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PAQE 10 SI-I'ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in 'tChrlstmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, January 21
i~ iI
Regular Meeting Of
Shelton GardenClub
The regular monthl5 meeting of
) '% ~*
tile Shelt( 11 Garden Chlb was held
January ]8 in the home of Mrs.
Eugene Dorman with 25 members
Mrs. terns Joslin of the Bam-
boo Shop gave an interesting dem-
onstration ~)f artificial flower ar-
rangements. There were also many
artistic displays by club members.
Co-hostesses for the day were
~vIrs. Walter Marble, Mrs. Frank
Smith and Mrs. William ttender-
Hillcrest Homemakers
Meet Next Wednesday
A noon potluck luncheon will
follow the 11 a.m. meeting of the
Hillcrest Homemakers Club next
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Donald P. Goodwin. Mill Creek
Thirteen members and one visi-
tor spent the afternoon sorting
patterns at the last meeting, which
was the first one of the new year.
A gift exchange and dinner was
enjoyed by 35 members when the
C!u'istmas party was held Decem-
ber 6. Slides were shown by Rich-
ard Clifton and games were play-
Friday and
t Jr
ARE YOU LOOKING for a real special dessert for an important
occasion? Jeanne Peterson's Strawberry Delight will, w~t~but a
Terrific Musicby doubt, solve your problem. Jhis one :s rieh, rich, rich! .........
The next time it is your turn Worldng with the children at
to be hostess for a dessert lunch- Roger's school in the Happji 'DoN
con you might like to try Jeanne phins' swim program is a weekly
Peterson's Strawberry Delight. date Jeanne looks forward to. She
The Banjo King Trio
Benr le plays many instruments
md ~dl requests, accompanied by
Members Only
This is very, very rich so we sug-
gest you make t2]e serving
portions quite small.
Jeanne is the only female mem-
ber of ti~e Peterson household. She
and husband Pete have two boys,
Terry, nine, at home, and Corky, a
Shelton High school graduate now
living in California.
also enjoys bowling in the Thurs-
day night Simpson Women's
Pete likes golfing so Jeanne is
learning that sport. As yet she
is still a "fair weather" golfer.
She also likes to knit.
1 lb. pkg. filled sugar wa.fers
cup soft butter or maragarine
I cup sifted powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs, separated
2 pkg. 112 oz.) frozen strawberries
or fruit cocktail)
~ cup walnuts
1~ cups whipping cream
Crush wafers medium fine.
Spread half in a 12" x 8" pan.
With electric, mixer at medium
speed mix butter, sugar and
Flag Authority To
Presen Programs
On Belfair Tuesday
Mrs. Evelyn Ronald, flag auth-
DriLy from Chehalis, will be guest
of the Ladies Auxiliary to Belfair
Barracks 2778, Veterans of World
War I and Nuel Cm'tis Post and
Auxiliary next Tuesday.
February being Patriotic month,
1V.rs. Ronald will present three
Americaniqm programs. "Our Her-
Stage-The American Flag". She
will give a history of each flag
of the United States since the
ovi~final 13-star flag.
The p~ogram will be presented
,'~,.,t .,~1 10 a.m. in the BelfaSt
Elcm:m~arv school then at I p.m.
i~ the North Mason High school.
The third showing will be in hon-
or of Nuel Curtis Auxiliary's 19th
anniversary and will be held at
7 n m in the Belfalr :Masonic
A potluck dinner, sponsored by
the two orEaniZations, will pre-
eeed th'e evening program. Anone
interested in heaIJng the talk is
invited to b1~ing a notluck dish
o1' dishes for their Saintly.
Committees from the two ol'-
ganizations include: Hospitality.
Mesdames Phil Hanify, 5. A.
Schlange, Grace A. Hunt, James
Huff man, Homer Stewart and
La~vrence Castleman: pbi~luck,
Mesdames A. M. Olsen. Henry
Hannigan. and F. A. Greenler: di-
ving room, Curtis. David and Pat
Macomber; 'table decoiq~tions,
Mesdames Joe Tschida. Carl Nich-
ols and Gordon J. Squire.
Following Mrs. Ronald's talk
Nuel Curtis will have a short bus-
iness meeting. Reports will be
given on the succesSful Christmas
party by Mrs. Squire, Mrs. Hanni-
gan and Mrs. T~chida.
Mrs. Hanify will report on the
Department of Washington winter
conference held in Port Angeles
and Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Macom-
ber will tell' about the luncheon
they a~tended When Kttsap Coun-
ty Medical Auxiliary had Gener-
al E. M. L~ewellyn State' 'Civil
Defense director, as guest speak-
er. ~
~Irs. Hanna Matson will report
on her vi~At to Bremerton Naval
Hospital and the trustees willgive
their quarterly report.
Mrs. teens Lee and Darrel
Newhouse were married January
9 in the Mt. Olive Lutheran
church. A reception followed in
the church parlor.
Upon their return February 1
from a weding trip in Pahn
Springs the newlyweds will be
making their home at 917 - 21st
S. W. in Puyallup.
Got friends out of town?
Go ahead and call them.
wmilla. Add egg yolks one at a State Trooper Stuart Reynolds
time beating after each addition, will demonstrate resu~itation me-
Beat egg whites until stiff. Fold thods for the Shelton Jayettes
into butter mixture,
Spoon over crumbs. Spread on
drained berries and sprinkle with
nuts. Cover with whipped cream
then sprinkle remaining crumbs
over top. Refrigerate 48 hours.
when they meet at 8 p.m. tonight
in the home of Tuey Schumacher.
Polly Hicks will be co-hostess
for the meeting.
Last week's Journal reported
Mrs. l~ay Spilseth gave a talk on
mental retardation to the local
Evergreen PTA will meet at 8 E SA chapter, we should have Sal~
p.m. tonight in the School adui~or- her husband, Ray, who is the prds-
Sum. "Your Child and His Legis-ider~t of the Mason County Chap-
laturc" is the title of a talk tO be ter of the Washington _~Ssocia-
given by state legislation chair- tion for Retd~xied Children, a po-
man, Huntly S. Grant, and will sitibn we'also gave her credit for
Talk is cheap, concern legislation affecting edu .... _ ..... '
cation in the current session.
~+ The program will be introduced DPW TO MEET
Especially a, er 6 p.m by Dr. Herbert Hergert. Everyone Mason County Chapter No. 14,
• is invited to attend. Coffee wil) be Daughters of the Pioneers 0f W~:-
served following the meeting, shington will meet at 2 p.m. next
Thursday in the home of' Dora
VETg~ SLATE pOTL~JCK Fredson. This will be a 'regular
PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL World War I Veterans and Aux- I business meeting. " ....
a potluck and regular meeting. [ W~"LY& ~IHver'i*I~C~ht Or'Wrong?
T['eank You For Everythin8
all the friends customers
who l ave made my years in
busine ss in Shelton so xtremely
pleasant. There are nq ,wor_ds to
properly describe g a l,t , e
for your generous a d"f |t ff l
" - .... ~+.
atronage. Since it is 0,S i
p + 1 !~ " + ''I+!.~]~
to do so per toq, ! t+k¢
this means ef ¢xpres i my cp-
preeiation to each to
urge your continuance that
wonderful support to my succes-
GLEN (left4
VERN (right)
as the new owners and operators.
You l ave known Glen and Vern
for many years as my aessistants
and from that association I
know you ,are assured as I am
that they will always provide the
kind of quality and service you
are accustomed to at
L[$ Fi :LD$ hgTO PARTS
.......I IN Ill IIIIIII
Society Editor, Marl Waters Phone 426-4412 I
MR. AND MRS. FRANK W. HARVEY announce the engagement
of their dadghter,'Susan Kay, to Allan W. Mclrvin, son of Mr.
and Mrs.'Cla.ude' W. Mclrvin, all of Shelton. Miss Harvey is a
Shelton High school junior. The future benedict, a former SHS
student, is stationed in Kent.uoky with the National Guard. A
J.uly 2 wedding is planned.
New Officers Are
Chosen By L0cal
RepubliCan Club
Mason County Women's Repub-
lican Club held its regular mvet-
ing Jan. 20 in the Memorial Hall.
The main order of business was
the election and installation of of-
" Newly installed officers include:
l~resident, Mrs. Roy Snyder; first
vice president. Mrs. R. W. Nor-
vold; second vice president, Mrs.
Gordon Bennett; secretary, Mrs,
George Brewer; treasurer, Mrs.
Fae Bennett.
President Mrs. Snyder mid Mrs,
J. H. Huffman were elected as
delegates to attend a meeting in
Seattle Jan. 29-30.
Members are reminded
dues are now payable.
Game Night Slated
To Benefit Grange
Agate Grange members want
to remind everyone of the Bene-
fit game night to be held for the
Shelton Valley Grange this Sai~-
urday night beginning at 8 p.m.
in the Agate Grange Hall.
There will be prizes offered and
free refreshments. Everyone is in-
vited to help this snowstorm vic-
tim grange get back on its feet.
Mrs. Helen Cottrell will show
a film dealing with the Alaska
earthquake at the regular meeting
of St. David's Episcopal Guild next
Wednesday. The Cottrells were liv-
ing in Palmer, Alaska at the time
of last year's severe quake.
Luncheon will precede the pro-
gram which is seimduled for 1 p.m.
All interested women are invited
to attend.
Pioneer PTO To
Present Novies On
ula,r monthly meeting at 8 p.m.
next Tuesday in the school. All
parents are urged to attend.
A movie titled 'Operation Whip'
will be slmvcn by Department of
Natural Resource,~ personnel. This
fihn shows tim benefits derived
from praying the Hemlock Looper
and the lack of harm it does to
boti~ sea-life and wildlife in Pa-
cific county.
The Moti~er-Daughtcr banquet
sponsored by the Pioneer PTO was
held last Saturday in spite of
snow and power outages. A group
of 25 met in the Agate Grange
hall for an enjoyable evening of
Games, a jazz dance and a tap
dance by Teri Lou Fitchett. Sun-
daes, cookies, punch and coffee
were served to the mothers and
daughters. Mrs. Dorothy Chap-
man, extends her thanks to ev-
eryone who turned out for the af-
The Executive Committee of
the PTO is reminded to attend
the 8 p.m. meeting at Dorothy
Chapman's tonig!!t.
Olympians Take
Top Bridge Honors
Here Mo nda Night
Winners in Monday night's mon-
thly masterpoint game for the
Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club
were both Olympians. North-south
winners were Dr. Robert Phillips
and Rod Hansen. East-west win-
net's were Mr. and Mrs. John
Other north-south winners wel~
Mrs. Gusts Goldschmld and Mrs.
L. C. Van Arsdale, Mrs. DorOthyI
Quartier and James Thomas both [
of Olympia, and !~ob 'EliOt "and[
Bill Lucke.
'East-west winners also included
Mrs. Percy Bean of Olympia and
Mrs. Morrison of Spokane, Mrs.
Mary Keller and Mrs. Eva Aam-
odt, both of Olympia, and Mrs.
Jim Fletcher and Mrs. Jim Hart-
Next Monday will be the third
evening of play in the current win-
ter set~es which consists of eight
nights. Play will begin at 7:30
p.m. in the PUB Auditorium.
Tolerance when another
makes a mistake will do
correct him than the blsrf
horn, says the State Safet~
cil. " L~
. .**-: :
of good
• '7th the
lean As Electric
The cleanest way to heat your home is with bullt-I
ELECTRIC home heating---the modern system that
ates heat instantly, silently, automatically.
Electric heat is as clean as electric light---and
safe and silent, too.
With warmth-by-wire, there's no fuel, no
~equirements, no flue, no fumes---just the even warmtP
that you can control, room by room, with indlv~du$l
thermostats. Your walls, your draperies, carpets a~IJ
furniture will stay clean longer.
Ask for the facts about the home heating system
tomorrow that's here t0day----clean, quiet, oemfortabl¢
electric heat,
JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, vice
STEVE.CL2SE..+. has put in many miles of. t'rave, from elementary El:) TAYLOR, seoretary JERRY ~AMPLE~, m+I11
school + ugh high sohoo, qesldes attending Shelton schools LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY ,
for tWO different periods he hfis 'g'one to+KaIamrazoo', Mich. and -- .... ' ' ' "
Chicago schools:
, , "',, , ..... ,,~
If grades were given for miles -- ..... • .... ~ ~'
traveled Steve .Close, Shelton High
sc~qol senior, wd~l~l have a pre~y
high average.
~brn March 12, 1947 in Seattle
he' ~aoved to Kalamazoo 1Vfich. in
time to spend the fleet' three years
0f'sshool there. He moved to Shel-
ton With' his family when he was
in 'the ~fourth grade and attended
schoS1 here until his first year in
~unior high when the Closes moved
~' 'Chicago. Last year the family
returned to Shelton so Steve will
be raduating her
g e in June.
A six-footer, Steve played foot-
ball and plans to turn out for
wre_~tling and track. He will de-
termine which track events he has
the best opportunity in after
~pring turnout begins.
Business law, general math, Ger-
man, civics and physical science
are his "cdurses' this year. He is
undecided about his future but is
e§peciaflly interested in psychology
and sociology.
Steve has dark.brown eyes and
blacR hair. He claims no hobbies.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Phil Close and has an older bro-
ther, Neal, and a young brother,
The Salvation Army truck will
be in town next Tuesday. For pick-
i ups call 426-.3460 or leave articles
on porch at 325 North 5th street.
Drive as if each child you see
were:your own! Cautions the St~tte
Safety Council. , .... '