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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 12 H'ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNA -- Published in "Christmastown, U.B.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, January ! ' g Sunday Bahai' Speaker ToFAT OVER' Appear Here Feb 2 Avoil.,,lo to ,.o,, ..,.>.t o d, pK*-ea'-ere,^- Native By Norton. Taylor son was chairman of the commit-Mrs. Stanley McFie of Oakville Eu~,ene Tlshn. ~ .' ' wine" dinner guests , scripthm, our drug tamed KAMILCHE .... Sunday at Pc- tee and Alice Haines, Floreuce Mr. and Mrs. Vern LaMarsh, and at the Ed Taylors Tuesday eve- Thc Baha'is of Shelton will have You must lose, ugly fat • back. No strenuous mona Grange, it was announced Taylor, Mildred Blackwelder, Dor-Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackwelder. ning. a public meeting in the Confer- massage or taking of so-call( , that Progress Grange won the othy Todd, Helen Stansbury, EllaAL the Friday night meeting of Mr'. and Mrs. Ann Cleveland ence loom of the t~UD building"• Ins'. candies........ (u"wk( rs or .... Ry Betty Crl~s .... Senior High BYF and speak aL traveling Gavel Trophy for 1964. Simmons, and Norton Richards Progress Grange, Ira Stansbury spent Sm~day afternoon at the "~ ..... u, ewmg gum. ()DRIN]~,X is • ~.,~J,~.n~---wmter ~mnn trom the morning worship ~ezwice. ~ The othe~ ,,innor~ ,,0,., x~-~(-~,~o~ m,,~ ,,,-, ~,~ o,,,,,~;~ was elected and installed as eon~- tmme of the' Chester Marshalls. ~,eo• z at ~ p.m. 'eL and easily swallowed. the State Department of Natural reception will be held after morn- Grange for•r'i'£ttai"wo"r~l~. I~iars't'ine ""],:'NJ'b~yI'N(('X",S'I)'Ni;AY dinner Mrs Florence Mayberry auth- take ODRINEX. you still Resources, wl~o works in the For- inff Worship Service Jan. 31 hen- Grange for the best program,' and at the home of Mr and Mrs Menl mitteeman. Kamilche Valley school's bas- " • meals still eft the f)ods yoU or, world traveller, and teacher you s ~I) v don'i troy(, lt'm'urf estry Division out of Port Orchard, oring Seth and Marion Lincoln, Progress Grange for the most at- Lambert were Mr 'and Mrs' Codv Visiting at the home of Mr. andketball team had to cancel last for the Baha'i Worht Faith will h'a I;m'tjo{m because ()I)IliNEl was the speaker when the Ever= who have moved to Shelton recent- tendance and over all points All Craddick oi Sheiton Mi's' Tim Mrs• Harry Simmons on Thurs- Saturday's game at Brhmon be- be the speaker. Monday night sire ses year appetite and decree callaO of the weather• Next g'ame,,resen'-d +ll~ ,,~,.h-,; '~',- "-r" + ~ desire for food. Your wel$ gffceneGarden Ch!lb held its m ojlth- ly.. .... winners receive a moneta,,y gift Lee of Anchorage, Harry Lee of day evening was Mr. and Mrs. will be Friday at Belf-tir with two a capacity aufuenee aL the Seattle to,. will t(,ll you, .hen yoU y ~ ~et]nff al~ l[le bouLn bnore i)lle to a previous cancelation to use for their ~'ran~e " Seattle and Canute B~':emer" af Chet Richards. v . ~.. . ,~. ,~,~,,,~, ~()L~ t( come down, because a.~ your teams from Kamilche Valley Civic Center Playhouse. you weigh less. (~t rid of e tmme of Mrs Tom Gibson His the Social Club of Belfair Chapter Elected and ins~'l'-~ ~:- 'u ...... ~' .. " ~. - ' " Mr. and Mrs. Henry ILobertson School playing. • " " ' ~ , .a .~,, ,~,~ t.t- .~ ~xamncne t~olnt .. .. _ andlive longer. ODRINEX Ct mrs. lvtayoerry has se,)wed as andis sold on this GUARAI~ talk was on transplanting native Order of the Eastern Star held Home Economies Chairman ,','is Mr and Mrs Elmer Moffelt are tlte proud owners of a new Mr. l¢eller reports that the a member of the National admin-notsatisfied for any reason ~);aoteri:(:)r?iif{~l:~;~c a,?d sh[i~bdq-e-van.d itt?anCh:',s;a~as2Par}v t,?ndl~,fL exf Mrs. Elsie Whetham. Dm'ing the of Tacoma were Sunday aflernoonear. scho,,l scmester will end Jan. 29 istrative bodies of Lhe Baha'is of turn the paek•age to your ,dr" ....... " .- , g , . • t e ome lecture hour state Rep Ch" rlesc'tllers at the Eugene T'tylor home Still(lay, Mr. and Mrs. Jeronleand that: attendance has risen to " ge~ your Itm money Dae~. g cons. M~s..O)wjlle I{ager at G~pewew,Savage gave a talk on the Han- and also to the Shelton Hospital Burke entertained Mr. and Mrs. almost 100 percent, the Unil.ed States and of Mexico. Lions asked ODRINEX is I In• addition he told of some work asmstea oy Mrs. tiarvey, t~me. ann ford Project.. in which he ,stnl('d, .................... to visit wilh C'.ono ~nxrl,~)-.,..... Darhl Avery and son, Darhl Jr. of A birthday cake made by Ma- Baha'is welcome to their meet-this gua~';lntee by: hems done locally to create a Rho- Mrs• An.n Westberg. ,Expect the that Owen Hurd, Managing l)irec- The Cecil Blackwelders dined Olynlpia, Mr. and Mrs. Chester bel Aitkens and coffee was en- ings people of any race national- EVI,:RqRI,:EN DRUO eel i ' ' ill~ liahroau .~ve. Avery and two daughters, Terry joyed at tile TaylorLowne Cafe by ty, color or creed• Mail Orders Filled dodendron preserve, and of refer: nnexpeetea snow las~ bat!n'aay tor of Washington Public Power at the Ira S(ansburys on Wednes- and Debbie of McKinleyville, Cal= Bob Wiles, Maxine and Norris ~----~ ~ estation act.ivities• Incidently, he gave them pause tot' tnougnt, put Supply System, told him that two day evening credited the initiative °f the Di-thant~s t° the highway crews' the Mas°n C°unty nlen were very aC-carr ]~Irs' Irl°rence Tayh)r and Mrs' if°rnia'tt?e~.home TIIERE ~V~/II,L lie a birthday Sheffler, Pare Sheffler, Ed, NOr-ma and Edwin Taylor and Don ~~y~$ rector of tit(; Cross-Sound District, roads were bare Dy evening ann tive in the ~eneratio'l nhase of Not ..... T-,,~ ...... ~ ,,,n ~,;,;~0~ ~)•i M[s. /-!~,me, with bei[~g insLr[~men. S;~d~hYlsS ?;~2ohel~d c?mpl~lLe )the the project, namely Earl aid day'~it~ of /VIr and Mrs dinner Jan. 31 at 1:30 p.m. aL and Mabel Aitkens. The honored tal in the creating ot a r~noooden- J . . ~ g e a c( u a Ed Tavlor Reo Sava~-e had cast Vie Butts oe ~ .... ;*,' • ~=- EI~T' :3TOl.1L Oig, X'~ ~1'/~/~/~1~,= • ~ • .. o , ...... #...~ .... Progress Grange tIall for Birth- guest was Norris Sheffler, 39 on dron preserve at Lake l=to~rell, dOwlthout: ...... the deciding vole that made I/an- The Kamilche Ladies Club will day club men-tbers and families. Sunday. ~i~O "v~ri~;1X a ~ a ,~///.~ The Junior-Senior BYP groups Tne ~4tuleeneoas}{eu~ali game ford a civilian project, not mill- meet at Progress Grange Hall Callers at the home of the Har-Rev, and Mrs. E~trlBradley ~0~~ ~'/~ . ~]1~0 # "~ of thc Belfair Community Church Saturday night was cancelea, ann tar-Fie then went on ...... ~ " .... ...... "' "" - ~~d~~ ~~1~" ~'.~ ~ --.,I~'~ ~F I"~l~ll~-. ..... . . .• # .... u, La,,~ r eU. O. ~ne mines Wilt serve pot- ry Simmons on Sunday afternoon made a business trip to Port An= are sponsoring a skating party at they must think there ]s a jinxabout the redistrictin~ of the ler~- h,o~r li)nohoan a),rt fha~ t-1.... i)l-o , o ~ .................................. u ....were the Eldon Todds. geles Monday. th( Shelton Roller Rink Jan 28 somewhere as the previous game islature A ~esolution w-s "~-( ............ ~ - ``%. " " ~ .... . . . ~ pr,- ~vermgnt guests rnursoay al: Guests at the Cecil Blackweld- Tuesday evening the Mission- from 6' ,0 to 9 p m Everyone in- scheduled had to be canceled also posed by Mrs Maxtin Auseth to "h -o ....... ...... • ' ..... - ".. ' . :t e n me ot tne taarry v'Jetcners ers Thursday evening were Mrs. aires met at the Kamilche Com- vih, d, no school the next day Feb End of semester testa are beingwrite to our )e,~zesent-,.: ...... -, ....... ~-- w ...... ......... • " ' " i • . . v . ,~v~ tt,~u were ~v~r~• r ram( 13anleis an(] ner Eugene Taylor, Mr• and Mrs. Ed- munity church and heard guest 13 and 14 the Linfield College,heldthmweekandFrldaywfll be have the 24th legislative dis ........................ ~~ "~-~'- ' ~111= ma ' ' ' " ' . . .e~• c~uu uH'vu u~tugnl:eFs JL~arDara, 15essle win Taylor' and SOil Edwin speaker Mrs. William Brown of Gospel Team will be in the Corn- :a day off for the students with made into an A and B renre~,,n)n .... ~ r. ..... ~ ^ .~...~ • " ' he e h h 1 ' • ~ ........................-~ Mr. "and Mrs. Harry Villines the missionary family from Ugan- mun ty church to work w~th the t t ac ers o drag a workshop Live district with Mason r,,,,, .......... " .... ' .......... .v ~ mrtnuay runner was nela at had their daughter and family, da. . * SORe| OSS ARD JI £ ............ day. The next home basketball and Jefferson County as one anal the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Albert the Walt Woldens of Centralia, There were no church servmes g ]:stoy2!n lo ¢la,>am >s the o er Lord Sunday evening honoring the home over the weekend Sunday at the amilche ¢ommun- That Is From The ., •.• " . _7 ...... o . e, k,ou,r~nuayS o~ ~vntflrea ~lac~wemer,Guests overnight at the Dan ity church due to the storm con- |1 meeung mgnt zor tne ~mmentary made and served the dinner to Pc- Al Lord, Mildred LaMarsh and Woods Saturday were Jackie Jol-ditions. ,~[,,]~J~'~'JI~|[PTA. mona Grange Sunday. Ruth Eel-Bertha Lord Guests were Mr and ¢ ID RI IER liff and Bobby Barnes. Roy Brogrand came home Sun- ~1 TIlE NM BOARD of Directors .... "~'~ ................ Spending a three day visit last day from the hospital and recup- ~ held two meetings Monday and • F/~/4TII~6~ I)I&N 15~ AI, IZ/6/4T i Thursda. y evenings in whmh" to =~HFITflN @i~H -~,~Mflfli NrW_~' Mrs.Week Martinat the Ottoh°mewas°f Mrs.Mr" andof crating satisfactory. I. [:)O~E. IM'TELLIGEI~TLN~ B0Ti talk with six different architects -........... Ph. 426-4506 4th & ] ~/ou ~hl~T C00tdT 01~ AL~AN$1|Iin connection with the uronosed ~mmu~m~ mmm~l|m uvm|vvm~ iibllWq$ to's uncle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Good safety habits are worth I:l~Dll~. $0b~eOldE 5"MALLER£][high sch'ool building I~rogram. Band ......... Jess Huskey. acquiring, reminds the State Safe- Cards and ,Gifts For All Occasions |~ZIb Ulg for Juarl;ICl al;10n In ~~]]Firms interviewed were: Hovind, .,.r -- . p Errs. Carrie Durand and Mrs. ty Council• ,* ']" ~ ~ ~1, |[Harthorne & Smith, Seattle; l¥1ass Band Event In Olympia Jan. 30-31 i ) f ~ ,~ ~ m lBranch, Branch & Garrison, Bre- B in "I y C dy Wfllard re I I ~~r~ |~ |]merton; Charles Rueger, Tacoma; The Shelto a, Ed Latham (Banjo), Mike n H1 h School band Bn [, | ~.~]" ~ ~ lIE. L. Mills & Associates, Tacoma; "g 'ckert, Ed Dawson, and Bill [ -~ 1 ~~ ~ |[Robert Bezzo Seattle and William is presently preparing to partici- Batstone The student directors i; /~ i ~-~ ~ ~ |[Arild Johnson, Everett The Board pate in a 200-piece band, along are Linda Charrier and Melod ! • . Y [' ~i [~i~ ~ "~t ~ |[has set up a schedule of school with Olympm High School and Morgan. ] . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]]visitations, with visits to two North Thurston High School, on * * • [ ~ ~ ~ff--~i~ 1~ ~ ]]schools designed by each of these Jan. 30 and31.... . It was announced after a meet- ) ~.~,...~ f_ [~. ~_ ] |]architects. The purpose of these . ~,eonara ~m~n, a woNa re= in~ of th- a~,~' Oh,h ~ ..... +h,~i 1 %"~r~,~ fl~2 ~ |]trips iS to look over the schools knowned coronet player, will per- ~Y~-~ ~-~.--~2"'~ ~,'~'~'%'~ .... ;'~: .,~, .... ~)u~ru ~uui'suay ma~ ~ylvia da- : and talk with the admmistraUve form as the guest soloist, accom- ..... .... ,. ........ _ d.X k~ N-Y / II staff abou~ the work and servmes P d by the combined bands, at as chairman of the Fath-- r~,,,~,h ~l~__..~..~~'~ |]of the architect involved the Olympia High School ....... V ='-'~7-~'--. " ~~|1-" . • . . ' ter oanquet. ~isa ~oioscnmia ana "~ a S t Norman Jan 30 the r~anaswill meet I__ "~---X)__~___._~- |, anaers ann two ooara memuers, ~ v g m, a ne ac- Clnh~ ........... ~1 ~o oh.; .... .m11 ~ Last Wednesd y: up . . to "ractice the -ro-ra-- "- Roy Ritner (representing the Boys The guy who really knows, | Ken Leatherman and Betty Criss tUal performance will be presented of i~h'e 'Sr~:t~-Driv'e:~'~E~ffh vear."t~e is the guy who comes to us | visited schools in Elma, Rochester, to the public Jan. 31, at 3 p.m. Boys' and ~trl.~; ~h~h~ ~,~,~,a~ L te ............... w~- Tumwater and on a t, Aptfl 24 the SHS band for the finest in service and | Little Rock and.. .- ~ .... " . j! ~' ...... during fund raising activities, m ~ualit,, ~asoline and ~il | Friday they wsited tnree ~remer- w~!~ t.ravm m_~mnmammn ~agn which are sponsored in order to -, ~ u " | ton schools. This week visits are ~cnool tor a oanu contest• ~astraise mon~,, ¢,,- ~~ '1"~ ~,.;, ql~~~ planned for Tuesday and Thurs= yea:., t !e.band_ earned ,_a_ super>or by selling tickets• This year, pro- faun , which is tile nlgnes~ raung ce " r' )JIl&li~i~mlil. any. ~ ......... eds from the drive ~fll be col- - • awarae~, ann me Dan(] is working ~~ A committee from the NM Ath ......... " ..... lected and donated to the research mngenuy to earn a repeatea mgn 1 : i=~ == qmm letic Improvement group sent out .. " of three ailments; T.B., Cancer, ~-~~ questionnaires last week .in an at- Ira~ng: and Heart Disease " ~Jacn month, a band student who , , . .i-=~km~l tempt to ascertain the amount of I.' .... " ". ' "--~,~, ~ ,=,,~nm• .t * ~,,i." ' communit.,:, Interest. ill the v"ro~e~*~J u~ nas excehe(] in Dann, receives an proposed recently by the commit- honorary title.for the period dur- At a pep assembly Jan. 22, the tee. These questionnaires may be ins the previous month. Dan Caes= SHS pep staff presented a skit in turned in to. Mr. Aries at the ar, an excellent trumpet player, honor of the basketball team, Hardware store or sent to school was honored as the "Bandsman ofWhich em'erged victorious over ...................................................................................................... the Month" for the nmnth of De.. Port Angeles by 12 points that .............. ..... cember, night in P.A. The skit was an BUDGET BEAUTY )))))))I • * * abridged version of an episode out eOOOOOOOOi" ooeooq Following the try-outs for theof one of Inn Fleming's "James all-school play, "The Man Who Bond" thrillers. The sldt featured Came to Dinner", which will bethe talents of Cheryl Bead in presented in the near future, a "The Art of Self Defense", the preliminary list of the cast mem- tanLilizing beauty of Teddi Travis, bers was posted. Later changesand the athletic talents and ac- may be made, but the changes will complishments (with the aid of probably be minor. Larry Weir) of Marcia Dorcy. LANE PREMO was named to * * * play the role of the "irrasible" THE LIBRARY CLUB of Shel- Sheridan Whiteside. Other cast ton High School is a service or- members include: NIolly Taylorganization. The members of the (Maggie CuLler), Carolyn Batsone club work as student or assistant r,2~• Lisa Goldschmid, Dale Downing, librarians under the directions of ~_~. Diane Turner, Jim Nielsen, Marit the school librarian, Mrs. Mary Vaula, Kathy Flower, Rich Lou Rakowicz, during their study M[ View MINOR'S Holmes, Richard Rice, Cindy periffd. Members help to check out 0n ~ == Stenz,Jeff Fitzthum, Glen Van books, aid fellow students in util- Blaricom, Shelby Rice, Rich Wy-iztng the library's resources, and mP/V~/]~[~)Y,~.(~.(~]~.~#~.~ ~~[~ atL, Gary Johnson, Sue HarLline keeping the library in order. Pins (Lorraine Sheldon), Bruce Wilson, : for service are awarded aL the end John Cole, Doug Halvorson, Chief of each school year to the girls WITH 9-TUBE FM-AM-FM STEREO RADIO Clayton, Rand Stevens, Rick Cot- who have fulfilled the require- ........ ments. Besides library work, the Exciting beauty of Contemporary de. .,.~..~,..r~,.r..~.,...,..,, .... "r'~'~'"'--v-¢.,~.r...~,.r..,v......................~......~.. club also enters into the social sign. Six speakers (two 9" x 6", four 3V2") isaCtivltieS'being sponsored°f the rhea danCeclub., provide so,nd of exc,t,ng definitio, a,d RCA VICTOR members Jan. 29, after our bas- realism. Studiomatic changer has amaz. ketball game with West Bremer- ins Feather Action Tone Arm. Sensitive SOLID STATE STEREO ton. 9-tube FM-AM-FM Stereo Radio. Jan. 30, 55 SHS students will PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH attend an open house at the Uni- ~!~.*~:~:~:~;~:::~:e~;:,:~m~:.~.,~,,...~~.~::~~~:t:,::~:~:~:~:~:~:~ verstty of Washington presented ~::~::.~ "~*~.~*~:: ' .................................................................................................................................................................... Induslrial and by the College of Engineering. ~ with FREE Rollabout Stand The program is primarily for high THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN SOUND Builders Supply.sincerely appreciales having had ihe op- gineerhlgSCh°°l studentSand thetrinterestedcouncelors,in en- ~ ~; porlunmly of serving your needs for many years. However, teachers and parents. Classroom ........... Priced From demonstrations, special projects, as of February I, 1965, the business is being purchased by and graduate work will be pres= fromented by both students and facultY10 a.m. to 10 p.m. BUO CED SPORTABOUT Bob Slelledahl and will be known as LUMBERMEN'S of Bill Rogers will be among the SHS faculty who Will accompany the students. The Board of Control met Jan. 14, and suggested that in order Gayle Wenlz will continue as manager and all Iho olher that our school should dlsplay due respect to the flag of our coun- ~°le~e01:)!e 0WII try, we should be lead in the flag friendly members of the staff will still be on hand to serve salute, each Monday morning The ~C~t'~7IC~01~ ~h&~ yOUm ningidea willjan, be25.,carried, • forth b'egin- People Own AnY Othe Telev|slom., DURING THE PERIOD of thls RCAVICTOR Than m ka awmto The high standards of qualily merohandise al compeli, entire week, SHS students have Or CO]O, and will be studying for and tak= Any Other Television. ing semester exams. However, the live prices will be mainlained, Ghanges planned include "program" was briefly interrupted on Tuesday, by our basketball Black andWhite_ broadening lhe lines and making your shopping al lhe yard game at East Bremerton. West Bremerton will meet the Climbers easier and fader, on the Shelton court on Friday or Color night, in the Shelton gym. The 'rh, BROMLL~ Mark 10 Serlem GF4~I junior varsity game will begin at *|"tube(overall diameter] 6 p.m. and the varsity game at £OSmq, ln, plctur$ The yard will be dosed on SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, ~ p.m. , , , "rh.,nAV,UMAra College briefings have been be= ll)-,~:~,'}:,~r~'~"~,,,., " RCA VICTOR 2V~w for Ihe laking of lhe invenlory and making the transilion, gun by the Junior, college-bound ,r,.,.m.,ia, r. students, under the supervislon RCA VICTOR SPORTABOUT TV COLOR of Miss Margaret Baldwin. The We know your association wilh students are preparing for the Col- • All-channel VHF and UHF tuning @ All-channel VHF and UHF reception lege Conferences Feb. 15, at Olym-• Improved Power 6rid Tuners • RCA High Fidelity Color Tube pic College, in Bremerton, where • 18,000-volt chassis (design average) • Improved 25,000-volt chassis will be pleasanl and profilable for you. representatives from 25 colleges will be assisting the students. • TWO I,F. slgnal-boosting stages • Automatic Color Purifier Each student will be allowed to It~... ~C'.'-'C ~ attendtatives conferenCeSof his or withher firstrepresen'two $15995 Priced from $ conslderations. Lumbermen's Mercantile Co. With one eye on the district championship, the Shelton mat- • Sleiledahl men will meet St. Martin's team Feb. 2, in Shelton. Since this is the Climber's final homo game, Lumbermen's of Shelton it i~ hoped that the match will lingdraw teamalargeis crowd.coachedThOby wrest-Larry Second and Cota @ Where You GeL The Best Deal, By George @ Phone .~a~a~ A aa~A AAA~a,&,A AAA A ~A~aA ~.~~~ ~aAAAAAA~aa~.A A~aA A~a~AA~A~~~ W~