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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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January 28, 1965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Ohristmaetown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington LETTERS Editor Verse 10---For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for men stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, ;and if lhere be any other thing that is eontlJry to sound doe- trine." If you are still a little skepti- cal after reading these look over the frontpage headlines of your ISTMAS TREES WASHINGTON of Commerce had more compliments on Shelton's Christmas ever before. so fresh and beauti- think that they were this year be- ; Christmas trees here ~ast were fantastically long summer and fall trees have the look of the evergreen may I express to you all ~t appreciation for your my continued personal I am ~t sincerely, Butler Hansen, M.C. WARNING living in the last days, If you don't believe it, to the world about reading the Bible quo- rations I am abo[lt to make. "2nd Timothy 3--This know al- so, that in the last days perilous times shall come. Verse 2--For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boaster, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to par- ents, unthankful, unholy. Verse 3--Without natural af fection, tnme breakers, false ac- cusers, incontinent, fierce, despis- ers of those that are good. Verse 4--Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Verse 5--Having a form of god- ]iness but denying the power it hereof: from such turn away. Verse 13--But evil men and se- ducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 1st Timothy, 9--Knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless, and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and daily newspaper and see what you come up with. God has warned us of these things taking place before Christ comes, and they are happening right before our very eyes. There are still other scriptures I will write in a later letter. Evelene Farrell BLACK RECORD COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE Mr. William M. Dickte Mason County Journal Shelton, Wash. Dear Mr. Dickie: The year 1964 is gone forever. With its passing has gone the blackest mark ever made against the state of Washington in regard to traffic fatalities--721 persons killed. Washington State Troopers worked hard to prevent this high- profane, for murders of fathers, way carnage. They were given and murders of mothers, for man ] special training, and worked many slayers, hours of overtime beyond theirI regular tours of duty. But that wasn't enough. Yes, 1964 was truly a bad year. But we know that it could have been worse. I say that beca.u.,t~~ with,mr the help of the newspap- (u s throughout the state, I am confident that the actual toll would have been even greater. The constant reporting of driving con- ditions, information about acci- dents which have occurred, and other articles concerning traffic safety have sm'ely contributed a great deal towards keeping the death record from becoming worse. It is for that reason I am writ- tng to you--to cx%i,ess the grati- tude of this department for the part you have played in this most important public service. I commend you for your active interest and support of our traffic safety program. May I wish you and your staff a safe and pleasant journey through the year of 1965. Sincerely, Will Bachofner, Chief Washington State Patrol APPRECIATION EXPRESSED To the Editor: On behalf of the Shelton Sev- enth-day Adventist church, I wish to thank the residents of Shelton for their generous spirit during the 61st annual world missions appeal, which ended Jan. 15 with our house-to-house caroling and direct business contacts. Members of the conmmnity who contributed to tile project can be t~sstlred that all funds raised go toward extending a world minis- try of welfare, disaster aid, and educational, medical and spiritual services in 196 countries including our own. The Seventh-day Adventist Clmreh~s well known for its pub- lic service program, including dis- aster relief and medical services available to all persons regard- less of race or creed. In spite of the public service aspects of this program, only about five percent of the funds are raised through public solicitation. The rest (over 110 million dollars in 1963) are contributed by Adventists them- selves. By supporting the 1964-65 ap- peal, Shelton citizens have again demonstrated their humanitarian interest in those less fortunately situated. Sincerely, Newton Townsend Home Missionary Leader ME, TOO: To the Editor: I agree 100 percent with Jay Abel, in regard to the considera- tion the County road crew has for the public. The slam-bang, careless way they do things. They are receiving a good salary thru our taxes, and I am sure the at- titude they take is very much m~- called for regarding driveways, mailboxes, etc. Also this road they started to build was started this fall when the rains and bad weather were due, not the crews' fault, entire- ly, but we must have some smart "brains" at the top to start with such a project at that time of year. It is the laughing stock of the County, they wait until win- ter and then tear up a road and just leave it in such condition it is practically impossible to drive on. A contractor could have put a good road in and had it finished in three weeks, for lots less cost to the taxpayer and I am sure they would know what they were doing. I would like to see enough peo- ple speak up and let others lmow what they think of this ldnd of road building, and the considera- tion we are shown. Chris Shay Death is so permanent! A traffic accident "can shorten your life quicker", claims the State Safety Council. PAGE 9 Matl k Gets ight Snewfai] Saturday, Wind Brings Do vn Tree, By Dora llearing MATLOCK -- Old man winter had quite a lot of respect for the :Matlock vicinity in Saturday's storm as we o~fly got a couple inches of new snow, but the wind blew quite hard and the electricity was off for two hours. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier at- tended Pomona Grange at Pro- gress Grange at Kamilche Sun-! day and learned that Matlock Grange took first place for their ritual work for the 1964 gavel contest. Mr. Earl Cash and nephew, Da- vid Chamblin of Everett were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson of Lake Nahwatzel spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were drop-in callers at the Edward Valley home Sunday. MR. AND MRS. LUD Rossmaier called at the Clifford Combs home Wednesday evening. M:r. and Mrs. R. E. Cockburn, R. E. Bradberry and Dave De- Focr ;rod son [-~icky \vere drop-in callers at the Elvin Hearing home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lad Rossmaier were Smlday slipper gllests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodbm'n of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Jame:~ Rossmaicr and girls of Shelton spent: Thurs- day evening at the Lud Rossmaier home. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. B.radberry spent Sm~day with the Wes Good- bun] family of Shelton. Danny Goodburn returned home with then] for a few days. MR. AND MRS. I. C. Ford spent Monday at South Bend with the LeRoy Boothe family. Sl' Mr. and Mrs. John McGarvie )ent Sill]day' evening with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Miss Rhonda Potier of Port Townsend is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Gene Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. John MeGarvie spent Sunday afternoon at the Walter Shaw home. 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