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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lay, January 28, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "'Ch, ristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11 The Biggest News Since Paul Revere Yelled "The Red Coats Are Coming" IT'S SHOP-RITE'S 9c - 29c - 39c - 49c - 59e L.L.A. 99¢ Values! The Wesson Oil Shortening Save At Shop-Rite 3 POUND TIN Swift's Pard Campbell Assorted KHiSPY CRACKERS .................................. LB. Be× Nalley,s Lumberjack .................................... 21 OZ. BOTTLE Hungry Jack Butter- Milk Pancake ............................................ 4-LB. BAG 5 99 Pork 'N No. 2 : Beans .................................... Tins SCOTT 4-Roll Pkgs, ~LUE SONNETT Lbs. ELS 2 Reg. .................................. Ro,,s 39 HAM Underwood .................................. 4Y2 OZ. Tin Big 9¢ Produce Specials Fancy Rome Beauties POUND Large Bell EACH .FANCY FRESH' EACH Tall Tins Fancy Fresh Cello Pkg. No. 1 ,Tins Frozen Food il ,vec.a.s . . . OREAM PiE BANQUET FROZEN EACH CHEF BOY- AR-DEE ............................................................ ORE:IDA FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 2 LB. Birdseye Tins LOOK WHAT 9¢ WILL BUY ...... Daisy Ready To Drink . . . 6 oz ......................... CHRI{EH SW,FT'S 89 .................................................................................... 54 OZ. TIN SHRImp PACIFIC PEARL TAKE YOUR PICK OF THESE 9¢ VALUES ..... SHASTA CANNED ASSORTED .................................... 12 OZ, NO. % ...................................... TIN CAT FOOD TALL ...................................................... TIN MUSTARD NALLEY'S ........................ 6 OZ. JAR BISCUITS MD 60 Ct. Pkg ............................................... Ballard or Plisbury ........................ 8 oz. Pkg. 10 OZ. PKG. ....................................................................................... 41/2 OZ. TIN "Q" HOT GEREt LS 3 K,NDS .............................................. 3 PKGs. 99 JOB CLEAtIER, NEw FROM P o ......................................................................... BaT. 49 DETERGENT ............................................................................. G,ANT SO× :BAR SOAP PERS, SIZE 2 4-BAR .................................................... PKWY. 49 I I I IIIII I I -k HI'S BAKERY -Jr Cinnamon Rolls., doz,49c Lemon Meringue PIES,,,,,,,, ea, 69© our Feature Banana Nut Cakes Phone 426-3179 / THE SUGAR TtlAT'S GREAT FROM WASItlNGTON STATE! 10 POUND BAG CAMPBELL'S Everyone's Favorite NO. 1 TIN Delicia '/'a GAL, LB. 73¢ 2 Lb, Tin 3 Lb, Tin Top Quality Terrific Price 25 Pound Sack PUT SPICE IN YOUR LIFE CRESCENT PURE VANILLA, CINNAMON, GROUND PEPPEF AND PECAN BITS. School Supplies... PAPER Typing Reg. 49¢ .............. PAPER i,,er Shoot ............ --- Pencil .................. Giant BIG "9" VNF MEAT SPECIALS . . . LEAN MEATY SEMI-BONELESS BLADE CUTS ... A VNF (VALUE- NUTRITION-FLAVOR) SPECIAL. SWI FT'S PREMIUM ............................... 12 OZ. PKG. SEMI-BONELESS BLADE CUTS ............ POUND FRESH FRYER PARTS... BREASTS Drumstix or Thighs LB. And Necks LB. Tasty LB, BACON SW,FT'S PREMIUM POUND SAUSAGE OUR OWN, BULK STYLE ................................ POUND LEA'N, FRESH, ~1 pURE .................... 3 LBS. BAR-S The Finest! FOR REAL WESTERN FLAVOR TRY BAR-S LB, "~ 3= Y We Guarantee Evcr thing -- Even Our Smile. PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. 9o ,m " ,,,,.,-,.,.,-. .... LIMIT RIGHTS: New Hours 9 - 9 Moo. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10 - 7 I I IIII Port Angeles was host to the : mid-winter conference of the VFXV Department of Washington and Ladies' Auxiliary. The delegates were very pleased with the wel- come and treatment showed them dm'ing their stay. A lot was taken care of in the short time alloted Saturday saw the jm~ior activities meeting, civil defense, finance committee and the V,F,\¥. Mutual Insm'anee. Sunday was the Colin- cil of administration and both Sat- urdav and Sunday seen the Post Relwice Officers School under di- rection of Walt Debaeh, Depart- ment Service Officer. There were too many distinguished guests lo menUon, but one was the Nation- al Junior Vice Commander Dee Summers from Idaho. Beside the important meetings, time was taken out for the indiv- iduals taste of relaxation and Church was observed Sunday mar- ninE. The VF'W members come, from every walk of life, rich and poor and every nationalitv. A person would not know much about the guy sitting next to him except he belonged to the VF%V. He migtlt be a professional man like a doc- tor, lawyer, farmer, policeman, millworker and he was possibly the next to you in the nexL fox-hole years ago. The Conference broke up at noon Sunday and the majority stopped off at the Sequim Post: for a Crab feed. Music and enter- tainment were presented. The Grcnaiders fronl the B:'emerton Host also made the visit long to be remen]bered. :Bob Deyer, De- partment Chief of staff, for West of the mountains will visit our next post meeting. Post 1694 was one of the fe\v rests that failed in having 100 )ercent of its 1964 members paid ~p. We have gained in new mem- bers considerably so let us all make it a point to see the few left and be 100 percent plus the uew naembers and we will be way on top. A TIP TO the wives: You can make your man very happy. You can get hi~: life membership i:or him on his nexL birthday. You c,a)t arrange with the Post Quarter- master your own terms, eoutact; him, Larry Godwin 426-4386. Just; think your nmmbership paid for- ever for somewhere between $25 i to $100 depending on your age. i The price in dues may go up, but :to a life member his dues are paid forever. At noon Jan. 7 the Barracks and Auxiliary of the Veterans of World Wax I enjoyed hmcheon prepared and served by ttae I,a- dies of Madrona :Barracks Auxil- ~F~l'y, Aftel-~vards the :Barracks meeting was opened by Comman- der Roach at 1 p.m. Roll call of officers showed four absent .... C. L, Gifford, quarterma.stev adju- tant, L. H. Kavanaugh, judge ad- vocate and tnmtees Clyde Whito md L. Wilson. Hospital chairman Archie Wright reported that Walter Hen- dricks whom he had gotten ad- mitted to :Barnes Veterans Hos- pital at Vancouver, Dee. 17, was still in the hospital but a recent ]~port indicated he was getting along nicely but he didn't know when he would be released. At this time one new member, Max Latzel was given the obliga- tion by Post Commander ltoland Sleyster. A poll was taken to find out imw ninny wished to visiL the De- partment Service Officer in Ta- coma in regard to various Voter- ana business. Eight of the 15 mere. bors present indicated they %rant- ed to see Mr. Taylor. Arrange- ments were tllell made for two cars to mal