shll., time to join t ese. clas- I ..... I seS me,dentally), but coming up Cleaning Service Carpets - Wall to Wall Floors - Stripped, Polished Windows - Walls - Upholstery "SH ELTON'S OWN" CLEANING SERVICE CO. Days 426-8138 Nites 426-4376 I I I II III I I Clothing Alterations "7 [ If you have an alteration I | problem, or button holes to I I be made, come to US J I LITTLE & BIG SHOPPE I 1 122 Cota 426-4266!66| ..... -- Drugs ................. I • Helena Rubtnstetn cos- I I metics | | • Prescriptions I: i , Hypo-Allergtc Cosmetics INELL'S PHARMACY I J bth & Ph. 426-3327 J Electrical d [ . Fairbanks-Morse Pumps [ | • Electric Heating } • Westinghouse Appliances | SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. [ 419 Railroad Ph. 426-,283 Sewing Machine • Sales, Service Rentals • New and Used • Free Pickup & Delivery Singer Sewing Center t17 5th Ave. East - Olympia Ph. 357-7586 Ski Equipment I Sales - Rentals - Repaira Bikes - New and Used [ _.~.LINTON'S BIKE SHOP . 22'3 Cota 426-8118 Tire • New OK Tires Recapping , Used OK TIRE STORES Mt. Vlew Ph. 428.4832 Travel , Air- Rail- Steamship . Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge For Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426-4134 immediately ahead are such new subjects as investment in stocks and bonds, marriage :and family life, painting and background in the new system of teaching math- emetics. This latter subject was added to the original list only a few days ago when a group of Mt. View parents expressed a desire to learn enough about the new math system to be able to help their student children to some ex- tent. If enough more are inter- ested to make up a minimum class of 10 it will be scheduled, accord- ing to adult education director Frank Willard. This class will dif- fer1 fl~:m the others tn that it wil one=hour a week for six weeks. Cost is $2.50. The investment class has drawn surprising interest, Willard said, and the prospects for getting a marriage class formed appear ex- cellent. The painting class has sufficient enrollment to get Start- ed but there is room for more. Interested persons may get eom- piete details by calling 426-3502 or 426-2151 days or 426-8127 eve- nings. Halural Resources To Have Walershed Olass A two-day class on watershed management and its importance to state lands will begin Feb. 1, at the Shelton training headquar- Watch Repairing -- __. . ters ofthe Department of Natur- . New Haxailton & | "1'₯ ~ervlce al Resources. I Bulova Watches ] j ..... State Land Commissioner Bert I All types Jewelry Items I I • l~a!o - Tv L. Cole anounced Dr. Donald Sat- ] Expert Jewelry Repairing I I . r'nonograpns terlund, assistant professor of the | Neuenschwand~lr ge~eler I| .CB 2-way radio Department of Forestry and | A.T. Boswe , w r I i LHROY'R Tv .~.,,'~ Range Management, Washington 1 .............. " 405 Railroad 426 6 82 I ...... liMt V,ew ~,, 4. ~:~ ~ courseState ~oiversitYAbout ~ willmeneOnductfrom thethe I I I ! ..... ~11 Department of Naturday Resourc- Auto Repairing .... TV Service es' offices in Western Washington • Major Overhauls [ [ Fast and Guaranteed [ will attend• • Brakes & Ignit!on I i TV and Radio Repairs . i Charles Neth, Olympic Penin- . Welding & Tune-ups | | Antenna and Parts Ssrvice i ~ sula supervisor, will host the two- day event. The classes will stress • Special Winterizing | | Armagost TV-Radio Service | GLOBE CIRCLERS---Mrs. Rule Dickinson (left) Agency of Shelton. The picture above was taken the importance of proper water- ' 1919 Kin t Mt View and Mrs Helen Cook, Hoodsport residents of many ED S SERVICE | | g 8 . ( . ) | " " d " , as they were boarding their ship, the P & O liner shed management programs to 426 4342 years, nave recently returne Jrom a cruise around S.S. /~roadia, at Vancouver, B.C., to start their maintain productivity and water 108 E. Cota 426-3926 I I - I 1 .... .... | the world arranged througll the Angle Travel~ Cruise three months ago. ' quality ofsLate-0wned lands.' Thursday, 3anuary 2 0 Go To Ch~rc In Spokane ~[l~! BY Mary Valley [ i " itors at the Carl Spaulding[ [~l~ll~ home SaLurdav and Sunday were[ ~-RU ' :' Mr. and ~Irs. Jim Einarrson and[ l~ r~i Mr and Mrs. Allan Einarrson of[ e _.n, Shelton. [ 14" POINT ,r Members of Skokomish Grange[ ~(0at attending Pomona at Progresst u,,ut Hall were Mr. and Mrs. George / A II~ P 41~ • i ~ ia Barkley, Charles Savage, and Mr./ .K P I" H: | it :to and Mrs. Chester Valley. / ~ 1 ~m V • n ',~ The Grange Ladies Club will/ e,', ~ meet at the home of Mrs. Phyllis ] .~) P Brorn in Shelton Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. | ~ ~ ~ re! Mr and Mrs W L Gee of Cen-[ ~ ~ w-I ~e tralia were weel